Relative Rank of Naval Instructors


Circular No. 41.-W.

Admiralty, 22nd October, 1864.

My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have been pleased under the authority Her Majesty's Order in Council of the 9th July, 1864, to establish following Regulations for Naval Instructors to advance in rank according to their Seniority:

Naval Instructors having less than 8 years' Seniority, To rank with Lieutenants under 8 years' Seniority and with Captains in the Army according to date of commission
Naval Instructors having more than 8 years' and less than 15 years' Seniority. To rank with Lieutenants of the Navy over 8 years' Seniority. and with Majors in the Army according to date of Commission.
Naval Instructors having 15 year Seniority, and upwards To rank with Commanders of the Navy, but junior of that rank, and with Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army, but junior of that rank.

By Command of their Lordships,

To All Commanders-in-Chief, &c.,         C. Paget.

Source: Navy List for June 1870

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