Extension of Seaman's Leave by Magistrate - 1866


Circular No. 26.-N.

Admiralty, 11th August, 1866.

It appearing that Seamen, when on leave and unable from illness to rejoin their Ships at the proper time, sometimes obtain extension of leave from the Magistrates,- their Lordships desire it may be made generally known that men cannot be granted extension of leave by any Civil Authority whatever.

When a Man is prevented by illness from rejoining his Ship, at the expiration of his leave, he must inform hip Captain of the fact, - and send, at the same time, a Medical Certificate, - or he will be marked "Run" on the Ship's Books.

By Command of their Lordships,

W. G. Romaine.

To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c.

Source: Navy List for June 1870

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