Distinctive Badges

Distinctive Badges

Having reference to length of service and good conduct, shall be conferred on persons holding the under mentioned ratings, for which they will be entitled to an increase of Pay at the rate of one penny per day for each Badge so conferred, viz.:-

[Read as in 2 columns - the second following on from the first]

CHIEF PETTY OFFICERS Second Captain of the Maintop
Master-at-Arms * Second Captain of the Foretop
Chief Gunner's Mate Signalman
Chief Boatswain's Mate Second Captain of Quarter-deck Men
Chief Captain of the Forecastle Captain of the Mizentop
Admiral's Coxswain Sailmaker's Mate
Chief Quartermaster Coxswain of the Cutter
Chief Yeoman of Signals Cooper
Chief Carpenter's Mate Caulker's Mate
Ship's Steward * Painter, Second Class
Ship's Cook (old system) Plumber's Mate
Ship's Cook, 1st Class (new system) Sick Berth Attendant
Chief Bandmaster Musician
  Head Krooman (in other than rated ships)
Ship's Corporals *  
Gunner's Mate Leading Seaman
Boatswain's Mate Shipwright
Captain's Coxswain Yeoman of Store Rooms
Captain of the Forecastle Second Captain of the Hold
Quartermaster Sailmaker's Crew
- Able Seaman
Yeoman of the Signals Signalman, 2nd Class
Coxswain of the Launch Blacksmith's Crew
Captain of Maintop Tinsmith
Captain of the Foretop Armourer's Crew
Captain of Quarter-deck Men Carpenter's Crew
Captain of the Hold Plumber's Crew
Sailmaker Cooper's Crew
Ropemaker Bandsman
Carpenter's Mate Ship's Steward's Assistant *
Caulker Tailor
Blacksmith Shoemaker
Armourer Butcher
Plumber Trimmer
Painter, First Class Lamp
Sick Berth Steward Second Head Krooman
Ship's Cook, 2nd Class (new system) Barber
Bandmaster --------------------
Head Krooman (in rated ships) Engine Room Artificer *
  Leading Stoker
Coxswain of the Barge ROYAL MARINES
Coxswain of the Pinnace Corporal and Bombardier
Captain of the Mast Drummer and Bugler
Second Captain of the Forecastle Private and Gunner
* May receive badges, but not entitled to pay for them, but men serving in the ratings of Master-at-Arms or Ship's Corporal previous to the 15th July 1860, who may receive badges, are entitled to pay

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