Naval Police

Naval Police

Circular N o. 7 1.- N

Admiralty, 19th December 1873


The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having had under their consideration the subject of the Organisation of the Ships' Police, are pleased to issue the following Regulations:-

  1. The Naval Police will consist of 3 Ratings:-

    1. Master-at-Arms.
    2. Ship's Corporal, 1st Class.
    3. Ship's' Corporal, 2nd Class.
  2. Men will be entered for the rating of Ship's Corporal 2nd Class, in the Depot Flag-ships at Sheerness, Portsmouth and Devonport, upon passing an Examination before the Captain and Naval Instructor, showing their ability to read and write and keep accounts correctly, and upon satisfying the following conditions:-

    1. Age not less than 25, nor more than 30.
    2. Height not less than 5 feet 7 inches.
    3. Service of 3 years in one or more of H.M.'s Ships as Seaman or Marine.
    4. Very good character for 3 years immediately preceding the Examination.
    5. Continuous Service engagement.

    The passing Certificates will be as in the present Form, No. 190 ; they are to be transmitted to the: Admiralty, accompanied by copies of the men's Certificates and any special recommendations they may have received from their Commanding Officers.

  3. A Ship's Corporal 2nd Class, will not be eligible for promotion to Ship's Corporal, 1st Class, until he has served 2 years in that rating ; and a Ships Corporal, 1st Class, will not be eligible for promotion to Master-at Arms until he has served 1 year as Ship's Corporal. 1st Class, and has, after Examination, obtained a Certificate from the Captain of the Ship that he is fully conversant with the duties of the Ships' Police, prescribed in the Admiralty Instructions; but Chief and 1st Class Petty Officers and Sergeants of Marines, if under 35 years of age, who have served three years as such and are duly qualified, will be eligible for Entry as Master-at-Arms, without passing through the grade of Ship's Corporal.

  4. No further Entries from the Army or Police will be allowed.

  5. All promotions to the rating of Master-at-Arms, and all appointments of Master-at-Arms will be made by my Lords. A list for this purpose will be kept at the Admiralty of all Masters-at-Arms and Ship's Corporals, 1st Class, who have passed for Masters-at-Arms, together with a record of their Services and Certificates.

  6. Upon any vacancy for Master-at-Arms occurring in a Ship abroad, the Commanding Officer on obtaining the sanction of the Commander-in-Chief or the Senior Officer, if present, will make an acting appointment.

  7. Quarterly Returns in the annexed Form are to be transmitted on the last day of each quarter, through the Commander-in-Chief, and Commanding Officers are to be careful, in recommending men for advancement, to have due regard to conduct, length of Service, and special fitness for the duty required of the Ships' Police.

  8. Masters-at-Arms and Ships' Corporals will be allowed to remain in the Service until the age of 45, if physically fit.

  9. No Pension can be drawn while serving.

  10. With respect to the Uniform of Masters-at-Arms, the cap shall be with black band, crown and anchor, device of Civil Branch, but without laurel leaf.

  11. The following Regulations are hereby cancelled:

    1. Admiralty instruction, pp. 82, 83, paragraphs I. and IV. of Chapter IX.
    2. Admiralty Instructions, Note to page 84 (from the word "Vacancies ").
    3. "Addenda-Article 104.

By Command of their Lordships,

Robert Hall.

To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c.

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