Assistant Surgeons in the Royal Navy - 1869

Assistant Surgeons in the Royal Navy - 1869

Competitive Examination for Entry Introduced

With reference to the regulations of 4 Nov 1868, relative to the appointment of assistant surgeons in the Royal Navy, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby give notice that in consequence of the large number of applications for these appointments and the small number of vacancies, a competitive examination similar to that which is established for assistant surgeons in the army will be held on 9 Aug 1869.

Candidates must present themselves at the office of the Director General of the Medical Department of the Navy on the 5th August, bringing with them the various certificates of qualification specified in the circular above referred to, when, should they be found in all respects eligible, they will be permitted to appear before a Board at Chelsea for examination in the following subjects:-

Anatomy, surgery, physiology, or institutes of medicine, practise of medicine, chymistry, materis medica, midwifery, and botany.

No change is otherwise made for the present occasion in the regulations relative to the examination of candidates for the appointment of assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy of 4 Nov 1868.

By Command of their Lordships
W. E. Baxter
21 July 1869.

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