Patsy's Primrose Lane - ancestors

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Patsy's Ancestors

This page has links to my family genealogy which I will be adding to as time permits. As you know genealogy is a never ending search for one's roots whether at a musty old courthouse, library, newspaper morgue, and online so you might find errors. As you probably know our ancestors were famous for their naming games, they had to have a John, William, Robert, James, etc. in each family just to help confuse their descendants. I hope you enjoy this page and feel free to send comments, suggestions, or errors to the link below.

Contact Patsy

Baker - Spence - North Carolina, Lexington, KY; Tennessee and Texas.

Conway -Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas

Crump - North Carolina, Virginia, Tenneessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Texas

Arkansas, & Louisiana - coming soon

Dobbins/Dobyns -Virginia, Kentucky and Arkansas - coming soon.

Finley - North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas.

Fulkerson (Dirckse) - New York, New Jersey, NC, Kentucky and Arkansas -- coming soon

Hinshaw & Walker -

Hopson - North Carolina, Kentucky, and Arkansas --coming soon.

Stringfellow - North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas

Shipp - Georgia, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas

Spence - Scotland, Maryland, NC

Stuart -North Carolina, Kentucky and Arkansas

Smith - North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas

Walker -Hinshaw [see above]

Walraven - North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas & Texas

The fantastic graphics that I am using on this page was generously provided free of charge for non-commercial sites. Please do not copy the graphics from this site as the "terms of use" requires me to be careful not to furnish images to others. Also, I do not "mix and match" images from more than one source. At the bottom of each page, you will find a link to the individual site for that page. Please advise if you find a page or two that I have overlooked which I will make every effort to correct and accept my apologies for the oversight.

Copyrighted 2006: Website created and maintained by Patsy Vinson.Webmaster Note: This is a free site. All information contained herein is copyrighted by the webmaster/owner of Patsy's Primerose Lane.The information and images shown on this site are Not public domain and should not be taken without the owner's permission in writing.

This page was last updated on 26 February 2017.

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