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Petralia Sottana, Palermo Province,
Birth Lists 1885 - 1895
These are scans of Petralia Sottana Birth Indices. There is an 1885 yearly index, and a 1886-1895 decennial list. A warm thank you to my
cousin Leatha Cancelosi for the lists, and to my friend
Tony Sasso for scanning these many pages.The 1885 list is chronological, alphabetical by first letter of the surname only. The decennial list is alphabetical by last name, then by first
name. I have made these images large so they are easier
to read. For this reason, the pages may take
a little time to load. Please be patient.
1885 A -C 1885 D - G 1885 G - M 1885 M - P 1885 P - V 1885 V - Z 1886-95 A - Alb 1886-95 Alb - An 1886-95 An - Bel 1886-95 Bel - Bel 1886-95 Bel - Bon 1886-95 Bon - Bu 1886-95 Ca - Can 1886-95 Can - Cas 1886-95 Cas - Cer 1886-95 Cer - Cil 1886-95 Cil - Cuc 1886-95 Cul - Da 1886-95 Da - Do 1886-95 Do - Far 1886-95 Far - Faz 1886-95 Fe - Fer 1886-95 Fer - Fil 1886-95 Fil - Gan 1886-95 Gan - Gan 1886-95 Gan - Gen 1886-95 Gen - Ger 1886-95 Ger - Ger 1886-95 Ger - Gia 1886-95 Gia - Gui 1886-95 Gui - Gul 1886-95 Gul - In 1886-95 In - Li 1886-95 Li - Lom 1886-95 Lom - Mac 1886-95 Mac - Mac 1886-95 Mac - Mar 1886-95 Mar - Mas 1886-95 Mas - Mes 1886-95 Mes - Mi 1886-95 Mis - Mu 1886-95 N - On 1886-95 Or - Pa 1886-95 Pa - Pl 1886-95 Pl - Po 1886-95 Po - Pro 1886-95 Pro - Pum 1886-95 Pum - Re 1886-95 Re - Rio 1886-95 Rio - Ro 1886-95 Ro - Sa 1886-95 Sa - Sa 1886-95 Sa - Si 1886-95 Si - St 1886-95 T - To 1886-95 To - Va 1886-95 Va - Ve 1886-95 Ve - Vo 1886-95 Vo - Z
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