The Dole Board in Holy Trinity Church, Skipton
of Founders and Benefactors in the Parish
of Skipton, and it’s several townships as far as can be
ascertained at this time:
1548. The Grammar School founded by Wm Ermystead .D.D.
1719. Sylvester Petyt’s Gift of 50s Yearly for books used in the School:-
Also, 1739. Lady Eliz. Hastings’ 7 Exhibitions to Queen’s College, Oxford (£20 each) for this "7 other chief schools in Yorkshire;" beside other good foundations open to Yorkshire Scholars in both Universities.
1556. The Clerks’ School; by the said Wm Ermystead .D.D. endowed with Lands at Wyke in Harewood; The payment in lieu thereof being now £12 pr ann: (The number of free scholars not fixed by usage or otherwise)
1593. Beamsley Hospital by Margt C. of Cumberland, for 12 Sisters & a Mother, widows, chosen now by the Earl of Thanet, out of the Manors of Skipton, Stirton c. Thorlby; & Silsden – the annual income £357. 9s. 4d.
1633. Elizth Newby’s Dole – (40 shgs pr ann) secured upon the Turnbull-flat’s in Draughton.
1719. Sylv. Petyt left a library to the Parish, now consisting of 1749 books; Also £5 for Coals in the library in the Parish Church with £5 to the Librarian, yearly.
Township of Skipton
1633. Newby’s Dole, as above (10s)
1643. E. Cumberland’s gift invested, (1663) in Lang-croft’s in Halton, A4. 1r. 5p. -
1647. John Ld Craven’s Charity - invested partly (1699) in lands called Brocca flats A.10 1r. 22p. placed out (1824) at 5pr cent. interest in the Tarn Moor Estate.
1716. John Jackman left 20.s. pr annum. secured upon property in Brockshaw-plain, for poor Widow’s on St. John-Baptist’s Day, (6d. to each) now paid by Mr Geo. Chamberlain -
1719. Sylvester Petyt, left funds for apprenticing children, of Skipton and Bolton township’s: the usual annual remittance from the Trustees being now £56, for this purpose.
1756. Katharine Parker left the interest of £30, for bread to be given in the Church; (Not paid since 1825.)
1784. Katharine Priest left the interest of £30, to be given in bread; (now paid by the Craven Bank.)
1801. Robt Robinson left £100 placed out (1824) at interest 5pr cent. In the Tarn Moor estate ‘for some poor & industrious person who may have brought up a large family & received no parochial relief, at least for one year previously.’ -
Township of Embsay c. Eastby
1633. Newby’s Dole (5s) -
1725. Robt Bolland’s gift secured on ‘Hungerhills’ in the West-fields A7.r.p.
1829. John Colton left £150. (Wm Umpleby being Trustee.) given on Valentine’s Day.
Township of Draughton
1633. Newby’s Dole. (5s).
1715. E. of Burlington’s gift of £5 to the Master ‘for teaching boys writing for 6 weeks in June and July’ –
1719. Petyt’s apprentice fee: (see above under Skipton -)
A library of about 150 books left by Mr Petyt –
Township of Barden
1633. Newby’s Dole (5s).
Township of East Halton
1633. Newby’s Dole (5s).
-------- Gott’s Dole £1 pr annum secured on ‘the white flat.’
1769. On enclosure of the Green were allotted to the poor, A6 3r 15p. (the rent now, £9. 10s.) divided among the poor on S. Thomas’ Day.
Township of Hazlewood & Storiths
1574. Wm Frankland’s Dole, £3. From the Clothworker’s Company.
1633. Newby’s Dole, (5s).
-------- Holmes’ gift: 5s. secured on land at Denton & paid on S. Pauls’ Day.
1700. School House left by ------ Winterburn, (A Close has been attached by the D. of Devonshire.)
1719. A Salary of £15. from the Petyt-Trustees to the School-Master. (No payment from children.)
Township of Stirton c. Thorlby
1633. Newby’s Dole (5s).
Township of Bolton Abbey
Cumberland’s dole £3. pr annum.
1697. Boyle’s Free School endowed with land at Halton A53. 2r. 35p & Rent Charge of £20. pr annum, from Scale Park; (No Trustees appointed since 1752.)
Philip Chabert Kidd, A.M. Vicar.
Charles Spackman, A.B. Curate
Thomas King
Forster Horner
Story Watkinson
John Bennett
William Parker
William Umpleby
Stephen Mason
William Busfield
George Ward
Sylvester Petyt
Sylvester Lister
This transcripton of the Dole Board in Holy Trinity Church, Skipton was made on 27 July 1999 by Angela Petyt.
Extract from the Dole Board
© Angela Petyt 1999. All rights reserved.
Permission is granted for all free personal and non-commercial uses.
Commercial use of any portion contained herein is expressly prohibited.