This Parish Register Transcription was provided by Bob Hatcher, |
Remember the genealogists caution "Accept nothing as fact" use this page only as a guide & consult the original records at Somerset Archives, Obridge Rd, Taunton, Somerset England, who have a Web page and Email address. No matter how much one tries errors will creep into any transcription so please use caution. I have left spellings as in the original documents. This page is equivalent to 55 typed pages I therefore suggest you save it to your hard disk & search at your leisure
Christenings -coming soon-
Burials -coming soon-
Apr. 17. Robert Crase & Elizab: Carrier.
Apr. 28. Nichol Braunton & Mary Hooper, of Queene Cammel.
May. 26. Nichol Mascoll & Mary Plummer.
June. [?]. Tho: Coggan & Ann Hartry.
Oct. 09. Ezekiell Moore & Elizabeth Drew.
Oct. 13. James Griste & Ann Walter.
Dec. 05. Willm: Sheppard & Mary [blank].
Apr. 17. Laur; Chinnock & Margret Hazzard.
May. 11. John Cook & Mary Russe.
May. 22. John Edwards & Dorcas Yeeds.
June. 05. John Burgis & Jone Crase.
Sept. 11. Rich ; Millard & Elinor Weach.
Oct. 23. Robt: Mooke Edith Kingman, at Redlinch.
Nov. 18. Willm Smith & Sarah Millard.
May. 19. John Lane & Hannah Beale.
July. 13. Jerom Walter & Mary Norris.
Nov. 02. Maurice Edwards & Mary Lancaster.
[?]. {?}. Richard Meaden & Ann Stafford.
Apr. 20. John Robins & Jone Whittaker.
June. 14. Mr Thomas Wason & Mrs Grace Sampson.
Sept. 21. John Seller & Mary Dicer.
Oct. 22. John Martin & Edith Pope.
Dec. 31. William Sparow & Charity Edwards.
Dec. 31. John Rew & Mary Morren.
Feb. 02. William Chipman & Ales Wallis.
Mar. 28. William Owldis & Mary Lovett.
Mar. 29. William Vincent & Hannah Carier.
Mar. 30. John Tabor & Siscely Combs.
May. 02. Thomas Parffitt & Jone Mitchel.
Sept. 25. Thomas Zely & Mary Sanfford.
Apr. 16. Robert Ames & Elizabeth Phipp.
June. 05. Edward Smart & Barbarah Batt.
June. 25. John King & Jone Dalley.
Aug. 19 Petter Ames & Darkass Suddall.
Feb. 04. John Tayler & Sarah Maning.
May. 26. John Hore & Als Keneston.
Aug. 25. Joseph Jacobs & Mary Dicer.
Nov. 17. John Allen & Martha Loxstone.
Dec. 30. John Oldayes & Ann Haydon.
Apr. 21. William Walter & Dorathy Flinger.
June 10. Thornall Amor & Margrett Wilton.
Sep. 30. Walter Coward & Martha Simes.
Nov. 10. John Dodimead & Jone Tinny, at Redlinch.
Apr. 13. Joseph Smith & Jone Ames.
May 13. Edward Pain & Rebeccah Burges.
Apr. 04. Robert Seller & Sarah Tinny, at Redlinch
Apr. 24. Richard Smart & Jane Atkins.
Aug. 08. Francis George & Grace Scot.
Oct. 13. Henry Sampson & Christian Atkins, at Redlinch.
Oct. 20. Robert Baker & Jone Davis, at Week.
Aug. 20. Edward Burges & Margrett Darby.
Jan. 24. Maurice Brickle & Susana Atkins.
Jan. 17. Nicholas Collens & Mary Cleeves.
June 02. William Ames & Mary Coward.
Sept. 04. Mr George Fenn & the Honable Lady ffitts-harding.
Oct. 14. Maurice Coles & Mary Tucker, at Pitcombe.
Nov. 10. Robert Robins & Susanah Paine.
Jan. 06. Richard Rogers & Elizabeth Abbott.
Jan 27. Jesper Banister & Mary Weeke, of Shaston.
June. 30. James Loxstone & Sarah Bayley.
Aug. 27. Robert Buffett & Sarah Boulton.
Dec. 28. Robert Vallis & Mary Hillard.
Apr. 04. Joseph Frances & Ellinor Ames.
Apr. 07. Thomas Snook & Elizabeth Coles.
Apr. 07. John Warfford & Mary Sweet.
July. 26. John Robins, als. Phelps, & Alice Atkins.
Nov. 24. Peter Walter & Martha Fryday.
Feb. 02. William Ames & Jone Beasley.
Mar. 06. Peter Darby & Ann Dodimead, at Redlinch.
Apr. 11. William Bushell & Jane Davison, of Charterhouse henton.
May. 01. William Duffett & Elizabeth Weeks.
Aug. 11. Henry Griffen, als. Paskull, & Mary Seymore.
Nov. 06. Nicholas Carrier & Mary Sweet.
Dec. 26. Abraham Beaton & Elinor Pitman, of Cadbury.
Feb. 01 James King & Elizabeth Siller.
Apr. 09 James Hore & Raymond White.
Apr. 16. Stephen Holland & Ann Bacon.
Jan. 08. James Bernman & Phillippe Dinham.
Apr. 01. George Chappell & Elizabeth Chinock.
Apr. 02. Richard Lumber & Jone Reakes.
May 30. George Feltham & Dorathy Dring.
June. 03. Robt. Greigory & Elizabeth Lumber.
June. 06. Charles Stone & Abigaill Baggbee.
June. 23. Richard Biggs & Elizabeth Sweet.
Aug. 04. Edward Gapper & Elizabeth Jones.
Aug. 14. Mathew Smith & Jane Weeks.
Sept. 15. Thomas Rogers & Elinor Elliott.
Sept. 26. James Lancaster & Mary Bendall.
Oct. 14. Maurice Williams & Elizabeth Beriman.
Nov. 10. Christopher Gibbs & Mary Baker.
Jan. 05. William Cleeves & Jone Biggs.
Feb. 16 Henry Biggs & Anna White.
Apr. 20 William Coles & Sarah Baker.
Apr. 24. Phillip Biggs & Margaret Walter.
May. 01. John Parker & Mary Blacker.
June. 08. Henry Allen & Elizabeth Wilcox.
July. 07 John Cornish, of Yearlington, & Edith Fryday, of this P.
Aug. 05. Ambross Seaward & Mary Goodford, both of Evill(Yeovil).
Aug. 17. Samuell Pouncer & Gartred Creed.
Aug. 31. Jonathan Williams & Elizabeth Curtice.
Sept. 14. Thomas Barker & Mary Thorn.
Sept. 22. William Paliner & Sarah Loxston.
Oct. 16. Thomas Hoskings & Hanah Brock.
Oct 20. John Mitchell & Mary Frye.
Dec. 02. Peter Mogg & Susana Baggbee.
Aug. 09. John Coles & Elizabeth Ings.
Aug. 23. Roger Warford & Grace Phelps, als. Robins.
Sept. 14. Benjamin Loxston & Mary Marshall.
Sept. 16, Robert White & Hanah Gupton.
Sept. 17. Richard Davidge & Elizabeth Ames.
Oct. 01. John Hooper & Meriam [blank].
Nov. 22. John Tabor & Ann Beasley.
Dec. 24. Richard Beasley & Jone Curtice.
Jan. 28. Phill: Beasley, senr, & Eliz: Moxsam.
Feb. 08. Richard Gait & Elizabeth Wilcox.
Feb. 11. Maurice Lumber & Frances Absolom.
Apr. 19. Allexsander Mellhuish & Xtian Hobbs.
May. 10 Thomas Moore & Mary Cary at Redlinch.
June. 24. Frances Charlton & Sibbell White, at Redlinch.
June. 17. Thomas Hilborn & Elinor Hore.
Aug. 21. Thomas Coles & Charity Colborn.
Dec. 27. John Aisford & Bathsheber Hore.
Feb. 28. Benjamin Robins & Mary Greigory.
Nov. 08. Benjamin Walter & Ann Heall, of Kilmanton.
Dec. 26. Thomas Ames & Susanah Ames.
Dec. 28. William Larcombe & Elizabeth Brown.
Jan. 01. Henry Allen & Catherine Hickes.
Apr. 15. Robert Curtice & Gartred Pyram.
May. 03. Samuell Batt & Jane Absolom.
May. 28. Richard Baker & Mary Williams.
June. 17. Thomas Simes & Frances Loxstone.
July. 08. James Snellgrove & Elizabeth Elling.
Sept. 13. Aristotle Moore & Christian Coles.
Sept. 22. Ralph Ashford & Mary Penney.
Jan. 01. Henry Webb & Mary Shean at Redlinch.
Mar. 26. Richard Moore & Ann Robins, at Redlinch.
Mar. 28. Henry Allen & Edith Martin, at Week.
Apr. 25. John Carrier & Ann Harvy, at Redlinch.
May. 13. John Chinock . & Ann Smart.
May. 15. John Humphreys & Eliz: Thornton.
May. 15. Rich: Baker & Christian Smith.
Sept. 15. Richard Mogg & Mary White.
Sept. 15. Stephen Sheppard & Patience Baber.
Sept. 22. Thomas Cantelo & Anstice Jones, of ye pish. of [?].
Feb. 02. Simon Long & Edith Barns.
Feb. 24. John Evens & Alice Walter.
Apr. 23. John [?] & Elizabeth Allen.
June. 03. William Brown & Jone Lewis.
Dec. 27. Thomas Dibbens & Elizabeth White.
Jan. 05. Thomas Cavell & Alice Chipman.
Feb. 10. Thomas Beriman & Sarah Dodimead.
Apr. 05. Joseph Allen & Mary Strech.
May. 20. Henry Persons & Rebeccah White.
May. 25. John Collier & Mary Squire.
May. 27. Robt: Brown & Mary Sley.
Sept. 12. Richard Brock & Mary Coward.
Feb. 20. John Hoskins & Elizabeth Beasley.
Apr. 27. [blankl Mitchell & Elizabeth Penney, at Redlinch
June. 11. John Dibbens & Elizabeth Norman.
July. 16. John Latchmore & Grace Wilton.
Dec. 26. Hugh Chaffin & Elizabeth Ross.
Jan. 09. John Urry & Frances Wadman.
Jan. 28. John Illing & Hanah Bizby.
Feb. 26. James Morrain & Hanah Chaffine.
Apr. 16. Mr. Richard Wilton, Mr. William Pavy , churchwardens
May 22. Benjamin Stacy & Elizabeth Martin.
Sept. 13. John Bizby & Ann [blank].
Sept. 13. John Champion & Mary Hickes.
Jan. 09. Isaac Rodford & Sarah Ivie.
Jan. 28. Henry Hipditch & Sarah Corpe.
Mar. 02. Thomas Screen & Sarah Parker.
Mar. 02. John Flinger & Jone Rodford.
July. 17. James Robins & Joana Read.
Oct. 01. Shadrack Weeks & Bathsheba Palmer.
Oct. 13. Richard Hipditch & Mary Allen.
Oct. 29. William Chinock & Ann Watts.
Nov. 04. Samuell Palmer & Deborah Dowling.
Dec. 26. John Lamb & Margrett Adams.
Dec. 29. Benjamin Ivie. & Mary Ball.
Jan. 05. William Penny & Susanah Seymore.
Jan. 26. John Atkins & Mary Higham.
Jan. 26. Arthur Higham & Elizabeth Luff.
Feb. 05. John Thomas, of Wrington, & Susana Atkins.
Apr. [?]. John Wilmott & Jone Lancaster.
May. 10. Daniell Vigger & Martha Allen.
May. 23. John Cox & Elizabeth Leister.
Aug. 23. William Ryall & Sarah Griffen, als. Paskull.
Sept. 03. John Jennings & Mary Edwards.
Nov. 22. Samuell Batt & Deborah Field.
Dec. 06. Thomas King & Elizabeth White.
Dec. 26. John Moore & Martha Watts.
Feb. 07. Ezekiell Moore & Mary Smith.
May. 16. John Rodford & Mary Paskull als. Griffen.
June. 03. John Bengee, als. Burges, & Elizabeth Beriman.
July. 18. Phillip Beasley & Mary Hill.
Aug. 19. William Mash, of Pitcombe & Mary Swetman.
Sept. 19. Thomas Allen & Elizabeth Edwards.
Sept. 23. William Maskull & Dorothy Richards.
Dec. 29. Thomas Russell & Ann Dibbens.
Feb. 13. Richard Dodimead & Ann Orsman.
Mar. 22. Wm Pike, of Wincanton, & Mary Thick, of Stoke.
Mar. 27. Morgan Munden & Martha Munden.
May. 26. John Wine & An Lancaster, als. Castle.
July. 19. John Martin & Ann Griffen, als. Owen.
Sept. 12. Emanuell Aishford & Mary Grey.
Sept. 26. Richard Booll & Ann Day.
Jan. 01. John Pope & Ann Bassett.
Aug. 02. Thomas Cox & Hannah Hobbs.
Jan. 06. Richard George & Elizabeth Lumber.
Apr. 21. John Robins, als. Whelier, & Jane Smith.
Apr. 22. John Jacob & Grace Elling.
May. 20. Robert Bond & Elinor Allen.
Sept. 14. John Allen & Mary Smart.
Nov. 07. George Smith & Sarah Lumber.
Feb. 25. Thomas Lumber & Jane Smith.
June. 01. Joseph Hodges & Mary Penney.
June. 01. William Pidle & Keturah Ames.
June. 12. William Richards & Elizabeth Ames.
June. 17. William Parfitt & Catherine Pressey.
June. 22. William Ryall & Mary Shean.
Sept. 11. George Stowell & Deborah Oliver.
Sept. 30. John Ridwood, of Glaston: & Ann Hunt.
Feb. 01. Edward Collens & Elizabeth Collens.
Feb. 08. Edward Bennett, of Trowbridge, & Elizabeth King
Apr. 09. James Greist & Mary Cary.
May. 10. Charles Horsey & Martha Richards.
May. 21. Christopher Heyward & Mary Ames.
June 18. William Illing & Rebecca Horsey.
Sept. 19. John Abbott & Mary Lewrite, at Redlinch.
Sept. 21. John Davis, als. Corbutt, & Elizabeth Smith.
Nov. 05. Joseph Read & Jane Adams.
Nov. 12. John Chaffine & Mary Sanger.
Nov. 12. Thomas White, of Wincanton, & Mary Hilborn.
Nov. 15. Robert Carrier & Elizabeth Norman.
Nov. 29. John Clinch, of Blandford, & Hannah White:
Dec. 08. Robert Ames & Elizabeth Burge .
Dec. 28. William Gane & Mary Witch.
Jan. 10. John Griffen, als. Owen, & Sarah Watts.
Jan. 14. Mr Robert Cheek & Mrs Mary Hodges.
Jan. 26. Mathew Smith & Mary Ings.
Feb. 09. John Young & Sarah White.
Apr. 17. William Martin & Grace Crane.
Apr. 17. Richard Higham & Mary Frampton.
June. 05. George Cary & Mary Swetman.
July. 14. John Robins & Elinor Viggour.
Sept. 18. Thomas Carrier & Rose Ames.
Sept. 22. Charles Hilborn & Elizabeth Maskull.
Oct. 05. Thomas Grey & Mary Lumber.
Nov. 28. John Gilbert & Elizabeth Sampson.
Nov. 28. Jacob Rodford & Ann Prince.
Dec. 04. William Paschall, als. Griffon, & Honour Ames.
Feb. 02. Edward Dicer & Jane Ames.
Feb. 16. William Lacy & Elizabeth Hilborn.
Mar. 22. Jacob Hutchings & Elizabeth Webb, at Redlinch
Apr. 20. James Way & Ann Champion.
June 01. William Crane & Elizabeth Chepman.
June. 25. Edward Whitacre & Elinor Rogers.
Aug. 21. William Collins & Sarah Baker.
Sept. 11. Thomas Carrier & Jone Ames.
Apr. 08. William Coles & Mary Carrier.
June. 24. Thomas Caundle & Elizabeth Dodimead.
Sept. 03. Mr Thomas Samson & Judith Goldsbrough, at Pitcombe.
Sept. 03. John Munden & Ann King, wid:
Sept. 03. William Swetman & Hannah Carrier.
Apr. 17. Robert Frances & Jane Hooper.
June. 02. Joseph Amor & Frances Allen, als. Cornish.
June. 30. James Pickford & Ann Bishop.
Oct. 06. William Smith & Rebeccah Curtice.
Dec. 25. William Chapell & Sarah Millerd.
Dec. 26. John Munden & Elizabeth Forward.
Feb. 03. Mr Joseph Whitehead & Mrs Elizabeth Cheek.
Apr. 22. William Jenkings & Martha Hore.
Apr. 30. Mr Thomas Ludwell & Mrs Mary Lucas.
July. 11. Samuell Cary & Elizabeth Greigory.
Aug. 29. John Carrier & Elizabeth White.
Sept. 09. Edward Whitacre & Elizabeth Chapell.
Sept. 17. John Martin, als. Oliver, & Mary Horsey.
Sept. 27. John Elling & Alice Redwood.
Oct. 03. Richard Davis & Elizabeth Dodimead.
Oct. 04. Joseph Feild & Ann Lancashire.
Nov. 08. Charles Ricketson & Mary Gibbs.
Dec. 27. Robert Rogers als. Tice & Ann Ames.
Dec. 31. John Lloyd & Mary Marshull.
Jan. 21. Richard Stone & Mary Siller
Feb. 09. John Rumsey & Catherine Lane.
Apr. 03. Elias Andrews & Elizabeth East.
May 16. James Carrier & Ann Hix.
May 17. William Brown & Susanah Whitaker.
May 18. Thomas Hartrey & Elizabeth Warren.
May 20. Samuel Sims & Margrett Lye.
July. 26. Thomas Green & Honour Butt, of Brewham.
Aug. 09. Richard Moore & Edith Kidle.
Aug. 18. William Smith & Ann Williams.
Sep. 18. Robert Keniston & Elizabeth Brown.
Sep. 18 William Barey & Susanah Chapell.
Sep. 27. Richard Coward & Mary Baker.
Sep. 27. Thomas Robins & Mary Warford.
Oct. 05. Richard Biggs & Rose Mandator.
Oct. 18. John Poor & Sarah Green, of Brewham.
Oct. 31. William Davidge & Sarah Munden.
Jan. 17. William Coles & Philadelphia Burges.
Feb. 28. William Williams & Dorothy Hogley.
Apr. 08. Timothy Brock & Jane Atkins, by licence.
Apr. 11. John, s. of John Gibbs, & Sebill Elliott.
Apr. 14. George Beaumont & Margrett Hore.
May. 04. David Hyett & Rachel Ellery.
May. 08. George Hoskins & Elizabeth Collens.
May. 22. Robert Paskull & Mary Darby.
June. 02. Thomas Lumber & Ann Bancks.
July. 24. Hugh Hore & Hannah Thick, of Croscomb.
July. 27. James Loxstone & Sarah Higham.
Sept. 14. John Martin & Betty Holland.
Sept. 14. William Pooley & Elizabeth Tice, both of Brewham
Oct. 06. Abel Hudd of Bradford, in the county of Wilts, & Hester Ridwood.
Nov. 20. John Leney, of Uffcolme, in the county of Devon & Eliz: Ellen, of Brewton.
Dec. 18. James Armstrong & Elizabeth Whitacre.
Dec. 24. Richard Marshall & Ann Bassett.
Apr. 06. Thomas Hartrey & Mary Hobbs.
Apr. 06. Nicholas Cross, of Bradford, & Margaret Shepheard of Evercreech, by Licence.
May. 14. William Hoskins & Mary Robins.
May. 21. Jerome Forward & Elizabeth Warford.
May. 25. Daniell Harison & Jone Smith.
June. 29. James Beriman & Jone Ames.
July 10. John Dark, of St Sidwell in Exon, & Sarah Allen
July. 10. Joseph Palmer & Grace Wornall.
Feb. 03. Mr Thomas Uphill & Mrs Hannah Andress, both of the p. of Charlington Whitethorn, (Charlton Horethorn?) by License.
Mar. 03. Thomas Brown & Elizabeth Brown.
Mar. 04. Ambrose White & Mary Tinny.
Apr. 26. George Kemp, of Tiverton in Devon, & Mary Read of this P.
July. 09. John Bennett & Sarah Singer, both of the p. of Warminster were married by certificate.
July. 28. William Whore & Martna Smith.
Sept. 03. Joseph Melhuish & Frances Boulton by Lic:
Sept. 18. Michael Laver & Jone Elliott, both of South Petherton by Licence.
Sept. 19. Edward Millard & Martha Clement, both of Wittom Frary.
Nov. 05. Jerome Forward & Sarah Gillingham.
Jan. 09. Henry Biggs & Grace Williams
Jan. 11. Joseph Dorchester, of Gillingham, & Elizabeth Willet, of this P.
Jan. 13. John Trott, of Bradford near Taunton, & Catherine Borne, of this P., by Licence.
Apr. 06. John Collens, of Evercreech, & Elizabeth [?], of this P.
May. 11. Stephen Holland & Mary Ridwood.
June. 14. Will: Sharp, of Bristol, & Sarah Blyth, of this P by Licence.
June. 20. John Smith & Mary Welch.
July. I6. William Jennings & Eliz: Smith.
Aug. 18. George Lewis & Mary Laurance.
Sept. 16. George Jennings & Eliz: Ridewood.
Sept 18. Thomas Palmer & Mary Horskins.
Jan. 28. George Phelps & Mary Reeves, of East Pennard.
Jan. 28 Henry Phelps, of Somerton, & Margaret Jacob, of B.
Feb. 03. Christopher Crouch, of Hitchin in the county of Harford, & Ann Gane, of this P.
Mar. 28. John Barnes & Hannah Sharp, by Licence at Week campflowr
Apr. 08. Richard Martin, of Shepton Mallet, & Rachel Persons,of S. James in Taunton.
June. 27. Ambrose White & Martha Witch.
June. 30. Richard Wickham of Sherbourn & Mary Ludwell, of this P., by Licence, at Week Campflowr.
Aug. 17. John. Smith, of B. & Eliz. Francis of Pitcombe.
Sept. 03. Richard Lumber & Elizabeth Sweatman.
Oct. 28. William Castle, of S. John's, Glastonbury, & Martha Shephard, of Evercreech, by Licence.
Nov. 16. Maurice Lumber & Mary Mogg.
Nov. 17. John Vigar, als. Jordan & Susan Heath by licence.
Nov. 22. William Frances, of Pitcombe, & Dinah Carner, of this P.
Dec. 01. Robert Penny & Mary Gregory, of Evercreech, by licence.
Dec. 07. Mr Robert Cheeke & Mrs Agnis Ludwell, by lic:
Dec. 22. Joseph Bowne & Mary Talbert, both of West Pennard, by licence.
Dec. 22. John Walter, of Kilimington, & Sarah Millard, of this p., by licence.
Jan. 17. John Curtice & Mellior Ames.
Feb. 25. William Matthews, of Lamport, & Mary Horsey, of B.
Feb. 28. George Green, of Afford, & Jane Allen, of Week Campflowr.
Apr. 19. Samuel Champion, of Stalbridge in Dorset, & Christian Melhuish, of B.
May. 15. Edward Churchill & Sarah Baker.
May. 24. John Butcher, of the Parish of West Pennard, & Eliz: Day, of B.
June. 06. George Knight, of Twerton, & Mary Lymbry, of B,
June. 06 John Martin & Rose Millard.
June. 09 Thos: Moore & Ann Aish.
July. 24. Moses Searle, of Corton, & Christian King, of B.
July. 25. Matthew Jelly & Mary Forward.
July 31. Going Little, of Shaston, & Rose Snook, of Charlington Musgrove.
Nov. 16. Nicholas Sweatman, of Wincanton, & Christian Biggs, of B.
Dec. 09. John Chubb, of Shaston, & Martha Prancard, of Bayford.
Dec. 26. George Jacob, of Milton CIevedon, & Mary Chapell. of B.
Dec. 31. Joseph Parfett & Sarah Chapell.
Jan. 01. William Smith, of Sturton, & Dorithy Viney, of B.
Jan. 12. Jonathan Creed, of B., & Mary Kates, of Bruham.
Feb. 03. Joseph Andrews, of Pilten, & Rachel Shephard, of Allum.
Feb. 17. John Clarke, of Pitcomb, & Ann Dodimeade, of B.
Feb. 22. James Hardin, of Meere, & Mary Higgins, of B.
Apr. 21. Henry Mogg, of Wilton, & Mary Fiellditch, of B.
May. 25. Roger Warford & Betty Melhuish.
July. 02. Richard Hyam & Anne Hellborn.
Aug. 12. Humphry Ludlow, of Culmton in Devonshire, & Frances Wake, of B.
Sept. 03. William Dyke, of Shepton Mallet, & Mary Gane of B.
Sept. 17. John Porch, of the City of Wells, & Edith Lankeshire of Shepton Mallett.
Dec. 24. Simon Long & Mary Owen, als. Griffin.
Dec. 26. William Brock, of B., & Rose Francis, of Batcomb
Dec. 26. Richard Pointing, of Wincanton, & Judith Arnold of B.
Apr. 25. Richard Mitchell of Charlingtun Musgrove, & Ann Hussey, of Horsington.
Apr. 30. Henry Stride of Ditchett & Mary Williams, of B.
May. 14. Richard Stickling & Sarah Chernock.
May. 15. Jonathan Collens, of Mudford, & Frances Norman, of B.
May. 15. John Stacy,ofBrewham, & Priscilla Hoar, of Shepton Montacute, was married by certificate at the request of the Rev. Samuel HiII.
June 15. Joseph Bartlett, of West Pennard, & Mary Holder, of Crosscomb.
July. 01. John Warford, of B., & Margaret Latchmore, of Yeovilton.
July. 11. John Parker, of West Bradly, & Mary Cleeves, of West Pennard.
Nov. 14. Charles Martin, of Castle Carey, & Sarah Watts, of Shepton Montacute, by Certificate.
May. 21. Ambrose Marshall, of B., & Anne Hyde, of Shepton Montague.
June. 19. Gabriel Francis, of Pitcomb & Eliz: Williams, of B.
June. 22. John Aishford & Eleanor Smith.
June. 24. Joseph Wilton & Hannah Vigar.
July. 19. Elias Paskull & Mary Pain.
Sept. 15. William Moore & Hannah Aish.
Sept. 29. Jaznes Small, of Yarlington, & Christian Symns, of B.
Nov. 05. Pitman Wilton & Christian Potter.
Nov. 24. James Sutton & Martha Harrison.
Dec. 25. John Coward & Catherine Rogers.
Dec. 26. Joseph Williams & Mary Richards.
Dec. 30. James Penny & Mary Moore.
Apr. 09. Valentine Atkins & Mary Maskull.
Apr. 09. Tho: Butt & Margaret Higham.
May. 29. John Morren & Mary Moore.
Jun. 26. Thomas Eden & Mary Coles.
Aug. 19. WiII: Wills, of Wells, & Anne Austine, of Ballsbury.
Aug. 25. Edward Corp, of Ditcheat, & Mary Symson, of Hornblotton.
Sept. 04. William Hutchins & Jane Robins.
Oct. 02. Mr Joseph George & Mrs Eliz: Carey.
Oct. 14. Thos: Lumber & Cath: Nichols.
Nov. 05. John Collens, of Walton, & Frances Lovelace, of B.
Nov. 15. Richard Hole, of Milton Cleevedon, & Eliz: Goodfellow, of B.
Dec. 25. John Coward & Patience Ryall:
Dec. 25. Ed: Leister & Elenor Cherneck.
Apr. 29. William Green & Jane Penny.
Aug. 29. Thomas HiIlborn, of B., & Eliz: Patch, of Dich.
Sept. 12. John Ames & Elizabeth Keymour.
Nov. 04. William Maskull & Hannah Dark.
Jan. 25. William Stone & Elizabeth Grey.
Feb. 07. John Allden & Mary Matthews.
Feb. 14. John Salmon & Mary Smith of Evercreech.
Feb. 21. Edward East, of Redlinch, & Martha Hains, of South Brewham.
Apr. 14. John Allen & Christian Robins.
Apr. 17. Thos: Screen & Judith Williams.
Aug. 28. Geo: French, of Froome, & Margaret Batt, of B.
Sept. 26. Samuel Vallis, & Esther Willmott.
Sept. 26. John Antrem, of Henstridge, & Christian Willton of B.
Nov. 01. Thos: Thridgould & Eleanor Tice, als. Rogers.
Nov. 06. Robert Seymour & Mary Champion.
Dec. 03. Peter Deforceville, of Sherbourn, & Betty Mill of B.
Dec. 26. James Hawkins, of Froome, & Jane Robins, of B.
Mar. 17. James Sage, of Clutton, & Ann Whittaker, of B.
Apr. 04. John Chaffen & Grace Larkham.
May. 01. The Rev. Mr John Dickenson & Mrs Betty Str of Somerton.
June. 29. Abraham Taylor, of Batcomb, & Sarah Dominy, of B.
Aug. 17. Edward Hobbs, of Benegre & Elizabeth Penny, of B.
Aug. 23. Thomas Skinner, of the p. of S. Giles', London; & Mary Coles, of B.
Sept. 14. Joseph Melhuish, of B., & Keturah Hunt, of Yerlington.
Oct. 01. Samuel Quance, of Batcomb, & Jane Chernonck of B.
Oct. 23. Richard Wallis & Margaret Walters, of Redlinch married at Week Chapel by licence.
Oct. 26. John Dyke, of Shepton Mallett, & Mary Jacob, of B.
Dec. 01. Thomas Beel, of Pressley, & Sarah Sharp. of B.
Dec. 24. John Smith, & Betty Baker.
Jan. 22. Henry Brookes & Sarah Martin.
Apr. 22. Maurice Coles & Ann Smith.
Apr. 22. William Bishop & Jane Writh.
Apr. 25. Richard Marshall & Mary Radford.
Apr. 30. John Moore & Sarah Griffin.
June. 26. Thomas Wilton & Edith Penny.
july. 29. Nathaniel Ring & Ann Parfett.
Sept. 09. John Ford, of Froomzelwood, & Ann Davidge, of B.
Sept. 09. Thomas Mogg & Virtue Jennings.
Dec. 27. Edward Baylie & Martha Pike.
Jan. 01. William Lewis & Mary Pinn married at Redlinch Chapel.
Jan. 20. Tho: Martin & Eliz: Dodimeade.
Feb. 06. John Edwards, of Stourton, & Jane Talbot, of Redlinch.
Feb. 14. John Dupe, of Stourton, & Mary Deacon, of B.
Feb. 18. John White, of Preston, of Stanton Drew, & Mary Shephard, of Evercreech.
Feb. 19. John Long, of West Camel, & Betty Brooks, of Brewham married at Redlinch Chapel, by Licence.
Apr. 14. William Yeoman, of Wanstrow, & Martha Butler, of B.
Apr. 28. Henry Vincent, of Chester black, & Elizabeth Clarke of the same.
May. 04. William Dally & Joan Carrier.
May. 05. Isaac Radford, of Ditcheat, & Mary Merrich, of B.
May. 05. James Robins & Hannah Evans.
May. 10. William Roberts, of Evershot, & Mary Jennings, of B.
Sept. 08. Joseph Smith & Mary Dodimead.
Sept. 28. Charles Fleetwood & Honor Robins.
Nov. 28. John King & Mary Miles, of Wincanton.
Dec. 11. Abraham Baker, of Croscomb, & Margaret Bishop, of Glastonbury.
Feb. 08. Charles King & Ann Hipditch.
Feb. 08. Cain Swetman, of B., & Martha Shephard, of Brewham.
Mar. 30. James Ames, of East Pennard, & Mary Bennett, of B.
Apr. 13. George Griffens, & Honor Vigear, married by licence at Redlinch Chapel.
Jun. 29. Thomas Young, of Mere, & Elizabeth Allen, of Evercreech.
Aug. 29. Tho: Blenman & Hannah Shephard, of Croscomb.
Sept. 05. William York, of Crewkhorn, & Mary Haines. of West Pennard.
Dec. 20. Richd Emblin & Martha Radford.
Feb. 25. Thomas Baker, of Wookey, & Elizabeth Porch of Croscomb.
Feb. 28. Samuel White & Elizabeth Collins,
May. [??]. John Lintron of Ditchett, & Ann Bool, of B.
May. [??]. Robert Wallis, of Shepton Montague, & Elizabeth Higham, of B.
June. 14. James Hussey, & Alice Pudding, both of Batcomb
Oct. 14. John Willcox & Ann Weed.
Nov. 17. John Forward, of Mere, & Frances Wake, of B.
Nov. 25. William Hodges & Edith Parsons, both of Croscomb
Dec. 02. John Barnes & Elizabeth King.
Dec. 23. John Ames & Frances Duffett.
Dec. 25. Nicholas Carrier & Mary Pope.
Dec. 28. John Trueman & Mary Grey.
Sept. 26. Edwd Rich & Elizabeth White.
Oct. 03. Cain Swetman & Frances Dark.
Oct. 11. Thomas Grey & Ann Moore.
Nov. 30. John Palmer & Mary Whittaker.
Dec. 26. Thos: Beasley & Sarah Allen.
Jan. 01. Daniel Hill, of Costly, & Mary Blackmore, of B.
Feb. 02. James Andrews & Mary Jeffery, at Week Chapel
Feb. 05. John Atkins & Grace Wilton.
May. 17. John Trueman & Eleanor Flinger.
June. 12. James Lambert, of Evercreech, & Betty Jeffery of B.
Aug. 08. Joseph Abbot, of Shepton Mallett, & Martha Jacob of B.
Aug. 19. John Cantellow & Grace Clothier.
Aug. 26. John Davy & Marry Islipp.
Sept. 11. John Allen & Betty Allen, or Cornish.
Sept. 13. Jacob Butler & Sarah Harris.
Dec. 26. William Ashford, of Batcomb, & Mary Higham, ofB.
Jan. 20. George Dyke, of Marsh Court, in the p. of Wincanton & Ann Boles, of Cucklington.
Feb. 03. Francis Horsey & Ann Day.
Apr. 20. Benjamin Trask & Elizabeth Chaffin.
July. 14. Thomas Hodges & Mary Winsor.
July. 14. Benjamin Humphries, of Wanstrow, & Hannah Thewder, of B. ~.
July. 25. Charles Lambert, of Evercreech, & Ann Andrews, of B.
Aug. 04. Thomas Carrier & Ann Hogley.
Aug 24. James Ames & Elizabeth Snook.
Sept. 10. William Atkins & Betty Brown.
Sept. 15. Benjamin Glysingham & Ann Davis, als. Corbit.
Oct. 07. John Cox & Elizabeth Deacon, of Evercreech.
Oct. 08. Stephen Penny & Joan Berriman.
Nov. 25. Thomas Tabor, of Stourton, & Sarah Tabor, of B.
Dec. 14. Edward Hodges & Grace Parsons, of Croscomb.
Dec. 26. William Mogg & Elizabeth Davidge.
Jan. 02. Joshua Pratten, of Stoke Lane, & Mary Walter, of Batecomb.
Jan. 26. Matthew Jelly & Mary Dally.
Jan. 28. John Prince & Mary Griffin.
Feb. 06. Edward Dowden, of Henstrich, & Barbara Oven, of Lamyatt.
May 31 Richard Coles & Ann Grey.
Apr. 02. Joel Bond,of Pitcombe, & Repentance Shephard,of B.
Apr 20. John Bennett & Elizabeth Armstrong.
June 16. Jephtha Collens & Ann Gibbins.
July 20. Henry Porch, of Dinder, & Mary Porch, of Croscomb.
Sept. 21. William Russell & Judith Maggs.
Nov. 23. Charles Turner & Rebecka Maby.
Dec. 14. William Millard & Ann Hillborn.
June 04. John White & Elizabeth Broadrip.
June 07 Stephen Bowdige, of Evilchester, & Mary Paskall, of B.
June 09 Thomas Vigar & Betty Ames.
June 18 John Matthews & Sarah Richardson.
July 27 Philip Boles & Elizabeth Butt of Cucklington.
Aug 17 Stephen Penny, of Penselwood,, & Frances Portnal, of South Brewham.
Sep 22 John Bellamy & Mary Pratten, both of Croscomb.
Oct 23 William Penny & Miriam Edwards.
Oct 23 Henry Carrier & Mary Warford.
Nov 01 Thomas Clement, of Bruham, & Elizabeth Mogg, of B.
Nov 02 Joseph Porch & Hester Hodges, both of Croscombe.
Nov 24 John Moore, of Gilingham & Martha Hill, of B.
Nov 24 Josias Grove, of Bruham, & Margaret Russell, of B.
Dec 26 Henry Ings, of B. & Patience Bird, of Kilmanton.
Dec 29 John Ashford & Margaret Warford.
Dec 29 Peter Phillis, of Totnes in Devon, & Grace Martin.
Jan 28 John Duffett & Eliz: Davis.
Feb 04 Benj: Stacey & Esther Armstrong.
Feb 04 Robert Feltham, of Pitcomb, & Sarah Moore, of B.
Apr 11 John Chaffin & Edith Martin.
Apr 14 Stephen Fost & Sarah Berriman.
June 26 William Clothier & Ann Marshall.
July 25 Thomas Grey & Mary Moore.
Aug. 21. John Carrier & Elizabeth Stone.
Sept. 12 James Davis & Sarah Strong, both of Mere.
Sept. 12 John Latchmore, of B., & Bathsheba Ashford, of Batcomb.
Oct. 03. William Feltham, of Yarlington, & Ann Coles, of B.
Oct 03 William Herring, of Farmlain (?),Hampshire, & Elizabeth Fleetwood, of B.
Oct 16. Charles Cornish of B. & Ann Spurlock of Wells.
Oct 24. John Willis & Betty Langford, both of Meare.
Jan. 17. Samuel Hazard & Mary Thomas.
Mar. 01. Isaac Watkins, of Stafordale Castle, & Mary Collins, of Ditcheat.
Mar. 27. William Prior & Mary Shephard.
Mar 27 Joel Palmer & Betty Ames.
Mar 27 John Night of Charlton Musgrove, & Martha Andrews, of Shepton Montague.
May 15. John Paskall, of B., & Sarah Hillard, of Batcomb.
Aug. 01. John Tildesly, of B., & Sarah Plowman, of B.
Sept. 11. James Ames & Mary Dicer.
Nov. 20. John Walter & Mary Rutherford.
Dec. 24. Richard Paine & Joan Robins.
Dec. 24. Andrew Horsey, of Queen, Camel, & Joan Smith of B.
Dec 25. George Manyford of Chetnell in Dorset, & Elizabeth Fouracres, of B.
Dec 26. George Richards & Margaret Rogers.
Dec 28. Thomas Kelly, of Islington in Middlesex, & Jenny Lumber of B.
Apr. 16. Philip Arnole, of Bukin (? Buckland) Newton, & Martha Thomson, of B.
Apr 17 Levi Laurance & Mary Ames.
Apr 18. John Curtice, of Bratton, & Martha Dare, of B.
Apr 25. Edmond Coles & Eleanor Ames.
Aug 19. George Carey & Ann Welch.
Aug 21 William Robins & Martha Smart.
Sept. 18. Thos: Davy & Honor Fleetwood.
Dec. 09. John Gullifer & Betty Sutton.
Feb. 19. Solomon Chaffin, of B., & Jenny Gorlestone, of Pitcomb.
Apr. 10. John Maxfield, of Killmington, & Elizabeth Ayscough, of Gillingham in Dorset at Redlinch Chapel.
Apr 18. John Bayley & Mary Stapleton sojourner.
June 30. Peter Biss & Elizabeth Richards.
July 08. Alder Batt, of Ogborn, Wilts, & Mary Gibbons, of Witham Priory.
July 29 Joseph Palmer & Mary Green.
July 30 Isaach Mells, of Bradford & Mary Maggs, of B.
Aug 15 John Lloyd & Hannah Johnson.
Aug 26 John Walley of B., & Caroline Young, of S. Cuthbert's Wells.
Oct 26 Henry Gunning, sojourner & Elizabeth Ridewood.
Nov 28 Benjamin Lester, of Dorchester, & Jane Baker, of B.
Feb 02 Thomas Russell & Ann Whittaker.
Feb 09 Phillip Whittaker & Ann Oram.
July 19 John Gibbs, senr, & Sarah Denton.
Aug 23 William Prior & Margaret Beastly.
Aug 30 Charles Horsey & Mary Davy.
Sept 19 William Bool, of B., & Mary Hutchins, of North Barrow.
Sept 25 John Tutton, of Shepton Montague, & Martha Richards of B.
Oct 24 John Barnett of Pitcomb, & Sarah Carrier of B.
Nov 15 Ellis Paine, of Edington in the P. of Murcher (sic), & Mary Baker, Wid.of B.
Dec 13 William Brock & Eliz: Brittain
Jan 31 John Moore of Gillingham & Sarah Staples, of B.
Feb 28 Joseph White & Eliz: Gould.
Mar 06 Edward Mogg & Ann Lumber.
Sept 10 Aaron Lumber & Ann Tompkins.
Feb. 11 William Penny, of B., & Betty Collins, of Stoke Lane.
Feb 23 John Biggs & Elizabeth Hibditch.
[Here begins the Printed Register Book.]
Note.-Unless otherwise stated, the parties are of the Parish of Bruton, and. bachelor or spinster.
Aug. 25 Humphry Ludlow, sojourner, & Thomasen Gould.
Sept. 25 William Thomas, sojourner, & Hannah Maggs.
Apr. 01 William Lapham, of Barnes in Surry, & Honor Frampton.
Apr 23 Robert Hill & Elizabeth Maskull.
Apr 28 Edmond Hilliar & Maria Bennett.
June 02 Thomas Burt & Hannah Young, sojourner.
July 07 Walter Quance sojourner, & Elenor Ames.
Sept. 21 William Richards & Hannah Evans, sojourner:
Nov. 20 James Green of Mere in Wilts, & Ann Chapman.
Nov 27 John Brunt & Betty Allen.
Dec. 25 John Elling & Ann Jennings.
Dec 25 John Triptree & Dinah Pranckard.
Jan. 01 John Stracey & Ann Coward, of S. Andrews P. in Wells, by lic.
Jan 12 John Dodimead & Ann Inkpen.
Feb. 23 Cornelius Davidge & Betty Hillborn.
Mar. 02 Robert Turner & Mary Coles.
Apr. 28 John Perry & Joan Griffin.
Apr 29 William Bartlett & Melior Young, sojourners.
May 17 James Armstrong & Mary Hillard, sojourners.
May 17 William Slade, of Shepton Montacue, & Sarah Cheapman.
May 24 John Parker & Betty Ames.
June 23 Charles Gapper & Susanna Brown.
July 29 James Lems & Betty Piddle.
Aug. 05 William Hilliar & Mary Chipman, by lic:
Sept. 05 John Voulstan & Ann Grey.
Oct. 16 Richard Hill & Betty Stubbs.
Nov. 23 John Hilbern & Ann Hilbern.
Apr. 11 Henry Screase & Mary White.
Apr. 25 John Wiber, of Crediton in Devon, sojourner, & Agnes Chaffin.
May 24 James Young & Hannah Chaffin.
June 12 Thomas Barnet & Grace Darnel. ,
June 13 Benjamin Syms & Nanny Cantellow.
June 19 Thomas Adams & Grace Wilmott.
June 26 Thomas Short & Christian Batt.
Aug. 07 Matthew Smith & Jane Rogers.
John Yukes & Elizabeth Carpenter.* Numbered 36, but as there are no further particulars the marriage apparently was not performed.
Nov 27 John Berriman, sojourner, & Elizabeth Wilmott.
Feb. 06 Harry Webb sojourner, & Sarah Collins.
May 02 Richard Ridewood & Betty Haim.
June 04 William Oxley & Hannah Carey by lic.
June 27 John Chaffin & Tabitha Holland, of West Pennard, by lic.
July 03 James Oxley & Elizabeth Swetman.
July 20 John Perry & Susanna Smith.
Aug. 03 George Buckland & Mary Pinnons, by Lic.
Aug 17 James Penny & Mary Price.
Nov. 07 John Silverthorn & Betty Chapman, by lic.
Dec. 17 Thomas Hann, of Ditcheat, & Betty Biggs.
Jan. 21 Isaac Hill & Ann Mogg.
Mar. 27 William Sheppard, soldier, of Froomzelwood, & Isabella Magg.
Apr. 03 Walter Webb, soj., but of the P. of Cane in Wilts, & Hannah Butler.
Apr 16 Francis Collins soj., but of P. of Bruham, & Ann Pain.
May 14 John Dix, of Frome, & Catherine Drew Moore by lic.
June 02 John King, of Gillingham, & Mary Stevens, of Hindon, sojourners.
July 02 John Ellis, of Templecombe soj., & Margaret Maschal,
Sept. 02 Joseph Harding & Joan Dodimead.
Sept 07 Ellis Dawe & Martha Wallis by lic.
Nov. 18 Thomas Crocker & Miriam Amor.
Nov 26 Charles Fost & Sarah George.
Jan. 03 William Tompson, of Ditchett, & Margaret Coward.
Feb. 02 William Case, of Westbury in Wiltshire, & Edith Hoskins.
Feb. 18 John Andrews & Sarah Parfet.
Feb 19 Thomas Bernman als. Coward, & Mary Coward.
Apr. 15 William Batt & Elizabeth Mogg.
May 20 Robert Hanson, of Southorn in Yorkshire, soj.& Ann Brain. ,
May 27 John Meacham of White Stanton, soj., & Ann Gray,
May 29 The Rev. Charles Moore, Dr. in Divinity, & Sarah Whitehead, by lic.
June 12 John Ames & Betty Mogg.
June 21 Richard Payne & Catherine Cornelius, by lic.
June 29 Richard George & Ann Allen.
July 01 John Clark & Ann Moore, by lic.
July 08 John Grimstead, soj., of Ilmister, & Mary Braine.
Aug. 16 William Davy & Hannah Atkins.
Aug 27 Joseph Stickler & Judith Read.
Sept. 22 George Rallens, of East Lydford, & Mary Chaffin.
Sept 25 Maurice Coles & Esther Ayshford.
Sept 28 Philip Young & Mary Curtess.
Oct. 19 Francis Ranger, of Hindon, Wilts & Jane Smith.
Oct 19 Joseph Palmer, Widower, & Mary Moore, by lic.
Dec 04 William Gillham & Elizabeth Wilton, by lic.
Dec 29 James Merchant, of S. Stephens in Kent, & Elizabeth Pierce.
Jan 31 William Paddle, of Yeovil, & Betty Loaden(sic) Soj by lic.
Feb 03 George Higden & Hannah Hurd.
Mar 31 Thomas Phelps & Sarah Phelps, a minor, by lic.
Apr 13 James Head, of the P. of S. James in the city of Bath, & Betty Everett, by lic.
Apr 17 William Ames & Mary Hunt.
May 09 George Smith & Jane Jones.
May 11 William Penny, of N. Bruham, & Deborah Batt.
May 12 Jacob Wood, of Ilminster, & Martha Vallis.
May 31 John Wake & Jane Radford.
July 07 Joseph Hannah & Mary Burridge.
Aug. 31 Joseph Melhuish & Susanna Atkins.
Nov. 01 John Gray & Frances Tanner.
Nov 05 James Keen, of Stourton, & Elizabeth Mountier.
Feb. 18 Joseph Williams, of Brewham, widower, & Mary Brooks, wiid., by lic.
Feb 18 John Bond, of Wanstrow, & Ann Armstrong.
Apr. 12 Edward Garlent & Elizabeth Mogg.
Aug. 01 Peter Biss & Mary Piddle.
Aug 08 John Smith & Sarah Paschal.
Aug 24 Henry Martin & Judith Clark, by lic.
Nov. 08 Thomas Coward & Grace Broderip.
Nov. 25 John Mogg & Grace Chaffin, by lic.
Nov 27 Edward Sweatman & Elizabeth Barefoot.
Dec. 11 Samuel Rossiter soj. & Quierina Cowel, of Mere in Wilts, by lic.
Jan. 04 Edward Bishop & Mary Pointing.
Jan. 10 Edward Hartrey & Sarah Coward.
Feb. 06. William Hole & Ann Biggs, by Lic.
Feb. 23. Robert Ellis & Elizabeth Coles.
Feb 14. John Woodman & Elizabeth Young.
Feb 15. Francis Hill & Hannah Biss.
Apr. 04. John Holland & Martha Phelps, by lic.
Apr 04 Joseph Francis, of Cloford, & Christian Aishford.
May 02. James Tayler, of Hackbury in Wilts, & Hannah Young.
May 16. James Churchill & Mary Aishford.
June 23. Ambrose Marshel & Martha Foarde.
June 27 Stephen Holland & Ann Lamb.
Aug 16 William Sweatman & Mary Rutherford, by lic.
Aug 21 John Fost, of Charlton Hothorne, & Frances Burt.
Aug 22 Edward Sweatmen & Grace Ellen.
Sept 18 Philip Herapath, of Pilton in Devon, & Sarah Hill.
Sept 25 James Smith & Leah Millard.
Sept 26 John Carrier & Mary Aishford.
Sept 27 James Garlent & Christian King.
Sept 29 Ambrose Smith & Elizabeth Broom.
Oct 17 William Roberts, of P. of Trinity in Shafsbury, Dorsett, & Elizabeth Baker, by lic.
Dec 26 Elias Hartrey & Mary Walter.
Dec 28 John Barry, of Mels, & Mary Lumber.
Mar 05 Edmund Coles & Barbara Arnold.
Apr 23 William Millard & Joan Horsey.
May 21 William Clark & Ann Bennett, wid. by lic.
June 02 Thomas Aires, of Rodborough in Glocestershire, & Mary Coward, by Lic.
June 11 Charles Fleetwood & Sarah Atkins.
July 01 George Pumroy & Hannah Carrier.
July 23 Thomas Penny & Martha Sommers.
July 30 Emmanuel Aishford & Mary Batt.
Aug 12 Benjamen Trask & Judith Cary.
Aug 20 Mr John Barefoot & Hannah Sweatman, by lic. .,
Aug 27 Thomas Woods & Ann Hanson.
Sept 02 John Hillborne & Hannah Dally.
Sept 10 John Wallis & Elizabeth Eaton.
Sept 21 William Hewish, of Bradford, Wilts, & Mary Coombs, of Froome Selwood, by lic.
Sept 30 Richard Biggs & Joanna Wilton, by lic.
Sept 30 William Holder & Ann Littleton, by lic.
Oct 11 Samuel Hazard & Mary Adlan, by lic.
Nov 05 Lawrance Hartry & Mary Francis.
Dec 22 Thomas Biggs & Fanny Parsons.
Dec 26 William Grey & Hannah Davy.
Dec 27 Walter Wightwick, of Somerton, & Susanna Hill, by lic.
Jan. 31 John Cox & Hannah Istance, by lic.
Apr. 07 Nicholas Everitt & Mary Hussey, of Brewham, by lic.
Apr 08 John Tucker & Ann Colborne.
Apr 09 John Matthews, of Martock, & Mary Palmer.
Apr 21 Thomas Maidment, of Evershot, Dorset, widower, & Mary Hannam, by lic.
May 12 Nicholas Rutty, of Melsham, Wilts, widower, & Sarah Smith, by lic.
May 26 Sweatman Aishford & Mary Brooks.
May 27 Thomas Blagdon, of Salisbury, Wilts, & Hannah Barnes.
May 28 John Taylor & Rebecka Armstrong.
June 01 Elias Hartrey & Catherine Whitaker.
June 09 Joseph Rideward & Hannah Web.
June 09 William Hillard & Elizabeth Coward.
July 14 Daniel Wilton. & Martha Vigar.
Aug 04 John Green & Elizabeth Coward.
Aug 05 Bemjamen Wilton, of Preston, & Mary Mogg.
Aug 22 Francis Caffel, a discharged soldier, & Elizabeth Batt.
Sept 24 Samuel Pierce & Mary Vallis.
Oct 06 John Bool & Elizabeth Darby, by lic.
Oct 15 Wm Ellen & Mary Turne, by lic.
Oct 20 Wm Clare & Ann West.
Oct 28 Thomas Baily & Mary Vallis.
Nov 04 John Ames & Elizabeth Bennett.
Nov 22 John Whitaker & Hannah Dupe, of Pilton, by Lic.
Dec. 16 John Cleal, of Lamyett, & Mary Arnold.
Dec 22 William Coward & Rose White.
Dec 30 John Melhuish & Martha Parfit.
Feb. 03 Wm Smith & Melior Bartlett.
Feb 10 Richard Edwards & Edith Istance, by lic.
Mar. 31 Charles Robins & Sarah Chaffin.
Apr. 20 Thomas Robins & Elizabeth Perrett.
Apr. 21 Thomas Davis & Martha Worm.
May 18 John Fleetwood & Susannah Ames.
June 24 Thomas Broadway, of S. Thomas in Bristol, & Mary Clark by lic.
July 31 Henry Lambert, of Hindon in Wilts, widower & Theopila Ames, by lic.
Aug. 09 Wm Meaden & Jane Davidge, by lic.
Aug 09 Wm Francis & Sarah Green.
Aug 18 William Wallis & Mary Crocker.
Aug 25 Thomas Seaward & Ann Parson.
Sept. 22 Lawrance Hartry & Elizabeth Churchill.
Set 28 William White, of Brewham, & Ann Wilcox, by lic.
Oct. 30 Panteaness(sic) Higdon & Mary Beaumont, by lic.
Nov. 10 Henry Bryan, of Panswick in Gloucester, & Mary Savory by Lic.
Dec. 16 Dennis Watts, of Dorchester in Dorset, & Ann Bartholomew, by lic.
Jan. 11 James Gullick & Edith Amor.
Jan 12 Thomas Beaumont & Mary Clarke.
Feb. 02 William Chapple & Mary Sweatman.
Mar. 17 Matthew Hunt, of Stower Provis in Dorset, & Philly Snook, by Lic.
Apr. 20 George Eaton, of Brewham, & Melior Spear.
Apr 23 William Tratt, of East Chinnock, widower, & Ana Ellis, Widow., by lic.
July 12 John Rideward & Elizabeth Francis
July 18 John Barnes & Elinor Blackmore.
Aug. 06 John Simms & Ann Crane.
Aug 13 Robert Harris, Widower, & Martha Ellis, wid., by lic.
Aug 16 Wm Day & Ann Slade.
Aug 31 Edward Clarke & Sarah Holebrook.
Sept 14 David Chislett, of Witham Friary, widower, & Elizabeth Portnel, by Lic.
Oct 28 Henry Parker & Ann Higham.
Nov 09 John Jacob & Jane Burt.
Nov 29 John Vallis & Sybil Blackmore.
Dec. 28. John Ashman & Jane Fox.
Mar. 01 William Mayner, widoer, & Mary Sweatman, Wid., by lic.
Apr. 06 Wm Wake & Winifred White.
Apr 10 Thomas Francis & Martha Rideward.
Apr 10 John Swaine & Mary Chaffin.
Apr 11 Thomas Pointing & Mary Berriman.
May 01 Daniel Vigar & Fanny Boord.
May 09 John Antrim & Elizabeth Clark.
May 11 James Braine & Sarah Trente.
May 24 James Istance & Mary Fathers, by lic.
May 25 Thomas Robins widower, & Mary Cox, by lic.
June 06 William Coles & Mary Vigar.
June 19 John Jeffery & Mary Penny,by lic.
June 28 Daniel Pope, of Frome, & Mary Burt.
June 30 Charles Carrier & Diana Davidge, by lic.
July 03 John Armstrong & Elizabeth Brown.
July 03 Robert Worth, of Dartmouth in Devon, & Sarah Parfit.
July 04 William Lawrence, Widower, of Milton Clevedon, & Elizabeth Vigar, married., bylic.
Aug. 23 James Gane & Sybil Smith, wid., by lic.
Sept. 26 James Chaffen & Mary Biss. ,
Sept 27 Thos: Wake & Martha Rawlins.
Oct. 31 Richd White, widower, & Sarah Stocker, of Ottery S. Mary in Devon, wid., by lic.
Nov. 14 James Bennett & Ann Smith.
Nov 27 John Penny & Elizabeth Teasey.
Dec. 04 Tho. Chamberlain & Ann Parfitt.
Jan. 01 Charles Swetman & Mary Collins.
Jan 17 Samuel Tanner & Ann Seamour by lic.
Jan 29 William Cleeves & Elizabeth Gulliver.
Feb. 05 James Pearce & Martha Wilton.
Feb 07 John Asford, of Batcomb, & Elizabeth Forward, of Sedgehill in Wilts, by lic.
Mar. 27 Wm Garlent & Ann Clark.
Apr. 06 Nathaniel Gill, of Tiverton, & Grace Rodford, of Ditchet by lic.
Apr 16 Jeremiah Parker & Jane Curtiss.
May 19 William Robins & Lidia Tucker, by lic.
Aug. 20 Thos: Clement & Ann Sparow.
Sept 04 John Mills & Betty Pain.
Sept 25 John Pointing & Sarah Jessop.
Nov 08 David Baulch, of Bruham, & Hannah Andrews.
Nov 23 Chas: Newman, of North Cadbury, & Mary Slade, by lic.
Nov 25 John Tibbitt, of Cheddar, & Francess Swetman, by lic.
Feb 18 Joseph Case & Angel Godfrey
Feb 23 John Clark of Ditcheat & Mary Moore
Apr 16 John Rawlins & Deborah Jeffery
Apr 16 Henry Seress & Mary King
May 04 Thomas Sampson & Nanny Robins by Lic
June 28 Hugh Laurence & Judith Vigar
July 29 Daniel Vigar & Mary Young
July 29 William Cuzens & Hester Parker
Oct 02 James Ashman & Mary Wilcox by Lic.
Nov 26 Robert Biss & Mary Chapman
Dec 23 John Garland & Mary Mounter
Jan 07 John Dyke Acland Esq. of Dulverton in Somerset & Lady Henta Carolina Strangeways married at Redlinch chapel by special Licence
Jan 20 William Pointing & Mary Wilton
Feb 12 John Vigar als Jordan & Ann Goldsborough by Lic
Mar 31 Benjamin Shean sojorner & Susan Radford
Apr. 22 Isaac Green soj., & Mary Gregory.
Apr. 22 Joseph Steeds soj., & Mary Davis.
June 09 Joseph Coward & Mary Willcox.
June 29 James Ames & Margery Gray.
July 07 John Case & Mary Read.
Aug 19 John Pitman, of Shepton Montague, & Mary Smith, by lic.
Sept 02 Emanuel White & Elizabeth Hart.
Sept 30 Thomas Burge & Mary Brown.
Oct 01 Edward Smith, Widower, & Frances Prince, by lic.
Oct 03 John Bristow & Phebe Fox.
Oct 06 William Brock & Mary Lacy.
Nov 05 Nathaniel Day, soj., & Ann Shean.
Nov 28 James Wilson & Elizabeth Hyam.
Nov 28 Samuel Palmer & Martha Webber.
Nov 28 John Mudge & Mary White, by lic.
Dec 15 Henry Feltham & Ann Collins.
Dec 26 William Duffett & Elizabeth Linkhorn.
Jan. 19 William Fish & Ann Palmer.
Apr. 18 John Blackmore & Mary Lamberd, by lic:
Apr. 20 Thomas Jeffery & Mary Grove.
Apr 21 William Bishop & Eleanor Coward.
May 05 Abraham Cox & Ann Dunn.
May 19 William Coward & Martha Stacey.
May 21 George Dowell & Sarah Whiteacre, wid. , by Lic:
June 11 John Clement & Betty Ames, Wid., both of Weeke Champfloor, by Lic:
July 07 Charles Brown, yeoman, & Ann Chapman, both of Redlinch, by lic
July 16 Thomas Davis & Ann Hodges, by lic:
Aug. 13 Henry Phelps, Widower, & Elizabeth Swain, by lic:
Sept. 29 George Stock & Grace Adams.
Sept 30 Rowland Jenengs, Widower, & Sarah Cary, by lic
Nov. 09 Matthew Day & Eleanor Hayter.
Dec. 07 William Chaffin & Phebe Hayter, by lic.
Dec 28 William Mandifield & Grace Ridewood.
Dec 28 John Quance & Betty Burridge.
Dec 31 Thomas Crocker & Ann Andrews.
Jan. 12 Daniel Cross & Betty Jeffery.
Apr. 27 William Slade & Agnes Speed, by lic.
May 24 Richard Cox & Edith Ridewood.
June 17 James Scragg, als. Phillis, of Shepton Mallett, & Jane Swetman, by lic.
July 11 David Nicolls, of S. Michael's parish in the city of Bath, & Leticia Carew, by lic:
July 29 Benjamin Coombe & Frideswide Dampier, by lic:
Aug. 18 Isaac Radford & Sarah Smith, by Lic.
Sept. 06 James Francis & Grace Hayter.
Sept. 27 John Collis & Rose Davy.
Oct. 26 Abel Sanford of Shepton Montague,& Christian Chaffin, by lic:
Dec. 19 Richard Baily & Sophia Willcox.
Dec. 28 William Dunn & Sarah Brexcey, by lic:
Jan 05 Francis Hitchcock, soj., & Judith Burt.
Jan 23 William Case & Sarah Gregory.
Feb. 15 Samuel Hazard & Esther White.
Apr. 04 Isaac Hill & Martha Willcox.
Apr 05 John Bishop & Hannah Garland.
Apr 05 Digby Cox & Elizabeth Sutton.
Apr 07 Henry Green & Mary Dowdney.
Apr 07 Samuel Connock & Hannah Blackmore.
May 09 William Fish & Grace Hodges.
May 30 Caleb Davis & Sarah Carrie .
June 27 Israel Cuff & Edith Long.
July 03 Morgan Lewis & Phillis Green.
Aug. 22 Richard Kiddle & Ann Forward.
Sept. 29 John Lydford of Stoke Trister & Mary Brown.
Oct. 09 Andrew Ellis & Martha Horsey by lic.
Oct 12 James Rawlence & Grace Latchmore.
Dec. 25 Isaac Coles & Sarah Andrews.
Dec 26 Thomas Cary & Sarah Horsey.
Apr. 17 John Fost, of Charlton Horethorn, & Lydia Forward.
Apr 09 Isaac Quance & Elizabeth Wake, a minor, of Pitcombe, by lic
June 26 Charles Barnett & Elizabeth Hartry.
Aug. 03 Zachary Bayly, of Frome, Widower, & Sarah Middleton wid., by lic.
Aug 21 John Truss & Ann Elling.
Sept. 28 Richard Horsey & Fanny Coward.
Nov. 08 Philip Palmer & Elizabeth Andrews, by lic:
Nov 23 William Addington of Pitcombe, & Mary Notley.
Dec. 07 James Thorne, of Wincanton, & Jenny Istance, by lic.
Jan. 28 Isaac Green & Elizabeth Lumber.
Feb. 15 William Barry & Winefred Clements.
Apr. 07 Robert Madrick, of the city of Wells, soj., & Sarah Sheppard.
Apr 12 Abraham Cox & Elizabeth Hand.
Apr 22 The Rev. John Goldesborough & Grace Mogg, wid., by lic:
May 08 James Martin & Elizabeth Jennings, by lic:
May 28 David Card & Elizabeth Jelly.
June 23 George Forward & Elizabeth Collins.
July 04 Benjamin Dowdney & Martha Batt.
July 05 John Rawlins & Ann Duffett.
July 20 Joseph Smith, of Doulton, & Mary Foulstone, by lic:
July 24 John Dampier & Elizabeth Sampson, als. Dampier, by lic:
Aug 04 John Barry & Ann Prince, by lic:
Sept 09 Abraham Mogg & Arabella Baker.
Sept 06 James Willis & Elizabeth Painter.
Sept 23 William Brown & Betty Ridewood.
Nov. 05 Francis Hill & Christian Eldridge.
Nov 09 John Swayne & Ann Bishop.
Nov 27 William Wake & Martha Sparrow.
Dec. 01 Pitman Wilton Antrum & Elizabeth Woods.
Dec 15 John Pointing & Mary Mogg.
Dec 25 James Burt & Fanny Leister, by lic
Jan. 03 Samuel Jackson & Jane Bishop.
Feb. 09 Thomas Curtis, of Frome & Ann Carrier.
Feb 10 Thomas Isgrove & Martha Ashford.
Apr. 09 George Thompson & Martha Turner.
Apr 20 David Brown, of Shepton Montague, & Mary Bennett.
June 01 George Stock, soj., & Joannah Hill.
July 20 Joel Palmer & Mary Cleeves.
Aug 24 Valentine Richard Quin, Esqre, of Marybone, & Lady Frances Muriel Strangways, by special license, at Redlinch House.
Sept 21 Thomas Penny & Judith Carrier.
Sept 22 William Jelly & Grace Brown.
Sept 29 William Davis, of S. Stephen's parish, Bristol, & M Istance, by lic:
Oct. 05 Robert Shellket & Elizabeth Radford.
Nov. 04 Charles Day, of North Bruham, & Frances Vincent
Nov 18 David Potter, of Bolton in the Moore, Lancaster & Mary Randsom, by lic.
Jan. 11 William Palmer & Elizabeth Garland.
Jan. 18 Nathaniel Windbolt, of S. James p., Shaston, Dorset, & Ann Ewens, by Lic.
Jan 25 John Batt & Molly Jeffery.
Feb. 08 John Penny & Ann Garland.
Mar. 01 George Collins, of South Bruham, & Ann Cross.
Mar. 03 George Mullins & Sarah Ford.
June 15 Robert Nicholas & Mary Williams.
Oct. 12 John Cross & Mary Moore.
Jan 11 Thomas Parker & Frances Mead, by Lic.
Feb 04 James Ames & Winefred Sims.
July 11 Israel Cook & Mary Green.
July 12 John Garland & Judith Butt.
Aug 22 Edward Watts & Eleanor Roach, sojs., by Lic.
Sept 29 Philip Cox & Elizabeth Coward.
Oct 03 Thomas Coward & Mary Moore.
Dec 21 James Jenings & Hannah Francis.
Dec 27 Pitman Antrum & Ann Hillborn.
Feb. 08 John Chislet, of Boorton, & Arabella Brown.
Apr. 10 Christopher Hole & Mary Jenkins.
Apr. 10 William Tompson, of Shepton Montague, & Mary Sheers.
Apr. 16 Samuel Chaffin & Elizabeth Cross.
May 15 James Armstrong & Grace Crocker.
June 26 Edmund Cox & Martha Eaton.
July 07 James Tayler of Frome, & Mary Brock, by lic.
Aug 07 John White & Ann Ames.
Aug 27 Charles Chaffin & Flora Kingston.
Sept 10 James Warren & Betty Cook of Shepton Montague.
Sept 25 Abraham Bishop & Elizabeth Green.
Oct 17 John Lewis & Mary Brooks, of Bruham.
Oct 31 James Coward & Betty Foot.
Nov 05 Josiah Dabine, of Ashcott, & Sophia Cox by lic.
Dec 05 William Bull, of Evercreech, & Suky Robinson by lic.
Dec 11 Lewis Baby & Edith Ellis.
Dec 25 John Palmer & Elizabeth Maniford.
Dec 28 Thos Rashly & Sarah Mead.
Jan 04 William Stabler & Mary Richards by lic.
Jan 22 Joseph Winkworth & Sarah Smith.
Feb 26 William Loaden, Widower, & Jenny Amor, by lic.
Apr. 16 James Haines & Jane Maniford.
Apr. 26 Philip Welchman of Dichett, & Ann Bennett.
Apr. 29 James Smith & Margaret Prior.
June 04 Richard Green & Hannah Batt.
July 08 George Ball & Elizabeth Whettle of Wincanton.
July 24 William Young, Widowoer, & Sarah Walter, by lic.
Aug 05 William White, widower, & Sarah Tavener, by lic.
Aug 16 William Whittaker & Grace Armstrong.
Sept 12 Christopher Alford & Mary Slade, by lic.
Oct. 01 Jason Jones & Ann Target.
Nov. 18 Richard Pointing & Mary Wake.
Dec. 31 John Gunning & Jane Radford.
Jan. 13 John Wilton & Sybil Cary.
Feb. 04 James Smith & Mary Dark.
Feb. 12 Aaron Mogg & Sarah Jelly.
July 08 William Oliver & Mary Andrews, by lic.
Apr. 14 William Oatly, of Wincanton, & Sarah Barfoot, by lic.
June 18 Isaac Stag of Shepton Montague & Jane Lodge.
June 30 John Meachem, of Coomb S. Nicholas, & Mary Eaton
July 22 Thomas Sleap & Frances Davidge.
July 29 William Freak, of Henstridge, Dorset, & Mary Moore.
Sept. 09 John Harvy & Ann Hill.
Sept 30 Robert Stevens & Mary Stevens, als. Longdon.
Oct. 17 William Higgins & Sarah Francis.
Dec. 25 John Mead & Mary Turner.
Jan. 03 John Trim & Catherine Michell.
Mar. 02 Osmond Button & Elizabeth Syral.
Apr. 22 Thomas Searl & Mary Burt.
May 19 William Norris, of Batcombe, clerk, & Mary Griffin, by lic.
July 14 Henry Sampson Michell, & Mary Southcote, of Brookham Lodge, an extra parochial place belonging to B., by lic.
July 30 William Hodges & Ann Squibb, of Sparkford.
Sept. 17 Richard Birch, of S. Werburgh in Bristol, & Frances Moore, by lic.
Dec. 25 Edward Garland, of Coombe S. Nicholas, & Hannah Rawlins.
Dec 25 George Prince & Jane Loaden, by lic.
Feb. 12 George Robins & Ann Pounsett Bull.
Mar. 04 John Prince & Martha Swetman, by lic.
Mar, 22 Robert Lydford, of Blackford, & Ann Bishop, by lic.
May 22 William Hagley & Elizabeth Bailey, of Frome, by lic.
June 12 William Thick & Sarah Kevil.
Oct. 18 Wilton Cary & Edith Buckland,of S. Cuthbert's Wells.
Jan 04 John Young & Martha Young.
Jan 09 Thomas Harvey & Ann Holland.
Jan 23 John Hibberd & Ann Hazard, by lic.
Mar. 27 George Bourne & Jane Davey.
Mar 29 William Oram & Mary Ings, by lic.
Apr. 04 Thomas Ridewood & Martha True.
May 09 Morris Atkins & Hannah Palmer.
May 29 Thomas Hand, widower, & Mary Cary, by lic:
July 01 John Rawlins & Edith Higgins, by lic.
Aug. 04 John Latcham & Sarah Palmer.
Sept 13 James Hansford, of Charlton Musgrove, & Elizabeth Arnold.
Sept 19 James Churchill & Rebecca Burt.
Sept 25 Robert Gapper & Ann White.
Sept 27 George Harvey, of East Lydford, & Jane Horsey.
Feb. 13 John Matthews & Sarah Wake.
June 28 William Barry & Ann Bengey.
July 03 John Rolles & Mary Kevil.
July 09 Robert Hellyar, of Dorchester, Dorset, & Ann Goldesborough Michell, by lic.
July 17 Richard Atkins & Maria Barnard.
Sept. 24 Jeremiah Parker & Margaret Ellen.
Sept. 25 Thomas Hartry & Ann Ellen.
Sept. 25 William Rodford & Ann Ames.
Jan. 08 Thomas Cary & Elizabeth Hill.
Jan 15 John Mills & Mary Lumber.
Feb. 12 John Ellis & Betty Vining.
Apr. 09 John Barnard & Ann Seamour.
Apr. 15 Harry Cooper, of Wincanton, & Angel Deane, by lic.
Apr. 23 Samuel Keates, of Frome Selwood, & Elizabeth Andrews.
June 09 Richard Longford & Joan Farthing, by lic.
Sept. 24 Joseph Gunning & Martha Mead.
Oct. 22 James Clarke & Elizabeth Thomson.
Nov. 06 Samuel Cary & Sarah Shepherd.
Dec. 02 Samuel Reed & Grace Atkins.
Dec. 10 Samuel Wake & Martha Paskel.
Dec. 20 John Amor & Mary Trimby, by Lic.
Mar. 30 William Turner & Ann Wallis.
Apr. 06 James Owen, & Sarah Ings.
Apr. 06 Humphrey Bull & Charlotte Cross.
Apr. 07 John Bellringer, of Shroton, Dorset, & Elizabeth Seymore.
May 12 Giles Thick & Elizabeth Green.
June 29 Joseph Melhuish & Mary George, by Lic.
July 21 Samuel Card & Frances Longman.
July 30 William Meadin & Diana Carrier.
Aug. 11 John Fleetwood & Mary Mead.
Sept. 22 Wm Palmer & Sarah Hartry.
Oct. 06 Charles Fleetwood & Ann Mitchell.
Oct. 08 Robert Combes & Elizabeth Warr, by lic.
Oct. 13 Edward Mogg & Lucy Elling.
Nov. 27 Macklen Parnell & Ketturah Melhuish, by Lic.
Dec. 08 Abraham Coles & Ann Phelps.
Dec. 25 William Jefferys & Elizabeth Cannon.
Jan. 25 William Lydford, of Nunny, & Betty Burt, by lic
Feb. 19 William Eddington & Elizabeth Snook.
Feb. 19 Henry Phelps & Elizabeth Hartry.
Apr. 26 Wm Eaton & Catharine Pearce, by lic.
May 08 John Davy & Sarah Mogg.
July 11 Wm Mussell & Elizabeth Forward.
Aug 01 Joseph Everatt & Mary Olivery, by lic.
Sept 08 Wm Evance & Sarah Coward.
Sept 21 Joseph Coward & Maria Williams.
Sept 22 John Eastmont & Christian Gray.
Sept 24 Wm Hix & Sarah Roach.
Oct. 08 Wm Frampton & Martha Prince, by Lic.
Oct 10 James Brinkworth & Jemima Atkins.
Nov. 11 Wm Hinton & Sarah Hoare.
Nov 16 James Atkins & Winefred Butt.
Nov 16 William Braine & Mary Butler.
Nov 23 Edward Gater & Elizabeth Hill.
Nov 30 Samuel Rawlins & Elizabeth Richards.
Dec. 25 Andrew Ellis & Sarah Denton.
Dec. 26 Wm Sparrow, of Penn Selwood, & Edith Scott.
Dec. 28 James Pryor & Mary Shore.
May 04 John Shoor & Elizabeth Holland.
May 09 Thos: Eastmont & Sarah Gunning.
May 11 Thos: Hunt & Edith Smith.
May 24 James Forward, als. Wake, & Jane Hinks.
May 25 Thomas Bord & Maria Taylor, by lic.
Aug. 02 James Hopkins & Dinah Chamberlain.
Aug. 05 Wm Melhuish & Joanna Robins, by Lic.
Sept. 16 John Wake & Ann Edington.
Feb. 14 George Clarke & Sarah Garland.
Feb. 21 William Bord & Elizabeth Sims, by lic.
Mar. 01 William Prior & Jane Maggs.
Mar. 07 William Newton & Sarah Rodbard.
Mar. 08 James Gray & Judith Hillborn.
Apr. 24 Thos: Bennett & Martha Penny by lic.
Sept. 04 George Forward & Hannah Vallis.
Sept. 25 Daniel Cross & Jane Piddle.
Sept. 26 James Biss & Edith Ridewood.
Sept. 27 Thomas Wake & Sarah Martin.
Oct. 02 Seth Smith & Mary Hazard, by lic.
Jan. 02 James Bateman & Sally Edwards.
Feb. 14 Wm Andrews & Anna Clarke.
Apr. 09 John Dunn & Amy Embleton.
June 07 Samuel Clarke & Jane Brook, by lic.
July 15 John Vigar & Grace Swayne.
Aug. 13 Wm Alford & Martha Forward.
Aug. 20 Henry Drew & Elizabeth Corp.
Sept. 23 James Lucas & Ann Broadrip.
Sept. 23 Samuel Dymock & Sarah Ashford.
Sept. 24 Edmund Mogg & Mary Carner.
Oct. 08 Henry Norton & Ann Ings.
Dec. 03 Stephen Curtis & Ann Hicks.
Dec. 24 George Garland & Rose Brock.
Dec. 26 Thomas Kenicott & Mary Wilton.
Jan. 27 Henry Upham & Martha Vigar.
Feb. 10 Chs: Hill & Ann Plucknett.
Apr. 01 Thomas Green & Sarah Reed.
May 20 John Hunt & Sebra Ellin.
June 13 Stephen Stone & Betty Meachem, by lic.
June 23 James Bennett & Sarah Piddle.
July 25 Wm Sams & Sarah Dollin.
Sept. 23 John Robins & Judith Cox.
Sept. 29 Robert Francis & Jane Francis.
Nov. 24 John Armstrong & Mary Card.
Dec. 03 Wm Rawlins & Edith Denton.
Dec. 30 Wm Targett & Mary Mudge.
Jan. 01 Edward Moore, of Shepton Mallet, & Mary Lloyd, by lic.
Jan 13 James Harding of Wincanton, & Elizabeth Mudge.
Feb. 04 John Swain & Dorothy Jelly.
Mar. 20 John Hoddinott & Elizabeth Snooke, of Walcot, by lic.
Apr. 20 Samuel White & Betty Longman.
Apr. 21 Edward Reed & Anne Davis.
Apr. 24 Thomas Raishly & Sarah Whitaker.
June 09 Thos: Shoar & Sarah George.
July 10 William Hawkins & Mary Meaden, by. lic.
July 17 Joseph Trim, of Shepton Montague, & Elizabeth Wallis of Redlynch, by lic.
Aug. 12 William ,Oliver & Elizabeth Agnew.
Oct. 05 Wm Wilton & Anna Collins.*
* In the margin :-The above Anna Collins being both deaf and dumb, it was thought proper to have her marriage attested by an additional number of witnesses [5] as a proof that the Ceremony was performed as legally as circumstances could allow. Chas. Roberts, Min,
Oct. 12 Jeremiah Sturges, a soldier, & Frances Burt.
Dec. 20 William Carrier & Sarah Davy, by lic:
Feb. 16 Richard Vicary & Elizabeth Notly.
Apr. 07 Thomas Davy & Mary Love.
May 03 Thomas Forward & Elizabeth Button.
June 22 Wm Hodges & Martha Lucas, by lic.
Sept. 29 John Sutton, of Bath, & Elizabeth Bennett, by lic.
Nov. 01 William Chamberlain & Elizabeth Robins.
Nov. 05 John Meachem, widower, & Elizabeth Hole, by lic.
Nov 09 Charles Robins & Hannah Barber.
Nov 23 Wm Cozens & Elizabeth Down.
Nov 23 Humphry Wake & Elizabeth Prior.
Dec. 01 Theophilus Perceval, of Sherborne, Dorset, & Mary Hoddinott, by lic.
Dec 31 John Sims & Amy Clement, of Binegar by lic.
Feb.08 George Hill & Jane Hartry.
Apr. 10 John Mead & Mary Smith.
Apr. 24 Daniel White & Sarah Fleetwood.
July 03 Wm Henry Beaton & Sarah Barber.
Sept. 26 James Blackmore & Jane Hill.
Oct. 17 John Vining & Mary Snook.
Nov. 01 James Bennett & Jenny Mogg.
Nov. 14 John Ridewood & Sarah Baltch.
Dec. 15 Libbeus Trimby & Frances Penny, by lic.
Jan. 09 Simon Mills & Elizabeth Parker.
Feb. 07 William Holloway & Hannah Edwards.
Feb. 09 Thomas Looker & Elizabeth Carrier.
Feb. 27 Robert Kettle & Mary Drew by lic.
Feb. 28 Benjamin Ellis & Elizabeth James, by lic.
Feb. 28 Jeremiah Jelly & Sophia Jones, by lic.
May 02 Edward Michell & Ann Clement, by lic.
June 04 John Poynton & Phebe Green.
July 31 John Hoare & Margaret Taylor.
Aug. 28 James Fudge of Fordington Dorset, & Mary Massey.
Oct. 01 Henry Feltham & Martha Cave, by lic.
Oct. 02 John Bacon & Edith Fost.
Nov. 09 John Churchey & Jane Duck.
Nov. 27 Wm Hix & Elizabeth Baltch.
Dec. 24 Wm Bristow & Martha Flower.
Feb. 05James Humphries & Fanny Fish.
Feb.11 John Millard & Jane Cross.
Apr.08 Thomas Dudeny & Mary Francis.
Apr.29 Benjeman Ridewood & Elizabeth Biss.
May13 Joseph Ridewood & Hannah Baker.
June03 Henry Green & Ann Burt.
June25 William Gatten & Elizabeth Bull.
July08 Daniel Vigar & Maria Cook.
July15 Harry Holloway & Sarah Rice, of Batcomb.
Aug.09 James Hopkins & Grace Dudden, by lic.
Aug.26 William Reed & Mary Lumber.
Sept.23 William Inkpen & Hannah Soog.
Oct.01 Joshua Colly, of Castle Cary, & Mary Whitmore.
Oct.21 James Herden, of Milton Clevedon, & Elizabeth Cook.
Oct.28 John Vigar, widower, & Theophila Cox, by lic.
Dec.25 James Coles & Mary Fussel.
Dec.25 Thomas Forward & Elizabeth Ellis.
Jan. 31 William Green & Mary Vigar by lic.
Mar. 25 Richard Green & Rachel Willis.
Mar. 25 Saml Gibbs & Sophia Shean.
Apr. 08 John Sperin & Jane Clarke.
Apr. 15 George Sims of Shepton Montacute, & Anne Brown, by lic.
July 22 Henry Fleetwood & Elizabeth Palmer.
July 25 Seth Smith & Edith Robins, by lic.
July 26 Thos: Baily & Ann Raishly.
July 29 Matthew Hassall of Bristol & Mary James, by lic.
Aug. 24 Thos: Vallis & Hannah Batt.
Aug. 26 Thomas Slade & Mary Dowding.
Aug. 26 Richard Snook & Susanna Lucas.
Sept. 22 Robert Pope & Maria Denton.
Nov. 25 Wm Hoare & Esther Swetman.
Dec. 25 William Tompson & Mary Horsey.
Dec. 26 William Bishop & Sarah Smith.
Feb. 03 Joseph Ashford & Catharine Forward.
Feb. 18 John Trimby & Frances Sims, by lic.
Apr. 20 John Young & Martha Ellen.
Apr. 21 John Brown & Mary Ewens.
July 17 John Fitz, of Shepton Mallet. & Anna Andrews, by lic.
Oct. 21 William Beaton & Mary Rowland.
Nov. 10 Harry Wilson & Frances Bishop.
Nov. 17 Samuel Reed & Mary Hartry.
Nov. 23 James Hill, Widower, & Susannah Piddle.
Dec. 16 William Dunn & Ann Forward als. Wake.
Dec. 25 George James, of Castle Cary, & Sarah Burt.
Jan. 09 Charles Woolham Esqre, of S. Andrew, Holborn, & Elizabeth Ward by lic.
Jan. 21 George Ward, of St. Faith, Middlesex, & Ann Sampson, by lic.
Feb. 15 Harry Poynting & Jane Edington, by lic.
Apr. 06 James Wilkins & Elizabeth Hillard.
Apr. 16 James Hopkins, widower, & Maria Bambury, by lic.
Apr. 20 John Fish & Lydia Robins.
Apr. 21 John Mills & Mary Clarke.
May 25 Charles Rawlins & Esther Palmer.
Sept. 21 John Shoar & Ann Maby.
Nov. 23 Robert Griffin Hole, widower, & Mary Jones, by lic.
Dec. 08 Richard Knighting & Mary Clothier.
Dec. 25 William Allwood & Mary Thompson.
Feb. 18 George Symones & Mary Melhuish, by lic.
June 07 William Isgrove & Elizabeth Baker.
June 08 Isaac Quants & Grace Baker.
June 28 William Feltham & Anna Tulk.
June 29 John Rendall & Amy Cowzens.
July 27 Jacob Brown & Martha Barnes.
Aug. 23 John Hoare & Jane Isgrove.
Sept. 05 James Maidmont & Frances Wake.
Sept. 27 John Gray & Elizabeth Hill.
Sept. 30 John Fleetwood & Elizabeth Green.
Nov. 02 John Barnes & Diana Brown.
Dec. 06 William Poynting & Rosanna Reed.
Dec. 17 John James Toogood, clerk of Gillingham, Dorset, & Julia Sarah Sampson, by lic.
Jan. 10 James Walling & Abigail Atkins.
Jan. 16 Thomas Higdon & Elizabeth Mills.
Feb. 01 Giles Ames Harris & Edith Stickland.
Feb. 19 Daniel Burges, of S. James, Bristol, & Mary Anne Ward, by lic.
Feb. 21 Thomas Hunt & Mary Wake.
Apr. 10 Thomas Hix & Mary Rodford.
Apr. 11 Henry Smith & Mary Smith.
Apr. 12 John Lucas & Sarah Snook.
Apr. 17 Stephen Hilliar, of Holy Trinity, Shaston, & Elizabeth Wilkins
Apr. 21 Robert Parker, Liberty of S. Andrew in Wells, & Mary Green.
May 09 John Green & Mary Bridle of Gillingham, Dorset.
July 10 Thomas Hix & Elizabeth Shears
July 10 Charles Biggs & Ruth Harris.
July 19 Christopher Baker, of Iwerne Minster, Dorset, & Matilda Phelps
July 27 John Smith & Ann Emblin, by lic.
Aug. 16 John Hinks & Martha Young, Wid.
Sept. 05 Isaac Taylor & Christian Coward.
Sept. 26 John Hunt & Ann Gray.
Sept. 26 James White & Mary Hopkins.
Oct. 02 Isaac Prankett & Elizabeth Barnett.
Nov. 15 Joseph Fish & Grace Hinks.
Nov. 21 John Stafford & Alicia Prynn
Dec. 11 James Snook & Elizabeth Eads.
Dec. 12 James Parsons & Jane Bennett.
Dec. 13 Thomas Wallis & Sophia Baltch, of Bruham.
May 21 Wm Davis & Mary Willis.
July 22 Benjamin Shane widower & Elizabeth Biss, Widou
Aug. 12 George Green &, Delilah Gray.
Oct. 25 Thomas Feltham & Frances Chamberlain.
Apr. 15 Robert White & Hannah Whitaker.
Apr. 15 William Day & Jane Shane.
Apr. 25 Abel Sanford; of Pitcombe, & Sarah Vincent, by lic,
Apr. 30 Joseph Elliott & Anne Laver.
July 01 Israel Green & Mary Robins.
Oct. 02 John Cox & Elizabeth Deacon.
Oct. 21 Thomas Eaton & Elizabeth Bowls.
Nov. 26 John Cox, of Upton Noble, & Elizabeth Biss.
Dec. 25 John Ford & Harriott Beaton.
Mar. 23 Richard Cox & Elizabeth Thompson.
Apr. 07 John Gibbins & Susanna Perrey.
June 15 John Baker & Anne Churchill.
Sept. 30 William Inkpen & Phillis Young.
Nov. 10 Robert Gapper & Mary White.
Dec. 25 James Knight & Sarah Bennett.
Dec. 25 Robert Bennett & Sarah Bartlett.
Feb. 17 William Meachem & Elizabeth Beaton, als. Bateman.
Apr. 02 William Chambers & Mary Perry.
Apr. 13 Henry Pitman & Elizabeth Burge.
June 28 Richard Mills, of S. George, Southwark, & Elizabeth Clarke, by Lic.
Sept. 21 William Willcox & Christian Palmer.
Sept. 21 Richard Gapper & Fanney Jackson.
Nov. 09 John Lucas & Sarah Snook.
Dec. 01 Thomas Allwood & Mary Cox.
Jan. 18 William Hartwell & Anne White.
May 05 William Kingston, of Ditcheat, & Mary Anne Parsons, of Week Champflower, by Lic.
May 25 Thomas White & Elizabeth Sampson, by lic.
July 03 James Mead & Ann Isgrove.
Aug. 08 Thomas Rawlins & Sarah Matthews.
Aug. 15 Henry Dashwood & Anne Perry.
Sept. 26 Abraham Bishop & Margaret Gray.
Sept. 08 William Gray & Esther Pope.
Nov. 25 John Diamond & Sabra Quants.
Dec. 13 Edward Daniel, junr, of S. Mary le Port, Bristol, & Harriett Sweeting, by lic.
Dec. 25 James White & Anne Sleep.
Dec. 26 John Green & Elizabeth Vigar.
Apr. 03 James Higgins & Phoebe Thompson.
Apr. 10 William Reevs & Eliza Gerard.
May 01 Joseph Rex & Joanna Rex.
May 22 Samuel Humphries, of Wincanton, & Mary Green.
May 22 Charles Turner & Mary Gray.
July 23 John White & Sarah Allin.
Dec. 05 George Robins & Mary Hanham.
Dec. 14 William Oatley & Mary Lawrence, by lic.
Dec. 25 John Wilton & Sarah Churchill.
Jan. 24 John Antrim & Mary,Turner.
Feb. 26 Thomas Cary & Sarah Wilton.
Mar. 26 William Pearce & Susanna Hinton.
May 17 John Hoddinott & Anne Keevil, by Lic.
June 11 James Forward & Elizabeth Parsons.
June 13 James Davies & Jane Swayne.
June 25 Robert Mogg & Sarah Norris, by lic.
July 23 William Shears & Anne Collis.
Aug. 06 William Young & Mary Latchem.
Sept. 24 John Higgins & Harriott Tuffin.
Oct. 15 George Collins & Penelope King.
Nov. 29 John Parfitt & Anne Hopkins.
Dec. 24 Charles White & Jane Churchill.
Dec. 31 John Cary & Sarah Barnitt.
Jan. 04 George Hatcher of Wincanton, & Elizabeth Lydford.
Apr. 14 William Jones & Anne White.
Apr. 15 Thomas Cary & Hannah Ridewood.
May 07 William Thompson, of Milton Clevedon, & Elizabeth Hancock.
June 03 John Ellis & Frances Sturges.
June 17 William Lawrence & Mary Speticue.
Aug. 05 Richard Warren, of Sidmouth, Devon,, & Mary Dark, by lic.
Aug. 26 Thomas Cundock & Anne Francis.
Sept. 23 Robert Cross & Susannah Sevyer.
Sept 24 John Ansteys & Hannah Garland.
Oct. 21 James Collins & Harriet Deacon.
Feb. 10 Joshua Escott & Elizabeth Rawlins.
Feb. 10 George White & Mary Isgrove.
Mar. 04 William Ames, of South Petherton, & Elizabeth Roach, by lic.
Apr. 13 John Card & Hannah Hill.
Apr. 14 Robert Martin & Amey Tucker.
May 19 James Oram & Jane Perry.
May 25 Robert Sanford, of Pitcombe, & Tabitha Chaffin by lic.
June 07 Thomas Eddington & Jane Stitch.
June 15 James Crowch & Mary Howardien.
July 13 James Shane & Mary Hill.
Aug. 20 John Thorn & Jane Biss.
Sept. 08 James Pointing & Christian Swayne, by lic.
Oct. 19 James Meaden & Jane Bull.
Oct. 26 William Allwood & Mary Forward.
Nov. 24 William Mogg & Elizabeth Sanford, by lic.
Jan. 24 Aaron Coombes & Sarah Reed.
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