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All trees updated September 2010!!
Surnames in my parent's families:
Family of my Father (Ernst Loewenheim), including these surnames:
The Loewenheim, Wangenheim & Dewitz families come from the Jewish Communities of Schwedt/Oder,Vierraden and Tuetz . I am collecting data on all families from these places.
Family of my Mother (Marianne Adler), including these surnames:
Guide to Wien Meldezettel (Registration Cards)
Surnames in my wife's families, including these surnames:
NB: This research is the result of research by many people over many years for which I am very grateful. I apologize for not acknowledging these people by name. If anyone finds anything on this Web site that they would like to be altered please contact me.
Information, other than name, relating to living or potentially living, people has generally been removed.
I am using two formats for displaying family trees on the Web:
Dynamic Family Tree: Very slick & easy to understand. Probably needs up-to-date browsers. Not so easy to print/copy from.
GED2HTML: which can be confusing to follow lines of descent and relationships but OK for printing specific entries
Peter Lowe, Hertford, England
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