Lodz Records
Lodz Records AUSG 15/4/1942 TR 34/2
Lodz Records
Lodz Records
Lodz Records AUSG 15/4/1942 TR 34/2
[N470] Lodz Records; related to Majer Szymon J.
[N473] Lodz Records
[N474] Lodz Records; related to Majer Szymon J.
[N475] Lodz Records
Lodz Records
Card file of Mauthausen camp
BIRT: In index HBMa2892 Praha Vinohrady 4-16 (JPG)
Transport J Praha to Terezin 4.12.1941; Ds- 18.12.43 Auschwitz
[N478] Transport R Plzen to Terezin 22.1.1942; Bv - 15.10.1942 Treblinka
BIRT: Matric 2355 Vlasim, Naceradec 3/26 JPG
BIRT: [29 Feb from death cert]
DEAT: JPG P/C Todesfallanzeige; Verheiratet. Heimatsgemeinde Pilsen. Pneumonia Cruposa
Transport R Plzen to Terezin 22.1.1942; died Terezin 7.3.1942
almost certain that Zikmund born Sep 1870 = Zikmund born Sep 1870. Strechov nad
Sazavou is near Sousice
[N480] Transport R Plzen to Terezin 18 Jan 1942; liberated from Terezin
BIRT: 20 Dec 1875 from marriage [Julius] 26 Dec 1875 [George & census]
Transport AAr Praha to Terezin 16.7.1942;Ds - 18.12.1943 Auschwitz
[N482] Transport Bd Praha to Terezin 4.9.1942; Bk - 8.9.1942 Maly Trostinec
[N483] Info from Christopher Kuehn
BIRT: Catholic
BURI: Abteilung : 7 Ring : 3 Gruppe : 3 Nummer : 96
Meldzettel from circa 1935
P/C Meldezettel Nov 1935
BURI: Abteilung : 7 Ring : 3 Gruppe : 3 Nummer : 96
P/C Meldezettel 1935 ev AB, verh.
BIRT: Catholic
BURI: Gruppe :66 Reihe :27 Nummer :74
BURI: Gruppe :66 Reihe :27 Nummer :74
Rom. Cath.
P/C Meldezettel 5 Jun 1940
BURI: Gruppe :66 Reihe :27 Nummer :74
Deb�t im Nationalteam 17.05.1936 gegen Italien - Resultat: 2:2
Jewish origin; emigrated to France ca 1938/9
P/C Meldezettel 1931-38
[N489] BURI: Gruppe :66 Reihe :27 Nummer :74; 10 year grave paid until 2013 by Mrs Neumann
cf Theodor Johann Jerusalem born Klagenfurt
From marriage Oberpostverwalter i. R. geb. Klagenfurt, Zust. Wien
JPG Lehmann 1904
BURI: ?? Bur Wiener Zentral 3.11.1938 Gruppe 71A Reihe 18 Nummer 35 & then reburied
18 Mar 1994 Wiener Zentral Gruppe 71A Reihe 13 Nummer 22 ( but she could be
Anna Maria)
P/C Meldezettel 23 Oct 1940 ? Irma Witwe
BIRT: from Meldekartei Wien; 1886 from Meldezettel of 1935
Rom Catholic
age 57 in 1919 from Todfallsaufnahme of Josef
P/C Meldezettel fur Reisende. 18 Nov 1935 . Normal address LINZ
DEAT: ?? this could be divorce date
cf Gerard Jerusalem of Klagenfurt
BURI: Gruppe 22 Reihe 2 Nummer 24; NO PROOF CORRECT PERSON
P/C Meldezettel 10 Jun 1930 Rom Kath, verwitwet, offizialswitwe
grandfather of Fabienne
www.genteam.at:Leavings of the Jewish Community of Vienna
Nr 14113
Last Name Jerusalem
First Name Otto
Maiden Name
Lastname changed
Date of Birth 1882.10.17
Ancestry Nimburg
Country B�hmen
Profession Privatbea.
Leaving 1905
Age 23
Marital Status ledig
WStla mba02
IKG 1905/170
Last Name Jerusalem
Last Name changed Jera
First Name Otto
Baptism First Name Otto
Date of Birth 1882.10.17
Birth Place B�hmen
Profession Privatbeamter
Conversion 1905.04.27
Baptism Parish AB
Baptism Date 1905.04.28
Age 23
[N497] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.
[N498] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.
[N499] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.
[N500] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.
[N501] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.
[N502] Lived in Sestajovice 12 Km E of Prague
grandfather of Susan Medas
Last NameKolisch
First NameAdolf
Date of Birth/Age53
Date of Death
Place of Death1090, Marianneng. 20
Date of Burial1892.05.02
CemeteryZF Tor 1
Tomb No40
Transport AAp Praha to Terezin 9. cervence 1942. Transport Bw 19.10.1942 to
[N506] could be Samuel born ca 1810 Dranicz (in 1848 in Hungary)
DEAT: cause of death: durchfall
could be Simon born Detreko Szent Miklos, Hungary
Genteam W�hring cemetery:
Issue B1
Numerative 241
Last Name Jerusalem
First Name(s)Simon
Age 2
State Kind
Date of Death 1848.11.26
Date of Burial 1848.11.29
Place of Death Alsergrund
[N509] BIRT: 25 on marriage; HBMa1131 Luze Birth JPG
BIRT: age 25yrs 6mths on marriage
DEAT: HBMa2764 Praha Death JPG P/C age 40 from Chotzen
BIRT: From Meldzettel; Soucice list & Mar entry
DEAT: P/C death entry
CHR : baptized Lutheran
HO334/362 Nat. Cert. BNA 23653 [P/C] 11 Sep 1952 HO File B16855
HO396/166 Aliens Card Index. Interned 21.6.40 Released 15.2.41
HO405/3374 File B16855 1/1/1940 to 31/12/1963 . Closed for 100 years. P/C most
of file.
WILL: will P/C
DEAT: Ben Beran said London
cf HO396/6 Enemy Alien Card Index
Photo & documents in Naturalization file HO405/3374
BIRT: from Staatsarchiv Vienna & Marriage & WW2 Draft Reg; & HBMa1723 Prestavlky
DEAT: Summer 1942 from letter by Marianne; suicide
member of Social Democrats & Wien Bezirksrat. Chairman of socialist association
of secondary school teachers & on board of education of City of Vienna.
Baptized Lutheran before 1907 Info from interview Heinz Beran 1978
HO396/217 Exempt from internment
cf www.vvo.at: Insurance File No. 14492 Gemeinde Wien Staedt.Vers. 160.050
www.nypl.org : Humanities & Social Sciences Library: Emergency Committee in
Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars: Records of Non-Grantees : BERAN, Hugo
1940-1943 P/C of records on file
JPG P/C NY Pass List S.S. Antonia from Liverpool to Montreal on 29 Sep 1940.
Hugo, headmaster born Sincan. Son: Heinz BERAN of Darlington Hall, Totnes,
Devon. Going to Uncle Jacob SPENGLER of 527 5th Ave NY. with wife Marianne &
daughter Anna
Zust. Obergohs, Maehren in 1906
JPG P/C 1933 Oesterreichischer Amtskalendar listing Hug Beran as Direktor
JPG P/C WW2 Draft Registration at Thetford Academy
Death ref on Family Search from LDS film 2294747
JPG Wiener Zeitung 28 Jun 1911 re appointment to Staatsrealschle Wien 2.Bez.
DEAT: ?1981 1971
BURI: Familienname : Beran
Viktor Frankl Institute Archive, Vienna
Nummer: 12633
Art: Korrespondenz I
Beschreibung I: Briefwechsel
Person 1: V. E. Frankl
Person 2: Lotte Beran
Datum: 26.10.1946
Anmerkung: ist auch als �berlebende vom KZ zur�ckgekommen. Kommt - "als ganz
einfacher Mensch" - zu �hnlichen Resultaten wie Frankl in seinem Buch.
Frankl: bedankt sich sehr, bezeichnet sie als KZ-Kameradin und ermuntert sie
ihr Manuskript �ber das KZ doch zu ver�ffentlichen etc. ...
From Email from Prof Vesely: The lady signed her letter to Prof. Frankl as
Lotte Beran
3., Hoernesgasse 18/9
lehrerin an der Bildungsanstalt fuer Kindergaertnerinnen
7., Neustiftgasse 95-99
She also refers to her own camp experiences and of her attempt to write them
Lotte Beran: "Ein Jahr Konzentrantionslager Auschwitz" in Christengemeinschaft,
7/1978 [Christengemeinschaft is a monthly publication]
PDF P/C Lotte Beran (1950) A year in a concentration camp. The Educational
Forum 14(3): 339-45.
JPG 22 Dec 1948 NY Pass List on Queen Mary
BIRT: 29 Mar 1842 from MI & Birth entry; 26 Mar from Meldzettel; HBMa403 Hermanuv
BURI: Gate 1, Section 51, Row 13 Grave 32; photo
GEN: A farm manager while he lived in Bohemia, he moved to Vienna with his
GEN: and became an apartment manager.
Meldzettel 1908: Heimatsort: Hossau bei Iglau
from Rossitz (marriage 1872). This = Rosice, adjacent to Sincan (Syncany) near
Chrast and Prestvalky about 4 km NW of Luze
GEN: Died from stomach cancer, 1928
Anna from nat. cert of Heinfried
BIRT: HBMa1723 Prestavlky Birth JPG P/C; Zeugen: Josef L�VI, Ignatz BERAN aus Rosic
DEAT: Drowned with her daughter either in swimming pool at Baden near Vienna or in a
GEN: UPDATE: 1993-05-29
!note:Killed in a boating accident with her daughter.(from Heinz Beran)
!note:Drowned in a swimming pool at Baden. (From Ben Beran)
!note:Her husband then married her sister, Greta, but the second marriage did
not last. (From both Heinz and Ben)
P/C JPG Hamburg Direkt May 1902:Kiautschau[?] 2 Mai 1902 Auswanderer
WOLF Marie age 23 Frau of Obergoss, Austria
WOLF Walter age 2 Kind of Obergoss
WOLF Annaage 2mths [?] of Obergoss
P/C png death notice Neue Freie Presse 5 Sep 1907
Altenberg (Stary hora) is now a suburb of Jihlava, on the river
BIRT: From 1911 Pass List, born Obergoss= Horni Kosov near Iglau
lived together with Rusha & Frieda in Wien
Meldzettel: 1908 Heimatort H... bei Iglau; signed Emanuel Beran
Grete Wolf in Vienna assets Lists: born 5.8.1889 & 9.6.1894
1938 Asset List: Wolf, Margarete 21.06.1886
JPG P/C NY Pass List SS Cleveland depart Hamburg 3 Oct 1911:
Grete Beran age 25 , no occupation, residence, Wien, Father: Emanuel Beran of
9. Bez. Weingerstr. [??] 50 Wien, destination St Louis Missouri, going to
brother in law Alex. Wolf of 601 Ont... Buildg, St Louis, 5'2", blond hair,
grey eyes, born Obergos[?], Austria
BIRT: Date from Meldzettel & HBMa697 Jihlava Birth JPG P/C as Therese
DEAT: Theresa Ruja BERAN
From Meldzettel: 30 Oct 1915: Heimatsort Hassau bei Iglau; signed Emanuel Beran
Theresa Ruza Beran born August 8, 1884, lived in Wien 2, Praterstrasse
25a/30, deported June 9 1942 to Maly Trostinec and died there June 15,
Not same as Risa Beran !!
BIRT: 12 May 1889 from Vienna assets lists; confirmed from Meldzettel & HBMa697
Meldzettel 1909 signed Rosa Beran
1938 Asset Lists: Brummer, Friederike 12.05.1889
From Holocaust Victim CD:Friederike Brummer, 12.05.1889, Wien. 2 Praterstrasse
25a, deported 9.6.1942 to Maly Trostinec and died here 15.06.1942
Obergoss= Horni Kosov near Iglau
BIRT: Austria from 1930 census; 34 in 1907, 39 in 1910, 48 in 1920, 58 in 1930; Born
DEAT: P/C JPG Death Cert
from marriage zust. Constantinopol
GEN: When his first wife was killed in a boating accident he returned to Vienna
GEN: marry the second sister Greta. But the second marriage was not a success.
1938 asset List: Wolf, Alexander 06.02.1868 ? related
Social Security #: 172126790
Birth Date: 23 Dec 1876
Death Date: 30 Apr 1953
Death Place: SAN JOAQUIN
Mother's Maiden Name: SHRANK
Father's Surname: WOLFF
P/C JPG Oct 1907 Hamburg Direkt List:
Dr Alexander WOLFF age 34 of St Louis, American & Walter WOLFF age 7 of St
Louis, American
P/C JPG 1910 Census:
Alexander S. WOLF age 39, married 12 years 2 children, 2 living, born Russia,
Na 1901, physician, Father born Austria , Mother born Russia
P/C JPG 1920 Census: Imm 1901 Na 1906 born Odessa age 48
P/C JPG 1930 First married at age 29, imm 1902, Physician skin disease
Record Group St. Louis City Circuit Court, 1815-
Series Second Papers
Sub Series Naturalization Cards
County St. Louis City
Reel Number C 25819
Volume F
Page 390
Name Wolf, Alexander S.
Current Residence 4600 West Bell Ave.
Record Date 08/23/1906
Native Country Turkey
Witness 1 Scheffarth, E. L.
Witness 2 Lippmann, Gustave
Source Partnership between MO State Archives, St. Louis Genealogical Society,
and St. Louis Circuit Court
BIRT: c.1908; 1904 from Exemption from internment
HO396/217: Exemption from internment: NO PROOF CORRECT MARIANNE
catholic; cf P/C of CVs etc
Birth 14 Nov 1904
Death Nov 1984
Last Residence 36564 (Point Clear, Baldwin, AL)
Last Benefit(none specified)
SSN 191-16-6479
Issued Pennsylvania
BIRT: 30 in 1836
GEN: UPDATE: 1993-05-23 !source:from research of the Beran's by Ben Beran
Familiant Ronov from Birth of Emanuel
BIRT: HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG; 27 in 1836
DEAT: age 81
BURI: Gr. 8 Row 12 Grave 42 age 81 (with Eduard)
GEN: UPDATE: 1993-05-23 !source:from research of the Beran's by Ben Beran
1793 Census Lusche:Joseph Beran (46). Als Bestandmann in Nassaberg.
Eheweib Katharina
erster Sohn Israel, ledig
zweiter Sohn Isak, ledig
1793 Jewish Census:
p 45, Herrschaft Nassaberg Joseph Beran, nach Koschumberg, ist als ein
Unterpachter in dem Nassaberger Brantweihaus, sonst besitzt derselbe nichts
mehr, von Branntweinbrennen und Tabakverkauf,
Weib Katharina,
erster Sohn Israel, ledig,
zweiter Sohn Isak, ledig
> Josef & Katarina BERAN from Lusche (or indeed other BERANs from Lusche)
> any BERAN from Dubany Kr. Chrudim
p 17: Gut Deutsch Biellau, Chrudimer Kreis (Bela nad Svitavou), Juda Weiner,
gehoert in Schutz nach Bysenz, Hradischer Kreis in Maehren, besitzt das
Branntweinhaus allda als Fideikomiss, ernaehrt sich von diesem und dem Handel,
Rosina Weinerin, Abraham, Aron, Ewa und Rebetka Beran, Stiefkinder,, nach
Biellau, beim Stiefvater auf dem Branntweinhaus
p 18: Herrschaft Bistrau, Schoenbrunn: Joachim Beran, verheiratet, kommt bei
Koschumberg vor, gehoert in Schutz nach Lusche, von Branntweinschank, Weib
Appolonia, erster Sohn Samuel, ledig, zweiter Sohn Loebl, ledig, dritter Sohn
David, ledig
p 37: Gut Koschumberg, Stadtl Lusche, family 1: Aron Beran, gehoert nach
Koschumberg, besitzt ein ganzes Haus in Lusche, ernaehrt sich in Slatinan als
Hausierer, Weib Anna, erster Sohn Samoel, ledig, zweiter Sohn Dawid, ledig,
Toechter Lisl, Katharina, Esther
p 42: Gut Koschumberg, Stadtl Lusche, family 39: Aron Beran, Koschumberg, ein
halbes Haus in Lusche, als Bestandmann in Neuschloss, Weib Katharina, erster
Sohn Joseph Beran, verheiratet, ein halbes Haus in Lusche, als Handelsmann,
desses Weib Sara, erster Sohn Samoel, ledig, Toechter Anna, Esther
Gut Koschumberg, Stadtl Lusche, family 41: Lazar Beran, Koschumberg, ein halbes
Haus in Lusche, als Lederhandelpaechter in Neuschloss, Weib Sara
p 43:, family 42: Beer Kornfeld, Schwiegersohn des Aron Beran, Koschumberg, als
Handelsmann in Neuschloss beim Schwiegervater, Wieb Anna, Tochter Esther
p 43 family 46 Joseph Beran, Koschumberg, als Bestandmann in Nassaberg, Weib
Katharina, erster Sohn Israel, ledig, zweiter Sohn Isak, ledig.
p 43 family 47: Jachim Beran, Koschumberg, besitzt ein Gaertl (garden) in
Lusche, mit Hausieren, Weib Barbara, esrter Sohn Samuel, ledig, zweiter Sohn
Lebl, ledig, dritter Sohn Dawid, ledig.
p 45, Herrschaft Nassaberg Joseph Beran, nach Koschumberg, ist als ein
Unterpachter in dem Nassaberger Brantweihaus, sonst besitzt derselbe nichts
mehr, von Branntweinbrennen und Tabakverkauf, Weib Katharina, erster Sohn
Israel, ledig, zweiter Sohn Isal, ledig
p 46: Herrschaft Nassaberg, Slatinan Aron Beran, Lusche, bei Koschumberg
vorfindig, als Inwohner dei dem Slatinaner Branntweinbrenner, von Helfen beim
Branntweinbrennen, Ellenwaren und unterschiedlichem Handel, Weib Judith, erster
Sohn Samuel, ledig, zweiter Sohn Dawid, ledig, erste Tochter Sara, zweite
Tochter Brabara, dritte Tochter Estere
p 47 Herrschaft Neuschloss, family 1: Aron Beran, nach Neuschloss, besitzt das
Neuschlosser Brantweinhaus in Pacht, vom Branntweinhandel, Weib Katharina;
family 2: Bernad Kornfeld, nach Neuschloss, als Gehilfe des Aron Beran von
Branntweinhandel, Weib Anna, Tochter des Aro Beran, Tochter Anna; ledige:
Daniel Beran, nach Boskowitz in Maehren, als Handelsmann mit unterschiedlichen
p 47 Herrschaft Neuschloss, family 3: Daniel Beran, nach Neuschloss, treibt
kein Gewerbe, lebt von seinem Bruder Aron beran
p 73 Gut Blato, family 4: Lazar Beran, verheiratet, nachBraznik, von
Baendermacherarbeit, Eheweib Theresia.
BIRT: from Wien Jewish Kartei
BURI: Gate 1, Section 51, Row 13 Grave 32; photo
PNG P/C Neue Freie Presse Death Notice 29 Aug 1906
[N531] DEAT: JPG HBMa408 Hermanuv Mestec Jewish Death; typhus age 20
BIRT: age 29 on marriage; HBMa403 Hermanuv Mestec Birth JPG. Zweitgeborenen
DEAT: HBMa687 Jicin Death JPG age 69 mar.
BIRT: or 19 Mar or 23 Mar all from Meldzettel
BURI: Gr. 8 Row 12 Grave 42 age 69 (with mother)
BIRT: P/C extract from Hermanuv Mestec Matrik: witnesses: Markus Jerusalem aus
GEN: UPDATE: 1993-05-23 !source:from research of the Beran's by Ben Beran
JPG Litomysyl School Register: BERAN Bernard, Dubany 60-64 (I=IV.) C.k. soudnu
adjunky v. Uk. Hradisti na Morave
BIRT: age 9 in 1940
married age 18
cf www.annahankins.com
BIRT: HBMa698 Jihlava Birth JPG P/C as Walter Boris, Zeuge: Hugo BERAN; Wien;date
DEAT: automobile accident
Became assistant to Alfred Adler
P/C 1930; immigrated 1901, na; single
P/C NY Times 9 Jun 1937. Probate to Florence Topal Wolfe, widow etc.
P/C NY Times 20 Aug 1935: Mrs Marion BLODGETT died in hospital near Martigny
from car accident which cost the life of DR W. Beran Wolfe, New York
Psychiatrist". She had been a patient of DR Wolfe.
P/C NY Times 17 Aug 1935 "Dr W. Beran Wolfe dies in Auto Crash" with portrait
of him. "Born in Vienna in January 1900, Dr Wolfe was brought to this country
at the age of 2 b his father Dr. Alexander S. Wolfe, a physician of St. Louis.
Following his graduation from Dartmouth Colege, he studied at Washington
University in St Louis and received his medical degree there in 1924. He then
served as a Lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the US Navy"Returned to Vienna
for postgraduate work.
P/C JPG WW1 Draft Registration 7 Sep 1918
P/C JPG NY Pass List SS Volendam Boulogne to NY arriving 28 Aug 1933. Married.
Naturalised by father's papers.
P/C JPG NY Pass List SS Orizaba Vera Cruz, Mexico to NY Arriving 21 Aug 1934 of
353 West 65th St, NY, with Florence T. WOLFE born 17 Jul 1898
P/C JPG NY Pass List SS Rotterdam NY to NY arriving 16 Mar 1934, of 353 W 56
St, with Florence WOLFE born 17 Jul 1898
Na 1901 from 1910
Imm 1901 Na 1906 from 1920
P/C JPG NY Pass List Plymouth to NY arriving 19 Sep 1932. Walter B. Wolfe
Passport No 526733 By fathers Papers. 34 E 80th St NY
P/C JPG NY Pass List SS President Harding Southampton to NY arriving 11 Dec
1926. Na from father St Louis 1902. 5 E 53 St NY
[N537] not Jewish
[N538] BIRT: age 23yrs 1 mth on marriage
BIRT: from Hamburg pass list & HBMa699 Jihlava Birth JPG P/C
DEAT: drowned with mother
P/C png death notice Neue Freie Presse 5 Sep 1907
BIRT: 5 in 1910; 14 in 1920; 24 in 1930; NOT SURE OF MOTHER
JPG Birth register ( 2 versions). son not named.
JPG P/C 1930, married age 24
Engineer according to casette recording of Heinz Beran
Minister d) parents born in Missouri e) a Theodore H. WOLFF is in SSDI
[N541] Living Individual - Details withheld
[N542] Transport Di Praha to Terezin 13. cervence 1943. Liberated in Terezin
Emigrated to England in 1939
Family from Amschelberg
P/C Naturalization file HO405/13990
[N545] Living Individual - Details withheld
[N549] Living Individual - Details withheld
[N550] Living Individual - Details withheld
BIRT: from MI
BURI: Partezettel; photo MI
also TIF 30 Oct 1930 Neue Freie Presse
Partezettel"(from Wolf-Erich Eckstein) :
Nanny Kornfeld nee Rosenbacher died 29.X.1930 in her 83rd year in Vienna,
burial 31.X. Zentralfriedhof, 1. Tor,
israelitische Abteilung.
Her children are: Leonie von Frommer [geb. Kornfeld verh. Hofrat Rudolf von
Frommer], Marie Ranschburg
[geb. Kornfeld verh. Gustav Ranschburg], Ing. Richard Kornfeld [verh. Johanna],
Emil Kornfeld, Moriz Kornfeld
[verh. Frieda], Dr. Werner Kornfeld [verh. Magda] als Kinder [und Schwaeger].
Her sisters are: Rosa Jerusalem, Marie Kantor als Schwestern.
A sister-in-law was: Baronin Betty Kornfeld als Schwaegerin; places are Vienna,
Budapest and Milano.
Kornfeld Nanny 82 Year(s) 10/29/1930 10/31/1930 ZENTRALFRIEDHOF I. TOR 51 4 7
BIRT: from MI; 19 from HBMa378 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG, 2nd born son
DEAT: from MI
BURI: Gruppe 51 Reihe 4 Grab 8; Photo MI
Kornfeld Josef Dr. 57 Year(s) 10/07/1902 10/09/1902 ZENTRALFRIEDHOF I. TOR 51
4 8
Prague Conscription 1870 JPG
JPG oil painting of him
BIRT: 1 Apr 1814 from HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth
DEAT: P/C death announcement & TIF
? related to Ahron Kornfeld (1795-1881) of Goltsch-Jenikau, great-grandfather
of Paul Kornfeld (c.1890-1942) (cf Bohmische Dorfer by Jurgen Serke)
JPG Prague Conscription under Mathias (Markus) KORNFELD 1858-1872
PNG Prager Tagblatt death notice 1 Oct 1882
JPG "Bohemia" 1 Oct 1882 death notice
Goltsch Jenikau entry in Prague address book (1871) Marc. M. KORNFELD,
Gemischtwhdl. Firma "Marcus M. Kornfeld" prot 2. Nov 1863
from GOLD= Moritz is 3rd son & he is father of banker Sigmund.
BIRT: 1811 from Steve Weil (2004)
DEAT: 6 Nov 1875 from Judy's tree & HBMa2771 Praha Death JPG
He moved to Palestine with his older brother Erich in 1936(?). Walter joined
the British army during world war II, and finished his service at the rank of
Major. He later joined the newly formed Israeli Defense Force and served in the
War of Independence (1948) as Lieutenant Colonel. Walter married Miriam Levi
(1945?). They had one son, Raphael born 1946. Later Walter & Miriam divorced
and Walter Married Aliza, a ballet dancer. Walter served at the Israeli
delegation in Germany. He had to change his Family name to a Hebrew name (as
ordered by David Ben Gurion) so he changed to Walter Sade. His son also changed
and became Rafi Sade (Rafi is short for Raphael). Walter died in Germany on 5
May 1958 of cancer at the age of 43.
Miriam Levi was born 8 Feb 1922 and died on 10 Oct 1954 of cancer at the age of
DEAT: ? from TB after liberation
Transport DH-83 Praha to Terezin 8. cervence 1943. Transport El-149 to
Auschwitz 29.9.1944. Liberated from Flossenb�rg
BIRT: 1872 from Household Registration
Transport AAe Praha to Terezin 20.6.1942. born 8.1.1870. liberated Terezin
survived war. Emigrated as Ing SKF to Brazil & after war went to Switzerland
where he & his wife died.
P/C Household Registration 1056 Vinohrady, 1629 Prag II, 615 Prag II.
Heimatschein 1890 from Wotiz
BIRT: from household registration
? Transport AE3 Praha to Terezin 11.2.1945 born 31.3.1895
[N566] DEAT: Holocaust
[N567] DEAT: Holocaust
[N568] childrens Transport to England
[N569] childrens Transport to England. Married a Czech & returned. Two children.
related to Hana Krasa (cf Email 28.7.00)
Transport Di 13 July 1943 Praha to Terezin. Liberated Terezin
[N572] DEAT: MI ? Olsany Photo
[N573] DEAT: MI ? Olsany Photo
[N574] Herta's book p. 3
[N575] Herta's book page 1
Herta's book p.2
Transport AAI Prague to Terezin 2. cervence 1942. Transport Bv 15.10.1942 to
born 09.11.1872
last place before deportation: Prague: VIII
address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague: VIII., Schreinerhof
1457 [VIII., Na Truhlarce 1457], c/o Adler
transport AAl-575 (02.07.1942 Prague -> Terezin)
transport Bv-1495 (15.10.1942 Terezin -> Treblinka)
[N577] DEAT: MI ? Olsany Photo
[N578] DEAT: MI ? Olsany Photo
[N579] BURI: MI: 11 children, 51 grandchildren, 18 gt grandchildren
DEAT: in 53rd year; herzschlag
sawmill in Podskal ?
PNG death notice Prager Tagblatt 24 Nov 1884 & 28 Nov Ost. Forst-Zeitung
DEAT: from MI Olsany Photo
BURI: 6-10-1
png death notice 30 Aug 1925 Prager Tagblatt
DEAT: MI ? Olsany Photo
BURI: MI 6-10-1
Transport Au-68 12 May 1942; died Terezin
[N583] Transport Au-69 12 May 1942; survived Terezin
[N584] Transport Au-69 12 May 1942; survived Terezin
[N585] DEAT: JPG death notice Prager Tagblatt
[N586] Transport At Prague to Terezin. Transport Ax 9.5.1942 to Sobibor, Ossowa.
[N587] emigrated with Richard NY Pass list 14 Sep 1939
[N588] emigrated with Katerina NY Pass list 14 Sep 1939
Transport At Prague to Terezin. Transport Ax 9.5.1942 to Sobibor, Ossowa.
Wrote postcard to Lala about Gustav Adler
BIRT: 15 Sep 1875 from death & Mar cert; 07 Sep 1874 from Trumbulls; place from
DEAT: P/C Death cert
Left Austria in 1938, then a year in England then to US
Alberts says: died in 1960s in Yonkers NY
Information that Anna is daughter of Louise Dubsky is from Heller family
Meldzettel Wien 1903
JPG P/C NY Pass List on SS Konigstein from Antwerp 17 Sep 1935 to NY 30 Sep
1935. Age 60, born Prag. Last residence Prag. Nearest relative in country from
whence came:(sic) "parents: Weinberger Prag, Nerudova 59." Going to son: Eric
PICK 35 W 82nd St, NY
JPG P/C NY Pass List on SS Manhattan from Genoa 15 Jan 1940 to NY 24 Jan 1940.
age 64 born Ricany. Brother: W. BEYKOWITZ of Ricany. Going to son: Eric PICK of
114 Grant Ave, Rockaway, NY
DEAT: suicide (cancer) in his 40s
Lived in Wien & Meran
JPG P/C Narodni Listy 30 Jan 1920 death notice
BIRT: from Pat Trumbull & Helga; P/C of Jewish Reg. entry
DEAT: SSN:064-10-3087 issued New York
To NY in early 1920s. Later lived in Connecticut.Amateur violinist
JPG P/C Petition for Naturalization 146373 & Index card 3 Oct 1929
JPG P/C Emig NY Pass List SS Stockholm depart Gothenburg 6 Oct 1923, arrive NY
17 Oct 1923. Mother: Anna PICK, Nerudova 50, Prag-Weinberge. Going to NY. Last
Residence Berlin. Going to Kriegsheim & Permutit Co, 440-4th Ave NY
JPG P/C BT26 on SS American Merchant from NY arriving Tilbury Docks London on
15 Jun 1925. Mr Eric PICK, engineer & Mrs Blanche PICK, actress age 22, Czech
JPG P/C NY Pass LIst on SS RIJNDAM Rotterdam to NY 5 Sep 1925. Mother A. PICK,
50 Naradowa, Prag. Married . Going to Father-in-law B.T. SPELMAN 1 W. 92nd St NY
JPG P/C 1930 Washinbgton Square South, near McDougal St. Married at age 26.
JPG P/C NY Pass List on SS Olympic Southampton to NY 10 Mar 1931. Single. 47
Washington St, NY
JPG P/C NY Pass List on SS Fort St George Trinidad to NY 24 Feb 1933 . US
Citizen. 19 W 8th St NY
DEAT: 1990 from Petr Kersch
Left Austria in 1938, then a year in England then to US
see NY Pass list with Bedrich BERGER
JPG P/C NY Nat. Index Card Petition 430098 19 Jun 1945
Left Austria in 1939, then a year in England then to US
P/C JPG NY Pass List on SS Scythia Depart Liverpool 1 Apr 1940, arrive NY 7
Apr 1940. Bedrich BERGER age 44, born Suchdol. With Adela, Emma & Ludvik. Visa
issued Lomdon 13 Mar 1940. Brother: Hans BERGER of Faygate Cottage, Godstone,
Sry. Going to brother: Eric PICK of 114 Grant Ave, Rockaway, NY
P/C JPG BT26 on SS Statendam arriving in Southampton on 7 Jun 1959 from NY.
Frederick BERGER born 3 May 1895, broker & Ada BERGER born 7 Sep 1901, going
to 15 The Vale, London W3
P/C JPG Canada to US Border Crossing 6 Oct 1940. Salesman born Suchdol. Last
permanent address 114 Grant Ave, Rockaway. Was in US 17 Apr to 6 Oct 1940.
P/C JPG WW2 Draft Registration Card: 42-10 82nd St, Elmhurst, NY
Transport J-203 Praha to Terezin 4 Dec 1941. Transport DZ-73 to Auschwitz 15
May 1944
[N600] Left Austria in 1938, then a year in England then to US (age 16)
[N607] author of books on metallurgy. Lived Salzburg & Kings Point, Long Island, NY
DEAT: from MI ? Olsany Photo age 74
BURI: 6-10-1
[N609] DEAT: before his mother
DEAT: ? died Holocaust
Name changed to RIEDL 30 May 1932
Deported 23 Nov 1941 to Kowno
Riedl Ernestine 02.11.1877 Wien/Kowno * 23.11.1941 Kowno * 29.11.1941
Riedl Ida 13.02.1882 Wien/Kowno * 23.11.1941 Kowno * 29.11.1941
Riedl Karl 21.11.1871 Wien/Kowno * 23.11.1941 Kowno * 29.11.1941
BIRT: 39 in 1946
BURI: Row 7, Entry 129, age 60; MI husband, father, brother; Faivel ben Kalman;
Lotte Tessler wrote "born in Austria . came to Australia. Lived in Newcastle.
Changed name from REIDL to REID"
in 1946 in Australia 7-8 years
BURI: Row 6, Entry 112, age n/a; MI born 1 Nov 1912, Austria. wife Sheila and family.
Lotte Tessler wrote "born in Austria . came to Australia. Lived in Newcastle.
Changed name from REIDL to REID"
National Archives of Australia: C123/4957 1940-1945 & A367/C57351 1943: Not
yet examined
[N613] DEAT: age 92
DEAT: died in car accident
BURI: Row 7, Entry 131, age 23; MI daughter, sister, tragically killed; Yehudit
BIRT: In HBMa2867 but no details noted; HBMa2559 Prag Birth JPG: 1.Geb. with marginal
Property confiscated in Czechoslovakia by Nazis
HO334/350 Nat. Cert. 5 Feb 1951 BNA 17617
cf Czech Holocaust list of confiscated property
1938 Prague Phone Directory: JERUSALEM, Osvald, tovarna trikotoveho zboz^i,
VII, Belcrediho tr^., 26/28 [this is a factory in district VII]
HO 405/24871 JERUSALEM, O; JERUSALEM, P aka JONES Dates of birth 04.10.1900;
27.06.1903 1950 Jan 01 - 1951 Dec 31
P/C most of all file
From Stefan Schr�der (2003):in charge of the Displaced Persons Camp in Greven,
Wesphalia/Germany (British Zone of Occupation), as director of Team 11, UNRRA
(United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) from April 1945 to
mid 1947.
[N618] BIRT: 1859 ?
[N619] DEAT: from Austrian military archive
[N620] from FTJP
[N621] from FTJP. Submitted by Leonard Robbins (Email [email protected])1999
[N622] from Province of Samar, Visayan Region, Philippines
from Province of Samar, Visayan Region, Philippines. Then lived in Iligan City.
Now in Cagayan de Oro City
DEAT: HBMa2394 Votice Death JPG Natan JERUSALEM age 68
In 1759 from Prague to Votice. cf Hugo Gold book
Rabbi in Wottiz ca 1788 to 1838 (cf Gold Book)
In House II in 1766 (Gold book). Also in House V
note JERUSALEM is in Familiant book for Votice but not yet seen
1783 Jewish Census:
Stadt Wottitz - Votice
Nathan Jerusalem
Inhaber zwei burgerlichen Hauser
Verheiratet - hat Kinder
Ernahrt sich von seiner Funktion
Contribuiert: 5Fl 45 Kr
1793 Census Wottitz (from Celia Male): Nathan JERUSALEM Living in Wottitz in
1793 - as a rabbi ..Zusstandig in Prague.His wife is Dienel. Nathan could be ca
Living with his first born son Samuel [Schnittwaren] , his wife Anna and
their daughter Franziska as well as with his second born son David [Single]
..no profession so perhaps still a teenager? Samuel had his own house in
Wottitz .
Then in a separate FOLIO No 71 Samuel is relisted in Wottitz in his own home
with his wife Anna and daughter Franziska and son Abraham.They are the 39th
Jewish family in Wottitz
Nathan must have left a will Guberniale 27673 ..in which his date of death is
given .This is given as a footnote:
Dodatechne pripsano: Vermog Indorsat von 9 und Praes 10 Septembris [1] 793
sub Gub [erniale] 27673 ist dieser Nathan Jerusalem gestorben.
From List of Jewish Property Owners 1754 as Nathan JERUSALEM.
[N626] Chief and matrik officer, cf Hugo Gold book
BIRT: 26 in 1829; 1st born son from Ehekonzens
Familiant in 1829
BIRT: 20 in 1829
from Goltsch-Jenikau
related to Wolf-Erich Eckstein
BIRT: 265 on marriage
P/C Prague Household Reg
BIRT: HBMa2483 Praha Birth JPG as Barbara; 1795 from Conscription; 23 on marriage, 80
DEAT: HBMa2767 and 2769 duplicate Praha Death JPG age 80
? = Barbara of Reichenau
In 1794 Census as Ester. As Ewa or Barbara (Esther) on marriage
[N631] BURI: Gruppe 6, Row 1, Grave 16, photo MI
2.9.1875 Adelstand, Edler Von
PNG death notice 15 Jan 1904 Prager Tagblatt
[N633] BIRT: 1824 from Housegold Reg
BIRT: 1820 from Household Reg
DEAT: age 61
BURI: Gruppe 6, Row 1, Grave 6
Death Notice NFP
BIRT: 1834 from Household Reg; 28 Jan 1832 from "census"
P/C Prague Household Reg
Death notice a 2 Nov 1910
BIRT: from Conscription & from "census" & HBMa2488 Praha Birth JPG
cf Grundbuch (LDS Film 1789648) ??
19.3.1864 Ritterstand
P/C JPG Prague Conscription as Ritter von Salemsfeld Ritter ... III Klasse +
listed with mother
From Streffleurs militarische Zeitschrift 1863: Quitturungen. Hauptmann 2.
Classe Jerusalem Edler von Salemfels, Theodor, vom Inf.-Reg. No. 75. JPG P/C
P/C JPG from Militar Schematismus der oesterischen Kaiserthums 1855;
Unterlieutenants 1. Classe: Jerusalem Edler v. Salenfels, Theodor
DEAT: HBMa2757 Praha Death JPG age 71 geb. PRZIBRAM
surname from birth of Barbara
BIRT: HBMa2483 & 2484 Praha Birth duplicate reg JPG; 1798 Einheimisch from
DEAT: HBMa2759 & 2760 Praha Death duplicate Reg JPG age 52. 2758 has marginal
cf Grundbuch (LDS Film 1789648) born 1803, Prag ??
JPG 1836 Schematismus... Bohmen Jakob Moses JERUSALEM
JGG P/C Prag Conscription
JPG Prag "census" with more info
BIRT: 1805 from Conscription; 21 on marriage
DEAT: HBMa2764 Praha Death JPG age 53 & from Conscription
[N640] BIRT: Conscription & from "census"; HBMa2486 and 2488 Praha Birth duplicate reg JPG
from Hermannstadt
JPG Lehmann 1902 & 1904
BIRT: 25 in 1837
DEAT: age 65
from Wolf-Erich Eckstein
daughter of Moriz THORSCH, born ca 1790 in Pardubitz
BIRT: 30 in 1837
from Wolf-Erich "Mr. Moriz ROSENBAUM b: 1806 in Goltsch-Jenikau, B�hmen d:
07.01.1888 in Reichenberg Nr. 177-3/4 Burial: 09.01.1888 Reichenberg, isr.
Friedhof m: 20.11.1836 in Goltsch-Jenikau, B�hmen Father: Emanuel ROSENBAUM
Mother: Eva KOHN o: Kaufmann in Reichenberg, Fa. M. Rosenbaum, Tuchhandel,
Reichenberg Residence 1: 1865 Goltsch-Jenikau, B�hmen Residence 2: 1877
Reichenberg Nr. 78 Residence 3: 1888 Reichenberg Nr. 177 "
BIRT: HBMa378 Golcuv Jenikov Birth Reg JPG
ggmother of Wolf-Erich Eckstein
BIRT: age 26yrs 1 mth on marriage
Familiantenbuch Goltsch-Jenikau (HBF V-II-38), 3381 No. 13 Emanuel Rosenbaum,
Sohn des Samuel Rosenbaum, sonst Samuel L�bl, und der Anna Bondy, verh. mit
Konsens 23. Mai 1798 mit Eva Kohn, Emanuel Rosenbaum ist am 22.-23. M�rz 1842
gestorben. 1.Moritz 1806, verh. mit Konsens 20. November 1836 Goltschjenikau
mit Anna Torsch. a.Samuel 1844. 2.Abraham 1812, er erhielt 5. Mai 1843 den
Ehekonsens auf den Ackerbau. 3.Bernard 1815, erhielt als M. Dor. den Ehekonsens
im Juli 1848. 4.Samuel 1822 (sic!) (transkribiert von Georg Gaugusch)
BIRT: HBMa2488 Praha birth JPG
DEAT: age 70; www.genteam.at: num 167
BURI: photo MI Gruppe 50 Reihe 1 Grab 56
P/C Prague Household Reg 1856-1861
P/C JPG Gr�berprokotokolle Wien Zentralfriedhof
BURI: photo MI Gruppe 50 Reihe 1 Grab 56
7 children
[N648] 7 children
BIRT: HBMa2482 & 2483 Praha Birth duplicate reg JPG; Wit Jacob M. Jerusalem
BURI: age 35; Gruppe 52 Reihe 4 Grab No 159; ledig
From Wolf-Erich: Michael, born Prague 13 Oct 1787, died 22/23 Feb 1822, 35/32
years, Fabrikant, unmarried; his father sent 2400 fl to Vienna Jewish Comm.;
Totenprotokoll (film) was unreadable.Source is: Graeberbuch Waehring (film),
and Totenprotokolle (also film), in some cases death records;
[N650] BIRT: JPG HBMa568 Goltsch Jenikau birth
BIRT: HBMa378 Goltsch Jenikau Birth JPG as Samuel, erstgeb. Sohn
DEAT: death notce seen
[N652] BIRT: HBMa378 & 379 Golcuv Jenikov Birth Duplicate Reg JPG
BURI: 19-7-57
seen NFP death notice 22 May 1892
[N654] descendants in tree from Rafi Kornfeld (July 2004)
BIRT: 30.7.1869; 1868 from Census
Name: Guzstav Ranschburg
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 30 Jul 1868
Town Born: Gyor
Father: Salomon
Mother: Emilie Berl
Source: LDS 642804, Vol. 1
Page # - Item #: 69-22
BIRT: from MI
DEAT: from MI; following accident
BURI: Gruppe 51 Reihe 4 Grab 8; Photo MI
9 Jan 1932 death notices Neue Freie Presse
BIRT: Zbraslavice Matrik s. 135/289; HBM913 Zruc nad Sasavou Birth JPG Wits: Jos,
of Hamerstadt (now Vlastejovice-Hamry) in 1888
from Julius Muller Jan 2000
of Cihost in 1888
BIRT: HBMa378 & 379 Golcuv Jenikov Birth duplicate registers JPG;2nd born Zeuge: L�wy
DEAT: Herzschwaeche; age 69
BURI: Gate 4, Group 6, Row 2, Place 29
Prag Conscription seen
Lived Trieste & Wien
PNG P/C Neue Freie Presse Death Notice 27 Jan 1920
[N660] 25 Mar 1905 P/C TIF death notice Neue Freie Presse
[N661] DEAT: killed in a fire
BIRT: HBMa245 Ceska Lipa Birth JPG P/C
cd Holocaust Insurance Policy list
cf www.vvo.at: Insurance File No. 06024 OVAG 10.003.540 & Assicurazioni
Generali Contract Number 160.885
Left Jewish Community in 1932: Dr. Rudolf Illner, married, Generaldirector,
Wien III, Ditscheinergasse 4.
BIRT: HBMa245 Ceska Lipa Birth JPG P/C; Circumcision 3 Mar 1885, zeuge Karl WEISS of
VIKTOR JERUSALEM in the Reichenberg Chapter of Hugo Gold BOHEMIA ....... those
killed in WW1. P/C
JPG P/C 1911 census
BIRT: HBMa245 Ceska Lipa Birth JPG P/C
DEAT: HBMa245 Ceska Lipa Death JPG P/C age 6, Diptheritis
BIRT: 19 Sep from death entry; 18 Sep from marriage & HBMa245 Ceska Lipa Birth JPG P/C
DEAT: HBMa2837 (not yet available on Badatelna)
BURI: Cremated
"According to an inquiry into our (Domicile) Registration Archives, Engineer
Richard Illner, born September 18th, 1890 in Rumburg, Bohemia, single, without
religion, structural engineer, was registered from November 18, 1930 until
March 16th, 1933 in Vienna VII, Lindengasse 39 1/6 before he moved to
Fichtestrasse 2, Reichenberg. There was a subsequent later registration from
March 31 to August 6, 1938, when he lodged at the Hotel Egerlander, Vienna IX.
On this registration we find a notation that he previously had stayed in
Teplitz-Schonau, from where he again returned to Vienna. 3/5/2003 Weiner
Stadt-und Landesarchiv."
Deutsche Zeitung Bohemia Periodical Page
ISSN: 1802-6370
Volume: 1915
Issue: 17.8.1915
Page: 8
. Iuft.�Reg., wurde in Auertc!,uung tapferen Verhaltens vor dem Fcinde zum
F�hnrich ernannt. Herr iug. cand. Richard Jerusalem aus Rcicheutberg, Kadett im
94. Inf.�Reg., �vurde f�r tapferes Verhalten vor dem Feinde in den Juni�
k�mpfen vor Lemberg �uit dex silbernen Tapferkeils� medaille
BIRT: JPG P/C HBMa984 Liberec Jewish Birth; 8th born
Marketa Fischerova
Narozena 20.10.1895
posledn bydliste pred deportac: Praha: II
adresa/msto registrace v Protektortu: Praha: VII., Messestrasse 19 [VII.,
Veletrzni 19]
transport AAw-349 (03.08.1942 Praha -> Terezin)
transport Dl-N-22 (06.09.1943 Terezin -> Osvetim)
Name: Margarete Fischer
[Margarete Jerusalem]
Birth Date: 20 Oct 1895
Residence: Praha II
Address: Praha II Petresgasse 3
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Ministry of Finance of the
Czechoslovakian Government-in-Exile in London; Record Group: RG-48.015M; File:
DEAT: or 1943 Auschwitz
Transport AAt Praha to Terezin 23 July 1942. Transport Cs to Osvietim 26.1.1943
originally as GLASSNER
BIRT: JPG P/C HBMa986 Liberec Jewish Birth; Zeugen: Daniel & Rosa JERUSALEM
Transport AAt Praha to Terezin 23 July 1942. Transport Cs to Osvietim 26.1.1943
BIRT: JPG P/C HBMa986 Liberec Jewish Birth; Zeuge Rosa JERUSALEM & Josef FEIGL
Transport AAt Praha to Terezin 23 July 1942. Transport Cs to Osvietim 26.1.1943
Photo on Yad Vashem Gedenkblatt submitted by Guenther R�cker in 1995
BIRT: JPG P/C HBMa986 Liberec Jewish Birth; Zeuge Rosa JERUSALEM & Josef FEIGL
Transport AAt Praha to Terezin 23 July 1942. Transport Cs to Osvietim 26.1.1943
Photo on Yad Vashem Gedenkblatt submitted by Guenther R�cker in 1995
Transport Bg Praha to Terezin 12 Sep 1942. Transport Bn to Maly Trostinec
[N674] JPG NY Passenger list 12 Nov 1940 on SS EXeter from Lisbon, Portugal
DEAT: Vol 15 page 2515 "born about 1898" (JPG Death Index)
JPG 1945 London Phone directory: Margaret ILLNER 39 Troy Ct. W.8.
[N676] from Dabrowa, Poland
[N677] great-grandmother of Blaine Berkowitz
CHR : as Ignatius, Dominicus, Orontius, Joseph Pascali JERUSALEM
Cathedral chapel master in Mexico City
BIRT: 31 Jan 1914 ?
CHR : Catholic or 25 May 1939
SACHSEL Bedrich 1910
SACHSEL (nee ILLNER) Elisabeth 1914
CRTF files existed on SACHSEL Bedrich 1910
SACHSEL (nee ILLNER) Elisabeth 1914
BIRT: from marriage
?? Transport Ck Prague to Terezin 22.12.1942
Fischer Bruno MUDr. born 26.11.1888.
Transport Dr. 15.12.1943 to Auschwitz.
Barbara has "I have some postcards from him after the war that I have had
BIRT: After 1923, before 1933 ? Reichenberg
living in Prague Vienna or Reichenberg in 1936
Hans Fischer
New query
born 11.03.1931
last place before deportation: Prague: X
address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague: X., Igaluer Strasse
32 [X., Jihlavsk 32]
transport AAw-342 (03.08.1942 Prague -> Terezn)
transport Dm-4543 (06.09.1943 Terezn -> Auschwitz)
BIRT: 16 Sep from grave; 12 Sep from death entry
DEAT: P/C death entry
BURI: photo MI
JPG P/C Death Notice Neue Freie Presse 23 Aug 1906
BIRT: 1829 in Conscription & from "census"; HBMa2488 Praha Birth JPG
DEAT: P/C death entry: Herzenfettung
BURI: photo MI
P/C JPG Gr�berprokotokolle Wien Zentralfriedhof
JPG P/C Death Notice Neue Freie Presse 16 Jan 1889
BIRT: HBMa2173 Trebitsch Birth JPG; 21st from Passport
to US in 1848. Lived with Uncle Maj. Charles KOPPERL
In 1850 with Charles Kopperl age 35
great-grandfather of Benjamin Kopperl
KOPPERL, MORITZ (1826-1883). Moritz Kopperl, banker, businessman, and
legislator, was born on October 7, 1826, to Gabriel and Fanny (Bauer) Kopperl
in Moravia; he was educated there and in Vienna. In 1848, at the invitation of
his uncle, Maj. Charles Kopperl of Carroll County, Mississippi, he immigrated
to the United States. For nine years he lived with Major Kopperl and in 1857,
with A. Lipman, he set out for Texas. They settled in Galveston and started the
dry-goods firm of Lipman and Kopperl, which flourished until 1861, when the
Civil War blockades restricted trade and the store burned. At the end of the
Civil War, Kopperl went into the cotton commission business. He subsequently
diversified from exporting cotton to importing coffee and made Galveston one of
the largest coffee-importing ports in the world. In 1866 he married Isabella
Dyer from Baltimore; they had two children. In 1868 Kopperl became president of
Texas National Bank, which was verging on failure, and brought it back to sound
financial condition. He took over the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway in
1877 and served as its president from 1877 to 1879. He also brought the
railroad, which became a part of the Santa Fe System, back to financial
In 1871 and 1872 Kopperl was elected to the Galveston City Council and worked
to develop the harbor's shipping facilities. He served as chairman of the city
finance committee and devised ways to meet Galveston's indebtedness. In 1876 he
was elected to the Texas legislature, where he served as chairman of the
Committee on Finance and Revenue. He played a significant role in refinancing
the government of Texas. In 1883, when his health began to fail, he sailed to
Europe. He died in Bayreuth, Bavaria, on July 3, 1883. Kopperl, Texas, on the
Santa Fe Railway in Bosque County, bears the name of this Jewish pioneer.
BIRT: age 26 on marriage; HBMa2173 Trebitsch Birth JPG
BURI: Gr 6015 Reihe 16 Tomb 95
JPG Wiener Zeiting 8 Mar 1863 death
JPG Wiener Zeitung 28 Jan 1864. Looking for heirs in Sudamerika: Moriz
Benjamin Kopperl
BIRT: age 27 on marriage
DEAT: HBMa2173 Trebitsch Death JPG age 52
[N688] great-grandmother of Claire Bruell, NZ
BIRT: Zbraslavice Matrik s. 173/364; 01 Mar 1863 date from Naturalization papers;
DEAT: cert no 6022561 P/C; age 53 born unknown. Father unknown born Hamerstad,
BURI: Born April 14, 1863; Died July 30, 1916
Immigrated 1 Feb 1886 from Bremen Germany to Baltimore,MD. Then settled in
Chicago. Naturalized in Chicago 20 Oct 1904
In 1910 Census laborer in laundry; in 1909 directory as labourer.
Various Spellings: Bejkovsky, Beijkovsky, Bekovsky, Biekowsky, Bikovsky
P/C JPG 1910 married 9 yrs, 1 child imm 1890
? related to Michael Bejkowski living in Chicago circa 1904
great-aunt of Mimi Katz ([email protected])
[N691] BIRT: P/C & JPG
[N692] grandmother of Mimi Katz
BIRT: from Familiantenbuch (Wolf-Erich) & HBMa378 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG, 2nd born
Bremen to NY Steamer New York 13 Sep 1867 age 19 from Germany
Hubertus Czernin Die Ausl�schung Der Fall Thorsch
Wien (Molden) 1998, 63 Seiten, �S 128.-
Stellvertretend f�r das an vielen �berlebenden der Shoa und deren Erben ver�bte
Unrecht erz�hlt Hubertus Czernin die Geschichte der j�dischen Bankiersfamilie
Thorsch. Es ist dies die Geschichte eines wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen
�sterreichischen Bankiers, der nach dem "Anschlu�" enteignet und vertrieben
wurde und dessen Erben in nunmehr dritter Generation seit 53 Jahren vergeblich
um die R�ckgabe ihres Eigentums k�mpfen. Beklemmend ist nicht nur die
Erfolglosigkeit dieses langj�hrigen Kampfes, beklemmend ist viel mehr noch der
Umgang, den das offizielle Nachkriegs�sterreich mit den Restitionsanspr�chen
der Familie Thorsch zur Schau stellte: So oft es ging, erkl�rte man sich f�r
nicht zust�ndig und zog die Sache in die L�nge. Mit welcher Frivolit�t die
�sterreichischen Beh�rden �ber legitime Anspr�che hinweggegangen sind, zeigt
ein Bescheid, in dem die Restitution abgewiesen wurde, weil die
Antragstellenden trotz mehrmaliger Fristerstreckung, wie es hie�, den
Aufbewahrungsort der "begehrten F�hrnisse" nicht zu nennen vermochten. Da� es
dazu staatlicher Hilfe bedurfte, war zwar vielleicht einleuchtend, allein,
verantwortlich f�hlte man sich daf�r nicht: schlie�lich wurde das Verm�gen der
Familie Thorsch von den Nazis verschleppt, die Bankkonzession wurde von den
Nazis eingezogen, die Bank von den Nazis liquidiert. �sterreich hatte damit
nichts zu tun, war es doch 1938 selbst Opfer ebendieser Nazis geworden. Die
eigene Opferrolle, in der sich das annektierte �sterreich sah, stand der
Verantwortung den eigentlichen Opfern gegen�ber im Wege.
Der bislang letzte Versuch der Familie Thorsch, die R�ckstellung des Verm�gens
mit einem nach heutigem Wert gerechneten Gesamtvolumen von zwei Milliarden
Schilling zu erwirken, stammt vom M�rz dieses Jahres. Auch dieser Versuch blieb
bislang erfolglos. So bleibt zu hoffen, da� die Verantwortlichen durch die
�ffentliche Konfrontation mit dem geschehenen Unrecht die Gelegenheit nutzen
werden, "endlich jene Einsicht walten zu lassen, an deren Ende nur die R�ckgabe
jener Verm�genswerte stehen kann, die Alphonse Thorsch von den
Nationalsozialisten geraubt worden sind."
grandfather of Daniela Torsh (born THORSCH), born 1946 in Prague. Now at 15
William St, Balmain, NSW 2041 Email: [email protected])
BIRT: as Jacob Robert Jerusalem
CHR : Worldconnect Pat Jones
Info from Pat Jones ([email protected])
P/C 1870, 1920 CEnsus
Worldconnect Pat Jones:
"Robert J. Jerusalem seem to be one and the same person. For the city
directories in the year 1918, "Robert J. Jerusalem" is shown as living at
337 N. State. The same year, Maggie died and her address is also given
as 337 N. State, but her spouse is listed as " Mathias Jerusalem". He is
also shown as Mathias on his marriage certificate and on son Robert's
obituary. He is listed as Robert in the censuses and city directories."
BIRT: age 5 in 1870
DEAT: railroad accident
BURI: together with Robert N. Jerusalem & Catherine Jerusalem
cf Robert B. Jerusalem mar 1893 in Cook Co., IL
Worldconnect Pat Jones:
"Cause of Death: Railroad accident
R. B. Jerusalem, Formerly of This City, a Victim.
Charred Body Taken From Ruins This Morning.
Disaster Near Purcell, Ind.
E. & T. H. Freight Train Was Derailed by a Cow.
Cars Were Piled on Top of the Engine--Flames Reduced the Wreckage to
R. B. Jerusalem, Vicennes...
The first section of train number 57 was going at high speed, when,
straight ahead on the track, a cow was seen. The animal refused to be
frightened off and was struck, derailing the train and piling seventeen
oil tank cars on top of the engine.
The coals from the fire box of the engine came into contact with the
oil from the exploding tanks, and soon the wreckage was in flames...
...at one o'clock this morning a charred body was recovered and
identified as R. B. Jerusalem.
A part of the body was burned away, and it was in terrible
condition. Jerusalem came here from Indianapolis, and had conducted a
successful general merchandise business at Vincennes. He had a wife who
is said to be in new york at present. The body was brought here.
...[He] was thirty four years old, and formerly in business at 332
Massachussets Ave. where he conducted a general merchandise store. He
sold out to O. J. Conrad, and about three years ago went to Vincennes,
where he engaged in the same business. His parents, Matthew J. Jerusalem
and his wife, live at 23 N. State St. He also has a brother, Albert
Jerusalem, who is an employee of Journal Job Printing Company, living at
307 Spring Street.
The father is a foreman in the Pan Handle shops. The wife of R. B.
Jerusalem lives in New York, where she is said to be studying for the
stage. Several weeks ago she started a sensational story, which was
taken up by papers all over the country, about the disappearance of Mary
Gorman Brooks, of Indianapolis, said by her to be a young heiress.
Afterward she said the girl married a man in Boston. The story was
generally discredited in this city, as no girl by the name of Mary Gorman
Brooks ever lived here. At 2 o'clock this afternoon, Albert Jerusalem
had received no word of his brother's fate. He said his brother was not
divorced from his wife.
[N698] BIRT: Worldconnect Pat Jones
[N699] BURI: reinterred at Crown Hill Cemetery