BIRT: HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG; age 22yrs 1mth on marriage
DEAT: JPG HBMa386 Goltch Jenikau Jewish Death; age 74, wife of Michal Kornfeld
BIRT: 1817 from Familianten buch; HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG; Sandek: Salomon
DEAT: ? 1897 from MI
BIRT: 1822 from Familianten buch; JPG HBMa 377 Births, son of Michal & Rachel (Tocht.
DEAT: HBMa385 Golcuv Jenikov Death JPG age 14
Thought to have died 14 Jun 1880 Liochowitz from Wolf-Erich, but it was Salomon
Aron who died there 14 Jun 1879
BIRT: 1829 from Familianten buch; HBMa377 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG
DEAT: 87
BURI: Gr 52, R 20, Gr 11
buried with him Rosa KORNFELD
BIRT: 1798 from another source; HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG as Ezekiel (Jacob)
Familianten No. 4
[N2162] DEAT: HBMa215 Caslav death JPG, age 63
BIRT: 1797 from Familiantenbuch
DEAT: HBMa302 Dobruska death JPG age 97
Familiant in Krehlb (or similar name)
BIRT: 1796 from Familiantenbuch
CHR : as Mathias
Last Name Kornfeld
First Name Philipp
Baptism First Name Mathias
Date of Birth 1797.09
Birth Place B�hmen
Profession Tagel�hner
Conversion 1832.11.16
Baptism Parish Am Hof
Baptism Date
Age 35
BIRT: 1811 from Familiantenbuch; Lazar age 25 from marriage
?? = Albert married to Maria & Anna MEISL
Witness to marriage of Anna Kornfeld in 1860, giving Leopold's location
[N2166] BIRT: from marriage age 24
BIRT: 1812 from Familiantenbuch (could not read name); age 27 yrs 8 mths 1 day on
DEAT: HBMa386 Golcuv Jenikov Death, age 64
JPG HBMa212 Caslav Jewish Birth 29 Oct 1812 Wilhelm son of Markus Kornfeld of
BIRT: age 24 yrs 3 mths 1 day on marriage
DEAT: HBMa386 Golcuv Jenikov Death JPG (2 versions) age 81 widow of Wilhelm, born in
BIRT: JPG Birth certificate
DEAT: SSN 523-16-9693
BIRT: 12 in 1930
BURI: Section N Site 2301
[N2172] DEAT: SSDI
[N2173] BIRT: 71 in 1930
BIRT: age 68 in 1940; Aug from death cert
DEAT: JPG Aufbau 12 Nov 1943 death announcement
Moving Here HO396/48/353 Haverstock Hill
JPG NY Pass list 1 Apr 1940 on Britannic from Liverpool. Travelling with
Marianne & Lotte KORNFELD. Travelling from St Albans England. Relative: cousin
Mrs GLANBAUF of 11 Belsize Grove, London NW2. Going to Son: Friedrich KORNFELD,
Vero Beach, Tanya, Florida
JPG death cert breast cancer
BIRT: 45 in 1939; HBMa124 Brno Birth JPG. Wit Lazar BONDY
JPG NY Pass List 17 Nov 1939 on Saturnia.Uncle= Adolf BONDY of 42 Koeniglide
(sic) Weinberge, Prague. going to friend Simon Ruskin NYC. married
BIRT: 19 in 1857
DEAT: JPG HBMa386 Goltch Jenikau Jewish Death; age 29, wife of Markus KORNFELD
DEAT: age 41
BURI: Gr 53 R 56 Grab 1
Death announcement of Hermine gives Liesel KORNFELD (geb. POPPER)
Name: Josefine, Dr. Kornfeld
Age at Death: 41
Burial Date: 24 Oct 1935
Burial Plot: Section: T1 Group: 52 Row: 56 Grave: 1
Burial Country: Austria
Comments: Address: 1090 Alserstr. 8, Occupation: �rztin Died In: 1160, Wilhelm.
Spital Tomb: No Urn: No Official Marks or Stamps: Einf. Comments: im Rondeau
PNG NFP death notice 25 Oct 1935
[N2178] BIRT: 15 in 1940
[N2179] BIRT: 13 in 1940
Deportation Wien/Theresienstadt
f�r weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte auf den Ort
Deportationsdatum 24.09.1942
Letzte bekannte Wohnadresse Wien 2, K�rnergasse 7
Theresienstadt/Auschwitz am 16.04.1944
[N2181] cf Vera Finberg book from LBI
DEAT: on 70th birthday
BURI: Gr 53 R 56 Grab 1
png 6 Oct 1933 death notice NFP
DEAT: age 62
BURI: Gr 53 R 56 Grab 1
png 17 Oct 1932 death notice NFP
DEAT: age 23
BURI: Gr 53 R 56 Grab 1
BIRT: HBMa2445 Zbraslavice Birth JPG
DEAT: in 55th year
zustandig Reichenau a/Kurszna[?] in 1900
Reichenberger Zeitung Periodical Page
Organ f�r die deutsch-nationale Partei in B�hmen
ISSN: 1214-6587
Volume: 1927
Issue: 3.8.1927
Page: 2
oer Reichenberger Kaufleute vollauf belohnen wird. * (Slerbefall.) Montag den
1. Aucusl ist im 56. Lebensjahre .>l>err Siegfried Lengsfelder. Zxniorchcf der
Firma G. LenMclder c� Sohn, Wien, Proschwitz a. N. unb Warnsdorf gestorben. Das
Begr�bnis findet am 4. August um 3 Ubr nachmittags
png 3 Aug 1927 death notice NFP
BIRT: HBMa2445 Zbraslavice Birth JPG
zust. Reichenau in 1897
[N2187] BIRT: HBMa2445 Zbraslavice Birth JPG
BIRT: HBMa2445 Zbraslavice Birth JPG
DEAT: age 60
BURI: 5b 7 39b
DEAT: age 63
BURI: 5b 7 39b
DEAT: age 60; www.genteam.at: num 1173
BURI: Gr 51 R 4 Grab 33
BIRT: from Marriage
DEAT: age 22; www.genteam.at: num 1922
BURI: 20 5 3
death notice NFP 25 Dec 1920 seen
BIRT: HBMa125 Brno Birth JPG
BURI: 52a-10-15
png death notice Neie Freie Presse 6 Oct 1918
BURI: 52a 9 16
DEAT: age 25
BURI: 52a 9 16
png death notice 21 Mar 1918 NFP
BIRT: HBMa378 & 379 Golcuv Jenikov Birth duplicate registers JPG; zweitgeb. Sohn, son
DEAT: death notice seen
JPG Prague Conscriptions 1900, 1902 & 1910
in 1784 probably Daniel Samuel married no children, Lederhandel bein Bruder
1793 Census: p 47 Herrschaft Neuschloss, family 3:
Daniel Beran, nach Neuschloss, treibt kein Gewerbe, lebt von seinem Bruder Aron
In association with Aron BERAN & Bernard Kornfeld:
ledige: Daniel Beran, Geh�rt in Schutz nach Boskowitz in Maehren, als
Handelsmann mit unterschiedlichen Waren
BIRT: HBMa377 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG; Viert geb Sohn ?; Sandek: Aron KORNFELD;
DEAT: in 73rd year; HBMa2807 Praha Death JPG age 84 Ledig
Prag Conscriptions 1887-1910
? in business with Ludwig KORNFELD
from Judy Baumgarten's tree
JPG Prager Tagblatt death notice 5 Nov 1911
Nr 105245
Year 1903
Numerative 2488
Parish Wien
Last Name L�ngsfelder - Lengsfelder
First Name Hans
Parents Siegfried/
[N2200] BIRT: www.genteam.at: num 1166
[N2201] BIRT: www.genteam.at: Numerative 2272
BIRT: age 32yrs and 1 day on marriage; HBMa1133 Luze Birth JPG;7th born son; Pathen:
DEAT: age 65; JPG HBMA394 death
Photo of him in Hugo Gold article on Habern
PNG 30 Mar 1913 Prager Tagblatt death notice
BIRT: age 24yrs and 1 day on marriage
DEAT: in 70th year; JPG HBMa302 Dobruska death age 70
JPG P/C death notice Prager Tagblatt 9 Jan 1926
BIRT: from Conscription
Prag Conscription 1905-1909
1913 Vienna Adressbuch as JDr. Adv, of Postg.6
BIRT: JPG HBMa391 Habry Birth; 23 DEc 1887 from death
DEAT: HBMa302 Dobruska death JPG
BIRT: HBMa299 Dobruska Birth JPG
DEAT: ? after 1940 (entry 101 in death register not found
[N2207] BIRT: HBMa302 Dobruska Birth JPG
[N2208] BIRT: HBMa302 Dobruska Birth JPG
BURI: 1d 8 21
NFP 10 Jan 1915 death notice by brother Richard
BIRT: From Conscription : Gevitsch Bez. M�hr. T... [??]; HBMa1135 & HBMa1136 & 1134
Prag Conscription gives birth as 1852
BIRT: from prague Conscription; 31 on marriage
DEAT: JPG death notice 1 Nov 1895 Prager Tagblatt in 65th year
JPG Prague Conscriptions
[N2212] BIRT: age 29 on marriage
[N2213] BIRT: HBMa1134 Luze Birth JPG; Pathe: Lazar & Jacob LENGSFELD
[N2214] BIRT: HBMa1134 Luze Birth JPG; Sandek: Moses ALTAR; Pathe: Abraham KAUDERS Rabbiner
[N2215] Grandmother of David FEILER (see charts)
[N2216] ? owner of Ancestry Tree "Robert Kornfeld Sl�kttr�d"
DEAT: death cert seen
NY Pass List 2 Sep 1912 on SS George Washington. Going to Aunt Jenny DUBSKY of
Cleveland Ohio. Born in Peccke , Bohemia ?
Found that Jenny DUBSKY was nee TAUSSIG
1930 seen with son in law Ralph MYERS & daughter Helen born ca 1913
[N2218] BIRT: age 25yrs 9mth on marriage
[N2219] BIRT: age 28yrs 2mth on marriage
BIRT: Caslav; II. geboren; JPG HBMa391 Habry Birth; Beschneider: Aron Lengsfeld;
CHR : Beschneidung
Prag Conscription 1905-1907 (unmarried)
In CRTF list born 1883
1951 NY Pass List Sao Paolo to NY
JPG Brazil Immigration Card 1940 with photo
[N2223] DEAT: age 89; www.genteam.at: num 2179
In CRTF list born 1895
1951 NY Pass List Sao Paolo to NY
& ? died ca 1973 from :
JPG 1871 Prague directory including Bohemia: Unter-Aujezd.
Getreide- u. Productenhdl. F.: S. Lengsfeld", prot. 12. Apr 1864
must be Simon or Salomon
[N2226] JPG Consistorial-Currenden f�r die Leitmeritzer bisch�fliche Di�cese 1861
BIRT: from Conscription
Prag Conscription 1898-1904
Arnold Hajos manager of Fonciere Insurance, Prague Boh
BIRT: from Conscription & Moving Here
Moving Here HO396/32/301
Piece reference HO 405/21508
HAJOS, P aka HARRIS, J P Date(s) of birth: 15.02.1892
Istvan Hajos
born August 18, 1897
last residence before deportation : Prague : II
address / place of registration in the Protectorate : Prague I. Benediktsgasse
3 [ I , Benediktsk 3] , c/o Sch�n
transport of E- 372 ( March 11, 1941 Prague - > Lodz )
died April 25, 1942 Lodz
Lilly Hajos
born August 18, 1897
last residence before deportation : Prague : II
address / place of registration in the Protectorate : Prague I. Benediktsgasse
3 [ I , Benediktsk 3] , c/o Sch�n
transport of E- 373 ( March 11, 1941 Prague - > Lodz )
[N2231] DEAT: suicide
DEAT: in 85th year
BURI: Photo MI
P/C png death notices Prager Tagblatt 31 Mar 1926 & NFP 1 Apr 1926
?? WRONG !!!!!!
[N2234] to US in 1869 with Isaac TAUBER
BIRT: Lan bez. Chotebor from death
DEAT: from Prag Conscription & HBMa2808 Praha Death; in 70th year
BURI: Wolf Erich Cemetery database Chewra Kadischa Matka: Theresie
2 Prague Conscriptions 1881-1914
JPG P/C death notice Prager Tagblatt 18 Jan 1912
JPG P/C Prague "census"
BIRT: Census has 16 Apr 1850 born Lhoty, dau of Albert & Marie (Meisl);Conscription
DEAT: GENI tree (Wolf Erich) & HBMa2815 Praha Death JPG born Kutna Hora wid
BURI: Wolf Erich Cemetery database Chewra Kadischa
Prag Conscriptions
Born 15. 03. 1886
last residence before deportation:
Prague, XII
address/place of registration in the Protectorate:
Prague XII, Schwerinova 32
Transport X, c. 160 (12.02.1942 Prague -> Terezin)
Transport Ar, c. 134 (28.04.1942 Terezin -> Zamosc)
[N2238] JPG Prag Conscription 1912
Transport X, (12.02.1942 Prague -> Terezin)
Transport Ar, (28.04.1942 Terezin -> Zamosc)
Not listed in Holocaust.com but in Theresienstadt Gedenkbuch
BIRT: Luze might be residence before Prague
JPG Prague Conscription Vinohrady 1908
? son of Michael & Rachel
BIRT: date & Placegiven on death entry
DEAT: in 62nd year HBMa2852 Praha Vinohrady Death JPG
"aus Luze" from death notice
png death notice Neue Freie Presse 9 Nov 1908
BIRT: 1870 on conscription; HBMa1136 Luze Birth JPG
Born 31. 08. 1877
last residence before deportation:
Prague, XI
address/place of registration in the Protectorate:
Prague XI, Borivojova 5
Transport B, c. 587 (21.10.1941 Prague -> Lodz)
BIRT: IKG Nr 935
BURI: Photo MI
[N2244] BIRT: IKG Nr 3596
[N2245] BIRT: IKG Nr 3128
[N2246] BIRT: IKG Nr 2423
DEAT: in 53rd year
JPG Neue Freie Presse death notice 5 Nov 1901
[N2248] BURI: Photo MI
[N2249] Pressburg, Ungarn probably
DEAT: in 72nd year
BURI: 1. Tor Gr 49 R. 8. Gr 87
png death notice Neue Freie Presse 12 Aug 1903. Leopold FLESCH, Schwager;
Katharine, Frieda & Lotte KORNFELD as Schwiegertochter
BIRT: date & place from death register
DEAT: Wien IKG entry 2231 seen; nearly age 70
png Neie Freie Presse death notice 29 Dec 1909
BIRT: IKG Nr 932
death notice NFP 28 Dec 1892 JPG
BURI: 1. Tor Gr 20 R 19a Grab 4
death notice NFP 30 Dec 1899
DEAT: age 73
BURI: 1. Tor Gr 20 R 19a Grab 5
png Neue Freie Presse death notice 12 Dec 1912: Rosalia KORNFELD geb.
DEAT: from Familiantenbuch; age 29 from death matrik
Familiant Golc Jenikov; JPG Familiantenbuch
"Another Kornfeld was established in Jenkov Wolf Kornfeld. His parents were
Isaac and Anna Kornfeld. Kornfeld Wolf was given a number instead Familiants 10
236 after his marriage to Rosalie Rosenbaum 4th dubna 1804. Kornfeld Wolf died
in 1812, leaving one son, Mark. Markus Kornfeld married in 1835 and had four
children. "
No proof Yitzhak & Isaac are same person- though both are sons of Michael
1793 erstgeboren, Witwe. with erstgeborener Sohn Wolf, Ledig & Tochter Anna
BIRT: 1807 from Familiantenbuch; HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG
DEAT: HBMa696 Jihlava Death JPG age 68
BURI: Chewra.com
BIRT: age 24 on marriage; date from death
DEAT: HBMa698 Jihlava Death JPG
BURI: Chewra.com
1793 census Goltsch Jenikau Geh�ren in Schutz zu Katzow, Czaslauer Kreis
Familiant Golc Jenikov
NO PROOF Jakob in 1793 = Jakob in Familiant
? identical to Wolf (Halef) on Weiner Chart
BIRT: from Familiantenbuch; 28 on marriage; HBMa377 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG as
DEAT: in 52nd year; JPG death notice NFP 17 Aug 1890
BURI: MI Chewra.com
BIRT: from Familiantenbuch; also JPG HBMa378 Birth entry
DEAT: HBMa137 Brno Death JPG married
BURI: MI photohttp://cemeteries.jewishbrno.eu/cemetery/hrobovemisto/id/6507 15_6-7
? MI burial Brno 1 Jun 1903
BIRT: from Familiantenbuch & HBMa378 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG; 3rd born son; Sandek:
DEAT: in 61st year; HBMa137 Brno Death JPG
BURI: http://cemeteries.jewishbrno.eu/cemetery/hrobovemisto/id/6523 photo MI
png Neue Freie Presse death notice 8 Jan 1905
[N2263] BIRT: from Familiantenbuch
DEAT: from Familiantenbuch
Familiant in 1803 JPG
Jakob Kornfeld is the son of Jakob Kornfeld sonst Jakob Mark and Theresia
Jakob jr.'s first wife is Susana Rumburger [Heiratskontrakt 25 Jan 1803];
second wife: Elisabeth Humburger (misspelled for Rumburger?) [Heiratskontrakt 7
May 1807 als Wittwe]
[N2265] death notice NFP 27 Feb 1923
[N2266] 1793 Goltsch Jenikau Census shows Rafel PICK & Family, & Wolf PICK & Family
[N2267] 1793 Goltsch Jenikau Census shows Rafel PICK & Family, & Wolf PICK & Family
Cf Isak HALLER in 1793 Goltsch Jenikau Census (no wife) Son Abraham, who had
children Marek, Lipmann & Israel
[N2269] BIRT: age 24yrs 1 mth on marriage
BIRT: from Familiantenbuch (Wolf-Erich); HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG
BURI: 20-8-64
BURI: 20-8-64
SPIETZ from death of father in law
[N2272] BIRT: from Familiantenbuch (Wolf-Erich) & HBMa378 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPF
BIRT: Pardubitz from Prag Conscription
Prag Conscription 1881 seen
[N2274] BURI: 20-8-64
[N2275] BIRT: from Familiantenbuch (Wolf-Erich); HBMa376 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG; Zweit geb.
Deportation: 06.02.1942 Wien-Riga Residence: 1942 Wien 2, Unt. Augartenstra�e
[N2277] DEAT: from Ancestry.Com tree; age 64
[N2278] DEAT: from Ancestry.Com tree
d: 06.04.1875 in Wien 2, Nordbahnstra�e 30 Burial: Wien, W�hringer Friedhof
5447/18-94 o: 1875 Dr. d. R., ledig, 23 J.
BURI: 16-2-6
From Wolf-Erich: " Dr. Otto Samuel THORSCH b 1: 20.12.1858 in Prag b 2: 1858 in
Prag b 3: 19.12.1858 in Prag d: 06.12.1934 in Wien Burial 1: 26.07.1935 Wien,
D�blinger Friedhof 16-2-6 Burial 2: 10.12.1934 Wien, D�blinger Friedhof o 1:
1924 Ges. d. Bank-Comandite-Ges. Thorsch, Klein & Co., Wien 1, Liebiggasse 5 o
2: 03.01.1898 Kommerzialrat o 3: 1905 kais. Rat, k.k. Commerzialrat Residence
1: Wien 3, Landstra�er Hauptstr. 81 Residence 2: 1905 Wien 3, Sch�tzengasse 3 "
[N2281] BURI: 16-2-6
[N2282] BIRT: HBMa125 Brno Jewish Birth seen
[N2283] BIRT: HBMa 125 Brno Birth seen
[N2284] BURI: D�blinger Friedhof, Isr. Abt. I/2/Gruft 34, Urn
[N2285] BURI: D�blinger Friedhof, Isr. Abt. I/2/Gruft 34, Urn
[N2286] BURI: D�blinger Friedhof, Isr. Abt. I/2/Gruft 34
[N2287] BURI: D�blinger Friedhof, Isr. Abt. I/2/Gruft 34
DEAT: HBMa385 Golcuv Jenikov Death JPG age 81
Family (14) in 1793
BURI: 19-7-57
seen death notice 21 Jul 1909 NFP
[N2290] BURI: 52-45-9
BIRT: 1816 from Prag Conscription; 1812 from Familiant; 2nd born son from marriage;
JPG Prag Conscription 1881 in 838/II; Heimatschein Javornik
P/C JPG Prager Tagblatt 22 Jan 1882 death notice & "Bohemia" 23 Jan 1882
BIRT: 33 on marriage
DEAT: JPG death notice Prager Tagblatt 2 Jun 1892
[N2293] BIRT: 22 on marriage
BIRT: HBMa844 Kolodeje Birth JPG 2nd son
BURI: 7-29-2
[N2295] BURI: 7-29-2
BIRT: HBMa377 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG
to US in 1847. Wrote diary
BIRT: HBMa15000 & 1502 Pacov Birth Duplicate registers JPG, wits Isak KOPPERL
JPG P/C Karlsbad Gasteliste 2 Jun 1885, Handeslmann aus Prag, with Bernard
Federer, Hermann Kaufmann & Josef Kopperl of Repin
NB : JUDr. Siegfried ROSENBAUM listed in 1891 at Celakovskeho Sady 433
png death notices Prager Tagblatt 8 Feb 1906
JPG Prague Conscription 1872-1909
JPG notices 3 Sep 1886 and 8 Oct 1895 relating to D. Schick & Rosenbaum & J.
Kopperl & Comp.
JPG 9 May 1872 Wiener Zeitung David Schick & Emanuel Rosenbaum agreement &
Emanuel Rosenbaum and his wife Karoline geb. Kopperl
BIRT: 27 on marriage; date from death entry
DEAT: age 85 yrs 2 mth; HBMa1069 Litomysl Death JPG
NB Aliza thought that they had a daughter Marta born 31 mar 1878, but this
seems to be an error through he arrangement of LH & RH pages in HBM1136
BIRT: HBMa1133 & 1134 Luze Birth duplicate registers JPG; 3rd born child; Zeugen
DEAT: age 70; JPG Prager Tagblatt death notice 9 Nov 1922
[N2300] Prag Conscription JPG
BIRT: HBMa1133 & 1134 Luze Birth P/C JPG; 4th born son; Sandek: Moritz JERUSALEM,
DEAT: JPG P/C death notice Prager Tagblatt
in 1881 with parents on Conscription
JPG Prague Conscription 1881 838/II (referring to previous)
in 1891 lived at same address as Josef KOPPERL
[N2302] BIRT: HBMa1135 & 1134 Luze Birth duplicate registers JPG; Zeugen: Lazar LENGSFELD of
BIRT: HBMa745 Kamenice nad Lipou Birth JPG as Carolina; 1848 from Prag Conscription
DEAT: age 68
BURI: 19-39-71a
? sister of Josef KOPPERL
Charlotte on Emanuel's & Anna's death notices
Last NameRosenbaum
First NameCharlotte
Date of Birth/Age68
Date of Death
Place of Death1090, Alserstr. 4
Date of Burial1916.11.28
CemeteryZF Tor 1
Tomb No071A
BIRT: ? 20 on marriage; HBMa1135 Luze Birth seen (entry 303)
DEAT: in 73rd year; HBMa106 Litomysl Death JPG
JPG death notice Prager Tagblatt 17 Mar 1928
[N2305] BIRT: HBMa1136 Luze Birth 2 versions
[N2306] BIRT: HBMa1136 Luze Birth JPG
[N2307] from Holleschau in Mahren
[N2308] Family of 4 From Hugo Gold Mahren; cf Hertzl KOPPERL
[N2309] Family of 2 From Hugo Gold Mahren; cf Isaac Kopperl
[N2310] BIRT: 29 in 1861
[N2311] BIRT: 24 in 1861
BIRT: HBMa1381 & 1382 Nova Vcelnice (Novy Etynk, Neu �tting) Birth duplicate reg JPG
Deported to LOdz 23 Oct 1942 from Wien
Maybe in 1840 in Iglau
cf Hugo Gold articles on Triesch & Iglau in Moravia
DEAT: JPG Wien IKG Death
Last NameSruh
First NameJakob
ProfessionKaufm., verh.
Date of Birth/Age65
Date of Death1868.04.01
Tomb No105
Uk outward pass list Apr 1941 to Buenos Aires, JPG, last address 10 West Eaton
Place, London SW1
NY Pass List on SS Uraguay Rio de Janeiro arrive 7 Apr 1941, last residence
London JPG; friend whence came Mrs Alfred WEINBERGER, Gloria Hotel, Rio, going
to Friend Mrs Liane Zimbler Los Angeles
JPG Naturalizaion Index card San Francisco 1946 as Marianne Anna SPIRO
JPG UK outward list 1951 visiting 323 (or 823) Chelsea cloisters, SW1
[N2316] death notice seen on Geni.com
[N2317] could it be FIALLA
BIRT: 31 on marriage
DEAT: in 79th year
JPG Prague Conscriptions 1884 & 1884-1910
Verzeichniss s�mmtlicher Lederfabriken, Loh-, Roth- und Weissgerbereien sowie
Lederhandlungsfirmen in B�hmen und M�hren (1880). JPG P/C. Lederh�ndler
JPG Prager Tagblatt 10 Dec 1916 death notice
Michalovice is a village and municipality (obec) in Havlckuv Brod District in
the Vysocina Region of the Czech Republic.
BIRT: HBMa1135 & 1134 Luze Birth duplicate JPG; Zeugen: Jacob LENGSFELD & M.B. THEIN
JPG Prag Conscription 1903-1910
born 05.12.1870
last place before deportation: Prague: II
address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague: II., Dittrichgasse
25 [II., Dittrichova 25]
transport AAp-444 (09.07.1942 Prague -> Terezin)
transport Bv-1912 (15.10.1942 Terezin -> Treblinka)
[N2320] BIRT: HBMa1135 & 1134 Luze Birth duplicate JPG; Sandek:Jacob LUSTIG
BIRT: twin; HBMa1136 Luze Birth (2 versions) JPG born Neuschloss, 1. Sohn; Sandek:
JPG Prague Conscription Smichov 1899; ? to Deutsch Brod
? from Micholovic bei Deutsch Brod ?
BIRT: twin; HBMa1136 Luze Birth (2 versions) JPG born Neuschloss, 2. Sohn; Sandek:
born 25.12.1875
last place before deportation: Prague: II
address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague: II., Klemensgasse 66
[II., Klimentsk 66], c/o Rinder
transport A-605 (16.10.1941 Prague -> Ldz)
BIRT: HBMa1136 Luze Birth JPG;Zeugen: Ignatz LENGSFELD of Neuschloss & Bernard THEIN
cf Prager Tagblatt 30 Aug 1899 death notice of Hilda ALTAR geb. HIMMELREICH.
Burial 30 Aug in isr. Badhof
BIRT: from marriage & elsewhere
Born 05. 03. 1888
last residence before deportation:
Prague, II
address/place of registration in the Protectorate:
Prague II, Dittrichova 25
Transport Au, c. 743 (12.05.1942 Prague -> Terezn)
Transport Ay, c. 659 (17.05.1942 Terezn -> Lublin)
[N2325] JPG Prague Conscription 1899 on her own
BIRT: HBMa1711 Prelouc Birth P/C JPG; Pathen: Josef Kollinsky ; Emil KAUFMAN of
DEAT: Lodz ?
born 20.10.1899
last place before deportation: Prague: XII
address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague: XII., Laibacher
Strasse 18 [XII., Lublanska 18]
transport E-476 (03.11.1941 Prague -> Lodz)
BIRT: 22 on marriage
DEAT: 8 Aug 1930 death notice Prager Tagblatt JPG in 82nd year. Sons: Emil KORNFELD,
In 1920 in Chicago
Ancestry Chicago Death index:
Name: Ella Sommerfield
[Ella Parssek]
Birth Date: 25 Jul 1889
Birth Place: Chicago, Illinois
Death Date: 16 Sep 1927
Death Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Burial Date: 20 Sep 1927
Burial Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Graceland
Death Age: 38
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Father Name: Eugene Parssek
Father Birth Place: Bohemia
Mother Name: Clotile Jerusalem
Mother Birth Place: Bohemia
Spouse Name: Jacob
FHL Film Number: 1878036
[N2329] In 1930 census Los Angeles
[N2330] 1920 & 1930 in Chicago
BIRT: age 26yrs 4mths on marriage
DEAT: HBMa2788 Praha Death JPG geb. WELEMINSKY age 70 of Zabor
from Aliza
BIRT: born Zabor from marriage; from Aliza; HBMa1133 & 1134 Luze Birth duplicate
DEAT: HBMa1147 Luze Death JPG age 72, widow
BIRT: from Aliza & HBMa1135 & 1134 Luze Birth duplicate registers JPG, Sandek Lazar
DEAT: HBMa1145 & 1146 Luze Death JPG duplicate registers; age 32 weeks
BIRT: from Aliza & HBMa1135 & 1134 Luze Birth duplicate JPG; Sandek: Eduard
DEAT: HBMa1146 Luze Death JPG; age 8 months
BIRT: in 61st year; HBMa1132 Luze Birth JPG Zweitgeboren; 30 on marriage as Jakob
DEAT: HBMa 1799 folio 232 seen, age 61; marasmus
png death notice Prager Tagblatt 13 Jun 1892
BIRT: 24 on marriage; HBMa377 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG
related to Gustav Freudenfels died 1912 (cf obit PT)
Almost certainly is Karolina WEISSENSTEIN
BIRT: HBMa2475 Zehusice Birth JPG
DEAT: Death Notice Prager Tagblatt JPG in 74th year
BIRT: HBMa2475 Zehusice Birth JPG; Wit Bernard KORNFELD of Goltsch Jenikau, 26
DEAT: ? 1937 (cf sister's death notice)
Prague Conscription seen; from Luze
[N2339] BIRT: from marriage & HBMa2475 Zehusice Birth JPG; Wit Elisabeth KORNFELD of Goltsch
BIRT: or 1888
DEAT: Riga
Deportation: 11.01.1942 Wien-Riga
BIRT: or 1898
DEAT: Riga ?
Deportation: 11.01.1942 Wien-Riga
[N2342] BIRT: HBMa379 Golcuv Jenikov Birth JPG; Zeuge: Jakob KORNFELD
1793 Census: p 73 Gut Blato, family 4:
Lazar Beran, verheiratet, Geh�rt in Schutz nach Braznik, von
Baendermacherarbeit, Eheweib Theresia.
Blato could be neighbouring village to Drenice
BIRT: Goltsch Jenikau from another conscription and from Lodz records
Prag Conscription
Last Letters from Lodz Ghetto database
Name:Ernst Kornfeld
Birth Date:31 Aug 1877
Birth Place:Goltsch-Jenikau
Deportation Place and Date:Prag II, 21-Oct-1941
Transport List Number:B-587
Eviction Warrant:VIII/1298
Address:Am Bach 14/27
Exemption Decision:uwzglednione
Exemption Letter Date:5/7/1942
Microfilm Reel / Page Number(s):301/156-157
May be related to Julius born 1894 & Leo born 1887
Last Letters from Lodz Ghetto
Name:Ida Kornfeld
[Ida Feder]
Birth Date:15 Nov 1888
Deportation Place and Date:Prag II, 21-Oct-1941
Transport List Number:B-588
Eviction Warrant:VIII
Address:Am Bach 14/27
Exemption Decision:uwzglednione
Exemption Letter Date:5/7/1942
Relationships:maiden name FEDER
Microfilm Reel / Page Number(s):301/156-157
Last Letters from Lodz Ghetto
Name:Edith Kornfeld
Birth Date:14 Jun 1912
Deportation Place and Date:Prag II, 21-Oct-1941
Transport List Number:B-589
Eviction Warrant:VIII/1300
Address:Am Bach 14/27
Exemption Decision:uwzglednione
Exemption Letter Date:5/7/1942
Other information:survivor
Microfilm Reel / Page Number(s):301/156-157
BIRT: 17 on marriage
DEAT: HBMa386 Golcuv Jenikov JPG age 73, widower
In 1793 as son of Samuel
1827 Adam KORNFELD in Reichenberg (Hugo Gold)
Last Name Ascher
Maiden Name Kornfeld
First Name Theresia
Baptism First Name Karoline
Date of Birth 1776
Birth Place
Conversion 1803.06.09
Baptism Parish St. Peter
Baptism Date
Age 27
BIRT: HBMa379 Goltsch Jenikau birth JPG
Transport AAc to Terezin. AAi 13.6.1942 (destination not stated)
Hess. Gesandschaft WienRep 15/1
David Beran, Lusche, 1837-1839
Allgemeines Addressbuch..." Luze. Getreidehdl. Firma "Heinrich Beran" prot. 27.
Dec 1863
[N2353] Bavarian Army 1914-1918
BIRT: ? Hollberg
Bavarian Army 1914-1918
BURI: Wilhelmine H�fer age 70; Abt 9 Gruppe 1 Nummer 202. In same grave as Agnes &
This database was created by Univ. Doz. Dr. Anna L. Staudacher of the Austrian
Academy of Sciences (�AW) using the duplicates stored in the Viennese City
Archives and have been published in the journal "ADLER Zeitschrift f�r
Genealogie und Heraldik" of theHeraldic and Genealogical Society "Adler", Vienna
www.genteam.at: Leaving Community
Nr 17992
Lastname Bejkowsky
Firstname Wilhelmine
Lastname changed
Date of Birth
Leaving 1878
Marital Status
WStla 9251
IKG 1878/003K
BIRT: 21 on marriage
png death notice 15 Aug 1918 Neue Freie Presse
[N2357] BIRT: from HBMa700 Index & 696 seen
[N2358] BIRT: HBMa697 Jihlava Birth JPG, wit Anton KORNFELD
[N2359] BIRT: HBMa697 Jihlava Birth JPG
[N2360] BIRT: from HBMa700 Index
DEAT: age 65
png death notice Neue Freie Presse 22 Sep 1914