An Index of the Poll of the Freeholders of Wiltshire

for electing a Knight of the Shire, in the Room of Edward Popham, Esq;
Taken at Wilton on the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st of August, 1772
Henry Penruddocke Wyndham, Esquire, High Sherrif

Ambrose Goddard, Esq
Henry Herbert, Esq

On Friday August 21, 1772, the Poll was adjourned from the Down, near Wilton, to the Market-Place, in Salisbury, and was finally closed that Day, at the Council-House, in the said City.
On casting up the Sherrifs Books, the Numbers were,
Ambrose Goddard, Esq; - 1870
Henry Herbert, Esq; - 1055

Majority for Mr Goddard, - 815

Surname Index to the Wiltshire Polls of 1772
Aaron Christ Malmsbury Malmsbury
Ach Stephen Head Hurst Hurst
Acrus Joseph Devizes Devizes
Adams Edmund Poulton Poulton
Adams George Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Adams Richard Poulton Poulton
Adams Simon Ashton Keynes Hannington
Adamson Ben Oaksey Oaksey Park
Adlam John Horningsham Horningsham
Adlam John Westbury Lei Frome, Somerset
Adlam Samuel Potterne Devizes
Adlam William Devizes Devizes
Adlam William Hullavington Hullavington
Ady Arthur Easton Gray Great Shirston
Ady Henry Somerford Little Little Somerford
Ainge Richard Marston Meysey Letchlade, Gloc
Aland Richard Chippenham Chippenham
Alborn Samuel Biddeston Biddeston
Albourn George Biddeston Biddeston
Aldridge Charles Warminster Warminster
Aldridge Henry Warminster Warminster
Aldridge John Baydon Baydon
Aldridge John Warminster Warminster
Aldridge John Warminster Warminster
Alexander Edward Ramsbury Ramsbury
Alexander John Manningford Abbots Manningford
Alexander Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Alexander William Bradford Bradford
Alexander William Uphaven Uphaven
Alexander William Uphaven Uphaven
Alford James Tisbury Boyton
Alford Thomas Meere Meere
Alfred James Bapton Tisbury
Alland Richmond Chippenham Chippenham
Allen Anthony Chiselden East Kennet
Allen David Kingswood Kingswood
Allen Henry Ramsbury London
Allen John Pewsey Pewsey
Allen John Sarum Sarum
Allen Stephen Pewsey Pewsey
Alloway James Somerford Little Little Somerford
Alloway Thomas Bradford Winsley
Allsup Christopher Calne Calne
Alner James Dinton Dinton
Ambrose William Alborne Garston, BER
Amer Richard Trowbridge Trowbridge
Amiles Thomas Westbury Westbury
Amor Harry Woodborough Woodborough
Amor Henry Avebury Cbris. Malford
Amor John Rushall Wilsford
Amor John Sarum Sarum
Amor John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Andra William Hurst Twyford
Andrews Edward Bramshaw Bramshaw
Andrews Giles Malmsbury Malmsbury
Andrews John Bramshaw Bramshaw
Andrews John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Andrews John Wilton Wilton
Andrews Will Porton Andover
Angell Henry Marston South Highworth
Anger Thomas Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Anns Benjamin Highworth Highworth
Ansell Edward Creeklade St Sampson Highworth
Ansell John Highworth Highworth
Appleford J W Ramsbury Ramsbury
Appleford Simon Ramsbury Ramsbury
Appleford Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Appleford Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Applegate James Westbury Melksham
Archard Giles Crutwell Crutwell
Archard Hen Calne Calne
Archer William Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Archer Wm, jnr Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Arman Edward Chiselden Chiselden
Arman William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Armar Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Arnell Samuel Meere Meere
Arnold Har Melksham Wells
Arnold Robert Corsley Hurdcott
Arnold William Corsham Corsham
Ash W Ac Heytesbury Heytesbury
Ashe Robert Langley Burrell Langley Burrell
Askew Ferd Liddiard Millicent Liddiard Millicent
Astley F D Everly Everly
Attwater G Th Bodenham Bodenham
Attwood John Enford Enford
Attwood Samuel Tilshead Tilshead
Atwood Abraham Melksham Pickwick
Atwood Richard Trowbridge Bradford
Avenell Henry Marlborough Wanborough
Avenell Henry Wanborough Wanborough
Awdry Amb Seend Seend
Awdry John Melksham Laycock
Axford Isaac Bulkington Earl Stoke
Axford James Chiverell Great Warminster
Axford James Melksham New Sarum
Axford John Potterne Steeple Ashton
Axford John Seend Eastcot
Ayliffe John Quidhampton Quidhampton
Ayres Thomas Brunsdon St Andrew Brunsdon St Andrew
Baber John Bradford Bradford
Bachelor William Pewsey Pewsey
Bacon William Sarum Sarum
Baden Andrew Brunsdon Broad Burbage
Baden John Sarum Sarum
Baden William Burbage Burbage
Baden William Sarum Sarum
Bailey Edw Devizes Devizes
Bailey John Box Melksham
Bailey John Chute Rambridge, Hants
Bailey Maj Chute Chute
Bailey Will Norton Bavant Warminster
Bailiff G Serle Chippenham Chippenham
Bailiss Charles Gale Kingswood Kingswood
Bailward J Bradford Bradford
Baily Em Marston Uphaven
Baily John Blackland Calne
Baily John Bromham Bromham
Baily Richard Etchilhampton Etchilhampton
Baily William Hodson London
Baiss John Berwick St John Fonthill
Baker Edward Sarum Sarum
Baker George Swallowfield Bramshill
Baker John Bemerton Sarum
Baker John Box Box
Baker John Sarum Sarum
Baker Rich, snr Winsley Bradford
Baker Richard Bradford Turly
Baker Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Baker Thos Buttermere Buttermere
Baker William Fonthill Bishop Fonthill
Baker William Sarum Sarum
Baker William Swallowfield Reading, Berks
Baker William Swallowfield Reading, Berks
Baldwin John Kingston West West Kingston
Ball George Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Ball Samuel Deverell Longbridge Deverell Longbridge
Ball William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Ballard Thomas Axford Axford
Bally Joseph Chippenham Chippenham
Banister John Bramshaw Totten, Hants
Banks George Sarum Hammersmith
Banks John Bromham Bromham
Banning John Pewsey Milton
Banning Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Bapell John Highworth Highworth
Barber John Coombe Bissett Coombe
Barford Richard Sarum Sarum
Barford Wm Bishopston Bishopston
Barlow Matthew Catcomb Calne
Barnes John Enford Chirton
Barnes John Shalborne Shalborne
Barnes Roger Fovant Dinton
Barnes William Alborne Alborne
Barrett Anthony Notton Notton
Barrett Robert Sarum Close of Sarum
Barrett Thomas Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Barrett William Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Barry Richard Upton Scudamore Upton Scudamore
Barter Henry Fovant Fovant
Barter John Corsley Westbury
Bartlet Gab Devizes Devizes
Bartlett George Hilperton Hilperton
Bartlett James Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Bartlett James Lavington Market Lavington
Bartlett John Highworth Rumsey, Hants
Barton John Corsley Corsley
Baskerville Thomas Bradford Bradford
Baskerville Thomas Sarum Sarum
Basnet Nathaniel Oakingham Oakingham
Bass Jeremiah Harnham Harnham
Baster Joseph Rowde Rowde
Bastly Daniel Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Batchelor Thomas Seend Seend
Bath Henry Brinckworth Brinckworth
Bath Robert Brinckworth Westport
Bath Robert Leigh Leigh
Bath William Purton Purton
Bathe Anthony Burbage Wroughton
Bathe John Purton Purton
Bathe Jonas Purton Purton
Bathe Richard Purton Purton
Bathurst P Clarendon Clarendon
Batt Francis Ludgershal Ludgershal
Batt John Milton Milton
Batt William Allington Ridge
Batt William Pewsey Pewsey
Batten John Quidhampton Quidhampton
Batten John Whiteparish Whiteparish
Batten Thomas Bedwin Bedwin
Batten Thomas Downton Downton
Baugus John Swallowfield Swallowfield
Baun John Pickwick Pickwick
Bay Solomon Shinfield Reading
Bayley Francis Seend Devizes
Bayley William Somerford Keynes Somerford Keynes
Baylis Joseph Ludgershal Ludgershal
Bayly John Tidsworth Nor Collinborn Ducis
Bayly Robert, jnr Calne Quemerford
Bayly Robert, snr Calne Quemerford
Bayman Roger Ramsbury Ramsbury
Baynham John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Bayntun Sir E Chippenham Spye Park
Beach Will Figheldean Figheldean
Beacham Andrew Winterflow Winterflow
Beak John Malmsbury Hullavington
Beak William Malmsbury Seagry
Beale Henry Crutwell Crutwell
Beale William Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Beams George Chippenham Chippenham
Beams Walter Chippenham Chippenham
Beane William Bradford Melksham
Beard John Biddeston Slantenford
Beard Thomas Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Beard William Malmsbury Malmsbury
Beard William Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Beaton William Alborne Alborne
Beaumont Robert Newtontoney Allington
Beckett John Meere Meere
Beckford William Hurst Hurst
Beckingham John Marlborough Marlborough
Beckingham Jona Baydon Baydon
Beckingham Tho Baydon Baydon
Beckingsale Daniel Sarum Sarum
Bedford John Chippenham Chippenham
Bedwell John Odstock Odstock
Befford Thomas Sarum Sarum
Befford William Sarum Sarum
Bell John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Bence John Biddeston Marshfield
Bench William Tollard Royal Tollard
Bendale William Warminster Warminster
Bendry John Wroughton Wroughton
Bennet Giles Malmsbury Malmsbury
Bennett Dan, jnr Brokenbrow Westport
Bennett Dan, snr Brokenbrow Westport
Bennett John Castle Eaton Beckett, Berks
Bennett John Corsham Pickwick
Bennett John Ogborne St George Ogborne
Bennett Maurice Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Bennett Robert Hurst Hurst
Bennett Robert Kingston West West Kingston
Bennett Will Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Bennett William Ogborne St George Ogborne
Bernard M Sarum London
Bernard William Frankley Frankley
Berrit Joseph Hilperton Hilperton
Berry John Chiselden Chiseldon
Best John Sutton Great Great Sutton
Betteridge William Chilton Foliott Bedwin
Bevan John Rowde Devizes
Bevan Samuel Devizes Devizes
Bevan William Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Bevis John Bramshaw Plaitford
Bevis Roebrt Sarum Sarum
Bewley William Calne Calne
Bigg Lov Chilton Foliott Chilton
Biggs Christopher Marston Worton
Biggs George Seend Seend
Biggs Henry Maddington Little Langford
Biggs John Stowell West Rhode
Biggs Richard Atford Bradford
Biggs William Seend Seend
Billing William Highworth Langford, Berks
Bingham Geo Codford St Peter Pimpern, DOR
Bingham R Chalke Melcomb, DOR
Bird John Oakingham Oakingham
Bishop John Calne Calne
Bishop John Easterton Easterton
Bishop John Somerford Great Tetbury, Glouc
Bishop Robert Easterton Westbury
Bishop Robert Sarum Sarum
Bishop Thomas Sarum Sarum
Bitt Simon Malmsbury Shipton Moy, Glo
Blackford Henry Liddiard Millicent Liddiard Millicent
Blackford John Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Blackgrove John Cleverton Draycott Cerne
Blackman James Ramsbury Ramsbury
Bladen Robert Enford Enford
Bladon Charles Calne Calne
Blagden John Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Blake Edward Woottton Bassett Uphaven
Blake John Burbage Burbage
Blake John Millford Ford
Blake John Purton Rodborne Cheyney
Blake John Stratford Stratford
Blake Joseph Sarum Sarum
Blake Richard Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Blake Robert Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Blake Thomas Langford Steeple Wishford
Blake William Bishopston Bishopston
Blake William Woottton Bassett Wootton Basset
Blanchard John Grafton Marsh Bennham
Blanchard John Swindon Swindon
Blanchard John Swindon Swindon
Blandford Thomas Eysey Cirencester, GLS
Blatch Henry Winterborne Dantzey Winterborne
Blatch John Bratton Bratton
Blatch John Westbury Westbury
Blatch William Cholderton Cholderton
Bleeck William Warminster Warminster
Blondell John Sutton Mandeville Fovont
Bloxham John Crofton Bedwin
Blundell Thomas Sarum Sarum
Boddy John Rodbourn Cheyney Dantsey
Bodman Edward Calne Calne
Bodman John Calne Kellaway
Bollen Stephen Calne Calne
Bollen William Calne Calne
Bolling Isaac Calne Calne
Bolwell James Melksham Melksham
Bond James Westport Westport
Bond Thomas Chalke Chalke
Bond William Westport Westport
Bones John Atford Bath
Boney Thomas Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Borman Daniel Ramsbury Winchester
Boucher Benja Trowbridge Trowbridge
Boulton Abraham Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Boulton John Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Boulton Joseph Somerford Keynes Somerford Keynes
Bowden William Warminster Warminster
Bowle Edward Gumbleton Gumbleton
Bowle John Idmerston Idmerston
Bowles John Alborne Cockswell, BER
Bowles William Winterborne Gunner Winterborne
Bowles Wm Woodford Hale
Bowshire William Biddeston Corsham
Boye John Luckington Odlbury, Glouc
Brabant Henry Winterborne Monkton Winterborne
Bracher Edward Sutton Mandeville Stockton
Bracher John Chickslade Hindon
Bracher Robert Sutton Mandeville Sutton
Bracher William Fonthill Gifford Fonthill
Brackstone Giles Ramsbury Ramsbury
Bradfield Richard Langley Burrell Studley
Bradford Anthony Ramsbury Ramsbury
Bradley John Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Bragg William Meere Abby Milton, Dor
Brander Cha Sarum Nee, Hants
Brathwaite J Marlborough Marlborough
Brawn John Bratton Bratton
Bray Ambrose Rushall Rushall
Brazier John Quidhampton Quidhampton
Brazier Richard Wilton Wilton
Brazier Thomas Quidhampton Quidhampton
Bread Chaarles Wanborough Wanborough
Brethel Thomas Bradley North Beckington
Brewer James Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Brewer Jeremiah Sarum Sarum
Brewer John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Brewer John Wraxhall North North Wraxhall
Brickell Jospeh Sarum Shaftesbury
Brickenden R Chilton Foliott Chilton
Brickhill T Chute Shaftesbury
Bright John Chippenham Chippenham
Bright Robert Trowbridge Trowbridge
Bright Solomon Chickslade Chickslade
Brind Henry Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg
Brind William Alborne Alborne
Brind William Wanborough Wanborough
Brinsden John Marlborough Marlborough
Brinston John Meere Newton, Somerset
Bristow John Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Bristow Rob Whiteparish Micheldever
Bristow William Bratton Bratton
Brodie P B Winterflow Winterflow
Brodribb Andrew Bradford Bradford
Brome Francis Bushton Bushton
Brooke Ant Heddington Heddington
Brooks Abraham Calne Bremhill
Brooks Thomas Chippenham Chippenham
Brooks William Sarum Sarum
Brown Bened Studley Studley
Brown Francis Sarum Close of Sarum
Brown George Winterborne Monkton Avebury
Brown Henry Sapworth Bramshaw, Hants
Brown John Chippenham Chippenham
Brown John Creeklade St Sampson Leigh
Brown John Crutwell Crutwell
Brown John Horton Overton
Brown John Marlborough Marlborough
Brown John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Brown John Wilton Wilton
Brown Richard Alborne Alborne
Brown Richard Stapleford Stapleford
Brown Thomas Calne Marlborough
Brown Thomas Devizes Seend
Brown Thomas Manton Ashwick, Glouc
Brown Thomas Sarum Sarum
Brown Thomas Sarum Sarum
Brown William Box Box
Brown William Box Box
Brown William Wroughton East Overton
Browne Edward Manningford Abbots Alton Barnes
Browne George Wellow, West Wellow
Browning John Yatton Keynell Cullerne
Browning Richard Leigh Delamore Leigh Delamore
Brownjohn James Dean West West Dean
Bruges Gif Conock Cherton
Bruges John Chirton Chirton
Bruges Thomas Semington Semington
Brundon richard Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Brushnell William Box Ditteridge
Bryant Edward Rowde Dantsey
Bryant Richard Rushall Rushall
Buckler John Warminster Warminster
Buckler William Warminster Boreham
Budden George Chicksgrove Chalke
Bugden Thomas Sarum Sarum
Bull Benjamin Westbury Westbury
Bull Joseph Chute Appleshaw
Bullock Roger Hullavington Hullavington
Bullock Thomas Sapworth Westbury
Bullock Zeph Box Box
Bungay John Alderbury Alderbury
Burbage Anthony Knoyle East Knoyle
Burch Ambrose Sarum Sarum
Burchel William Polshot Polshot
Burchell Thomas Brinckworth Brinckworth
Burcomb William Trowle Great Bradford
Burden Richard Sarum Sarum
Burdon Stephen Sarum Twyford, Dorset
Burford John Meere Meere
Burge Phillip Sarum Sarum
Burges Thomas Keevil Westbury Leigh
Burrett James Swallowfield Swallowfield
Burrough James Alton Prior's Alton
Burrough Thomas Laverstock Laverstock
Burrow William Sarum Sarum
Burton James Holt Weswoodbay, Ber
Burton John Hullavington Hullavington
Burton Samuel Charnham Street Charnham Street
Bush Edward Quemerford Quemerford
Bush George Monkton Farley Rodstock
Butcher Edward Chittoe Bromham
Butcher John Chute Appleshaw
Butcher John Deverell Longbridge Crockerton
Butcher Johon Bradley North North Bradley
Butcher Walter Bromham Laycock
Butler Eben Warminster Great Sutton
Butler Henry Broughton Gifford Broughton
Butler John Meere Meere
Butler William Shinfield Swallowfield
Butt Edward Sarum Close of Sarum
Butt John Chippenham Chippenham
Butt John Warminster Warminster
Butt William Bradford Bradford
Buttler Edward Warminster Warminster
Buttler William Meere Meere
Button George Calne Calne
Button James Calne Melksham
Button John Calne Calne
Button John Tilshead Wilton
Button William Calne Calne
Buy Charles Kingswood Kingswood
Buy William Swindon Swindon
Bye William Hindon Hindon
Byrt John Chelworth Chelworth
Byrt Morg Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Bythesea T Trowbridge Trowbridge
Cabel Daniel Warminster Warminster
Cale Joseph Calne Calne
Cale Robert Calne Calne
Calley Oliver Overton Overton
Calley William Burderop Burderop
Cambridge William Chippenham Chippenham
Camm Samuel Bradford Bradford
Candy Thomas Sutton Mandeville Sutton
Canter Giles Malmsbury Westport
Carey James Avebury Avebury
Carpenter John Wilton Wilton
Carpenter William Wilton Wilton
Carter Ambrose Sarum Laverstock
Carter Edmund Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Carter Francis Westport Westport
Carter John Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Carter John Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Carter Oliver Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Carter Oliver Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Carter Robert Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Carter Samuel Sarum Close of Sarum
Carter Thomas Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Carter Thomas Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Carter Thomas Meere Meere
Carter Thomas Poulton Ashton Keynes
Carter Thomas Purton Foxley
Carter Thos, jnr Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Cary James Malmsbury Malmsbury
Cary Robert Trowbridge Hampsteed, Midd
Cary William Malmsbury Malmsbury
Case Samuel Sarum Sarum
Case William Sarum Amesbury
Castleman John Ludgershal Milston
Caswell Richard Trowbridge Trowbridge
Chafy John Chalke Close of Sarum
Chamberlain John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Chamberlain Wm Westport Malmsbury
Chambers Thomas Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Chambers Thomas Tisbury Shrewton
Champ Edward Stratton St Margarretts Stratton
Champernown R Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Chandler Daniel Allcannings Allcannings
Chandler Daniel Chirton Maiden
Chandler John Baydon Baydon
Chandler Richard Newnton North Wilsford
Chandler Richard Polshot Bishops Cannings
Chandler Thomas Collingborne Kingston Collingborne
Chandler Thomas Woodborough Woodborough
Chandler William Baydon Baydon
Chandler William Marlborough Marlborough
Chapman Adam Bradford Bradford
Chapman John Bradford Bradford
Chapman John Littleton Drew Littleton Drew
Chapman Samuel Trowbridge Semington
Chapman Thomas Sherston Great Great Sherston
Chapplin William Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Charlton Francis Swallowfield Swallowfield
Charlton John Meere Meere
Charlton Richard Meere Meere
Charmbury Thos Biddeston Biddeston
Chatty John Chute Chute
Cheater John Easterton Easterton
Chiffance John Devizes Devizes
Chiffence Nich Devizes Devizes
Child Francis Yatton Keynell Heddington
Child John Oakingham Waltham St Law.
Child Thomas Chute Husband, Hants
Child William Woodford Lockerly
Chivers Thomas Bishopstrow Warminster
Chouls Thomas Baydon Bedwen
Chowles Thomas Baydon Baydon
Chowles Young Chiselden Chiselden
Chubb Lawrence Sarum Sarum
Church Ama Ramsbury Woolston
Church George Charnham Street Hungerford
Church George Ludgershal Ludgershal
Church George Overton West Overton
Church Israel Chute Clanville, Hants
Clack Thomas Atford Atford
Clare Thomas Newnton Oaksey
Clark Edward Sherston Great Great Sherston
Clark John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Clark John Standen South Hungerford
Clark John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Clark Thomas Shrewton Shrewton
Clark William Collingborne Kingston Collingborne
Clarke Edward Highworth Highworth
Clarke Lawrence Axford Marshfield, GLS
Clarke Thomas Trowbridge Trowbridge
Clarke Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Clemat Samuel Bradley North Trowbridge
Clements John Avebury Avebury
Clements John Swallowfield Swallowfield
Clements William Clyffepyard Avebury
Clifford James Overton West Lockeridge
Clifford John Liddiard Millicent Liddiard Millicent
Clifford John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Clifford Robert Easterton Westbury
Clifford William Marlborough Marlborough
Clutterbuck Daniel Bradford Bradford
Cockell James Corsley Westbury
Cogswell William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Coker Thomas Rodbourn Cheyney Deynton, Glouc
Colborne Joseph Hardenhewish Hardenhewish
Cole Charles Sarum Sarum
Cole Roger Swindon Swindon
Coleman C Winterborne Gunner Winterborne
Coleman Edward Swindon Swindon
Coleman Henry Highworth Highworth
Coleman John Kingston West Castle Comb
Coleman John Kington St Michael Kington St Michael
Coleman John Marlborough Marlborough
Coleman W Kington Langley Kington Langley
Coleman William Hinton Broad Marlborough
Coleman William Swindon Elcombe
Coles James Trowbridge Trowbridge
Coles William Downton Downton
Coles William Ebbesborn Wake Close of Sarum
Coles William Fonthill Gifford Uphaven
Coles Wm Downton Downton
Collett Simon Wraxhall North Bath
Collingborn John Ashton Keynes Little Somerford
Collingbourne Fra Brinckworth Brinckworth
Collingbourne Jac Somerford Little Lea
Collingbourne Jas Somerford Little Little Somerford
Collins Benjamin Sarum Sarum
Collins Ferdinand Hinton Broad Betterton, Berks
Collins Francis Sarum Sarum
Collins Josiah Knook Knook
Collis Edward Swallowfield Reading, Berks
Combes James Sarum Sarum
Comley William Alborne Alborne
Commeline S Wanborough Glocester
Compton H Bramshaw Bistern, Hants
Compton Thomas Chilterne All Saints Chilterne
Cooe John Britford Britford
Cooe William Devizes Rowde
Cook Mark Ludgershal Ludgershall
Cook Peter Swallowfield Swallowfield
Cook William Pewsey Pewsey
Cook William Pewsey Pewsey
Cooke Edward Chiselden Marlborough
Cooke John Codford St Mary Codford St Mary
Cooke John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Cooke Samuel Trowbridge Trowbridge
Cooke William Enford Enford
Cooke William Seend Earl Stoke
Cooke William Swallowfield Swallowfield
Cookley Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Cooksey John Potterne Potterne
Cooksey Thomas Sarum Sarum
Coombs Ed Corsley Corsley
Coombs John Newton South Berwick St James
Cooper Ambrose Holt Holt
Cooper John Laverstock Sarum
Cooper John Shalborne Wallop, Hants
Cooper John Stratford Sarum
Cooper Joseph Swindon Swindon
Cooper Richard Oakingham Hurst
Cooper Robert Sarum Sarum
Cooper Robert Sarum Sarum
Cooper William Grimsteed Grimstead
Coote Ser Ey Damerham West Park
Cope John Highworth Highworth
Cope Joseph Highworth Highworth
Cope William Kington Langley Tetbury, Gloc
Corse Joseph Sarum Sarum
Coster William Figheldean Figheldean
Cottenger William Allcannings Allcannings
Cotterel Cypz Oakingham Oakingham
Cottle Edward Bradford Ashly
Cottle Jeremiah Asbley Little Asbley Little
Cottle Jeremiah Monkton Farley Monkton Farley
Cottle Joseph Trowbridge Hilperton
Cottle Thomas Wraxhall South Monkton Farley
Cotton John Seend Manningford Bru
Cotton Sir J H Wilsford Maddingley, Kent
Couch John Westbury Westbury
Coupuis John Milton Milton
Cove Henry Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Coward Maurice Wilton Wilton
Cowdry John Wilton Wilton
Cowley John Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Cowper Charles Trowbridge Trowbridge
Cox George Swindon Swindon
Coxe Charles Kemble Kemble
Coxhead Benjamin Alborne Mildenhall
Coxhead Robert Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Crabb Edmund Bradley North Telsford
Crabb John Trowbridge Hilperton
Crabb John Wilton Wilton
Craven John Fosbury Barton Court, Be
Creed John Creeklade St Sampson Down Ampney
Creed Jonathan Brinckworth Dauntsey
Cremer James Heytesbury Heytesbury
Creswell Esc Sherston Great Bibury, Gloc
Creswell T E Sherston Pinkney Sherston Pinkney
Crine William Fovant Chalke
Cripps Joseph Oaksey Cirencester, Gloc
Cripps Robert Shrewton Shrewton
Cripps Timothy Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Cripps William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Cripps William, snr Liddiard Tregooze Wotton Bassett
Croker Thomas Millford Millford
Crook Daniel Ashton Steeple Hinton
Crook Edward Chippenham Heddington
Crook John Laycock Chippenham
Crook Phillip Avebury Avebury
Crook Robert Chippenham Tytherton Lucas
Crook Stephen Avebury Avebury
Crook Thomas Chippenham Chippenham
Crook Thomas Ogborne St George Ogborne
Crook William Seend Seend
Crook William Urchfont Urchfont
Crooke Thomas Seend Seend
Croome Nathaniel Woodborough Woodborough
Crop Nicholas Bradford Turly
Crouch Christopher Barford Barford
Crouch James Bradford Bradford
Crouch James Maiden Bradley Maiden Bradley
Crouch Richard Tytherington Tytherington
Crouch Thomas Codford St Peter Codford
Cuff Joseph Chapmanslade Hindon
Cuffe William Ford Winterbourne EA
Cullerne Henry Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Cullurne Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Cully John Marlborough Marlborough
Culverhouse Edw Bradley North North Bradley
Culvers John Westbury Westbury
Cumlyn Silas Sarum Sarum
Cummeline J Draycott Foliatt Draycott Foliatt
Cunditt Thomas Keevil Steeple Ashton
Curtis John Warminster Warminster
Curtis Richard Burtonhill Burtonhill
Curton Thomas Bradley North Bradley
Curtoyse C Milton Milton
Cuss John Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Cuss Robert Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Cuttmore Robert Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Dalley William Rudge Rudge
Dalton John Knoyle West Cucklington
Daman William Bramshaw Romsey
Dampier T Wily Windsor
Dance Isaac Ramsbury Ramsbury
Dance William Ramsbury Ramsbury
Daniel John Warminster Warminster
Daniel Robert Littleton Drew Littleton Drew
Darke Stephen Melksham Broughton Gifford
Davis Edw Rowde London
Davis James Woodford Sarum
Davis John Fisherton Delamere Fisherton Delamere
Davis John Shorncutt Malmsbury
Davis Jospeh Biddeston Frome
Davis William Bradford Bradford
Davis William Devizes Devizes
Davis William Wily Dowton
Davison Will Sutton Veney Sutton Great
Dawes William Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Dawkins Hen Standlinch Standlinch
Dawkins William Downton Downton
Day Anthony Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Day James Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Day John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Day Josiah Kingswood Kingswood
Day Nathaniel Malmsbury Malmsbury
Day William Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Days Daniel Swindon Swindon
Dean Edward Purton Purton
Dean John Collingborne Kingston Collingborne
Dean John Shinfield Reading
Deane Richard Sarum Sarum
Dearman William Devizes Devizes
Delme John Calne Westminster
Dench John Ogborne St George Ogborne
Denton James Sarum Sarum
Descrambes J Wroughton Wroughton
Deverell James Sherston Great Great Sherston
Deverell Jeremiah Bradford Bradford
Deverell John Bradford Bradford
Devon Christopher Pewsey Pewsey
Devon William Marlborough Marlborough
Dew Henry Sarum Sarum
Dew Richard Purton Steeple Ashton
Dewry Edward Deverell Longbridge Deverell
Dickenson R Swindon London
Dickman John Shalborne Shalborne
Dickman Robert Rowde Rowde
Dicks Robert Bradford Bradford
Digby Char Maddington Maddington
Dike Geoff Kington Langley Hullavington
Dike Joseph Bradford Bradford
Dike William Seagry Seagry
Dixon Benjamin Ramsbury Ramsbury
Dobson John Deverell Longbridge Deverell
Dodd James Hurst Hurst
Dodwell Art Cannings Bishop Devizes
Dodymead Moses Diltons Marsh Diltons Marsh
Dore John Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Dore Lawrence Purton Purton
Dore Peter Swindon Swindon
Dore Richard Swindon Lyddiard Tregooze
Dore Richard Swindon Wroughton
Dore Robert Purton Purton
Dore Stephen Sarum Sarum
Doswell John Fisherton Anger Millford
Douglass William Oakingham Oakingham
Dowding Christ Meere Meere
Down John Corsley Corsley
Dowse Thomas Urchfont Easterton
Dowsell John Poulton Poulton
Drake Nathaniel Rowde Rowde
Draper Benjamin Easterton Easterton
Draper Francis Easterton Easterton
Draper Philip Easterton Sarum
Drax T E Maddington Charborough, Dor
Drewet Edward Allington Patney
Druce James Bradford Bradford
Duck Edward Laycock Notton
Duckett William Marston Meysey Southrop, Gloc
Duckett Wm Box Corsham
Duke J Sarum Appleshaw
Duke Robert Lake Lake
Dunn Maurice Wanborough Wanborough
Dunn Robert Wanborough Wanborough
Dunning Samuel Wilton Wilton
Dunsden Richard Bedwin Bedwin
Dunsdon John Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Dunsdon Richard Hinton Steeple Ashton
Durnford Thomas Marlborough Burbage
Dutch Jonas Sutton Great Great Sutton
Dyer James Boyton Boyton
Dyer Joseph Hurst Reading
Dyer Richard Boyton Boyton
Dyer Robert Seend Calne
Dyer Simon Heytesbury Heytesbury
Dyke Jeremiah Manningford Bruce Woodborough
Dyke Thomas Sarum Sarum
Dyke Thomas Uphaven Uphaven
Dyke William Chiselden Chiselden
Dyke William Figheldean Figheldean
Dymott John Whiteparish Rockborne
Eacott John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Eastman John Downton Downton
Eastman Joseph Downton Downton
Easton Edward Sarum Sarum
Eaton Thomas Chippenham Chippenham
Edgehill H Chickslade Standewick
Edgell John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Edmunds John Wilcot Wilcot
Edney Math Wellow, West Wellow
Edwards Ambrose Lavington Market Lavington
Edwards Benjamin Chippenham Chippenham
Edwards Charles Pewsey Pewsey
Edwards George Bradford Bradford
Edwards Harry Purton Rodborne Cheyney
Edwards John Bradford Seend
Edwards John Bradley North Bradley
Edwards John Warminster Warminster
Edwards John Warminster Warminster
Edwards Joseph Trowbridge Trowbridge
Edwards William Sarum Cosley, Staff
Edwards William Swindon Minty, Glouc
Effington William Calne Calne
Egerton Dod Landford Landford
Egerton Richard Bradford Bath
Elborow John Swindon Swindon
Elderton Joseph Sarum Sarum
Elderton William Sarum Sarum
Eldridge John Devizes Abingdon
Eldridge Richard Marston South South Marston
Eliott Nich Winterborne Gunner Winterborne
Elisha John Shinfield Shinfield
Elliott William Meere Meere
Ellis Isaac Marston Marston
Ellis Thomas Meere Cucklington
Ellis Thomas, jnr Meere Wincanton
Ellis William Ashton Steeple Edington
Ellyot Henry Laverstock Sarum
Elwill Sir J Corsley Cowesfield
Emblen John Highworth Highworth
Emm Stephen Ebbesborn Wake Ebbesborn Wake
Emmott Phillip Grimsteed West Dean
Ernle Sir E Burbage Brimslade
Etwall Thomas Marlborough Marlborough
Evans Arthur Rodbourn Cheyney Writtle, Essex
Evans Giles Oakingham Oakingham
Evans Henry Rodbourn Cheyney Rodbourn Cheyney
Evans Robert Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Everett John Gale Heytesbury Heytesbury
Everett Will, jnr Horningsham Horningsham
Everett William Heytesbury Heytesbury
Exton Charles Malmsbury Malmsbury
Exton Thomas Lea Lea
Eyles Albert Purton Cirencester, Glouc.
Eyles Hope Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Eyles John Bradford Bradford
Eyles John Highway Liddiard Tregooze
Eyles John Oare Oare
Eyles John Wanborough Wanborough
Eyles Thomas Atford Melksham
Eyles William Atford Melksham
Eyles William Pewsey Pewsey
Eyre Henry Brickworth Brickworth
Eyre John Heddington Wyly
Eyre John Landford Landford
Eyre Tho Chilmark Chilmark
Eyres Nicholas Corsley Corsley
Eyres Richard Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Eyres William Burbage Burbage
Fanter William Bradley North Beckington
Farley Henry Fovant Fovant
Farmer Rich, jnr Swindon Swindon
Farmer Rich, snr Swindon Swindon
Farmer Richard Swindon Swindon
Farmer William Swindon Swindon
Farr Charles Highworth Highworth
Fast John Langley Burrell Laycock
Faukes William Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Fawconer S Idmerston Poole, Dorset
Fawkener Sind Sarum Sarum
Feake John Sarum Sarum
Febberd John Sarum Sarum
Felto George Trowbridge Trowbridge
Fennell Robert Bromham Bromham
Ferris James Bradford Bradford
Ferris Samuel Bulkington Westbury
Ferris Samuel Chirton Codford
Fidgens Henry Devizes Devizes
Fidgens John Cannings Bishop Cannings
Fidgens Matthew Devizes Devizes
Fidler Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Field James Chickslade Chickslade
Field James Chilton Foliott Chilton
Field James Fonthill Gifford Fonthill
Filkes John Polshot Devizes
Filkes Samuel Trowbridge Devizes
Fillis John Westbury Melksham
Finch John Baydon 08-Dec-97
Finch John Baydon Baydon
Fisher Thomas Bishopstrow Bishopstrow
Fisher William Bradford Ashley
Fitz John Swallow Cliff Chilmark
Fitz John Swallow Cliff Corton
Fletcher Edward Eysey Eysey
Fletcher J Manningford Abbots Manningford
Flewelling John Biddeston North Wraxall
Flower Cos Devizes Devizes
Flower Edward Devizes Devizes
Flower Geo Chisenbury Devizes
Flower Henry Ashton West West Ashton
Flower Henry Melksham Melksham
Flower John Keevil Melksham
Flower Thomas Heytesbury Heytesbury
Foliatt Jonathan Semley East Knoyle
Folkestone J Vis Woottton Bassett Coleshill, Berks
Foot James Berwick St John Bradford
Foot John Grimsteed Tytherly
Foot Samuel Berwick St John Sherborne
Ford James Meere Meere
Ford John Box Box
Ford John Langford Steeple Steeple Langford
Ford John Potterne Melksham
Ford John Rushall Rushall
Ford John Warminster Warminster
Ford Michael Biddeston Corsham
Forster James Limpley Stoke Limpley Stoke
Forster Richard Sarum Sarum
Fort Philip Wilton Wilton
Forth William Lavington Market Devizes
Forty John Chilton Foliott Uffington, Berks
Forward Giles Meere Woolverton
Forward William Meere Bourtourn, DOR
Foster James Britford Sarum
Fowle Edward Manningford Abbots Manningford
Fowle Henry Newnton North Charlton
Fowle James Marlborough Marlborough
Fowle Thos Fyfield Kintbury
Fowler John Highworth Stratton St Marg
Fowler Richard Avebury Avebury
Fowler Thomas Alborne Alborne
Fowler William Ogborne St George Ogborne
Fowles Edmund Sarum Sarum
Fox Christ Wanborough Chiddesdon, Hants
Fox Stephen Winterflow Winterflow
Fox William Burbage Charnham Street
Frampton Alg Tockenham Tockenham
Frampton J Bradley North Moreton, DOR
Frampton M Bremhill Bremhill
Francis Edward Ramsbury Ramsbury
Francis Edward Sarum Sarum
Francis Richard Ramsbury Easton
Francome Richard Purton Purton
Franklin William Liddiard Millicent Liddiard Millicent
Frapp William Westbury Westbury
Freeman John Chute Chute Lodge
Freemantle Robert Boscomb Boscomb
Freke John Somerford Little Gillingham, Dors
Freke Wm Hannigton Hannigton
Fricker Gid Bradley North North Bradley
Fricker Harry Bradley North Charthouse Hinton
Fricker Henry Sutton Mandeville Sutton Mandeville
Fricker John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Friend James Wilton Wilton
Friend John Wellow, West Wellow
Frome John Cannings Bishop Devizes
Froome T Creeklade St Sampson Eastwoodhay, Hants
Frost John Kington St Michael Draycot Cerne
Froud John Edington Edington
Fry James Meere Meere
Fry Nehemiah Wilton Wilton
Fry Richard Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Fry Thomas Sarum Sarum
Fry William Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Fryer Richard Trowbridge Studley
Fuidge William Wanborough Marlborough
Fuller Benjamin Rowde Devizes
Gaby James Bromham Bromham
Gale Edward Alton Prior's Alton
Gale Henry Oare Oare
Gale Isaac, jnr Kington St Michael Bulhides
Gale Isaac, snr Kington St Michael Allington
Gale John Shalborne Burbage
Gale John Sadler Hardenhewish Chippenham
Gale Nicholas Chippenham Chippenham
Gale Richard Melksham Melksham
Gale Richard Tytherton Kellaways Calne
Gale William Burbage Burbage
Gale William Yatton Keynell Chippenham
Gardener William Wilton Wilton
Gardner Gabriel Poulton Poulton
Garlick John Malmsbury Brokenbrow
Garlick Joseph Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Garrard Christ Ramsbury Ramsbury
Garrard John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Garrard Rich Marriage Hill Ramsbury
Garrett William Sutton Great Great Sutton
Gauntlet Henry Cannings Bishop Devizes
Gauntlet Roger Somerford Little Little Somerford
Gauntlett Henry Sarum Sarum
Gauntlett John Wilton Wilton
Gausford T Cannings Bishop Westbury
Gay John Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg
Geary Robert Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Geary William Sarum Sarum
Gent John Devizes Devizes
Gent Matthew Devizes Devizes
Fonthill Gifford Fonthill
Gerrard John Fovant Sutton Mandeville
Gerrard Thomas Fovant Fovant
Gerrard Thomas Stratton St Margarretts Uffington, Berks
Gerring Abraham Sherston Great Great Sherston
Gerrish William Wraxhall South Bath
Getley John Warminster Bishopston
Ghey John Trowbridge Studley
Gibbes John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Gibbes Thomas Imber Imber
Gibbons George Box Box
Gibbons John Box Box
Gibbs Gaisford Westbury Westbury
Gibbs Geo Woodborough Woodborough
Gibbs John Downton Downton
Gibbs John Maddington Maddington
Gibbs Ph Ja Trowbridge Trowbridge
Gibbs William Deverell Brixton Orcheston St George
Gibbs William Ramsbury Ramsbury
Gibson T Whiteparish Ramsey, Essex
Giddings John Devizes Devizes
Giddings John Rowde Stert
Giddings William Heytesbury Heytesbury
Giffard Francis Charlton Uphaven
Giffard Yate Devizes Devizes
Gilbert George Keevil Keevil
Gilbert R Sarum Close of Sarum
Gilbert Thomas Corsham Bathwick
Gilbert William Marlborough Bedwin
Gilbert William Shrewton Maddington
Giles Edward Purton Purton
Giles Henry Shrewton Andover
Giles William Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Giles William Easterton Lavington
Gillett George Trowbridge Trowbridge
Gillman John Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Gilmore John Marlborough Preshutt
Gilmore Joseph Marlborough Marlborough
Gilmore Wal, jnr Marlborough Marlborough
Gilmore Walter Marlborough Marlborough
Gilpin J Power Kington St Michael Bath
Girl William Newtontoney Newtontoney
Glass James Polshot Marston
Glass Thomas Pewsey Pewsey
Glead Nicholas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Gleed Isaac Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Gleed Isaac Liddiard Millicent Liddiard Millicent
Glover Samuel Meere Meere
Glover Thomas Westbury Westbury
Goatly Edmund Marlborough Marlborough
God John Chalke Chalke
Godby Jonathan Trowbridge Trowbridge
Godby Pil Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Goddard E Castle Eaton Eastwoodbay, Han
Goddard John Ogborne St Andrew Tidworth, Hants
Goddard John Wilton Wilton
Goddard Nicholas Wellow, West Wellow
Goddard R Purton Purton
Goddard Ralph Alborne Alborne
Goddard Rev Edw Clyffepyard Clyffepyard
Godman James Wanborough Ogborne S George
Godwin Jeremiah Bradford Holt
Godwin John Holt Holt
Godwin Rabert Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg
Godwin Robert Malmsbury Melksham
Godwin Thomas Easterton Lavington
Golding George Dunhead St Andrew Dunhead
Golton James Bradford Bradford
Good Charles Swallowfield Hackfield
Good John Dunhead St Mary Shaftesbury
Goodchild Thomas Hurst Hurst
Goodenough R J Somerford Broad Froyle, Hants
Goodfellow Francis Harnham Close of Sarum
Goodfellow Matt Sarum Sarum
Goodfellow Richard Codford St Mary Codford St Mary
Goodfellow Will Fovant Fovant
Gooding James Marlborough Marlborough
Goodinge Wal Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg
Goodlake Thomas Charnham Street Letcombe, Berks
Goodman Henry Pewsey Easton
Goodman John Pewsey Easton
Goodman John Rowde Rowde
Gorton Harry Highworth Highworth
Goss John Sarum Sarum
Gough Richard Sarum Sarum
Gould George Chippenham Chippenham
Gould John Alborne Alborne
Gould Josiah Chalke Chalke
Grace Thomas Chute Weyhill
Grant Edward Baydon Baydon
Grant John Bremhill London
Grant John Rushall Fittleton
Grant Robert Lyneham Lyneham
Grantham George Shinfield Shinfield
Gray Ant Corsham Corsham
Gray Arthur Melksham Melksham
Gray John Melksham Melksham
Gray Joseph Stratton St Margarretts Stratton
Gray Robert Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Gray Samuel Stratton St Margarretts Stratton
Green Edmund Woottton Bassett Compton Bassett
Green James Christian Malford Christian Malford
Green John Hilmarton Hillmarton
Green John Sarum Sarum
Green Tho Sarum Close of Sarum
Greenaway Francis Biddeston Cullerne
Greene Edward Stratton St Margarretts Highworth
Greene Joseph Trowbridge Trowbridge
Greenhill Benjamin Bradley North Bradley
Greenhill Joseph Bradley North Wolverton
Gregory Richard Whiteparish Whiteparish
Greville Fulke Newtontoney Newtontoney
Griffin John Avebury West Lavington
Griffin William Brokenbrow Malmsbury
Gringell Joseph Westport Malmsbury
Grist Charles Bradford Bradford
Grist Thomas Rowde Sarum
Grove Thomas Orcheston St George Fife Head Magd.
Grove Thomas Pewsey Pewsey
Grove W C Meere Zeals
Gulliver Charles Meere Meere
Guly Richard Bradley North North Bradley
Gurd W W Dunhead St Mary Fordingbridge
Guy Anthony Chippenham Chippenham
Gwyn William Alborne Alborne
Habgood Edward Chelworth Chelworth
Hacker John Tisbury Tisbury
Hadd John Langley Burrell Corsham
Hadland Anthony Oakingham Oakingham
Haggard Henry Wanborough Hollingbury, Essex
Haggard Hill Swindon Swindon
Haggard James Swindon Swindon
Haggard William Highworth Highworth
Haines John Seend Seend
Hains John Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Hale Benjamin Calne Calne
Hale Edward Devizes Devizes
Hale Ralph, snr Calne Calne
Hale Rob Bradford Redland, GLS
Hale Roger Cherhill Cherhill
Hale Stephen Calne Calne
Hale William Bradley North Bradley
Hall Daniel Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hall Edward Sherston Great Great Sherston
Hall James Chapmanslade Westbury
Hall James Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Hall John Swallowfield Egham, Surry
Hall Robert Liddiard Tregooze Cirencester, Gloc
Hall Roger Swindon Swindon
Hall William Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Hallet Thomas Fovant Fovant
Hallett Thomas Chalke Fovant
Halliday Joseph Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hambleton John Sarum Sarum
Hambridge Robert Sherston Great Wooton Underedge
Hammond Her Marlborough Marlborough
Hammond John Marlborough Marlborough
Hancock John Corsham Corsham
Hancock John Marlborough Savernake
Hancock Thomas Chippenham Corsham
Hancock Thomas Malmsbury Tetbury, Glouc
Hancock Thomas Marlborough Marlborough
Handcock John Box Box
Handcock Thomas Kington Langley Box
Hanham Sr W Atford Deans Court
Hanks William Kingswood Ringwood
Hanks William Malmsbury Westport
Hannington Robert Swallowfield Swallowfield
Hansell Thomas Stanton Fitz Warren Highworth
Hansom Robert Swallowfield Reading, Berks
Harding Henry Broughton Gifford Broughton
Harding John Box Box
Harding John Hindon Hindon
Harding Robert Wanborough Wanborough
Harding William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Harford John Kingston West Marshfield, Gloc
Harman John Horningsham Horningsham
Harman John Keevil Keevil
Harper John Bradford Monkton Farley
Harper Richard Rowde Rowde
Harrington J Burcombe Woodford
Harrington John Chalke Chalke
Harris Abraham Wroughton Wroughton
Harris Charles Chippenham Chippenham
Harris Charles Trowbridge Trowbridge
Harris Henry Warminster Boreham
Harris James Berwick St James Close of Sarum
Harris John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Harris John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Harris Nicholas Sapworth Sapworth
Harris Thomas Grimsteed Grimstead
Harris Thomas Sarum Sarum
Harrison Ambrose Sarum Sarum
Harrison Edward Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Harrison John Sarum Sarum
Harrison W Bedwin Oxford
Hart Jeremiah Seend Melksham
Hart Thomas Woottton Bassett Stroud, Glouc
Harvey George Creeklade St Sampson Water Eaton
Harvey William Bearfield Bearfield
Harvey William Bradford Bradford
Harwood George Sarum Quidhampton
Haskins John Chilton Foliott Chilton
Hatcher Robert Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hater Henry Dinton Dinton
Hatt Thomas Lyddington Lyddington
Hatt Thomas Swindon Swindon
Hause Richard Warminster Warminster
Hawes John Wilton Wilton
Hawkes Samuel Ogborne Meisey Marlborough
Hawkins William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Hay Edward Chute Newbury
Hayes Richard Deverell Longbridge Deverell Longbridge
Hayes William Wilton Wilton
Hayne John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Haynes Richard Netherhaven Netherhaven
Haynes Robert Marlborough Marlborough
Hayter Aug Bradford Bradford
Hayter Aug Durnford Bulford
Hayter Henry Dinton Dinton
Hayter James Wilton Wilton
Hayter John Teffont Magna Teffont Magna
Hayter Joseph, jnr Sarum Sarum
Hayter Tho Sarum Close of Sarum
Hayter Wil Gumbleton Newtontoney
Hayward John Charnham Street Marden
Hayward John Chirton Chirton
Hayward Joseph Newnton North Hilcot
Hayward Lawrence Bradley North Westbury
Hayward Robert Bradley North Beckington
Hayward Robert Chirton Chirton
Hayward Robert Rowde Roundway
Hayward William Bradford Bradford
Hayward William Marlborough Marlborough
Hazeland William Woodborough Woodborough
Head Francis Chippenham Chippenham
Head Peter Alderbury Alderbury
Head Richard Rowlston Amesbury
Head Vine Marlborough Marlborough
Head William Pewsey Pewsey
Headington C Poulton Kempsford, Gloc
Heath T Calston Woollington Calston Woollington
Heath William Calne Calne
Heath William Swindon Swindon
Hederly James Chute Appleshaw
Hedges Tho Aldrington Aldrington
Henley John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Herbert Cha Christian Malford New For. Hants
Herne William Chilton Foliott Chilton
Herring Francis Wanborough Wanborough
Herring John Netherhaven Figheldean
Herring Thomas Chiselden Chiselden
Herring Thomas Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Herring Thomas Wanborough Wanborough
Herritage John Seend Seend
Hibberd James Coombe Bissett Rockborne
Hibberd James Harnham Bramshaw
Hibberd John Barford Barford
Hibberd John Harnham Nunton
Hibberd Matthew Sarum Sarum
Hickman Daniel Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Hickman Daniel Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Hickman Thomas Fovant Fovant
Hickman Thomas Warminster Warminster
Hicks John Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Hicks John Bromham Bromham
Hicks John Lewis Keevil Steeple Ashton
Hicks Josiah Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Hicks R A Broughton Gifford Broughton
Hicks Thomas Kington Langley Chippenham
Hide Joshua Stratton St Margarretts Stratton
Hide Robert Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Higgenson Wm Corsham Corsham
Higgins Thomas Sarum Stratford
Higgs Charles Oakingham Hurst
Higham Charles Marlborough Marlborough
Higham James Marlborough Marlborough
Hildyard Edward Froxfield London
Hill David Heddington Heddington
Hill Henry Wraxhall North North Wraxhall
Hill Thomas Burtonhill Malmsbury
Hill Thomas Cannings Bishop Cannings
Hill Thomas Westbury Chapmanslade
Hillier George Devizes Devizes
Hillier James Rowde Devizes
Hillier John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Hillier Maurice Oare Oare
Hillier William Sherston Great Sherston
Hillman Edward Bradley North Trowbridge
Hillman Wm Tytherington East Close, Hants
Hinder Henry Purton Purton
Hindley Henry Meere Meere
Hinnard James Biddeston Biddeston
Hinton Christopher Boyton Boyton
Hinton Edmund Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Hinton Edward Warminster Warminster
Hinton John Bishopstrow Bishopstrow
Hinton John Creeklade St Sampson Braydon
Hinton Thomas Sutton Great Great Sutton
Hinton William Warminster Warminster
Hinton William Wilton Wilton
Hinxman J, jnr Sarum Sarum
Hinxman Joseph Sarum Sarum
Hippesley John Stanton Fitz Warren Stow, Glouc
Hisbury Daniel Kingswood Hawkesbury
Hiscock John Manningford Abbots West Stowell
Hiscock John Rowde Alborne
Hiscock Richard Stowell West Stowell
Hitchcock Edward Manton Marlborough
Hitchcock James Avebury Avebury
Hitchins John Rowde Rowde
Hitchins John Somerford Great Great Somerford
Hitchman John Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hiyatt Harry Chippenham Chippenham
Hobbes William Alborne Baydon
Hobbs John Easterton Easterton
Hobbs John Swindon Swindon
Hobbs William Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hobbs William Kingswood Wickwar
Hodge Thomas Marlborough Marlborough
Holborough Will Sherston Great Great Sherston
Holborow Isaac Wraxhall North North Wraxhall
Holborow Joseph Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Hold John Chute Chute
Holdaway Edward Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Holford Peter Bremetham Westonbert, GLS
Holiday Giles Knook Little Sutton
Holliday Richard Bradford Bradford
Hollis Robert Seagry Seagry
Holloway John Newnton North Bromham
Holloway Richard Porton Porton
Holloway Thomas Devizes Devizes
Holloway William Uphaven Uphaven
Holloway William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Holly Wm, jnr Wilton Wilton
Holly Wm, snr Wilton Wilton
Holmes Richard Woottton Bassett Wootton Basset
Holmes Thomas Burbage Burbage
Holt Daniel Hurst Oakington
Holt John Hurst Hurst
Holt Walter Chute Redman, Hants
Holton Richard Warminster Warminster
Homes Thomas Chippenham Chippenham
Honeytone Thomas Wanborough Wanborough
Hood Ambrose Coate Coate
Hood John Heddington Seend
Hook John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Hooker John Winterflow Winterflow
Hooper John Whitley Whitley
Hooper William Deverell Longbridge Borham
Hope Henry Marlborough Marlborough
Hope John Devizes Devizes
Hoper George Devizes Devizes
Hoper William Devizes Uphaven
Hopkins James Wilton Wilton
Hopkins John Marlborough Marlborough
Hopkins William Swallowfield Finchem Street
Horlett William Boyton Corton
Horne John Hurst Hurst
Horne Joseph Newton South South Newton
Horne Robert Ludgershal Kimpton, Hants
Horne Thomas Swallowfield Swallowfield
Horne william Stratton St Margarretts Swindon
Horsall Barth Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Horsell Bath Woottton Bassett Wootton Basset
Horsell John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Horsell Ruben Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Horshall Nathaniel Avebury Avebury
Horton John Devizes Bath
Houlton John Seagry Seagry
Houlton R Grittleton Bristol
House John Poulton Poulton
Howard William Bradford Bradford
Howell Ethelbert Sherston Great Great Sherston
Howell Thomas Melksham Steeple Ashton
Howell William Wanborough Wanborough
Hubbard Tho Deverell Hill Sunning, Berks
Hudd William Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Hudson George Hurst Reading
Hudson James Chippenham Chippenham
Hudson John Westport Malmsbury
Hudson Joseph Chippenham Chippenham
Hudson Robert Westport Malmsbury
Hughes Alexander Castle Eaton Cricklade St Samp
Hughes David Calne Wincanton, SOM
Hughes Solomon Polshot Devizes
Huit Thomas Westbury Westbury
Hulbert Gallim Upton Scudamore Corsham
Hulbert John Laycock Corsham
Hulbert John Woottton Bassett Corsham
Hulbert Richard Corsham Dingley
Hulbert T Corsham Spunhill, Berks
Hulbert Thomas Corsham Pickwick
Hulbert William Corsham Corsham
Hull Thomas Chickslade Pertwood
Hume John Lavington West Gillingham
Hume Nat Harnham London
Humphrey John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Humphreys Thos Ludgershal Collingborne
Humphries C Fonthill Bishop Fonthill
Humphrys John Uffcott Uffcott
Humphrys John C Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Humphrys Matt Chippenham Chippenham
Humphrys William Swindon Swindon
Hunt Briton Warminster Warminster
Hunt Charles Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hunt Henry Enford Enford
Hunt John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Hunt Robert Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hunt Thomas Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hunt Thomas Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hunt William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Hunter Edward Wroughton Broad Hinton
Huntley Fitz Luckington Luckington
Huntly John Lockeridge Lockeridge
Hurle Thomas Monkton Deverell Monkton Deverell
Hurst Benjamin Whiteparish Romsey, Hants
Hurst Richard Castle Eaton Fairford, GLS
Hussey T Harnham Fisherton Anger
Hussey Will Sarum Sarum
Hussey William Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Hutchens Thomas Chute Monxton, Hants
Hutchens William Bedwin Penton, HANTS
Hutchings Matt Lyddington Collingborne Ducis
Hutchins Richard Ludgershal Ludgershal
Hyat Richard, jnr Chippenham Chippenham
Iddols Thomas Sapworth Corsham
Iddols William Sapworth Sherston
Imber Edward Sutton Great Sutton
Ingram Christopher Bapton Clarendon
Ingram John Codford St Mary Codford St Mary
Ingram John Purton Brinkworth
Ingram William Bapton Bapton
Innes Edw Barford Devizes
Innes Francis Deverell Longbridge Warminster
Ireland William Grimsteed Grimstead
Isaac Jeremiah Atford Corsham
Ivy Jason Milton Savernake
Jackson James Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Jacob John Tockenham Tockenham
James Henry Alborne Alborne
James John Berwick St John Berwick
James Richard Devizes Devizes
James Silas Bradford Bradford
Jaques Henry Devizes Devizes
Jarvis Mau Uphaven Uphaven
Jarvis Simon Uphaven Uphaven
Jeboult Hugh Sarum Sarum
Jeboult Hugh Sarum Sarum
Jeboult Randall Hindon Fisherton
Jeffe William Rudge Rudge
Jefferies Robert Polshot Polshot
Jefferies Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Jeffery Robert Quidhampton Quidhampton
Jeffery William Swallowfield Heckfield
Jefferys John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Jenkins Richard Melksham Wells
Jenner Hen Bedwin Bedwin
Jenner William Eysey Marston Meysey
Jennings Robert Shrewton Shrewton
Jerrett Henry Swallow Cliff Swallowcliff
Johnson Jonathan Swindon Swindon
Johnson S Melksham Circenester, Gloc
Johnson T Bradford Wooley
Johnson Thomas Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Johnson Thomas Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Joles William Netherhaven Figheldean
Jones Arth Avebury Avebury
Jones Daniel Boscomb Boscomb
Jones John Cannings Bishop Urchfont
Jones John Luckington Luckington
Jones Joseph Wilton Wilton
Jones Samuel Somerford Great Great Somerford
Jones Solomon Sherston Great Castlecombe
Jones W L Ramsbury Ramsbury
Jones William Baydon Baydon
Jones William Bradford Warminster
Jones Wm Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Jordan James Bradley North North Bradley
Jordan John Atford Atford
Jordan Wm, snr Devizes Devizes
Jotham Thomas Bradford Bradford
Joyce John Baydon Baydon
Joyner William Trowbridge Hilperton
Judd John Alderbury Whaddon
Judd John Shrewton King Somborne
Judd John Winterflow Winterflow
Jukes James Meere Meere
Jukes John Meere Meere
Jukes Thomas Bapton Tisbury
Keate Thomas Rodbourn Cheyney Rodbourn Cheyney
Keate Thomas Stockley Calne
Kebby Richard Westbury Westbury
Keble Richard Newtontoney Sarum
Keble Thomas Durnford Durnford
Keele Daneil Sarum Sarum
Keele Robert Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Keill James Marlborough Marlborough
Kellow Char Berwick St James Berwick
Kellow Tho Codford St Peter Codford
Kellow Thomas Shrewton Amesbury
Kelloway John Bratton Westbury
Kemble William Swindon Swindon
Kemm Henry Chippenham Chippenham
Kemm James Ogborne St George Ogborne
Kemp Henry Seend Seend
Kemp William Brinckworth Lineham
Kempster John Highworth Highworth
Kempster Richard Marston South South Marston
Kemshead Stephen Whiteparish East Dean
Kendall Andrew Ashton Keynes No. Sarney, GLS
Kendall Robert Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Kent William Pewsey Pewsey
Kerby Lanc Castle Eaton Winchester, Hants
Kervill William Downton Downton
Kimber John Chilton Foliott Chilton
Kimber John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Kimber Thomas Baydon Chiltern
Kimber William Poulton Sharncutt
Kimber William Sarum Sarum
King Edmund Hankerton Creeklade
King Henry Limpley Stoke Limpley Stoke
King Richard Limpley Stoke Limpley Stoke
King Thomas Ramsbury Alborne
King William Dunhead St Mary Andover
King William Swindon Swindon
Kingsom John Tytherton Kellaways Tytherton
Kington Anthony Atford Widcomb
Kington Thomas Laycock Bristol
Kite Robert Urchfont Urchfont
Knap Samuel Somerford Great Great Somerford
Knee Benjamin Bromham Bromham
Kneller G K Dunhead St Mary Dunhead
Knight George Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Knight John Norton Bavant Corsley
Knight John Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Knight William Dunhead St Mary Sarum
Knighton John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Knighton Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Kure Thomas Hankerton Rutley
Lacy Joseph Bradford Bradford
Ladd William Box Box
Lake Christopher Sarum Sarum
Lake Richard Sarum Dorchester
Lake Robert Sarum Weymouth
Lake Thomas Sarum Sarum
Lamb John Sarum Sarum
Lambert Charles Sarum Sarum
Lambert E Boyton Boyton
Lambert John Dunhead St Mary Shaftesbury
Lamplow William Oakingham Oakingham
Lander John Meere Meere
Lander Michael Meere Meere
Landsdown George Horningsham Frome, SOM
Lane Benjamin Wilton Wilton
Lane David Devizes Devizes
Lane Henry Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Lane Isaac Castlecomb Kington S. Michael
Lane John Bedborough Bedborough
Lanfear Ambrose Stockley Chippenham
Lanfear John Calne Calne
Lanfear Joseph Stockley Stockley
Lanfere James Diltons Marsh Diltons Marsh
Langfield Roger Ramsbury Ramsbury
Langford John Wilton Wilton
Langley Henry Kington Langley Kington Langley
Langley William Shrewton Maddington
Langly John Warminster Warminster
Lansdown Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Large John Lyneham Lyneham
Large William Purton Purton
Larkham Edward Warminster Warminster
Laurence Edward Bulford Woodford
Lavington T, jnr Kennett Stanton
Lavington Thomas Allcannings Stanton
Law Isaac Swindon Swindon
Lawes thomas Durrington Durrington
Lawes Thomas Fovant Alvedefton
Lawes Wm Alsop Tilshead Tilshead
Lawrence Edmund Chilterne All Saints Woodford
Lawrence Edward Liddiard Millicent Liddiard Millicent
Lawrence John Horton Horton
Lawrence John Porton Porton
Lawrence Robert Potterne Devizes
Lawrence Thomas Swindon Swindon
Lawrence William Deverell Longbridge Bruton, SOM
Lawrence William Oakingham Oakingham
Lawrence William Swindon Swindon
Layd Edward Westbury Westbury
Lea John Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Lea Richard Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Lea William Bradford Winsley
Leach William Devizes Devizes
Lee Edmudn Harnham Warminster
Lee James Box Box
Lee James Charlton Charlton
Lee John Box Box
Lee John Pewsey Pewsey
Legge Richard Lavington Market Lavington
Leia Thomas Corsham Charlton Mus. So
Lenton James Sarum Sarum
Lenton William Sarum Sarum
Leonard John Somerford Great Rodborne
Lester John Stratton St Margarretts Rodborne Cheyney
Levi Richard Britford Britford
Lewis Christopher Britford Milford
Lewis George Limpley Stoke Limpley Stoke
Lewis James Sarum Close of Sarum
Lewis John Castlecomb Castlecomb
Lewis John Overton West Lockeridge
Lewis John Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Lewis Tho Imber Bath
Lewis Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Lewis Thomas Warminster Warminster
Lewis William Cannings Bishop Devizes
Lewis William Downton Downton
Lewis William Horton Roundway
Leyson John Hannigton Stanton
Liddiard John Purton Purton
Liddiard T Wanborough Devizes
Lifely John Highworth Letchlade, GLS
Litten Robert Stratton St Margarretts Stratton
Little Aaron Biddeston Biddeston
Little Abraham Hilperton Trowbridge
Little John Melksham Melksham
Little John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Little John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Little Joseph Bradford Bradford
Little Richard Trowbridge Trowbridge
Little Richard Wanborough Wanborough
Little Thomas Marlborough Marlborough
Little William Rowde Polshot
Lloyd Nowes Hinton Little Hinton
Lock Wad Seend Devizes
Locke Joseph Lavington Market Lavington
Lockton John Chilton Foliott Clanville, Hants
Lodge James Oakingham Hurst
Lodge John Bishopston Chalk
Long Charles Froxfield Draycott
Long James Edington Edington
Long James Sarum Sarum
Long John Sutton Great Great Sutton
Long Joseph Burbage Bedwin
Long Lewis Woottton Bassett Wootton Basset
Long Richard Ashton West Rood Ashton
Long Robert Norton Bavant Norton Bavant
Long Samuel Sutton Great Heytesbury
Long Samuel Sutton Little Heytesbury
Long Sir Ja Draycott Cerne Draycott Cerne
Long Wm Melksham Melksham
Longford Thomas Leigh Rodmartin, Gloc
Looker Joseph Hodson Hodson
Lord John Highworth Highworth
Loscomb Robert Trowbridge Trowbridge
Louch Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Loveday Francis Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg
Lovegrove Ambrose Chippenham Chippenham
Lovegrove Edward Wilton Wilton
Lucas Thomas Chickslade Chickslade
Lucas Thomas Seend Seend
Lucas William Potterne Devizes
Ludlow Thomas Crutwell Crutwell
Luff Thomas Marlborough Marlborough
Lunn James Hurst Hurst
Lush Joseph Dunhead St Mary Dunhead
Lydiard Aaron Ramsbury Ramsbury
Lydiard John Melksham Melksham
Lydiard John Milton Milton
Lydiard Moses Baydon Alborne
Lydiard W S Rockley Rockley
Lydiard William Marlborough Marlborough
Lyne John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Mabil Samuel Lavington Market Lavington
Macey Henry Teffont Magna Teffont Magna
Machem William Collingborne Kingston London
Mack John Wilton Wilton
Maggs Isaiah Deverell Hill Sulton, DOR
Maidment Joseph Meere Meere
Major John Marlborough Marlborough
Maltman Thomas Wraxhall South South Wraxhall
Maltrovers James Semington Semington
Manley John Ashton Steeple Corsham
Manning Isaac Sherston Great Great Sherston
Mansel Thomas Chippenham Chippenham
Maris Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Marksman Samuel Devizes Devizes
Marler John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Marlow John Hurst Oakington
Marsh Daniel Sarum Sarum
Marsh Joseph Sarum Sarum
Marsh Joseph Warminster Warminster
Marsh Thomas Highworth Highworth
Marston John Pewsey Pewsey
Martin Alexander Sarum Sarum
Martin Ambrose Chiverell Great Trowbridge
Martin Edward Sarum Sarum
Martin George Trowbridge Trowbridge
Martin John Swallowfield Swallowfield
Martin Sam Chippenham Chippenham
Martin William Easterton Easterton
Marvin Ambrose Corsley Corsley
Marvin George Corsley Corsley
Maskelyn E Liddiard Tregooze Bassett Down
Maskelyn John Deverell Longbridge Warminster
Maskelyne Nev Purton Purton
Maskelyne Nev Woottton Bassett Whitchwood, Oxon
Maslin Robert Melksham Corsham
Maslin William Pewsey Pewsey
Maslyn Jacob Allcannings Allcannings
Maslyn Jonathan Allcannings Bourton
Mason Jonathan Urchfont Urchfont
Mason Richard Sherston Great Great Sherston
Massey Milling Corsley Corsley
Masters Walter Box Biddeston
Maton John Sarum Sarum
Maton Joseph Sarum Sarum
Maton Stephen Sarum Sarum
Maton Thomas Sarum Sarum
Maton Will New Figheldean Brigmilston
Matthews Ant Foxley Foxley
Matthews Daniel Allcannings Woodborough
Matthews Jacob Highworth Highworth
Matthews John Inglesham Lint
Matthews Nath Westport Malmsbury
Matthews R Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Matthews Roger Easterton Easterton
Matthews Thomas Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Matthews Thomas Highworth Highworth
Matthews William Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Maundrell T Blackland Blackland
May Christ Malmsbury Malmsbury
May Edward Seend Seend
May John Calne Calne
May John Trowbridge Trowbridge
May Matthew Calne Calne
May Nathaniel Wanborough Wanborough
May Uz Malmsbury Malmsbury
May William Ramsbury T Hatcham, Berks
Mayel Samuel Hilcot Hilcott
Maynard James Devizes Devizes
Maynard John Rowde Trowbridge
Mayo James Avebury Avebury
Mayo John Bitchamstoke Woodborough
Mayo William Wootton Rivers Wootton Rivers
Mead Philip Langford Steeple Steeple Langford
Meare Thomas Chute Appleshaw
Mears Robert Corsley Frome
Medlycote E Warminster Warminster
Meffam James Manton Manton
Melheuish John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Melksham John Chippenham Corsham
Mendum John Sarum Sarum
Mercer Thomas Kingswood Kingswood
Meredith T Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Merefield James Sarum Sarum
Mereweather F, jnr Easterton Easterton
Mereweather Fra Easterton Easterton
Mereweather W Easterton Easterton
Merrifield Benj Shalborne Shalborne
Merriman Benjamin Marlborough Marlborough
Merriman Natha Marlborough Marlborough
Merritt William Deverell Longbridge Deverell Longbridge
Messenger John Highworth Highworth
Messeter Moulton Maiden Bradley Wincanton
Messister William Studley Sutton Benger
Methuen Paul Corsham Corsham
Methuen Paul Holt Holt
Michell Matthew Chilterne All Saints Chilterne
Michell Robert Chilterne All Saints Chilterne
Mildenhall John Ramsbury Fawley, Berks
Mildenhall John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Mildenhall Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Miles Francis Wilton Wilton
Miles John Berwick St James Berwick
Miles John Oaksey Oaksey
Miles Robert Ambresbury Ambresbury
Miles William Bradford Bradford
Millard Daniel Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Miller thomas Southwick Great Sherston
Millington Edward Liddiard Millicent Liddiard Millicent
Million Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Mills Anthony Pewsey Pewsey
Mills Daniel Nettleton Nettleton
Mills George Shrewton Wishford
Mills John Melksham Bromham
Mills John Sarum Sarum
Mills John Wroughton Wroughton
Mills Joseph Burbage Vernham, Hants
Mills Joseph Crutwell Uffton
Mills Olive Creeklade St Mary Wantage, Berks
Mills Richard Swindon Swindon
Mills Tobias Highworth Titchurst, Berks
Milsom Andrew Marlborough Marlborough
Milsom Charles Bradford Bradford
Minty Alexander Sarum Sarum
Minty Flower Sarum Sarum
Minty Richard Sarum Sarum
Mitchell Edward Christian Malford Corsham
Mitchell John Keevil Bulkington
Mitchell Samuel Humington Humington
Mizen John Wraxhall South South Wraxhall
Moger Robert Bradley North Woolverton
Montagu J Laycock Lackham
Montagu J, jnr Laycock Lackham
Moody Aaron Whiteparish Tytherly
Moody Edward Britford Odstock
Moody Emund Upton Lovil Horningsham
Moody Henry Charlton Charlton
Moody Jeffery Warminster Warminster
Moody John Swallowfield Swallowfield
Moody Robert Rhode Bath
Moody Thomas Horningsham Chittern
Moody W, jnr Langford Steeple Wilton
Moody William Wilton Wilton
Moore Edward Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Moore George Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Moore Joseph Sarum Sarum
Moore Samuel Rowde Norton Bavant
Moore Tho Figheldean Durrington
Moore Thomas Hindon Hindon
Moore William Woodborough Woodborough
Mopson William Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
More John Wilton Wilton
Morecock Thos Marlborough Marlborough
Morgan Charles Purton Purton
Morgan William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Morgan William Warminster Codford St Peter
Morse Thomas Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Morse William Marston South South Marston
Morse William Rodbourn Cheyney Rodbourn Cheyney
Morse Wm Chiselden Ogborne S George
Mortimer John Kington Langley Kington Langley
Mortimer John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Mortimer Jos Trowbridge Trowbridge
Mortimer Jos, jnr Trowbridge Trowbridge
Mortimer Ral Calne Calne
Moss Francis Eastrop Eastrop
Mould John Teffont Magna Teffont Evias
Mountain John Chute Andover
Mullens George Box Box
Munday John Highworth Highworth
Munday John Oare Combe
Munday Joseph Ludgershal Ludgershal
Munday Robert Chippenham Chippenham
Munday Robert Purton Broad Hinton
Munday Thomas Marston South Durrington
Munday William Chippenham Cocklebury
Munday William Purton Broad Hinton
Mundy Thomas Shrewton Shrewton
Mundy William Pewsey Pewsey
Muspratt Edward Chute Chute
Mussell William Corsley Corsley
Musselweight H Sutton Veney Frome, Somerset
Myler Tho Marlborough Marlborough
Nairn John Boscomb Boscomb
Naish Mich Box Beanacre
Naish Thomas Hindon Hindon
Naish Thomas Hurst Hurst
Naish Thomas Swallowfield Hurst
Nash James Semington Bulkington
Nash Thomas Edington Edington
Nash Thomas Swindon Swindon
Nash thomas Wanborough Wanborough
Nash William Swindon Swindon
Naville Henry Westbury Bratton
Naville James Batton Westbury
Neale John Burbage Burbage
Neat John Box Box
Neate George Sherston Great Great Sherston
Neate John Figheldean Marlborough
Neate Robert Devizes Devizes
Neate Thomas Allington Allcannings
Neate Thomas Ramsbury Milden Hall
Neate William Bourton Bourton
Neave Joseph, jnr Sarum Fordingbridge
Neave Martin Harnham Sarum
Needham Joseph Seend Devizes
Nette Simon Warminster Warminster
Newman John Melksham Melksham
Newman Paul Melksham Melksham
Newman Robert Sarum Sarum
Newman Robert Wraxhall South Box
Newman Samuel Uphaven Uphaven
Newth John Alborne Shalborne
Newth Stephen Alborne Alborne
Newth Thomas Westport Malmsbury
Nicholas Joseph Downton Downton
Nicholas N Winterborne Earles London
Nicholls Edward Westport Westport
Nicholls Thomas Brinckworth Brinckworth
Nightingale Will Fovant Fovant
Nixon Robert Highworth London
Noad William Swindon Swindon
Norrignton Will Rowde Rowde
Norris Anthony Devizes Devizes
Norris John Marlborough Marlborough
Norris John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Norris William Downton Downton
North Thomas Purton Higworth
Norton Roger Hindon Hindon
Norton Samuel Wilton Wilton
Noyes Henry Charlton Charlton
Noyes John Pewsey Pewsey
Noyes Thomas P Chute Tangley, Hants
Noyes William Chippenham Chippenham
Noyes William Chute Andover
Noyes William Devizes Devizes
Nutt Isaac Melksham Melksham
Nutt William Bradley North Bradley
Oak John Sarum Sarum
Oak Thomas Fisherton Anger Devizes
Oake Peter Stapleford Stapleford
Oaksford John Calne Calne
Oatley James Melksham Melksham
Oatridge Daniel Liddiard Millicent Tetbury, Gloc
Oatridge Josiah Oaksey Oaksey
Oatridge Thomas Bradford Bradford
Odam John Wittonditch Ramsbury
Ody John Samuel Lea Malmbury
Ogborne William Woottton Bassett Wootton Basset
Oram John Pewsey Pewsey
Oriel William Calne Calne
Orpin Edward Bradford Bradford
Osborne John Rodbourn Cheyney Rodbourn Cheyney
Osborne Robert Rodbourn Cheyney Rodbourn Cheyney
Ovens Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Packer James Purton Purton
Packer John Leigh Leigh
Packer John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Page Charles Biddeston Corsham
Page Robert Littleton Drew Castlecomb
Pain Thomas Ogborne St George Ogborne
Painter Richard Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Pais Thomas Oakingham Oakingham
Palmage William Ramsbury Ramsbury
Palmer Charles Bradford Bradford
Palmer John Potterne Potterne
Palmer Rob Hurst Hurst
Palmer Stephen Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Palmer William Bradford Bradford
Palmer William Yatton Keynell Great Sherston
Papps Richard Sarum Sarum
Paradice Thomas Melksham Broughton Gifford
Paradise William Devizes Holt
Parham William Woottton Bassett Woodshaw
Paris Mark Alborne Alborne
Parker Richard Wraxhall North North Wraxhall
Parker Walter Castle Eaton Lushhill
Parker William Sarum Sarum
Parkins John Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Parr John Sarum Sarum
Parrett Richard Sarum Sarum
Parry Thomas Knoyle East Knoyle
Parry Will Easton Gray Easton Gray
Parsley Alex Somerford Great Padington, Glouc
Parsloe John Brinckworth Badington, GLS
Parsons Robert Melksham Melksham
Parsons William Marlborough Marlborough
Patient John Corsley Norton Bavant
Payne John Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Payne Thomas Warminster Warminster
Peach Benjamin Westbury Westbury
Pead John Week Week
Pearce Edward Bradford Bradford
Pearce John Bedwin Standon
Pearce Nich Heddington London
Pearce Philip Chiselden Chiseldon
Pearce Robert Burbage Burbage
Pearce Thomas Ramsbury Inham, Hants
Pearce William Alborne Alborne
Pearce William Mildenhall Mildenhall
Pearse Daniel Purton Chisbury
Pennent Anthony Marlborough Bath
Penny Thomas Hindon Hindon
Penny William Hindon Hindon
Penruddocke C Compton Chamberlain Compton Chamb
Pepler James Edington Coulston
Percy Jeremiah Wishford London
Perfect John Sapworth Sapworth
Perkins James Swallowfield Reading, Berks
Perry John Wilton Wilton
Perry Samuel Sarum Sarum
Peters William Corsley Frome
Phelps Edward Rodbourn Cheyney Purton
Phelps John Chiselden Chiselden
Phelps John Monkton Deverell Monkton Deverell
Phelps John Wilton Wilton
Phelps Joseph Melksham Bradford
Phelps Richard Cullerne Cullerne
Phelps Thomas Purton Purton
Philips John Trowbridge Devizes
Phillips Anthony Ramsbury Ramsbury
Phillips Daniel Bulford Bulford
Phillips Richard Ramsbury Ramsbury
Phillis William Seend Seend
Philpot Richard Lavington Market Lavington
Phipps thos Heywood Heywood
Pickett Thomas Stratton St Margarretts Sevenhampton
Pidding James Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Pierce John Cannings Bishop Urchfont
Pierce John Chittoe Nutfield, OXF
Pierce John Devizes Devizes
Pierce Nicholas Wilton Wilton
Pierce Sey Chirton Urchfont
Pierce William Shrewton Shrewton
Pike Henry Pewsey Pewsey
Pike John Somerford Great Great Somerford
Pike Robert Bradford Rhode
Pike Thomas Creeklade St Mary Bratton
Pike Thomas Hilperton Melksham
Pike W Wiltshire Kington St Michael Tetbury, Gloc
Pilcombe Edmund Ogborne St George Ogborne
Pile Simon Shrewton Shrewton
Pile William Chiverell Great Lavington
Pinchard William Stockton Stockton
Pinching Joseph Box Cullerne
Pinching Joseph Box Cullerne
Pinching William Box Box
Pinkney John Day Wilsford Wilsford
Pinniger Broome Totenham Cleeve Pypard
Pinniger Christ Tockenham Compton Basset
Pinniger Henry Stratton St Margarretts South Marston
Pinniger Jacob Tockenham Wootton Basset
Pinniger William Chippenham Marshfield
Pinnock John Brunsdon Broad Rodbourn Cheyney
Piper Jeff Pewsey Pewsey
Piper John Bedwin Bedwin
Pitcairne J Compton Bassatt Compton Bassatt
Pitman James Wraxhall South Bradford
Pitman Thomas Meere Meere
Pitman William Bradford Bradford
Pitt Goerge Ramsbury Stratfield Sea, Ha
Pitt Joseph Brokenbrow Easton Gray
Pitt Robert Potterne Potterne
Pitts Edm Burcombe Burcombe
Plank Edward Bedborough Bedborough
Platt Samuel Grafton Burbage
Player John Corston Easton Gray
Player Richard Kington Langley Malmsbury
Pleydell E M Ebbesborn Wake Milborn St Andrew
Pleydell Richard Malmsbury Malmsbury
Plummer Thomas Purton Purton
Pluret Clement Bradford Bradford
Pockeridge Henry Malmsbury Malmsbury
Pocock Rich Mildenhall Mildenhall
Pocock Richard Allington Allington
Polden John Lavington Market Ashton Gifford
Polhill Edward Milston Milston
Polling John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Polling Robert Ramsbury Ramsbury
Pollock T Grittleton Grittleton
Ponting Daniel Chippenham Chippenham
Ponting Nicholas Milborne Tytherton Kellow
Ponting Robert Somerford Little Christian Malford
Ponting William Warminster Warminster
Ponton Thomas Warminster Warminster
Poore E, jnr Rushall Wedhampton
Poore Edw Devizes London
Poore Edward Rushall Rushall
Poore Edward Tidsworth Nor Tidworth
Poore Geo Webb Collinborne Ducis North Tidworth
Pope Thomas Lockeridge Lockeridge
Popejay Robert Ramsbury Ramsbury
Popham Fra Littlecot Littlecot
Popler Daniel Tinhead Tinhead
Porter Daniel Wanborough Wanborough
Porter John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Porter John Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Potter Henry Chiverell Great Chiverell
Potter Hugh Avebury Chearbill
Potter richard Wraxhall South West Lavington
Potter Thomas Ogborne St George Bedwin
Potts John Highworth Highworth
Poulsum James Melksham Devizes
Pound John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Pound Joseph Ramsbury Ramsbury
Povey Thomas Wanborough Bourton, Berks
Powell John Devizes Devizes
Powell John Polshot Conock
Powell Sir A Sarum Sarum
Powell Thomas Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Powell Thomas Semley Semley
Power James Devizes Devizes
Price Thomas Pewsey Lamborne, Berks
Price William Creeklade St Mary Liddiard Tregooze
Price William Tinhead Tinhead
Prior Francis Clacke Clack
Prior Henry Chippenham Chippenham
Prior James Christian Malford Clack
Prior Richard Clacke Clack
Pritchard William Swindon Draycott Foliat
Prower John Purton Purton
Pullin William Biddeston Corsham
Purchase Samuel Devizes Devizes
Puresoy G H J Alderbury Shalston, BUK
Purker Thomas Wilton Wilton
Purse Thoms Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Pye Henry Poulton Poulton
Pye Richard Pewsey Pewsey
Pyke Henry Winterborne Monkton Somerford
Pyke James Purton Poulton
Pyke John Fisherton Anger Fisherton
Pyke Simon Marlborough Chievely, Berks
Pyke Stephen Hilcot Manningford
Pyke Thomas Pewsey Pewsey
Pyle Simon Stanton St Bernards Stanton
Quaite William Newtontoney Newtontoney
Quance William Bradley North North Bradley
Quinton George Harnham Harnham
Ralph Wm Grafton Upham, Hants
Rance Richard Hurst Hurst
Randall H Phipps Imber Tinhead
Randall John Ashton Keynes S. Sarney, GLS
Randall John Damerham Damerham
Randall Paul Westbury Melksham
Randall Richard Chickslade Warminster
Randall Richard Sutton Great Great Sutton
Randall William Sarum Sarum
Randoll Rey Chalke Chalke
Randy John Laverstock East Harnham
Rathband George Marlborough Marlborough
Rawlings James Bradford Bradford
Rawlins Thomas Hilperton Hilperton
Rawlins William Box Box
Ray John Dean West West Dean
Raynor Samuel Bradford Bradford
Read Henry Ramsbury Ramsbury
Read Richard Rodbourn Cheyney Rodbourn Cheyney
Read Richard Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Read Stephen Wroughton Wroughton
Read William Sarum Breamore
Reade William Devizes Devizes
Rebbeck Benjamin Fisherton Delamere Fisherton Delamere
Rebbeck John Bradley North Frome
Rebbeck John Ebbesborn Wake Ebbesborn Wake
Rebbeck Joseph Bradley North North Bradley
Rebeck John Ansty Cranborn
Redborough Robert Hurst Hurst
Redman William Harnham Sarum
Reedy Joseph Wanborough Wanborough
Reeks Charles Stratford Tony Stratford Tony
Reeves Harry Pewsey Manningford
Reeves Harry, jnr Uphaven Manningford
Reeves Henry Malmsbury Malmsbury
Reeves John Britford Britford
Reeves John Downton Downton
Reeves Moses Idmerston Winterslow
Reeves William Allcannings Allcannings
Reeves William Downton Downton
Rendall Thomas Titcombe Martin
Reynolds Esau Trowbridge Trowbridge
Reynolds John Bodenham Wilton
Reynolds Jonathan Trowbridge Trowbridge
Reynolds Robert Box Box
Reynolds Samuel Bradford Bradford
Rice David Sherston Great North Sarney, Gl
Rice David Somerford Great Great Somerford
Rice Samuel Malmsbury Sherston
Rice Thomas Malmsbury Hornely, Glouc
Richards Hen Ambresbury Ambresbury
Richards John Devizes Devizes
Richardson Ja Keevil Keevil
Richardson Samuel Whiteparish Downton
Richens John Ogborne St George Ogborne
Richman John Hilperton Hilperton
Richmond S Ramsbury Sparsholt
Ricketts William Limpley Stoke Limpley Stoke
Ricks Richard Woottton Bassett Purton
Riley John Melksham Melksham
Rime William Stanton Fitz Warren Stanton Fitz War
Rimell Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Ring Timothy Netherhaven Netherhaven
Rivers Thomas Uphaven Uphaven
Rixson John Tisbury Tisbury
Robbins Uriah Sarum Sarum
Roberts Richard Broughton Gifford Bath
Roberts William Creeklade St Sampson Latton
Roberts William Wanborough Fairford, Gloc
Robertson James Devizes Devizes
Robins Arnold Malmsbury Malmsbury
Robins George Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Robins Henry Melksham Melksham
Robins John Westport Malmsbury
Robins Rich Bunter Malmsbury Malmsbury
Robins William Westport Westport
Rogers Broom Tytherton Kellaways Tytherton
Rogers Charles Winterflow Winterflow
Rogers Daniel Swallowfield Swallowfield
Rogers Fran Heddington Stanton St Bern.
Rogers Francis Ashton Steeple Edington
Rogers Hugh Calne Heddington
Rogers Hugh Warminster Warminster
Rogers John Bushton Avon
Rogers Richard Calston Calston
Rogers T Bradford Bradford
Rogers Thomas Avebury Avebury
Rogers William Box Box
Rolfe Samuel Shrewton Berwick St Jam
Roll John Chiverell Great Bromham
Romace W Burbage London
Rooke James Potterne Potterne
Rooke John Bishopston Bishopston
Rose Robert Calne Calne
Rose Roger Whiteparish Whiteparish
Rotherstone Edw Nursteed Nursteed
Rowden John Wilton Wilton
Rowden William Langford Steeple Bathampton
Rowles Jeremiah Westport Malmsbury
Rowley William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Roxworthy John Ashton Gifford Upton Lovel
Ruddle Robert Cannings Bishop Cannings
Rudman John Melksham Melksham
Rudman Richard Ashlington Ashlington
Rumbold Bryan Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Ruming David Calne Cremhill
Rumsey Samuel Melksham Melksham
Rundall thomas Trowbridge Trowbridge
Russ John Knoyle East East Knoyle
Russel Edward Somerford Little Little Somerford
Russel John Tytherton Kellaways Chippenham
Russell John Downton Downton
Russell John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Russell Joseph Whaddon Whaddon
Rutt Richard Easterton Devizes
Rutty John Melksham Melksham
Ryly Richard Wilton Wilton
Sadler William Purton Purton
Sainsbury James Easterton Easterton
Sainsbury W Lavington Market Beckington, SOM
Sainson John Rowde Bromham
Salter David Bradford Turly
Salter James Bradley North Bradley
Salter William Bradley North Bradley
Samber J S Sarum Sarum
Samborne Richard Swindon Sarum
Sammells Samuel Sarum Sarum
Sanger John Knoyle East Knoyle
Sanger John Sarum Sarum
Sanger John Sarum Sarum
Sargent Isaac Littleton Drew Littleton Drew
Sargent Isaac Somerford Great Kington St Mich
Sargent Richard Malmsbury Malmsbury
Sargent Thomas Somerford Great Laiterton, Glouc
Sargent Thomas Yatton Keynell Hull Lavington
Sartain James Bradford Winsley
Saunders Benjamin Lavington Market Lavington
Saunders Christ Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Saunders Isaac Malmsbury Malmsbury
Saunders James Highworth Highworth
Saunders John Downton Downton
Saunders John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Saunders John Malmsbury Malmsbury
Saunders William Highworth Highworth
Saunders William Highworth Highworth
Saunders William Wraxhall North North Wraxhall
Savage John Easton Gray Westonbirt, GLS
Savery Thomas Wanborough Wanborough
Savory Thomas Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Say John Swindon Swindon
Scholar John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Scholar John, jnr Ramsbury Ramsbury
Scotcher Thomas Bradford Bradford
Scotford John Swindon Swindon
Scotford William Swindon Swindon
Scott James Calne Calne
Scott John Chippenham Chippenham
Scott Lovell Calne Calne
Scott Thomas Berwick St John Ferne
Scrope Rich Sherington Chicklade
Seager William Calne Highway
Seagram Thomas Warminster Warminster
Sealey William Somerford Great Foxham
Sealy Alexander Malmsbury Malmsbury
Sealy John Somerford Great Great Somerford
Sealy thomas Somerford Great Great Somerford
Selby Richard Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Selby Richard Ashton Keynes Leigh
Selby Robert Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Selby Robert, jnr Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Self James, jnr Trowbridge Trowbridge
Self Robert Woodford Woodford
Selfe James Hilperton Hilperton
Selfe James Trowbridge Trowbridge
Selfe John Creeklade St Sampson Ludgrove, GLS
Sellwood Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Sellwyn G A Ludgershal London
Selman Richard Langley Burrell Kington Langley
Selwood John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Serill William Chippenham Chippenham
Serjeant Samuel Trowbridge Trowbridge
Seth Thomas Foxley Kensington
Seward Abraham Wilton Wilton
Seymour John Wroughton Burdrop
Seymour Ld Wm Melksham Seend
Seymour Thomas Purton Purton
Seymour William Axford Ramsbury
Shackle Edward Wellow, West Wellow
Sharps Robert Swindon Wanborough
Shaul James Melksham Melksham
Shaw Samuel Creeklade St Sampson Fordingbridge, Ha
Sheffield John Barford Barford
Shefford Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Shell William Bradford Bradford
Shepherd Edward Charnham Street Spinhamland
Shepherd Giles Collingborne Kingston Collingborne
Shepherd John Pewsey Pewsey
Shepherd John Wilton Wilton
Shepherd Matthew Keevil Keevil
Shepherd Robert Baydon Baydon
Shepherd Thomas Alborne Alborne
Shepherd Thomas Sutton Mandeville Sutton Mandeville
Sheppard Benjamin Box Box
Sheppard Robert Wanborough Wanborough
Sheppard Samuel Purton Cricklade St Sam.
Shepperd William Figheldean Figheldean
Shergold John Sarum Sarum
Shergold John Sarum Sarum
Shergold John Stanton St Quinton Stanton St Quinton
Shergold John, jnr Devizes Chiverell
Shering Samuel Broughton Gifford Whitmore, NOT
Shewring Thomas Crutwell Crutwell
Shillingford Matt Sarum Close of Sarum
Shipton James Charnham Street Hungerford
Shipton James Marlborough Marlborough
Short Robert Chalke Charford, Hants
Short Thomas Clyffepyard Wooton Bassett
Short William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Shrapnall Philip Trowbridge Bradford
Shrapnell James Trowbridge Trowbridge
Shrapnell John Bradford Bradford
Shrapnell William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Sidnell James Wraxhall South Bradford
Sidney Thomas Bradford Bradford
Silby Isaac Bradford Bradford
Silcock Thomas Westwood Freshford
Silcock William Wilton Wilton
Simkins Charles Polshot Devizes
Simmonds John Swallowfield Reading, Berks
Simmonds John Wanborough Wanborough
Simms George Hinton Hinton
Simpson Henry Highworth Highworth
Simpson Henry Swindon Swindon
Simpson J Garsdon Weyhill, Hants
Simpson William Calne Chippenham
Simpson Willliam Swindon Swindon
Singer Richard Chippenham Chippenham
Singer Thomas Horningsham Corsley
Skate William Heddington Slaughtenford
Skeat William Horton Horton
Skeate John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Skeats George Highworth Highworth
Skeats High Sarum Close of Sarum
Skilling Thomas Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Skinner Peter Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Slade James Hilperton Hilperton
Slade James Knoyle East Knoyle
Slade John Lavington Market Lavington
Slade John Warminster Warminster
Slade Richard Devizes Devizes
Slade William Deverell Longbridge Kingston
Slade William Keevil Bulkington
Slade William Tilshead Tilshead
Slade Wm Warminster Warminster
Slamon Daniel Yatton Keynell Castlecombe
Slater William Harnham Sarum
Sloper John Potterne Devizes
Sloper Thomas Cannings Bishop Cannings
Sly Richard Meere Meere
Sly William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Smart Charles Melksham Melksham
Smart Joseph Seend Seend
Smart Thomas Ramsbury Ramsbury
Smith Benjamin Calne Calne
Smith Charles Ramsbury Ramsbury
Smith Clare Melksham Bromham
Smith Cornel Calne Calne
Smith Edward Ramsbury Ramsbury
Smith Edward Wanborough Wanborough
Smith Francis Wilton Wilton
Smith Henry Blackland Calston
Smith James Corsley Frome
Smith John Alborne Ramsbury
Smith John Barford Barford
Smith John Bedwin Bedwin
Smith John Calne Calne
Smith John Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Smith John Dunhead St Mary Blandford
Smith John Highworth Highworth
Smith John Horton Comb Hay, SOM
Smith John Inglesham Sevenhampton
Smith John Marlborough Marlborough
Smith John Newton South South Newton
Smith John Nursteed Figheldean
Smith John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Smith John Swindon Wroughton
Smith John Wilton Wilton
Smith John, jnr Westport Malmsbury
Smith John, snr Kingswood Malmsbury
Smith Joseph Broughton Gifford Bradford
Smith Joseph Trowbridge Trowbridge
Smith Joseph Woodborough Woodborough
Smith Joseph Yatton Keynell Bremhill
Smith Michael Highworth Highworth
Smith Oliver Teffont Magna Teffont Magna
Smith Peter Pewsey Pewsey
Smith Ralph Oaksey Oaksey
Smith Richard Bradford Bradford
Smith Richard Dauntsey Dauntsey
Smith Richard Hurst Reading
Smith Robert Ludgershal Ludgershal
Smith Robert Swindon Tedbury, Glouc
Smith Samuel Swallowfield London
Smith Stephen Easterton Easterton
Smith Thomas Chippenham Easton Piercy
Smith Thomas Chute Chute
Smith Thomas Codford St Mary Swindon
Smith Thomas Durnford Durnford
Smith Thomas Highworth Highworth
Smith Thomas Lavington Market Lavington
Smith Thomas Poulton Castle Eaton
Smith Thomas Sarum Sarum
Smith Thomas Sarum Sarum
Smith Thomas Stratton St Margarretts Stratton
Smith Thomas Swindon Swindon
Smith Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Smith Thos Draycott Cerne Draycott Cerne
Smith William Allcannings Allcannings
Smith William Malmsbury Malmsbury
Smith William Sarum Sarum
Smith William Shrewton Shrewton
Smith William Wanborough Wanborough
Smith William Wilton Milford
Snelgrove George Downton Downton
Snelgrove William Wilton Wilton
Snell Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Snook Richard Sarum Close of Sarum
Snook William Urchfont Urchfont
Snooke John Biffe Sarum Sarum
Somerset Edmund Pewsey Pewsey
Somerset J F Wootton Rivers Wootton Rivers
Sopp John Durnford Durnford
Soul Andrew Malmsbury Malmsbury
South Thomas Dunhead St Andrew Dunhead
Southby Rd Bulford Bulford
Southwell Richard Allington Allington
Southwell Solomon Whaddon Tytherley
Southwray John Devizes Devizes
Spackman George Malmsbury Malmsbury
Spackman Isaac Bushton Compton
Spackman Robert Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Spackman William Clyffepyard Lyneham
Spaggs Richard Sarum Sarum
Spaggs Robert Sarum Sarum
Spanswick Roger Chilton Foliott Chilton
Sparks George Malmsbury Malmsbury
Sparrow Edward Yatton Keynell Allington
Spearing John Worton Worton
Speckman Thomas Bushton Bushton
Spinxs Robert Meere Meere
Spire Daniel Wilton Wilton
Spire Samuel Wilton Wilton
Spragg William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Spratt Thomas Bodenham Alderbury
Spratt Thomas Sarum Sarum
Springbatt T F Wilsford Wilsford
Spyre George Sarum Sarum
Stanley Samuel Highworth Highworth
Stantail John Calne Calne
Stanton John Calne Calne
Staples Ed Sarum Sarum
Staples Thomas Meere Meere
Staples William Sarum Sarum
Stead William Horningsham Horningsham
Steel William Sedgehill Broughton
Steet John Devizes Petersfield
Stephens Benjamin Melksham Holt
Stephens John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Stephens Thomas Bradford Bradford
Stephens Thomas Malmsbury Malmsbury
Stephens William Bradford Holt
Stephens William Trowbridge Trowbridge
Stert Samuel Ramsbury Ramsbury
Stevens Elias Fisherton Delamere Chilmark
Stevens George Hindon Hindon
Stevens J W Milton Pewsey
Stevens James Bradford Trowbridge
Stevens James Pewsey Pewsey
Stevens John Warminster Warminster
Stevens Robert Rowde Rowde
Stevens Timothy Uphaven Circencester
Stevens Val Bradford Bradford
Stevens William Bradford Bradford
Stileman William Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Still James Knoyle East Knoyle
Stockham John Lea Lea
Stockwell Thomas Shalborne Dummer, Hants
Stoddart John Sarum Sarum
Stokes George Melksham Melksham
Stokes John Melksham Somington
Stone John Badbury Spoon, BKS
Stonehouse G Charnham Street Standon
Stonehouse J Chiverell Little Bristol
Stout William Wanborough Wanborough
Strange Edmund Brunsdon Broad Brunsdon
Strange Robert Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Strange Robert Highworth Broad Brunsdon
Strange Thomas Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Strange Thomas Liddiard Millicent Swindon
Stratton John Pewsey Pewsey
Stratton Richard Allcannings Woodborough
Stratton Richard Brinckworth Brinkworth
Stratton William Chiselden Ogborne S Andrew
Strawbridge John Bradford Bradford
Street Thomas Oakingham Hurst
Stretch Edward Calne Calne
Stretch John Calne Calne
Stretch Richard Alton Barnes Alton
Stretch William Alton Prior's Alton
Strictley Thomas Chippenham Chippenham
Strode John Tisbury Southhill, Som
Strong Francis Laycock Laycock
Strong John Fovant Fovant
Strong Joseph Calne Calne
Strong Richard Alborne London
Stroud Anthony Ramsbury Ramsbury
Stroud Joseph Baydon Baydon
Stroud Thomas Baydon Baydon
Stroud Thomas Baydon London
Stroud William Devizes Devizes
Stroud William Ramsbury Ramsbury
Stump John Malmsbury Charlton
Stump Richard, snr Bromham Bromham
Stump Thomas Westport Westport
Stump Wm Corsham Corsham
Stumps Rich, jnr Rowde Bromham
Sturgiss John Deverell Longbridge Deverell Longbridge
Sturgiss Selwyn Ludgershal Ludgershall
Sturgiss Stephen Deverell Longbridge Deverell Longbridge
Sturt Hum Alborne Critchill, DOR
Suell Edward Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Summers William Cherhill Wilton
Sumner william Seend Bath
Sumption John Ditteridge Ditteridge
Sumption John Wilton Wilton
Sumption William Wraxhall South South Wraxhall
Suter Charles Meere Meere
Sutton J, jnr Cannings Bishop London
Sutton John Devizes Devizes
Sutton Joseph Devizes Devizes
Sutton Joseph Horningsham Horningsham
Sutton Prin Devizes Devizes
Sutton Richard Sarum Sarum
Sutton Willy Roundway New Park
Swain John Durnford Steeple Langford
Swan Gilb Boyton Boyton
Sweetland Samuel Bratton Bratton
Swepman John Dinton Dinton
Swepson John Sutton Great Market Lavington
Symes Charles Bradford Bradford
Symmonds B Ramsbury Ramsbury
Symmonds Nev Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Symmonds Nevel Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Symms George Ramsbury Ramsbury
Tabor james Quidhampton Quidhampton
Talk William Sarum Sarum
Tanner Daniel Keevil Westbury
Tanner Edward Calne Stanley
Tanner Edward Titcombe Wexcomb
Tanner John Sarum Sarum
Tanner Joseph Calne Stanley
Tanner Ralph Collingborne Kingston Bedwin
Tanner Richard Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Tanner Thomas Bedwin Lockeridge
Tanner Thomas Kingswood Kingswood
Tanner Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Tarrant Benjamin Preshutt Marlborough
Tarrant Edmund Ramsbury Ramsbury
Tatum John Sarum Sarum
Tayler James Atford Westbury
Tayler William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Taylor George Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Taylor George Shrewton Shrewton
Taylor John Sarum Close of Sarum
Taylor John Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Taylor Richard Bradford Holt
Taylor Richard Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Taylor Richard Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Taylor Samuel Wraxhall South Devizes
Taylor Thomas Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Taylor Walter Swindon Swindon
Taylor William Cannings Bishop Laycock
Taylor William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Telling Edward Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Telling Isaac Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Telling John Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Telling Robert Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Templar Francis Purton Purton
Temple William Bishopstrow Bishopstrow
Temple Wm Trowbridge Trowbridge
Thatcher William Bradley North Lott Cott., BRK
Thomas Wm Tisbury Tisbury
Thompson Daniel Sherston Great Great Sherston
Thompson George Bemerton Bemerton
Thornton George Grimsteed Grimstead
Thorpe John Sarum Sarum
Thresher Tho, jnr Sarum Sarum
Thresher Thomas Sarum Sarum
Thring Brounker Boyton Knook
Thring James Wilton Burcombe
Thring John Wilton Wilton
Thring Wrench Codford St Peter Codford
Tidcomb Edward Highworth Highworth
Tiley William Yatton Keynell Yatton Keynell
Tilly James Keevil Earl Stoke
Timbrell Thomas Bradford Bradford
Tinson John Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Tipper Thomas Poulton Poulton
Togood Henry Meere Meere
Togood Martin Meere Meere
Tombs Bartho Wanborough Lyddington
Tombs Michael Wanborough Wanborough
Tomkins Robert Liddiard Tregooze Compton Bassett
Tomkins William Stratton St Margarretts Abingdon, Berks
Tomlins W Collinborne Ducis Collingborne
Tongs Henry Bremhill Studley
Tovey Edward Bradley North Rhode
Townsend George Creeklade St Mary Creeklade St Mary
Townsend J Pewsey Pewsey
Townsend Richard Creeklade St Sampson Creeklade St Sampson
Townsend William Swindon Swindon
Townshend J Landford Langford, Berks
Townshend Morgan Calne Calne
Trickey Rich Sarum Sarum
Trickey William Oakingham Oakingham
Trimley Lebiah Horningsham Maiden Bradley
Trinder Joseph Purton Chelworth
Trinniman Robert Sarum Sarum
Troke Jam Goring Trowbridge Westbury
Truman Jeffery Allcannings Stanton
Tuck Oliver Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Tuck Thomas Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Tucker John Alborne Alborne
Tucker John Bradford Bradford
Tucker John Bradley North Rhode
Tucker John Landford Landford
Tucker Thomas Allcannings Allcannings
Tuckey Ricard Rodbourn Cheyney Rodbourn Cheyney
Tuckey Robert Marston South Liddiard Millicent
Tuff Edward Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Tugwell Humphy Bradford Bradford
Tugwell William Bradford Bradford
Turner George Sarum Sarum
Turner Henry Marlborough Marlborough
Turner Henry Teffont Magna Chicksgrove
Turner John Boreham Warminster
Turner John Codford St Peter Codford
Turner John Westbury Short Street
Turner John Westbury Westbury
Turner Richard Warminster Warminster
Turner Robert Corsley Corsley
Turner Robert Lavington Market Lavington
Turner Robert Upton Scudamore Upton Scudamore
Turner Tho Sherston Great Great Sherston
Turner Thomas Trowbridge Trowbridge
Turner William Chapmanslade Chapmanslade
Turner William Monkton Deverell Monkton Deverell
Turner William Wilton Wilton
Turvey William Wilton Wilton
Twiford Rob Melksham Kilmersdon
Tylee John Devizes Devizes
Tyler Joseph Calne Calne
Tyndall G Booth Box Bathford, SOM
Tyndall Thomas Kingswood Kingswood
Tyrell Joseph Hilperton Hilperton
Tyrrell James Trowbridge Trowbridge
Underwood Phillip Potterne Potterne
Underwood Will Highworth Highworth
Usher J Seend Seend
Usher Thomas Trowbridge Trowbridge
Vanderplank Israel Sarum Close of Sarum
Vilett Thos Swindon Swindon
Vince George Bromham Bromham
Vincent John Chickslade Frome
Vincent Thomas Calne Calne
Vine John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Vines Thomas Sapworth Wootton Underedge
Viney Robert Wilton Wilton
Wadman William Sarum Beyford, Somerset
Waite Simon Highworth Highworth
Wake C Knoyle East Knoyle
Wakefield William Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg
Waldron Joseph Alborne Baydon
Walker John Woodborough Compton
Wallace James Sherston Great Great Sherston
Wallington Charles Kingswood Kingswood
Walron Robert Baydon Baydon
Wansbrough John Sarum Fugglestone
Wansbrough Rob Shrewton Maddington
Wansbrough Wm Warminster Warminster
Wansey William Warminster Warminster
Ward John Wilton Wilton
Ward Roger Wilton Wilton
Ward Samuel Wilton Wilton
Ward William Leigh Latton
Ware Thomas Chippenham Brokenbrow
Warman William Purton Purton
Warn Henry Sarum Sarum
Warn William Sarum Sarum
Warner Thomas Marlborough Marlborough
Sevenhampton Sevenhampton
Warren Thomas Kingswood Bristol
Warren William Warminster Warminster
Wastfield Walter Chippenham Chippenham
Wastfield William Biddeston Biddeston
Waterman W Sarum Ebbesborne
Waters John Quidhampton Quidhampton
Waters Thomas Chickslade Blandford
Waters Thomas Durnford Durnford
Watson J Martin Purton Somerton, Oxon
Watson James Melksham Melksham
Watson Thomas Purton Woodstock, Oxon
Watts Edwards Swallowfield Swallowfield
Watts Geo Durnford Uffington
Watts John Trowbridge Trowbridge
Watts Richard Keevil Steeple Ashton
Watts Richard Purton Liddiard Tregooze
Wayland Robert Devizes Devizes
Waylen Rob, jnr Devizes Devizes
Wayne William Chelworth Chelworth
Wayte William Purton Calne
Weaver Richard Ashton West Trowbridge
Webb Gill Atford Atford
Webb Henry Berwick Bass Berwick
Webb J R Milton Milton
Webb John Hurst Swallowfield
Webb John Pewsey Ramsbury
Webb Joseph Ramsbury Ramsbury
Webb Joseph Warminster Warminster
Webb lawrence Calne Calne
Webb Michael Deverell Hill Hill Deverell
Webb Richard Chiselden Chiselden
Webb Richard Hurst Oakington
Webb Simon Meere Wincanton
Webb Thomas Bradford Bradford
Webb William Bradford Melksham
Webb William Devizes Bromham
Webb William Devizes Devizes
Webb William Laycock Laycock
Webb William Sarum Sarum
Webb William, jnr Atford Atford
Webbe Benjamin Bromham Bromham
Weeks James Leigh Foxley
Weeks William Ashton Steeple Steeple Ashton
Weeks William Broughton Gifford Corsham
Welch Richard Meere Meere
Wells George Manningford Bruce Manningford
Wells James Ramsbury Ramsbury
Wells John Wanborough East Garston, Ber
Wells Joseph Everly Letcombe
Wells Nev Grimsteed Farley
Wells Robert Alborne Alborne
Wempey Benjamin Warminster Warminster
Wentworth James Marlborough Marlborough
Wentworth Robert Sarum Brislington, Som
Wentworth Steph Alborne Alborne
Wentworth Stephen Bedwin Bedwin
West John Sarum Sarum
West John Wilton Wilton
Westcomb N Collingborne Kingston Winchefler
Westcott William Grimsteed Sarum
Westhall William Charnham Street Charnham Street
Westmcott William Marlborough Marlborough
Weston Richard Hurst Aborfield
Whale Thomas Overton West Manton
Whately Edward Seend Seend
Whatley Kemb Pitton Lambeth
Whatmore Edward Wilton Sarum
Whatmore Hum Wilton Wilton
Wheeler Aug Sarum Sarum
Wheeler John Marlborough Marlborough
Whitaker Thomas Westbury Bratton
Whitaker W Trowbridge Trowbridge
Whitaker Will Knoyle East Motcombe
Whitchurch Will Sarum Sarum
White Abraham Calne Calne
White David Compton Bassatt Highway
White George Newnton Tetbury
White Isaac Hinton Broad Mildenhall
White John Bradford Bradford
White John Enford Enford
White John Hankerton Escourt
White Richard Hurst Oakington
White Robert Bradley North Wanstrow
White Robert Compton Bassatt Compton Bassatt
White Roger Sarum Sarum
White Samuel Bradford Bradford
White Samuel Ogborne St George Oldbury, Gloc
White Thomas Bradford Bradford
White Thomas Dunhead St Andrew Dunhead
White Thomas Marlborough Marlborough
White William Corsley Cowesfield
Whitehart John Wilton Wilton
Whitfield Thomas Devizes Devizes
Whithey Moses Corsley Corsley
Whithorn Robert Shrewton Shrewton
Whitlocke John Ramsbury Marriage Hill
Whitmarsh George Wilton Wilton
Whitmarsh Wm Wilton Wilton
Whittaker Arth Bratton Bratton
Whittaker Henry Westbury Bratton
Whittaker Hump Bratton Bratton
Whittaker Jeff Edington Bratton
Whittaker William Bratton Bratton
Whittaker William Bratton Edington
Whittock John Warminster Warminster
Whitwick Harry Asbley Little Oaksey
Whitwick Nath Warminster Warminster
Wiggins John Ramsbury Ramsbury
Wiggins John Stratton St Margarretts Stratton St Marg.
Wiggins William Woottton Bassett Wootton Bassett
Wild Alexander Chute Chute
Wild John Bromham Urchfont
Wilkins E Malmsbury Malmsbury
Wilkins John Creeklade St Sampson Highworth
Wilkins John Diltons Marsh Diltons Marsh
Wilkins Samuel Trowbridge Trowbridge
Wilkins Thomas Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes
Wilkins William Lavington Market Lavington
Wilkins William Marlborough Devizes
Wilkinson James Bemerton Harnham
William W F Lea London
Williams Charles Knoyle East Knoyle
Williams Daniel Quidhampton Quidhampton
Williams John Highworth Highworth
Williams John Sarum Sarum
Williams William Baydon Baydon
Willis John Bradley North Marston Biggot, SOM
Willis Joseph Bradford Bradford
Willis Wm Christian Malford Christian Malford
Willoughby H Easterton Lavington
Wilson David Ramsbury Ramsbury
Wilton Edward Warminster Warminster
Wiltshire George Bremhill Studley
Wiltshire John Rowde Woodborough
Wiltshire Richard Cleverton Cleverton
Wiltshire Thomas Kingswood Kingswood
Wiltshire Thomas Melksham Melksham
Wiltshire Wiliam Box Box
Wing Samuel Highworth Highworth
Winstone John Chippenham Chippenham
Winter John Pewsey Pewsey
Wise Joseph Westbury Westbury
Withers William Diltons Marsh Westbury
Withey John Westbury Corsley
Witt John Fovant Fovant
Witt William Swallow Cliff Swallow Cliff
Witts Edne Alborne Alborne
Witts Richard Alborne Alborne
Wood Simon Bradford Bradford
Woodford Henry Grimsteed Grimstead
Woodham Edward Chilton Foliott Hungerford
Woodhay George Lockeridge Lockeridge
Woodlands John Downton Downton
Woodridge Edw Alborne Alborne
Woodroffe J Luckington Luckington
Woodroffe Thomas Burbage Hungerford
Woodyear Samuel Sarum Sarum
Woodyear William Sarum Sarum
Woodyer Richard Deverell Kingston Westbury
Woodyer Thomas Westbury Westbury
Wooldridge John Ogborne St George Ogborne
Woolls John Sarum Portsmouth
Wordley James Newnton North Newnton
Workman John Manningford Abbots Uphaven
Worley Richard Purton Purton
Wright John Swallow Cliff Swallowcliff
Wyche John Sarum Winterborne
Wyche R Samuel Sarum Warminster
Wyndham H Sapworth Close of Sarum
Wyndham W Dinton Dinton
Wyvell Joseph Barford Barford
Yates William Chiselden Chiselden
Yates William Deverell Longbridge Deverell Longbridge
Yates William Wilton Wilton
Yeatman Hugh Bradley North Crewkerne
Yeats John Wraxhall North Marshfield, Glouc
Yerbury Francis Bradford Bradford
Yerbury John Bradley North Laverton
York Jespar Swindon Swindon
Young Abraham Brinckworth Brinkworth
Young Benjamin Chippenham Corsham
Young John Quidhampton Quidhampton
Young Joseph Sarum Sarum
Young Joseph Wilton Wilton
Younge Edw Durnford Durnford

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