PoWI Archives - POS Gazette May 12, 1846

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Port of Spain Gazette, Tuesday, May 12, 1846, p.3

Barque Senator arrived here on Saturday last from Madeira, having on board 219 immigrants, viz., 109 men, 91 women, and 19 children, all in excellent health, and evidently hardy people inured to labor, and accustomed to agricultural pursuits.

The Senator having been sent on to Madeira at the risk of certain parties who clubbed together to bear her owners free of loss, in case of her not obtaining her full complement of passengers, these parties were of course entitled to the preference of the services of the Immigrants, and claimed them accordingly. But looking at the influence which the success of these people, as Immigrants, may have on the large body of their countrymen disposed to emigrate to any country where their condition would be bettered, we could have wished that the parties so entitled to the preference of the services of these people had been Cocoa Planters, feeling as we do, convinced that the location of Madeirans on Cocoa Estates is sure to be attended with the most complete success, and satisfaction to both parties, employer and employed; whilst the benefit to the Sugar Planters would have been ultimately just as great, these Immigrants displacing so many native Laborers on the Cocoa Estates, who would then have sought employment on the Sugar Properties. Could these people have been all located in one Quarter, that of Santa Cruz for instance, they would have formed a little community amongst themselves and a nucleus to which a much larger extent of Immigration from the same source might ultimately be attracted. It was, however, we believe, quite out of the power of the Government to interfere with the arrangements, that had been made; nor would it have been fair to deprive those who had incurred the risk and responsibility of failure, from reaping in the most direct manner the advantages of success. But we trust some plan may yet be devised by which a small colony of these people may be formed in some peculiarly favorable locality, such as Santa Cruz, where they may thrive beyond possibility of failure, and increase their numbers by furnishing to their friends and relations in Madeira the means of emigrating to a spot which holds out so many advantages to persons of their habits and description.

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