PoWI Archives - POS Gazette Nov 13, 1846

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Port of Spain Gazette, Friday, November 13, 1846, p.3

Within the short space of a week we have had two arrivals of Madeira Immigrants, namely the Brig Peru on Saturday last, with upwards of 160, and the Dalhousie, with 216. These Immigrants are equally proportioned as to sex, and are of all ages. We understand they are all followers of Dr. KALLEY, and certainly, to appearance, a much superior class of people in habits and manners to those who have preceded them in this Colony. - Whether they have been accustomed to agricultural pursuits in their own land is another point, and on which we would be glad to be enabled to testify in the affirmative. They have been provided by Government with a locale to remain in, till they can make arrangements for their employment.

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