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April 2011 - Joined GENI - Please Join our "Geni Family Group" - and Help Us Migrate Your Relatives :)
Included are Group-A "Böhm relatives", Group-1 with unknown links & no Surnames under Names tab and Group2 - 3 with links to other pages on this web site -- Last update: May 16, 2011 - one of my other direct lines
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Note: above image source; Böhm families of Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Moravia, Czech - Jewish museum
Note: birth of Herschl was not found so far, see marriage image above. Many variations, inconsistencies of similar magnitude in names, dates (especially in the Nikolsburg records) exist. The death listings in the Familienten-Register include two entries for Fani Böhm, wife of Josua Ber, dated 1838 and 1839. Most likely 1 of these is the same as Fradl Böhm. The equivalence of Hermann (in the death record) and Herschl is likely. Furthermore, there is a grave recorded as Herschl in the Nikosburg cemetery database *see also bottom of page table and tombstones of 1) Lea Böhm wife of Joshua Ber, daughter of Aharon, 2) Hirsch, 3) Voegle - source Bob Lenk in Group-1 below
OR 5/16/2011 Ab (=Abraham) Isaac BÖHM or BÖEHM + Gella unknown "source Nikolsburg birth-record for Josua Beer (Bernhard) Boehm or Bohm image also below - from Alfred Spielmann"
Bernhard (=Josua Ber Bernat?) BÖHM Born: Sept 19 or Jul 26, 1819 in Mikulov, Moravia. occupation: Owner of Hats Factory Brüder Böhm (Hutfabrik Fabriksbesitzer) #3 or 30 Schottenfeldgasse, Vienna-7. Residence 1901: #97 Mariahilferstrasse, siehe HG, Vienna-6. Died: Sep 19, 1901 in Vienna age 81 NFP, NFP-2 obituary + Katharina (see EISLER family Born: abt 1818 Married: 1847 in Mikulov. Died: Aug 8, 1899 in Vienna age 81 NFP *geni-more Siblings: Marie Eisler & Abraham Pollak *geni <brother of Pepi Pollak & Aron Böhm *below>, see more siblings on Eisler page Father: Aron Eisler (from Mikulov - Mikulov) Mother: Eva unknown *geni
Note: see Guide to the Brüder Böhm Company Collection 1910-1979, bulk (1938-1965) AND under Stories ".. Around 1840, widowed (?) Böhm with her children moved to Vienna and opened a business trading in hares skins for
the manufacture of felt hats. The premises were located on the Fischer Stiege, a still existing thoroughfare near the Danube Canal.. In the 1850's a shop for the cleaning and carrotting of the skins and for cutting the fur was established in Vienna's Gumpendorfer Strasse (Vienna-6); the product represented the fully prepared raw material for the hatters. In 1862 a complete, new hat factory was established at Schottenfeldgasse, Vienna. In 1881 a considerably larger factory was added in Prag-Bubna.." *see Stories for further details, 1819+ family tree drawn by great grandmother Leonie (Bohm) Friedmann or Brüder Böhm Hats -Textile
history OR Leo Beck collection Brueder Boehm company 1934-1972 by Henry Bohm below" OR germanaustrianhats.invisionzone - Brüder Böhm Hutfabrik with great pictures of Hats
Note: Last will of Bernhard Böhm mentiones his sons as heirs, as well as Ernst (see Bing family) {son of daughter Sofie}, Ludwig & Sigmund (see Pollak family) {sons of Marie Eisler}, Bernhard's aunt Rebeka (see Hirschler family) Handl and relatives Leopold (see Hollitscher family) and Nathan Abeles below
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Note: see also Böhm Pictures of Heinrich Böhm with a Brüder Böhm hat and some of their descendants. The Bohm's, Clara Bach and several close families lived at Mariahilferstrasse 97,
Vienna apartment house built in 1867 by Bernhard Bohm and also had a country house on Marchet Strasse 50 in Baden near Vienna, where the family, Clara and 3 of her sons spent every summer for the next 36 years.
It is interesting that 12th great-grandfathers of Heidi (Klimesh) Rohel (via 2 different family lines) are brothers rabbi Sinai Loew (1508 Poland - 1607 Czech) and rabbi Jehuda Loew (1512-26 Poland - 1609 Prague) “the Maharal of Prague known for the Golem legend” *geni, whose statue has been in front of the city hall in Prague since 1917, while his "famous tomb" lies in the Old Jewish cemetery.
Note: above image is of Sofie (nee Böhm) Kary & Leonie (nee Böhm) Friedmann in their Miami Beach residence, Florida
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Hedwig "Hedel" BÖHM Born: May 6, 1886 in Vienna, Austria. Died: Sep 21, 1945 in Miami, Forida + Dr. prof. Alfred FISCHEL Born: Sep 26, 1868 in Čimelice (Tschimelitz), Písek, Bohemia, Czech. Married: 1910 in Vienna. Residence: 97 Mariahilferstrasse, Vienna-1060.
Died: Jan 12, 1938 in Vienna *NFP obituary, *Prague conscription card1, Vienna university history *geni Siblings: Camila Fischel (1870 - ) *consc. card-2, Josefine Fischel (187? - ) Father: Moritz Fischel / Fischl *geni Mother: Rosalia (Rosa) Brandeis (1844 - ) *consc. card2 *image sister of <Julius Brandeis (abt 1846 - 7/29/1908 Vinohrady /Königliche Weinberge, Bohemia) *Prager Tagblatt-more & Emilie Weisshut, Alexander & Jenny Witz, Heinrich, Katharina (1842 - ) *consc. card3 & Ignatz Wolf, Emilie & Emanuel Koscherak, Ernestine Brandeis & Ludwig Taussig> M-grandfather: Wilhelm Braindeis (1811 - 9/21/1880 Prague) privatier *Prager Tagblatt *Prague conscription card4 M-grandmother: Magdalena (Maria) Federmann (1815 - ) Mg-grandfather: Dawid Brandeis Mg-grandmother: Resi Rosenberg *geni
Note: Godmother of Adele Heidi Rohel, Hedl married dr. Alfred Fischel, an associate professor of embryology and pathological anatomy at the university of Prague, the couple moved to Prague. In 1913, Alfred Fischel accepted a call to the university of Vienna as a full professor and head of department, with the promise, that a new institute for his department will be built according to his specifications. He was then 37 years old. They moved back to Vienna. The marriage remained childless. *see ".. Alfred Fischel
(on-line translation): 26.9.1868 Tschimelitz - 12.1.1938 Vienna. If assistant studied in Prague (MD in 1894), afterwards under K. Rabl, in 1898 lecturer, in 1903 Ao.Prof., 1910 leaders of the dept. following experim. Morphology in the Ger. Univ. Prague. In 1916 he went to Vienna in the embryolog. Inst., in 1921 supra Prof.; in 1935 owing to illness retires. - Worked about developing physiology (cotyledons), Teratologie, lens development with the person, vital colouring (esp. from nerves, also on animals like Daphnia in Lunz); wrote insbes. Textbook and plan of the developing physiology of the person (several both ed.). Of the station was also connected later he from 1924 their committee member (with which of emperor Wilhelm-Gesellschaft).." . *See Familiant Book of Region Prachensky Family Name Index villages: Cestice, Cimelice, Slavkovice, Strazovice, Dozice, Drhovice, Drhovle, Dub .. or Alfred Fischel books on Abebooks. **Any relation to?: architect Paul Fischel (11/17/1885 Vienna - 10/14/1942) son of Ignaz Fischel (privatier) & Emilie (unknown) before with Maria (born Kammerer) Lacerta ?
Victor Charles (Viktor Karl) BÖHM Born: Jan 27, 1889 in Vienna. Died: Dec 20, 1955 in New York, NY age 66 + Gertrude (see RIE family) Born: 1897 in Vienna. Married: Jul 16, 1924 Died: 1985 in Pougkeepsie, NY age 88 est
*geni, see Gertrude on Wien Universität Assistant or Victor's Obituary Father: dr. Alfred Rie (3/22/1862 - 1932) Mother: Johanna Karplus (1871 - 1930-1) *1st wife of Victor: Grete JANOWITZER Married: 1919 for 6 months ?daughter of Bernhard & Bertha Strauss NFPmore?
Note: see also Böhm Pictures, extract from his brothers story Joele - 1969 about my family: "..Amidst these rather turbulent times, 1918-1920, Victor completed the construction and equipment of the Novy Jicin (Neutitshein) factory, which he had begun in 1914. It was a wonderful, "brand new modern" building and would have been modern even by today’s standards. It employed 2,000 people and Vienna had 400. According to the original plan, the Prague factory was then moved to the new plant.." -comment- In 1941 the Factory became J. Hückel and Sons (communist takeover under Benes decr., same as Heeg & Friedmann in Šternberk) and kept this name, until it was nationalized and Tonak, a state-owned enterprise, was established. *see Radio Prague article: Novy Jicin - the cradle of Hat production (google translation from original German version)
Note: above image is from Maria Louise (nee Bohm) Jacobson - 90th Birthday invite. Excerpt from Ishier's Obituary ".. In 1942, Mr. Jacobson enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. Following naval engineering studies at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Notre Dame, he served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. His active service included submarine duty in the Atlantic arena and in many major engagements in the Pacific, including the battle for Iwo Jima, aboard the storied battleship U.S.S. Washington. He was honorably discharged from the Navy at the rank of lieutenant in 1946.. ..He returned to Clark University, where he received his bachelor of arts in the same year. He then enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, where he earned his master of science in mechanical engineering in 1947. It was while working at The Texas Company (Texaco) in Beacon, New York, that he met Maria Bohm, who had just competed her graduate studies in chemistry at Northwestern University.."
- Joanna Mallor JACOBSON Born: private + Michael O'NEILL Born: private
- Brendan James O'NEILL Born: private
- Jonathan Bohm JACOBSON Born: private + James Dey McKIBBEN Born: private *geni Siblings: Janet Marie McKibben & James David McElhanon *geni-more, Carey Scott McKibben & Kimberly Mae Franks *geni-more Father: John Scott McKibben *geni-more Mother: Martha Mae Schwab *geni-more
- Paula Rie JACOBSON Born: private + Thomas GROVER Born: private
- Alexander GROVER Born: private
- Jacob GROVER Born: private
- Rebecca Emily GROVER Born: private
- Lottie Elizabeth BOHM Born: Jun 7, 1927 Died: Oct 27, 2001 age 74 + Donald A. M. MACKAY Born: Feb 8, 1926 in London, England. Died: Nov 24, 2018 in Waitsfield, Washington, Vermont, USA *geni-more
Siblings: Alastair Mackay (11/4/1927 - 1/26/2013 England) & Bobbie Roberts ( - abt 1986) *geni-more *2nd wife of Alastair: Pat Barnes *geni-more, Father: Alastair Morgan Mackay (9/25/1904 - 5/29/1962 London, England) *geni-more Mother: Mary Todd MacLennan (1/16/1906 Edinburgh, city of Edinburgh, England - 1/8/1986 London, England) *geni-more *see Mackay Pictures or The Clan Mackay association of Canada
Note: excerpt from Lottie's Obituary "...After the Nazi takeover of Austria in 1938, the family moved to England and thence to New York State, making their home in Poughkeepsie. Gertrude Bohm taught chemistry at nearby Vassar College, and that was where Lottie Bohm attended college, graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 1947. She went on to earn a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at Yale University, where she met her future husband, classmate Donald A. M. Mackay. Following in her mother's footsteps, Mrs. Mackay worked as an organic chemist after graduation, including several years working in Burroughs-Wellcome Laboratories alongside George Hitchins and Gertrude Elion. She retired from bench work in 1955, when the first of her four children was born. In 1957, the Mackays moved to Pleasantville, New York, where they have remained since..." AND Lottie E. Mackay, d.i. Lotte Böhm (Wien 1927-), film distributor; in 1939-1941 Great Britain, USA
Note: Kathy died in a small airplane crash in Vermont *see in memoriam, newspaper article - more to come
- Alastair Morgan MACKAY Born: private + Ellyn PLUMP Born: private *geni-more
- Fraser Colin MACKAY Born: private + Kelly O'CONNELL Born: private *geni-more
*2nd wife of Alastair Mackay: Carol Anne LONG Born: private *geni
- Helen Grace Morgan MACKAY Born: private
- Henry Michael Morgan MACKAY Born: private
- Ann Logan MACKAY Born: private + Alan Douglas MILLER Born: private *geni
- Finlay Cameron MILLER Born: private
- Clare Mackay MILLER Born: private
- Innes John MILLER Born: private
- Janet Leslie Ross MACKAY Born: private + Charles Haile WILSON Born: private *geni
- Thomas Haile WILSON Born: private
- Katherine Elizabeth WILSON Born: private
- Elizabeth Mary WILSON Born: private
- Henry Victor (Heinrich Viktor) BOHM / BÖHM Born: 1929 in Vienna, Austria. occupation: Ph.D Professor Emeritus of Physics at Wayne State University. Died: Feb 4, 2011 in Ypsilanti, Michigan
+ Lucy Margaret COONS Born: Sep 29, 1927 in Troy, Michigan. Married: 1950 Died: Oct 2, 2003 three days from her 76th birthday in Livonia, Michigan *geni Siblings: Richard Coons ( - 1976), Diane Coons & (?) DeMille Father: Norman F. Coons Mother: Madelyn unknown
Note: see Reminiscences of Wayne, co-edited by Wayne State retiree Henry Bohm, his obituary and Lucy's obituary
- Victoria BOHM Born: private
- Jeffrey BOHM Born: private + Elaine POWELL Born: private *geni
- Joseph (Josef) "Joele" BOHM / BÖHM Born: Oct 5, 1892 in Vienna. Immigration 1940: New York, USA. Residence: Scarsdale, N.Y. Died: Jul 1978 in New York, NY age 86 est + Anna "Ali" FUERPASS Married: 1930 of Graz Styria.
They had no children, as Anna died during childbirth. *geni, see Joele's stories About my Family and his WW-I incident
Note: see also Böhm Pictures. Anna's Siblings: Johann Fürpaß /Fuerpass (8/17/1893 - ) & unknown, Maria Fuerpass (3/7/1886 Weinzodl 34, now Graz imm. to New York - ), Franz Fuerpass (9/23/1889 imm. to New York? - ) Father: Franz Fuerpass/Fuerpahs (1/21/1859 Lendplatz 459 Pfarre Graz-Mariahilf /Graz, Austria) - ) Mother: Maria Bauer (5/4/1866 Eggersdorf m. 6/29/1884 imm. abt. 1909 to New York - ) M-grandfather: Franz Bauer M-grandmother: Josefa Shattner *information provided by Doris Brinker grand-niece of Anna Fuerpass and great-granddaughter of Franz & Maria (Bauer) Fuerpass
*2nd wife of Joele Bohm: Ella (Elaine, Ely) SCHENKEL Born: Mar 16, 1913 in Vienna, Austria *genteam *geni Father: Israel Schenkel (12/14/1886 Mościska, Poland, residence-1 Gumpendorfer str. 24/10, Vienna-6 /Mariahilf, Austria,
residence-2 France - 8/12/1942 Auschwitz, Poland concentration camp) privater *Wiener Zeitung (5/29/1949) Mother: Bunie (Bini) Reichmann (Podwol =location?, married 12/10/1911 Vienna-6 /Mariahilf, Austria divorced 8/4/1931 Vienna *genteam - ) *2nd wife of Israel Schenkel: Lotte Reisch ( married 1931 Vienna-6 /Mariahilf, Austria *genteam - ) *1st husband of Ella Schenkel: Alexander BECK Married: 1931 in Vienna-16 (Ottakring), Austria *genteam
- Patricia "Pat" Claire BOHM Born: private + Glen TROSTLE Born: private *geni
- Miranda Linn TROSTLE Born: private
- Barbara Lynn BOHM Born: private + Edwin Lewis BECKER, II Born: private *geni
- Eli Nordeen BECKER Born: private
- Adam Richard BECKER Born: private + Yayoi TAKAHASHI Born: private *geni
Sigmund BÖHM Born: abt 1849 occupation: Factory Owner, Manufacturer (fabrikant) in Vienna. Died: 1920 or Jul 20, 1923 in Vienna age 71 or 74 est NFP + Charlotte "Lola" (see LÖWENSTEIN family) *geni Father: Gustav Löwenstein /Loewenstein (abt 1829 - bur 12/22/1910 Vienna) NFP Mother: Amalie Blum (abt 1839 - 4/19/1915 Vienna) NFP
dr. ing. Paul (Erwin) BÖHM (BÖHM-ERÖS) Born: Jun 10, 1886 in Vienna, Austria. occupation: Engineer, Chemist (dipl. ing.), Director of a firm in Budapest-Sashalom, Hungary. Residence abt 1915; Langenzersdorf, Austria, address book 1919;
Feldmühlgasse 12, Vienna, 1921; Gernerstr. 2, Munich, Germany, 1919-27; Lainzer Str. 3, add. book 1921-23; Lainzer Str. 103, Vienna, add. book, 1922; Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 1927; Budapest-Sashalom. Died: Oct 11, 1960 in Vienna. Buried: 1961 in Vienna central cem. age 74 est + Walburga "Wally" Karolina Maria SUTTER Born: May 8, 1888 in Mainz, Germany. Residence 1910: moved with her brother & parents to Neustadt im Odenwald
, Germany. Married: Sep 25, 1912 in Neustadt im Odenwald. Residence 1922: Hinterzarten, Germany; 1922- abt 1925; Au near Freiburg, 1932; moved to Frankfurt am Main, Germany without Paul. Separeted?: abt 1927 Divorced?: bef 1933 *geni Siblings: Johannes "Hans" Friedrich Berthold Sutter (4/16/1887 Mainz - 8/31/1916 Maurepas, Somme, France) artist, killed in action during WW-I *wikipedia Father: Konrad "Conrad" Wilhelm Sutter (9/13/1856 Karlsruhe, Germany - 10/22/1927 Bethel now part of Bielefeld, Germany) artist ref., architect ref., designer of carved toys in Odenwald Mother: Walburga Philips (7/2/1862 Mainz - 5/19/1923 Munich) wood sculptor M-grandfather: Johann Baptist Philips M-grandmother: Walburga Dollhofen *geni
Note: Conrad Sutter visited his daughter September 1926 in Vienna, until he was brought to the von Bodelschwingh´sche Anstalten in Bethel, where he died some months later. Perhaps the transfer to Bethel was not only due to his condition - he did not really recover from some "encounter" with a tram in Munich and is said to have suffered a stroke as well, but coincide with his daughter´s moving to some other location. In a catalogue of 2 exhibitions by Hans Sutter in May/June 1920 in Frankfurt am Main and Munich and in May/June 1927 in the Städtische Kunsthalle Mainz, some of the paintings and drawings belong to "Besitzer: Böhm, Wien, but in the 1927 catalogue, they belong to director dr. Böhm, Budapest-Sashalom" AND any relation to? Vienna address books in Berlin State Library 1956 & 1969 (no longer in 1973) has Walburga Böhm, 10 Bucheng. 51; the 1960s and still in 1973 (the last of the accessible Vienna address books) ?
- Hans Gustav BÖHM (BÖHM-ERÖS) Born: Jan 3, 1914 in Munich, Germany. Died: Aug 16, 1987 in Nesslau-Krummenau, St. Gallen, Switzerland + Margit BÜHRER Born: 1920 Died: 1985 *geni
- Matthys BÖHM Born: private
- Margrith BÖHM Born: private
- Markus BÖHM Born: private
- Eva BÖHM Born: private Residence: private + Alfred "Fred" RYTER *geni-more Father: Christian Alfred Ryter (7/15/1909 Wansdorf, Preussen, Germany - 7/22/1981 Sumiswald, Trachselwald District, Canton of Bern, Switzerland) roofer Siblings: 9 Ryter's Mother: Martha Elise Bringold (5/27/1918 m. 2/28/1942 Frutigen, Bern, Switzerland - 6/26/1972) *geni-more
Note: www.tagesanzeiger.ch
: Second time lucky. Eternal Love desire many. It is not, of course, you have
to work for it, sometimes fighting. Eva and Fred Ryter got married twice: today. Eva Böhm (22) just her nurse diploma in hand and treat themselves to a day off: Badi Tiefenbrunnen, a windy summer day in the year 1970th She swims to raft in the lake - and there he is sitting on his beach towel, Fred. Blue eyes, dark hair, a handsome man. "Much talked you not exactly", Eva Ryter says today, over 40 years later, "but like you gave me from the beginning." Fred, the trained roofers, cramming time at the Academy for his Matura and actually had another in head as a flirt. But on the dance ship it radioed later really, Eva and Fred became lovers... (Tagesanzeiger.ch/Newsnet, Erstellt: 1.4.2014, 6:24 Uhr) *2nd article mentioning son Thomas
- Thomas RYTER
- unknown RYTER
- unknown RYTER
- Elisabeth BÖHM Born: private
- Esther BÖHM Born: private
- Johannes BÖHM Born: private *geni
- Maria Katharina BÖHM (BÖHM-ERÖS) Born: Dec 8, 1916 in Vienna, Austria. Died: Mar 2007 in Chichester, West Sussex, England. Buried: Harrogate, North Yorkshire + Thomas Arthur BENDELOW *geni
Note: ref-1 reed.dur.ac.uk: Inductions etc of Clergy to Churches: CFER 1/1947 2. February 17, Thomas Arthur Bendelow to Southwick Holy Trinity rectory, institution and induction AND ref-2 Christ Church, High Harrogate: List of Vicars: 1954-1970 Thomas Arthur Bendelow
- Martin Richard BENDELOW Born: private + Frances ARDIN *geni
- *they had at least 2 children
- Christina BENDELOW Born: private
- Theresa BENDELOW Born: private
- Peter Paul BÖHM (BÖHM-ERÖS) Born: Sep 17, 1918 in Vienna, Austria. occupation: Peter Böhm Cafe- und Restaurantbetriebe e.U, Volksgarten, Heldenplatz 1010 Wien *ref-2, aka. Petrus ref-3 Died: ca. Apr 2012
+ Inge unknown *geni
Note: same as? Petrus Böhm-Erös, restaurateur, 1 Pestalozzig. 3 (until 1969); Petrus Böhm-Erös, kaufmann, 16 Liebhartstalstr. 48 (in 1973) OR on the web kommerzialrat (k.r.) ing. Petrus Böhm-Erös protestant of the Markuskirche in Ottakring, Vienna age 92 (Sep-Nov 2010) ?
Note: 8.4.2011 Disco: Die Familie hinter Volksgarten und Palmenhaus
: Familie Böhm. In the 1960s there were Italian bands in vogue. In the 1970s, then began the disco era. The has survived to this day, more or less. In recent decades, Peter Böhm, the Volksgarten Disco, handed over including Corti portico or banana, Volksgarten Pavilion and Palm House in the Burggarten to his children. Night man Michael (51) takes care of since 1986 to the disco, Andreas (47) and Barbara (43) since 1983 jointly by the Palm House and the pavilion in the Volksgarten. "This complements well, we do not get in the way," says Michael.. Meanwhile, the father should be happy with the decision of his children. His "inheritance" seems well managed. "Before, I always found it incredibly embarrassing when the father has looked at the restaurant under the tablecloth to inspect the tabletop. Today I do it myself, "says Barbara Böhm. For her and her brothers, it is just something to look at premises that are part of the Viennese history. "This is simply timeless genius. Since the 1950s, this is the only building in which you can open two roofs and can leave the windows in the ground".. So there is no reason why the Volksgarten and the Palm House remain in hands of the Böhm family even longer. The three Ans cessation think far. Michael Böhm, acting a bit tired from the night business, has indeed been around age of 18 with Kaveh Ali a business partner, "who knows everything about parties". For internal family succession the father of four has self catered. His 25-year-old daughter sniffs already professionally Volksgarten air. ("Die Presse", Print-Ausgabe, 09.04.2011)
- Michael BÖHM (BÖHM-ERÖS) occupation: Manager of keg Restaurant, Tanzcafé & Clubdiskothek im Volksgarten., 1010 Wien
- daughter BÖHM
- unknown BÖHM
- unknown BÖHM
- unknown BÖHM
- Andreas BÖHM occupation: Manager of Cafe-Restaurant Palmenhaus Burggarten Ges.mbH, Palmenhaus, Burggarten 1, 1010 Wien
- Barbara BÖHM occupation: Manager of Cafe-Restaurant Palmenhaus Burggarten Ges.mbH, Palmenhaus, Burggarten 1, 1010 Wien
- Walpurga Jule BÖHM Born: Dec 19, 1922 Died: Mar 18, 1944 in Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany *geni
*2nd wife of Paul Böhm: Olga FÖLDVÁRI Born: Feb 14, 1912 in Timisoara, Timis, Romania. occupation: Professor Died: in Dec 20, 1977 Vienna, Austria *geni Father: György Gheorge Földvári / born Friedrich (ca.1882 - ca. 1945 Budapest, Hungary) Mother: Vilma Katharina Nemeth (6/16/1883 Timisoara - ca 1973 Vienna) *geni-more P-grandfather: György Friedrich (ca. 1855 Vojvodina /Војводина, Serbia - ) P-grandmother: Erzsébet Michels (ca. 1847 Vojvodina - ) *geni-more M-grandfather: János (Johann) Németh (ca. 1838 - 9/7/1903 Timisoara) M-grandmother: Eva Rovny (12/7/1859 Bystrica, Slovakia - 1932 Budapest, Hungary) daughter of János (Joannes) Rovny & Susanna (Zsuzsanna) Balázs *geni
- Beata "Bea" BÖHM Born: private *facebook + Fritz BALATKA Born: private *geni *Czech descendant
*Bea's note: I visited Vienna with my mother in 1957 and met Richard Böhm from the Hutfabrik in Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse. He persuaded my mother to stay in Vienna, as it would be easier he said for her - to get out 2 people (my father and her mother) of communist Hungary than 4, - if we would go back. My father emigrated from Budapest 2 years later, together with my grandmother Katharina Vilma Földvári. When he was back in Vienna, several cousins visited him from abroad; Richard, Joele, from the US, Anni and Erich Böhm from Israel. Liesl Wolf and her mother - coming also from Hungary - stayed in our flat in Schubertring 7-9 (equal Pestalozzigasse 3), until they moved into their own flat nearby. I visited with my parents Johanna Regenstreif with her mother in their beautiful home in Pötzleindorferstrasse, before they moved to Argentina. After my father died, Richard always helped me in difficult financal situations, so that I could finish school. He was my favorite uncle, as he looked much like my father, whom I deeply loved and lost when I was 17. In 1962 I visited Franz Böhm in London. In summer 1964 I went to the US and stayed with Joele and his family in Scarsdale, visited with Joele and his family Pauline and her family in Canada. I celebrated my 21st birthday with Leonie, Thomas, Clarisse, Maria, Lottie, Richard, Joele, Ely, Pat and Barbara - there were more relatives - I think a sister of Richard (?) - in Leonie's flat in NY. At this event I received Leonie´s beautiful family tree, in which she had put for my father´s 5 children from his 2 marriages 5 leaves - without names. She lost contact with him long time ago so she did not know their names, but added mine and my mother´s on my copy. I visited Richard and saw Lottie and Maria last time in 1984.
- Camilla BALATKA Born: private occupation: Owner of Crystal Light Bed
- Julia BALATKA Born: private occupation: Owner of Odyssee Travel Agency + Michael KISS-HORVATH Born: private *geni
- Mia BALATKA Born: private
*2nd husband of Beata Böhm: Dr. Ernst Martin PRETS Born: private occupation: University Researcher *geni Sibling: Mag. Prets Andreas
- Mag. Jodok BÖHM Born: private occupation: Owner of Better Games GmbH, High Tech Testing GmbH (Linkedin profile)
Leopold BÖHM Born: 1851 occupation: Manufacturer (Fabrikant). Died: Oct 7, 1908 in Prague, Bohemia, Czech age 57 NFP + Bertha "Berthe" (see POLLACZEK family) Born: 1869 *geni Father: Wilhelm (Wolf) Pollaczek (1836 - 3/23/1913 Vienna, Austria) NFP *geni-more Mother: Charlotte Löw-Beer (5/10/1849 #16 Tovačov, Přerov, Olomouc, Moravia, Czech - 11/21/1901 Vienna) NFP *geni-more M-grandfather: Isac Löw-Beer (abt 1810 - 4/18/1898 south Moravia, Czech) *geni-more M-grandmother: Eva Grünbaum (7/21/1810 Tovačov, Moravia, Czech - 11/25/1854 Brno, Moravia, Czech ) *geni-more *2nd wife of Isac Löw-Beer: Lea Bernays *geni-more
Ernst BÖHM Born: 1888 occupation: Gesellschafter der firma Brüder Böhm k.u.k. Hof-Hutfabrikanten, Kadett i.d. res. in einem Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment. Died: Aug 8, 1916 in Prague NFP age 28 est.
- Richard BÖHM Born: 1892 Residence 1941: 31 West, 85th Street, New York, possibly not last *ref. Died: 1991 in New York, NY age 99 est + unknown
Note: "Richard became a "prisoner of war in Italy" on the last day of the war in 1918, when through a "misunderstanding" of the armistice deadline, many ten thousands of Austrians were captured: the Italians observed a deadline 24 hours later than the Austrians. He returned from captivity only in 1920.. - ..Later on Richard built two large apartment houses in Novy Jicin (Neutitshein) on part of its large area, then the most modern ones in the city.." - ..Until Richard's return from Italian captivity he was almost on his own and thereafter he shared with Richard in the actual management of the factory, until the end of its existence. The great success of this factory is mainly due to the incessant work of Richard and Otto and to Victor's technical inventions and improvements..- Sep 1938.. When we told him (Bobby van Veen from Rotterdam, who had held the Dutch agency of our Neutitschein factory and had a cap factory himself) about Richard's delaying of his departure from Czechoslovakia, he insisted on flying there himself (which, as a Dutch citizen he could freely do) and promised to bring Richard back "if I have to drag him to the plane". He went and really returned with Richard.. ..In Aug 1940, Richard arrives in New York, NY.."
- Ella (Eliska) BÖHM Born: May 19, 1892 or 1894 Died: Feb 1981 in New York, NY + Heinrich "Heinz, Henry" (see LANDESMANN family) Born: Oct 20, 1881 Married: 1926 occupation: Hopfenhandelsfirma Sonnenschein & Landesmann Žatec (Saaz), Bohemia *ref-image. Last residence: 11375 Forest Hills, Queens, NY. Died: May 1967 in New York, NY age 85 est. *geni *Prague conscription card, card-2, *claim, *ref. Father: Samuel Landesmann (1852 Prague or Žatec, Bohemia - ) kaufmann, Hopfenhandelsfirma Sonnenschein & Landesmann Žatec (Saaz), Bohemia Mother: Wilhelmine Weltsch (1857 - )
Note: ref. Naproti areálu firmy Sonnenschein & Landesmann se nachází v Zeyerově ulici čp. 687 menší sklad chmele Adam Böhm 50°19'29.31"N, 13°32'18.06"E z roku 1890. stojí AND ref. Michael Sonnenfeld, öffentlicher Gesellschafter der Firma Ig. Sonnenfeld, Rohproduktenhäiullerin Wien. Julius Sonnenschein, öffentlicher Gesellschafter der Firma Sonnenschein & Landesmann, Hopfen- und Produktenhändler in Prag und ...
- Alice (Liese) BÖHM Born: 1897 or 1899 Died: in New York, NY
- Eduard (Pockl) BÖHM Born: 1857 or Apr 26, 1861 Died: May 6, 1938 in Vienna age 81 or 77 est. not married
- Dr. Max BÖEHM Born: Oct. 25, 1858 in Vienna. Died: Jan. 7, 1952 in Haifa, Israel age 93 est. Married: Sep. 12, 1892 + Adele (see WOLF family) Born: Nov. 1, 1870 in Eisenstadt, Austria. Died: Dec. 9, 1954 in Israel *geni Father: Ignatz "Asriel" Wolf Mother: Hermine Neubrunn *our mother Adele Heidi (nee Klimesch) Rohel recalls, that we use to receive a box of oranges in Czechoslovakia from the Boehm family of Israel, but we're not sure which member of the family sent them
Note: Max and Adele took refuge in Israel. They left Austria December 1939 by train via Trieste, Italy and then by boat to Israel. Max studied at the Politechnikum in Zurich, Switzerland, engineering school in Karlsruhe, Germany, chemistry at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. He wrote his thesis "Beitraege zur Kenntnis d. galizischen Erdoels", vice president of the "Israeli cultural community" in Ostrava (Mährisch Ostrau), Moravia and was a manager of the Privozer Mineral Oil G.M.b.H
- Kaethe BOEHM Born: Dec. 19, 1900 in Ostrava (Mährisch Ostrau), Moravia. Died: Dec. 4, 1942 in Haifa, Israel age 48 est.
Note: Kaethe was the "first woman" to graduate from Engineering School at the University of Vienna. She fled to Israel (Palestine) and "died during the war" of a brief illness
- Dr. Anna "Annie Karolina" BOEHM Born: Aug. 17, 1893 in Ostrava, Moravia. Died: Sep. 11, 1985 in Haifa, Israel
Note: Anni studied linguistics at the University of Vienna. Her thesis was "Einige Ausdruecke fuer die logische Taetigkeit in den indogermaniscen Sprachen". In 1921 she received her doctor degree. She was the editor of the "Neuen Weinzeitung". She lived for about 15 years in Kfar Ata and worked for the ATA Company as a senior secretary. She moved then to Nahariya(in Hebrew) and carried out the same work for the Moller Textile Company. *comment by Prof. Isak Gath: "The whole of "Kfar ATA" (nowadays the town "Kiryat-ATA") was built around the ATA factory, and almost everybody living in "Kfar ATA" in the old days worked in the ATA textile industry. Erich and Hugo Moller were the owners. Erich was a fantastic person. He was a Zionist who emigrated from Czechoslovakia in 1923 to, at that time, Palestine. He persuaded his uncle Hugo who was still managing the family textile factory in Czechoslovakia to built the textile factories in Kfar ATA in 1934. He later built another one in Naharya (with his son Hans, in Hebrew Jonathan) and died there 100 years old. The ATA factory was one of the best work places in Israel in the older days and their manufacture was of superb quality"
- Erich BOEHM Born: Oct. 24, 1894 in Ostrava, Moravia. Died: in Nahariya, Israel
Note: Erich studied chemistry at the University of Vienna. He was the "manager and confidential of the Brothers Boehm factory" for hats. In Israel he was the chemist at ATA factory and later at the Moller Textile factory in Nahariya. He served as the "first mayor of Kfar Ata" and in the “Hagana” military underground organization. He was one of the artillery founders of IDF and served as an officer. He lived in Nahariya(English site), Israel
- Leo BOEHM Born: Dec. 30, 1895 in Ostrava, Moravia. Died: Jun. 5, 1958 in Haifa, Israel. age at death: 53 est + Anni MEYER Born: Aug 2, 1908 in Koenigsberg, Germany. Married: 1935 in Jerusalem, Israel. Died: Dec. 6, 1982 in Haifa, Israel *geni
Note: Leo studied engineering at the Technical University in Vienna. He was an engineer in the "Gesellschaft für elektrische Industrie Elin". He immigrated to Israel in 1933. In Israel he "owned and ran a company for contracting compressed air machinery". Anni immigrated to Israel from Hamburg in 1933. Leo met Anni in Jerusalem, they were married and in 1935 and moved to Haifa
- Ada BOEHM Born: private + Shraga GORNI Born: private
- Katina Yael "Kate, Kati" BOEHM Born: private "source" + Zvi GLOWINSKI Born: private *geni
- Ofer GLOWINSKI Died: Aug 24, 2001 *Ofer died in a private plane crash over Moshav Yaziz, he was the pilot
- Ayelet GLOWINSKI Born: private
- Franz BOHM / BÖHM Born: Nov 4, 1897 in Ostrava, Moravia. Died: Jan. 22, 1993 in Great Canfield, Essex, England + Johanna "Hansi" Cecilia (see BAUER family) Born: May 22, 1907 in Vienna, Austria. Died: Feb. 1996 in London, England *geni Father: Friedrich "Fritz" Bauer (5/23/1866 - 1937 Vienna) director of Austrian Phoenix Insurance Co. Mother: Ida Winter (7/6/1879 - 1968 Derby, England)
Note: Franz studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University and political science at the University of Vienna, lieutenant in WWI Austrian artillery and forward observation officer. Engineer in the Ingersoll Rand Company, he took refuge in England with his first wife and daughter in 1938. In England he formed a successful plant hire company Contractors Services and later an additional company "ompactors Engineering, in partnership with his 2nd cousin Paul Schlesinger. He had helped the latter to escape in 1938/9 by attributing his own patent to Paul, which secured Paul a work permit and entry visa to Britain. Franz became erudite in 19th & 20th century European History. He served under two flags. He died peacefully at his son's house, after a short illness
- Antonia Maria Barbara BOHM Born: private + Peter John HUNT Born: private
- Nicholas David Frederic BOHM Born: private + Catherine YARWOOD Born: private *geni *2nd wife: Carola FREEMAN Born: private *Nicky lived with Catherine and they have one daughter between them; Emma. Nicky then married Carola and they have two daughters; Victoria and Alexandra
Sofie BÖHM Born: Jul 6, 1859 in Vienna. Married: Oct 30, 1881 in Vienna. Died: Sep 27, 1882 in #37 Hauptstrassse, Linz (Lainz), Vienna age 23 NFP + Ludwig (see BING family) Born: Sep 22, 1854 in #462 Roprechtsplatz, Vienna. Residence: #97 Mariahilferstrasse, Vienna-6. Married: Oct 30, 1881 in Vienna. Died: Feb 23, 1925 in Vienna-7 age 71 *geni Father: Anton Bing (1810 - 5/12/1893 Vienna) NFP Mother: Julie Abeles (1818 - 5/2/1885 Vienna)
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- Susanne KANN Born: Jan 17, 1904
- Peter KANN Born: Dec 13, 1942 in Princeton, NJ, USA. Died: unknown + Francesca MAYER
- Hilary KANN + (?) LANE *geni
- Marilyn KANN Born: 1948 in USA. Died: unknown
Isak BÖHM Died: 1808 in Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Moravia, Czech + Gütl unknown Died: 1813 in Mikulov, Moravia, Czech
*another husband of Hermine B�hm: Heinrich GINSBERG Born: May 17, 1887 in Przemysl, Podkarpackie voivodeship, Poland *geni
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*1st wife of Ernst Böhm: Hedwig LUSTGARTEN Born: Dec 23, 1885 in Vienna, Austria. Married 1908 in Vienna, Austria *geni-more Father: Emanuel Mendel Lustgarten (5/26/1855 Biertowice?, Poland? - 2/14/1927 Vienna) Mother: Josefa Perel Mirtenbaum *geni
*3rd wife of Ernst Böhm: Dr. Pauly FRIED Married: 1921 in Vienna, Austria *geni Father: Max Fried (abt 1867 - 1/5/1923 Vienna) Mother: Berta Schidloff (5/27/1872 Tučapy, South Bohemia, Czech - ) *geni-more
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Note: any relation to Aron Abeles (abt 1809 res. Nikolsburg - Aug 6-10, 1871 Vienna Israel. Spital) kleinhändler & unknown OR in newspaper Die Neuzeit (12/2/1870): Aron Abeles (abt 1809 res. Nikolsburg - 9/14/1870 Vienna Allgemeinem Krankenhaus) servant & unknown *records not availbale, as documents were not collected for the 9th district at that time OR Jakob Abeles ( - 9/9/1921 Vienna) Pester Lloyd of firma Herm. Polack's Söhne ?
Note: any relation to Ignatz Abeles (abt 1839 res. Lochenitz, Bohemia - 12/8/1908 Seeg. 8, Vienna-9) widower OR Salomon Toch (5/23/1807 Nikolsburg - ) son of Elias Hirsch Toch & Güthel (?), Soloman Toch (5/9/1809 Nikolsburg - ) son of Isaja Toch & Süsel (?), Salomon Toch (8/15/1815 Nikolsburg - ) son of Abraham Toch & Fradl (?) and their 2nd son Salomon Toch (3/7/1826 Nikolsburg - ) "source; Geburtsmatrik der IKG Nikolsburg, 1763-1847, T. Triebel /Freddy Spielmann" OR Salomon Toch ( - 8/15/1830 Vienna) OR on geni Salomon Toch (early 1800's - ) OR geni Salomon Toch & Julie Teltsch "ch. Josefine Pepi Toch (1848 from Mikulov - 1893) & Moritz Wesseli(y) *also below {parents of Elsa (1878 - ) genteam Ottakring volume}" OR geni Adolf Toch (ca. 1870s - ) OR geni Therese Toch (1811 - 11/25/1889 Vienna) NFP & Hermann Pollack (abt 1807 - 5/9/1881 Vienna) NFP on Pollack page OR Leopold Toch (abt 1819 - bur 11/22/1885 Vienna) NFP kaufmannes & Katharina Ables (abt 1823 - 7/28/1908) NFP "ch. Carl (Karl) (abt 1861 - bur 3/22/1920), Friederike (nee Toch) Neubauer (abt 1852 - bur 3/6/1894) NFP & David Ortner, Alfred (abt 1865 - bur 8/1/1913) NFP & Ida Löwenstein NFP" buried with Regine Deutsch (abt 1816 - 10/17/1882) OR Hugo Gold Nikolsburg; pg.5 Moyses Salomon Toch, pg-20, 22 Isak Toch, pg-21 Elias Hersch Toch Bierschänker who got lic. 1827, Schaye Toch and brother Kolmann Toch, pg-29 Menachem Toch, and pg-28 Wilhelm Teltsch OR on Bass page Genovefa Toch ( m. 1871 Vienna genteam - 7/28/1921 Vienna) NFP & Adolf Ruzicka (1846 - 1/31/1917 Vienna) NFP kais. rat., prokurist firma S. Trebitsch & Sohn, Hermann Toch, Henriette Toch & Ignaz (Ignatz) Silberberger, Emanuel Toch & Louise Benvenisti (1845 - 12/15/1902 Vienna) NFP OR Saloman Dach, possibly origin of the name Toch in 1600's Mikulov (Nikolsburg) OR on geni Nikolsburg graves on Jewishgen; Rabbi Josef (Lemel) Ascher ben rabbi Chajjim Teltsch ( - 7/24/1824) son of R. Chajim Teltsch & Rebekka Benet ( - 3/19/1843) {daughter of Moravian Chief Rabbi Mordechai Benet}, Rabbi Samuel ben Löb Teltsch ( - 9/14/1805) ??
Note: any relation to Wessely's on Genteam's 95 pages OR the 64 Wessely's buried in Vienna OR the 2981 Wessely's on Prague conscription db OR on Spira page & *geni descendants of Joseph Abraham (ca. 1621 Sydrusland, Russia - 1702 Amsterdam, Netherlands) OR on geni Efraim Wesseli /Wessely & Hanny Anna Grünwald parents of Moritz Wessely (?/16/1850 of Mikulov m. 3/7/1875 Mikulov? - ) & Josefine Peppi Toch (12/14/1848 from Mikulov - 1893) also *above {parents of Elsa Wessely (1878 - ) genteam Ottakring volume} OR Max Wessely (1829 - bur 6/18/1908 #2 Josefineng. 2, Vienna-1020 ) NFP gew.kaufmann genteam & Rosa (see Pollak family) (1833 - 11/22/1918 bur Vienna) NFP "ch. Fanni Wessely & dr. med Hermann Mandl, Henriette Wessely & Gustav Oplat, Emil Wessely (abt 1866 res. #19 Unt.Augartenstr., Vienna-1020 - 3/6/1932 Park Sanatorium, Vienna-1130) NFP privat genteam & Bertha (Berta) Siebenschein, Karl Wessely" OR Mr. Wessely ( residence Brno /Brünn, Moravia - ) *geni & Josefine (see Subak family) OR Markus Wessely (abt 1836 m. 1868 - bur. 7/24/1887 #13 Breitenfurterstr., Rodaun) produktenhändler genteam1, genteam2 & Josefine (Josefa) Rachel (Rahel) Stockmann (abt 1845 - 5/20/1912 Vienna) NFP parents of Therese Wessely (1869 - ) genteam & Jacob Regenstreif same? (1867 - 10/26/1928 Vienna) genteam? NFP "ch. Paula & Hans Löffler {parent of Marion}, Fridl ( - 4/21/1934 Vienna) NFP" <brother of Leo Regenstreif, Cilli Regenstreif & (?) Teidel>, Berthold Israel Wessely (1875 - 11/1/1941 bur Vianna) genteam & Cäcilie Cilli (?) (abt 1877 - 1/28/1938 #10 Obere Weißgärberstraße, Vienna-1030) genteam, Robert Wessely (1877 - ) genteam & ?Else Steiner sister of Fritz NFP?, Pauline Wessely (1881 - ) genteam & Otto Auspitz ( m. 1904 - ) genteam, Ludwig Wessely (1884 - ) genteam, Louise (Luise) Wessely (1884 - ) genteam & Lazar (Leo) Regenstreif ( m. 1907 - ) genteam OR Sigmund Wessely & Carolina Mahler "ch. Elsa Wessely (1877 Vienna? - ) genteam" OR Moritz Wessely & Maria Falusy "ch. Elsa Wessely (1889 Vienna? - )" genteam OR Johann Wessely & Jeanette (Sofie) Klinger "ch. Elsa Wessely (1891 Vienna? - )" genteam OR Katherina Wessely (11/18/1882 - ) & Moritz Abeles (source; Sally Goodman ) ??
Group-1: *already added on Geni - Gabriel Böhm is Peter Rohel (c)'s 7th cousin 8 times removed's husband's father
Rabbi Meir BÖHM Born: of in Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Moravia, Czech
Rabbi Gabriel BÖHM + Chai Sara (see BACHRACH family) Died: 1774 in Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Moravia *ref. ebooksread.com "Arthur Ellis Franklin Records of the Franklin family and collaterals", Records of the Franklin family and collaterals *geni Father: Itzek Isaac Bachrach ( - 1756 Mikulov, Moravia)
Note: same as?? Kojetin history & rabbi Gabriel Böhm of Mikulov/Nikolsburg in 1785 OR reference-global.com (paid serv.) from the Book "Die Rabbiner der Emanzipationszeit in den deutschen, böhmischen und großpolnischen Ländern 1781-1871'' Gabriel Böhm ( - 1817 Strážnice /Straßnitz, Moravia ) son of Meir. B. aus Mikulov (Nikolsburg) 1785 Rb. in Kojetín (Kojetein). Nachdem er in der Kontroverse um Lasi Ko- hen, ein des Krypto-Sabbatianismus verdächtigtes Gemeindeglied, eine „schwankende“ Haltung bewies, trat er 1794 aus dem Amt und zog sich in den Ruhestand nach Strážnice zurück. Lit. Gold (Hrsg.), Judengemeinden Mährens, 1929, S. 282, 520 and Hugo Gold and steinheim-institut.de; Gabriel Böhm ( - 1817 Strážnice /Straßnitz) is recorded in Memorbuche the son of mhrr Meir Nikolsburg, as is evident from his epitaph, he worked in other communities and his calm verleht Strassnitz years OR any relation to ?? Rabbi Gabriel Böhm in 1795 Šaštín-Stráže (Schoßberg-Strascha /Sasvár-Morvaőr, Senica district), Slovakia ??
- Samuel (Solomon?) BÖHM Died: 1842 in Mikulov, Moravia, Czech. Died: 1842 in Mikulov + Rebekka unknown Died: 1843 in Mikulov
- Gabriel BÖHM Died: 1907 in Mikulov, Moravia, Czech *the last descendant living in Mikulov
Abraham Isak BÖHM Residence: from Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Moravia, Czech. Died: bef. 1856 + Karoline unknown Died: aft. 1856
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Note: Franziska is a sister-in-law of Katharina Lunzer *Franziska is bur/w Karl Wilheim (abt 1856 - bur 10/22/1882), while Nathan Weiss is bur/w Marie Wieselmann (1843 - bur 10/22/1882)
*2nd husband of Alice Spitzer: Samuel FREY
Note: ref: Hugo Gold, Moravia (Lomnitz) Die Juden und Judengemeinden Mährens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: 19. .losef (Chaim) Eisler. Kinder: Menoehem Ei.der, Bistritz. Mosche Eis· ler, Gurrein. Ester Kohn, Kralitz. Frad1 Knedl, Lomnitz. Scheindl Häutler, Tischnowitz.AND (page 312) 20. Menachem Eisler (Bistritz), Branntweinhausbesitzer. Seine Frau Gitl, geb. Böhm. Kinder: Meir, Hersch, Taube Zeisl und Golde Häutler.
Note: Hugo Gold, Moravia (Lomnitz) ..1813 bis 1843 wieder. Außer den Berufen führen wir auch die Namen aller Familienmitglieder an. Die familiengeschichtliche Bearheitung soll einem späteren Zeitpunkte vorhehaIten bleiben. ..47. Bernhard (Beer) Häutler, handel mit Schusterleder. Kinder: Mosche Häutler, Senitz, Leib B. R. B. Häutler und Schmuel Häutler, Tischnowitz =Tišnov. 48. Moses Häutler (Senitz), wollhändler. Seine Frau T. des Chaim Götzl. Kinder: Wolf Leib und Abraham. 49. Samuel Häutler, rohlederhandlung. Seine Frau Esterl. Kinder aus erster ehe: Leib (Wondre), Meit. Aus zweiter Ehe, Mosche, Mendl, Kreindl Hofmann und Thekla Bauer (= H. (Hirsch) Bauer schächter und schnittwarenhändler). 50. Samuel Häuder (Tiscbnowitz). lederhauseigentümer. Seine Frau Scheindl Eisler (above). Kinder: Hirsch, Leib, Michael, Albert, Netti Böhm (above) und Fanni & Abraham Friedmann (1824 - ) *geni. 51. Leopold (Leib B. R. B.) Häutler, handel mit Schusterleder. Sohn: Mosche Häutler, kantor in Loschitz =Loštice. 52. Leopold (Leib) Häutler (Bistritz), ledererzeugung. Seine Frau Golde Eisler. 53. Leopold (Leib) Häutler (Wondre), handel mit Rohleder. Seine Frau Frumet war eine Schwester des Mordechai Fischer aus Meseritsch. Ehe kinderlos. 54. Herrmann Häutler (Hodonin = Göding). Sohn d. Schmuel Häutler aus Tischnowitz Seine Frau Lotti Behm. 55. Emanuel (Mendel) Häutler, wollweber. Seine Frau Lea Hecht. 56. Michael Häutler (Vorkloster). scliafwollwarenerzeuger. Seine Frau Netti Ruberl.
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Note: wikipedia Leopold Böhm (1/11/1922 Vienna - 4/4/2007 Vienna) born to Jewish parents, he escaped to the connection to the National Socialist Greater German Reich of Austria. His parents, however, were murdered in the Holocaust. He fought in the Second World War in the British Army. After the war he worked for an oil company in Haifa, before returning in 1952 to Austria.
In 1953 he entered the trading company of his uncle Richard Schöps, which built up his cousin Gerda Herz-Schöps [wife of Otto Herz ref1] (daughter of Richard Schöps) and their, husband Alfred Stühler, already. Within a few years they made the small Viennese textile company an empire with more than 100 branches throughout Austria. In 1989 the company was sold for € 160 million to the British investment bank, J. Henry Schroeders.
He worked in real estate and then was quickly successful here. Among other things he bought with Ariel Muzicant and his nephew Michael Brooks a 45,000-square-meter site in Vienna-Erdberg. On the list of most Austrians, he was last to 34th place.
From 1973 to 1977 he was president of the football club FK Austria Wien.
On 18 March 2006, he fell at his home in Vienna-Döbling and suffered a traumatic brain injury. From this accident, he would never recover. He died on 4 April 2007 at his home in Vienna.
In 2011 in Vienna Landstrasse (3rd District), the Leopold-Böhm-Straße was named after him OR austria.archiv.at
" Leopold Böhm.. his wife Lieselotte "Lotte" Böhm was kidnapped in December 12, 1977.." OR wiev1.orf.at
"Schöps-Gründer Leopold Böhm tot Der Schöps-Gründer, Immobilien-Tycoon und Austria-Förderer Leopold Böhm ist in der Nacht auf Mittwoch im Alter von 85 Jahren nach langer, schwerer Krankheit gestorben.. ..wien: OR F.at; 3.4.07 Schöps beschäftigte letzten Angaben zu Folge 850 Mitarbeiter. Vor wenigen Tagen bekam das Unternehmen einen neuen Eigentümer." OR on wirtschaftsblatt.at TMC Textilgrosshandelscenter GesmbH, Kärntner Strasse 11, 1010 Wien. FN 225154i. GF: KR, GS: KR Leopold Böhm (1/11/1922 - ), Dkfm. Michael Brooks (12/17/1945 - ), Alfred Stühler (3/5/1923 - )
Note: wikipedia.. Böhm's daughter Sandra Grünberger invested in Pulse TV (Vienna) EUR 1.5 million and graduated with career OR http://www.woman.at/a/medien-teure-visionen-101072
, http://www.diemedien.at/cv/gruenberger-sandra
, http://www.profil.at/home/medien-tele-shoepsing-100820
Note: any relation to Richard Schöps (1880 - ) *genteam <son of Karl Schöps (?1856 - 10/24/1927 Vienna krematorium) genteam & Therese Weil ( m. 1886 - ) genteam-1, genteam-2> OR Richard Schöps (1883 - ) <son of Heinrich Schöps (abt 1845 - bur 9/15/1918 Vienna) privat, *genteam & Pauline (Paula) Schönthal (abt 1847 res. #19 Vereinsg., Vienna-1020 m. 1882 - bur 1/27/1904 Vienna) genteam-1, genteam-2> OR Richard Schöps Textilhandel, Sportartikelgeschäft in 1999 Steyr, Austria genteam-1, genteam-2 ?
Note: wikipedia Leopold Böhm ...In 1953 he entered the trading company of his uncle Richard Schöps, which built up his cousin Gerda Herz-Schöps [wife of Otto Herz *ref1] (daughter of Richard Schöps) and their, husband Alfred Stühler, already.
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Salomon BÖHM Born: abt 1826 Died: Jun 30, 1901 buried in Vienna, Austria + Rosalie BRUCKNER Born: abt 1836 Residence: Sterneckplatz, Vienna-1020. Died: Mar 7, 1919 bur. in Vianna *genteam
Note: any relation to ?? Salomon Böhm marriage witness at son of Julie Böhm & Jonas Sensky <ch. Moritz Sensky (9/12/1828 Ivančice /Eibenschütz, Moravia - 10/22/1884 #2 Messenhausergasse, Vienna-3) beamter der Niederösterr. escompte-gesellschaft NFP, genteam & Fanny (Fanni) Berl (2/22/1884 Vienna-13 Hietzing /Unter St. Veit, Austria m. 5/23/1866 - 8/27/1914 Vienna) NFP {daughter of Abraham Berl (abt 1803 Wischerau bei Bečov nad Teplou /Petschau, Bohemia - 8/21/1888 Baden by Vienna /Weikersdorf) NFP privatier, hausbesitzer in Wien, begrunder der späteren firma Oberösterr. decken-, korzen- un wollwarenfabrik A. Berl's söhne & Elisabeth Hirsch / Hersch (abt 1809 Bečov nad Teplou /Petschau - 12/13/1893 #9 Hintere Zollamtsstrasse, Vienna-3) NFP}> *more Berl info. in "Wer Einmal War" book pg. 187> OR 1848 census in Hódmezõvásárhely /Vásárhely, Hungary; Móricz Böhm (abt 1807 Ivančice /Eibenschütz, Moravia - ) & Johanna Politzer (abt 1817 P. Makó, Hungary? - ) "ch. Sámuel Böhm (abt 1836 Vásárhely - ), Albert Böhm (abt 1842 Vásárhely - ), Béla Böhm (abt 1847 Vásárhely - )"
OR on wikipedia Jakub Böhm (11/21/1820 Ivančice /Eibenschütz, Moravia - 4/12/1886 Budapest, Hungary) surgeon /főtörzsorvos ??
Josefine BÖHM Born: 1846 from Ivančice (Eibenschütz), Moravia. Died: Jul 1, 1897 in Vienna + Samuel ZWIEBACK Born: abt 1843 Married: Apr 27, 1871 in Vienna. Died: Jan 22, 1929 in Vienna *geni-more Siblings: Fanny Zwieback & Leopold Löwinger, Emanuel Zwieback (abt 1847 or 4/9/1850 Bonyhád, Hungary - 7/19/1905) NFP & Pauline Blum "ch. Oskar" <daughter of Jacob Blum & Bertha Singer *geni>, Ludwig Zwieback & Katharina Singer (7/11/1845 - 6/1890 Vienna) *geni-more "chi. Gisela (4/7/1869 - 5/22/1930) & Max Zirner (abt 1855 Pécs, Hungary - 6/16/1918 Vienna ) *geni-more brother of Alexander below, Malvine (Malwida) (4/11/1873 Vienna - 4/7/1922 Vienna) *genteam, NFP & dr. Siegmund (see Kranz family) (11/5/1859 Częstochowa, Silesia, Poland - 6/25/1929 Vienna) *geni, Ella Elise (1878 - 1970) & Alexander Zirner (1863 -1924)" Sister-in-law: Helene unknown Father: Josef Zwieback (abt 1812 - 3/28/1850) Mother: Wilhelmine "Minna" Singer (4/25/1822 - 7/28/1906 Vienna) *geni Half-Siblings: Bertha Zwieback & Josef Greif, Josef Miskolczy & Gisela unknown *another husband of Wilhelmine Singer: Moritz Miskolczy
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wikipedia - Google translation: Ludwig Zwieback & brother was during the Habsburg monarchy an important Viennese Be clothing business at the Kärntnerstraße 11/15, corner Weihburggasse. 1877 founded Ludwig, Samuel and Emanuel Zwieback, three brothers from Bonyhád in Hungary, a clothing shop in Vienna called "Ludwig Zwieback & Co. brother". At that time, Ludwig 33 years, Emmanuel Samuel 27 and 34 of age. This business was probably in 7th District, at the Mariahilferstraße 111, corner Webgasse. The business was successful, built in 1895 is an 8-storey department store for upscale clientele Kärntnerstraße 11/15, in the 1st corner Weihburggasse District. Of the Friedrich Schoenfelder (*1857 in Hungary) was elegantly designed buildings. On three floors, showrooms for the customers have been established, an oval staircase leading to all floors. Emanuel died in 1905 at the age of 55, and Ludwig 1906 at the age of 62. Samuel Zwieback ran the business for some time, until about 1910 on. At that time Samuel handed over the business to his two sons, Joseph, aged 34, and Siegfried, 31 years old. Much later came the youngest son of Samuel Eugene (*1900) in the business. Jacques Fleischhacker was branch manager († January 1915). [2] Samuel Zwieback, the last of the founders, died in 1929 at the age of 86 years. The shop on the main shopping street 111 was about 1925 renamed "Joseph Zwieback & brother". Presumably due to financial difficulties in 1930 concluded that business. After the death of her father Ludwig Zwieback inherited Ella Zirner Zwieback (1878-1970) ref. standpoint the main parts of the company on the Carinthian Straße 11/15. In 1933, three rented Hussars officers led by Paul Count Palffy the part of the property at the housewares 4 (next to the biscuit-fashion store) and founded the restaurant "The Three Hussars". After the Nazi invasion and annexation of Austria in 1938, the entire property was aryanized...
*2nd wife of Samuel Zweiback: Leonora Helene GROSS Born: abt 1865 Died: Oct 20, 1923 in Vienna *geni
Name | Birth Date | Presumed name in Vienna |
Josua Ber Bernat | 1820 | Bernhard |
David | 1822 | |
Katti | 1824 | Katharine |
Güetl (Gütl) | 1826 | |
Naftali | 1828 | Naphtali |
Resl (perhaps Resi?) | 1831 | Theresia |
Name | Death Date | Presumed name in birth records |
David, son of Hersch | 1826 | |
Bella, daughter of Herschl | 1826 | Gutl |
Herman | 1837 | Herschl |
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