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April 2011 - Joined GENI - Please Join our "Geni Family Group" - and Help Us Migrate Your Relatives :)
Most names already added on Geni. Page includes Research Group-2 although relationship to the names is unknown at this time. *information also provided by Peter Foges below - Last update: February 1, 2011
Juda (Judah) FOGES Born: 1740 in Prague, Bohemia + (?)
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Note: extracts from Ein früher Europäer by Jakob Ludwig Heller below, supplied by Peter Foges: "..Owner of one of the largest wholesale manufactured goods businesses in Prague (*I suppose that meant he bought finished goods from small cottage industries such as glass jewelry from Gablonz in the Sudetenland as well as leather goods and haberdashery from family owned fIrms in Prague, many from relatives, and sold them on to retailers all over Bohemia). Koppelmann was apparently a passionate, energetic personality, much liked and respected in Josefov. Born at the height of the Enlightenment in 1799, he had one foot, so to speak, in the old orthodoxies and folkways of traditional Judaism in the Hapsburg Empire, and the other in the increasingly emancipated world of the coming century. He probably spoke both Yiddish and German fluently -- and being a devoted Talmudic scholar, biblical Hebrew too. Koppelmann is said to have traveled widely within Bohemia (though rarely further since Jews were ordinarily prohibited from traveling within the Empire until the late 1860's). When away from home he stuck to eating and drinking only "eggs and coffee", so as not to break Kosher rules. As well as studying the Mishna and Gemora, he was also steeped in western philosophy and literature, possessing a large library of the classics. At the theater, concert hall or opera -- Koppelmann apparently "never missed a good performance when he was in Prague" -- he was in the habit of purchasing the cheapest seats, not because he was miserly, but rather out of modesty. The doors of his home on Golczische Gasse, a large airy structure by the standards of the overcrowded ghetto, combining numbers 4 and 6, and overlooking the green trees of old Jewish cemetery, were always open to indigent acquaintances. He constantly fed them, hosted them, and gave them shelter. Among those with a room there was his own aged father, Salomon. These well-known acts of kindness, plus his scrupulous annual payment of a tenth of his income to charity, turned Koppelmann Foges into one of the Jewish community's best liked and most highly esteemed figures. Apart from religion, and philosophy, education was his passion. He took enormous trouble to see that his 6 children got the finest schooling available. con'd below"
Note: cont'd from pt-1 above "Apparently at a young age Klara fell in love with a reprobate called Heinrich Schwartz, work shy, alcoholic and parasitical, and much taken with the idea of lounging in bed all morning while his wife scrabbled for work. Was he even Jewish? (The whole thing must have curled the toes of her grand papa, Koppelmann, at this point spinning away in his grave). She married him against all entreaties not to, and went on loving him for years through thick and thin (mostly thin. After a chaotic time in Prague, Vienna and elsewhere, they upped stakes like so many millions of others and headed to New York, presumably via Ellis Island. After a few hard scrabble years on the lower East Side, Schwartz, per Heller, turned in desperation to a life of crime, and was promptly arrested for fraud. Still Klara stood by him, even though he framed her, suggesting to judge and jury alike that it was she, not he, who had been the master-mind. The jury seems not to have been taken in by Heinrich's lies, sending him to jail but not her. Next poor Klara flees West in shame -- to San Francisco, where no doubt she still pined for her beloved. In California Heller loses track of her, and the unfortunate Klara (nee Foges) Schwartz, drops off from the radar. con'd below"
*2nd wife of Moritz: Marie STEIN Born: 1840
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Note: cont'd from pt-2 above: "..Josef was not a lucky man. He went into commerce at an early age, helped no doubt by Koppelmann's connections and cash injections, manufacturing leather goods and decorative glass. At first he did well, accumulating considerable capital. But, starting in 1870, after the Franco-Prussian war and German unification, the imprudent Josef began to sink every penny he had -- and all the profits from his business -- into stocks. (The raging Viennese equity markets of the early 1870's were fueled by massive French war reparations, demanded of the losing side by Germany's Bismarck, and recycled through Berlin. Vienna was awash in cheap credit, easy loans and speculative greed). When inevitably the bubble burst -- on May 9, 1873, in a calamitous collapse every bit as bad as the 1929 Wall Street crash -- Josef lost everything. Utterly ruined, he could not support his family and had to be rescued by his brother-in-law, Joseph Jeiteles below. Back in 1867, in the year Jews throughout the Hapsburg lands received their full civil rights, allowing them to travel internally without special permission, Jeiteles had invested in a Viennese horn button factory so as to provide a secure income for his brother Michael. Josef Foges, a relative by marriage, now became a director of the Jeiteles family firm. Their factory unfortunately emitted terrible smells unavoidably caused by the chemical process involved in turning ox hoofs into buttons fit for fashionable Vienna. Demand was brisk, and the buttons sold well. Josef was saved! He even traveled to London to exhibit the factory's wares at the great industrial fair held there each year throughout the 19th Century, and was awarded prizes for his firm's workmanship. Later on though, Josef's fortune turned once more. Situated at the very edge of the city near the West Railway Station, the family factory was at first surrounded by green fields. However as Vienna expanded, and new housing sprung up, residential neighbors began to complain about the constant and by all accounts very unpleasant odor. Soon there were law suits, and visits from the police. Eventually the business had to be sold, no doubt at a distressingly discounted price. con'd below"
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Note: see Ernst Foges (1862 Prague - 1949 London, UK) - "Napoleon and the Jews" under Stories tab by Peter Foges below
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Note: con't from pt-3 above: "..Heller has only nice things to say about his mother-in-law, Rosa -- but very few. All Heller says, really, is that she, "had been given a religious upbringing in the ghetto of Prague, but also a good classical education". (This again is one of Heller's many remarks (often coy) about the transition these people were experiencing throughout the century as they moved at warp speed from a closed inward looking essentially medieval way of life towards one where reason reigned, religion was in steep decline and Jews were forced to grapple with a wider, often hostile, world). con'd below"
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Note Jakob's book, edited by Antonie Neumann: "Long Forgotten Events from Imperial Austria" on Amazon, Bookweb also mentions: ".. Everyday Occurrences in Teplitz
Hugo Gold.. Uncle Birnbaum.. Cousin George.. Uncle Joseph and Aunt Rosa Jeiteles Gablonz.. Uncle Joseph Heller and Aunt Regie.. .. Lori Jeiteles.. My Cousin Johanna.. My Cousin Adolph.. My Cousin Oskar.. The Doctorate of Dr. Jonas Jeitteles ?(-6/4/1876)? at Prague University.."
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Note: any relation to Franziska Strakosch (1830 -) & Samuel Denhof (1822-) on Prague cons. card OR Siegfried Strakosch & Rosa Schwarz (1878 - Oct 1, 1907) NFP son Georg Strakosch?
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Note: con't from pt4 above: '.. Jacob was the family dullard, and a great disappointment to his high-minded intellectual father. Not known for bookish talent of any kind, he was nick named "Jacques" by his siblings -- why we do not know. Embracing a rural and peripatetic way of life early on, he lived for many years in the mountains, becoming in the process a kind of Jewish yokel. "Peasant Foges" was another name people gave him. Indeed, there's a charming photograph of him in the recently published English-language edition of Heller's book smoking a long meerschaum peasant pipe. Apprenticed as a tanner, by his despairing but loving father, he rose to manage -- though never own -- several leather-goods businesses, and spent about eight successful years in Russia. Until, that is, the local oblast happened to discover he was a Jew. Such was the furor among the deeply anti-Semitic serfs, that Jacob was persuaded then and there to flee back to Austria in fear of his life. So says Heller, at any rate. Few days before Jacques died, he broke his leg in a fall while hiking alone. He spent a night exposed on a cold mountain-side apparently repeatedly firing his hunting rifle to draw attention to his plight. (It is interesting to speculate on the degree to which this essentially delightful and sweet natured man was an outsider, ostracized by his siblings and nephews and nieces. The death notice in the WNP lists his widow and daughter -- and assorted Polatschek's -- among the mourners. No members of the FOGES family though, even though many were alive at the time)."
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Balthazar FOGES *geni + Maria (?) previous Group-1
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Baruch Benedikt FOGES Born: Jun 28, 1805 in Prague, Bohemia, Czech. occupation: Head Teacher of the Prague Jewish high school (Oberlehrer, Volksschul). Died: Aug 23, 1890 in Karolinenthal-Prague, bur. in Prague? NFP + Eva FLEKELES Born: 1808 in Prague. Died: Nov 23, 1855 P-con card Siblings: 3 Father: Wolf Flekeles (1774 Prague - ) *geni-more
Note: JE: Baruch was also an author and a keen amateur historian. His book, "Alterthumer der Prager Josefstadt", a scholarly guide to Jewish Prague, published in 1855, was a best-seller, and went through many editions
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Dr. law Theodor NEUSTADTEL Born: abt 1842 Died: Nov 30, 1908 in Vienna NFP + Anna POPPER *Theodor is bur. as Neustadtl
- Dr. law Arthur (Artur) NEUSTADTEL Born: Jan 18, 1873 Residence: Liberec (Reichenberg), Bohemia. occupation: Lawyer. Transport 12/171941 N from Praha to Terezin (Theresienstadt), Bohemia concentration camp, Transport-2 Ds from Terezin to Auschwitz, Poland on 12/18/1943, Perished Yad Vashem, Yad Vashem2 + Irma LEVIT or LEWIT Residence: Vienna
- Hans NEUSTADTEL twin occupation: Agronomist working in Colombia, South America *in 1938 they had to leave and Hans obtain visas for his sister Grete, her husband Karl Mautner and his parents, as well his niece Eva
- Grete NEUSTADTEL twin + Karl MAUTNER Father: Leopold Mautner Mother: Elsa Stransky *Grete's cousin: Franz Davenport (born Dessauer) ( - 2001)
- Eva Ericka MAUTNER Born: in Vienna + (?)
- Carlos Rincón MAUTNER Residence: private "source"
- Martha NEUSTADTEL + Dr. Paul FRÖSCHELS (1857 - 1/24/1938) Siblings: Jenny Fröschels & Martin Hinrichsen, Susanne Fröschels & dr Josef Scheiner "ch. Franz, Otto, Margit Scheiner" Father: Adolf John Fröschels (1817 - 12/25/1896) NFP Mother: Emilie Weil (1819 - 8/25/1901 Burkersdorf) NFP sister of Johanna (nee Weil) Heilbut, Adolf Weil (1819 - 5/10/1900) NFP & Rosette Magnus (1833 - bur 6/19/1910) NFP "ch. Albert Weil, Max Weil, Mathilde Weil & Wolgang Michael [ch. Helene, Wilhelm, Siegfried], Elise Weil ( - 10/28/1901 London) NFP & Sigmund Mautner [ch. Grete Mautner, Josefine Mautner]"
- Luise NEUSTADTEL + Otto (see HECHT family) Father: dr. Carl Hecht (abt 1834 - 1/18/1909 Vienna, Austria) NFP Mother: Bertha (Berta) Subak (1857 - bur. 3/20/1936 Vienna)
- Walter NEUSTADTEL occupation: k.u. k. Lieutenant
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- Rudolph FOGES Born: 1846 Died: Feb 1, 1923 + Marie WEIL Born: 1844 Died: Aug 2, 1922
Martha FOGES Born: abt 1878 Died: Apr 15, 1905 in Vienna NFP + Arthur CHAT Siblings: Felix Chat (abt 1877 Vienna - 11/1934 Vienna) & Rosa (?), Caroline /Karoline Chat ( - 10/12/1940 bur Vienna) & Wilhelm Willy Löbl (abt 1854 - 2/9/1923 bur Vienna) *geni-more Father: Eduard Chat (abt 1842 - 2/19/1888 Vienna) Mother: Hermine Neumann (abt 1850 - 12/7/1926 Vienna) *geni
*2nd wife of Arthur Chat: Gertrud Gerty RECHNITZER Born: Nov 2, 1885 in Graz, Styria, Austria. Died: Jan 23, 1943 in Gmina Oświęcim, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland Father: Edmund Rechnitzer (1856 - ) *ref. *geni-more Mother: Mathilde Strassmann ( - 4/6/1929) also married to Dr. Paul Neurath (1871 Vienna - ) *geni
- Dr. Otto FOGES Born: Sep 14, 1872 Residence: Esslinggasse 2, Vienna-1. Transported: Vienna > Riga 11/1/1942 *Yad Vashem?, Avotaynu list + Elisabeth (?) Born: Nov 4, 1879 Transported: Vienna > Riga, Latvia 11/1/1942 Yad Vashem
- Anna FOGES + Ludwig KALMUS Born: 1865 in Vienna, Austria *geni
- Hans FOGES Born: Jan 17, 1877 Residence: Hoernesgasse 3/9, Vienna-3; Ttroedler Gasse 15 2nd. Transport: Vienna > Litzmannstadt (Lodz), Poland 10/23/1941 Died: May 25, 1942 in Litzmannstadt, Poland camp *Yad Vashem? + Elsa (see FRIEDMANN family) Father: Eduard Friedmann ( - 6/20/1924 Vienna) NFP, kommerzialrat *geni Mother: Malvine (see Bauer family) (abt 1856 - 4/7/1899 Vienna) NFP
- Dr. Victor FOGES Born: Jul 24, 1879 *Avotaynu list
Moises FOGES + (?) *geni
son FOGES + (?)
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012