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April 2011 - Joined GENI - Please Join our "Geni Family Group" - and Help Us Migrate Your Relatives :)
*Information already added on Geni -- Group-1 below relationship to Main Group unknown at this time -- source also geneanet tree of Jean François Hatmann - Last update: March 21, 2011
Joachim bar Joachim (abt 1560 - abt 1630) > son Jacob bar Joachim (abt 1590 - abt 1660) > son Isaak bar Jacob (abt 1620 - abt 1690-1703) & Dobrish bar Mose Levi > son Mayer bar Isaak (abt 1650 - 1720) & Johana bar Jacob > son Jacob bar Mayer (abt 1680 - abt 1750) & Fanny bar Nathan > son Aaron bar Jacob LICHTWITZ (abt 1710 - abt 1780) > son Moses below *geni
Note: 1877 death certificate of her son has Marianna geb Cassirer. On a Gleiwitz record of 1812 Marianne is referred to as Marianne geb. Lebeln =likely Loebel?
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Note: wikipedia: Emanuel Lichtwitz, Gründer der Likörfabrik in Österreich-Schlesien E. Lichtwitz & Co. E. Lichtwitz & Co. war während der k.u.k. Monarchie eine der bedeutendsten Likörfabriken Österreichisch-Schlesiens und eines der ersten Etablissements der Branche in der Monarchie.[1] Der Standort war in Troppau. Im Jahre 1861 von Emanuel Lichtwitz gegründet, hatte sich das Unternehmen unter dessen fachkundiger Leitung aus bescheidenen Anfängen zu einer achtunggebietenden Stellung emporgearbeitet. 1908 war der Chef der Firma der kaiserliche Rat Jakob Lichtwitz..." AND book Österreichischer Markenanzeiger: "..E. Lichtwitz & Co. and "Union Girondine" re; Adolf Lichtwitz and Albert Lichtwitz ref. AND Teplitz-Schönauer Anzeiger (1/30/1886) advertising E. Lichtwitz & Co., Troppau referencing "Union Girondine"
- Jacob (Jakub) LICHTWITZ Born: Aug 4, 1853 in Hradec nad Moravicí, Moravia occupation: Kais. Rath. Died: May 7, 1927 in Opava, Moravia + Fanny /Fanni (see LAMBERG family) *geni
- Alfred LICHTWITZ Born: Dec 27, 1883 in Opava, Moravia. Died: 1942 ? in concentration camp + (?)
- Arnošt (Ernest) LICHTWITZ Born: Feb 8, 1886 in Opava, Moravia. occupation: Teilinhaber von E. Lichtwitz & Co. Died: Dec 4, 1941 in Prague, Bohemia *ref.
- Adolf Abraham LICHTWITZ Born: Feb 24, 1855 in Osoblaha (Hotzenplotz), Moravia-Silesia, Czech. occupation: occupation: Import-Export in Bordeaux, France. Died: May 19, 1929 in Le Bouscat, Gironde, France buried Bordeaux + Evelyne Esther SAZIAS Born: Apr 11, 1866 in Bordeaux, Gironde. Married Jul 2, 1884 in Bordeaux. Died: Aug 10, 1901 in Le Bouscat, Gironde, France Father: Camille Jonathan Sazias (5/25/1838 Bordeaux, France - 11/8/1909 Bordeaux) banker Mother: Mélina Débora Mendes (3/9/1845 Bordeaux - 9/4/1918 Arcachon, Gironde, France) *geni
Note: see Descendants & Evelyne's Ancestors on descendants Jean François Hatmann geneanet web site
*2nd husband of Sophie Lichtwitz: Dr. Oscar KOLM Born: Apr 9, 1860 in Vienna, Austria. Married: 1884-1901 Died: Jan 16, 1924 in Vienna Siblings: Henriette Kolm & (?) Burger *geni
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Note: "I knew Emmy Lichtwitz Krasso in South Plainfield, New Jersey, USA, in the 1970s. She was born January 19, 1895 in Opava (Troppau), Moravia, Czech, daughter of Theodore Lichtwitz + Therese Grün. Emmy went to Vienna to study painting in 1911. She graduated from the Academy of Art for Women in 1916, and then went to the University of Fine Arts in Budapest, where she earned a MFA in 1917. She married Oscar Tuk Krasso on October 20, 1930. Information from Who's Who of American Women: Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living American Women, Marquis, 1959. She had her own studio in Vienna from 1918 to 1938, and assisted Franz Cižek 1933-1935. She and her husband left Austria in 1939 and went to Mumbai (Bombay), India. She made life sketches of Mohandas K. Gandhi and then a life-size oil painitng of him in the Old Master style. In 1946 she and her husband came to the U.S. She was naturalized in 1952. She taught at the Parsons School of Design, and in New York City and South Plainfield, NJ, schools. I wrote an article in New Jersey Music & Arts magazine, June 1974. Her husband pre-deceased her. She died in the hospital in Plainfield on August 6, 1974. She was a lively, petite woman. Great to have known her. Sincerely Mary Clark *geni" OR see ref. article on University of Austria site (in German)
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- Dr. André Paul LICHTWITZ Born: Oct 31, 1899 in Le Le Bouscat, Gironde, France. occupation Dr. physician General de Gaulle, Bordeaux, France. Died: Jul 19, 1962 in Villejuif , Val-de-Marne, France bur. in Paris
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Note: same as? Baruch Moses Persicaner (1838 Bytom /Beuthen, Silesia, Poland - ) son of Loebel Yehuda Persicaner & Eva Wiener *sources: Dick Plotz, Eva Cox OR any relation to Amalia (Malka) (nee Persicaner) Boehm (1845 - 8/4/1899 buried Krnov, Moravia-Silesia, Czech) on Jewishgen Austria-Czech database OR on MyHeritage: Emilie Persicaner & Jone Jacob Appel (1854 - 1909) *more details "ch. Flora, Ida, Ismar /Isab, Siegfred, Claire, Dora, Rosa, Selma, Samuel" OR Gustav Persicaner (1881 res. #15 Nibelungengasse, Vienna-1010 - buried 3/20/1882 Vienna cem.) kaufmannskind *genteam *buried? with Samuel Graf (abt 1816 - 1/30/1888 Vienna) and Wilhelm Graf (abt 1854 - 12/11/1920 Vienna)? OR Minna Persicaner (1/29/1871 - cemetery Jews of Germany murdered in the holocaust, Berlin) OR Georg Persicaner (2/5/1872 - cemetery Jews of Germany murdered in the holocaust, Berlin) OR Josef Persicaner (7/8/1878 - cemetery Jews of Germany murdered in the holocaust, Berlin) OR Kathe Persicaner (5/11/1885 - cemetery Jews of Germany murdered in the holocaust, Berlin) OR Bernhard Persicaner (6/11/1909 - cemetery Jews of Germany murdered in the holocaust, Berlin) OR (?) Persicaner & (?) Kniger or Kruger "parents of Peter H. B. Persicaner (10-12/1943 or 1-3/1945 Hendon, England - ) OR on genteam Natan Persicaner ( - 1882) *gentam Jewish records of Vienna OR Kurt Persicaner & Selma Königer (abt 1876 - 4/13/1915 Berlin /Schöneberg, Germany) *NFP
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*2nd husband of Elsa Markstein: (?) GRÜNBAUM *geni
Elsbeth PERSCANER Born: May 1, 1876 Died: Jun 20, 1943 in Terezín (Theresienstadt) concentration camp, Bohemia, Czech + Benno FÜRST Born: Oct 5, 1874 Married: Dec 20, 1908 occupation: Merchant. Residence: Vienna, Austria *geni
Note: wikipedia: Rudolf von Urban, Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist who researched human sexuality. Born in Vienna, his father Victor Urbantschitsch was a physician. His uncle, Karl Froeschl, was a portrait painter. Rudolf von Urban studied at the Vienna Theresianum, graduating in 1898, and early in his career worked as assistant to the internist Carl von Noorden. With Noorden's support he opened the prestigious Wiener Cottage Sanatorium as a clinic for the aristocracy in 1908. Fleeing political conditions he moved to Los Angeles, California, in 1936. He wrote the book Sex Perfection and Marital Happiness (Rider & Co 1952).. With his first wife, Fritzi Rosali Persicaner, he had two children, Hans (1901-1925) and Gretel (1903-1999). By his second wife, actress Maria Mayen, he had a daughter, Elizabeth. He was later married to Virginia Jacqueline MacDonald. His grandson is Academy Award-winning actor Christoph Waltz. Rudolf von Urban died in Carmel, California, aged 85..
*2nd wife of Rudolf von Urban: Maria MAYEN Born: May 11, 1892 in
Vienna, Austria. Died: Jul 15, 1978 in
Vienna *geni
Note: wikipedia After a drama at the Marie Seebach School in Berlin she went to Bonn. There she served on the theater stage, the role of the young naive genre. Then Mayen returned to Berlin, where he played at the Lessing Theatre. From 1913, she stood in her hometown of Vienna at the Burgtheater on the stage. In 1926, the title of her chamber actress was awarded. Maria Mayen was married twice. From her first marriage to a doctor their daughter Elisabeth Urbancic emerged, which came later in her mother's footsteps and is the mother of actor and Oscar winner Christoph Waltz. After the death of her husband married her colleague Mayen Emmerich Reimers. In 1953, the actress withdrew from the stage. She died in 1978 and was buried in the cemetery next to her husband..
Note: wikipedia: Elisabeth Urbancic ..As a costume designer for the film, and later television, she has operated since 1951. Particularly successful was their collaboration with director Kurt Hoffmann. Elisabeth Urbancic also worked as a theater painter and graphic artist.
Elisabeth Urbancic is the daughter of a doctor and the Burgtheater actress Maria Mayen (who had been married after the death of her first husband's second wife, the Burgtheater actor Emmerich Reimers). She was the set and costume designers Johannes Waltz (1922-1964) married and is the mother of actor and Oscar winner Christoph Waltz
Note: wikipedia: Internationally, he is best known for his works with American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino. He received acclaim for his supporting roles as SS-Colonel Hans Landa in Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds (2009) and bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz in Tarantino's Django Unchained (2012). For each performance, Waltz won an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, and a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor. Additionally, he received the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival and a Screen Actors Guild Award for his portrayal of Landa.
Christoph Waltz was born in Vienna, the son of German-born Johannes Waltz and Austrian-born Elisabeth Urbancic, set and costume designers. His maternal grandfather, Rudolf von Urban, was a psychiatrist and psychologist who wrote the book Sex Perfection and Marital Happiness. His maternal grandmother was Burgtheater actress Maria Mayen, and his step-grandfather was actor Emmerich Reimers. His great-grandparents also worked in theatre
*2nd husband of Elizabeth Urbanic: Peter Emmerich REIMERS Born: Jul 21, 1886 in Vienna. occupation: Austrian Actor. Died: Oct 19, 1970 in Vienna Father: Georg Reimers (4/4/ 1860 Altona, Germany - 4/15/1936 Vienna) *geni
Note: wikipedia: The son of actor G+10-12, 1912-14 and Leipzig came in 1918 at the Vienna Burgtheater. He was seen in lover and character roles. Reimers was married to the actress Maria Mayen.
He rests in Vienna on the Sieveringer cemetery next to his wife..
*2nd wife of Rudolf von Urban: Virginia Jacqueline MacDONALD *geni
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Note: isvav.cz; Lichtensterns of "Koloredov and their Enterpreneurship in the Area of Ostrava (2007)"; Biography of the two generations of Liechtensterns entrepreneurial family. Cousins Gustav (the owner of a liqueur factory) and Nathan (leather trader and a machine belts factory owner), significant representatives of the German - Jewish social and political life in the area of Ostrava at the turn of the 19. and 20. century OR webcache.googleusercontent "Podvody Josefa Tandlicha a konec podnikani Židovskeho podnikatele Philipa Landsberga" - by Radek Lipovski; Zemský archiv v Opavě, pobočka Olomouc, f. Velkostatek Hukvaldy, Uchovávání tóry v Koloredově u Salomona Zwillingera, Jacoba Lichtensterna a Isaaca Lichtensterna, inv. č. 2793, k. 608.3 Spyra, J.: Drogi społecznego awansu Żydów na prowincji w monarchiihabsburskiej na przykładzie Adolfa Landsbergera von Friedeck. In: Brňovják, J.- Zářický, A. [eds.]: Šlechtic podnikatelem. Podnikatelšlechticem. Šlechta a podnikání v českých zemích v 18.-19. století. Ostrava 2008, s. 291. Page 51 manufakturu.4 Ve fondu hukvaldského velkostatku se dochovalprotokol o počtu Židů v Koloredově z 29. 4. 1845, podle něhož zdek tomuto datu pobýval Jakob Lichtenstern s manželkou Theresiía 4 dětmi, Ignatz Lichtenstern s manželkou Marií, matkou Evoua jejím manželem Ignatzem Lewinem
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*same as ?? *geni-private Richard Lichtwitz & Clara /Klara (nee Weissberger) (abt 1879 - 10/31/1938 bur Strašnice /Straschnitz =Prague-3) NFP and on familytreemaker children below OR same Weissberger family as on Grünfeld page ??
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Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012