Jacob SYERS genealogy Gallatin Co, Il


lived in Gallatin Co, Illinois  

 If you are a SYERS researcher - make contact with [email protected]  

This Jacob SYERS had a cousin Jacob SYERS, who lived in Saline Co, Il born 1873 and died in 1940. Photos of the cousin are located on his web page. This Jacob (1874 - 1959) can be found in census records in Gallatin Co, Illinois.

Husband: Jacob Syers

Birth: 1874
Death: 1959
Jacob F. Syers (1844-1919)
Mother: Mary Magdalene Fink (1854-1930)

Wife: Edna unknown

Birth: 1879 Place: Il Death: 1938


1. F Child: Mabel Syers
Birth: 1895
2. F Child: Rosa Syers
Birth: 1900
3. F Child: Virginia Syers
Birth: 1904 Place: Il
4. M Child: Charles Syers
Birth: 1908 Place: Il

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