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Greetings to fellow genealogists and family researchers everywhere. You have found your way to a modest site which hopefully will help you on your way to discovering your ancestors. This site contains information about families who lived in River Bourgeois in the 19th Century and some of their descendents. It is a work-in-progress which has been in-progress for about 25 years and its progress largely depends on its users (you). Please share your research by contacting Paul at [email protected] .

Using the site

The information on the site is arranged by family and each family has its own page. The 19 names listed represented the vast majority of those who lived at River Bourgeois in the 19th Century. As you will notice most of the family names were Acadian/French. A few others such as Boyd and Robertson were included because they have numerous links to the other families. If you are looking for someone in a particular family simply click on one of the last names listed.  This will bring you directly to that page and you can browse its contents. Each family begins with the oldest person resident at River Bourgeois and continues with his children and their children, etc. Only the descendents of the male children are shown to avoid duplication. Whenever possible the parents of the spouses are shown to allow cross referencing to other families.