A well-known representative of journalistic interests of Atchison is Edgar Watson Howe, who throughout his entire business career has been connected with the "art preservative of arts" and is now editor and proprietor of the Atchison Daily Globe. He was born in Wabash county, Indiana, May 3, 1854, and acquired his education in the common schools, but obtained the greater part of his knowledge through practical experience in the business world and in the "poor man s college," -- the printing office. For some years he worked as a printer, becoming quite expert in that line, and since 1878 has been the editor of the Atchison Daily Globe. He is a fluent and forcible writer, a deep and original thinker, and his journal ranks among the best newspaper productions in the state. Extensive reading and study have made him a well-informed man. He has produced some creditable works of fiction, among which are "The Story of the Country Town," published in 1882; "A Moonlight Boy," published in 1887; and "A Man's Story," which was produced in 1888.