Moberly Wholesale Grocery

Moberly Wholesale
Grocery Company is one
of the important com-
mercial institutions of the
city of Moberly. This
company is composed
of S. W. Creson, E. M.
Allen and T. M. Bartee.
Mr. Creson is president
of the company; Mr.
Allen, the manager, and
Mr. Bartee, treasurer. The
business is the outgrowth
of the general mercantile
business which was
conducted by Creson and
Allen at Yate, Mo., from
1899 to 1912. Prior
to that time Mr. Creson
had conducted a store at
Yates since 1884. The
wholesale grocery
business was started at
Moberly in 1912 and since
that time the volume of
business has gradually
increased from year to
year and in 1919 the
business of this concern
amounted to shout three-
fourths of a million
The business of the
Moberly Wholesale
Grocery Company
over a radius of 75 miles
from Moberly and the
trade is looked after by
four traveling salesmen,
The business is located on
the corner of Coates
and Clark streets,
Moberly, and occupies a
building which has a
of 120 feet on Coates
street and 130 feet on
Clark street, and occupies
floors, This is one of the
business enterprises of
which moberly is justly
proud and which adds no
small amount of prestige
to Moberly as a whole-
sale center.