Randolph County Trust Co

Randolph County Trust
Company, one
of the leading banking and
commercial institutions of
central Missouri,
was organized Aug. 18,
and opened its doors for
business Dec. 4, 1919,
with a paid up capital
stock of $100,000 and
now has a surplus of
and deposits of
$275,000. Charles C. Hon
is president, 0. 0. Ash,
vice-president and
G.P.Eddings, secretary
and treasurer.
The directors are the
above officials
and T. C. Hall, E. F.
Gutekunst, Virgil
and Clem Nelson.
Charles C. Hon, T. C. Hall
and G. P. Eddings were
the moving spirits in
the organization of the
trust company.
The trust company is
in a handsome building at
the corner
of Williams and Reed