Willis Baugh

Willis Baugh, one of the
younger business men of
Moberly who holds
a responsible position with
the Cross Lumber
Company, is a native son
of Randolph County, born
in Moberly, July 6, 1894,
the son of Charles C.
and Lizzie (Hall) Baugh,
who now live at 221' 1/2
N. Clark street. The
father was born in
Randolph County in 1873
and the mother in 1871.
is the daughter of B. N.
and Mary E. Hall, who live
at Higginsville, Mo.
There were eight children
in the Baugh family: Willis
of this review
Willard, of Moberly;
Ledoew, also of Moberly;
Fern, who married Earl
Rittenhouse of Basin,
Wyo.; Earl and Murrel,
twins, the former at home
and the latter is in Mason
City, Ia.; Charles and
Orville, also in Moberly.
Willis Baugh spent his
boyhood and youth in
Moberly, was sent to
the public schools for his
educational advantages
and after his school days
were over took a position
with the Cross Lumber
Company. When war
was declared against
Germany, he enlisted in
the army on July 24, 1918
and was sent to Camp
Funston for his training.
Within a short time he8
was assigned to
Headquarters Detachment,
10th Field Artillery and re-
mained in training until
after the signing of the
armistice, receiving his
honorable discharge Feb.
11, 1919, after having been
in the service six
months, On his return to
Moberly, Mr. Baugh again
assumed his duties
with the Cross Lumber
Company, an association
which has since con-
tinued. Willard Baugh,
Willis' brother, was the
second member of Com-
pany E, 70th Infantry, to
enlist. He also was sent to
Camp Funston,
having entered the army on
the same day as his
brother, He was dis-
charged Jan. 29, 1919 and
is now employed at the
Oakland cemetery.
Both the Baugh brothers
are fine young men,
patriotic and public
who are an asset to the
citizenship of any