Epilog - James HENDRICKS and Drusilla DORRIS

Historical Sketch of James HENDRICKS and Drusilla DORRIS
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James Hendricks was born June 23, 1808, Franklin, Simpson County, Kentucky. He was the fourth son of Abraham and Charlotte Hinton Hendricks. He married Drusilla Dorris May 31, 1827. She was a daughter of William Dorris and Catherine Frost, born February 8, 1810. Their children were Elizabeth Mahala, William Dorris, Catherine Tabitha, Rebecca, and Joseph Smith.

Although his wife, Drusilla, has furnished us with a comprehensive and most interesting account of their lives after they joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, information she has given concerning the periods of time they lived in Salt Lake City and Richmond, Utah, are sketchy.

Badly wounded in the battle of Crooked River in Missouri, October 25, 1838, and plagued by ill health as a result of this encounter, James kept the faith, responding to the best of his ability to the demands of everyday living and church and civic duties. It is obvious that James was a member in good standing in the Church as he was given and filled responsible positions, one of his early assignments being assistant to the president of the teachers quorum when the lesser priesthood was organized in the city of Nauvoo, Illinois, March 21, 1841.

A redivision of the old five Salt Lake Fort wards organized in 1849 was made on February 22, 1849, and the nineteen new divisions were announced. Later that same day, according to the Journal History of the Church, President Brigham Young met in council with President Heber C. Kimball, the Twelve and others at George B. Wallace's house and bishops for the nineteen wards were named. At this time, all bishops were ordained and set apart with the exception of the bishops of the Fourth, Fifth, Eleventh and Eighteenth Wards. James Hendricks was named bishop of the Nineteenth Ward. At that time the ward consisted of Latter-day Saints residing in that part of Salt Lake City which is bounded on the north by Fifth North Street, east by the brow of the hill, south by Second North Street and west by First West Street. However, as the population increased in Salt Lake City, the boundaries were extended so that at one time all that part of the city lying between Second North Street and the Davis County line and from Main Street and Arsenal Hill to the Jordan River were included. The Church Historian's Office records that, "The historian is unable to find out positively whether any of the pioneers of Utah built houses or resided in the Nineteenth Ward prior to 1849, it is possible that one or two families became settlers in 1848."

Thomas Bullock was said to have been the first discoverer of the hot springs located north of the temple grounds. In 1848 Daniel Spencer, roadmaster, was authorized to levy a poll and property tax to defray the expense of certain projected public improvements, among which was the erection of a bathhouse at the Warm Springs. The James Hendricks family was there as early as October 1849 aiding, as we read in Drusilla's history, the building of the bathhouse. An entry in the Journal History on that date indicates that the foundation for the bathhouse is laid, the brick prepared and the work going forward as fast as tithing and means are available. The building so constructed consisted of a single chamber about 15 x 30 feet within which was a shallow pool fed directly from the natural spring. Susa Young Gates had the following to say concerning the bathhouse:

"In the summer of 1850 a commodious bathhouse was built over the springs, boarding in one inner pool for women, an outer one for men and boys, with several private rooms fitted with wooden bathtubs. The springs are highly medicinal; had been used by the Indians for untold centuries, and their healing virtues are said to be of great value. They also furnished a winter swimming pool with hot baths for all. The bathhouse was dedicated with prayer and religious services on November 27, 1850. The morning service was followed by an afternoon and evening celebration of feasting and dancing, interspersed by songs, fancy dancing and addresses by President Young and his associate brethren.

"In front of this bathhouse was an adobe cottage for the caretaker, and soon an immense dancing hall, also built of substantial adobe, was added, with a roomy dining room equipped with kitchens, all fitted with benches and tables. Public parties and theatrical entertainments were given here, even after the completion of the Social Hall....." It is indicated in the Journal History of the Church that this building was probably Salt Lake City's first hotel.

In 1852 the population of the Nineteenth Ward numbered 303 adults and 100 children under eight years of age. Immediately after the organization of the ward, the people met for worship in the bathhouse, which served until a schoolhouse was erected on the northeast corner of Fourth North and Second West streets.

An interesting bit of information concerning the Relief Society is found in Ward records of October 13, 1857, as follows: "A domestic economical institution and afterwards changed to a regular Relief Society organization was introduced February 16, 1857, with Drusilla Hendricks as president."

In addition to his church and family responsibilities, James involved himself in political matters. A ticket for the general election held in the several precincts in Great Salt Lake County Monday, August 7, 1854, indicates that he was running for the office of justice of the peace. In this endeavor he met with success. He was succeeded in his office as bishop in 1856 by Alonzo H. Raleigh.

In 1860 the Hendricks family moved to Richmond, Utah. James lived only ten years after their move to that area. He died July 8, 1870. Drusilla wrote her history shortly after the death of her husband, thus little is known concerning her remaining years. She died at the age of seventy-one (May 20, 1881) in Richmond. She and her husband are buried in the Richmond, Utah, cemetery.

(Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol. 20, pp.270-272)

Historical Sketch of James HENDRICKS and Drusilla DORRIS
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