Rickenbach, Bern Township

This USGS topographic map from 1924 shows the general layout of the district of Rickenbach, several miles north of Reading, Pennsylvania, where Rebecca's memoir of her father takes place. The location of specific landmarks from the memoir are indicated. The red border in the central portion of the map shows the land given to James Rickenbach's father Benjamin from the settlement of Jacob Rickenbach's estate in 1832. Jacob's oldest son Solomon received the larger portion shown in green.

The creek (thin blue line) flowing into the Schuylkill River through the Herbein Farm is the "little crick" mentioned several times by Rebecca. "Duncan's Level" of the Schuylkill Navigation Canal is shown along the west edge of the Schuylkill River. It is interesting to see that the entire length of the canal was still filled with water in 1924. Rebecca refers to the strip of land between the river and the canal as "Duncan's Island".

See the bottom of the page for links to these and other locations.


Gypsy Encampment


Click on each link below to find out more about each location shown on the map:

Moyer's Lock

Jacob Rickenbach's 1817 Homestead

Herbein Farm

Gypsy Encampment (Reinhart family)-

Curtin Rickenbach's house

Rickenbach Schoolhouse

James Rickenbach's Drydock

Jacob Rickenbach Cemetery

Indian Rock

Benjamin Rickenbach's house

James Rickenbach's house

Maurer's House

Canal bridge

Hinnershitz Church

Peacock's Lock

Stoltzfus Cemetery (near Peacock's Lock)


Johan Rickenbacher's House (20 miles south in Caernarvon Township)

Noecker, Rickenbach and Ake Shipyard, Camden, New Jersey

City of Philadelphia, mid to late 1800s.

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