Jimmies Cafe, Humeston, IA

The Hi-Way Cafe was established in 1936 by Jimmie Yates and Cecil Gibbs. Yates become
sole owner after six months. The first building was located just north of the present WOJOs
and was called Jimmie's Hi-Way Cafe. In 1954 an air conditioning unit was installed, another
improvement to "one of the finest cafes in southern Iowa"

In July 1966 Jimmies was cited in a travel magazine as one of the outstanding travelers'
stops in this part of the country.                                                                                         

In October, 1949 a new 40x56 building was erected by M.E. McCulloch. It was of cement block
construction and had a 40x36 basement. When the new building was completed the old one was
moved south of Yorkshire Produce to be used as their office and cream buying station.                

Yates sold the cafe to Eugene and Nadine Weaver in July of 1968. They kept it for almost ten
years. It then returned to the family, as the Weavers sold it to Dave and Sandra (Yates) Woods.
It was leased several times. Extensive remodeling was completed by Dave and Sandra Woods
that included new paneling, hanging light fixtures, carpet, upholstered chairs and a newly added bar.
It was a favorite with the teens during those years. Dancing was held in the old building, but was
not allowed in the new one. But the teens continue to "hang out" there listening to the juke box.

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