The Journal of the Greenbrier Historical Society
Vol. 11, No. 4, 1972 Submitted by Bill M. Woods.

p. 6    Amwell Baptist Church, Rupert
                "For many years the founder of Amwell Church met in private homes as was the custom of many settlements.
         After they met in Polly McClung's home." (Church organized 22 April 1824)

p. 7    One of the ministers -- C.W. McClung

p. 8    Andrew Chapel Methodist Church, Williamsburg
                "The land where the church now stands was deeded to the Church trustees in 1855 by Bollar McClung and his wife,
         Elizabeth, for the consideration of $1.00."

p. 21    Frankford Presbyterian Church, Frankford:
                "The present church building was erected in 1855."
                "The Principal contributors were the Stuarts, . . . the McClungs, . ."

p. 22    a deacon - - C. H. McClung

p. 27    McElhenney Presbyterian Church, Grassy Meadows:
                "One acre of land was deeded by Grigsby and Elizabeth Lewis . . a third deed for 3.63 made by Granville and
           Virginia McClung, had no restrictive clauses . . ."

p. 59    Spring Creek Presbyterian Church at Renick:
                "Elders are Lewis Christie, John McClung . . ."

p. 63    West Point Baptist Church at Asbury
                "Many pastors have served this church since its organization . . .G. B. McClung, 1895-1901 . . . ."

List of Legislative Petitions. Filed in Archives by Sec. of State of Tenn., Vol L, p. 2.

        Passports: Cherokee Nations and Other Points.- - Charles McClung 18 Feb. 1798.

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