Babb Index

The Babb Index

This index was compiled from French Refugees From Saint-Domingue to the Southern United States, 1791-1810, the 1954 dissertation of Winston F. Babb. For more information about this work, see my History and Genealogy page.


a-b c-d e-g h-k l m n-q r-s t-z

Entries of individuals having no last name will be found at the end of this list.

Accinelly, Bartholemy, shipbuilder 117
Adams, Henry 24
Adams, John Quincy, President of the U.S. 284, 289, 301
Adet 293
Ailhaud, Civil Commissioner of Saint-Domingue 31
Alliot, Paul, Doctor 73, 159, 193, 232
Ames 84
Andre, merchant, partner of Soulage 117
Andre', Major 238
D' Anfossy, E. G. L. see also Danfossy 346
Aptheker, Herbert 219
Arnaud, Louis, dry goods merchant 118
Arne 208
Arthaud, Doctor 10
Atwood 208
Audin, M. 203, 206
Audubon, Mrs. 181
Audubon, John James, naturalist 181, 331
Augustin, Jean Baptiste 180
Augustine, Jean 278
Aveilhe, Jean Baptist, architect 135, 138
D' Avezac, Jules 276
D' Avezac, Auguste, lawyer 321
Bacquery, Jean 300
Bailliard, Jean-Baptiste 383
Barbe-Marbois, Francois 5, 9, 23, 41, 371, 402
Barbot, Louis J., architect 136
Barney, Joshua 52
Baudry des Lozieres 261, 327
Bayon, Jerome 301
de Beauharnais, Alexandre 10
de Beauharnais, Josephine 41, 331
Beaujour, author, 1804 401
de Beauvois 90
Becker, General 373
Bel(l)eurgey, Claudius/Claudin/ Claude, fencing master 141, 294, ` 295, 300
de Bellevue see Saint-Martin de Bellevue
Beluche, Rene, Captain 79, 312, 314, 331
Benoist, Mme. milliner 141
Bermond, Doctor 134
Berquin-Duvallon, attorney from LeCap 65, 68, 72-3, 156-7, 159, 176, 185, 194, 274, 281, 325, 327, 329, 391
Bienville, Governor of Louisiana 404
Le Blanc 40
Blanchelande, Governor of Saint-Domingue 31
Blondel, Pierre Etienne, lawyer 340
Bonaparte, Napoleon, Emperor 303, 305, 313, 331, 343
Bonaparte, Jerome 349
de Bore', Etienne, Mayor of New Orleans, LA sugar planter 164-66, 278, 308, 321
Boucher, family, hardware merchants 117
Boudousquie 214, 215
Du Bourg, Aglae 168
Du Bourg, M. Pierre-Francois, 364
Du Bourg, Arnold 300
Du Bourg, Louis William Valentine Abbe' 255, 263, 266-69, 280
Bowler, Jack co-conspirator in failed slave revolt 227
Bowze see Trist
Boye', Marguerite 345, 346
Boyer, Joseph, huissier de l'Admiraute 384
Boyer, President of Haiti 329
Brent, Richard, Senator 63
Bringier, Emmanuel Marius Pons 168-9, 351
Bringier, Michael 168
Bringier, Myrthe 168
Bringier, Francoise 168
Bringier, Fanny 169
Brisguet 216
Brissot de Warville 23
Brumand, Roch, merchant 115, 340
Le Brun 216
Brunet 206
Budo, Louis, silversmith 136
Budo, Heloise, silversmith 136, 137
Bujac 302
Bulie, Mr. public bath keeper 134
Bulit, coffee house owner 142, 148
Bullock, traveler 396
Van Buren 301
Buron, Mme. concert singer 127
Burr, Aaron, Vice-President of U.S. 15, 305, 309, 323
Cable, George W., novelist 80
Calvé, Mme. Julia 214
Campbell 56
Campbell, John, Mayor of York 57
Campbell, Donald, Commissioner in Norfolk 59
Canonge, director of N.O. opera 215
Canonge, Louis Placide 174, 301
Canonge, J. F., Judge 174, 322
de Caraduc, John B., plantation owner 132
de Carondelet, Hector, Baron, Spanish Governor of LA 72, 193, 231, 232, 240, 299, 302
Carré, Charles 345
Carroll, John, Bishop of Baltimore 250, 251, 256, 257, 262, 263, 266, 267
Carroll, Charles 271
Carroll, General 318
Castaing 220
de Castera see Davezac, Moreau
Chanche, John, Bishop 264, 268
Chapeau, harness & saddle maker 141
de la Chapelle, 131
Charles X 204
Charles/Carles, Anthony, Abbe' 259
de Charmilli see Venault de Charmilli
Charonnier, Antoine, money lender 115
Chartrand, John, orphan 130
Chartrand, Philip, orphan 130
Chatard, Pierre, Doctor 124
Chazal, Family, tannery owners 138, 139
Chighizola, "Cut Nose", "Ne coupee" 188
de Choiseul, Marquis 9
Chotars, Marie 180
Christophe, Henri 41, 42
Chupein, Louis, social club owner 141
Cibot, Adrien, Superior General-clergy of Saint-Domingue 254, 260
Cimarosa 208
Claiborne, Mrs. 312
Claiborne, William Charles Cole, 1st Governor of LA 50,71,73,156,159,172,185,188,233-9,275,299,304-12,321,324,372,381,397
Clark 93
Clay, Henry 248, 301
Le Clerc 41, 42, 43
Le Clerc, Pauline, (sister of Napoleon) 41
Coffee, General 318, 319
de Coigne, Mr. 179
Colette, Catherine, mulatto slave owner 114
Collot, Georges Henri Victor 163
Colomb, Christophe 168
Columbus 4
Coppes, Edward, Doctor 260
Cornet, coffee house owner 143
Couviller, Peter 281
Cox, Nathaniel 166
Cruzat, Manuel 301
Cumberland 202
Dacquenny 301
Daguetty 206
Dainville, M. 205
Danfossy see also D'Anfossy
Danfossy, Balthazar, merchant 116, 344, 345, 346
Daquin, Major 316
Datty, Mlle. 153,154
Datty, Marcus 153
Datty, Julia 153
D'avezac 319
Davezac de Castera, see Moreau de Lassy
Davezac de Castera, Louise, Veuve Moreau de Lassy 170
D'Avezac, Auguste 170, 171, 188
D'Avezac, Jules 170, 171
Davidson 330
Davidson 330, 337
Davis, John, theater manager in N.O. 184, 213-16, 339, 356, 357, 361, 367
Davis, John 184
Davis, John, developer 339
Davis, John theater manager 213-216
Davis, Pierre "Toto", son of John Davis 214, 215
Decres, Denis, French Minister of the Navy 232
Dede, Sanite, Voodoo queen 240, 241
Delafend, John 294
Delauney, James, wholesale & retail hardware 118
Delaup, Francois newspaper founder 300
Dennis, Mr. 151
Derbigny, Pierre-Auguste Charles (Peter) Sec. of a N.O. municipality 172, 173, 200, 278, 309, 321
Deslandes, Charles, mulatto, leader of slave uprising 238
Desmoulins 268
Desnoes, P., retail shop operator 117
Dessalines 40, 42, 43, 44, 373
Dessalines 373
Destrahan 200
Deveze, Doctor 177
Douvillier/Douvilliers 207, 211
Drayton, Governor of South Carolina 220
Dubois, John 268
Ducatel, Germaine 178
Ducatel, Edme 365
Duchamp, J. B., sugar merchant 117
Duclere 301
Duclet, Louis 299
Ducoing, ballroom manager 119
Ductel, Edme, druggist 125
Ductel, Germaine, Doctor of Medicine 125
Duport, musician 147
Dupre, Mme. 151
Durocq, Jeanne, wife of Pierre Joseph Reimonenq 341
Durosier, James, Father 255
Duvallon, see Berquin-Duvallon
Eaton, Clement 242
Edwards, Bryan, Englishman, author 7, 28, 33, 373-4
Edwards, John, Mayor 225
Ellery, Abraham 306
England, John, Bishop 258, 261, 273
Enguehard, Mme. school owner 150
Evans, the traveler 329, 367
Faget, Jean Charles 178
Fauchet, Jean Antoine Joseph 100, 293
Faure, Stephen 260
Fayolle, Theodore B., dance & music teacher 145, 147
Ferdinand VII 305
Fescault, Louis 270
Feuchard, musician 147
Le Fevre, plantation owner 130, 131
Fevret de Saint-Memin, Charles Balthazar Julien, artist & engraver 121
Figeroux, Raymond, merchant 340
Flaville family of plantation owners 25
Flint, Timothy 282, 328, 350, 352
Follen (Follin?), John Charles & Francois merchants 139
Fontaine, Jean 299
Fortier, Michel 235
Foucard 208
La Foucarde, social club owner 141
Francisquy/Francisqui, M. 205, 211
Franklin, Benjamin 16
Furcas, Antoine 343
Gaigneron, Robert Dieudonne, slave owner, guardian 111, 112
Galbaud, General, Governor of Saint-Domingue 31, 94-97, 372
Gallaher, Reverend Dr. 272
Gallatin, Albert, Congressman 226, 288, 291, 348-9, 367
Galvez, Governor of Louisiana 396
Gambi 188
Garein, Madelain, wife of Joseph Magagnos, proprietress in Norfolk 342-3
Garrettson, Reverend Mr., Methodist minister 250
Gaujan de Maurney, Theodore, lawyer 131
Gauvain 95
Gayarré, Charles, N.O. author, historian 167, 195, 304, 317, 330, 352
Geantly, barrister 124
Genet, Edmund C., French Minister 66, 72, 92-100, 285, 292-3, 295-7, 372, 400
Germain, family, property holders 116
Giles, William B., Senator 63
Girard, Mme. 331
Giraud 40
Glaspion, Christopher, father of Marie Laveau, the younger 241
Glaudin, Marie, shop operator 114
Goodloe see Harper
Le Grand, see Grandjean
Grandidier 55
Grandjean/LeGrand 236, 237
De Grasse, Admiral 152
De Grasse, Sylvia dau. of the Admiral 153
de Grasse, Adele Grochan dau. of the Admiral 153
De Grasse, Alexandre Francois Auguste, architect, son of the Admiral 135, 152, 365, 368
Gretry 208
Griggonne, Rosine, free negress 115
Griggonne, Eugenie 115
Grochan see de Grasse
Grochan, John 153
Grymes, John R. 188
Gsoard, Doctor 344
Hall, Judge 320
Hamilton, Alexander Secretary of the U.S. Treasury 86, 95, 284, 306
Hampton, Wade, General 238, 309
Harper, Robert Goodloe 226, 289
d' Harponville, see d'Hespel
Hassal, Mary 15
Hassett, Father 262
Hazard, Samuel 9
Hedouville 40, 373
Heffron, harness & saddle maker 141
D' Hemecourt, Mr. 183
d' Hespel d'Harponville, Gustave, Vicomte 45
Heyward, Dubose 209
Hill 56
de la Hogue, Jean Baptiste Marie 152, 365
Humbert, General 180, 278
Iberville 162
Izard, Captain 362
Izard, Ralph 221
Jackson, Andrew, General & President of U.S. 307, 310-15, 317, 318, 321, 323
Jahan, Joseph, architect 136
Jefferson, Thomas 8,75,81-82,84,90-92,95-98,159,168,193,219-20,232,247-8,292-3,298
Jefferson, Joseph 209
Jefferson, Sr., Joseph 210
Johnson, Willis Fletcher 45
Joilicoeur 216
Joubert de la Muraille, James Hector Marie Nicholas, Reverend 255, 270
Joubert de Maine 270
Key, Francis Scott 248
Kindelan y O'Regan, Sebastian, Don, Commandant in Santiago de Cuba 48
King, Miles, Mayor of Hampton 55, 56, 57, 58
King, Rufus, U.S. Minister in London 247
Knox, Henry 86
Labatut, musician 146
Laborde, Maximillian 273
Laborde, Pierre 273
Laboyteaux, boarding house operator 120
du Lac, Perrin 163, 281
Lachicotte, Family, millers 132, 133
Laclotte 213, 367
Lacoste, Mayor 316
Lafar, dancing instructor 144-146
de Lafayette, Marquis 173, 298, 363, 405
Laffiteau, S., bookkeeper 138
Lafitte 239, 304, 339, 366, 381
Lafitte, Brothers 183, 315
Lafitte, Pierre 186, 187, 312, 314
Lafitte, Jean 79, 186-9, 200, 311, 312, 314
Lafon, Thomy 195
Lahiffe, Eliza, boarding house owner 140
Lakanal, Joseph 278
Lambert, Theodore 301
Langlois Miss 151
Lapauze 281
Large, dance master 127
de Lassy see Moreau, Davezac
Latour 367
Latour, Francis, public bath operator 120
Latrobe, Benjamin 263, 267
Latrobe, Henry 213, 366
de Laussat, Pierre, French Prefect, Governor of Louisiana 233, 240, 303, 305, 321,
de Lauzon, Bien Aime 361
Lavasseur, Secretary to Lafayette 363, 405
Laveau, Marie, mother and daughter Voodoo queens 241
Lecat, Francis, musician 139, 206
Lechais, Andrew Anthony, merchant 135
LeClerc, General 371, 372, 374
Leclerc, Hilaire 300
Lee, Henry, Governor of Virginia 56, 221
Legare, Hugh 272
Lege, manager 143, 144
Leonard, Gilbert 73
Leonardy 281
Lepage, Louis, slave buyer 117
LeRoi 208
Leroy, Lewis 261
Lessait 93
Levrier, language instructor 150
de Leyde, Marcel, Reverend 254, 255
Leydier, Louise Henriette, property owner in Saint-Domingue 116
Liancourt, see la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt
Lislet see Moreau-Lislet
Livingston, Edward 170-2, 188, 276, 289, 311, 312, 321, 397
Livingston, Robert 245
Llula, (Pepe), duelist, cemetery owner in NO 361
Lopez, Rachel, confectioner 139
L'ouverture see Toussaint L'ouverture
des Lozieres see Baudry des Lozieres
Mackey, Captain 36
MacPherson, family 209
Madison, James, Sec. of State & President of the U.S. 74, 75, 189, 234, 235, 245
Magagnos, Francis, co-owner of leather shop in Norfolk 343
Magagnos, Joseph Barthelmy, "the elder", merchant of Cap-Francais 125, 342, 344
Magagnos, Joseph Andre Julien, co-owner of leather shop in Norfolk 342, 343
Magagnos, Joseph, Captain 342
Magagnos, Mme., see Garein
de Maine see Joubert de Maine
Mangourit 287
Marandhue, Charles 346
Marbois see Barbe-Marbois
Marcilly, F. 268
Marcou, Francois 217
Mareno, Hypolite 346
Marex, family, boarding house operators 128
de Marigny, Bernard 184, 185, 317-319, 339
Marsan, Ann 153-154
Marshall, John, Lt. Colonel, Commandant of Richmond militia 60, 222
Marshall, Levin 180
Marshall, Chief Justice 180
Martigny, Vice-consul 346
Marye, music instructor 126
Maselari, Adelaide 187
Masse, French traveler 47
Mather, James, Mayor of New Orleans 50, 76-78, 192
de Maurney see Gaujan de Maurney
Mazuc, Jacques, proprietor 113, 114
Mendez, Mr. 164
Mercier 233
Mermet, bookseller 282
Messionier 271, 292
Meunier, Thomas, baker 113
Michaux 334
Millet, Thomas 287
Mirabeau 24
Mirbeck, Civil Commissioner of Saint-Domingue 30
Miro', Governor of Louisiana 192, 261, 335, 351, 396
Moise, Penina 151
Moliere 210
Mondesir, Jean 271
Monroe, James 81, 82, 219
Monroe, Governor of Virginia 227, 247, 248
Montlezun Baron 258
Montmorin 89, 91
Moody, Mr. 166
Moranville, Jean-Francois 255
Moreau de Lassy, Louise Davezac de Castera, Mme. Veuve (widow) 170
Moreau de Saint-Mery, Louis Elie 4, 9, 10, 14, 20, 55, 122, 124, 358, 371, 376, 389, 391
Moreau-Lislet, Louis Casimir Elizabeth 172, 173
Moreno, Catherine Eugenie 344, 346
Morin 164, 165
Morphy, Diego. Sr. Don, 174, 175
Morphy, Paul chess master 175, 331
Morris Mr., "of Philadelphia" 154
Morris, Governor 92, 246, 284
Moultrie, Governor 296
de la Muraille see Joubert de la Muraille
Murat 47
Napoleon 41, 43, 174
Negrin, John 295
Newton, (Jr.?) Thomas, Colonel 55, 56, 59-61, 221-223
Nicholas, Philip 62
Noisette, Philip Stanislaus, botanist & horticulturist 133
Nounetheau, Mme. 151
Nuttell, Thomas 282
O'Donnell, Christopher Columbus, merchant 348
O'Duhigg, dance master 127
Oge, Jacques 24
Olmstead, Frederick Law 12, 356, 396
Onzaga see Unzaga
O'Regan, see Kindelan
O'Reilly, Governor 337
Osmont, Louis 86
Otis, Harrison 289, 290
L' Ouverture, Toussaint 22, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
Page, John 84
Paiselle 208
Pakenham, General 320
Parent, Peter 294
Parisot, Claudius 294
Parlato, Vincent 114
Parlato, family, property holders 116
de Parrigny, Georges, Abbe' 271
Pascault, Jean Charles Marie Louis, Marquis de Poleon 123, 347
Pascault, Henrietta 347, 349
Pascault, M. 348
Pascault, Eleanor 348
Pascault, Josephine 348
Pascault, Emily 349
Patcot Mrs. 151
Patterson, William 83
Payan 90
Peau & Toutain, firm in Charleston, S.C. 153
de Peau, Francis 153
Peire, Lt.-Colonel 319
Pellissier, Jean Baptist, jeweler 137
Perez, Luis M. 45, 50
Perkins, Samuel C./G. 11,15
Perrossier, James, music professor 148
Pescouh, Louis 270
Petion 40
Petit 208
Petit, musician 147
Phillips, Ullrich B. 219
Phinney, Captain 51
Pichon, with French Ministry in Washington 74
Pierre (Peire?), Miss 362
Pierre (Peire?), Major 362
Pierre, Eliza 181
Di Pietro, Cardinal 250
Pigeon, Francois-Marie, property owner in Saint-Domingue 115
Pinaud, J., fencing instructor 128
Pinnock/Pennock 223
Pitot, Armand 173
Pitot, James, Mayor 173, 278, 321
Placide, actor, theater manager 143, 204-09, 362
Plauche', Major 316
Poiteaux, orchestra director 147, 148
Poition 208
Polk, President of U.S. 171
Polony 90
Polony, Doctor of Medicine 135
Polverel, Civil Commissioner of Saint-Domingue 31
Pons see Bringier
Pontalba, Baron 179
Pontier, wig maker 126
Powers, Captain 36
Poydras, Julian 198
Prevost, Francois Marie 178
Prossor, Gabriel 227, 228, 246
Prud'homme, engraver 121
Ramsay, Doctor 70
Randolph, Edmund 52, 70, 85, 86, 87, 100
Randolph, John 222, 248
Raymond 40
Raynal, Peter E. B., goldsmith 137
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Marie 115
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Etienne 340
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Joseph 340
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Pierre Joseph 341
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Marie-Lucille Joseph, wife of Roch Brumand 340
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Marie-Louise Josephe, wife of Raymond Figeroux 340
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Anne-Rose, wife of Pierre Etienne Blondel 340
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Louis Joseph 341
Reimonenq/Reimoneng, Pierre Louis Etienne 341
Remousin & Sons, music store owners 132
Remousin, Daniel, planter 131
Remousin, M. P. D., planter 131
Remousin, Arnold, organist 132
Remoussin, family 131
Reubel, General 347, 348
Revel, Marie Anne Madelaine, shop operator 113
Ribault, Jean, Captain 259
Riffaud, entertainment promoter 119
Rigaud, Pierre-Francois, Marquis de Vaudreuil, Governor of Louisiana 39, 40, 404
Robertson (Robinson?) Thomas B., Territorial Secretary 79
Robertson, Thomas B. 172
Robespierre 268
Robin, Claude C., traveler, author, naturalist 6, 32, 157, 160, 193-4, 261, 327, 351
Robin, Abbe 399
Robin, tachygraphy instructor 128
Rochambeau, General 15, 39, 40, 41, 43, 371-2
Rocheblanc, Widow, married to Vanososte 115
Rochefort M. 277
la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, F. A. F., Duc 58, 69, 333, 353
Rogers, Maumes, U.S. Consul in Havana 49, 62
Rosainville, entertainment promoter 119
Rossignol 216
Roume Civil Commissioner of Saint-Domingue 30, 40
Rousseau 204, 208, 210
Roustan, French Commissioner to U.S. 89
Roux, Bernard, slave buyer 117
Le Roy, Fermin, surgeon 134
Le Roy, musician 147
Russell, Nathaniel 221
Rutledge, Jr., John 225
Ryan 257
Saint-Leger, Civil Commissioner of Saint-Domingue 30
Saint-Martin de Bellevue, Louis Sebastian Charles, language teacher 128
Saint-Martin, family 139
de Saint-Memin, see Fevret de Saint-Memin
de Saussure, Daniel 70
Sauve 200
Savage, William, American Consul in Jamaica 78
Savary, Captain 316
Sedella/Sedilla, Antonio, Father, "Pere Antoine" 263
Le Seigneur, Vincent, veterinary surgeon 134
Sejour, Victor, son of Francois Marcous 217
Seton, Elizabeth Anne, Mother 269
Shea, John 253
Shepherd, Samuel 57
Shield 208
Short, William 90
Smith, Robert, Secretary of State 76, 77, 79
Smith, Samuel, Congressman 82, 290, 291
Solis brought wooden sugar mill from Cuba to LA 164
Sollee/Soller, Jean-Joseph Leger or John owner of "Long Room" (concert room) in Charleston, SC 152, 204, 205, 208, 209
de Someruelos, Marquis, Spanish Governor of Cuba 45
Sonthonax Civil Commissioner of Saint-Domingue 31, 37, 39, 40, 371
Soulage, mercantile, partner of Andre 117
de St.-Mery, see Moreau de St.-Mery
Stoddard, Amos 328
Swaine, Thomas 67
Tainturier, Frederick Etienne, baker 112
Talleyrand 389, 391
Talvande, Mme. 153
Talvande, Rose, Mme. 154
Talvande, Andrew 154
Tangui 97
Tarchi 216
Tastet, Pierre, dance master 145
Taylor, Robert 57, 83
Taylor, Richard "Dick", General, Confederate Army 168
de Ternant, Jean, French Minister to U.S. 89-93, 292
du Terrage, see de Villiers du Terrage
Tessie, Mr., physician 134
Thierry 301
Thiot, M. 183
Thomas, Cornelia 209
de Tocqueville, Alexis 330
Tommavere, Widow proprietor in S-D 115
Toussaint L'ouverture, General in Haitian Army 374
Toutain, see Peau
Trapier, family 153
Treudley 33, 242
Trist, Hone Bowze 168
Tucker, Captain 36
Tulane, Louis, merchant & planter 279
Tulane, Paul, brother of Louis 279, 280
Tureaud, Augustin Dominique, Judge 169, 170, 322
Turner, Frederick J. 89
Turpin, family, plantation owners in Saint-Domingue 25
Turpin, cabaret owner 187
Tyler, John, Governor of Virginia 62
Unzaga, Governor of Louisiana 396
Val, M. & Mme. 204, 205
Vandenbussche, Peter, tobacco merchant 125, 125
Vanososte, Guillaume, merchant 115
Vassant, J. 281
de Vaudreuil, Comte 9
Vaughan, William 63
Venault de Charmilli, Pierre 38
La Vendee 40
Vermonnet, Mr. & Mrs. 127
Verplanck, Julian 83
Vesey, Captain 228
Vidal, Joseph, merchant 125
Villars, musician 147, 208
de Villiers du Terrage, Marc, Baron 93
Volney 376, 391
Volney, Constantin, Count, French spy disguised as a "naturalist" 92, 376, 391
Voltaire 190
Walker, Mr. 313
Walsh, family 9
de Warville see Brissot
Washington, George, President of U.S. 86, 87, 89, 287, 296
Washington, Bushrod 248
Watkins, John, Doctor 233
Watkins, Mayor of New Orleans 237
Weld, Isaac, English traveler 58, 353
Wells, Senator from Delaware 246
West, Thomas Wade, theater manager 203, 206, 207
Wilkinson, James, General 49, 50, 234, 306, 309
Williamson, Lt-Governor of Jamaica 38
Wilson, Willis 60, 222
Wilson, Mr., owner of slave named George 229
de Wimpffen, Baron 16
Winston, James 194
You, Pierre brother of Dominique You 314
You, Dominique "Joannot" privateer captain 79, 187-90, 312-13, 315
You, Jean 314

Individuals without last names:
Toney, slave, carpenter 111
Eleanore, free negress, pastry shop owner 114
"Papa San Di", slave 130
George, slave of Mr. Wilson 229
Julie, slave 343
Telemaque/Denmark, slave of Captain Vesey 228, 229, 230, 244
Celestin 237


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