Salehurst - A one Place Study


The following information is all gathered to help the genealogist in their search for ancestors who may have resided in the parish of Salehurst. At present I'm just developing this site and intend over the coming days, weeks, months and years to add more and more.

Salehurst is situated 13 Miles North of Hastings and 5 Miles south of the Kent border. The parish is bonded by the parishes of Etchingham and Hawkhurst on the North and Brightling and Burwash on the East. Also close by is the Parish of Mountfield. Until the dissolution of the monastries the Parish contained Robertsbridge Abbey, remains of which still to this day exist however they are only open to the public occasionally and only the refectory wall survives although an undercroft of thepresent day farmhouse is probably a part of the original Abbey.

If you have any information regarding this parish which includes Robertsbridge and Northbridge Street and would like to share it with others then feel free to email me details.

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