The Langport and Somerton Herald 27 May 1922 Fivehead Male Friendly Society

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Newspaper Articles

The Langport and Somerton Herald. 27 May 1922



The annual walk and luncheon in connection with the Fivehead Male Friendly Society took place on Thursday.

The weather was gloriously fine and the whole proceedings passed off most successfully.

Assembling at 10 a.m., the members of the society, headed by their banner and the Curry Rivel Band, marched through the flag-decked streets of the village, making calls at Standerwick House, the residence of Captain C. A. K. MATTERSON, and the Manor Farm, belonging to Mr. Arthur TROUT. At each residence they were very heartily welcomed.

At noon a special service was held at the Parish Church, conducted by the vicar, the Rev. J. RIGBYE, the preacher being the vicar of Isle Abbotts, the Rev. W. E. ROBINSON. During the course of an appropriate address, the preacher alluded to the fact that on that day they were keeping the feast of the Ascension and at the same time keeping the feast of their club.

Just after 1 p.m. the members marched to a tent in a field close by, kindly lent by Mr. Arthur TROUT, where an excellent cold luncheon, catered for by Messrs. Hugh MALE and E. GRIDLEY, awaited them. Mr. W. A. Key MATTERSON, the president of the Society, presided, and was supported by the Rev. J. RIGBYE, the Rev. W. E. ROBINSON, Captain P. G. R. BENSON, M.F.H., of Bishop's Lydeard, Captain C. A. Key MATTERSON, and Messrs. J. E. CALDER, Herbert CHEDZOY, Hugh CHEDZOY, W. GARLAND, J. HILLARD, E. LOCK, A. TROUT, W. H. WOODMAN and the secretary, Mr. E. GRIDLEY.

After the tables were cleared, the toast of "The King" was given by the President and accorded musical honours.

Mr. Herbert CHEDZOY then rose to propose the toast of "The Bishop, Clergy and Ministers of all Denominations." He thanked them for associating his name with that toast. His father usually had to give that toast, but as they all knew, he was, owing to illness, unable to be with them that day. He said the work of the ministers and clergy was one of the finest missions in the world and concluded by saying that if all men looked aster Sunday properly the rest of the week would look after itself. He coupled the toast with the names of the Revs. RIGBYE and ROBINSON.

In responding Mr. RIGBYE thanked them for the very hearty way they always drank his health.

Mr. ROBINSON, in replying, spoke of the tremendous responsibilities leaders of religion had, but it was also a privilege. There could not be a greater responsibility than their duty, which was to arouse the mind of man to consider spiritual things and not only things which were given them for their temporal use. The were pleased to be their leaders. They wanted the people's sympathy and their help. "A house going parson," the speaker said, "means a church-going people," but there was another thing, "a praying people makes a good parson."

Mr. W. GARLAND gave the toast of "His Majesty's Forces," coupling it with the names of Captain MATTERSON and Sergeant-Major CALDER.

Responding, Capt. MATTERSON thanked them for the very kind way they had received the toast. He spoke on the subject of economy in the departments of His Majesty's Forces and thought that economy should begin at the right end and they should be very careful where they did economize. (Hear, hear). They should always be ready. (Hear, hear). They had to remember and watch two great countries, Germany and Russia, at the present time; and they should always be prepared. By one stoke of the pen a regiment could be disbanded, but it was much more difficult to reform those regiments. (Hear, hear).

Sergt.-Major CALDER, whose name was coupled with the toast, said in order to secure peace they must be prepared for war. He mentioned the visit of the King and Queen to the graves of their heroes in Belgium and also the grave of Nurse CAVELL and at his suggestion the company then stood in silence in memory of their fallen comrades.

The President at this juncture read letters from the following who regretted they were unable to attend:- Dr. CROSS, Mr. BARRINGTON, the Rev. Leslie NEWTON, Mr. H. C. A. PRICE, Major M. F. Cely TREVILIAN, Miss LAMBERT, Mr. Jack BROMFIELD and Mr. W. W. GOODE. In reviewing the finances of the society, the President said last year there was a balance carried over of £158 8s. 4d., the amount taken was £106 18s 6d. and the interest £4 19s. 4d., which gave a total of £270 6s. 2d. The secretary and use of room amounted to £4 6s. 2d.; doctor, £1 16s 9d.; two member's legacies, £12 2s.; member's wife £3 1s. 6d.; debt. on band, £1; this leaving a balance in hand of £247 19s. 9d. Of that balance £237 10s. 4d. lay to the credit of the club in the bank, and £10 9s. 5d. was in the club's box.

In proposing the toast of "The Club," the President reminded them of what Mr. CALDER said to them during his speech. They had recently unveiled and dedicated their war memorial in the parish, which had been erected in memory of their gallant fellows who returned not. Those men belonged to the great friendly society which went to stem the German hordes. (Cheers). In referring to the figure of a dove on their club-pole, the speaker said that the dove was the emblem of peace. When the Armistice was signed there was joy throughout the length and breadth of the land and they all spent a happy time in Fivehead on that day. They "doves" of Fivehead came out over 100 strong. (Laughter). Referring to the friendly society, the President said it was indeed very refreshing to come down and see the friendly society "which bore one another's burdens." (Hear, hear). It was sometimes said that country life was very dull, but he did not agree with that. (Cheers). He wished them every luck. After referring to the fact that several members had died during the winter, the President said he wanted to see the society with 200 members. (Cheers). He coupled the toast with the name of their secretary, Mr. E. GRIDLEY.

Mr. GRIDLEY, in thanking them for the way they had received the toast, said they had a very good treasurer in Mr. MATTERSON; he was one of the best. (Cheers).

Mr. Ed. HOOPER called for three cheers for their treasurer and also Mrs. MATTERSON, which were heartily given.

The President next gave the toast of "The Visitors." He was sure that an ounce of help was worth a pound of pity. (Hear, hear). They very much appreciated their help. He wished to couple the toast with the names of Captain BENSON, the popular Master of the Taunton Vale Foxhounds. Captain BENSON, who did not only hunt the fox there in the winter, but wished them good luck, when he came to their club. He also couple the toast with the name of Mr. Ted LOUCH, who was the worthy son of a worthy father-(hear, hear)- and Messrs. WOODMAN, J. HILLARD, Hugh CHEDZOY, and A. TROUT.

Captain BENSON thanked them for their kindness in coupling his name with the toast, and also for the kind words spoken. When he came to Fivehead hunting with the hounds he enjoyed every moment of the time. When they came hunting to Fivehead nearly always three-quarters of the population were out. (Cheers). They had a splendid sporting spirit in Fivehead. In coming to their club dinner there was always a certain amount of inspiration.

Messrs. T. LOCK, WOODMAN, HILLARD, CHEDZOY and TROUT also responded.

After the toast of "The Caterers," Captain BENSON gave the toast of their worthy president. He was an excellent president and comrade and he (the speaker) wished him health, happiness and prosperity. (Loud cheers).

Mr. MATTERSON suitably replied, and said that his mother had been ordered away to the seaside for her health and the first thing she said when she was ordered to go was that she would miss the club. She wished to, say (continued the speaker) that they should come down to Langford and although she was at Seaton she would be at Fivehead in spirit. (Cheers).

The company then proceeded to Langford Manor, where Mr. W. A. K. MATTERSON read a letter from Mrs. MATTERSON, wishing them good luck.

During the evening the usual pleasure fair in the club field attracted a large number of people from the surrounding district and the round-a-bouts, swinging boats, etc., were kept busy until a late hour.

Although not in conjunction with the club a sale of work and tea, opened by Miss LAMBERT, and managed by ladies of the village, took place in the Lambert Hut and attracted a good number of people. The proceeds were in aid of the funds of the Fivehead branch of the British Legion.

The refreshments were managed by Mesdames ROWSELL and HOOPER and the Misses RIGBYE, D. MILTON, HILLARD and MADDOCK. The Misses Eva and Ina LOUCH were in charge of a chocolate competition and the Misses Daisy MADDOCK and Mary SALWAY managed the bran tub. The sale was in charge of Mrs. LOUCH and Miss E. MILTON.

In declaring the fete open, Miss LAMBERT, the generous donor of the hut, in a graceful speech said that at most sales they went to , the articles put up for sale were paltry stuff, but that was not ever the case at Fivehead. (Cheers).

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