The Western Chronicle 06 Jan 1893 Over a Century Death of Mrs Sarah PAUL who resided with her grandson John PAUL of Rock House

Sarah Hawkins Genealogy Site
Newspaper Articles

The Western Chronicle Friday 06 Jan 1893

Page 6 Column 3


OVER A CENTURY. - On the Thursday before Christmas, the death occurred, at the residence of her grandson, Mr. John PAUL, Rock House, of Mrs. Sarah PAUL, who, last April, attained to the ripe age of 100 years. Up till about a year ago deceased had been able to get up and go about the house, and could see to thread a needle or read a book. Since them she has been confined to her room, and notwithstanding the kind attention of her relatives, life has dragged heavily with her, causing her at last to long for release. Deceased for many years resided in the village of Isle Abbotts, where her unfailing kindness and willingness to do anyone a service procured her many friends and much regard. She was the oldest member of the Fivehead and Isle Abbotts Baptist Church, and at her express desire she was on Thursday buried in the chapel graveyard at Isle Abbotts.

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<NOTES: Sarah PAUL is the widow of James PAUL
John PAUL is probably the son of Elizabeth PAUL>