Hopewell Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Mecklenburg Co., NC; Pg 2 - Partial List of Inscriptions and Headstone Photos -- Sassytazzy's Online Genealogy Research Library
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Cemetery Records

Hopewell Presbyterian Church Cemetery

Huntersville, Mecklenburg Co., NC

Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Mecklenburg Co., NC
c. 2005

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In order that I took the photos:


who departed this life
28th January 1846
in his 48th year

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[# 202]

[#202 is listed as "unknown" on the cemetery map at Hopewell]

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[# 206]

[HPC:  "In memory of Neil M. Whitley, died January 30th, 1866; aged 4 years"]

[As I was taking these pictures, a man was riding a lawn mower cutting the grass.  Apparently a bee flew at him & caused him to swerve the mower into this headstone & it broke.]

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[Top Broken Off]

[HPC:  "In memory of Ella J. Whitley"] Died Jan. 2[6th]  1866
Aged 7 Years

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Memory of

[died January 22, 1]865
6[9] Ye[a]r[s]

[# 208]

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Memory of

who died Octr. 19.
1788. Aged 48

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In Memory of

who died Octr. 10th
179[0]. A[ge]d 54 Years

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[In memory of]

[w]ho die[d] A[ugust 11th,] 180[3]
[age]d 17 [years and 9 mont]hs

[W]h[o] dep[arted this in hopes] of
[a ha]pp[ier eternity.]
[Young as I am I quit the stage;]
[too we]ll [I know t]he [a]p[plause of the age;]
[Farewell] to g[rowing fame below,]
B[ut] He[a]ven [de]ma[nds me upward, and I dare to go.]
H[ar]k[, m]y f[air guarding (?)] ch[ild, my stay (sic)]
A[nd wave]s h[i]s [golden rod.]
A[ngels, I c]om[e led on the way,]
O[n to my] Sa[vior God.]

[# {24}8]

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[to the memory of]


[who] died
[February] 27th [1842]
[in the 55t]h y[ear]
[of her age]

Sacred to the Memory


Who was born the 20th May 17[87]
Departed this life 2[5th] Septemb[er]

[Attentive r]eader let my mould['ring clay]
Wa[ke] your [re]flection while ['tis] call[e]d t[o] d[ay]
'Tis time I'm gone, thou ['rt g]oing and [soon thou]
W[i]ll [soft]ly [rec]line [a]mo[ng] the [s]ilent d[ead]
[Ar]t thou p[re]p[ared;] where will thy [s]pi[rit be]
When time is lost in va[s]t Et[ernity]

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[HPC:  "Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth L. Reid, second wife of Rufus Reid; born February 9, 1797, died May 4, 1838"]


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NOV. 26, 1840
APR. 7, 1927

 - - - - -

APR. 23, 1843
APR. 13, 1890

His last words:
Gods Holy Spirit wrote the Bible and those that criticise it
sin against the Holy Ghost and God will not forgive them

[HPC:  "Sue Ramsey Alexander, wife of William Davidson Alexander"]

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In memory of

[W]ho died September 2[5, 1825]
Ag[e]d 42 years

[H]ear what th[e] voi[c]e fr[o]m heav[']n [proclaims]
F[or] all t[h]e [p]ious dead
Swee[t is] the savo[u]r of the[i]r nam[es]
[An]d soft their sleeping [bed]
[They lie] in Jesus and are ble[sse]d
[H]ow kind their slumb[e]rs a[re]
F[rom s]uf[fering] and fro[m s]in re[leased]
[And fr]ee[d] [from every snare]

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In Memory of

who died [S]ept[r 13, 1809]
In the 28th Year of h[er a]ge

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In Memory of

who died Sept[r] 11[th] 18[08]
In the 19th Year of her [age]

The li[v]ing know that [they] m[ust die]
But all the de[a]d forgotten lie
Their memory and their [s]ense [is gone]
Alike unknowing [and unknown]

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In Memory of

who died Sept 7th 1809
In the 62nd Year of his age

Corruption earth and worms
Shall but refine this flesh
Till my triumphant spirit come[s]
To put it on afresh

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In Memory of

who died Feb. 8th 1808
In the 55th Year of her age

God my redeemer lives
And often from the skies
Looks down and watches all my dust
Till he shall bid it rise

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In Memory of

who died March 14th 1821
Aged 35 Years & 4 Mon[ths]

God my Redeemer lives
And often from the skies
Looks down and watches all my dust
Till he shall bid it rise

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In Memory of

who died Novr. 14th 1794
Aged 70 Years.

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In memory of

who died February [2]0[th 1824]
Aged 46 Years

Why do we mourn dep[a]rtin[g friends]
Or shake at death's [alarms]
'Tis but the voice th[at Jesus sends]
To call [t]hem to his [ar]m[s]
The grav[es] of all h[is saints he blest]
And so [? often ?] ev'ry bed
W[h]er[e] should the dying me[mbers rest]
But with th[e]ir [d]ying [head]

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[In memory of]


Wife [of]

July [1,] 18[64]
In the [60th] Ye[ar]
of her age

[Unreadable or not shown:]

[HPC:  "She being dead yet speaketh."]

Memory of

Son of
M. R. & R. McCOY
Born Sept. 5, 1830

Lost his life at the battle of
Gettysburg on July 3
1863 in defense of the Lost

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Memory of


Born March 19th 1807
Died May 12th 1854

He was a Son of Temperance of Hope-
well Division No. 91 untill [sic] his death

[HPC: lists date of birth as [March 10, 1807"]

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Submitted by: Susan Shields Sasek.  Transcribed from photographs taken at the cemetery ca 1989 & in Aug 2005. 

My notes or items that I had difficulty reading (supplemented by HPC when possible) are in brackets [ ]. The notes in brackets [ ]  that are preceded by "HPC" or an asterisk (*) is information is from the book The History of Hopewell Presbyterian Church, for 175 years from the assigned date of its organization, 1762; by Charles William Sommerville, Ph.D., D.D., Hopewell Presbyterian Church, 1939.

Also see Hopewell Presbyterian Church cemetery partial listing, extracts of 592 names

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Page Updated on: 26 Jan 2006 Page Visitors: c. Susan Shields Sasek