Tribute to Mrs. Cotten -- Sallie Southall Cotten

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Southall Obituaries

Offers Tribute to Mrs. Cotten

Mrs. Edward M. Land, President State Federation, Voices Appreciation

Mrs. Edward M. Land, president of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, yesterday issued a statement of tribute to the memory of Mrs. R. R. Cotten, the pioneer club woman of North Carolina who died Saturday.

"The passing of Mrs. R. R. Cotten, of Farmville," said Mrs. Land, "brings universal sorrow not only to the women of the State but to all who have been privileged to know her. Although she was living temporarily out of the State at the time of her death, North Carolina is the home of her heart, for here her life was spent and her great gifts used for the permanent betterment of the State and its people. She is regarded as one of the most unusual and remarkable women ever produced by this State and she is loved as no woman in North Carolina has even been loved. Endowed with a splendid intellect, sane judgment, dauntless courage and that fine tact that reflects kindness of heart and sincerity of purpose, she has been to the women of North Carolina Federation, whose distinguished honorary president she was, a wise counsellor [sic] and outstanding leader. Her vision, which was far in advance of her time, has been the guiding star of this organization which perhaps held first claim on her heart and interest. She endeared herself to every woman within its membership and fifteen thousand women are in tears today because the one, known to them as "Mother," has been called from among us. We revere and honor her memory which is forever enshrined in our hearts.

"Mrs. Cotten was one of the pioneer club women of the State, her service extending over a period of forty years. Before the State Federation was formed, she had been admitted to the National Society of Pioneers, an organization that recognized no service later than 1900. Her experience qualified her to guide and direct the Federation through the period of its infancy and enabled her to render valuable aid to its leaders in shaping the policies of the new organization. Its progress and development have been due largely to her foresight and wisdom. The torch she has borne aloft through the years of her service has been handed to others and, guided by the inspiration of her example and the love we bear her, we must carry it to the heights toward which she ever pointed the way."

[Handwritten note at top of my copy: "Died May 4th 1929"]

[Handwritten note at top of copy: "Died May 4th 1929"]

Copy of obituary submitted by Virginia Roberts, 17 Feb 1990.  Transcription by Susan Shields Sasek. 

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