Canniff -Papers G6 (8)

Dr. William Canniff Papers

23 interviews, 4 trips and more

189 page manuscript - Folder G6 (8)

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This 189 page manuscript contains interviews, comments on trips to local historic locations, newspaper and book excerpts. It was made by hand sewing large sheets of paper so that pages of about 8.5 by 14 inches were available for note taking. The pages were numbered by Canniff and a few unnumbered pages have been glued in. Most of the interviews were dated.

Canniff used this manuscript starting in 1864 adding further interviews, accounts of trips to local historic spots and notes from newspapers and books over the next two years. This is a working document, not a draft of his later book.

This is not a full transcription of this manuscript but maybe about 80% or so. The first 40 pages of interviews are transcribed in full. After a visit to Kingston in April 1866, Canniff starts to enter excerpts from the Kingston Gazette and these are mostly transcribed. Then he does a few more interviews and continues to intersperse excerpts from various newspapers and books. All interviews are transcribed as well as those excerpts with a Quinte focus. His lengthy trip in Nov 1866 to Marysburgh and the accompanying interviews are fully transcribed. The last 30 pages are not transcribed.

Thanks to Carm Foster and Doug Smith for doing much of the transcription work. Transcribed as spelled with some punctuation added for clarity.

Source: Dr William Canniff Papers, F1390, MU492, G6 (8) Archives of Ontario
� Randy Saylor, March 2014

Use these links to jump up and down this lengthy page.
  1. Pages 1 - 41: Interviews and 2 trips
    1. Mrs McCurdy of Belleville
    2. Abram Diamond born in Fredericksburgh in 1795
    3. 1st Settlers on Hay Bay and Adolphustown
    4. Capt Meyers
    5. 3 July 64: Mrs Dame, nee Lucas & Miss Pringle
    6. 18 Apr 65: Mrs Benj Ketcheson nee Zwick
    7. 2 May 65: Mr McConn
    8. 7 June 65: John Bleecker
    9. June 65: Mary relic of Solmes Ryckman, nee Stocker
    10. 3 July 65: A trip to Mill Point [Mohawk Bay]
    11. 17 July 65: A trip to the Carrying Place
    12. Hon Col Wilkins, age 83
    13. 6 Sep 65: At Old [Canniff] House
    14. 19 Sep 65: A trip to Kingston Bay
    15. Serg Maj John Howell, b. 1753, NJ
    16. 15 Oct 65: Riding wth Samuel Gilbert
    17. 15 Mar 66: Mrs Morden, age 94, nee Parliament
    18. 15 Mar 66: Mr Lambert, age 83
    19. 30 Mar 66: Mr Petrie
    20. 2 Apr 66: Lecture in Kingston
  2. Pages 41 to 70 - Kingston Gazette
    1. Excerpts from the Kingston Gazette - 1811 to 1816
  3. Pages 71 to 83 - Interviews
    1. 21 May 66: Rev Mr Miles
    2. Rev Mr Smart
    3. Right Rev Bishop Strachan
    4. Rev C Vandusen
  4. Pages 84 to 134 - Various newspapers
    1. Excerpts from various newspapers - 1811 - 1856
  5. Page 135 to 154
    1. 27 Oct 66: Mr Gilchrist, b. 1780
    2. 6 Nov 66: A trip to Marysburgh
    3. Mr Harrison
    4. Joseph Hicks
    5. The Rock
    6. Allan Dame
    7. C. Bougard
    8. Judge Haight
    9. 29 Nov 66: Mrs Harris
    10. Obit: Isabella Eliz. Gamble
  6. Pages 155 to 189 - notes from various reference books not transcribed as deemed non Quinte in nature.

Pages 1 - 49
[Pages 1 to 3 are missing - we will try to find them.]

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There had also been a battle between the two tribes up the Moira at Hungerford.

Mrs McCurdy of Belleville Born Macburgh? Fathers name was William Frank born on the ocean when parents on way from Germany. They settled on the Susquehanna. His father had there a thousand acres of land. He was a sickly man had beside the son William & 3 daughters. William was about 11 when the Rev war broke out. The father (that is Frederick Frank) son & girl were across the river to mill with a grist. It would seem this took some time; they had blankets etc with them. While there or on his way home he was taken prisoner. At the same time the scouts came to his house; but the mother and grandmother had escaped. The Rebs burned the barn full of grain and stripped the house. When the children got home they found it this way. They hid their flour in the woods under the leaves. Killed some chickens and boiled flour for supper. All laid down, much frightened, to sleep expecting to be killed by the indians. About midnight a knock; after a little asked who was there[,] the voice was that of their neighbour Winters who had been hiding in the woods 3 days and fasting: he wanted something to eat. When he came in asked about the flour. Lay down and slept 2 hours. Then built a raft in rear brought the flour from where it had been

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hid[.] All got on the raft and floated down the river. The enemy brought them to to where there mother and grandmother had fled. They never saw their father again. He was confined in prison sickly as he was and in 3 months died.

The family found their way to Lower Canada to Mackish 300 miles below Montreal. Lived there  3 months. Had nothing to eat but pork beef and milk, no salt. Then came to Montreal. William 12 enlisted. He was a tailer for a while. Served altogether 7 years. Belonged to Sir John Colbornes Corps. Was discharged. Drew 200 acres but it happened to be in marsh.  Bought 100 of his Colonel Valentine for clearing 10 acres, and fenced the 10 for the first crop. This helped him much. He was a favorite of the Colonels. The Colonel soon after died. His widow used to come to see them.

Mrs McCurdy was married in 1803? to Johnathan Mc[Curdy]. Came to Belleville in 24. Belleville was then a miserable muddy place knee deep. McCurdy bought the lot where Cornelius Bogart now lives had a foundation laid to build. But bought a quarter acre opposite from Chas Willard for laying the foundation of the house now occupied by Dr Lister. The houses then on the hill was Dames before he came though one opposite  and where Bersons is. Also Everets square house and Wards where is now chapl[?] and the R Catholic chapel which had been a Freemasons Lodge is. Her father sold out at Macburgh, and removed back of Toronto. Died aged 99 & 5 mo. Mother died when 99 also. They had 12 children, 5 sons

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Abram Diamond born in Fredericksburgh in the year 1795. Fathers name was John who was born near Albany. Mothers name was Loyst born in Phil. Ancestors came from Germany. His father had several brothers one older than himself was drafted to the rebels but he ran away from them. Was concealed in a house sick for some time the doctor had to go see him every day and the house was suspected. Went to examine it. The refugee was in bed which was so made that it did not look at first as if one was in it. They however detected the heaving of the clothes caused by the breathing. They then required his father to go bonds for him 1200 dollars. When he got well he was taken away. He again escaped and was caught. Then hand cuffed with another prisoner. His father went to see. Told him to avail himself of place where a short cut would be taken to knock the guard on the head. This was done with a stick. The two then ran through the would [sic] for life. One went one side of a sappling the other on the opposite side. Enough to break their arrests?. They rubbed the hand cuff against a rock until they could break it. They then escaped to Canada.

When the father (John) came old enough he was drafted but he ran away. Afterwards two others were taken prisoners carried off and never heard of. John also escaped to Canada., Montreal. Enlisted in Major Rogers Regiment - was in a small engagement near Champlain. Discharged at the close of the war. Came with regiment to Fredericksburgh. This township was for his Reg[iment]. The officers were each to draw 200 acres only the privates 100. But they each drew 200 elsewhere. His father drew his in Richmond. There was not enough land in Fredericksburgh for all so a portion of Adolphustown was taken; for major Rogers had been promised that all his Regiment should

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be together. He was determined that they should. Was nearly having a fight with some one Adolphustown about it. (Probably major Vanalstine). The Fred Additional was to secure the necessary land for all the men together.

Capt Myers used to stop at his fathers in Fredericksburgh. He and his father used to carry despatches through the enemies country. His mother also did it often. Her friends were living on the Mohawk river. When Sir John Johnson came that way her two brothers joined him. They then got lost and came out at Hungry bay, so called from their nearly starving here. They returned when gone to oswego. They had to work “touch wood”. Finally got relief from Oswego. His mother stayed a little longer on the Mohawk and then escaped into Canada, the Yankees having taken everything she had.

Father & mother were married in Lower Canada before the Reg came up to Fred. Major Crawford and Col Spencer belonged to the Reg and settled in Fred.

When the regiment arrived they expected to find the land all surveyed, but it was not. They came up in  the spring but did not get on their land till fall. They only brought their clothes with them. Half rations were served for a year. Some had money though. Through the summer they slept under a pine tree, got in some grain in the fall. Fathers lot was in  2nd concession East half number 9 on Hay Bay. The next year thinks was the “Hungry Year”. Father had plenty but others had not. They gave away ?? till they gave away all they had. The next summer they had to boil grain once before it was ripe. (This was close calculation in giving and saving for self W.C.)

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many lived on Beech leaves for a long time. Some who had money would send to Oswego or Montreal for food but they were few.

The grain was taken to a mill 4 miles north of Kingston on a little stream. This belonged to Government, thinks. Afterwards a wind mill was built in Fredericksburgh by Russell. Remembers this, Russel thinks was an officer at least he had 200 acres, which none but officers drew (He perhaps might have bought 100 acres. W.C.) This Russel lived in Kingston during the war of 1812, was engineer in the works there as overseer.

Remembers Rev Mr Langhorn well, thought he was his enemy because he made him have the catachusm [sic]. Baptized all of the family, no doubt before the 8th day after birth. Was very particular, especially as to time. Persons sometimes who came to get married not being on time were sent away. His neighbour Davis was so served. He would always exact from the groom three coppers for his clerk; for himself he was indifferent. If the groom gave anything he would give it to the bride. The Rev was a little excentric [sic] but a devout preacher. He did not preach for money - would go in all weather. Was often at his fathers. Remembers his coming with feet frozen. Had to extract the foot slowly was for a long time lame. When the war of 1812 broke out he thought the Yankees would take Canada, and he would not be allowed to pray for the Queen. This he could not stand so went home to England.

Remembers Rev Mr Dunham (Meth) he had the credit of having effected great reform in the 5th towners who had been dirty and miserable. After his preaching they much improved.

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1st Settlers on the South Shore of Hay Bay

Commencing at No 8. This was bought by Wm Drumbough of someone who drew it, but did not settle altogether there was 300 acres, next was Jas Fletcher; next John Hough; next John Sills, next Abram Dafoe, next Elisha Philips[?]. His sons settled in Huntington. Next was Geo. Sills, who afterward swapper with Wm Wager, and moved to 2nd concession. The next lot was drawn by Vankoughnet, lived on the St Lawrence, who sold it, part to a Diamond, and part to Hough; next Daniel Dafoe; next Lawrence Sills, thinks the next was long vacant; and upon it was a log school house, in which the narrator used to go to school. The teachers name was McDougal. The lot was first occupied by Samuel Miller; next was Squire Jno Embury. He bought some, owned altogether 300. Sons lived on part; between hi and Millers. Don’t remember who settled on next. But James Vandewaters afterwards came from US and settled on it. Next was settled by Andrew Embury; next by (thinks) was Wm Ross. That was the sons name, the father was dead before his recollection; next used to be an old settler Abram peterson; next Henry Loyst, the narrators uncle who was with Sir John Johnson, at Hungry Bay. Next was settled by the brother also with them. The next when 1st remember was occupied by Comfort Smith. Next by narrators father John Diamond; next Michael Dafoe. But his cousin had drawn it , Michael bought it. He was the father of Jenns? Dafoe Tailer? of Bellville. The next was settled by Jno McGraw; next Nicholas Peterson. The next was occupied by different ones none of which stayed long. Garrison lived the longest on it. The next was occupied by different squatters. Afterward it was occupied by Peter Young, a shoemaker. Don’t know how he came by it. Next Peter Frederick

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The next was settled by John Clapp, next by Benj Clapp.

Now come to Adolphustown. The 1st was Jas McMasters, swapped with Peterson afterwards, and moved to Sidney. Next Judge Fisher. Judge of Quarter Sessions(?)  Recollects the people coming from Belleville to attend court. Capt Myers among the rest. there was land, several lots, owned along the bay by Fisher, Peterson and Clapp. The next lot was occupied by Paul Huff, next Squire Rheuben Beegle, next James Knox, a Quaker preacher.

Between Hay Bay and the front there was in some places 3 lots, or concessions. In some places not quite 2 �.

On the north side of Hay Bay, commencing at lot 8. First was Chas Barnhart, next Richart Fichet; next John Jones [Janes?]. He was the first; but not an early settler, next John Forshea; next Ryener Quackenbush; next Peter Quackenbush; next Peter Forshea; next one Post; next Peter McCabe; next the father of the above also Peter; next -- Parks; Jacob Huffman, next Squire Parks; next Wm Sloane, whose son is still living and crazy. Next James Parks, next Abram Woodcock; next David parks, next Woodcock, not sure of the next -- outwaters [sic], next he remembers was Firman; next Valleau; next Elias Cornell; next Jas Clark; next Jno Huick [Huyck], who shot himself - next Arch Camel; next Call, next Barnet, Dutch of Barnabas, next Abram Bogart; next Christopher German, next Wm Casey, at the point.

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The narrator [Abram Diamond] saw the drowning on Hay Bay.  Was in the Meeting House he[a]rd the cries, ran out and saw them hanging to the boat, which would turn over; they would again climb up but the number kept getting less all the time.

Capt Myers [Meyers] and his uncle used to carry dispatches together from New York. Heard Capt Myers tell about once being nearly caught by the Rebs. He was in the house. They came up before he knew it enlved[?] the front door, knowing that if they caught him they would would make short work of him, he jumped out the back window and started for the woods a little off. They saw him and ran after him. He reached the woods ahead of them; but out of breath. He justed[sic] entered and lay down behind a fallen tree. His pursuers came to the woods first; but had to tie their horses to pursue him. They rushed on past him, whereupon he got up selected the best horse and started off, and reached New York --

Capt Myers says he buried gold in New York; but never dared go after it after the war closed.

Capt Myers went once from Canada with some men to a Rebel Colonel. The Col had a large gun up stairs which he fired to alarm the neighbourhood. So the Capt had to run, but he took all his plate off to Canada; but the Capt was compelled to return by the British officers.

Remembers Major Spencer of Fredericksburgh  

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He died just at the breaking out of the war of 1812. Was at his funeral. He was buried in plain dress. The funeral was quite large. Was about 16 then. He was buried on a knoll, on his own place lot No 9., 1st concession, Fredericksburgh Additional. It was in the winter. He was well in years. His father knew him well. A middling sized man. Col Thompson took his place.

Col Crawford was Col of a regiment got up in this region for the war of 1812. The Yankee fleet came in upper gap chased the schooner Simcoe built of cedar which escaped by running over a bar off Herelums? Point between some islands. She got several shots through and ?? when she reached the warf at Kingston. The narrator was in 2nd Draft. Went to Kingston, there 7 months.

Remembers going to mill when a boy to Youngs in Fred[ericksburgh]. The mill was a large ?? stump hollowed out in which was placed a bushel of grain, it was large enough to hold 2 bushels. Pounded by a sweep the weight of which was 11 or 12 pounds.

Has heard of persons living during the Hungry summer, for a fortnight on Beech leaves.

12 April/65  John Walten Meyers was entered  into the Ancient and Hon Society of Free etc Masons in St Andrews Lodge No 2 Quebec - passed and raised etc this 28th day of Feb 1780, and of Masonry 5780.

Copied in part from his certificate.

[page] 13 [presumably a copy of a document seen by Canniff]

Frederick Haldimand Captain General & Governor in Chief of the Province of Quebec and Territories depending thereon Etc Etc General & Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in said Province and Frontiers thereof etc etc.

To John Walter Meyers Esq

By virtue of the power and authority in me rested I do hereby Constitute and appoint you to be Captain in the Corps of Loyal Rangers whereof Edward Jessup Esq is Major Commandant. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of Captain by exercising and well disciplining both the inferior Officers and soldiers of the Corps and I do hereby command them to obey you as their Captain and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions as you shall from time to time receive from me, your Major Commandant or any other [of] your superior officer according to the rules and discipline of War. In pursuance of the trust hereby reposed in you. Given under my hand and seal at Arms at the Castle of St Louis at Quebec this thirtieth day of May One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty two and in the Twenty second year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith & so forth


Frederick Haldimand

by His Excellency’s Command

R Mathews

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Sunday 3rd July 1864  Talking with Mrs Dame I learn that Benjamin Davy’s mother was married to Capt Meyers, and that when he died she was turned off without anything.

Mrs Dame was born in Fredericksburgh named Lucas. Her father was 8 years old when the Rev war broke out. Her grandfather Lucas was in the war. He had everything confiscated. Were robbed. Has heard Capt Myers tell about his exploits. His brothers were Rebs, and would have shot him if they could. At first Capt Myers was with the Reb; but became displeased because he was not promoted; and so he deserted to the British, who at once gave him a Captaincy (This is no doubt a Yankee story by papers I know Capt M[eyers] was in Quebec in 1780, and was commissioned in 1782. W.C.) The Rangers to which he belonged were a hard set[.] Ketcheson and others who settled hereabout were with him.

Mrs Case says the Massassauga Indians are of the Chippewa - The signifies the fork of a stream, where they settled. The Indians own islands in the Bay Q[uinte] at the present time.

Asa Yeomans lived 50 years in Canada, 5 in Kingston and 45 in Belleville. (50 years ago Kingston ws a small place, perhaps 2000 inhabitants.[)] Has heard one Simmonds a UEL say that once were prisoners during the Rev war with a number of others. On one morning there were ropes thrown down before their grated windows; with intimations that they were about to be hanged. But they were all tied to a long rope, led by a negro with a cow bell on. In this way marched to another place.

John Canniff when he first lived at Canifton lived on pea bread. Tells of Mrs Canniff catching a red finned sucker which was caught by a twig in the river.

Miss Pringle says her grandmother Diamond born Loyce [Loyst] used to act as a spy and ride long distances to give information to the British. Having milk would spill it rather rather than allow Rebs to have it. She married John Diamond from Penn. they settled on Hay Bay. Were both burried on the shore w[h]ere first pitched their tent. Remembers she wore a scarlet cloak. Were simple in their habits, cared not for [torn]ney

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April 18th 1865 Mrs Benj Ketcheson. Born Zwick, near Belleville. Remembers coming to school to Rev Mr Wright, Presbyterian, who taught in a house below Mrs Simpsons. He preached occasionally in houses. The ground where they stand was covered by large oaks indicating depth of soil, gest[?] above by the chapel it became rocky.

Remembers to have heard about the scarce year. Her father had to go to Kingston to procure food with the family, were living on bran. This was prepared on the road by mixing it with water, then heating stones and bake upon them.

May 2nd 1865 Conversing with McConn. Tells me that he thinks the Moira is called so after Lord Moira, who took part in the war of the Revolution. This belief is confirmed by the fact that Rawdon [township] was the sirname [sic] of the Moira family. Lord Moira came from Ireland Co. Down. Mr McConns’ own native place. The above Lord M[oira] was the last male member of the family. In the old church in Ireland is a tablet upon which is recorded that there accompanied Lord Moira to America one Ravery[?], one of his own people. This man was on one occasion carrying a despatch to an English General, and was intercepted by the enemy, in the encounter he got wounded; before he was taken he concealed his despatch, one of great importance, in the wound gart[?] mode. He succeeded in getting into the British lines and delivered his despatch to its address.

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June 7th 1865  John Bleecker

Among the first settlers upon the front of Sidney omitted by Mr B[leecker] in his former account are Simmonds and Rose.

The first settlers upon the front of Thurlow so far as remembered by Mr B[leecker] are - commencing at lot no 1 - John Chisholm, father of Archy Chisholm; no 2 of Coon Frederick - 3 by Crawford - this was drawn by Alex Chisholm a brother of John. This lot was afterward bought by the McNabs. Coming to lot no 7 it was drawn by Archy Chisholm Thompson who sold it or the certificate to one Schofield. (?? says that a good many of the old soldiers when getting their discharge and certificate called Location Ticket would soon sell the latter for a few dollars and quarts of rum. Certain persons were in the habit of buying up these certificates whereby they became the patentees for large quantities of land, as for instance Judge Cartwright. At last the Land Board which sat at Kingston decided that thereafter every lot should be patented to him whose name appeared on the map) No 8 occupied by Archy Chisholm, next by Samuel Sherwood, and Indian trader, next a Fairman, next Wm Johnson commonly called Wooly Johnson. Then 400 acres unsettled, next Edward Carscallen, and J Carscallen. Then at Clarkes Creek was a place long in dispute in chancery. Then three Fairmans, next Wm Beddell.

Does not remember the lots on the south of the bay but does the settlers pretty well. Commencing from above, first was Bonter near the Carrying Place, opposite Trenton, next Cutliff Michael; then S. Kinkell, old fox who [owned?] 200 or 300 then his father J.K., then Joseph Cupenar??, David Sagar, Shornas Dempsey, John & Wm Weese, Babcock, Redner, Ally E & Wm Stolifigure, John Yarnes, George Cunningham, Owen Roblin, John Post, Jas Hennessy, Ben Jvro?, Jacob Fine - Fine.Abram Diamond born in Fredericksburgh in the year 1795

Capt Meyers built the first mill west of Napanee on the Moira.

Chrysters [Chryslers] on the front of Sidney in the hard year seems to have avoided himself of the difficulties of others. Would make men work for their individual board, and the family at home would be starving. He sold to one 8 bushels of potatoes for a cow.

The Indians of the Mississauga nation had their several tribes which were small they called it the Nation. Each tribe had its symbol, there were the muskrat, Beaver, Cow, Crow, etc.

The Indian island by the Trent was occupied by the Mohawk, the Mississauga came when they were asleep and massocred [sic] the Mohawks. There was a similar surprise and massacere [sic] in Madoc at Stoco Lake, under a Chief called  Storigarig??.

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Mr B[leecker] has early recollections of the Rev Mr McDowell coming up to the head of Bay - he came 2 or 3 times a year, would preach in a barn, also Rev Turner, father of Gideon, Baptist. Methodist preachers also came. But first of all who came to hold service was Rev Mr Langhorn then living at Bath. He came 2 or 3 times a year.

Mostly all the people Eng[lis]h? and Com[moner]? were married by his father, Squire B[leecker]. The service was that of the Eng Church. Of course, there could be no publishing [of the banns?] in church - so the law required that a notice should be put up by the parties in some place for a space of 6 days. Some would put it up, call 2 or 3 to see it up and then take it down - the object being to keep it secret. (It would seem that the inhabitants of the Bay always took extraordinary pains to conceal the coming marriage. It was considered a very creditable thing to do so. W.C.)

Squire B[leecker] had the authority to act in an official capacity in any part of the Province he was sent appointed to any locality.

Remembers the time in 1812 held the rank of Sergeant but performed no active duty. With his brother kept the ferry at Trent (see section 6). Used to ferry troops back and forth, and provisions. Never had any remuneration. Was engaged for some weeks to guard some pork from Kingston. Helped themselves to what was wanted to eat. (Remembers ferrying the troops when retreating from Toronto after its capture) The pork was brought by batteaux and left at the Indian carrying Place.

June 1865  Mary relic of Solmes Rickman [Richmon, Richmond, Ryckman] - born Stocker - in Lower Canada, near Lake Champlain. Her father & mother came from Scotland. Mothers name was Fisher, sister of Alexander Judge Fisher of Adolphustown. The Fishers took part in the Rev war. Findlay Fisher twin brother of the Judge was commissarial on an island opposite Kingston, after they came to the Country. Mrs Hagerman was also a sister of her mothers. (This I suppose was the mother of Judge Hagerman).

Her father removed from L.C. to the Bay of Quinte when she was an infant. Were neighbours to Chrysters & Gilberts on the front of Sidney. Lived there a short time, then went to the States, stayed until she was 14. Father went to Scotland and then died.

Her mother drew the land as a Fisher when Reeds mills in Thurlow stand. Came on a visit to Canada with mother - Remembers the first Mrs Bogart on north shore of Hay Bay. Has heard her say that she was the first person to wear petti coats on that side of the bay.

Food of Hemllock tea - a pint of peas and a pound of pork -

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July 3rd 1865  A visit to Mill Point formerly called Cuttibartsons vulgarly Culbarsons Point with an excursion, St Andrews, from Trenton.

A lovely day. The chief attraction at Mill Point is of course the remnant of the Mohawk and the picturesque church appropriating the place from above it, presently a very mistic and delightful appearance enbowered on the full, among the forest trees. A delightful grove with lawn like ground intervenes to the bay just below is a field of grain just beginning to golden for the reaper. Next we are in front of the parsonage half hidden by trees, reposing peacefully in its surroundings of green and yellow. Almost in front of the house and near to the bay is a solitary English poplar with a few decayed branches marking considerable age. This tree indicates the spot where first landed the Mohawk tribe that sure sought a home at the close of the Revolutionary war from the this old native valley forever passed from their hands to an alien people. They had been faithful to their English allies and now with the other refugees from American oppression they do regret the greatness and security of the Bay of Quinte.

This tree, the Rev Mr Anderson tells me was was planted on their landing where they first spread their tents. This tribe was a minor portion of the once great and powerful Mohawk nation, under Captain John their Chief - There was some feud or a disagreement between him and Capt Brant which led to this permanent division. Just to the west of the church, perhaps half a mile on an eminence near the bay is an old battle ground. Mr Anderson thinks the contest was between the Mississauga and the Hurons at all events it took place long years ago. Directly fronting the parsonage across the principal channel is Capt Johns island a long low island. This island with all or most of the island in the bay belongs to the Mississauga indians, but the Mohawk claim it, stating that they purchased it from the Mississauga tribe, however Government does not recognize bargain thus made between the tribes. Although the Cuthbartsons have receipts from the Miss tribe for some articles, a cow and other things which

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were given in pay. We land at the mill and I hasten on my own business of investigation. Walking on the way I am overtaken by a Rev[erend] gentleman who is a guest ith Mr A[nderson]. I find it desirable to desirable to visit the church in the first place. It is a mot?? and substantial structure. Over the door way is the head of a wolf in a stone (the page may be that of a sheep however). The tribes oberry? The view sitting in the church yard, is peaceful and pretty. The excarsionists [sic] have not yet come to distribute the stituess [sic] and I thought enjoy the grub?? of the scene down the gradual but considerable descent to the bay. Catching here and there a view through the wood of the bay and the opposite shore which is low but rich in the noon day sun with the green and golden hues - away in the back ground raises the wood covered high shore, move to the left over the lower land can be seen the bold outline of the high shore of the long reach. Still further to the left the lower land of the 4th town and the peninsula between Mohawk and Hay Bay and in the distance can just be seen the “mountain” on whose brow rests the lake. The bay in ripples and silvery sparkles stretches up toward the big bay. To the left is the Mohawk bay and just perceptible around Green point is the entrance to the long reach, grassy point is more opposite and directly adjacent to John’s island. But I now begin to hear the shouts and laughter of the pleasure seeking picnicers

So I must hasten to to examine the church and yard. The interior of the building does not possess the beauty that marks the exterior, yet there is a neatness, and something which inspires reverence. There is a tall desk and a taller pulpit behind a limited but sufficient altar and upon the wall is the creed written in the Mohawk language. Heer is grandly united the honored use of the Mother church and the devoted piety of the once great Mohawk nation. Across the opposite and is a gallery for the choir which has an organ. The Indians have a name for sweet singing - The church yard is by means beautiful. There evidence forner care in arranging gravelled walks but these are grass grown or effaced. The ground is very stoney. There are several new and elegant tomb stones particularly belonging to the Patt? family. Of all though, I am particularly interested with that of the catechrist John Hull. The tomb is flat of blue stone inclosed by a low stone wall around are tall brambles

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upon the tomb which is broken are the following words, “This tomb, erected to the memory of John Hull, Ochechusleah, by the Mohawks, in grateful remembrance of his Christian labours amongst them. During 30 years he served at Mohawk catechrist in this settlement under the Society for propagating the gospel adoring the doctrine of God his saviour and enjoying the respect of all who knew him. He died generally regretted June 1848. Aged 60 years.” “ His stone also covers the remains of Elonor the exemplary wife of the catechrist who died in the [year of the] Lord May 7 1840, aged 50.”

The land to the north is evidently good for it is covered with the glorious hues of harvest. Indeed, I am informed that the al of the township which was formerly presented to the tribe is excellent much of it is now under cultivation by the white. The rear has been bought but much yet belongs to the Indians is rented.

I next call to see the Rev Mr Anderson who received me, a self introduced stranger, with all the kindness possible. Making known to him the object of my visit he promptly gives me all the information in his possession. The residence is delightful. The cost of church I understood him to say was �1400. He shows me a silver tomahawk which “Presented to Capt J.C. Anderson (his father)” by the Mohawk Chiefs Tyendiaga 1858. I am also shown the Seal of the tribe or Mohawk Council whose bearings consist of the wolf , bear and the turtle. These animals in the order given indicate , not tribes, nor familys exactly, but rank, the wolf belonging to the aristocracy, the bear to the middle class and the turtle to the lower class. I see a Deed, at least the copy, granting the Mohawk tract to the Indians. This land was purchased of the Mississaugas and then conferred upon the Mohawk - I am also shown an old translation of the church service into the indian tongue. This was translated by the Society for the

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propagation of the Gospel. That Society, incorporated in 1701, the following year, sent a missionary to the Mohawk nation. The first translation was printed in N.Y. about 1714 by the Society under the direction so of the Rev Mr Andrews, the missionary.

In the course of the Rev War most of the Indian prayer books were destroyed. The Mohawk, apprehensive that the book would be lost, solicited the Governor (Haldimand) to have an edition presented in compliance therewith it was done Quebec 1780. The edition was ?? or soon mostly destroyed, and a third became necessary in this was done in 1787 in London. A copy is before me; beside the service there is the translation of the Gospel by St Mark by Brant. The preface says that some other parts of the New Testament may soon be expected  from Capt Brant, and that the observers grant commendation for his pious labour. He died before referred to grants the land to the Chiefs warriors people women of the Six Nations. Tis dated 1804.

See Report of a Special Committee to investigate Indian Affairs in Canada. Learn that the Mohawk settled on the Bay 1784.

Lastly I see some relics of the Mohawk valley which are a massive silver vessel for the wine and a small plate. Mr Anderson informs me that these with their counterparts were, at the commencement of the war barred by the Indians in the communion cloth lest the rebels should get them. They remained barred until the close of the war when the indians exhumed them. The plate was preserved but the communion cloth was almost altogether destroyed. The plate was equally divided between this tribe and that under Capt

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Brant which settled on the Grand River. The remnants of the cloth was preserved and is now in the possession of the Rev S Genees [Givus?], Toronto. These all are precious to the Indians, being presents from Queen Anne to the Six nations when they had become converted to Christianity. Upon them is the following inscription at the top “A.R” surmounting the motto “Houi Ivis que mal etc” “The gift of Her Majesty Anne of the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland of the Plantations of North America, Queen to Her Indian Chappel of the Mohawk.[“] These had been put in use the previous day, Sunday.

Leaving the house and proceeding downward toward the point I see the old foundation of the old church within a short distance of the poplar where the tribe first landed. Here also sleeps in quietness under the long grass rep???g for the sythe the remains of the old Chief Capt John.

The number of Indians Mr A[nderson] says is 630. They are not demanding, but on looking at the specimens of the day the fact is at once apparent that the dark skinned Mohawk is gradually fading into the white, by the intermixture of the Saxon blood, and the more prominent features of the once savage warrior is smoothing down  into the more symmetrical Saxon. Another hundred years and they will have lost their characteristic features.

Again to the boat with the hilarious party. They have enjoyed their pleasure. I have secured mine. They are filled perhaps more, I still fasting na hungry seek where I may the wherewithal to allay the urging? wants of nature.

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July 17/65  A Trip to the Carrying Place

This made with family by horse and buggy kindly loaned by father.  An early start 7.  The morning cool but a pleasant sky.  Up the bay the wind meets us in cold blasts so we soon have to bundle ourselves as in late fall.  The first place of interest visited is the old burrying gound in 8th town. [Now called White’s Cemetery on Hwy 2.]  Vaulting over a fence I am soon troding over the mouldering remains of some of the very first settlers in this section.  The ground is elevated and well chosen for a burial place it overlooks to advantage the bay and gives a good view of the opposite shore now in harvest habilaments?. I hasten along toward the ground which is the highest and at the same time nearest to the bay.  This seems to be the oldest part of the ground and is marked by very old graves with rough stones placed erect to indicate the graves.  There is no uniformity (characteristic of all the old grounds I have seen) and what struck me most was the graves were so irregularly placed, as if in the first place the grave had been dug in the position that was the most easy by the grave digger.  These here almost arranged with ex??? north and south at least S.S.E by N.N.W.  

Some of the older graves had quite large headstones on which were rudely cut the initials of the individuals.  Some are very intelligable others scarsely traceable[?]. There also here and there the old board tablet in most cases so weather worn that the painted letters have all but faded away like the memory of the individuals who erected them. Some of them are fallen and decayed like the families whose name once was among the living. And still more and the? last? seemed to indicate some neglect. There were a few marble stones here and there also prostrate and broken.

Before the ?? of the ground among the older graves I see the initials and name of the Meyers. No doubt here rest the old man. As well in adjacent spots his older acquaintances and friends and enemies. They are gone with the primeval woods that covered the slopes to the bay - are gone with the hopes and aspirations and prospects and realizations that crowned their eventful and wearisome life. Gone so that their ashes can no longer be gathered, like the old batteaux that transported them thither - gone like their old log houses whose foundation has been plowed up - gone like their rude implements of agriculture - gone like the slow times which necessarily belong to the pioneer life.

Pick some berries for the children. Berries growing on the graves which I refuse? to eat and interested by the old ground, warmed by the sun rays which had here smiled upon us, we again pursue our journey.

Through the covered bridge over the Trent and turning to the left on to the Carrying Place. Indian island stands up somewhat  prominently a single spot of green set in [torn] bosum of the ample basin the farms the

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the extremity of the bay. No ruined? walls or looming tower is there to tell of days of gloomy, monks muttering their prayers along cloisters rich in architectural beauty, or of feudal times. Yet there is a story, belonging to the islet of bloody wars of barbarous warfare, floating in the minds of the old settlers (Vide Bleecker statements).

The land along around Carrying Place  is not rich, in some places stoney, in some places sandy. To our right is a prominent hill which seems to have been the shore of Lake Ontario when Prince Edward was an island. I take it that the stoney ground we see  was once an island perhaps made by the cuttings of the Trent. While the sand has been gradually washed and blown from the bed of the Lake.

Coming to the neck of land there is a muddy stream extending lakeward through this. It looks as if a canal could be cut but Colonel Wilkins says the best place is South of the Carrying Place.

The Carrying Place (Col W[ilkins] says) is the line by which the indians  used to carry their canoes across to the Lake, and also by which the earlier settlers used to transport their heavier batteaux. It is now a street running across the neck of land (I rode from one end to the other). The street follows the original Indian path. The road is therefore somewhat curved and is in some places wider than in others. It marks the division between Ameliasburgh and Murray [townships]. On the Murray side of the line is comparatively stoney  but on the opposite side of the road the fence is very devious. The cause of the unsightly line between the two townships is attributed to the original surveyor. Surveyor [space left blank] was the one who surveyed? these adjacent townships; Being ill he trusted his assistant, a Mullatto [sic], who had acquired some considerable knowledge of the business, Callius by name, survey the line between the townships telling him [to] make the line of separation on the route of the Carrying Place, meaning, not to follow that route but at that particular place to have the division. Assistant C[allius] followed his directions litterally [sic] and hence the interesting fact that the old line of the Carrying Place is still known.

At the [Quinte] Bay end is the remains

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of an old wharf and an old warehouse of wood, relics of the time when the Carrying Place was a more important town than now. On the road is a collection of houses, a chapel and a tidy church. There are also several very fine dwellings. At the Lake end of the road we have a wide view of the [Wellers] bay from the L Presquisle harbour & a lighthouse to the left and a white sand banks to the left. One cannot but think of ancient days when the voyagers having carried his boat across the land put out on these rough waaters. Think of the bold determined soldiers in their canoes passing up to drive off the bold bragging Americans. Think of the returning conquerors of the hundreds of prisoners, officers, men, making their humilating march from the ignominious defeat at Detroit as well as from Jameston? Stony Creek to the Lower province.

The principal object of my journey was to visit Hon Col Wilkins. With a note of introduction from H. J. Thorpe, I presented myself at the door of his house which is situated by the bay on the C[arrying] Place. The house is an old frame one. The old gentleman very shortly comes into the parlour , tall but bent with the cares and work and wear & tear of 83 winters. The left side of his face covered with a patch to conceal the malignant ulcer that has tried to shorten his days. The cancer has disfigured him by destroying the left eye turning down the lower lid and by drawing up the corner of the mouth. The other side of the face beams with a kindly smile of welcome, the dark eye, still bright with the fire of energy. The forehead narrow but well formed, the head long and with goodly growth of almost white hair. The old gentleman has been quite ill latterly with internal complaints. He has long been ailing. But animated by the old fire of utilitarians which so long burned (burned in the Counsel Chamber in the war of 12 in the rebellion of 37) still caused him to see me. He thought the object I had in mind most laudable - and he would do anything for his particular friend Tharpe [Sharpe or Thorpe possible]

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Col Wilkins came to the place 1792. Before him there were a few settlers along the 8th town as Myers, Gilbert. There was no newspaper but the official Gazette containing nothing but government advertisements. There were then only four clergymen altogether in canada. There Stewart of Kingston, Langhorn of Bath, Addison of Niagara, Pollard Amherstburg.

His father, an Irishman, took part in the Rev war arrived at Boston two days before Battle of Bunkers hill was an officer had two horses Shot under him - was in several battles during the war wounded, lost thumb & returned to England was going to Mediterranean in some office when met Gov Simcoe who told him he was going to Canada as Lieut Governor and urged him to come out, so he did.  He lived for some time in Kingston.

Knew Capt Myers was a man of limited education had been a farmer until the Rev War.  Capt Singleton was dead before he came, but knew him to be an educated gentleman -

With regard to Flour mills when he came Myers had a mill at Belleville.  The Son had one at Kingston.  Cartwright had one at Napanee.  Above there was no mill till reached Port Hope.  The mill at Consecon was built in 1804.  There was first built a saw mill. Vanalstine built a mill at Stone Mills in 1802.  

Took an active part in war of 1812.  Raised a company went to Kingston.  There a short time when the Commandant finding himself with no more than a weeks provision for the troops at that place enquired of Col Cartwright if he knew of anyone who could be depended upon to raise the required supplies which were known to be in existence along the bay.  Col C [Cartwright] informed him that the required person could be at once obtained, and Capt Wilkins was produced.  The result was that Capt W [Wilkins] was instructed to prepare to undertake the duty.  He asked for due?

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written instruction and authority in order that he might not be hindered in his work so that militia colonels etc through the County might be made to yield to his demands.  The Commandant asked him if he would be ready in a day or two.  The reply was I can start in half an hour. (for he had already sent in his resignation as Capt to his Co paid his hotel bill etc)  “The devil you will so much the better.”  Capt Wilkins proceeded to Picton, he called on Mr Cummins and asked him to act as agent which he agreed to do then on to Carrying Place where established an agency - and to Belleville where McNab was employed to act.  The Quakers in and around Picton consciously refused to sell their grain for the Gov bills (shin Plasters).  It would be recognizing a state of war and abetting it but if gold or silver were offered for it they would not refuse.  Capt W [Wilkins] engaged to pay them as they wished, instructed Cummins to buy it up give receipt while he wrote to Kingston requesting the gold t pay for it.  The Commandant at once sent all that was asked.  It then happens that Wilkins became the chief commissary officer around the bay and finally located at the Carrying Place he was called upon to discharge extension and responsible duties not alone with regard to provision but in raising died employing militiamen to work batteaux sometimes 3 or 400 men would be suddenly called for.  I see by a letter written by the Commandant at the close of the war thanking him for his active and peculiarity valuable sowers that the “Millers” and “farmers” around the bay cancelled their grain

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Pork etc in order to get a higher price, for instance although pork was going at $14 they hid it to get 20 etc.  The result was a “half martdral? loin” so that provision, wherever found, could be taken and the owner paid a fair price;  But Wilkins by kind persuasion and extensive knowledge of the people was able to procure with? all that was to be had in the section.

Among the American prisoners which were sent down from the west were Generals Chandler & Winder they were captured at Stoney Creek.

I see a letter from Governor Bagot to Wilkins (this letter and others were shown to me by the Col with most touching modesty and apology) asking him to be put in nomination to his Majesty for a promotion in the Leg Counsel. The letter is full of sincere compliments. I also see a letter from the Gov at the comment of the Rebellion instructing Wilkins to keep and eye on the movements etc of the disaffected. Wilkins was commanding the militia in the section. (The Gov came to confer with him).

The distance that would have to be cut for the canal is a little over a mile. [Note: The Murray Canal was built in the 1880’s connecting the Bay of Quinte to Brighton Bay and not Wellers Bay.]

We proceeded on our trip around the head of the bay. The road is along the shore of the bay - down this side the beauty is on the whole greater than on the opposite side. It is especially fine until we passed opposite Trenton and? this we have us had the Indian island to our left; we have indeed seen it on all sides. The shore is high with here and there moderate sloped? hills. The ride is interesting until we reach Rednersville. The farmers seem well to do: some fine house, mostly all comfortable, yet the land is not seemingly so good as on the opposite shore. On a high shore in a wood of pine well travelled from the stiff wood we spend our d?? we all under the influence of good appetite do justice to the well prepared ?? that careful food ?? prepared a few ?? delayed at the ferry [torn]

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6th Sept 1865  At the Old House [This appears to be an interview with his father]

My father knew Chrystopher Hagerman very well when a boy. My mother was better acquainted with him.  A short time before he died when attending his duties as judge at B[elleville?] staying over a Sunday, he with Dr Ridley, visited my mother.  He had not forgotten old or rather young days, Chrys was a savy boy. His father was a lawyer and Chrys studied with him. He had a brother Daniel, a very sedate person. These two sons were elected to the same parliament but Daniel died before he took his seat. There were 2 or 3 sisters. Thinks another brother went to the States. The girls were Betsy and Maria. Remembers to have at the time of its occurrence, of a trial at the Court House in Kingston where the father and son, {Chrys) were on opposite sides.  Chrys won the suit.  The father exclaimed how I raised a son to put my eyes; the son replied no father to open them.  Thinks the family came from Scotland.

In the war of 1812 my father was a volunteer in Capt Dorlands Company.  He had been Sergt for some time but about removing to Belleville Thurlow he could have declined to with good grace to go with the Company.  He went to Kingston from Thurlow for something complain with request touch? his brother down? and Capt Dorland particularly asked him to take his port and he willingly complied.  The officers of this Court from 4th town were Dorland, Lieut Allison Church, Ensign Chrys Hagerman, and he becoming Aide de Camp to Gov Benj Spencer succeeded him.  My father got leave of absence from time to time to come and look after his affairs - on duty 6 months when home was to come at an hours call.  In the fall when things were quiet came up and put in 8 bushels of wheat where the orchard is.  Was on duty at the time the American fleet came into Kingston saw all the movements.  Was up with Company to Herchimers point.  Was standing a short distance from the shore.  The brass artillery sent a ball it said through one of the Yankee vessels.  Saw her haul off from the rest.  The fleet fired back saw the first ball fired by the enemy passed near him.  The Governors horse which a negro was holding for him while down with the artillery was near being shot it passed over his back.  The horse squatted down remembers this distinctly.  The ball then struck the top rail of the fence near by then struck in the field plowing up the field ground and flying again.  They marched into Kingston as the fleet passed down.  They were paraded behind the jail to conceal them from the enemy saw the balls passing over the buildings.  There was a good many ??? that morning and day.  He expected as much as could be to

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go into active.  But the enemy had orders not to land but take the Royal George if they could or destroy her. Remembers to have seen the remnants of the troops from York after it was taken and the magazine blown up.  They were ragged and bareheaded some of them looked hard.  

Took a load of goods to York during the war 1814 by way of Belleville from Kingston.  There were several loads.  He had a many other things a puncheon of fowls or chickens. (Probably this was for the Governor as one of his servants was on his load).  This servant had the gift of fortune telling, told fathers among others, told him he was going to be nearly burned up and then afterward very mad.  On his return was nearly burned at the house where staying near Whitby.  Carried water till tired out but the building burned.  Started on in the night came down and stayed at Uncle Johns Camp, at the mills.  Then when he got home in 4th town found the troops had taken away his hay, and burnt his maple wood.  Never was so mad in his life.  The fortune telling came true -

A visit to Kingston by the Bay 19th Sept/65. Another cold morning, but beautifully clear.  Leave B [Belleville] shortly after six.  Happening to hear a person on board called Culburson, I made enquiries and learned he was from Nute? Point.  I consequently entered into conversation with him.  His is a man of 30 or 5 ??? Archibald Co. and imparted to me the following.  His Grand father John Culbertson was a Scotchmen and lived at Kingston, a teacher died there.  Capt John’s daughter became his companion, does not know that they were married.  They had 2 children as son and daughter.  His name was John.  When Cuthbertson died left John’s daughter and two children removed to the Mohawk tract where remains till she died.  It was the son John that purchased the island, which is called by that name, of John Sundy and other chiefs of the Mass [Massasauga] tribe.  Thinks the price paid was a cow and a yoke of steers.  He took a quit claim from them, old Capt John had previously made a bargain for it:  I see a document which he will not allow me to examine, and from that learn that Capt Johns name was John Deserontyore.  This document is same treaty that was made in 1792 between the Mohawks and certain Indians that remained in the States.  At the present time there are 3 Indians in from Onondaga, and I have been before to obtain this on some other paper - that may be able to sell  

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land in their State.  It would seem that the land must be deeded by the Mohawk Nation & from all the tribes, but most often tribes are in Canada.  The the probability is that this document is a treaty between those who came away and those who remained, and which would show that the latter has the right to deed away the land.  He is disposed to demane something from them before giving it up.  He promises to let me see that at some future time as a copy.  He gives me an account of the trouble and fight between Capt Jon & Capt Isaac, or rather it was between Capt Isaac and one of Pawles Clans.  In the first place he says that the division of the Mohawks under Capt Brandt and John was of a friendly nature.  Brandt was the first Chief but John chose to settle on the Bay.  Capt Isaac was at first with Brandt.  ut he was officious and quarrelsome wanted things his own way.  But finding he could not he applied to Capt John to be allowed to join him which was granted.  After a while he again began to be troublesome, and this Powles Clans, who had a couple of Negro servants, was the one who was killed was cut across the abdomen.  They went at it with tomahawks and knives.  He points out to me where the fight occurred, also where his grandmother lived and Capt Isaac.  Also he points out Devil Hill so called from the fact that a drunken Indian said he there saw the devil one night and chored him all night till tired out.  He points out Eagles Hill, to the west of the Devils Hill.  Capt John’s island contains about 14 acres and up the Mohawk bay is Unger, or Huges island containing 7 acres.  The mist upon the waters give often an additional attraction to the natural beauty of the scenery.  When we leave Culbertson and occupy coming to the point from which a view is obtained up the bay and down the Reach the scene is striking.  There are here and schooners with every sail set endeavouring to work their way along the bay.  Here will be one seemingly about to run against the high shore, there another penetrating an indentation of the bay.  In the big bay are several? one near the shore another up towards the narrows resting on a glassy bed in the depths of which we can [see] every sail beautifully mirrored.  Down the narrows the mist

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forms a thick coating to the mirror and with a hull half buried in this, is a schooner that seems to close up the narrow deep passage that just here seems only to exist.  This evening the sky is of a bright blue and the smooth water gloriously reflects the ??? here and the beauty is enhanced.  Roblins wharf is stopped at the place is much admired.  In a little dell like valley pleasantly wooded.  The high shore to conceal and ??? it from the wrath wind a watery lands ??? spread out before bordered to the right by the bold coast.  Adolphustown with its many points the home of peace and felicity.  All combine to form a picture most lovely.  For a quiet and pleasant retreat for a few months in the year where one might forget the world and the artificial of life this place offers a pleasant attraction.  The beauty as we enter Picton bay is of the most extraordinary loveliness.  The fine dwellings of Rykurt? and Lowe are in keeping with the scene.  Down the bay, we approach the Stone Mills.  I now begin to look on the alder homes of the settlers.  There is the Dorland place the Casey place and so on.  But to the stone mill and the Lake on the mountain.  The Capt most kindly allows time for us to make a hurried ascent.  The chilly air is suitable for exercise and away all go by the devious road.  We have to stop or rather give furtive glances at the panoramic view of rare beauty and every step uncovered the extent and degree of loveliness, and finally when we reached the summit there was spread out a landscape which would compare with any in the world.  The bright blue sky imparted to the waters of the bay its own bright blue color.  The wooded shores of green the golden fields where had moved golden grain, all combined to make a most lovely picture.  We looked down upon our boat awaiting, and we seemingly could have tossed a stone upon her deck.  The bay stretching to the right down to where its waters comingle with those of the Ontario.  On the opposite shore 4th & 3rd Towns are the great homes of the farmers.  Beyond this towns land may be seen the Hay Bay and still beyond it is the higher landforming the north shore of Hay Bay and the east shore of the long Reach.  And yet beyond the narrow Reach, and finally along the ??? is the Mohawk tract and the low land of 6th Town.  We could have stayed and looked and still gazed and still become more entranced but hurry we

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must to catch a glance of the Lake.  The water is very low and the beauty is thurily much lessened, and the tall weeds mostly everywhere to be seen makes it resemble rather a large marsh than a beautiful lake.  The season has been unusually dry and the result is there has been no drainings from the higher ground 8hn the back country.  A second look at the grand view and we rapidly descend to the boat.  We now pass across and downward toward the 4th town landing.  Here are the old places whose names are derived from the ones who converted those splendid farms from the wilderness.  There near the point lived a Dorland.  There on that rich sunny slope lived and toiled a Casey.  But a few places have changed owners.  Shermans Point used [to] be known by another name.  Where is the village once lived the old Major Vanalstine, and as I have heard that he “looked after the settlers up the Bay” - and here was first built the Court house.  I am disposed to think that truly the Major was military Judge during the time that military law existed among the refugees - prior to the act of 1792.  How many thoughts are suggested by the appearance of these old places.  The inhabitants here thinks not? care not perhaps never heard of the noble ones who here struggled and conquered.  The shore along through Fredericksburgh is quiet and pleasant in some places the way? ideal of rural delight.  I notice just above Coles Point a log house not very old but so like the ones that first dotted the shore some 70 years ago.  Divided into two, one evidently put up first the second added when a growing family and the means made it desirable.  This house is by the shore a lingering specimen of an almost extinct feature of the bay.  As we proceed downward I observe those tall poplars here and there some yielding to the tooth of time.  In a few cases they are close by the second growth dwellings of ??? but in two places particularly I notice them standing erect but with age stricken limbs, seemingly acting as ??? sentinels over the ashes of the old homestead.  Ashes indeed for the crumbling chimney along indicated where once was the abode of the pioneer, of lifes ??? and hopes of doubt and expectation of all the ins and outs belonging to the home of the pioneer forever.  At last here is the lesson of life the ashes of the old soldiers are reposing with those of the log but that he reared under such extreme difficulties.  Bath is a tumble-down looking place the scenery is falling to decay - yet one can easily call back the time when here resided the most intelligent of the regions but of U [Upper] Canada.  In my own recollection there were buildings & houses

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John Howell Sergt Major son of Richard Howell from Wales, was born 1753 in New Jersey.  Moved to Johnstown on the Mohawk at about 22.  Joinned the army in the following year (1776).  Sir John Johnsons 2 battalion in the above office remained in the army doing duty in St Johns (or Coatodelac) in many other places and finally disbanded at Oswego and immediately came to Kingston 1783 where he received a commission in the peace.  Removed from Kingston to Fredericksburgh on his own (U E) (200 acres) land and there built a windmill.  He sold this property to the Russell family and removed in the year 1790 to Sophiasburgh Pr. Ed. [Prince Edward].  The loss was great in Real Estate.  The town of Boone[ville] Oneida Co is built on his land.  It was in court many years and spent 1400$ in trying to recover it but never recovered it.  He never made application to the government of his its recovery.  This old soldier courted a young lady in Johnstown before he joined the army and after he went to Coatodelac returned to Johnstown married his wife and brought her through what was then called the Schatagu woods protected by 7 Indians as guides and 7 whites as a guide they lost their way and were 14 days in coming through snow was 4 feet deep their provisions run out and they were in great stares for provisions a squirrel was shot and the brains fell to the heros but they shot a deer in the latter part of the journey and two men were left behind on account of eatin so much.  They finally came into camp.  The party even rosted some of the spare thongs that bound on their snowshoes, to allay the pangs of hunger.

He was well versed in many Languages English Dutch French and several Indian dialects

He drew land for his commission to the amount of 1200 acres, and family to the amt, - of 1200 acres in different parts of the country.

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After his arrival in Sophiasburgh he received commission of Colonel of the Militia in Pr. Edward.  He was always called upon to settle disputes between the Indians doing so he always by his sterness and kindness.

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here; but nothing now indicates the place of ?? enter ??, nothing but the plain beach to be seen where the Frontenac and the Princess Charlotte were built. The literary spirit that led to the establishment of a library at an early date as mentioned by ?? I fear has departed - gone with the spirits of those who nobly concerned? the place.


Early names in Hist of New York. Among them are Jeremiah Canniff, Anna his wife, 3 children 3 gerrls. These are in the list of inhabitants in the County of Orange 1702.

Cornelius Bargheart - Jno De Voe


Among those who took the oath of allegiance in Long Island in Sept 1687 is Gerit Dorlant, a native of the Province, also Jan Gerrise, darland


Convention held at Albany, Oct 1689

Gert Ryerse


25 Oct /65,  Riding with Saml Gilbert

His father was born in York State there that, he married after he came. For a time lived on fish that he caught. Heard his mother tell mother that there ambition had been to raise plenty of onions? & poultry. Succeeded one year in raising 40 smelts? a tigut? hored? for them but a mink got in one night and killed all but two. Heard mother tell of her working in the field with husband often the bale, John war by mapped, sometimes with child tied on back. Heard father tell of a bear that came out of woods one morning and with one squipe ripped open a large breeding sow

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Col Crawford lived 4 miles on 4 lots below Adolphustown.  The lot is or was No 1 counting toward Ernestown.  Had 200 acres.  Co Crawford was a find looking man, 5 foot 9 or 10 in height perhaps.  Naturally prepossessing looking.  Everyone spoke well of him.  Had a fashion of jerking his shoulder nervous.  Never married, one illegitimate son, gave him a 100 acres of land.  100 to Rev Mrs Muloch, nee Redford, his niece - Mr Mulock owns the 200 now. H Thorpe? remembers him when he was a boy perhaps 7 or 8.  Thinks he died about 1834.  He was always petting him, would look at his teeth to see if he could a pear, and then get one for him to eat.


[later entry - not clear who Canniff is talking to.]

The old gun of my fathers.  He says 10 Feb [18]66, that 65 years ago his father gave it to him.  The old man had taken corn up to Napanee to a distillery there.  He had a good deal that year; and brought back this gun, saying to my father here I will give you this if you thresh out enough corn to pay for it.  So my father then perhaps 16 went at it with a flail.  The gun is very good one.

March 15 1866  Mrs Morden, 6th Town born 40 miles this side of New York will be 94 next 26 July.  Came in with fathers family.  George Parliament.  The father lived six weeks after the family arrived in 4th Town.  Geo. Parliament was born on the sea when his parents were emigrating from Germany to America.  They settled 40 miles from N.Y.  Lived there until the close of the Revolutionary war.  During the war although he took no part he was known to be a Loyalist, and was imprisoned in Goshen Jail also Poughkeepsie.  Mrs Morden well remembers the war.  Her father was staunchly loyal and declared when the war decided in favor of the Rebs that he would lay his bones in the Kings dominions.  During the war he had to pay fines.  Immediately after close of war prepared to come to Canada.  There were

[page] 36

two families came together (this was probably in 1781 [1786?])  They were 11 weeks on the road.  Came in Skenectady boat 10 of them (she spoke of Skenectady boats and Canadian Boats in the Bay)  After leaving Albany her father and brother would often be away from bringing cattle through the woods.  The women would cook at night victuals for the men to eat next day that then we? got to no turn place?  They came by Fort Stanwix.  When they had crossed into Canada past Kingston up to Little Cataraqui creek (father and brother were coming on with the cows). Here were wind bound.  Mother had only money enough to buy � 100 of 2nd flour.  Mrs M[orden] then a girl of 15 and her sister walked back to Kingston and purchased the flour of McAulay and carried up to the family.  As they journeyed up the bay they found 2nd Town settled and 3rd Town and 4th town.  They settled in 4th Con. of 4th town.  Her brother was 19 when her father died.  He drew land.  There were of them 11 children.  The following year was the scarce year.  Mrs M - says that the wheat was blighted.  The next year was the scarce year.  Her mothers family had to live upon the milk of one cow with such fish as could be caught, with herbs and greens.  There is great distress for 3 weeks about.  All of the family that could work went out to work.  Her mother made sugar not a bit was kept - all sold for flour.  Remembers it well - carried a good deal of sap.  Afterwards Mrs M lived with Conrad Vandusen.  She thare became acquainted with Major Vanalstine.  Was at his house, he was a good hearted man - a widower.  He had been settled only 3 years.  

Remembers Langhorn he married her - but there was a Clergyman before him - who was connected with the Mohawks and lived there.  [Note: Langhorn’s register shows James Morden m. Margaret Parliament on 27 Dec 1792] Dr Dougall lived in 3rd town he had been in army.  Remembers Roblin, who went to Kingston have have a ??en removed it was done by Dr Connor, who had been in the army. She worked t his house while he was sick. When she went in the winter for her pay he treated her roughly and said if he had a gun he would shoot her. (The old lady here is aroused to a recollection of the great wrong done after “working as she had done”. He died soon for?.

The widow of this Roblin married John Canniff who was a shoemaker, his boots were worn by Mrs M[orden]

[page] 37

Her mothers family lived in 4th town until she married again (I think 8 years) to Parcells.

In 1812, which she remembers well, two batteaux stopped by their house. She gave the soldiers all the milk she had night and morning and would have given more if she had it. Some of the neighbours who were not so kind had their gardens stripped.

Her husband Morden was in the army 6 years, was stationed at Montreal, Has his discharge.

This old lady, although so old, is yet vigorous and sprightly, not tall with a kindly face crowned with an old forehead, cap? eyes yet sharp though colored by senile cause. Of all the old persons I have conversed with only one or two  have afforded me the satisfaction that Mrs Morden did. Confining her remarks solidly to my questions I learn in a short hour very much. “I have lived a long time and had many blessings thanks be to God.” Thus spoke the old lady, truly an old lady, who lived in another century.

15 March 1866  Mr Lambert of Sophiasburgh, born in the States on the Mohawk river, is now in 83rd year. Came into Canada in 1802, 6 weeks on road. Came by Mohawk river, Oswego, Sandy Creek, detoured there 4 days, Stoney island 3 days, then to Cape Vincent and crossed to lower end of Isle Tonto [Amherst Island].

There was then no sailing boats at all. He saw his years after, one at Hallowell at Congers Mill belonging to one Ellice. (There was a boat built by Stone Mills by one Murney (It would seem and naturally that small sailing boats gradually extended their voyages up the Bay from the Lake as there were mills and ?? of goods sufficient to create them and pay owners.)

Mr L[ambert] tells about Gen Brock who at the breaking out of war of 1812 passed up in a birch canoe by the way of the Bay.  He found 6th town at night and upon reaching Belleville stopped and went in to Capt McIntosh’s.  He was accompanied by Gore.  Entering the house and looking at the back room Brock remarks that it would do very well for staying the night.  In the mean time they had made considerable noise and McIntosh hurried into the room to learn who was causing such an unnatural row.  He demanded of Brock

[page] 38

Who are you” Gore turned to him and repeated the same words and promptly informed him that he would kick him to His M[ajesty] in a minute. McIntosh somewhat disconcerted left the room and meeting the “foreman” ?? of the boat carrying the party asked him if he knew who they were in his house. Upon being informed McIntosh rushed away in fright on account of his inhospitably and dared not show himself again. Mr L[ambert] declares this to be true. He was informed by the foreman.

Mr L[ambert] was connected with a Co[mpany] of light dragoons doing duty between Sydney and Smith’s Creek (n Brighton) but had a substitute part of the time. He tells about one of these dragoons having his house shot by a deserter named Bill Johnson, a native of Bath, who refused to duty and run across to Americans. He came across to Prince Edward somewhere and passed up to Murray and waylaid the dragoon named Gardner as he was passing with dispatches. He took him down to the Lake shore near Brighton, shot the barer and took his dispatches. Johnson was well known on the Bay about 25 years old. This occured in 1813. Capt Stinson was Capt of the Dragoons. Some effort was made to catch Johnson but he escaped. He never dared show himself again. He heard after the war on the American side  by the 1000 islands.

McDonell who lived in Marysburgh was Capt of the Prince Edward Militia consisting of 1 Reg[iment] during the war. The year before mr L[ambert] came to Canada 1801, they met at Grassy Point to train from all parts of P.E. district. This was the last year however afterward all met at Hallowell.  Those from 7th town took 2 days to get there. Some time after they were allowed to train separate. Before that they also came from Amherst Isl. [island] to Grassy Point. Mr L[ambert] is hole and hearty and looks as if he might ?ine for 20 years. He was engaged shoemaking WC.

30 March 1866 Conversing with Petrie [Petric?]

Col Bell was a good honest farmer  temperate. was commissioner of the Peace for Court of Request with Hazelton and James McNabb.

Col John Ferguson - a gentleman in every sense - was married to a natural daughter of Sir John Johnson. who had two sisters one married to Earles and one to Lemoin. Their mother was an Indian - Col Ferguson had no children, wife died before Petrie came to the Country. Col Ferguson never married again.

[page] 39

Capt McIntosh built the old house yet standing below Pudley’s. It was here where Gov Gore stopped according to what McIntosh told Petrie. Whether once or twice knows not. Whether Brock stayed here knows not. McIntosh was a passenger on the Povas? when he jumped off and was drowned. His house went then into the hands of Peter Grant who runs a shop. In 1812 Capt McIntosh’s Co[mpany] with Dorland’s of 4th town were out to Major Everets when the Yankee fleet came in. Petrie was a volunteer with it.

2nd April /66  To Kingston to deliver a lecture.

The following morning up betimes and take a walk visit the Ridoulet called Murney’s from the grantee. It is one of the Martello towers. This is commanding. Next walk along the ice by shore past the Shval tower, which is directly in front of the market battery.  Then push straight for Point Frederick.  The morning sun shines with winter brightness over the water in and the islands pass the town on Point Frederick and on to Fort Henry.  On my right as I go is cedar island high and covered with small trees and shrubs.  Near its southwestern extremity is another tower.  To my left is the bay between Point Frederick and the Point upon which is Fort Henry.  Upon Point Frederick is a navy yard, directly opposite is a tower which guards the entrance to a trench leading up to Fort Henry.  I pass around the Point to the eastern side where is another tower also guarding the mouth of a trench.  Between Cedar Island and this point of mannloud?-nameless - is a small island community called Whiskey Island.  The Bay to the east of Fort Henry is commonly called Dead Man’s Bay.  Mr Janes city engineer has marked it Hamiltons Cove.  I turn my face Kinston ward and with a hot sun on my back steadily aim for market buildings all the time thinking of Champlain Frontenac, the Jesuits the Iroquois the old Fort now gone.  Now to my right is the Bridge, Cataraqui leading from Pont du t�te to navy yard.  This

[page] 40

bridge was built since the time of war 1812.  There used to be a ferry, and quite a village opposite.  Pont du t�te was originally a prominent point of land.  There being quite a cove above to the north. Indeed Cataraqui Creek widened here naturally. Rather this way be regarded as a bay stretching in. This point was the most commanding place of Yarn? and it was near here where the French erected the fort. It effectively commanded a view of the entrance to Cataraqui Creek. I am told that some of the old fort remains, but I failed to see it.

The old York road is now a land? in part. It took a course coming at angles the present lots and streets. During the day I saw several persons who can er? information. Mr Maglur in the Post Office. Mr Devon the post master. Armstrong Ponter?, Mr Kirkpatrick. The city enquirer Mr Jones.

I visit the asylum & the Penitentiary. The places along were perhaps more interesting from the historical associations. The glory has departed from some places - from Kingston indeed. The extensive tracks of land that were drawn by the UEL’s in may [most] instances still bear the name of the grantee, and belong to some descendant.  The new and prospect generally is from up the bay, and in summer must be truly pleasant.  I see some old poplars themselves decayed ??? of old homesteads.  Battery of 1812 was called Massaugua battery: it had a 49 pounder was this battery by the Royal George.  There was also Point Frederick battery.

[page] 41

[NOTES FROM THE KINGSTON GAZETTE - pages 41 to 70 - not all content transcribed]

[Note: It appears that during this visit to Kingston Canniff had access to a collection of old Kingston Gazette newspapers and he went through them making notes of things that interested him. These notes start at page 41 and run through to page 71 and sometimes thereafter.]

Kingston Tuesday Nov. 19 1811

The establishment of the Kingston Gazette being now in the possession of the subscribers, he takes the earliest opportunity of re-commencing its publication, as he intends that is shal be conducted in the same impartial manner as heretofore practiced by his predecessors, he confidently expects and solicits the patronage and support of its farmer patrons, and of the public in general.  He will not intrude upon the patience of his readers by making a multiplicity of promises, but will sorely observe, that he asks the patronage of the public no longer than he shall be deserving of it - Former correspondents of the Gazettes, and gentleman of science generally, are respectfully wanted to form us with their communications.  S Miles

The above has the old style S for S. ???.


Stuarts Point when. (near above Kingston)


Mr John Lamble - Died before Nov 15 1811 wife Isabella Elizabeth  S-- Adams Street.


Printed and Published By Stephen Miles

A few doors East of Nalher’s Hotel Price fifteen shillings for ann- [ann�e] 5s [shillings] in advance 5+s in six months and 5s at the end of the year - Exclusive of Postage.   

[page] 42

Sheriff’s sale - 2 March 1811

Dr Asa F. Reed of Kingston agent Andrew Joben? Ben Keeper? of Ernest Town = Chas Stuart Sheriff


Richard Cartwright in a ??? land for sale speaker? of the township of Fredericks -


To be sold

The one half - of that valuable stone mill in Marysburgh, with two run of stones for business one superfine and two common bolts and 4 hundred acres of land with about 30 acres improved on the premises, near the mill, is a good Dwelling - house with three rooms and a kitchen on the lower floor, and a convenient house nearly adjoining, for a miller, also a stable and horse shed in - belonging to the estate of the late Peter Van Alstine Esq - deceased.  Those who may wish to purchase will please to apply to Thomas Dorland Esq Adolphustown - Cornelius Vanalstine, Geo. W Myers executors.

April 16 1811

[page] 43

For the Kingston Gazette   

Seven and twenty years.  Mr Prentis has ratled? away saw my eyes for the first second time behold Mr S Haris of Cataraqui.  In that space of time how many changes have taken place in the little circle in which Fate had destined me to now! How many of the seats of my old associates are now vacant!  How few of them alas! remain to mourn with me the loss of their Companions of our sufferings, or to rejoice with me at the pristiness condition of this our land of refugee! Yet will I not repine - they are gone.  I trust to a ??? and bitter?, ???.  He who couvette the wilderness to smile and blossom like a rose hath assigned to them a distinguished place as a reward for their humble ??? of his labers.  Yes!?  Seven and twenty years ago, scarce the vestige of a summer? habitation could be found.  In the whole extent of the Bay of Quinte.  Not a settler had dared to penetrate the vast forests that skirted its shores - Even on this spot, now covered with stately edifoas?, were to be seen only the bark - thatched wigwam of the Savage, or the newly erected tent of the hardy loyalist. “??? when the ear heard me it ??? me                     

[page] 44

for strong in my attachment to my Sovereign and high in the confidence of my fellow subjects led the loyal band, pointest out to them the site of the future metropolis, and gained for persecuted principles a sanctuary - for myself and followers a home - “But never stray? thou? are younger than I have rise in direction”. The voice of experience is drowned in the clamor of ignorant or self-interested individuals and while every? age and ???, require the cheerful counsel? of my friends and the affectionate endearments of my children, of both and deprived? as effectvely? as though are interdict were laid upon our thresholds” etc  All about bad road.
Kingston 7
th Dec 1811


St Dedricks’s Bay near Kingston 1811


Lyons Point


The members of the Episcopal Church are informed that the Rev. Mr Langhorn purposes to preach and administer the Sacrament here on Sunday, the 29th Dec.”

Kingston 14 Dec 1811, John Clonway Ch [Church] Warden


Capt H. Murney’s son died 1811


Who was the Reckoner who contributed a series of articles to Gazette?  Dr Stachen


Col. William Johnson eldest son of Hon Sir John Johnson died at Montreal about the first of 1812 aged 37


Sir John’s Park Kingston 1812 (?)


Town Meeting Midland District - of the town and township of Kingston, Pittsburgh and Wolf Island - To meet at the Court House Kingston. (Were there places seen to have found the first - Town) v.a

[page] 45

List of Settlers in Post Office Kingston 11th Feb 1812,  The total number was 32


Ephraim Jones Esq died in 1812.  He was for many years in the Commissary Department during the American war -


Kingston Library in 1812


Poucet’s Inn a large room seems to have been a place where at by habitious? etc. are held in Kingston in 1812.


To the Independent Electors of the County of Frontenac.  Gentlemen.  Having had the honor of representing you at two successive Parliaments, I again make you a tender of my Services, and beg leave to solicit your votes and interest at the ensuing Election, I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your Most obedient; and very Humble Servant, Allan McLean. Kingston 12th May 1812


To the Independent Electors of the County of Frontenac.  Gentlemen, Having had the honor to Represent this county in the first-foundation of its happy Constitution, I again make you a tender of my services, and beg leave to solicit your votes and interest at the ensuing Election.  I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your most - ob’ dt. [obedient] and very humble Serv’t.  Amos Ansley. 

Kingston May 20th 1812.

[page] 46

“Kingston Gazette June 2nd 1812

Reckoner, - no 64” - A letter from ??? signed “Caudidus?”. Copy of an a/c sent to Mrs Gold by “self taught Physicians of this Province”

The Estate of Mr John Gould Dr.

For medsin and attendants whene he was chokt with a large peas of Butter no of meat S 3”. or 0”.

With a humorous explanation - A second letter signed “Credulus” refers to “certain Medical Gentleman who have out of pure charity come into this Country from the neighbouring States to cure us of all our maladies” - They do not use apim? & calomel, but cherens?. fines and acount of treatment of tumor by Dr Thunder?, by stroking - his chanels? ge? - that of cow with white face - mutared certain words over it - string etc.  He said it was the Beril? who had made the swelling.  

A 3rd letter about a stone miller who went where unknown and commenced practice - called to see case of dropsy - proved it pleurisy and declared that legbottomey was demanded to reduce to proper size.  Being exposed hastily left.

A 4[th] letter about a bill sent in by a Dr who had an item deducting six pounds for “killing your son.”  This was because the doctor carried the small pox to him of which he died.


Festival of St. John the Evangelist and the dedication of the new Masonic Hall will be celebrated by the members of Addington Lodge No 13 at the village of Ernest Town, on the 24th inst where an oratorio will be delivered.  The brethern of neighbouring Lodges are respectfully invited to attend.  By order of W. M. - M Gordain Sec

Ernest Town June 9th 1812.

[page] 47

Reasoner [sic] No 66.  About a young lady born on the Mohawk a plain country girl - During the war her father became a Colonel she became giddy - a flirt - and referred? ??? of ??? - ultimately she married a widower with children - etc.


“To be set And immediate possession given that pleasantly situated and comodious House over the town of Kingston lately the property of Sir John Johnson” - attached 20 acres, garden and stable.  Applications to Alex McDonnell or John Furguson 15 Jun 1812.


On Monday evening Mr Stephen Miles printer of the Kingston Gazette to Miss Laura Stafford, all of Kingston.


This morning arrived at this part - his eMajesty’s Ship Royal George, Earl of Moira, and Prince Regent with 400 American prisoners on board, our General Hull, late Commandant at Detroit (Aug 20 1812


2 substitutes wanted for the Canadian Regiment 8 lbs each on approval. 1815.


Kingston July 17th 1815

Discharged from Commissioned Officers and soldiers who may have been recommended for receiving grants of Land, are to repair to Cornwall without delay, & to report themselves to Alexander McDonnell Esqr Superintendent of the Department for Locating the new Settlers.  By order of His Excellency the Provisional Lieut Governor.  F. P. Robinson Esqr.


General orders Military See App [Application?] in Kings [Kingston] 17 Jul 1815

Each soldier to receive 100 acres - Officers entitled in the first instance to 200.  Officers and to receive provisions for themselves and families - for one year - Implements of husbandry and tools supplied in sufficient quantities and other comforts according to the necessities.  Both to cultivate land - cannot sell title 3 years cultivation (Supt Alex McDonnell) and Angus McDowell of the Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles - to take charge of settlers.

[page] 48

Died at Montreal on 27th July 1815 Hon Richard Cartwright of Kingston aged 56 years.


Act [Acting] Mily [Military?] Secty Wm Gibson issued a notice at Kingston 29 July 1815 proclaiming that boards to examine claims for losses met with during Am [American] war should meet during Aug & Sept at Ameliasburgh, Fort George, York, Kingson and Fort Wellington - Claims fully stated to be before in writing to the Officer commanding the roster of above places.


All Discharged Soldiers

Applying for Lands are to give in their names to Edw. Jones late of 9th Reg. now residing in the old Barrock Square.

F. P. Robinson ???

July 31st 1815


A small circulating library opened at Gazette Office on the most reasonable terms.  Aug 1st 1815.


[Note - a line connects this text to the above top announcement of the death of Richard Cartwright.]

Member of the Ley? Council of U. C. Colonel of Militia, and J. P. - Born at Albany than ??? ??? W. G. Britain - During Rev war his Loyalty to his King left the place of his birth and emigrated to U. C.  After conclusion of war entered into partnership with the Hon. Robert Hamilton of Lewiston (“a name that ought ever to be mentioned with respect in this Province”) finally settled in Kingston as a merchant.  Liberal education highly valued, suffered at last calmly and patiently.


Richard G Clute - ??? dry goods & groceries.  Hallowell Bridge Aug 25 1815.  


Sept 26th1815

“We understand that Lieutenant Governor Gore and his Lady have arrived at York”


Christopher Alex. Hagerman Esqr Barrestor at law - appointed His Majesty’s Council in and for the Province of U. C. 5th Sept 1815.


Died at Williamstown U. C. on 23rd Sept 1815

Rev John Betham in 6 year of his age.  Forn in Scotland - came early to America.  Reduced to distress by Rebellion - Foundation that laid for the disease that he died of - “During rebellion was appointed Chaplain to 84th Regiment remained till close of war.  Then settled Canada.  Left a widow and numerous family.

[page] 49

Drowned the 23rd Sept 1815 in swimming from a boat to shore near Myer’s Creek.  Mr John McIntosh of Thurlow.


The Subscribers (Carlisle & Markham) have entered into Copartnership in the practice of Physic & Surgery.  ??? the also keep on - a whole column of drugs ( Kingston 1815


The Seneca Nation of Indians ceded to the State of New York all the island in the Niagara ??? section L Erie & Ontario.  Sept 1815.


Sir Thomas Picton died in London June 1815.  Left a brother Rev Edward Picton - and 7 sisters 4 natural children.  Was a Knight grand Cross of Military order of the Both and a Lieut Gen Army.


Died on 3rd Oct 1815.  Sergeant Alexander McDonald, in his 78th year.  This worthy veteran enlisted in 1757 in the 78th or Frazers Regiment in which he served at the taking of Lounsbury and Quebec.  In 1763 he was drafed [drafted] into the 60th and served in the octine Campaigns during the American War under the late General Provost in Carolina and Georgia.  In 1799 he was drafted from the 60th into 41st Regt. in which till Aug 1811 when he was discharged after a faithful service of 55 years.


“Married in the 22nd inst 1815 by the Rev G. O. Stuart  Mr Mathew Burnet, to Miss Elizabeth Silas, by License”


Thurlow 25 Oct 1815

Died - Universally regretted, on the morning of Oct 22 inst, at his farm in Sidney near the River Moira, after a short and severe illness, Doctor Seth Meacham, aged 47.  He resided in Sidney and Thurlow for upwards of fourteen years past, during which time he exercised his profession as a physician with great success, and general satisfaction to the Public.  He was much esteemed by all who knew him for his strict practice of those moral and social duties, which inspire respect and give true dignity to the man.  His death to the inhabitants of the adjacent townships also, will be most severely felt, having been at all times ready and willing, when called upon to give medical aid to the poor as well as to the rich - He has left a widow and four small children to mourn the loss of benevolent Parent.  The remains were interred in the burying ground at Thurlow on the afternoon of the 23 inst with Masonic Honors.  Attended by a numerous train & Friends and connections.

[page] 50

Died - on the 23rd Sept. at Boston, on his way home from a town for the recovery of his health.  Doctor Anson Smith of Kingston in the 41st year of age.

[3 entries not transcribed]

[Letter to the Editor by James McNoble Thurlow, Township 24 Nov 1815]

“To the Editor; Sir  In justice to the reputation of Mr Anthony Marshall member of the Royal College Surgeons, London, who contemplates making his future home residence among you.  I deem it my duty to give a public testimony of his professional abilities and skill, so fully envinced in the instance where I was the subject who unfortunately required his aid.  Early in the month of June last having fractured my right leg, I applied to Mr. Marshall, for relief, who after making use of every effort to save my limb, and finding it impossible from the extreme bo? drieis? of the wound to recover was unavoidably had to amputation as the only means of saving my life.  The operation was performed by him with the most consumate skill, & much to the satisfaction of myself and friends, and such was his attention during evry part of my confinement, that real motivs of grahtude me to make this public declaration of his merets as a surgeon, and the claim he has to the patronage of the public.

                                             James McNoble

                                             Thurlow Nov 24 1815

[page] 51

Married on Saturday 9th Dec 1815 by Rev officiall Stuart,  Albert Frederick Manuel Leiut in H. M Regt. of De Watteville to Miss Ann Flemming, Daughter of the late Dr. Flemming.

[page] 52

Married 20th Jan 1816 at Ernest Town by Rev official Stuart, Dr Lester H. Foward, to Miss Joanna Fairfield both of the village of Ernest Town.


Married - In the Ernest Town 29 Jan 1816 the Rev Wm McCarty, Minister of the Lutheran Church Congregation, to Miss Clarisa Fralick.


Died - At his house in Ernest Town on the 5th Feb 1816 in the 47th year of his age Wm Fairfield.  Funeral attended by numerous circle of relatives and friends ??? - Left a widow and 7 children.  She “ first link that has broken in a family chain of 12 brothers and sisters, all arrived at years of maturity.  His death loss to District as well as famely.  He was one of the Commissioners for extending the public money on the roads.  Formerly a Member of the Prov. Parliament.  Was years in the Commission of the Peace “As a Magistrate and a man he was characterized by intelligence, impartialness, in defendense of man and liberality of sentencents?

[pages 53 to 55 not transcribed]

[page] 56

Died - in Ernest Town Mrs. Jane Nelson Consort of Dr Samuel Nelson of that place aged 50.



To all whom it may concern - That the Rev. J. Langhorn of Ernest Town, intends returning to Europe this Summer, if he can find a convenient opportunity, and all who have any objections to make, are requested to acquaint him with them, and they will much oblige their humble servant

J. Langhorn

Ernest Town March 9 1813

[page] 58

Drowned on the 3rd of March 1813, in crossing the Isle Aux Noix, L.C., Robert Johnson, of the 100th Reg, son of Sir John Jonson.
Died of a lingering illness, in the early part of the year 1813, Wm Berczy Esq aged 68, a distinguished inhabitant of the Province of U.C. and highly respected for his library acquirements. (From a Boston paper.)

[page] 59

The Rev Mr Langhorn, of Ernest Town who is about returning to England, his native Country, has presented a valuable collection of Books to, to the Social Library established in this village.  The directors have expressed to him the, thanks of the proprietors for his liberal donation.  Many of the volumes are very elegant, and, it is to be hoped, will, for many years remain a memorial of his lbrality? and disposition to promote the diffusion of useful knowledge among a people, with whom he has lived as an Episcopal Missionary more than twenty years.  During that period his acts of clarity have been frequent and numerous and not confined to members of his own Church but extended to indigent and lucretarious persons of all denominations.  Many who have shared in this Country will have reason to recollect him with gratitude, and to regret his removal from the Country.


Died 20th Sept 1813 Joseph Forsyth Esqr. Collector of the customs for the Port of Kingston, aged 53.  He was one of the oldest settlers in this place, and ??? ??? the character of an upright and reputable merchant.


Died at Ernest Town, on Saturday 31st Oct - 1813 very suddenly Joshua Bootte Engs aged 55.  He was one of the oldest settlers in that place and ever? retained the character of a reputable citizen.  Left a wife and ten children -

[page] 60

Married some time since by the Rev Mr Stuart, John Parvos, Ensign in the Frontenac Militia, to Miss Elizabeth Mathias, who parted in good friendship as soon as married.


Young men that wish to marry remember to ask your mother’s consent.  I also recommend young men to be obedient, honest and faithful slaves to their parent, as I have been, and then you will set the world for a roof over your heads.

[Kingston] Gazette, Oct 23 1813 -- John Brass

[page 61 - not transcribed]

[page] 62

Died 10th Dec 1813 Lucy Brooks Stuart a daughter of Hon. John Brooks Mass. & “wife of Rev. George Okill Stuart, Ecclesiastical Commissary of Upper Canada, and Minister of Kingston”.


Married on 1st March 1814 Ensign Benj. C. Spencer, of the Militia to Miss Catherine Bynan? - by license.

Wednesday 2nd inst. (March) Mr Alex Oliphant Petrie, to Mrs Jennet Marroyal ???


Died - At his house in Sophiasburgh the first day of March 1814, aged 33 Lieut Richard Howard, of the Militia -


Married at Adolphustown Bay Quinte, on 15 Feb/14 Jos. Shareland Esqr Assistant Surgeon Royal Scotts to Miss Charlotte England, daughter of the late Capt Poole England.


“President;s Office Upper Canada Kington 24 March 1814.  His Honor the President has been ?bosed to appoint by Commission bearing this date the under mentioned gentlemen to the Commissions, for carrying into effect the provisions of an act passed in the last session of the Legislature of this Province entitled “and act to empower his Majesty for a limited time to secure and detain such persons as his Majesty shall suspect of treasonable adherence to the enemy”, in the several district of this Province respectively -- For Midland District - The Hon. R. Cartarghet [Cartright]?. Alexander McDowell, Alex Fisher, Thoms Dorland, Timothy Thompson, Thomas Markland, Peter Smith, John Canning?, Jos. McNoble, Ebenezer Washborn, Kaber C. Wilkins, James Young, William Crawford.

[page] 63

Married at - Ernest Town, on Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. McDowell, Capt. Coleman, of the Provincial Light Dragoons to Miss Sarah Ann Everett, daughter of Major John E. [Everett] of Kingston

[page] 64

Died at Adolphustown, Mr Cornelius Van Hari, aged about 60 years. - Among the 1st settlers of that part. - attained to ??? ??? by honesty and preserving industry. (About 1815).


It snowed at Kingston Thursday June 6th 1817


Kingston Gazette Aug 24 1816

The Leuit Governor in Council, has been pbosed? to give the New Town (formerly distinguished by the name of “Myers Creek”) at the River Moria, the name of “Belleville” by the request and petition of a great number of the inhabitants of that town and the township of Thurlow.


Thos Coleman advertising “ grist & corn mill” for sayle dated Aug. 23 1816.  Says situated at Thurlow and ??? by Belleville. see next page.

[page] 65

Error Corrected - Kingston Sept 7 1816

We mentioned in our paper of the 24 ult that the New Town, formerly distinguished by the name of Myers Creek at the River Moira was now called Belleville & c.  We were under the misinformation, from the very ??? ??? of that town that the name was derived from Mr French, but we have since been informed that it has been given the name of Belleville in honor of Lady Gore “at the request” & c.


Samuel Purdy advertises in July 15 1816 to run a Stage waggon between Kingston and Ernest Town village


At Post-Office is now established in the new and flourishing town of Belleville (Myers’ Creek) S McNabb Esqr Post master


York 27th Sept 1816, - Simeon McNabb Esqr to be collector of the customs at the mouth of the River Moira in the Mid. [Midland] District.


Died - In this City [Kingston] 26th Sept 1816, after a lingering & painful illness, Charles Stuart Esqr. for many years Sheriff of the Midland Dist. aged 34 years.


General Election York June 26 1816

List of members returned to sesse? [session?] in the ensuing Parliament.

County of Glengary

Alex McMartin & Jno Cameron, Esqurs.


John McDonald. Esq.

Stormont & Russell

Philip Van Koughnet. Esqr.


John Chrysler, Esq.


Jonas Jones Esq.

[page] 66


Peter Howard, Esq.


Allan MacLean, Esq.

Prince Edward ( excludes the Township of Ameliasburgh)

James Cotter, Esq.

Lennox & Addington

Willet Casey & Isaac Frazer, Esq.

Hastings and the Township of Ameliasburgh

Thomas McNabb, Esq.

Northumberland & Durham

Jacobeus Burnham, Esq.

York East Riding

Peter Robinson, Esq.

Lincoln 1st Riding, & The Township of Grimsby

Robt Nelliss, Esq

2nd Riding, Ralph Clench, Esq.

3rd Riding, David Secord, Esq.

4 Riding, Isaac Swayze, Esq

Oxford & Middlesex

Mahlon Burwell, Esq.

Norfolk- Robert Nichol, Esq.

Kent - Joshua Cornwall, Esq.

Essex - Wm. McCormick &

G. B. Hall Esqrs.

[page 67 not transcribed]

[page] 68

A new Steam boat on Lake Ontario

On Saturday the 7th Sept, the Steam Boat Frontenac was launched at the village of Ernest Town.  A numerous concourse of people assembled on the occasion.  But, in consequence of some accidental delay and the appearance of an approaching shower a part of the spectators withdrew before the launch

[page] 69

actually took place.  The Boat moved slowly from the place, & descended with Magestic swoop into her proper element.  The length of her Keal is 150 feet & her Deck 170 feet.  Her proportions strike the eye very agreeably; & good judge[ment] have pronounced this to be the best piece of naval architecture of the kind yet produced in America.  It reflects honor upon Messrs Tibout & Chapman, the contractors & their workmen & also upon the proprietors. The greater part of whom are among the most respectable merchants & the inhabitants of the County of Frontenac, from which which the name is derived.  The machinery for this valuable boat was imported from England, & is said to be of an excellant structure.  The Frontenac is designed for both freight & passengers.  It is expected that she will be finished & ready for use in a few weeks.  Steam navigation having succeeded to admeration on various rivers; the application of it to the waters of the lakes is an interesting experiment.  Every friend to public improvements must wish it all the sucess which is due to a spirit of useful enterprize.

A steam Boat was lately launched at Sackets Harbour.  The opposite sides of this lake, which not long ago vied with each other in the building of ships of war, seem now to be coqually emulous of Commercial superiority.


Lieutenant’s Governor’s Office

York, 1st August, 1816

His Excellency The Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned Gentlemen to be Members of the Board of Education for the Midland District under the Act passed the last session of the Legislature for the establishment of Common Schools.

Rev. George O’Hill? Stuart,

Allan AacLean [McLean]

Peter Smith,

[page] 70

Alexander Fisher &

James McNabb.

  By order

  Edward McMahon

       Acting Secretary


Lt Governor’s Office

York, Dec 10, 1816

His Excellency the Lt. Governor has been pleased to appoint Surgeon Anthony Marshall of Kingston, to examine & Grant Certificates of dilsbility [sic] To Militia men disabled from wounds received on Service in defence of this Province, during the late War.

  By order of his Excellency

   Edward McMahon/ Ast Secretary.

[page] 71
May 21st 1866, In converstaion with Rev Mr Miles. I learn that the Kingston gazette was originated by Nahm? Moore and Chas Kendal. Moore had been connected with the Canadian Courant. Mr Miles came with them from Montreal. Started 1st Sept 1810 bringing the press with them. Were 13 days on the way. Preferred at once to issue the paper. The 1st number appeared on the 25th of the same month. Mr Miles had been apprenticed to Moore. Returned to Montreal. After a time Kendall wished to go to the States and sold out. The principal men of Kingston were unwilling that the paper should be discontinued and wrote to Miles, they were in the meantime having bought the press. The purchasers were Cartwright, Thomas Markland, Lawrenece Herkmer, Peter Smith, Jno Kerby, Allan McLean equal & ??. When Mr M[iles] arrived he expected to be employed by them to do the mechanical work but they insisted he should be the establishment, and pay when he could. The price was $400. Mr M speaks repeatedly that they all treated him so kindly from first to last.

Remembers when they first landed at Kingston with the batteaux. Went over to a tavern? kept by Sloughton father of John opposite where the batteaux stopped. The coffee etc was good. K[ingston] was a small place large pine tract standing near the garrison. When came to stay boarded at Mrs  Murray widow of Capt Murray, who lived in a log house. A.O. Petrie also boarded there and subsequently married Miss Murray. The printing house stood near where is now the Brit American Hotel near the water.

There was during the French war a garrison a little below Cape Vincent. This was he thinks garrisoned during the Rev war by the British.

Knew all the public men well. Jno Ferguson among the rest was a very fine man. A. McLean was married to a daughter of Sir Johnson.

The first Post Master of K[ingston] was I learn father of the present one. Jno McAuly succeeded him subsequently Hon. The present P.O. was McAuly's clerk.

Before the war of 1812 covicts were banished to the Sates. During the war the question arose

[page] 72
in Court where shall they be sent, where it was proposed to send them to Camden, which was then considered almost out the world ?? being settled. Loborough then was but slightly settled. In Portland there lived only 3 Shibley brothers.

During 1812 the inhabitants were supplied with arms. Mr M[iles] belonged to Capt Marklands Co. ?? out when there was an alarm. Saw the late Arch Deacon Stuart there in the market place with his musket. There was never any belief that Canada would be taken by the States. On the occasion when Miles turned out with his gun , Col Cartwright seeing him, called him and said "you better go to your office, you will do more good there than here and we will let you know when you are wanted."

Only 3 physicians in K[ingston] in 1810. Dr Geddes who was army doctor. Dr Reed an American, Dr Carlyle. The Rev John Stuart was the only Clergyman, a Priest was there. Only the one church . Mr McDowell used to come and preach.

The principal contributors to the Gazette were Col Cartwright who wrote a good deal. Sometimes our "Falkener" Barnabas Bidwell[.]  Chris Hagerman who generally contributed Poetry was studying with McLean  Solomon John who kept a book store. As well Bish Strachan our "Reckoner."

In 1816 Mr M[iles] was in Cobourg then contained only 3 houses. Jno Spencer Sheriff, Buck? related by marriage to Mr M[iles] who kept a tavern.

Conversing with Rev Mr Smart of Brockvlle.
He was sent out to Canada by a missionery society of London. A Scotchman was a student at the time. The person who was chiefly instrumental in having him brought out was Rev Mr McDowell. He ?? to come to Brockville. Indeed he preached all along from the Carrying Place to Brockville. He preached first in Brockville, McD had been long out, Langhorn only before him.

[page] 73
Rev Mr Smart now living in Gananoque, but resided in Brockville as Presbyterian Clergyman for upwards of 50 years. Reviewed the converstaion of yesterday. Mr S[mart] wrote occasionally for the Gazette on the title of "Observer". He followed the steps of Strachan (to use his own words "some distance off.") Mr S pays a high tribute to Dr Strachan. He did much for the growth of Canada in his day. His school in Cornwall was the first in U.C. of any character. It answered the place of a College.

[More on Strachan and the Family Compact - pages 74 & 75 - Smart "took an intermediate position with the Bidwells and others" - not transcribed.]

[From Smart] The Rev Mr McDowell had a least two sons and a daughter. The latter ws born at Demorestville, a Mrs Carpenter. One of his sons established a Magdalen Asylum in New York. He was born of the Bay Quinte.

[page] 76

To be sold

The one half (or if best suits the Purchaser the whoe) of that valuable Stone Mill in Marysburg, with two ??? of of stones set for business, one spefine? and two common bolts, and four hundred acres of Land with about 30 acres improved.  On the premises, near the mill, is a good dwelling house, with three rooms and a kitchen on the lower floor, and a convenient house nearby adjoinging for a miller: also a stable and horse-shed in belonging to the estate of the late Peter VanAlstine, Esqr. deceased.  The situation is so well known that it is thought unnecessary to give further description.  Those who wish to purchase, will please to apply to Thomas Dorland Esq. Adolphustown.

Cornelius VanAlstine,

George W Myres, } Executors

Feb 11, 1811

[page 78]
A Vol[ume] by S Rolph[,]  Dundas, U.C. 1836
Statistical Account of U. Canada
Belleville called by the Mississauga "Saganasheocan". The late J. W. Meyers claimed the Reserve (conferred to the Indians as a landing place) "under a 99 year lease said to have been granted by the Indians." Hence the name by which the place was known Meyers Creek. Described in a grant to one Singleton as 'Singletons River'. Since the town is laid out it has assumed the new and more appropriate name of Belleville River Moira. The number of inhabitants 1800 in Belleville, 6000 in Kingston.

Called upon the Right Rev Bishop Strachan with note of introduction from Rev. ? Grier. His Lordship was at home. Indeed he entered from a morning walk just before me. His step was quick an although there seemed a slight halt in his step, and there wa s a perceptible stoop, yet the legs in tight fitting pants seemed elastic. I was received somewhat stiffly yet courteously. Having complied with the request to sit down after intimating to him that I was the person referred to in the letter which he had in his hand, he glanced at the note. Then he said he could do but little or nothing for me. I think he was mistaken in the intention of my visit - that I wished a subscription or that sort of thing.  I found some difficulty in making him understand just what I wanted.

The old Bishop told me the fact that Gov Simcoe caused him to come to Canada to establish a College that when he arrived Simcoe had gone home - that he was left to his own resources. A few of thepowerful  persons in the Province wanted him to teach  - that he lived in Kingston three years engaged in teaching

[page] 79

that he then went to Cornwall and opened a school taking his Kingston pupils with him. He there took orders. Some 300  are taught by him many of whom were subsequently prominent men. As ??? of whom he especially mentioned. He said he had too hard work to pass? his way to take my particular notice? or keep a Journal. (Was sent out by a Society) Knew Langhorn well was a missionary sent out by a society  in London named "Bees" or something like it. The society is yet in existence. Langhorn was but little educated had no talent, but was zealous truthful and unfu?.  A Welchman - britte, an odd man. 

Strachan came out 1799. Dr Stuart was the first Clergyman, he came in 1786 had been with the Indians on the Mohawk.  He taught in Canada both the Loyalists and the Indians.  Dr Stuart didnt live with the Indians; but at Kingston says there was no other Indians ???  Knew Rev McDowell to speake to him, he says he was a Methodist (a mistake) he treated them all alike he says whatever they were called. -  The old Dr speakes with a decided Scotch accent and with quickness.  There is a peculiar shape of the nails reminding one of claws.  He tells me it wont pay to write a book in this country no one will buy it.  He cooly bids me good evening standing while I leave the room.  Looking at him as I go out the door there is a peculiar looke upon his countenance, as if he was glad to be rid of me. 

Upon the cars with me from Toronto Whitby was the Rev C. Vandusen.  We had a long conversation I will repeat what I can remember. Is 65 years old born in 4th town.  Cartwright he remembers the earliest as being a big man a judge.  He lived at Kingston he convicted the first man that was hanged in Canada.  The crime was stealing a watch. The watch was found upon him he could not prove his innocence, but firmly pleaded his innocence -  Dr Connor? of Bath (whose widow Mr V[andusen] has seen - an old tottering woman of 80) stood up in Court and declared his dissent from the decision of Judge Cartwright the court hissed him down the prisoner uttered prediction against the Judge about his son that he would never live to be as old he was - The man was hanged.

[page] 80

It turned out afterward that the man was innocent he had bought the watch ??aker of a pedlar to whom the thief had sold it.

After Cartwright Col. Thompson was appointed Judge.  He was a man of education but they had to work on the farm like other farmers mentions the fact that on a winter day a fine one some parties in Kingston rode out to Judge Thompsons whom they knew.  They had sleigh bells a few of which had just been introduced and which were considered something great.  Mrs Judge Thompson was up to the elbows in the wash tub.  The Judge was away from home.  She heard the bells stop at the door she went to see what it meant they came from the sleigh to the door and asked if the Judge was at home and then taking the Mrs Judge for a servant asked if the Judges lady was at home and she said not.  So they after warming themselves returned to K [Kingston].  Had she been presentable she would have done her best to entertain them.

Has seen Losee heard him with his withered arm but Dunham cut him him out from Miss “Dottes”.  Remembers well when Elder Ryan came in he preached at his fathers tavern on the Front of 4th town his father went out through the woods to call the neighbours many of whom came nightly to the town to drink and spin yarns & c.  They were all old soldiers togather.  Bryan Crawford was a great drunkard and some time before had in a fit of delerium tremors? tried to cut his throat had inflicted a gash from the ear to the middle of the throat it was stretched upward he got well.  Crawford being told about Elder Ryan when he came to the town wrote with chalk upon the wall the following.  

Elder Ryan the Methodist Bull

preaches Hell and damnation

till the pulpit is full

Mary Ellerson who had next farm to him - was riding home from meeting with them when she was told what Crawford had written. Now Mary was occasionally crazy which fit

[page] 81

?? when she got better. She had just recovered from an attack. Says she, he ought to have written ???.

Bryan Crawford the Magistrate Goat Barely escaped Hell and damnation by cutting his throat.  Crawford had recently been appointed a magistrate.  He was a well educated man.  The next Judge after Thomson was Fisher.  Has often attended the court at the front when a boy.  Saw the Judge.  The Hagermans McLean from Kingston a handsome man with a ruddy countenance.  He had his hair powdered - Saw him again when he was a rotting wreck on the brink of the grave - He wanted to peep over the rail into the court upon the dignitaries regarding them as next to the Kings.  Mr. V [Vandusen?] grandfather Ferguson was an old veteran settled with the sons on Ferguson Point.  On one occasion they went up the County in a log canoe in the wood - to Hallowell bog.  Were gone on this distant trip some time returned and pronounced the place uninhabitable, “It will never be settled in Mans time” nothing but a moskitoe hole.  Had been show the spot where Mr V’s [Vandusen] father was caught and sentenced later hanged as a spie bu executed.  As leaving the room he gave a ring he had wrapped in a cloth to a woman who evidently sympathized with them but who dare not speak - he caught her attentionm by slightly jerking her dress as he passed.  This ring was afterward sent to him at Kingston.  His father was surprised to get the ring one day in a letter - it  was the wifes ring which had been exchanged when the war began.  His, C V’s [Vandusen] sister wore the ring till was so thin that ??? apart after for it bent and upon attempting to straighten it it broke.  Often saw it.  The gold was pure yellow.

Knew Sheriff Ruttan as a boy he went out one spring morning with his brother to top trees - he put his hand against a tree when his brother come along and accidentally struck the spot with his axe and cut off two of his fingers.  This caused the father

[page] 82

to sent him to School he learned to read - to cipher a little considering him an educated boy his father sent to Kingston with John Kirby then the first merchant in the Country.  He was an errant and shop boy.  But he attended to his business and was promoted.  In turn he was sent up into the new townships in New Castle - Grafton to open a store.  Here he continued till the war of 1812 broke out whereupon he closed the shop made his return to Kirby; and to work recruiting and raised a great  many men and was Commissioned Leutenant was at the battle of Queenston or Lundys Lane and was wounded through the lung? the ball lodging near the back bone where it was cut out.  He came home to be nursed.  Dr ? V?, saw the wound dressed remembers it because R’s [Ruttan’s] sister fainted.  Ruttan got well and returned to New Castle opened a shop of his own soon after ran for Parliament was elected and ultimately became Speaker of the House.  Afterward Sheriff of the County.


[Note: Canniff did not usually record the source of the excerpt. Large sections were not transcribed as they were not focused on Quinte information.]

[page] 84

At a meeting of the subscribers to the Midland District School Society, held at the Church in Kingston on Monday the 1st May 1815, were chosen the Boa [Board?] Mr. Stuart, President, Mr William Merrill, Secretary, Mr Hugh C. Thompson, treasurer, and

Col Myers

Allan MacLean, Esq.

Thomas Markland, Esq.

Laurence Herchmer, Esq. } Trustees.

William Mitchell, Esq.

Thomas Stricland, Esq.

[page] 86

Barnabus Bidwell the first teacher at the Academy at Bath 1811 was assailed by “Vindex”? in the gazette and branded as an embessles and forger - a fugitive from justice - living condemned by the Court of Mass [Massachusetts] where he had been Attorney General of that state and treasurer of the Co. of Berkshire for that state.  “Vindex” declared that such a man should not be a teacher of the young, more expecially as he had been an extreme advocate of democracy -

To the above mentioned article “one of the Committee” replies that Mr B [Bidwell] was unfortunate and became embarrassed but was hount? and left property - why his liabilities - that he had been a tutor at the first College in America - that he avoids politics and devotes himself to lieteary pursuits

Vindex reiterates his charges.

[page] 87

Ernestown Academy

The subscribers hereby inform the friends of learning that an Academical School, under the superintendance of an experienced preceptor, is opened in Ernest Town, near the Church, for the instruction of Youth in English reading, speaking grammar & composition, the learned languages, penmanship, with metric, geography & other branches of Liberal Education.  Scholars attending from a distance may be boarded in good families on reasonable terms, & for fifteen shillings a year can have the use of a Valuable Library.

Robert McDowal,Abram Diamond born in Fredericksburgh in the year 1795

Benja Fairfield,

Wm Fairfield,

Solomon Johns, ] School Committee

Wm Willcox,

Samuel Neilson,

George Baker,

Ernest Town, 11th March 1811

[page] 88

A Stage

Has commenced running from Kingston to York.  Leaving Kingston every Monday morning at six o’clock, & York every Thursday morning, same hour.  Persons wishing for a passage will call at Mr Daniel Brown’s Sr.? of Kingston, where the Stage Books will be dept. - from 20 to 28 lbs. baggage will be allowed to each passenger, over this they must be charged for.  All baggage sent by the state will be forwarded with care & delivered with punctuality, & all favours acknowledged by the public’s humble Servant,

Samuel Purdy.

Kingston, Jan 28 1817

N B. Stage fare 18 Dollars.

Married at Belleville 4th Feb 1816 Mr John Canniff to Mrs Proudfoot, both of that place.

On Wednesday the 26th March 1817 at St George Church in Kingston by the Rev G. O Stuart C & Hagerman, Engs to Elizabeth eldest daughter of James Ma’cauley Esquire.

[page] 95

Obituary Notices - marriages

“On Sunday night last, (June 6th 1829) in Elizabethtown, Dr Isaac Stone, in consequence of a fall from a horse, on Saturday previous.”

At Hallowell, 28th May ult. (1829) in the 73d. year of his age.  Henry Johnson.  He was born in the now State of New Jersey; has lived 40 in this place, he was noted for his hospitality - charitable to the poor without ostentatiore, a pious christian.  For the last few years of his life he suffered severely by that distressing complaint the grovil? & c.

At West Lake, Hallowell on the 28th ult. (May) (1829) Dengne Conger, in the 60th year of his age.  Mr Conger has held a commission in the First Bat. of the P. E. Militia, during 23 years, for 14 of which he filled that of Captn.  He resided in this place 40 years - he has been a member of the Methodist Connection for many years.  He lived a very exemplary inoffensive life, and died upsetted? [respected?] by all who knew him -

[page] 96

At Ernest Town 12th Jan. instant (1829) Jemima Perry, wife of Kole Perry. Senr and sister of the late Ebenezer Washburn Esqr of Hallowell in the 76 year of her age - Mrs Perry was born in the Province of Mass. [Massachusetts] and came with her husband and family to this Province during ??? 1st settlers.   She has left aged partner with whom she has lived 58 years, was a Methodist about 40 years.

In Elizabethtown on the 18th inst (March 1830) Mr David Manhart, aged 77 - one of the oldest settlers.

[page] 97

Died - “In this town [Kingston?] on yesterday morning after a short illness Mrs Hannah Washburn, relic of the late Ebenezer W.[Washburn] aged 76.  She was a native of England and one of the oldest and most respectable settlers in this Colony.”


In a notice of sale of land Charles Stuart ??? among others is Lot no 1 east of Valentine’s lake in the 1st concession of the township of Marysburgh, with an improvement, containing 200 acres.

[page] 106

Peter Clark, Chief Clerk of the Legislative Council was killed in a duel with Capt. Sutherland of the 24th Regiment in the winter of 1795 at Kingston

The evacuation of the Forts was delayed (after the close of the war) as the means of obliging Congress to prolong the time of 1 year provided by the Treaty for the Loyalists to obtain, if possible, the recovery of their estates. But from want of Government and good order in the different states it was impossible for Loyalists to go among them.

One of the Clarks living for a time in Fredericksburgh had slaves. One named Joe the driver.

Donivan of Kingston, one of the first if not the 1st school teacher in that place

M. S. At first no money , except that paid by Government to troops and half pay officers. Exchanging naturally followed

General Simcoe commanded the Queen’s Rangers during the Revolutionary war

The 1st settlers ?  ? lived especially it would seem the officers, who were receiving half pay. Which gave rise to the saying that Loyalists

[page] 107
“Half pay officers never die”

In addition to the grants of land and pay given by government to the Loyalists, there was given to the widows and orphans sums amounting to between £20,000 & 30,000

The Queen’s Rangers were disbanded in 1802

In the Mohawk valley the Loyalists suffered fearfully - The Rebels. On one occasion a house, Mrs Bowers, was stripped by them, the woman actually on the bed of c[page] 151onfinement, had the clothes taken off except for a sheet and that in winter. A child born under these conditions, ten children

In 1776 there arrived at Fort George the following women with 31 children, who had been sent for, to the Mohawk Valley by the Commander of the Fort and who had almost starved - Nellis, Secord, Youngs, Bucks & Bower
Mrs Bower says that the Butlers Rangers were not guilty of the crimes allocated to them by the Yankees. They never abused one woman or child.

[page] 119
The first vessel which entered the Bay of Toronto, was a brig,commanded by Capt. Richardson, whose son is an elder in the E. M. Society of this city.

Cranberry marshes in the Township of Winterburn, on account of their fever breeding properties, are called the infernal place.

Mr. J. Cummer, farmer & miller of Young St. was the first person born in the Township of Toronto; in 1834 he was 35 years of age.

[page] 120
The weather is testiant in winter, that is, a severe frost will terminate in three days & be succeeded by several mild ones. I have witnessed the four seasons in as many hours. A friend crossing the ? River (nearly a mile & a half wide) in his canoe, recrossed two hours after on the ice. Whilst a boatman passing near Belleville, in a skiff, became at length frozen in, when he ultimately left the boat & walked to land.

The Episcopal Methodists have their principal chapel here & a college at Coburg, Newcastle District, with 70 Ministers & 20,000 members in the Province.

George Neal, an Irish Major of horse in the British service, passed from Lewiston to Niagara circa 1787 and introduced Methodism to Canada. The labours of their itinerants and missionaries are so replete with exertion & privation as inevitably to destroy the stoutest constitution & in 10 years locate the youngest on the friends of the society.

[page] 123
Kingston is considered the key of Upper Canada. In this town resided a pensioner, who, because the legislature granted $4 for every wolf’s scalp brought in from the woods, to effect the extermination, privately bred them to obtain the reward.

[page] 124
The best bridge in Upper Canada is in this District, connecting the banks of the river Trent at the village of that name. It is 750 feet long and 32 broad.

The wife of a Mr Bennet in the neighbouring district of London, having brought him three sons at one birth, he, in compliment to the governor, Sir John Colborne, a most estimable man, named the first, Sir, the second John & the third Colborne.

[page] 125
The footpaths of new towns & some villages, both in the States & Canada, have a curb of single timber, well secured, which answers the double purpose of restraining encroachments on the road and affording a means of getting from house to house in unfavourable weather.

The first settlement formed in Upper Canada is that of the Bay of Quinte, pronounce kan -ty.

[page] 129
To the Editor of the Daily News
Oct 20th 1856

Lis. - I send you a few lines in connection with what I believe to be historical fact; though not generally known, even in the vicinity of the Bay.
When the French first took possession of Canada, or shortly after, they established posts at Frontenac, Niagara & Detroit.
In the fall following their establishment, the men under Colonel Quinte, who commanded at Niagara, were driven out by the Indians & pursued & harrasses several days. When, following the lakeshore to the east of the Bay, they took the south shore of the Bay & got to the Beach. The snow was falling & ice making on the Bay without sufficient strength to carry them. When nearly starved & exhausted they started back two or three miles to what is known as Thickney’s Hill, where (an extremely cold night came on). They nearly all perished, including Quinte himself. Only two of the party (the ice having become strong) reached Frontenac. Hence the name of the Bay.

Quinte [Poem]
On the Bay of Quinte gliding,
O’er its smooth and tranquil breast,
Whilst the sun is fast declining
To its waters in the West;

[page] 130
And the gorgeous leaves of Autumn,
In their varied gold and green,
Adds fresh glory to such beauty
As the eye hath seldom seen.
Yet this Bay had once it terrors,
Ere the Red men were subdued
And the scene that’s now so lovely
Was terrific, wild and rude,
When the gallant Quinte flying
From the savage of the West
On the cheerless hills lay dying,
With fierce cold and hunger pressed
And his bones were left unburied
But his name won’t pass away,
while there’s beauty on thy hillside
Or thy waters gently play.
Supposed by some to be his writing by Chief Justice Robinson

[page] 135
27th Oct 1866 Interview with Mr Gilchrist
Born in L. Canada 1780
His father’s name was Peter born in Scotland migrating to America was in the British Army 7 years
(On this point the memory may be at fault W.C.)
Was in Burgoyne’s Army and was made prisoner at Saratoga. Was paroled and came into Lower Canada. Had 4 sous. Was a teamster in the army.
In 1784 came up from war 3 times to Ernestown in Brigade of bateaux about 25. Thinks Col Collier was in command.
Remembers the journey, perhaps 4 weeks on it. Each family had a soldiers tent large enough for perhaps 8 to 10 to lie down. More tents were pitched on their lots and lived in until shelters were built

His father’s shelter was about 14 or 15 feet long and 10 or 12 ft wide, a shanty roof bought 7 or 8 feet. The roof of Black or Swamp Ash bark. His father was a carpenter. The floor of basswood split and then hewed. Door made in the same way and planned. Those who were not handy as his father, a carpenter, exchanged work.

They were provided with nails, axes, some of different kinds, the hand saw cross cut some and whip saw. Every 5 families got a set of tools - such as chisel of different sizes, augurs of different sizes, drawing knives. There were also spades, hoes, pick axes - window glass, father had 24 lights? and putty, were supplied.

Food for 3 years from close of war, consisting of flour, pork peas, a little beef, little butter, salt, There were all carried from Bath, no sugar or tea, a distance of some 8 or 10 miles by the road which ran around marshes etc, although direct only 5 miles. There was a con??

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department at Bath. Eliza Washburn being the Com. Officer.

Clothing was supplied coarse gun cloth for trousers and blankets (Indian) for coats. Shoes also during the 3 years.
The families had plenty of blankets for bedding bedsteads made by driving crches? in the ground and laying sticks across.

Having cleared the land the bows were scraped together and burned. The grain was then cover by a ?? or by a rake drawn by two men. The poles for the ??? made sufficiently large by  ??? corn ??fully planted first year or two. It was ground by plumping? mills.  Far?? by sawing out a pine s?? 3 feet long of large maple or beech or birch. A hole bored in the top. A pestle of hard wood with nails driven in and then a ?? ?? ?? it up.

Wheat cut by sickle and gathered by carrying sometimes a rope tied several sheaves together. The rope ??? made of wild hemp. Hay was gathered by carrying a bark rope that is the top of a tree which was then ??. Due grain was ??? to Bath and then by boat to the Kingston mill taking 4 days for trip. Hay was cut by scythe after a few years brought in by Yankee pedlars. The mill was then built at Napanee, first but one run of stone, then 2 & then 3. The mill ?? was Clark. One Profect had charge. He was Careliss. Has ?? flour ??ted by ?? it too soon etc. A woman by name of Weist used to carry 1 1/2 bushels of wheat to ?? mills a distance of 10 miles while

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her husband was working at the farm. Threshing floors made out doors of course of bass wood split - bud? flail.

The principal person over them seemed to be Collins, surveyor. Land was to had for a lb of tobacco from of which was about $1.00 - and Rum $4.00 a gall. Clothing - Indian hemp was sometimes made into a kind of cloth. Deer skin used for moccasins and for trousers. The settlers would now and then get a hat at our - Govert gave to every 4 families a mucket. 48 round of ammunition and some powder and shot for duck shooting - as well as t?? for making fishing nets.

The deer was sometimes drawn into the clearing where was a smoke? to the flies, which were a great torment to his cattle for it was difficult to keep them. Buy a deer of Indian for 1 1/2 lb of tobacco?. It was years before they and ?? etc were brought in. Marsh hay was cut and stacked then brought home in ?? on a rude home made sleigh. Wheat was at first 2 shillings a bushel.

Remembers taking with 5 others some wheat to Kingston. Peter Smith who kept a store with Commis gave $1.00 bushel in hard cash. Took him to his room where was iron chest with silver dollars piled up.

In those days, however, there was but little money circulating. Exchanges were made and people took one and another’s word, like honest people. Then there was no need of courts and Judges. They were all honest.

[page] 138

6th November 1866 - Visit to Marysburgh

Left by the St Helen at 11 1/2 made some notes in Belleville. Saw a Yankee tug aground having tried to pass between Green Point and Capt Johns Island. Conversing with young Cronk, says that Capt John Callbartson was the name.

The point now known as Peterson's Point was granted to Capt Crews a soldier after the Rev war. He lived and died at Kingston. Had 2 children, a son who has some interest in a Brooklyn ferry. A daughter Anna who married and whose husband died on his way to California. Anna was then married to Paul Peterson who had strained? to get her when a young woman. This point then came into possession of Peterson.Capt Clews [Crews?] must have

been prin?ly the one interested in the Brooklyn ferry because the daughter has had a dower? upon the crofter? and has received considerable sums of money. The one Point is called Green Point the other Grassy or Car??s Point. The cove int?ing called Lewis Cove, after a Dutchamn who used to occupy there a small hut, a well yet marks the spot. The place at which the batteaux used to stop was the Davenport House the lot next west from Petersons. There here existed a two story house. Here was a ferry and they kept a tavern. From the High Shore to the extreme of Green Point is a little over a mile. The peninsula at the widest (that is between the Long Reach and the marsh - Big Island) is about a mile and 3/4. Among the Gores is one called the Irish Gore.

Arrived at Picton 4 oclock, In the evening in conversation with Harp? & Judge Fairfield. Learn that there was an Indian road formerly winding from the head of the bay (page 141)

[Note: this interview is continued on page 141]

[page] 139

Medical Matters

At a meeting of the Midland District Medical Society at Kingston, 14th July 1829 the following resolutions were unanimously passed.

Resolved: That the daily use of distilled spirits in any form, cannot be indulged in with impunity to the constitution.

Resolved: That the habitual use of distilled spirits is well known to the Medical World to be a prolific source of disease & death.

Resolved: That we had opportunities to know that a great proportion of the chronic disorders of this District owe their origin directly or indirectly, the too free use of distilled spirits.

Resolved: That the vulgar opinion that the use of ardent spirits tends to protect those who use it from disease, whether arising from contagion  or other causes is without foundation; but on the contrary that those who use it most, are most liable to and invariably suffer most, the disease.

Kingston Gazette July 17 1829

[Piece on McGill College not transcribed]

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[Continuation of a piece on McGill College not transcribed]

Benj Walton of Belleville and John Warner Leonard of Sidney, passed Board of U.C. and received Licences. 6th jan 1850

A Medical Society has lately been formed in Brockville in the District of Johnstown. At a Convention held for that purpose, Dr Peter Schofield submitted a Constitution, which was adopted unanimously. Dr Hubbell was chosen President and Dr Schofield, Secretary. Our reader may recollect that he is the physician, whose Report of a case of Spontaneous Combustion was lately published in this paper.

Gazette & Advocat Kingston March 5th 1830

[two notes about non Quinte Dr licences not transcribed]

Doctor Abraham V.V. Pruyn, has opened an office in the dwelling house of D.B. Stevenson in the village of Hallowell, where he will attend to all calls in his profession. Hallowell, June 6th, 1831

[page] 141 [Continues from page 139 above]

to East Lake along a ridge. This is called the ridge Rd. This was a carrying Place 4 miles long. The head of the Bay was called Hablington’s Landing. Here was a small log tower. There is a second ridge running from the old Indian path to West Lake, and a 3rd ridge taking an eastern course.

(There is no doubt that the Indians that crossed this point are accustomed to ascend from South Bay by Black Creek and then descend a small stream that empties into East Lake. There may have been only from the confines of the peninsula Long Point and Indian Point and Wapoose island or perhaps at an earlier period the Mahonkitha? crossed from Hendersons point by the Ducks to Long Point, on their way to the ?? - the upper Trent.

The following day informed by Mr Harrison that when the settlers first came up there were far more Indians than whites. Wapoose island, so called after the Chief Wapoose, was formerly a point of meeting of the Indians. Hundreds would here congregate and remain for some time. They had been a large burying ground, this island continued to belong to Wapoose who for years came to around to collect his rates from those who had settled upon the land. There was also a place of meeting and a burying place upon Indian Point.Mr H[arrison] remembers to have seen the Indians passing along the shore in numbers. The Indians, quite or almost naked, ?? six foot fellows, straight as an arrow, and with black hair. They - the children were terrified at them

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but they never did any mischief. When under the influence of liquor they enter houses and help themselves to things at table; but nothing more.

Upon the morning of the 7th [Nov 1866] a cold but beautiful clear day, I set out from Picton drawn by H&J?, 8 � oclock sees leaving the valley to the east of the bridge and mounting the hill to the east. The lovely morning air seems to inspirit the swift footed horse which makes us merrily spin along. Our course is that which will bring us to Black Creek and Garrison? Point [possibly Morrison Point]. In passing along notice the ridge which seems to as? were irregularly encircle the township of Marysburgh. Here standing out in a bald point and there, receding to farms a ravine of more or less depth. No doubt at one time it formed an island in a lake whose shores were far more widely separated than at present. Through a road with many angles, due to the irregular manner in which the land was surveyed into lots. At last we emerge from the interior and in the distance catch a glimpse of the placid waters of Prince Edward Bay. Advancing we see rising up to our left a prominent and irregularly oval hill which obscures the bay from our view. This prominent hill I am told is Samson Point. Between this and the road upon which we are travelling is a valley half a mile wide perhaps and winding along in a muddy land is the Black Creek. To cross the valley we have to descend a high precipitous hill by a road cut down the side of the hill. As we do so the view upon the autumn morning is of a very attractive nature. Directly before us as we look eastward is the prominent Garrison? Point to the right beyond the less height part can be seen the P.E. Bay while to the left of the Point where the B[lack] Creek empties itself can be seen a distant prospect of the

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of the blue [Lake] Ontario. Still by many turns we find our way across an mean? surface of what has evidently been a bed of the lake. We cross Black Creek where are store houses to which schooners approach to carry off the grand? bought? butter? by the farmers, Black Creek is probably so called from the colour of the sluggish stream. This morning while the water of the outer bay and lake are as blue as the clearest sky, the creek is dark. It is not very wide but very deep for some distance from its mouth. The creek is all together about - and takes a very devious course. It has upon its course several mills and Milford village of a few hundred inhabitants. As we cross the bridge the point to which the boats come up, we have to vere left the peninsula of land designated Garrison? Point. The appearance of this prominent land is remarkable. The sides at first sloping down become steep and near the point it is very steep. The summit, green today with ?? fall wheat, is gently sloping with a fringe of trees now made bare by the killing frost. The question has arisen and is asked today what is the origin of the name. At the first, impressed with the idea that it was from the fancied resemblance it to a horn - by old settlers called garrison?. I am today, by its appearance as well as by the opinion of others, convinced that the conjecture is true. The extreme point forms the thicker end of the horn while the  by?? end sufficiently well marked stretching away toward the south. We ascend the hill at

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the latter point and now bursts upon us the beautiful and peaceful bay of Prince Edward, And beyond the far stretching Long Point and still beyond its extreme end the Ducks or hunter island. Along the south shore of this long point can be distantly seen 3 bluffs standing out into the bay. Tying the horse we cross a field green with the young fall grass to the summit of the hill and the higher banks of the Bay. To our right is the end of South bay or P.E.B. with a bald shore opposite lower land which rising contained farms the first bluff. From this point to the point along this shore the altitude is considerable. The land I am told is all inferior. To our left is the bay widening into the Lake. This point now belongs to Patrick McMahon. There is in about 350 acres of land most of which is excellent.

We now retrace our steps. Recross the creek turn to the left  to the foot of the steep hill upon the rest of the valley and drive along its foot by a clearing road turning to our left the point of land which separates the South Bay from Smiths Bay sometimes called McDonalds Point but now called     . After crossing this point we ascend the hill and skirt the head of Smiths Bay along the summit of the high hill, which is a continuation of the ridge referred near Picton. Having reached the ?? northern side of Smiths bay we have to our right a view which cannot be excelled I believe in America. Upon this morning it was a magnificent picture. Facing the east we had spread out before us in the ?? blue the Bay which separates Long Point and Indian Point. To the right McDowells Point

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covered with trees which in summer ?? very fine. In the foreground of this picture at a short distance seemingly form? the land is Wapoose island. Far away can still be seen Long Point and the Ducks, to the left stretches the shore while in the noonday sun in delightful curves and ?? sight. We now pursue a drive the most delightful possible to imagine.  The Rev Mr McAuly has expressed his opinion that even the Bay of Naples affords no more beautiful view than is here to be found. The road passes at first along the brink of the hill below which is a low land covered with beautiful trees. Then the road leaves the immediate new??ly of the bank, again to return ??.

A few miles brings us to Joseph Hicks place whose house is nearly a quarter of a mile from the road by the brink of the water. Joseph Hicks is a son of a Rev war soldier man who was born upon the Susquehanna & his father was born in Wales and died during the Rev war. There were 3? brothers, Benjamin, Edward.  One of them used to carry despatches and was caught several times [ a few unreadable inserted words]. He and a brother were connected to Butlers Rangers. The father of Joseph was young and remained at home to take care of the farm & family. Joseph H[icks] is now almost 70 and was born upon this place. Says that “old Squire Wright of all” who was commissary at the first, and Sergt Harrison belonged to the Regular Army. Hicks says that Govert supplied only one years provisions. But another tells that Wright appropriated what should have been given to them.

the only mode of transit was by a canoe dug out of a log. The utensils. The only saw was a whip saw for two families - hoe, spade, 1 axe which was a ship axe, 15 inches long and broad. While the majority of the settlers at first in 5th town were Hessians there were some others. A few others beside the Hicks were of Butlers Rangers. A few of the “Dutchmen”

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who came to the place and drew land, subsequently gave it up in disgust. The place now occupied by Cummings was one. Hicks says they scared to death - that is I suppose they were afraid of the solitude and Indians. John Cragle was one. He went to Kingston and mortgaged his land to Rev Stuart for �6 and went back to Germany, another person mortgaged his land to Joseph Allan and also went. One of these left his wife with another man upon the place and never returned to claim her who lived with the man as his wife and had children . There may have been a half dozen of the Hessians who went home and about 40 or 50 remained. The Hessians were belonging to Burgoynes army and surrendered at Saratoga. He says they wouldn’t fight. They remained prisoners for some time and were at last redeemed by the British Gover’t paying �5 per head, which sum each had to pay when he received the deed of his land. But Bongard who is a descendant and probably much better out here says that the �5 was paid by the Brit Gov to the Prussian Gover’t for their use. (Perhaps the ?? ?? is that the �5 was the bounty given to each when enlisting.) Each one got 100 acres.

Among the Dutch were the Rose’s, the Smiths. I am afterward informed by Mrs A Dame, daughter of Prinyea [Prinyer] that the original settler upon the Bay was Haery? Smith - he had sons - John, Wm, Benj, Charles, Barent & Ernest. The place upon which the old man settled was what is now Hughes Place on Lake Shore. The bay was named after Charles Smith. Hicks remembers to have gone in a log canoe from his place to napanee to mill also to Gananoque as well as Kingston.

Proceeding on our way from J[oseph] Hicks we came to place upon Rose’s farm where used to stand a log church about 24 feet square which was built at an early date, and in which Langhorn and the and used to preach. I am shown to the spot where the building used to stand but this now not even a vestige of the foundation. The situation is pleasant indeed beautiful - upon the brow of a comparatively steep hill overlooking a pleasant low land and the Lake with Long Point in the distance and Wapoose island to the right. Almost immediately in front upon a sand hill clearly the shore is to be seen the old Dutch burying ground.

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It is about � a mile from the road and we take our way to the spot down a steep hill  along the way which so many have found to their long home. The burying ground is overshadowed by good sized 2nd grow pines, whose moving tops sigh not inharmoniously over the ashes of the departed pioneers. The adjacent shore washed by the ever throbbing lake gives forth today the greatest sound of a requiem for the departed, and as if whisperers of the long ago days when the Indian canoe parted the waves as the erect native passed along.

The old burying places remind one that Canada is ever growing old. Here lies the children of the pioneers (The oldest burying ground is east of the Rock where sleep the first of the dead, called Wm Ross’s burying ground) and a 2nd growth of pine has become a good size. The oldest head boards are fallen in decay - the fence around the plots has crumbled in the dust. One may personally spend an hour in meditation and in admiring the scene.

Continuing our journey along the shore by pleasant houses and substantial houses, there are repeated points of varied beauty. I notice a house situated in the centre of what might be imagined a space cut out of the hill with regular sides and slopes.

But above all the Rock - so called, is a point of interest. The rock which forms the hills at Picton - the ridge leading to East Lake and the mountain at the Stone Mills and which almost encircles Marysburgh terminates some 6(?) miles from the Indian Point. Here it crosses the peninsula somewhat irregularly to the Bay Quinte. Upon the Lake side the hill stands up boldly against the water and at the summit even our  ??? the water below - the incessant beating of the waves and the weather having gradually eaten away the lower part of the stone. Some 70 years ago there was an immense piece overhanging like the Table Rock at Niagara. But one day it separated from the mountain and fell with a terrible noise as of a thunder clap. Harrison remembers to have heard it and then saw the vacancy where it was want to hang. And subsequently he has caught

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many a usable? fish around its sides where it fell. Well that is called “the Rock” and all the land to the east is marked upon maps as such, and that to the west not of the Rock.

Within the recollection of Harrison there was found at the foot of this high mountain (estimated by him to be upwards of 200 feet) the crushed bodies of a deer and an Indian Hunter. It was supposed that the Indian in pursuit and the arrival in its terror stricken flight came upon the wooded breach so suddenly that neither could turn aside but vaulted our the fearful height.

We pass next the place old Squire Wright said to live when he was supreme governor of the old soldier pioneers of Marysburgh to whom all came for advice and to settle disputes. Happy times those when no lawyers existed to distort law. Also we pass the oldest burying ground where sleeps the old Squire. Sergt? Harrison and I believe Capt McDonald?

At last we arrive to the last crossroad just by which lives Walter Harrison and his father now, he says, 86 years old. He is a hale old man of small stature and might pass for a man of 68. He was born at St John L.C. and was 5 years old when he came up to that place. He was preceded by a step brother who came up the year before who had put a hut up. The step brother was about 25. When he came there already here below the Rock. Squire Wright, Wm Carson, Col McDonald, Daniel McIntosh; remembers those.

Father an Irishman was sergeant for many years in the 53rd regiment. For some time during American war was in the Quarter Master General store and Post Office. He was of 28 years in Her Majesty’s Service. Was at first pressed into the Naval Service. Was Sergeant for a long time. Has an indistinct remembrance of a voyage from L.C. up. There were 3 batteaux.

The settlers had 3 years allowance from Government. Received two, the other cut off. Commissary Wright was blamed. The settlers suffered much. Did not know how to cut fish.

Remembers when but blazed marked path along the way, in time a briddle path and subsequently widened into a road. Remembers the first house below the Rock was bought and owned by Col McDonell. This and another one

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all for many years. Afterward Oxen came into use. Drovers would come and then fetch up cattle from L. Canada from which the settlers buy.

Remembers that Rev. Mr Stuart of Kingston, who went annually to the Mohawk settlement to officiate, would on his return stay at Col. McDonell’s and preach in his house.

The land about South Bay was almost settled by Gormans [Yeomans?]. Were sometimes called Prussians. Squire Wright had contact of all, he was the first Magistrate.

The earliest Doctor was Dr McDougall from 6th town the only one then known. Remembers his son came to “inoculate” vaccinate all the children.

Remembers to have seen the Rock before it fell and to have heard it fall like a clap of thunder.

We now turn our focus northward across the peninsula and very shortly see McDonalds come. We turn a little to the left by the road and cross the extreme end of the cove. Just in front of us is a stone house, to which were? are ?? here lies Allan Dame.

Allan Dame, a gentleman of perhaps 60 or 65 years, is a fine specimen of an English Canadian farmer. He is descended from a worthy stock. His father, his grandfather and great grandfather were Captains in the British Army. He is married to the daughter of Mr Pringle, whose mother was the maternal daughter of Col McDonald. Col McDonald who served under Sir John Johnson (with him at Hungry Bay) who received many farms from the British Govert was the first settler at this place. I am shown the spot where his batteaux landed in the bay now bearing his name. The spot where they first pitched their tents. This Bay marked upon some old maps and yet called by some Grog? Bay is a mistake. Grog Bay was originally a small basin within the cove upon the

[page] 150

south shore half way up which being a good place for fishing was often resorted to by Col McD[onald] abd his companion Capt Ferguson and Capt Johnson from Ernestown. The sport not c??ting done? of fish catching was often the sum of jovial grog drinking such as was then done? no sin. Capt McDonald was I believe a Col of Militia. He never married. Died aged 84 or 7. He drew land to the extent of at least 356 in a block and acquired more by purchase. He owned the land at Napanee which he sold to Cartwright. Land was often sold cheap. A lot now owned by Plews? was sold by a Blanchard for 3 gallons of whisky. The Rev Mr Langhorn used to come there occasionally.

Prinyea? [Prinzer?] a native of France married the daughter of Capt McDonald. See 3 of the children. (Harrison spoke of ten Indians, that their Chief Wapoose came around once a year to receive the rates from the settlers upon his island. The Indians rarely savey? - They receive their presents from one Sious? who lived � mile from market place at Kingston. Knew him well, he was the first Indian agent. Knew J Ferguson. The Indians would sell mostly anything for a taste of rum - Skatawabo.

Having bar?d much of the family and enjoyed an excellent driver, we take our departure. As about to leave, Edward Wright passing along is stopped, grandchild of the old Squire, and his successor so far as being a justice of the peace. I am promised valuable documents by Mr Wright, Mr Dunn and Miss Prinzea.

We now begin to return toward Picton along the Bay Quinte Shore with the ride of 17 miles before us. The ride must be in summer exceedingly pleasant. August is approaching and its shade obre?? and at last hides from our view many adorable pictures which are to be seen from the high

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along to the Lake on the Mountain as one over looks the Bay, Adolphustown, Fredericksburgh, Hay bay, etc. But we make one more [stop] which is at C. Bougard’s. See first his wife, who was a Dulmage. Bougard is a son of a Prussian, who was one of the Hessians employed by the British Government. He was with the Surveyor General during the year of the survey made of 2, 3, 4 & 5 towns. The Surveyor General had several deputies simultaneously employed

Katte [Kotte] - surveyed the 2nd town - Collins 5th town.

The surveyor had his tent pitched in the 4th town, Coles place and his father was cook for him.

His father was not without education. He brought book with him, a Bible especially which he now has. It is in the German language.

The most of the Hessians settled over on South Bay but a few did on the Bay here. Among them were Mellor, Peofur [Peoper], Bougard, Minaker, Cossellor, Mack, Keller up near Gore. These were all Prussians from “Hesse Hanover”.

His father drew land in Adolphustown but exchanged through C. Vandusen and Miller.
The hard summer was severe but never heard that any starved to death. But his father fo??ly without food for 48 days being on herbs and a few peas - (The Surveyor General perhaps surveyed 4th town WC)

Bougard says that the Hessians who were taken prisoners at Saratoga are under a Gen Redhazel?. The prisoners are carried down south.

Mother carried a loaf of bread from Kingston to 4th town to the Surveyor. She arrived safe back to Picton at � 7 after supper. In conversation with Judge F and Haight learn that John Joseph Gurney, a Friend, and brother to Elizabeth Fry visiting Canada from England and seeing the wont of education and opportunities therefore

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about Picton, offered the sum of £500 stirling to buy a farm and buildings for an industrial school. This sum purchased the farm now the site of the Quaker School from Mr Armstrong, who had just built a good brick house, intending to retire from because he had been carrying on in Toronto.

[Pink 4 sided letter folded and glued into the document in Canniff's hand.]

Monday 5th Nov 1866 by St Helens


At leaving the harbour am struck with the fact that the ferry which used to exist at Belleville must have been just  G Wallbridges. The boat would naturally? be run where there was no current and the same time

at the narrowest spot possible. ?? the first town, Mrs Sympsons, was just there. But when the time arrived at which a bridge was to be built , a narrow part point of the stream would be selected for it. This probably is that the first bridge which was a floating structure. This

3. could ?? be expected to stand where our current ?? but better?. The time came at last when a present structure upon piers was to be erected and then a narrow place was preferable affording a rocky bottom as well. Perhaps in the mean time the town had been surveyed and either Dundas St

or the one next above had later elected?. The water can ??? ??? strips about the ???.

However the present site was chosen and naturally the the ??, thus opened, or not yet moved was called Bridge Street

29th Nov. 1866  Mrs Harris

Born near Saratoga, McLean, came to Canada in 1802 to Myer’s Creek. Her husband had been living there six years. Capt Myer’s house on the hill was all new not been in it long. Mrs Myers had been to Albany to get furniture. His flour mill was up but not going. She came in Sept and it was started the same fall.

Also the first bridge was partially built. This was carried away next spring by the ice which broke over the dam.

Her husband went into business as a hatter. Made hats for people in the whole region from Picton and Napanee.

The Freemasons were organized a few years after they came. Her husband joined them here. They for a long time met  in Louis’ chamber? who was one. Napoleon Nelson who slept at the F?ing house was one. Mr Harris, brother of Trenton, Capt Harris was another.

They had one child when they came. She is now Mrs Dr Smith.

The first preacher she remembers was Turner, father of Gideon Turner, a Baptist. He often preached in their house. Also did McDonell. Their eldest

[page] 153

daughter and to go down to the Chisholm place to School, before any school existed in Belleville.

Also Wallbridge had a nursery from which orchards were spread. It was just by where Sheriff Taylor now lives. Leavens also had a nursery by where Balfour? now lives.


Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, the third daughter of Dr Joseph Clark & Isabell Elizabeth Alleyne, was born at Stratford in Connecticut, then a Colony of Great Britain on the 24th Oct 1767. In the year 1776 her father faithful for his allegiance repaired to the British Army in New York, to which place his family followed him. At the peace of 1783 Dr Clark removed with his family to New Brunswick, then known as the Province of Acadia, & took up his residence at Mangerville. There his daughter, the subject of this memoir - then in her 17th year was married on the 12th May 1784 to Dr John Gamble, the eldest son of William Gamble & Leah Tysen of Duross, near Inniskillen, Ireland.

Mr Gamble was born in 1755; studied physic & surgery at Edinburgh; emigrated to the British Colony in 1799 & landed in New York in September of that year. Immediately on his arrival  he entered the Kings Service as Assistant Surgeon General Hospital; subsequently he was attached to the “Old Queen’s Rangers” & for sometime did duty with that Regiment as Surgeon. At the peace of 1783 he with other American loyalists went to New Brunswick.

After After his marriage, Dr Gamble practiced his profession at St John’s & resided in New Brunswick until 1793 when having been appointed Assistant surgeon to the late Regiment of Queens Rangers by General Simcoe the Lieutenant Govenor of Upper Canada, he joined his regiment at Niagara, where it was quartered, having his wife & five daughters at Mangerville.

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Mrs Gamble continued to reside with his father until 1798, when her husband, having in the meantime been promoted to the surgency of his regiment, she with her five daughters, the eldest then but thirteen years of age - accompanied by her father & a sister (afterward married to the Hon Samuel Smith) ascended the river of St John in a bark canoe, crossed the portage by Temi conata in the Riviere du Loup, came up the St Lawrence & joined Dr Gamble then with his regiment at garrison at York.

In 1802 the Queens Rangers were disbanded & Mrs G and accompanied her husband & family to Kingston, where he practiced his profession until his death, in the 56 year of his age on the 1st Dec 1811. She remained in Kingston the year 1820, when, with the portion of her family then at home, she removed to Toronto & there remained surrounded by her offspring until her death on the 9th March 1859.

Mrs Gamble had 13 children, nine daughters & four sons; Isabella, the eldest married to Robert Charles Horne Esq, ass surgeon Glengary Light Infantry; Mary Ann married to Col Sinclair, Royal Artillery; Sarah Hannah Boyes to James Geddes Esq, assistant Surgeon Medical Staff; Leah Tysen to the Hon Mw Allen; Catherine ?? died unmarried’ Jane married to Benjamin Whitney Esq;  Rachel Crookshank to Sir James Buchannan Macauly; Magdalena to Thomas William  Burchell Esq; & Mary Ann unmarried; John William of Vaughan; William of Milton, Etobeccke; Clarke of Toronto and Joseph, who died in infancy. Of these 13, six only survive, but Mrs Gambles descendants have already reached the large number 200 & 4 & some of her children’s children’s children are now upwards of thirty years of age.

The remarkable longevity of a large number of the American Loyalist emigrants, who came to the British Provinces after the American Revolution, has been noticed by the Lord Bishop of N Brunswick, as a striking instance of the fulfillment of the promise contained in the fifth commandment, embracing as that commandment consequently does, the duty of obedience to civil rules, Mrs Gamble may well be counted among that number having in October, last entered upon her 92nd year.)  Colonist

[pages 155 to 189 are notes from various reference books and are not transcribed.]