Upper Canada Land Petition Rawdon Township 1832

Petition about surveying Rawdon Tp concessions

1832 Upper Canada Land Petition

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The petition below is a request to survey the back concessions of Rawdon Township, Hastings County in 1832. The Council asked the Surveyor General if the land had already been surveyed and the report stated it had not. In May 1833 a survey was ordered. Joseph R Bush was the leader of this petition. The signatures are not always clear to read - please let me know if you suspect a name is different from what is below.

Source: Upper Canada Land Petitions, RG 1 L3, Rawdon, 1832, bundle R18, #16, Archives of Ontario, Film C-2746, indexed under Joseph R Rush

© Randy Saylor,  transcribed 4 Feb 2011. I would like thank Cheryl McMullen and Anna Joan Buxton for their help in deciphering some of the names.

Joseph R Bush
This petition is led by Joseph R Bush and his signature can also be read as "Rush". In fact the others papers with this petition produced by the bureaucracy all use "Rush" as the surname and the petition is indexed as "Rush". Anna Joan Buxton writes that, "The name is also Joseph Rosebush, some times Rose, earlier Rositier, Rossier, Rozzier and variants. It has even been Tar Bush, and originally Bosch from the german. The name has caused articles to be written."

To His Excellency Sir John Colborne KCB  [Knight Commander] Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada and Major General commanding His Majestys forces therein - 

December 1832, Rawdon; The petition of a part of the freeholders of the Township of Rawdon in the Midland District.
Most Humbly sheweth – saith that whereas the lines in front of the eighth, tenth, twelvth and fourteenth concessions of the said Township of Rawdon have never been surveyed. Your Petitioners therefore most humbly pary that your Excellency in Council will be graciously pleased to direct the Surveyor General to issue instructions to Samuel M Benson of the Town of Belleville, Deputy Surveyor, to survey the same –
And as in duty bound, your petitioners

Ruliff Purdy Joseph R Bush
Stephen Benson Joseph Mitchel
H P Matthews Benjamin Chard
Wm England John Weiss?
James Lake Daniel Huffman
Jacob Fox Erastus Coe Sr
Eber Garnsey [Gurnsey] H McMullen
Edward Fidlar Samuel Horton
Nicholas Lake Henry Rion [became Ryan]
James Fidlar Saml Woodward
Rubin Hubbal Elijah Allen
William Chard Joseph Johnston
Page 2
Daniel Chard  Jedidiah Cummings
Samuel Fox [Fone?]  Joseph Green
Samuel Rosebush  William Thrasher
Thomas Green  
Gilead Bettys  
Isaiah Garnsey [Grasseys??]  
Peter Hubel  [usually Hubble]  
Wm Young  
Wm Wescot?  
Erastus Coe  
James Hubble Sr  
James Wescott  
Perlee Couch  
Alonzo Hubell  [usually Hubble]  
Harry Couch  
Joseph Thrasher  
George Westfall  
Joseph Couch  
Jacob Caverly  
William Hoard  
Silas Smith  
Holsay Thrasher [Halsey/Halsay - a place name in Ireland.]  
Aaron Hoard  

24 April 1833, In Council, Recommended that the survey of the concessions enumerated being made under the directions of the Surveyor General or under it has not been already completed.  John Strachan PC
7 May 1833, Order to survey issued