William Cunningham, Bloomfield, Hallowell Township

William Cunningham, 1769 - 1851
His wife Fanny White, Bloomfield, Hallowell Township

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Pioneers of the Bay of Quinte

Why we am interested in this family
A group of us are trying to establish the children of William and Hannah White who settled in Sidney Tp. from NY. On Jan 22, 2006 we finally confirmed that Frances [Fanny] White was the daughter of this couple and that Fanny married William Cunningham.

Thanks to Jon Acker, Jackie Crerar, Peter Johnson, Barb McGill, Jeanne Ross, Bonny Campbell, Linda Smith and Carol Collins.

Use these links to jump up and down this page.

  1. Overview
  2. Children from an 1864 'sampler'
  3. Notes for Frances [Fanny] White
  4. Quaker Records
  5. Hallowell Tp. Records
  6. St Vincent Tp., Grey County
  7. Death

William Cunningham is in Upper Canada in 1798 prior to the arrival of the White family sometime between 1799 and 1801. There is a story below of the marriage of Frances White and Wm Cunningham at the home of her brother Reuben White in Sidney and they rowed guests back across the Bay of Quinte to Hallowell after the wedding. The story also states that Wm Cunningham drove one of the White wagons to Upper Canada. This suggests that the Whites and Cunningham's knew each other from the NY days.

An 1864 sampler has survived giving us the dates and names of the children and their marriages.

William Cunningham makes his first request to be accepted as a Quaker in 1803. He is found sincere but not "enough advanced". He requests again in 1806 and the minutes show a few reports from the committee rejecting acceptance. Finally in 1808 he is accepted and then Fanny makes a request and is accepted right away. Shortly after that he becomes an active committee member in Quaker affairs. In the 1828 schism he and Fanny side with the Hicksite Quakers.

In 1821, William is active in the push to reform banking and make loans available to farmers. He is cited for his idea to make loans to farmers instead of always favouring merchants.

In 1835 William has a dispute with the well connected Ara Ferguson over the ownership of 43 acres in the rear of his lot in Hallowell. William wins the dispute but loses the acreage and is granted 2000 acres in compensation in St Vincent Township that is opening up in Grey County (near present day Collingwood). A number of his younger children settle there and probably are part of the Quaker community that started up in that township.

Children from an 1864 'sampler'.

Source: From a sampler "wrought by Martha C Mallory 1864" that was transcribed and sent to Peter Johnson by Lillian D Daboll (Mrs H. Davis Daboll) of Lakeside, CT, in a letter dated 14 Nov 1976. Lillian had this to say about the sampler; "My principal authentic source is a “sampler”, really a family register, done in cross stitch with a rose-bud (?) border on punched paper. It gives the names of William Cunningham his wife Fanny White, the names of their 15 children and whom they married, also the dates of  b.d. & m in Quaker form. A real treasure."  The current location of this sampler is not known. This information was provided by Peter Johnson, Jan 2007.

                                              Family Record
  Names                                                Born                 Mar.                       Died             Aged
                                                        Day.Mo.Year   Day.Mo. Year      Day.Mo. Year    Yrs. Mos. Dys
William Cunningham                        11. 12 1769          25 10 1801        22 3 1851          81 3 11
   m Fanny White                             30     9 1783                                  19 3 1858          74 5 20
Their Children:__________________________________________________________________________________
Hannah W. Cunningham                  14  8 1802
   m1 John Betts                                                          24  1 1828
   m2 John V. Ferris                                                     22  3 1833          4   8  1855          60  6 15
   m3 Jonathan I Bowerman                                         8    2 1858          17 4 1867           68  5  1
Daniel Cunningham                          16  5 1804                                    14  4 1805                10  9
Reuben Cunningham                        17  9 1806                                     9   7  1877          70  9 18
   m1 Elizabeth Bonisteel                                             15  3 1832    
   m2 Catherine Donnelly                                            26  12 1843
Mary Cunningham                           23 8 1808                                      23  9 1808                 1
Martha Cunningham                        23  8 1808                                     23  9 1808                 1
Abigail R. Cunningham                    26  8 1809
    m John Jones                                                          5  3  1828
William W. Cunningham                 10  6 1811                                       18  8 1875           64   2  8
    m1 Mary Waring                                                      4   8  1838
    m2 Sarah Waring                                                     3 10 1842           28  3 1858
    m3 Lydia Cooper                                                    26  9 1859
Elizabeth Cunningham                     25 12 1812                                       18 4 1874           61  3 23
    m Thomas P. Cooper                                               15 10 1828
Cornelius Cunningham                    9  10 1814                                         5  1 1863           48  2 27
    m1 Margaret Lauder                                                 16  2 1842   
m2 Perlina Scriver                                                        12  4 1859
Esther Cunningham                         21 4 1817                                          25  6 1866          49  2  4
    m William Baker                                                       23  2 1842
Martha Cunningham                        29 11 1818                                        29  8 1821            2  9
Fanny Ann Cunningham                 16  10 1820                             
   m Renselaer Leavens                                                 22  1 1840
Stephen Cunningham                      14  2 1822            
   m Sarah Ann Richards                                              27  1 1842
John S. Cunningham                        6   2 1824           
   m Ruth Welborn                                                         11 1847
Charles H. Cunningham                 31 5 1826                                         18 11 1862        36  5 18  
m Fanny Scriver                                                           5  10 1847
Wrought by Martha C. Mallory 1864 


William Cunningham, born 1770; died 22nd mar 1851 aet 81 years. He married Fanny White, dau of William White and Hannah (Tomkins) White, of whom see "White", page --
Source: The "Bowerman" Family of Canada Descendants of Ichabod Bowerman of Dutchess Co., NY 1683 - 1796 by Albert C. Bowerman, MB, Bloomfield, Can, July 1904, tissue carbon copy, AC Bowerman Records, Marion Cronk Fonds, Quaker Archives, p. 127

"Now, as to the White family, I have read the “Pioneer Life” and found little in it of use to me. In fact, I am not really sure that Reuben was a brother of my ancestor Fanny. All I have to go on is the story that Fanny was married to William Cunningham at the home of her brother Reuben, and that after the wedding, William rowed some of the guests back across the bay. Which bay? Also, William Cunningham is supposed to have driven one of the White family wagons to Canada when the Whites moved there en masse. Since William was a Quaker and of Dutchess Co., N.Y., I can’t believe that the White family was of Schoharie, at least just prior to their removal to Canada. William Cunningham’s background I have pretty much nailed down. His mother was Abigail Richmond, a sister of Mary (Richmond) Allison who is buried with her husband Joseph in the old Adolphustown cemetery. Their stones were still standing last I knew. "
Quote from a letter sent to Peter Johnson by Lillian D Daboll of Lakeside, CT, dated 14 Nov 1976. This information was provided by Peter Johnson, Jan 2007.

On 20, 10 month, 1808; Phanny Cunningham requests to 'join meeting'. Elizabeth Clapp, Ana Cronk and Mary White to visit her. On 16, 12 month, 1808; Fanny Cunningham is accepted as a member and on 19, 1 month, 1809; Phanny Cunningham has been told of her acceptance. Note: William Cunningham, her husband, was accepted on 11 month, 1808. It appears that both Fanny and William were not Quakers previously in NY.
Source: West Lake Women's Prep Meeting Minutes, 1810-1864, AO, F997, MS 303, reel 14, B-2-2

On 11 10 mo. 1808, "Phanny Cuninham <sic> signifies her desire to come under our care". On 7. 3 mo. 1809, Phanny Cuningham <sic> is appointed to attend the MM. On 6. 2 mo. 1810, William and Phanny Cunningham ask "for their son and daughter to come under care".
Source: Religious Society of Friends Records, AO, F997, West Lake Prep Mtg of Women Friends 1803 - 1825, MS303, reel 45, C-3-79

Fanny Cunningham, 69, widow, born NY, Hicksite Quaker
Source: Transcription, 1851 Census, Hallowell, PEC, Canadiana Rm, Eliz Hancocks, 1980, R929.3713587E, END 1, sheet 11

Fanny Cunningham, died 19 Mar 1858, age 74 yr
Source: Cemeteries of Prince Edward County, Wanamaker, Trenton Pub Lib, 929.3713WAN, V2, p 396

No obituary found in the Hastings Chronicle.

On 16, 6 mo, 1803 William Cunningham requests to "come under Friends care". As is the usual practice a committee is struck to visit him and see if he is acceptable. On several occasions they report that he is sincere but still not ready and on 15, 12 mo, 1803 they recommend handing back his request. On 16, 10 mo, 1806 William again sends a request and on 19, 2 mo, 1807 they report that he is "not enough advanced" and recommend handing back his request. On 17, 11 mo, 1808 the Meeting agrees to accept William Cunningham as a member. On 15, 2 mo, 1810 William and Fanny Cunningham request that their children Hannah and Reuben come under Friends care and they are accepted on 19, 6 mo, 1810.
Source: Adolphustown Monthly Meeting Minutes, 1798-1813, Religious Society of Friends Papers, AO, F997, MS 303, 14, B-2-1

In the 1820 list: William Cunningham and wife Fanny are members of West lake, by request, disowned 1829
Their Children: Hannah, removed by certificate 1828
Abigail, now Jones, disowned Hicksite, 1829
Wm White, disowned Hicksite, 1829
Fanny Ann
Charles, b. 31, 5 mo, 1826
Source: Religious Society of Friends Records, AO, F997, West Lake Monthly Mtg Register, (orthodox) 1820-1882, MS303, reel 23, B-2-62, reel 23, 1820

Judah Bowerman, William Cunningham, Moses White, Aaron White, frequently appointed to attend MM.
Source: Religious Society of Friends Records, AO, F997, West Lake Prep Mtg Men 1815 - 1825, MS303, reel 22, B-2-57

11 and 12 m0's, 1828 - Cornelius White, Stephen Bowerman, Stephen White, William Bowerman, Israel Bowerman, Jesse Walters, Peter Leavens - all followers of Elias Hicks and have separated.
Source: Religious Society of Friends Records, AO, F997, West Lake Prep Mtg Men 1815 - 1825, MS303, reel 22, B-2-57

In the 1830 list: William and Fanny Cunningham are listed under "Those now Hicksite since the separation".
Source: Religious Society of Friends Records, AO, F997, West Lake Monthly Mtg Register, (orthodox) 1820-1882, MS303, reel 23, B-2-62, reel 23, 1830

In the 1837 list under "Minors connected with Hicksites": Cornelius Cunningham (Wm), age 12; Esther, 10; Fanny Ann, 8; Stephen, 6; John, 4; Charles, 2.
Source: Religious Society of Friends Records, AO, F997, West Lake Monthly Mtg Register, (orthodox) 1820-1882, MS303, reel 23, B-2-62, reel 23, 1837

Cornelius White and William Cunningham are active. Before 1844 Cornelius White Jr begins to be named.
Source: Religious Society of Friends Records, AO, F997, West Lake Prep Mtg 1828 - 1860 (Hicksite), MS303, reel 44, C-3-71


William Cunningham is named on the assessment list for Hallowell as a First Class Rated (2.6).
Source: "The following came from the "Appendix To The Report Of The Ontario Bureau Of Industries", Warwick Bro's & Rutter, Toronto, 1899"
"Copied May 12, 1899 from the original list now in the possession of Mrs. W. H. Allison, Picton, a grand-daughter of Stephen Conger, and daughter Of John P. Roblin, for years M.P.P. and County Registrar of Prince Edward - Thomas W. Casey " - Assessment for the Township of Hallowell, 18 July 1798, copy White files of WRS, www.qschooner.com/hallowell

Wm Cunningham is granted Lot 17, on the North West side of West Lake, Hallowell. 22 Oct 1803, beside Nathaniel White.
Source: Township Papers, Hallowell, AO, MS 658, reel 178, #324, Copy White binder

4 Jul 1805, Richard Cartwright sells Lot 19, 3rd Conc, Military Tract to William Cunningham, 200 acres. Reg 7 Jul 1806.
Source: PEC Land Records, Hallowell, Vol A-D, 1799-1816, AO, GS 5193, #109

29 Jul 1807 William Cunningham, Hallowell, yeoman sells for 100 pounds, to Judah Bowerman, 100 acres, Lot 17, Conc 1 North West of West Lake. Witnesses Cornelius White, Daniel Wright and George Barker, eg. 2 Sep 1807. Also Frances Cunningham, wife of William Cunningham consents to being barred of her dower.
Source: PEC Land Records, Hallowell, Vol A-D, 1799-1816, AO, GS 5193, #79

William Cunningham and Francis Cunningham (nee White), his wife, barred of her dower. Lot 17, Conc 1 North West of West lake, sale to Judah Bowerman and George Barker. 15 July 1807, Adolphustown.
Source: Minutes of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Linda Corupe, 2001, AO, Vol 1, p. 155

On 1 Nov 1810, a patent is given for lot 1, Conc 7, Murray Tp., to William Cunningham, 200 acres and he sells it in 1835 (deed # B12).
Source: Northumberland, Abstract Index, Murray Tp, 1800-1959, V1-2, AO, GSU 197818

Randal Wixson, a contemporary and editor of The Advocate in W.L. Mackenzie's absence, proposed a plan on 1 Jan 1835 to "provide small loans on flexible terms to farmers, rather than merchants" and he attributed the plan to "William Cunningham, a Quaker from Hallowell, Township in Prince Edward County, where the original loan bank had been proposed in 1821. Most of the petitions came from areas with heavy concentrations of Quaker settlers."
Source: 'Union is Strength': W.L. Mackenzie, The Children of Peace, and the Emergence of Joint Stock Democracy in Upper Canada, Albert Schrauwers, Univ. of Toronto press, 2009, p. 144

William Cunningham petitions Governor Colborne in 1835 stating that in 1802 he purchased Lot 19, 3rd Concession of the Military Tract from Richard Cartwright who was granted the land in 1799. He disputes that the rear 43 acres do not belong to Ara Ferguson but are part of his deed.  A page of signatures of those in support is included.
Source: UCLP, bundle C19/80, V117, 1816-1836, AO, C1728, copy WRS

William then petitions on 7 Jan 1836 for Lots 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 of Conc 8 and lots 17, 18, 19, 21 of Conc 7, St Vincent Tp., Grey County (midway between Owen Sound and Collingwood). William states he has 11 children and wishes speedy resolve so they can settle the land. In a further attached letter two arbitrators, David B Stevenson and William Rorke, both of Hallowell report that William Cunningham should receive £495/3/6 for his lost land. dated 16 Feb 1836. He is granted all 2000 acres. Note: A number of his younger children settle in St Vincent Tp.
Source: UCLP, bundle C19/108, V117, 1816-1836, AO, C1728


William Sr Cunningham, died 22 Mar 1851, 82 y 3 mo
Source: Cemeteries of Prince Edward County, Wanamaker, Trenton Pub Lib, 929.3713WAN, V2, p 396

William Cunningham, died 3 mo 22, 1851, 81 Years, parents were Daniel and Abigail, died Hallowell.
Source: West Lake Register of Births and Deaths, 1829-1866, AO, F997, Religious Society of Friends papers, MS 303, reel 45, C-3-77

Birth:  11 DEC 1769, Dutchess, New York
Death:  10 MAR 1851   
Parents: Father:  Daniel Cunningham or Cunnington, Mother:  Abigail Richmond    
Marriages: Spouse:  Fanny White, Marriage:  25 OCT 1801   Sydney
Messages: Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter. 
Source Information: LDS IGI No source information is available.

William Cunningham Sr. was born on 11 Dec 1769 in Dutchess County, New York, died on 20 Mar 1851 in Hallowell, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada at age 81, and was buried in Mar 1851 in Friends Cemetery, East Bloomfield.  
Source: Descendants of Daniel Cunningham, file; Cunningham from Linda Smith April 2005, page 99