Another Murder in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Another Murder


As we go to press, we learn that on Friday night a fiend by the name of Moor, living in Salem in this county, having a family of five small children, the eldest eight years old and the youngest an infant three months old, assaulted, beat, bruised, and horribly mangled his wife in a manner too outrageously inhuman, atrocious and indecent to be mentioned in the columns of a newspaper.


He then tore her from her bed ,her infant from her arms, and kicked her out of doors, amidst the screams, tears and supplications of her children. She crawled about sixty rods into Captain Tuttle's cornfield, where she  swooned, laid undiscovered about an hour and then crawled about thirty rods further to the nearest house. She is not expected to live. The cause is supposed to be unwarranted jealousy, produced by rum. The demon has just been to the cell yesterday vacated by McCaffery. He was not present at the execution of McCaffrey, as the people in that vicinity had been informed that he had been reprieved, or his punishment commuted.


Published :Kenosha Democrat, August 23, 1851, Kenosha, Wisconsin


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Sunday, October 14, 2001

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