Photo Gallery





Photo Gallery

Stephen F. Austin's Birthday Celebration Each Nov. 3rd.
The site where Stephen F. Austin died December 27, 1836, in
West Columbia, Texas was purchased in 1994 by Billy F. Price, a native of Bryan, Texas, and long time Houston business man. A monument was placed on the property in Centennial Year 1836 by the State of Texas. The marker and entire area was covered with vines and weeds. The property was filled and abandoned with oil field equipment, and impossible to identify as an important historic location.
After Mr. Price purchased the five acre tract, it was cleared and a was flagpole erected. The Texas flag flies continuously at the location where Stephen F. Austin

Flag on site of Stephen F. Austin's death.

Monument marking the spot of "The Shanty" and spot of his death.

A cannon salute to Stephen F. Austin.

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