Estelle's Dogwood Patch


Barney Gibbs Shipp, Sr.

Family Lineage of Estelle's Dogwood Patch

This page links to my family genealogy which is under construction. This page has links to our family genealogy. As most of you know that genealogy is a never ending search for your family's roots. Some are very hard to find, we have spent hours looking in census pages, old newspapers, library, and family genealogy books. Please check to make sure that these are the correct line and if you find any mistakes . Please share your findings with ours.


Barney Gibbs Shipp Sr b in Texas and died Texas married 1st Virgie BelleStrickland. He married 2nd wife, Grace Elizabeth Downs Baker Shipp, each were widowed and each had children to raise. Times were very hard.We did not have a car back then and my Dad walked to and from work every day regardless of the weather. Every Friday when he got paid he walked to the local neighborhood grocery store and paid the bill and again brought home our grocery supply for the week home.Honestly! I do not know how my Dad kept this pace up or kept his strength to do these hardships, but appartently never questioned that this was what the Lord had plans.

My Dad started the Shipp Family Renuion many years ago in the pasture whenhis brothers and sisters out of town came to visit. It is going on today still. My father instilled into all of his children to attend church and believe in the Lord, prayers, and to do everthing you could to help other people in life. He gave unto the Lord. He gave his Church many things, like an organ, song books, and was faithful with tithes and certainly his attendance. I am sure that this gentlemen felt at total entire peace within his self and the Lord.

He was just the type of person that never met a stranger,always laughing, and pulling pranks on the family and the church friends. He set many wonderful examples for his children. Needless to say Paw would not be proud of most of them today. He had to say only a few words that most of his children respected. I as his daughter-in-law miss this gentleman for other than my own father he was the best.

I wrote this article for one of the Renuions one year ago with a very largecrowd in attendance that year. I felt it was something I needed to do in his memory. Hope you will enjoyed this story.

My Music is Four In The Morning.





Barney was a family man,working hard to provide a living for his children. I am told by family members that Barney walked to and from work on a daily basis, regardless of the kind of weather. Times were hard better back then, sometimes you wondered how in the world you could provide something to eat, clothing, and shoes, but neverless what the style they wore was warm and clean.

Barney, tried to encourage all of his children to attend church on a regular basis. He expected all of his children to have respect for people,and to repect older people. He always wanted to leave his children something to help them in life with to help them to better and hopefully acheive a small dream of theirs. Barney initaited what we know today as the "Shipp Family Renuion" It is carried on today in his memory and thus as it should be. We send something back to him for all that he did for all of us.

He loved gospel music and after church on Sundays he often attended singing sessions at various churches. His very favorite place to eat was Rawleigh's, His favorite thing to order and eat was Cutlet sandwich, very seldom did he ever change his order. He loved visting with the people he knew that came in to eat-Barney was a gentlemen in every way I strongly feel a big loss without him, for other than my dad, that I can place that high and that would be Barney.

For today Iam very sure that Barney is looking at us to see how we are doing today. This is my memorial to the founder of the Shipp Families Renuion, so I leave you with "Most kind and Merciful father, let us be thankful for these and all other Blessings." A-Men

written by Barneys Daughter in law Estelle Linsey Shipp

copyrighted material Saturday June 21,2001


The fantastic graphics Iam using on this page was generously provided free of charge for non-commerical sites.Please do not copy the graphics from this site as the "terms of use" require me to be careful not to furnish images to others. Also, I do not mix and match fromore than one source. At the bottom of each page you will find a link to the individiual sitefor that page. Please advise if I have over looked a page or two that I have overlooked which I will make every effort to correct and accept my apologies for the oversight.

Copywrighted Febraury 28, 2007"Website created and maintaines byEstelle Shipp Webmaster. This is a free site .All inforamtion contained herein is copy righted by the webmaster/owner of Estelle's Dogwood Patch.The information and images shown on this site are NOT public domain and should not be taken without the owner's Permission in writing.

This site in memory of Karla E Shipp


Page updated 14 July 2014.




Until then Graphics