Ethel BRUCE's inquest from the Lynn News & Advertiser 1888

Transcription of the report of the inquest
into Ethel Bruce's accident
Lynn News & Advertiser
October 1888


On Monday an inquest was held before Mr T.L.Reed, coroner, on the body of Ethel Bruce,aged 10, who died from the results of an accident which occurred on Tuesday, 2nd inst. It appeared that her father, Charles Bruce, was driving Mr Paine's traction engine, to which was attached a drum and elevator, along the road from Wereham to West Dereham; and when opposite his cottage he stopped to take water for the engine. Ethel and another child ran out and got under the train, and then climbed on to the chain attaching the elevator to the engine. The engine soon afterwards proceeded, and the children rode on the chain for about 150 yards, when they dismounted, one of them safely, but Ethel fell, and though the wheels did not pass over her, one of them caught her left knee, inflicting a wound of a rather serious character. The poor child was taken home and a surgeon called in; but she died on Friday,5th inst, after intense suffering. The jury returned a verdict of "accidental death".

Wereham School log book
Charles and Jessie BRUCE