Parish of Barry Burials: 1800 - 1812

Parish of Barry, Angus, Scotland OPR

Burials 1746 to 1800


1746 - 1759 1760 - 1779 1780 - 1799 1800



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Janry. 3 - BUTCHART Elizabeth, Spouse to Andrew PARIS Weaver Gallow Law interred here.

Febry. 18 - BULL William, Son to William BULL Taylor Barrie and his Spouse Elizabeth LOOK? interred.

Febry. 22 - SCOTT Margt., Spouse to Alexr. BROWN Miller Upper Mill interred here.

March 11 - SMITH Hellen, Spouse to the late James HERALD Barnman Ravensbay interred here.

April 20 - RAMSAY, Barb Spouse to David SMITH Barry interred.

May 3 - BROWN Jean, Spouse to James FERRIER Weaver Moston interred here.

May 12 - GOODALL Margt. Spouse to William KYD Moston.

Do. 17 - OGILVIE Jean, Daughter to John OGILVIE Upper Mill and his Spouse Mary GRAY. Interred here.

Do. 20 - WHITTEN Agnes, Spouse to Alexr. GRAHM Weaver Deyhouse interred here.



1746 - 1759 1760 - 1779 1780 - 1799 1800




Last Update: January 13, 2001

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