When to Call the Vet

When to Call the Vet

•Poor appetite for more than a few days.

•Weight loss without food restriction, especially with normal food intake.

•Increased appetite for more than a week, especially with weight loss.

Vomiting more than three times. Go to the vet immediately if bloody or dark. Pets can dehydrate very quickly.

•Diarrhea accompanied by listlessness for more than a day.

Go to vet immediately if diarrhea is bloody.

•Excessive drinking for more than several days.

•Increased urination or sudden accidents In the home. Difficulty In urination. Straining.

Bloody urine. Go immediately if pet cannot urinate.

•Any change in the appearance of the eye. Go Immediately If painful, a thick discharge or vision loss is noted.

Scratching ears, head shaking, ear rubbing, discharge or odor.

•Mouth pain.

•Increased itchiness or scratching.

•Lameness that doesn't improve with rest over four days.

•Seizures or convulsions--Go to vet immediately.

•Any new growth on or under the skin

As with people, early detection is the key to proper treatment.

After your pet has been spayed or neutered:

•Light exercise

•No running

•No rough play

•Normal feeding

•Check stitches often

•Stitch removal In 10 days

•Do not let pet lick area

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