The RUAHINE departed London on 9 June 1911 and arrived in Wellington, via Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown & Hobart, on 27 July 1911. Captain F. Forbes was in command.




Transcribed from Dominion, 12 July 1911, Page 9




Due at Wellington from London on July 24, the New Zealand shipping Company's R.M.S. Ruahine is bringing the following passengers:—


First Saloon —

Misses - Cochrane (2). M. Henderson, G. Kerr-Clarke, K. Pettitt, D. Prickett, and Temple.

Mesdames - Bevis, Cochrane, C. Henderson, Montresole, and Temple.

Messrs - R. Aldworth, F. Bevis, Montresole, Captains J. Cochrane, W. R. Pinwill, and E. T. Temple.

Masters - J. R. Cochrane and Henderson (3)

Second Saloon —

Misses - A. Adams, Atkinson (3), J. Cranston, E. Hill, J. Lawrence, Roth, J. H. Stuart, B. Sumner, P. Sykes, L. Westwood, and Wood (2).

Mesdames - Atkinson, Briggs, Burton, M. Chadfield, Clement, Halliday, Sumner, Sykes, and F. Wood.

Messrs - S. Atkinson, J. F. Bourne, Briggs, J. Burton, J. T. Clement, R. Duncanson, J. H. Halliday. F. Hutchens, P. Maclean, A. G. Sands, J. S. Sumner, N. Sykes, J. W. Thomlinson, J. Vallings, D. Williams.

Masters - J. Chadfleld, D. Halliday, and G. Sykes.

Third class –

Misses - I. Ball, J. Barlow, M. Barnes, E. Brandon, G. Bulmer, C. Carr, E. Cashman, L. Chambers, Clentworth (3), A. M. Conway, Cottam (2), N. Coulter, Croft (3), N. Dawson, S. Douglas, N. Easton, M. Eunson, G. Ferguson, C. Field, G. L. God­frey, E. Goode, A. Goslin, Haigh (2), M. A. Hall, S. Hartley, L. Hodge, Honour (2), Hopkins, M. Hunt, M. Hunter, Hutchinson (2), James (3), E. Jordan. K. Kirwan, Lenton (2), E. Maclaren, Macnab (2). F. Merritt, J. Millar, A. C. Morgan, F. M. Moss, E. Muir, M. Murray. N. Nichol, J. Page, M. A. Paterson, R. Paton, N. Pendleton, Pe­ters (3), M. C. Plant, H. Plyer. F. Poulton, Quayle (2), Radford (2), Quibell (3), N. Red­mond, M. Robson, E. Shoulder (2), Sinclair (2), Smith (3), A. Stevens, D. Swain, Tomlinson (3), N. Tong, Vicary (4), M. Wallace, W. Wards, J. D. Watson, Webster (2), E. Whyte, Wilkie (3), M. Wilkinson, P. Wil­liams, C. Woodrow, and M. Wright.

Mesdames - Allison, Barnes, S. Chambers, E. Clements, Clentworth, Cooper. C. A. Cottam, Croft, Cullingford, Dawson, Daynes, Donald, J. M. Easton, M. Fairbrother, E. Ginn, R. Godfrey, M. Goode, M. Greenbow, S. Haigh, Hammond, Harkness, H. Harris, A. D. Harris, Henton, M. A. Hill, Hinds, Honour, Hopkins, B. A. Hutchinson, James, E. Kirkwood, A. M. Kirwan, Little, McGravie, Mclntosh, L. Maclaren, Macnab, G. Millar, Muir, Murray, A. M. Nichol, Page, A. Paterson, M. J. Pendleton, J. Pe­ters, M. Player, M. J. Pearce, Postgate, Quibell, Radford. Reavey, M. Shoulder, Sloacombe, Smith, Sopp, A. Swain. A. J. Tomlinson, Thompson, R. Tighe, A. Tong, Vicary, C. Wards, A. W. Watson, E. P. Whyte, Wigham. M. Wilkie, M. Wilkinson and Williams.

Messrs - Allen (2), Allison, Amey, Anderson, Angus, Bancroft, Barnes (3), Bates, Beal, Beard, Bezant, Beaumont, Black, Blackett, Blasilth, Bons, Bramah, Brewer (2), Bridge (2), Brooks, Brown (2), Brownmill, Backlow, Bakar, Cade, Callan, Campbell, Cargil, Chadwick, Chambers (2), Chapman, Clarke, Clentworth, Cochrane, Cocker, Cockson, Conn, Cooper (2), Cowan, Crabbe, Croft, Crosslev, Cullingford, Davidson, Davies, Dawson, Daynes, Dobbins, Don­ald, Duncan (5), Dunn, Eaton, Edge, Edward, Elliott, Evans, Facer, Fairbairn, Galbraith, Gardiner (2), Gibson, Goode, Grealy, Grossman, Gloves, Hall, Hammond, Hartness, Harrison, Harris (2), Hawes, Henton, Herpel, Hesler, Hinds, Honour, Huddlestone, Hughison, Jackson, James, Johnstone, Keane, Kennedy, Killick, Lantosh, Lawson, Ledley, Little, Lockwood, McColl, McGravie, McGregor, McIntosh, McKay, McKinlay, Macnab, McNicholas, Mair, Miles, Millar, Miller, Muir, Murray (2), Nash, Neil, Ngaire, Norman, North (2), Page (3), Paterson (2), Peacock. Pettier. Player. Polson, Postgate (3), Pooley, Prescott, Quibell, Radford, Ramsay, Rathbone, Reavey, Robinson, Rouse, Rowbottom, Scott (2), Seddon, Shaw, Serplet, Sims. Sinclair, Slattery (2), Sloacombe, Smith (3). Sopp, Spencer, Spring, Stephens, Stricken, Tait, Taylor (2), Thompson, Todd, Trundle, Venner, Vicary, Walls, Walker, Waugh, Weller, Wigham, Whitson, Wheatley, Williams (3), Wolf, Woodhouse, Wylie.


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Transcribed from Evening Post, 27 July 1911, Page 6.



The New Zealand Shipping Company's s.s. Ruahine arrived in the stream at Wellington shortly after midnight last night from London, Capetown, and Hobart, and berthed at the King's Wharf about 9.30 o'clock this morning. The Ruahine left the Royal Albert Docks at midday on Friday, 9th June, and after embarking passengers at Tilbury, left the same day for Plymouth, which was reached the next evening. After embarking passengers and mails the voyage was resumed at 10.30 p.m., light winds and fine weather prevailing to arrival at Teneriffe on Thursday. 15th June. Teneriffe was left at 11 p.m., and on the run down to Capetown strong trades were experienced on both sides of the equator with considerable sea. The vessel arrived at Capetown at 7.45 a.m. on Saturday, 1st July, and after a stay of seven hours left for Hobart. Stormy weather prevailed on the run across the Southern Ocean, very heavy W.S.W gales being experienced on the nights of 10th and 11th July with mountainous seas. The Ruahine proved herself an excellent sea boat. Hobart was reached on Thursday, 20th July, at 2 p.m., where some 400 tons of cargo and 102 passengers were landed. Considerable delay was caused through wet weather and shortage of coal at that port. The voyage was resumed at 6.42 a.m. on Saturday last, and strong south-easterly gale and easterly winds, with high head seas, were experienced all the way across the Tasman Sea.

Captain F. Forbes is now in command, and has with him the following officers and engineers:- Mr. J. H. Squires, chief officer; Mr. E. W. J. Nursey, second; Mr. E. B. Dalby, third; Mr. C. B. Lamb, fourth; Mr. J. C. R. Lind, surgeon; Mr. C. Searle, purser; Mr. C. A. Weller, Marconi operator; Mr. J. Turner, chief engineer; Mr. B. T. Aitken, second; Mr. D. Shier, third; Mr. C. Young, fourth; Mr. G. Knowles, fifth; Mr. S. W. Smyth, sixth; Mr. J. Bissett, first refrigerating engineer; Mr. J. Storm, second.

In addition to the list previously published the Ruahine embarked the following passengers;— At Capetown: Second saloon – Mr. G. Bryden; steerage, Messrs. A. Davidson, D. Lewis, S. Press, W, F. Therkleston. At Hobart: Second saloon— Mr., Mrs., and Miss Tabart, and Mrs. Grieve.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2014