Dixon Cemetery--Town of Madrid--MD010


Dixon Cemetery is located at the intersection of State Highway 310 and the Planty Road, halfway between the hamlets of Norfolk and Madrid. Coming from the intersection of State Highways 310 and 345 in Madrid, it is 4.4 miles from this intersection towards Norfolk. From Norfolk, if you turn onto West Main Street from US Highway 56, you will first be on County Road 38, which intersects with State Highway 310. Go straight at this intersection and 1.3 miles from this intersection, you will come to the Planty Road and the cemetery. The entrance to the cemetery is on the Planty Road. This is a small cemetery, and can be seen from State Highway 310, but is not all that visible.


This cemetery is located on the Chase Mills 7.5 minute topographical map and the measured coordinates are 44 46 34 North and 075 03 16 West.


There are two Revolutionary War soldiers buried here, as noted in the DAR book, "Heroes of the American Revolution". Pvt. Jonathan Allen, whose stone is still standing and in reasonably good shape, and Pvt Samuel Allen, whose stone is broken and was found laying face down (May 2000).


Burials began in 1811 according to the sign at the cemetery, but the earliest burial found on the stones remaining was 1835 (Jonathan Allen). There are at least fifteen indications of stones that are now broken, missing and otherwise unreadable. There seem to be at least fifty burials in this cemetery.


Dixon Stone Census


Dixon Digital Photos


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