note.gif "Great Gran Pa"


Monday 27 March 2000 - Published Weakly
Serving members of the Monday Morning Mariners Meeting
Direct Correspondence to the chair at the bkhd - outboard, or email [email protected]
Heeeere's Matthew Gabriel

From The Editors Desk


I just returned home from today's MMMM, and as legend insists - thoroughly bombed, drew the above graphic using Windows "Paint", set up the format, edited, and installed the photos, and wrote the captions. The publication program isn't a program, but home-brew HTML. Now...that ain't bad for a retired Merchant Mariner ( 12 years ). You might say it's a labor of love, but it's pure madness contracted during the past one-and-a-half-hours with a half-dozen other geezers in their second-childhood.
I am compelled to complete this task before all this mad euphoria wears off, and I ( as legend again insists ) sober up, and change my mind. I proof read it myself several times, and then let it sit for another day before sending it to the server. This I have to do if I want to include the "minutes" as taken by our esteemed "secretary" ( and chauffer ) - Captain Ed.
Ed sits more, or less central to all that's being said, so it's to him we give this important job, but it's his dilly-dallying after he gets home that takes him forever to decipher, and compose his notes. Getting them off to me is another matter, as he has to remember how to access his email program. Eventually, he does manage to send it out, and then I, ( here's some more legend ) without the benefit of the day before glow, have to place it in the newsbrief. To edit, and read his report is just too much for me in a sober condition, ( more legend ) so I just stick it in as is. So...what starts out as a silly endeavour, really gets absurd. No legend there.
However, this edition with its content being a departure from the former nonsense of photos of us over, and over, and photos of cake, and food, does make me feel rather glad we have the newsbrief. Maybe things might start getting more interesting, like forming a baseball team.


"The Picture Of The Year"...

mg_14_4_days_mar_00_nl.jpg dubs this photo by Gene, the proud Great Grand Pa of Matthew. He goes on to add:
Here is a picture taken by Roni with her 35mm camera and photographed with my digital camera since no scanner available at this time. Roni is a great photographer. When she gets her digital camera (next week) she will be unstoppable.

You can be sure of that Gene. By the way folks, Roni is Gene's daughter. Roni, and her significant other - Stewart graced our table at the MMMM at one time.
Congrats from the MMMM group to the must be proud Mother and Father Arielle and Jonathan. This is their first child and Gene's first Greatgrandchild. Ed.

Hi Again

Matthew Gabriel - an impressive name. Gathering from that look of confidence, he'll have no trouble living up to his namesakes.



Switching to Mindspring? Tell them SLOWBELL sent you.

Gene's Joy

Matthew Gabriel at eleven-days old. Gene's age is unknown, but he's "up there".

Shirley's Competition

"Go on...ignore me, it won't be long before you'll be after me to keep an eye on Mat, and I'll just remember this. Oh...I don't really mean that. Just don't feel bad when he gives me all the attention! Us furry pals are more fun that mothers!
Oh yes...if you want to see me larger, just click on the photo. Please click on "Back" to return".
"Woof   ( thanks )."

Shirley has adorned these pages along with Elwould, Titeaux, and Maurice Lamarr Melvin, the latter two - feline pals.
Underlined text indicates a "hyperlink", and if clicked on, will bring up another page with more to see. You must click "Back" to return.

One More

MG at 7 days. All of us at the MMMM are hoping for another blessed event for Gene, and of course another treat to lunch.
Congratulations, and best wishes to MG's mom, and dad, and all his furry pals.


The 28 March 2000 MMMM met as scheduled at 1130 sharp. In attendance was Bill V., Dick, Gary, Bill Q., Earl, and Carl.
The first thing on the agender was Earl's "Show, and Tell" - printouts of last weeks newsbrief, and selected emails containing pictures. Though we have seen them online, it is always interesting to see them in hard copy. With that over, conversation immediately addressed Dick's dilemma of not being able to receive email reliably through Road Runner. This of course brought the group down on Dick for messing with new, and untried systems, especially since most of us put alot of thought, and effort into our messages, and don't appreciate the thought that we are talking to ourselves. Then Carl announced his computer was down for the morning, but after a good dose of Format C:\>, was up and running, but nothing guaranteed.
Diane was her chipper self, having everything ready for our arrival, including Carl's heave-around. There being no holidays, or special events, there wasn't anything decorative, or unique to photo. Anyhow, the photographer "Supreme" was too busy watching the bathing beauties out by the pool. Jumping up at least a dozen times to get a better view, and yelling: "Did you see that?' We should note that Dick sits inboard looking outboard just so he has this view.
In spite of the absence of our more colorful members, we did have a good meeting, the time flying by quite quickly. We did manage some photos outside before splitting up, but they won't make this edition as the "Supreme" photographer thinks this computer is kaput, so we'll try for next week.


Click on the buoy to email Gene

The Monday Morning Mariners' Meeting

The MMMM meets at 1130 every monday in the Captains Grill at the Holiday Inn in Cocoa Beach Florida, and is open to all - mariner or not. All are welcome who have a need for telling sea-stories, good company, and good food. There are no formalities, nor membership requirements. Take nothing seriously, nor believe anything you hear. Seating is by tenure, especially the chair nearest the bulkhead facing inboard. The meeting adjourns around 1300 for no reason whatsoever.
Your newsletter, Balmy Breezers, is published by, and for members of the MMMM on a weakly basis. This publication exists to inform, and entertain those interested in keeping abreast of the latest scuttlebutt.
Articles contained herein may be reprinted by other publications provided definitive written credit is given.
The mail address is as shown in the masthead. Delivery is by Internet shortly after each meeting.
Members are urged to submit material to the editor for inclusion in this newsletter, otherwise it will fizzle out toot-sweet.

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