Lyttelton Times - 12 April 1862
Electoral District - Claims to Vote
Thanks to
Place of Abode | Nature of Qualification | Place where Property situate, and name and description of same | Name of Householder or Freeholder who attested Signature of Claimant | ||
ALLWRIGHT | Harry | Lyttelton | Freehold | House and part of Sec No 26 Sumner Rd | W Gosnell |
ARNOLD | James | Lyttelton | Freehold | 1/4 acre town section 2 68 in Voelas Rd, Dampiers Bay | Thomas Mann |
ATKINSON | Joseph | Dampiers Bay | Household | Wood house, Dampiers Bay | Edward Genet |
ATKINSON | Thomas | London St, Lyttelton | Household | London St, wooden building | Edward Genet |
BANNISTER | Robert Elijah | Canterbury St, Lyttelton | Household | Section 86, Canterbury St, house | J W Hamilton |
BARTON | Thomas | Lyttelton | Household | Lyttelton, part town section 314 | J T Peacock |
BILLENS | Robert | Lyttelton | Leasehold | Part of Sec 33 London St | William Rayner |
BOWLER | William (Jnr) | Marine Cottage, Lyttelton | Freehold | Sec 201, 202, 203 Sumner Road. Warehouse and office, Norwich Quay | I Thomas Cookson |
BRUCE | Thomas | Gloucester St, Christchurch | Freehold | Sections 291, 292 Dampiers Bay. Section 29, London St | Richard Davis |
BUCKLEY | George | Casterton, Heathcote Valley | Leasehold | Store, Norwich Quay, Lyttelton | A Louisson |
BURRELL | John | Winchester St | Freehold | Part of section opposite the gaol | James Hare |
CARROLL | John | Exeter St | Household | House in Exeter Street, held from Robert WILSON | James Hare |
CARTER | John | Lyttelton | Freehold and household | Lyttelton, Jacksons Rd, Section 305 | James Arnold |
CARVER | William Robinson | Dampiers Bay | Freehold and household | Regina Cottage, 217 Dampiers Bay | Ebenezer Mills |
CHANEY | William George | Winchester St | Freehold | Part of section opposite the gaol | James Hare |
CHILLINGWORTH | Alfred Richard | Canterbury St, Lyttelton | Leasehold | Canterbury Street, store | (No attestation) |
CLARK | George T | Dampiers Bay | Freehold | 1/4 acre 252, town Lyttelton | R Latter |
CLARKSON | David | Cashel St, Christchurch | Leasehold | Part of section 25, London St, Lyttelton | H D Manning |
CORDERY | Benjamin | Winchester St | Leasehold and Household | House and blacksmith shop, Winchester St, Lytterlton | H W Derry |
COSTER | John Lewis | Lyttelton | Household | London St, Bank of New Zealand | J Arnold |
DAMPIER | Christopher Edward | Saltwater Creek | Freehold | Sections 240, 241, 245 Dampiers Bay | Thomas Cass |
DAVIS | David | London St, Lyttelton | Leasehold | Norwich Quay, Lyttelton | Rowland Davis |
DOWDALL | Samuel | Lyttelton | Wharfinger | House on Peacock's Wharf | James Arnold |
D'OYLEY | Robert William | Dampiers Bay | Leasehold | Part of Section 36, London St | Thomas Merson |
DUDLEY | Benjamin Woolley | Rangiora | Freehold | Lyttelton, Town Section 306 | James Barford |
ELMSLEY | John | Lyttelton | Household | Section 169, Oxford St | William Chapman |
ENGLAND | Kelynge | Exeter St | Freehold | House and land, Exeter St, Part of Sec 168 | H W Derry |
GENET | Edward | Norwich Quay | Household | Wooden store, Norwich Quay | William Rutledge |
GRIFFITHS | Evan | Brenchley Farm | Leasehold | 1 acre, Branchley farm and house | W Graham |
HARE | James | Bridle Path | Freehold and household | House and part of Rural Section 40 | John Burrill |
HARRINGTON | Dennis | Lyttelton | Leasehold | House and land, College land | William Rayner |
HASSALL | Thomas Maberley | Lyttelton | Freehold | House and 1/4acre land corner of Jackson's Rd and Selwyn Rd | William Reeves |
HERBERT | William | Coleridge St, Lyttelton | Household | Part of Sec 112, Coleridge St, Lyttelton | Thomas M Gee |
HEWITT | James | Dampiers Bay | Freehold | Part of Rural section 247 | Sydney E Wright |
HILL | John | Ticehurst Rd | Household | Ticehurst Rd, Lyttelton, part of Rural Section 40 | John D Bamford |
HOBBS | William Benjamin | Winchester St | Household | House in Winchester St | Thomas Voules |
JENKINS | James Summers | London St, Lyttelton | Household | London St on Sec 27 | William Pitcaithley |
JONES | Benjamin Napthall | Lyttelton | Household | Railway Hote, cnr of London and Canterbury St | Thomas Mann |
KNOWLES | Francis | Lyttelton | Household. Freehold | Highland Cottage, Lyttelton. Coleridege St, Lyttleton | William Reeves |
LITTLECOTT | William | Hawkhurst Rd | Freehold | 1/4 acre Hawkhurst Rd, part of Rural section 40 | Charles Littlecott |
MALCOLMSON | James | St David's St, Lyttelton | Freehold | Part of Town section 198, St David's St | Thomas Mann |
McLELLAN | Hugh | Bridle Path | Freehold | Part of Rural section 40 | Thomas Mann |
MERSON | Thomas | London St, Lyttelton | Household. Freehold | London street. Sumner road | R M D'Oyly |
MILLS | Ebenezer | London St, Lyttelton | Leasehold | London street, part of Section 36 | Thomas Mann |
PEARCE | William Chambers | Brenchley Farm | Leasehold | 1 acre, part of Rural section 193 | Thomas Preece |
PEARCE | William | Bridle Path | Household | Bridle Path, Lyttelton | T M Gee |
PREECE | Thomas | London St, Lyttelton | Household | House, Section 25, London St | John S Willcox |
RENSHAW | Henry | Lyttelton | Leasehold | Store, Oxford St, Lttelton | William Reeves |
RITCHIE | Thomas | Norwich Quay | Leasehold | Wood store, Norwich Quay | Edward Genet |
ROBERTS | John | Lyttelton | Freehold | House and garden, Section 162, Oxford st | William Rayner |
SCHENKELL | Mello | Winchester St | Household | Winchester st | Edward Genet |
SEAGER | Edward William | Oxford st, Lyttelton | Household | Oxford street on Gaol reserve | Thomas Mann |
SNOSWELL | James | Lyttelton | Household | House on Section 62, Oxford st | William Rayner |
SNOSWELL | Thomas | Lyttelton | Freehold | House, Ripon St, part of 137 | William Reeves |
SPROUL | Alexander | Exeter St | Freehold and household | Exeter St, 129, 130, 131, 132 Ferry road, No 99 | Thomas Mann |
STRICKLAND | David | Oxford st, Lyttelton | Leasehold | Part of Section 62, Oxford street | James Hare |
TAYLOR | Joseph | St David's St, Lyttelton | Freehold | Part of section 189, St David street | Thomas Mann |
TOMBS | George | Lyttelton | Freehold | Part of rural section 40, Salt's gully | William Wheeler |
TURNER | Charles Wesley | Christchurch | Household | Lyttelton, house and as Bank of New South Wales | J Ollivier |
WALKER | William | London St, Lyttelton | Freehold | Part of Section 28, London, Lyttleton | Ebenezer Mills |
WATKINS | Henry Green | Ripon Street | Household | Section 139, 138 | George T Whitley |
WEBB | Samuel | London street and Brenchley Farm | Leasehold. Household | Brenchley farm. Part of section 35, London st | Ebenezer Mills |
WELD | Frederick Aloysius | Brackenfield, Kohai | Freehold | Sections 67 and 68, Lyttelton | O B Paul |
WHEELER | William | Lyttelton | Household | House in Salt's gully | George Tombs |
WHITLEY | George Joseph | Oxford st, Lyttelton | Freehold | Ripon St, 138 and 139 | James Watkins |
WILKIN | James Thomas Wellington | Hawkhurst Rd | Household | Part of Rural section 40, Hawkhurst road | John S Willcox |
WILLCOX | John Smith | Bridle Path | Leasehold and household | Part of Section 25, Canterbury st | Thomas Mann |
WOLEDGE | Charles Wilson Howard | Oxford st, Lyttelton | Leasehold. Freehold | Part of Sec 94, Oxford St. Part of Town Sec 169, Oxford st | Thomas Mann |
AKAROA | |||||
ADAMS | Thomas | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land and houses in the town of Akaroa. 45 acres on German Bay hill | James Daniel Garwood |
ARMSTRONG | George | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land and house in town of Akaroa. Land on German Bay hill | James Daniel Garwood |
BENOIT | Jacques | German Bay, Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land and house in town of Akaroa. Land and house, German Bay hill | Joseph Deighton |
CARLISLE | Thomas | Head of Akaroa harbor | Freehold | Land, Barryton Tce, head of Akaroa harbor | B Shadbolt |
CATLING | George Taylor | Akaroa | Household. Freehold | Lavand St, Akaroa. Land at Red House bay, Akaroa | Robert Greaves |
CLOSE | Robert | Head of Akaroa harbor | Freehold | 1 acre of land, Barryton, head of Akaroa harbor | Robert Greaves |
ETEVENEAUX | Jean Baptiste | Oamaru | Freehold. Freehold | Land at Balguerie Rd, Town of Akaroa. Land and house Balguerie Rd | James Daniel Garwood |
GINDERS | Alfred | Akaroa | Freehold | Land and house, town of Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
GINDERS | Edward | Akaroa | Freehold | Land and house, town of Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
GREAVES | Robert | Akaroa | Household | House in Lavand St, Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
HAYLOCK | George | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land and house, Grehan Rd. Land and store in town of Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
HOUGHTON | Thomas | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land and house in town of Akaroa. 20 acres adjoining Aylmer's Valley | James Daniel Garwood |
KELGAN | Patrick | Manuka tahi, Akaroa harbor | Freehold | 20 acre section of land and house, Manuka tahi, Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
MUNNS | Henry | German Bay, Akaroa | Freehold | Land and house, German Bay | James Daniel Garwood |
PARHAM | Luke | Head of Akaroa harbor | Leasehold | Land in Barry's Bay, Akaroa | Samuel James Gamman |
PAWSON | William | Head of Akaroa harbor | Freehold and household | 25 acres of land and house, head of Akaroa harbor | James Daniel Garwood |
ROBERTS | James Fraser | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | 2 sections in Aylmer's valley, 20 acres and 30 acres respectively. Sections in town of Akaroa Nos 115, 116, 117, 158a | James Daniel Garwood |
RODRIGUES | Antonio | Akaroa | Freehold | Land and house, town of Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
SCARBROUGH | George | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land, German bay, Akaroa. Bruce's Hotel, Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
WAECKERLEY | Jacob | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Lavand St, Akaroa, land and houses. 37 acres land at Mount Benoit, Akaroa | Joseph Deighton |
WALTERS | John | German Bay, Akaroa | Freehold | Land, German bay | James Daniel Garwood |
WATKINS | Daniel | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land and house, Jolie St, Akaroa. Ten acres of land outside town of Akaroa | Henry Green Watkins |
WATKINS | Stephen | Akaroa | Household | House in town of Akaroa | Daniel Watkins |
WATKINS | Henry Green | Akaroa | Leasehold | Land and house, town of Akaroa | Daniel Watkins |
WATKINS | William Montague Nevens | Akaroa | Household | Land and house, town of Akaroa | Daniel Watkins |
WATSON | John | Akaroa | Freehold. Freehold | Land, Lavand St, Akaroa. Land and house, Mount Benoit, Akaroa | E Harrington |
WRIGHT | George Henry | Land's End, Akaroa | Household | Lucas'station, Land's Enf, Akaroa | James Daniel Garwood |
ALLEN | John | Governors bay | Leasehold | Part of section 249a | Charles Fitton |
BEALEY | John | Christchurch | Freehold | Section 3330, Birdling and Price's Creek, Lake Ellesmere | Samuel Bealey |
DAMPIER | Christopher Edward | Northport, Saltwater Creek | Freehold | Sections 714 and part 247, Governor's Bay road, 2237, 2242, 2243 etc Little River | Thomas Cass |
DEAN | George | Purau | Household and leasehold | Dean's Villa, Purau | (No attestation) |
EDWARDS | Cockayne | Governors bay | Leasehold | Part of Mr Pott's rural section, Governors bay | James Hare |
FITTON | Charles | Governors bay | Freehold | Hemingford, Governors bay | John Allen |
FORSTER | William | Governors bay | Leasehold | House and 5 acres land | Evan Griffiths |
HARSTON | Edward French Buttemer | Papanui road, Christchurch | Freehold. Freehold | Rural section 3243 near river Selwyn, 50 acres of thereabouts. Rural section 3230 near river Selwyn, 50 acres of thereabouts | Thomas B Bain |
JONES | Richard | Governors bay | Leasehold | Governors bay | William Wheeler |
MILLER | Edward Mant | Church bay | Leasehold | House and land, Church bay | B N Jones |
PARSONS | Charles | Stoke farm, Governors bay | Freehold | Section 228 etc, Stoke farm, Governors bay | Charles Parsons |
SPROT | Mark | Diamond harbour | Farmer | Part interest in Diamond harbour | Rowland Davis |
STODDART | Mark Pringle | Diamond harbour | Farmer | Diamond harbour, Port Victoria, opposite Lyttelton | William Reeves |
WILSON | William | Lichfield st, Christchurch | Freehold | Section 2485, Little River | D Kinnebrook |
ADAMS | William | Heathcote valley | Leasehold | 50 acre section in Heathcote valley | William Thomson |
AIKEN | Robert | Springs road | Leasehold | Springs road, section 2904, Lincoln | Francis Marchant |
ALLFREY | George | Tweed house | Freehold | House and land, part of esction 175, Sumner road | Thomas B Bain |
BARTRUM | George | Ferry rd, Christchurch | Freehold | 10 acres, part of Hoon Hay bush | Alfred Osborn |
BEAUMONT | James | Cashmere road | Leasehold and household | Section 147 Heathcote district | Richard Davis |
BISHOP | William | Riccarton | Freehold | 50 acres, 3355, Lincoln district | Robert Goodricke |
BOWEN | Charles Christopher | Milford | Freehold | Sections 194, 1085 and 1105 | Thomas B Bain |
BOWLER | William (Jnr) | Marine Cottage, Lyttelton | Freehold | 10 acres, 702 on Heathcote river | I Thomas Cookson |
BRIDGE | Charles Joseph | Opawha farm | Freehold | Quarter acre section town belt, Christchurch | Thomas B Bain |
BROWNE | William | Lincoln road | Freehold | Section 1063 5 1/2 miles, lower Lincoln road | John Murray |
BROWNE | Laurence Lawson | Morton | Household | Part of 146, Lower Lincoln road | James Preston |
BROWNE | William | Lincoln road | Freehold | 20 acres Lower Lincoln rad, 5 miles from Christchurch | John Murray |
BUCKLEY | George | Casterton, Heathcote valley | Leasehold | Dwelling house, Heathcote valley | A Louisson |
CAREY | George | Springs road | Freehold | Section 2802 Springs road | H George Kennedy |
CATERER | James Swallow | Windmill road | Freehold | Windmill road, near town belt | Bartholomew Hughes |
CLARK | Charles | Halswell road | Freehold | 50 acres on the Heathcote | Isaac Luck |
CLARKE | Christopher | Heathcote district | Freehold | Part of rural section 79 | Claude M Ollivier |
CLARKSON | David | Cashel street | Freehold | Nine and hald acres part of rural section 17 | E C J Stevens |
COKER | John Etherden | Hereford st | Freehold | Hereford street, Christchurch, east, one and half acres land | J Younghusband |
COLE | John (Jnr) | Heathcote mill | Household | House close to mill section 76 | (not attested) |
COLE | John (Snr) | Heathcote mill | Household | House close to mill section 76 | (not attested) |
COOTE | Henry Joseph | Glenmore, near Christchurch | Leasehold | Glenmore near Christchurch | H J Cridland |
DAMPIER | Christopher Edward | Northport, Saltwater creek | Freehold | Christchurch quay, part of section 32 | Thomas Cass |
DANFORD | William | Rakaia district | Freehold | Quarter acre near windmill, Christchurch | Thomas B Bain |
DAVIS | Robert Nate | Christchurch east | Freehold | Part of rural section 26 | George Standen |
DEARSLEY | James | St Asaph st, Christchurch | Freehold | Prebbletown No 2358 | Thomas B Bain |
FARLAND | James | Heathcote valley | Leasehold | No 19 Heathcote valley | George Piercy |
FAWCETT | James | Windmill road | - | 2 roods 20 perches commencing 10 chains from town belt | William Prudhoe |
FFITCH | George | Gamsix, Christchurch | Freehold | 100 acres north of Selwyn, No 3000 | John Murray |
GAMMACK | James | Lower Lincoln road | Freehold | Section 379 on Lower Lincoln road, section 2503 Springs road | John Miln |
GILBERT | James | Heathcote valley | Leasehold | 50 acres Heathcote valley, part of section 77 | D Kinnebrook |
GOODMAN | Samuel | Colombo St, Christchurch | Freehold | Windmill road, part of rural section 79 | William Harris |
GOODRICK | Robert | Riccarton | Freehold | 50 acres 1485 Lincoln district | William Bishop |
GUILD | James | Kaituna | Freehold | Springs district, sections 3052 and 3053 | John Miln |
HAMILTON | William John Warburton | Dampier's bay, Lyttelton | Leasehold | 10 acres, part of rural section 72, beginning at 4.37 links from the Lower Lincoln road and fronting along the accommodation road on the southern boundary of No 72, said 10 acres bounded on the north by a raupo creek | R E Bannister |
HAMMELL | John | South of Christchurch, near Town belt | Freehold | South Christchurch, near town belt | G Willmer |
HARDING | Thomas | Scarness station, Ashburton | Freehold | Section part 327 and 30 | James George Hawkes |
HARRIS | William | Colombo St, Christchurch | Freehold | Montreal road part of section 79 | Samuel Goodman |
HASSAL | Thomas Maberly | Riverlaw | Household | Riverlaw, hills road | Frederick Le Cren |
HENNELEY | Patrick | Madras st, Christchurch | Freehold | Section 3187 | Thomas B Bain |
HOBDEN | John Levett | Christchurch | Freehold | Part of section 113 Lower Lincoln road | J Younghusband |
HOGG | Edward James | Englefield | Freehold. Leasehold | 3 acres land joining railway reserve. House and premises known as Englefield | Thomas W Maude |
HORNBROOK | Alfred | Mount pleasant | Freehold | Sections 559 Lyttelton and 3987 Heathcote | William Bowler (Jnr) |
HORRELL | George | Prebble town | Freehold | Section 1847 Springs Road, Lincoln district | H George Kennedy |
JACKSON | William | Prebbleton | Freehold | Section 2594 Springs road, Lincoln district | H George Kennedy |
JOHNSTONE | Samuel | Chester st, Christchurch | Freehold | Worcester street east, Christchurch, part of rural section 26 | Thomas B Bain |
JONES | Robert | Cashel street | Freehold | Town belt south, part of rural section 17 | J Ellson Brown |
KENNAWAY | William | Lower Heathcote | Freehold | Rural section 122 Lower Heathcote | Thomas B Bain |
KENNEDY | Henry George | Prebbleton | Freehold | Section 2813 on Springs rd, Lincoln | James Gammack |
KEOGH | Michael | Ferry rd, Christchurch | Freehold | Three eights of an acre, part of rural section 84 | Thomas S Duncan |
KING | John | Cashel street | Freehold | Part of rural section adjoining town belt west, Christchurch house and land | Thomas B Bain |
KNIGHT | Arthur Charles | Newlands | Freehold | Between swamp road and Taitapu, section 2490 and 2491 | G C Beard |
LAFPHY | Thomas | St Heshop st (sic), Christchurch | Leasehold | Section 3622 Lincoln road | Thomas B Bain |
LAURIE | Patrick | Ferry rd, Christchurch | Leasehold | House and land, Union wharf, Ferry rd | C C Aikman |
LECREN | Frederic | Christchurch | Freehold | Rural sections 1238, 1239 | Thomas Hurrell |
MacDONALD | Angus | Left bank of Selwyn | Household | Sections 3620, 3648, 3644, 3688 left bank of the Selwyn | J Cracroft Wilson C.B |
MacDONALD | Angus (Jnr) | Left bank of Selwyn | Household | Sections 3620, 3648, 3644, 3688 left bank of the Selwyn | J Cracroft Wilson C.B |
McLAUCHLAN | James | near Prebbleton | Leasehold | 2277 and 2196, Springs road, Lincoln district | H E Kennedy |
McLEAN | John | Christchurch | Freehold | Part of rural section 8 | Thomas W Maude |
MILLTON | James | Ferry rd, Christchurch | Leasehold | House and wharf, ferry road | D Kinnebrook |
MONEY | Alfred Walter | Durham street, Christchurch | Freehold | 104 acres Prebbleton | Thomas B Bain |
MONEY | Charles Frederick | Colombo St, Christchurch | Freehold | House and paddock, windmill road | A W Money |
MONTGOMERY | William | Christchurch quay | Leasehold | House and land, Christchurch quay | Thomas B Bain |
MORGAN | Edward | Lower Lincoln road | Household | House and 3 acres land, part section 210 Lower Lincoln road | James Gammack |
MORGAN | Thomas | Cashmere | Household | Sections 382 and 383, Cashmere | J Cracroft Wilson C.B |
MORTEN | Richard May | Christchurch | Freehold | Part of rural section 79, near railway station | John C Aikman |
NEWNHAM | William Thomas | Lyttelton | Freehold | 3/4 acre part of rural section 79, Windmill road | Magnus Allan |
OAKES | John Peter | Christchurch | Freehold | Nos 866 and 563, Sumner road | Edward Coleman |
PANNETT | Thomas Avis | Newbiggin farm, Riccarton | Freehold | 100 acres, section 2718, Lincoln district | George Durey |
PARKERSON | Burrell | Christchurch | Freehold | House and land known as Inwood's Tanner, south side river Avon | Thomas B Bain |
PARKIN | George | New town of Christchurch east | Freehold and household | Part of section 26 | William Verrall |
PARKINSON | John Townsend | Christchurch | Leasehold. Freehold | Ferry road. ? Qr acre sections | Charles Clark |
PETER | William Spence | The Lawns, Avonside | Freehold | House and 5 acres of land at Avondale | Thomas W Maude |
PRICE | Phillip Francis | Peterborough St, Christchurch | Freehold | Part of rural section 79, Windmill road | Thomas B Bain |
ROGERS | James Dowling | Hinds river | Freehold | Rural sections, Upper and Lower Heathcote | Thomas B Bain |
ROWLEY | John | Springs track | Freehold | Part of section 2999, Springs track | Josh. Rowley |
ROWLEY | Joseph | High St, Christchurch | Freehold | Part of section 2999, Springs track | Thomas Cooper |
SCOTT | David | Lincoln road | Freehold | 20 acres, 2593, Springs road, Lincoln district | James Gammack |
SCOTT | Henry Arthur | Glenthorne, Lake Coleridge | Freehold | Sections 887 and 2600, Lower Heathcote | H J Coote |
SHAND | Charles W | Avon lodge | Gentleman | Rawcliffe, Lincoln district, 200 acres agricultural land | Francis Marchant |
SILK | Alfred | Ferry rd | Freehold | Wharf hotel, Ferry road | Edward W Tippetts |
SILK | Edwin | Christchurch | Freehold | Ferry road | George H Tribe |
SMITH | Henry Addington | Corner of Colombo and Cashel streets | Freehold | Southern extremity of Lake Ellesmere, section 2444 opposite Ahuriri. SECTION 66, South Belt, Christchurch | John Elvines |
STANDEN | George | East belt, Christchurch | Freehold | Part of rural section 26, East belt, Christchurch, 1/4 acre land and house | Robert Nate Davis |
STILLWELL | John | Prebbletown | Leasehold | Section 1808, Prebbleton, Lincoln district | H George Kennedy |
TANCRED | Henry John | Christchurch | Freehold | 23 acres rural land: 15 acres of rural section No 17, together with 8 acres of rural section No 66 adjoining, in all 23 acres; the former commencing on the eastern boundary of No 17, at a distance of 17 chains 43 links from the north-east corner of said section and extending along said boundary, extending southward 13 chains, crossing the section in a rectangular block. The latter commencing on the eastern boundary of Section No 66 at a distance of 16 chains 20 links from the south-east corner of said boundary, extending northward 6 chains 60 links, crossing the section in a rectangular block. 1000 acres at Grasslea, being rural sections numbered 3641 and 3649 | Claude M Ollivier |
THOMPSON | Charles | Prebbleton | Freehold | Section 3122, just off Springs track, Lincoln district | Andrew Dawson |
THOMPSON | George | Prebbleton | Freehold | Section 2464, just off Springs track, Lincoln district | Charles Clarke |
THOMPSON | Thomas | Prebbleton | Freehold | Section 2423, just off Springs track | Charles Clarke |
TIPPETTS | Edward Watson | Ferry road | Freehold | Wharf hotel, Ferry road | Alfred Silk |
TOWNSEND | Thomas | Hereford St, Christchurch | Freehold | Section 3028, Lincoln district | R J S Harman |
TURNBULL | James Somerville | Christchurch | Leasehold | Rural section fronting Ferry rd | Thomas W Maude |
TURNER | Charles Wesley | Christchurch | Freehold | Section 3160, Lincoln district | J Ollivier |
VERRALL | William | Cashel st, East Christchurch | Freehold, leasehold, household | Part of section 26, East Christchurch | George Parkin |
WADDELL | Alexander | Springs track | Leasehold | Section 2956, Springs road, Lincoln district | H George Kennedy |
WEBB | William | Sumner road, Christchurch | Freehold | Part of rural section 14, Ferry rd | W Wilson |
WILSON | Alexander Cracroft | Cashmere | Household | Cashmere | J Cracroft Wilson C.B |
WILSON | John Cracroft | Cashmere | Freehold. Freehold and household | Sections 3620, 3648, 3644, 3688 left bank of the Selwyn. 382, 383 etc Cashmere on the road to Hoon Hay | Thomas B Bain. John Bealy |
WILSON | Frederick Herbert | Cashmere | Household | Cashmere | J Cracroft Wilson C.B |
YOUNGHUSBAND | John | Colombo St, Christchurch | Freehold | Sections 19 and 20 of Lunatic reserves | William Cudden |
ADLEY | Antill Alfred | Oxford house | Freehold | Market place, Oxford terrace boarding house | Thomas B Bain |
AIKMAN | Colin Campbell | Ferry road | Leasehold | Office and land in Cashel street | Patrick Laurie |
ALABASTER | Charles | Crammer square, Christchurch | Household | Section 295, Crammer square, Christchurch | James George Hawkes |
ALLWRIGHT | Harry | Lyttelton | Freehold | Part of town reserve Tuam street, Christchurch | W Gosnell |
AMBROSE | Thomas Benjamin | Town belt road North Christchurch | Household | Fronting the town belt road north, within the boundary of Christchurch (part of section 62, town reserves) | George Turner |
ATKINSON | John | Colombo street | Freehold | One eight of an acre Manchester street sections 15-16 | Henry Fielder |
ATKINSON | John Charles | Christchurch | Freehold | The ninth part of an acre Manchester St | T M Hassall |
AUKLAND | John | Salisbury Street | Freehold | Salisbury street, lot 43, town | W L Matthews |
AYERS | Aaron | Colombo street | Household | Colombo and High steets, Christchurch | James Swinbourne |
BALDWIN | Joseph | Gloucester street | Leasehold land and house | Part of section 707, Gloucester street, Christchurch | Rees Walters |
BALEKE | Augustus | St Asaph street | Household | St Asaph street, Christchurch | Richard Davis |
BANKS | Enoch | Oxford terrace west | Leasehold | Oxford terrace west dwelling house | Herbert Lowther |
BARTER | Stephen | St Asaph street | Household | Household, town reserves No 7 | W D Barnard |
BARTRUM | George | Ferry road, Christchurch | Leasehold | Bradford house, High street, Christchurch | Thomas B Bain |
BEETHAM | Albert | Town belt south Christchurch | Household | Part of section 722, Hereford street | James George Hawkes |
BENNETT | Alexander | St Asaph street | Leasehold | Part of lot 48 on town reserves Christchurch | James Smith |
BIRDSEY | John | High street, Christchurch | Leasehold | House and land in High street, Christchurch, (Birdsey's British) | Thomas B Bain |
BOWEN | Charles Christopher | Milford | Freehold. Leasehold | Sections 311 and 313 town of Christchurch, 16 and 87 town reserves. 161 town reserves | Thomas B Bain |
BOWEN | Croasdaile | Riccarton | Freehold | Quarter acre section, Worcester street | William Reeves |
BOWLER | William (Jnr) | Marine cottage, Lyttelton | Leasehold | Office warehouse, Cashel steet, Christchurch | I Thomas Cookson |
BRADWELL | Albert Thomas Wardle | Colombo street | Household | House and shop, Colombo street | D Kinnebrook |
BRUCE | Thomas | Gloucester street | Freehold | Section No 502 Gloucester street | Richard Davis |
BUCKLEY | George | Casterton, Heathcote valley | Leasehold | Stores ferry or Sumner road | A Louisson |
BUTLER | Gilbert | Ferry road, opposite Town Hall | Leasehold | Ferry road, opposite town hall, house and shp, No 900 | Thomas B Bain |
BUTTON | Benjamin | Colombo street south | Freehold | Colombo street south, part of section 102 | Charles Lucas |
CALVERT | William | Sumner road | Leasehold | Sumner road, part of section 840, house and shop | Thomas B Bain |
CANDY | Artemas | Durham street, Christchurch | Leasehold | House and land on Sumner road in the town of Christchurch | Thomas B Bain |
CAREW | Walter John | Loscaime | Freehold | On the accommodation road, off Lincoln road, part of rural section 118 | R J S Harman |
CASS | Thomas | Springfield North road | Household | Latimer square, sections 671, 672 and buildings thereon | C P Soulsby |
CHISNALL | George Taylor | Christchurch | Freehold | Section No 46 of the Christchurch town reserves, situated on Lower Lincoln road and Selwyn street | George Gould |
CLARK | George | Oxford terrace west | Leasehold | Part of sections 715 and 716 | Thomas Milner |
CLEMENTS | George | Columbo street | Leasehold | Colombo street, Christchurch | C Asmussen |
CLIFF | George | Kilmore street, Christchurch | Leasehold | Kilmore street and Market square, part of quarter acre section 251 | C F Worth |
COKER | John Etherden | Hereford street, Christchurch, east | Leasehold | Butcher's shop, Colombo street, Christchurch | J Younghusband |
COX | Alfred | Raukapuka Orari | Freehold | Latimer square, sections 671, 672 and buildings thereon | C P Soulsby |
CROOKS | Henry | Salisbury Street | Freehold | Section 130 town reserves Salisbury street north | John Tulley |
CUDDEN | William | Tuam street | Leasehold | Tuam street | John Younghusband |
CUFF | John | Royal hotel, Christchurch | Household | Royal hotel, Oxford terrace west, Christchurch | Thomas Fisher |
CULBERT | William Donald | Christchurch | Household | Hereford street, house and shop | John Hart |
DE BOURBEL | Harold H | Woodend | Freehold | Club house, Christchurch | George Leslie Lee |
DE LA MARE | Thomas | Whateley road, Christchurch | Household | House and shop, Whately road | William Hinton |
DEACON | Rogers (sic) | Colombo street | Freehold | Colombo street south | George Willmer |
DEARING | Christopher | Whateley road, Christchurch | Household | Christchurch | George Evans Baker |
DEMPSEY | George Andrew | Tuam street | Household | House, Tuam street, Christchurch | Thomas B Bain |
DEWSBURY | Benjamin | Antigua street | Freehold | Armagh street, part of lot 98 | William Hislop |
DIX | John | Sumner road | Leasehold | Sumner road, Christchurch, house and land | Thomas B Bain |
DUDLEY | Benjamin Woolley | Rangiora | Freehold | City of Christchurch565? And 566 | James Barford |
EASTON | Thomas L | Cashel street | Leasehold | 1/4 acre sec No 135 situated in Peterborough street, north and Montreal st east | John Vincent |
EDDS | William | Christchurch | Household | House and stables on town section in Hereford street | Thomas William Maude |
FEATHER | James | Rural section 2230 | Household | On rural section 2230, known as grey stone quarry, nr Hoon Hay | Frederick Thompson |
FIELD | James | Worcester street, Christchurch | Freehold | House and land fronting on Lichfield street and town belt being part of section 110 Christchurch town reserves | Samuel Goodman |
FLETCHER | George | Christchurch | Leasehold | Columbo street, Christchurch, shop and dwelling house | George Taylor Chisnall |
FOLEY | John | Hereford street, Christchurch, east | Household | Hereford street, on portion of section 86, town reserve | P W Foley |
FOOKS | Charles Edward | Cashel street | Household | Lichfield street, section of land and house occupied as offices | Francis Slater |
FORD | James | Town belt north | Freehold | Town belt north, part of rural section No 257 | Thomas B Bain |
FORGAN | James | Cathedral square, Christchurch | Household | On Christchurch town sec 708, Cathedral Square, Christchurch | Frederick Thompson |
FRAZER | Charles | Tuam street | Leasehold | In Barbadoes st, Christchurch, town section 158, house and land | Thomas B Bain |
FREE | Thomas | Colombo street north | Freehold | 112 town reserve, Colombo st north and 52 Manchester street north | H B Grisbrook |
GARDOM | John William | Christchurch | Leasehold | Peterborough street, house | Thomas B Bain |
GARLICK | Thomas | Antigua street | Freehold | Cottage and garden | D Clarkson |
GOODMAN | Samuel | Colombo street | Leasehold | Colombo street, Christchurch, house and shop part of sec 881 and 883 | William Harris |
GOURLEY | William | St Asaph street | Freehold | House and garden | Hugh Milligan |
GREEN | Charles | Cashel street | Household | Cashel street, Christchurch | William Corbett |
GREENAWAY | John | Kilmore street, Christchurch | Freehold | House and half acre of land, Kilmore street | Thomas B Bain |
GRISBROOK | Henry Bush | Town section 247, Kilmore street | Freehold | 246 and 247 Kilmore street and Cambridge terrace east | Charles Lucas |
HADLEY | Josiah | Hereford street, Christchurch | Household | Hereford street, Christchurch | Frederick Thompson |
HAIR | James | Premises cnr Cashel street and Colombo street | Leasehold | A 1 hotel, corner of Colombo and Cashel streets | James Mann |
HARRIS | William | Colombo street, Christchurch | Household | Colombo street city, house and shop | Samuel Goodman |
HARTSON | Edward French Buttemer | Great north road, Christchurch | Freehold | Section 451 Hereford street, Christchurch | Thomas B Bain |
HAWKES | James George | Montreal street, Christchurch | Leasehold and household | Leasehold, part of section 730, Hereford street, Household part of section 420 Montreal street | Alexander Back |
HAWLEY | James Sibthorpe | Colombo street | Leasehold | House and shop, Colombo street, baker and confectioner | John Vincent |
HEALEY | Michael Henry | Lower Lincoln road | Freehold | Part of town reserve in the town of Christchurch | Thomas B Bain |
HILSON | Peter Brown | Market place | Household | Apothercarie's hall, Market place, Christchurch | J Somerville Turnbull |
HISLOP | William | Antigua street | Household and leasehold | Antigua street, Woodburn nursery, lots 64 and 134 | B Dewsbury |
HODGSON | John | Heathcote valley | Freehold | Heathcote valley, 1/4 acre part of Section 248a in Christchurch district | J W Hamilton |
HOWROYD | Jesse | Kilmore street, Christchurch | Leasehold | Parts of sections 160-162 with house thereon | C F Worth |
JOHNSTON | Samuel | Chester street east | Freehold | Chester street east, house and land, part of section 176 | D Kinnebrook |
JONES | Robert | Cashel street | Leasehold | Cashel street, part of section 841 | J E Browne |
JOYCE | James Brown | Christchurch | Household | Gloucester street, Christchurch, shop and dwelling | Thomas Pavitt |
KELLY | John | Christchurch | Freehold | Christchurch 1/4 acre with house | George Piercy |
KENNAWAY | William | Lower Heathcote | Freehold | In Kilmore and Antigua streets, Christchurch, No 281 | Thomas B Bain |
KENT | Thomas | Armagh street, Christchurch | Household (In occupation for more than 6 months) | Armagh street, Christchurch, on Mr C L Rose's sec 601 | Rowland Davis |
KING | John | Cashel street | Household | House and shop in Cashel street | Thomas B Bain |
KNAPMAN | Edward | Durham street north | Freehold | Part of town reserves No 41 fronting on Salisbury and Durham streets | C W Bishop |
LAURIE | Patrick | Ferrymead | Leasehold | House and land in Cashel street | C C Aikman |
LE CREN | Frederic | Christchurch | Household | Cashel street east | Thomas Turrill |
LEE | Edward James | Brooklands, Rakaia district | Freehold | Latimer square, sections 671, 672 and buildings thereon | C P Soulsby |
LEE | George Leslie | Amuri | Freehold | Club house, Christchurch | H H De Bourbell |
LOCKYEAR | Francis | Avonside | Leasehold | Part of town section 708, city of Christchurch | D Kinnebrook |
LUCAS | Charles | Gloucester street | Household | Gloucester street, Union printing office, dwelling house | W Richardson |
LUMMIS | George | Market place | Leasehold | Market place, house and shop, part of section 251 | William Bush |
MACKAY | David Mitchell | Christchurch | Tenant of house and land | Antigua street opposite windmill | J C Angus |
MARCH | John Edwin | Hereford street, Christchurch | Leasehold | Hereford strret, part of town section 722 | Mr Townshend (sic) |
MATTHEWS | Alexander | High street, Christchurch | Leasehold | In High street, Christchurch, house and shop | Thomas B Bain |
MATTHEWS | William Lea | Salisbury Street | Leasehold | Salisbury street, part of town reserve lot 157 | J Aukland |
MAUDE | Thomas William | Fendall town road | Freehold | Town section 530 | Isaac Luck |
McLEAN | John | Christchurch | Freehold. Leasehold | Town section 234 in Manchester st. 5 1/4 acre sections Kilmore street | Thomas William Maude |
McNICOL | Charles | Cashel street | Leasehold | Cashel street, Christchurch, house and shop, part of sec 862 | William A Pearce |
MEIN | William Henry | Kaiapoi | Leasehold | Colombo street, Christchurch, house | William H Revell |
MERSON | George | Salisbury Street | Freehold | 1/4 acre Salisbury street part of section 629 | Joseph Piper |
MERSON | George Hauley (Hartley) | Salisbury Street | Freehold | Salisbury street | Phillip Francis Price |
MEYER | Herbert | Christchurch | Household | House in St Asaph street | Thomas William Maude |
MILLIGAN | Hugh | St Asaph street | Freehold | House and garden | William Gourley |
MILLTER | James | Ferry road | Leasehold | Cashel street house | D Kinnebrook |
MONEY | Alfred Watley | Durham street, Christchurch | Freehold | Houses Durham and Kilmore streets, part of town sec 318 | Thomas B Bain |
MORRIS | Edward | Worcester street, Christchurch | Freehold | 2 acres land, 56 and 69 situate in Worcester St & Hereford St E | Thomas B Bain |
MORTEN | Richard May | Christchurch | Leasehold | High street, Christchurch, part of town section 839 | John C Aikman |
MOULD | Henry | Salisbury street | Leasehold and household | Salisbury street, Christchurch, section 91 | Thomas B Bain |
MUMMERY | John | Colombo street | Household | Colombo street, part of section 527 | Joseph Dann |
MURPHY | John Terry | Cust valley | Freehold | Sections 387, 389, 391 in Gloucester and Montreal streets | Robert Luke Higgins |
NEWSOME | Jeremiah | Kilmore street, west | Freehold | Kilmore street, lean to owner and occupier, part of sec 271 | Thomas B Bain |
NORMAN | Peter | Tuam street east | Leasehold | Town reserves, leasehold | W D Barnard |
OAKES | John Peter | Christchurch | Freehold | 589, cnr Colombo street and Armagh strret | Edward Coleman |
OAKES | Orbell Willoughby | Oxford terrace west | Household | House in Oxford terrace west | Thomas B Bain |
OGIER | William | Hereford street | Freehold | Hereford street east | W G Shrimpton |
PAGE | Joseph | High street, Christchurch | Freehold | In Manchester street, Christchurch, house and land | Thomas B Bain |
PAPPRILL | Thomas | Christchurch | Freehold | Crammer square No 298 | Frederick Thompson |
PARKINSON | John Thomas | Caversham House, Christchurch | Leasehold | Caversham House, Ferry road | Charles Clarke |
PAVITT | Edward | Christchurch | Leasehold | Gloucester street, 1/4 acre section, 582 | W D Wood |
PAVITT | Thomas | Christchurch | Household | Montreal street, sections 459 and 400 | W D Wood |
PAWSEY | John Robert | Christchurch | Leasehold | St Asaph street, house and part sec. of land 37 town reserve | W D Wood |
PEACOCK | John Thomas | Lyttelton | Freehold | Lot 73 Christchurch town reserve | Thomas Mann |
PEARCE | Percival | Armagh street, Christchurch | Freehold | Sec 552 Armagh street, part of sec 507 Kilmore street east | Frederick Thompson |
PIERCY | George | Durham street | Household | Christchurch | John Charles Brooke |
PREECE | Thomas | Lyttelton | Leasehold | Cashel street, Christchurch, part of town section 883 | John S Willcox |
PRICE | Philip Francis | Peterborough street | Household | House on part of section 147, Peterborough street | Thomas B Bain |
PRINCE | Charles | Colombo street Christchurch | Leasehold | Colombo street, Christchurch | J Ollivier |
RAMSCAR | George | Kilmore street | Household | House in Kilmore street | J W Moore |
RAVEN | John | Woodend | Freehold | Montreal street Christchurch | C P Soulsby |
REDMAN | Enoch | Kilmore street | Household | Kilmore street | W H Read |
RICHARDSON | William | Kilmore street | Household | Kilmore street | John T Parkinson |
RIDINGS | Percy Bradshaw | Cashel street | Household | Cashel street, a lean-to belonging to Mr Kissel | John Vincent |
RITCHIE | Andrew | Colombo street | Household | Salisbury and Kilmore streets | Samuel Mitchell |
RITCHIE | Andrew | Colombo street | Household | Gloucester street, a bakehouse | Samuel Mitchell |
ROBSON | George | Colombo street | Household | Colombo street, part of section 145 | Charles Flowers |
ROGERS | James Dowling | Hinds river | Freehold | House and land Cashel street | Thomas B Bain |
ROSSITER | Frederick | Cashel street | Household | Cashel street, house, garden and paddock | Thomas B Bain |
ROWLEY | Joseph | High street, Christchurch | Household | House in High street | Thomas B Bain |
RUTLAND | Walter George | Salisbury Street | Freehold | Tuam street, part of lot 128 town reserve | C P Reader |
SAMUELS | William Apthorp | Gloucester street | Leasehold | Gloucester street | Charles Flowers |
SANDERS | Samuel Langdon | High street or Sumner road | Household | Wesleyan school teachers house on part of section 835, Sumner road or High street | John Tompkins |
SCOTT | David | Christchurch | Household | St Asaph street west | J C Angus |
SCOTT | Edward | Madras street | Household | No. section 1156 | W D Barnard |
SEAGER | William Edward | Oxford street, Lyttelton | Leasehold | Durham street, Christchurch, quarter acre land and house | Thomas Mann |
SEAGER | Henry Fowler | Gloucester street | Household | Gloucester street | J V Colborne Veel |
SHACKLETON | John Ward | Lichfield street, Christchurch | Household | House and land, Lichfield street, Christchurch | W Stringer |
SLATER | Francis | Lichfield street, Christchurch | Household | House and premises, Lichfield street | |
SLATER | William | Lichfield street, Christchurch | Freehold | House and town section 439 | Thomas Fisher |
SMITH | Henry Addington | Corner of Cashel and Colombo streets | Leasehold | Corner of Cashel and Colombo streets | D Kinnebrook |
SOULSBY | Christopher Percy | Chester street, Christchurch | Freehold | Town sections 286, 287 and building thereon | Cyrus Davie |
STANLEY | John | Salisbury Street | Leasehold | Quarter acre church land, section 111, Salisbury street | Henry Wagstaff |
STANSELL | John Brough | Crammer square, Christchurch | Leasehold | Section 275, Crammer square | C P Soulsby |
STEDMAN | Silas Stilwell | Christchurch | Household | House and garden, corner of Armagh and Montreal streets | Thomas B Bain |
STROUTS | Frederick | Armagh street, Christchurch | Household. Leasehold | Part of section 355, Armagh street. Part of section 730, Hereford street | Thomas Tombs |
SUCKLING | Joseph | Cashel street | Freehold | Lichfield street, part of lot 81, town reserves | Richard Davis |
TANCRED | Henry John | Christchurch | Freehold | Town reserve lot 58 | Claude M Ollivier |
TAYLOR | Edward | Selwyn street | Freehold. Household | Selwyn street. Lincoln road | Rowland Davis |
TOMPKINS | James Henry | Colombo street north | Freehold | Part of sections 177 and 179, Colombo street north | Robert Watson |
TOWNSHEND | Thomas | Hereford street | Freehold | Part of section 722, Hereford street | R J S Harman |
TULLEY | John | Salisbury Street | Household | Section 130, Salisbury street north, town reserve | Henry Crooks |
TURNBULL | James Somerville | Armagh street, Christchurch | Household | Armagh street, Christchurch | H E Alport |
TURNER | Charles Wesley | Christchurch | Household | House occupied as Bank of New South Wales | John Ollivier |
VINCENT | John | Salisbury Street west | Household | Section 113, Salisbury street west | John White |
WALTERS | Rees | Kilmore street east | Freehold | Part of slaughter-house reserve, Kilmore street east | Joseph Baldwin |
WARE | Bethel | Tuam street | Leasehold | Corner of Tuam street and Ferry road | John Barrett |
WATERLOW | Richard Frederick | Cashel street | Leasehold | 1/4 acre Cashel street | Josh. Page |
WEBB | William | Sumner road | Household | Shop and dwelling house, Sumner road | W Wilson |
WEBB | John William | Kilmore street | Leasehold | 1/4 acre Kilmore street | Thomas B Bain |
WHALE | John | Christchurch | Freehold | Colombo street south, sections 1120, 1122 | J Ollivier |
WHITE | Augustus Edward | Akaroa | Freehold | Sections 671 and 672, Latimer square | C P Soulsby |
WILKINSON | John Josiah | Kilmore street west | Freehold | Kilmore street, part section 271 | Richard Taylor |
WILLMER | George | Durham street | Leasehold | 140 town reserve, Durham street south | R Deacon |
WILSON | Alexander | Christchurch | Household | Colombo street north | John Anderson |
WISHNALL | Joseph Leese | Armagh street, Christchurch | Leasehold | House and 1/4 acre, Armagh street | T M Hassall |
WOOD | James Armstrong | Kilmore street | Leasehold | Town reserve 173 | James Wood |
WOOD | James (Jnr) | Chester street | Leasehold | Town reserve 173 | James Armstrong Wood |
WOOD | William Dearsley | Christchurch | Freehold | Antigua street south, lot 3 town reserve | Thomas Pavitt |
WYLDE | James | Christchurch | Household | House on Oxford terrace west | Thomas B Bain |
YOUNGHUSBAND | John | Colombo street | Leasehold | Tuam street and Colombo street | Thomas B Bain |