1872 - 1920
A - D
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for extracting many of these. If you have any early deaths for this area which are not included and would like to include them please contact me.
ABBOT We regret to learn that Rubina Abbot, aged 9 years, daughter of Charles Scott Abbott, Opotiki, was accidentally drowned yesterday evening by falling from the Waioeka Bridge into the river. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Dec 1889, p2]
The death occurred on Saturday last of the well-known native Abraham, who for many years had been a prominent figure in the Judea settlement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 689, 8 August 1917, Page 2]
ADAIR It is our painful duty to record the death of a well known Te Aroha resident, Mr Walter Adair, who was killed on Thursday night by falling down the shaft of the Prince Imperial mine, Thames, a distance of some 570 feet�. [Te Aroha News, Sat 6 Dec 1884, p 2, col 3]
ADAMS An inquest was held before Henry Tacy Clarke Esq JP, Acting Coroner, on the body of Samuel Adams, late a sergeant in the 1st Waikato Regiment, who was drowned whilst bathing at Te Papa on the 14th inst� [Southern Cross, 28 Jan 1867, p6]
ADAMS On October 1, Ernest Edwards Adams, youngest son of John Cuthbert and Helen Adams, aged 2 years and 2 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Oct 1895, p2 + article]
ADAMS Very general regret was expressed in town on Wednesday when news was received from Ngwaro (Oropi bush) that Mrs J S Adams had expired during the previous night after an illness of considerable duration. Mr and Mrs Adams came here about seven years ago from Australia� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Nov 1903, p2]
ADAMS A report reached town yesterday morning that Mr J S Adams of Ngawaro was dangerously ill�Mr Adams had died at 4pm. Deceased was 48 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Mar 1904, p2 + 14 Mar 1904]
ADAMS On November 11, at her residence Devonport Rd, Helen, the beloved wife of John Cuthbert Adams, in her 57th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Nov 1915]
It is our unpleasant task today to announce the death of Mrs J C Adams which occurred suddenly at her residence in Devonport Road about 6.30 last evening...The late Mrs Adams was born at Te Awamutu fifty six years ago, afterwards moving to Raglan and then coming to Tauranga where she was married in 1882. She is survived by her husband, who is well known in local politics and a family of ten, and to them all the community extends its sincerest sympathy in their bereavement. 1915/8018 Adams Helen 56Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6538, 12 November 1915, Page 2]
ADDIS Opotiki. At the inquest on the body of Daniel Addis, the jury returned a verdict of wilful suicide. Much dissatisfaction is expressed on the subject here. The evidence went to show that the deceased although labouring under great mental depression was not insane at the time of taking the strychnine. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Dec 1876]
On June 16th at Otumoetai, Isabella, beloved wife of Charles Henry Addison. Aged 27 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6880, 18 June 1917, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs C H Addison, which occurred at Otumoetai on Saturday last at the age of 27 years. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss a husband and two children, for whom the greatest sympathy will be felt in their bereavement. The interment took place at Paeroa today. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6880, 18 June 1917, Page 2]
AINSWORTH - Paeroa, Tuesday - A girl named Ainsworth, 14 years of age, whose father is a carpenter in Paeroa, died suddenly last evening; it is supposed from fright� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Sep 1898, p2]
AITKEN On May 28, at his son�s residence Rolleston Street, Te Aroha, Thomas Aitken, aged 63 years. Interred at Te Aroha Cemetery. Auckland and Thames papers please copy. [Te Aroha and Ohinemuri News, Sat 4 Jun 1887]
The death occurred at Wellington on Wednesday last of Mrs M Albert, mother of Mrs C Ward of Tauranga. The deceased lady was accompanying Mr and Mrs Ward on a visit to Timaru and expired suddenly at the hotel where she was staying. 1918/3584 Albert Margaret 67Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7001, 24 April 1918, Page 2]
Captain C S Algie, whose death was announced in a casualty list on Saturday was well known in Rotorua and surrounding district, where he lived for a number of years. Captain Algie was the last of the officers of the Hauraki Company, who left with the main Expeditionary Force to be on active service. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6751, 2 August 1916, Page 2]
ALLELY On August 31, at her parents� residence Cameron Rd, Tauranga, Eileen Verta, daughter of Willie and Kate Allely, aged 3 weeks. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Sep 1896, p2]
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs T Allely, which occurred at her residence, Cameron Road, yesterday. Deceased had resided in Tauranga for many years, and was held in high regard by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband and an adult family of five sons and three daughters. The sons are Messrs Thomas, Robert J, Dawson, William and Frank Allely. The three first mentioned are residing in the Auckland district and Messrs William and Frank Allely are well known citizens fo Tauranga. The daughters are Mrs R Galbraith (Invercargill), Mrs Muir (Thames) and Miss Allely (Tauranga). The sympathy of a wide circle of friends in this district will be extended to the family in their bereavement. The funeral took place this afternoon, the service at the graveside being impressively conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke. 1917/10257 Allely Sarah 79Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68215, 28 February 1917, Page 2] The late Mrs Thomas Allely whose death was announced in our last issue was born in the parish of Kinduff, County Monaghan, Ireland in the year 1838, being the fourth daughter of Mr Robert Calvert. She was married in 1858 to Mr Thomas Allely and a year after, Mr and Mrs Allely left for Western Australia where they resided several years. They then returned to Ireland, but after a year at Home they were induced to try New Zealand on account of Mrs Allely's health, as she found the climatic conditions of Ireland too severe. At that time Mr Geo Vesey Stewart's special settlement scheme was just being initiated and Mr Allely decided to become one of the settlers and landed with his family in Auckland on the day that Mr G V Stewart was leaving to bring the first party out. Mr Stewart advised Mr Allely to make Tauranga his headquarters till he came back and here the family have resided since the year 1874. Deceased was of a retiring disposition, very devoted to the education and training of her family. She has high ideals of what a Christian should be, always ready to hep a neighbour and never lacking in true Irish hospitality. That her efforts were not in vain may be gauged from the fact that the whole family of five sons and three daughters have all won their way in business and professions, and their devotion to duty must have been highly gratifying to both parents in their old age. The late Mrs Allely enjoyed good health up till about twelve months ago since when had been more or less an invalid. She is survived by her husband . five sons, three daughters and eighteen grandchildren. The eldest grandson, Mr Calvert Allely is now in England and is engaged as an engineer in the auxiliary motor patrol service. The family and relatives will have the sincere sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68216, 2 March 1917, Page 2]
ALLEN Inspector Goodall received word from Tairua yesterday that a man named William E Allen had been missing since Monday and it was feared had been drowned�Allen was employed as a butcher in Tairua and was well known in Tauranga being one of the 1st Waikato Regiment. At a late hour last evening Inspector Goodall received a second telegram to the effect that Allen�s body had been found in the Tairua River and that an inquest will be held today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 24 Mar 1887, p2]
ALLEN On October 4th, while felling a tree in the Ohura block, Ratatomohia, William, beloved brother of Mr A C Allen of Auckland, aged 38 years. Deceased was the son of Arthur C Allen Esq JP of Collin, County Antrim, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Oct 1895, p4 + article]
ALLEN A sad event occurred yesterday morning about 6am in the death of Mrs A C Allen of Ferncliff. The deceased lady and her husband but recently returned to Tauranga to live for the sake of their health�much sympathy is felt for Mr Allen and the young family� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Dec 1895, p4]
ALLEN On Sunday 27 May at Annandale, Piako, after three weeks intense suffering Alice Barbara Allen, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs W S Allen, aged 10 years and seven months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Jun 1900, p2]
The death occurred in England on January 15 of Mr William Shepherd Allen, of Annandale, Piako. In 1890 deceased was returned for the Te Aroha electorate, but was unseated owing to an irregularity. He afterwards contested the Parnell seat, but was unsuccessful. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6289, 21 January 1915, Page 2]
Reference was made at the sitting of the Tauranga Licensing Committee yesterday by Mr R King to the death of Lieutenant J C Allen, an ex-member of the committee. He moved that a letter of condolence be sent to the relatives of the late Captain John Allen, who was killed in action. The late Captain Allen was for many years a highly esteemed member of the Tauranga Licensing Bench. He discharged his duties without fear of favour and *** his death serving King and County. The motion was seconded by Colonel Ward and passed in silence, all present standing. WW1 Deaths 1914-1921 - ALLEN John Candlish - Date 19 Oct 1917 Reference
24304 Rank Lieutenant Force AIR Fate DOW Place France Relation
Son of William Shepherd Allen and Elizabeth Penelope Allen, of Woodhead Hall, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England. Held rank of Major in Auckland Motor Reserve. Born at Sunderland, England. Cemetery
BELGIUM - DOZINGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6947, 7 December 1917, Page 2]
ALLINGHAM At his residence near Hawkstone, upper Canada, Johnstone Douglas Allingham, grandson of Sir Hugh Allingham, Donegal, Ireland, in the 76th year of his age. Sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 11 Oct 1884, p2]
AMODEO A cablegram was received in Auckland on Monday last announcing the death of Captain Frank Amodeo on board the P & O Co�s steamer China in the Red Sea from heat apoplexy. He was returning from a trip Home when his death took place. Deceased was well known to most people on this coast having been captain of the Iona for years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Oct 1897, p2]
We regret to record the death of Mr Hector Amos, which occurred in the Hamilton Hospital on Sunday last. Deceased was formerly in business here with Mr T H Hall, and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5581, 25 November 1910, Page 2]
ANDERSON A woman named Amelia Mary Laura Anderson was accidentally drowned in the Waikato River at Taupo on Friday last. The body was discovered the following day and owing to the great depth of the river at the spot, considerable difficulty was experienced in raising it. [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 Jan 1889, p2]
ANDERSON Quite a gloom was thrown over Katikati and Tauranga on Saturday by a rumour which proved only too true that a terrible mishap had overtaken the newly purchased Katikati fishing boat, Hot or Miss and that her owners Messrs George Vesey Stewart junior and Frank Anderson together with their assistant a man named [Robert] Irwin had all been drowned�George Stewart was the second son of Mr George Vesey Stewart the founder of the Katikati settlement and was married about 2� years ago to Miss Anderson, sister of his partner�Frank Anderson was a son of Mr T G Anderson also of Katikati and was married in April last at Tauranga to Miss Ethel Mansel, niece of Miss Mansel of Yatton... [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jul 1892, p2 + 27 Jul 1892, + 29 Jul 1892 + 3 Aug 1892 + 8 Aug 1892 + 12 Aug 1892]
ANDERSON At his residence Cameron Rd, Tauranga, Thomas Goldsborough, beloved husband of Cecelia Anderson, in his 70th year. The funeral will leave his late residence for the new cemetery on Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 May 1903, p2]
ANDERSON On Monday 29 May, at Waihi, Celia, relict of the late T G Anderson, aged 72 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 May 1905, p2]
The death occurred at the Tauranga hospital on Friday night of Mr Charles Anderson, a wellknown resident of the Waimapu district. Deceased who was sixty years of age, was a native of Sweden, and has resided in New Zealand for a quarter of a century. He was a single man and as far as is known had no relatives in the Dominion. The interment took place on Saturday, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. V. S. Mercer. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7474, 16 August 1920, Page 2]
The death occurred at Pakuranga on Saturday last of Mr Robert Andrew at the age of 85 years. Deceased was one of the passengers who arrived in the Duchess of Argyle as far back as 1842. He came with his parents and spent the greater part of his life in the Auckland district. He was for a short while resident in Melbourne and also was on the Thames goldfields in the early days. Mr Andrew saw service during the Maori war. he is survived by his widow, three sons and six daughters. Deceased was an uncle of Mrs S Tanner of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7147, 2 April 1919, Page 2]
The death occurred at Waihi on Monday last of Mrs M Andrews, widow of the late Mr William Andrews of Katikati, aged 76 years. The interment took place the following day. 1914/2885 Andrews Mary 76Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6121, 5 June 1914, Page 4]
Whare Angiangi, daughter of the chief Kereti, who was one of the leaders at the Te Ranga fight in 1864 died at Bethlehem on Tuesday after a long illness. The deceased is survived by her husband, Te Mete Raukawa and a family of 12. Mr Carlo Temete (Smith) is the eldest son� [Bay of Plenty Times, 4 Sep 1914]
ANQUETIL On January 2 1909, at his residence Selwyn St, Francis Anquetil, beloved husband of Elizabeth Anquetil, aged 70 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Jan 1909, p2 + obituary]
On September 13th, 1916, at her residence, Selwyn Street, Elizabeth V Anquetil, relict of the late F Anquetil, aged 76 years. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence, Selwyn Street, for the New Cemetery tomorrow, Thursday at 2.30pm. No mourning. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6769, 13 September 1916, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs E V Anquetil, which occurred at her residence, Selwyn Street, at three o'clock this morning, after a long illness borne with great fortitude. Deceased, who was 76 years of age, was born in the Island of Jersey, and came out to New Zealand with her family 42 years ago, shortly afterwards settling in Tauranga where she has since resided. Her husband was in business in the town for a long period, and died about seven years ago. Deceased is survived by an adult family, viz. Mr Frank Anquetil of the Post and Telegraph Department, Greymouth; Messrs Phillip, Albert and Leonard and Mrs W Menges of this town. The bereaved relatives will have the sympathy of the community in their sad loss. The funeral will take place at 2.30pm tomorrow. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche Surname ANQUETIL Given Names Elizabeth Victoria Year of Death 1916 Record Number N/R Record Type B/R
Age 76 Location Tauranga Burial Records D03.23 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6769, 13 September 1916, Page 2]
An accident occurred on the Whakamarama Land and Timber Company's bush railway at Omokoroa on Wednesday last resulting in the death of a native youth named John Aorangi ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6101, 4 June 1915, Page 2]
APANUI - Whakatane - On Friday 29 October died Hope Apanui, the principal chief of Ngatiawa in the Bay of Plenty at the advanced age of nearly 100 years. He was a rangatira of the old school and a fine specimen of the genuine old Maori now all but extinct� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 6 Nov 1880, p2]
APANUI Wepiha Apanui, chief of the Whanau Apanui tribe died at Whakatane on Saturday last. He was descended from one of the greatest chiefs in New Zealand; his ancestors he claimed came over in the first canoe that came to New Zealand from Hawaii 500 years ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Jul 1888, p2]
APORO Rotorua. Aporo, one of the leading chiefs at Te Wairoa died in the hospital today; whither he was conveyed by Mr McRae on Saturday last. His relatives came today and took the body to Wairoa where a large gathering will likely take place. The deceased was a burly, hale, good natured Maori and generally liked by the Europeans as well as his own people. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 27 May 1886, p2]
ARMITAGE At his residence Devonport Rd, on Tuesday 3rd inst, William Armitage MD MRCSE, aged 41 years. The funeral will leave his late residence at 2pm this day. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 5 Jun 1884, p2 + obit same day + funeral report 7 Jun 1884]
ARMOUR Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Armour in the loss of their youngest child, who died after a week�s illness, on Saturday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Sep 1891, p2]
ARMOUR Word has been received here that Miss Armour, housekeeper for Mr Lally at Te Puke, died on Saturday after a brief illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Nov 1895, p2]
ARMOUR On February 3, at Omokoroa, Tauranga, New Zealand, Elizabeth Armour, late of Renfrew, Scotland, aged 70 years. Glasgow papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Feb 1908, p2 + article]
ARMSTONG On May 26, at the parsonage, Tauranga, Anne Matilda, beloved daughter of Benjamin and Matilda R Armstrong, aged 18 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 29 May 1879, p2]
ARMSTRONG A shocking accident occurred on Saturday evening about 6.30 by which Mr Gore Armstrong of Te Puna lost his life. Mr Armstrong was driving home in his spring trap accompanied by Miss Hamilton and having a load of sundries in the trap including a sack of maize and two bags of bone dust. When going up the siding towards Captain Clarke�s farm the horse commenced to jib�the trap was backed over the side of the cutting and fell a distance of about twenty feet, alighting on top of Mr Armstrong� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Mar 1893 + 8 Mar 1893]
ARMSTRONG On April 13, at the residence of her brother Mr B Armstrong, Te Puna, Mary Anne, aged 86 years. The funeral will leave Te Puna for the new cemetery at 1.15pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Apr 1899, p2 + article]
ARMSTRONG On November 23 1906, at the residence of her son, Te Puna, Eliza, relict of the late Dr Joseph Armstrong, County Cavan, Ireland, aged 88 yeas. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Nov 1906, p2 + funeral notice + article]
ARMSTRONG On the 18th inst, at Waikaraka, Te Puna, Mabel Gertrude, beloved wife of John Armstrong, aged 36 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Nov 1908, p2]
ARMSTRONG On November 26 1908, at his residence Te Puna, Benjamin Armstrong, aged 87 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Nov 1908, p2 + article]
We regret to record the death of an old resident of the Te Puna district in the person of Mrs B Armstrong which occurred at Te Puna on Wednesday last at the age of 72 years. The deceased who had been in delicate health for some years was held in high esteem by a large circle of acquaintances and leaves to mourn their loss a grown up family, Mr B G Armstrong (junr), Mr William Armstrong, Miss Armstrong and Mrs F Humphreys all of Te Puna and Mr John Armstrong of Waitotara. Deceased was a daughter of Rev. T Moriarty, Dean of Ardfert, Kerry, Ireland and was married to Mr Benjamin Armstrong who predeceased her about five years ago. The funeral took place on Friday, deceased's remains being laid to rest in the new cemetery. At the graveside the burial service of the Church of England was conducted by Rev. C L Wilson. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche Surname ARMSTRONG Given Names Matilda Rebecca Year of Death 1913 Record Number 566 Record Type B/R Age 72 Location Tauranga Burials D03.19 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5904, 6 January 1913, Page 2]
The death occurred at Opotiki on the 10th inst of Mrs J H Armstrong in her 70th year. 1916/935 Armstrong Jessie Conacher 69Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6588, 17 January 1916, Page 2]
ARSCOTT Robert, proprietor Talisman Hotel, Katikati, at Waihi district hospital - widow presently in Katikati temporary hospital. [Auckland Weekly News, 5 Dec 1918] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr Robert Arscott, which occurred at Waihi as the result of complications following on an attack of influenza. The late Mr Arscott resided in Waihi for many years and later took over the Talisman Hotel, Katikati. He possessed a most genial disposition and during his long residence in Waihi and Katikati made a host of friends. He always took a keen interest in sport and in former days was one of the finest Rugby forwards on the goldfields, having being a member of the first Waihi football team to visit Tauranga. Much sympathy will be extended to Mrs Arscott in her great bereavement.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
ASHER We regret to announce the death of Mr Asher Asher, one of the early colonists of New Zealand and a resident here for a great number of years. Mr Asher was in his 77th year and had been in indifferent health for some few weeks post and the last few days was confined to his bed; he expired peacefully about 11am yesterday and the body will be taken to Auckland by the Clansman tomorrow for burial alongside his mother�s remains. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Feb 1899, p2 + obituary 20 Feb 1899]
ASHER Word was received her today by Mr David Asher, announcing the death of his mother, which occurred last night at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Tobias, Devonport, Auckland. The late Mrs Asher, who had previously resided in Tauranga for many years, was in her 87th year. Deceased arrived in New Zealand from England in the barque Union in 1812 and settled in Auckland, where she married the late Mr Asher Asher, at one time a City Coucillor in the provincial capital and also superintendent of the Auckland Fire Brigade for many years. Mr Asher, with his family, subsequently removed to Tauranga where he resided for over 20 years and always took a keen interest in Fire Brigade and public matters. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Sep 1909, p2]
On November 3, 1918 at her residence, Durham Street, Katerina, dearly beloved wife of David Asher in her sixty fifth year (Auckland, Wellington and Rotorua papers please copy) [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7086, 4 November 1918, Page 2] There passed away last evening at six o'clock one of Tauranga's most notable characters in the person of Mrs David Asher of Durham Street. Born at Maketu 64 years ago, she has lived all her life in the district, being married in Tauranga in 1873, where she has resided ever since. She was a chieftainess of the Ngaeterangi, Waitoha and Te Arawa tribes. Her maiden name was Katerina Te Atirau her father being Hone Te Atirau, and her mother Rahena Te Nia. Both parents are dead. Her only sister, Mrs Kupa resides at Papamoa. Held in high esteem by native and European friends alike the late Mrs Asher was one of the highest types of the Europeanised native. Of sterling character she wielded considerable influence among the members of her own race, and her death is being sincerely mourned today by all who knew her, both Maori and European alike.
A sufferer for years from asthma, Mrs Asher succumbed to this affliction, her end being hastened by a slight attack of influenza.
The deceased lady is survived by her husband and a grown up family of six sons and five daughters. Henry of the Railways Department, Wellington, Albert and Ernest, Auckland, Jack, Tokaanu, and Tom and George on active service, Mrs Parata, Wellington, Mrs Lees, Papamoa; Mrs Jones, Tokanui; Mrs Hartnett, Tauranga and Mrs Steedman, Taihape. There are also about forty grandchildren.
Having been baptised and brought up in the faith of the Church of England the funeral will be conducted on Wednesday by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke, leaving the residence Durham Street, at 1 pm, for the New Cemetery.
To her relatives will be extended the sincere sympathy of a very wide circle of friends and acquaintances. [Bay of Plenty Times, 4 Nov 1918 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7088, 8 November 1918, Page 2]
ASHER On July 23rd at his late residence, Durham Street, Tauranga, in his 70th years, David Asher. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7193, 23 July 1919, Page 2] We regret to record the death at 6 o�clock this morning of Mr David Asher, a very old resident of Tauranga and one who was widely known and respected throughout the whole district, particularly among the native population. Born in Auckland on Dec 31 1849 the late Mr Asher came to Tauranga with his parents as a young man some 50 years ago. His father Mr Asher Asher� [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Jul 1919]The death is announced of Mr David Asher, a very old resident of Tauranga, who passed away on Wednesday morning, at the age of 69 years. The deceased formerly conducted the Tauranga Hotel, but of late years had lived a retired life. He left a grownup family of eleven sons and daughters and thirty-two grandchildren. His children are Mrs Parata (Wellington), Mrs Lees (Papamoa), Mrs Hartnett (Tauranga), Mrs Jones (Tokaanu), Mrs Steedman (Taihape), and Messrs Henry Asher (Wellington), Albert and Ernest (Auckland), Tom (Greytown), Jack (Tokaanu), and George (Te Puke). [Te Puke Times 25 July 1919, Page 3]
ASHMAN Taupo. A fatal boat accident occurred on Lake Taupo yesterday about 11 o�clock which resulted in the drowning of Mr J B Ashman, road inspector (nephew of Mr Bold, telegraph inspector)� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 11 Aug 1885, p2 + 13 Aug 1885 + 25 Aug 1885 + body found 15 Sep 1885]
ASHMORE We regret to hear of the death of Mr Henry James Ashmore which took place at the Auckland hospital last week. Deceased, who was only 46 years of age, arrived in Tauranga a few months ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Aug 1906, p2]
ATARETA A native woman of rank, named Atareta died at Maketu last week after a very brief illness of two days. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Apr 1904, p2]
ATKINSON Died, age 39 years, at Camp Te Papa, Tauranga, Sarah Eliza Atkinson, late of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, wife of Robert Bruton Atkinson, Staff Sergeant, 1st Waikato Regiment. [New Zealand Herald, 18 Jun 1866]
ATKINSON An inquest was held yesterday at the Victoria Hotel before Captain Tovey, coroner of the district, on the body of Robert Bruton Atkinson�that death was caused by exhaustion through excessive drinking. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Sep 1872, p3]
ATTY We regret to hear that Mr Atty, coach-builder etc, a former resident here for several years, died at the Thames Hospital yesterday after a long illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Jan 1902, p2]
AUKAHA A native named Pene Aukaha, 24 years of age, eldest son of Aukaha died at Motiti Island this week. A tangi is now in progress and will be attended by natives from all the surrounding districts. [Bay of Plenty Times, 2 Sep 1910 + 14 Sep 1910]
AWAKOTOKU The death occurred last week of a highly educated young Maori lady at Rotorua, second daughter of the Rev Natana Awakotoku, a man of high rank in the Rotorua and Maketu tribes, a big tangi will therefore be held over her remains. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Oct 1899, p2]
AWANUI Several deaths have recently occurred among the Maoris in this neighbourhood, the unusually wet raw season doubtless being to some extent accountable for it. Pine Awanui, a man in the prime of life living at Karekare settlement is the latest victim having suffered from some months past from some chest complaint. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Jul 1895, p4]
AWANUI A young chief named Awanui died at the Karikari settlement on Wednesday from inflammation of the bowels. He had been ill for some time and medical advice was not sought until too late. A tangi is to be held as the boy was held in high esteem and on the return from the Waikato meeting there will doubtless be a large gathering at Karikari. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Mar 1898, p2]
AYLWARD At Waihi, on Saturday 27 May 1899, John Aylward, late of Ohaupo, aged 30 years. [Waikato Argus, Sat 3 Jun 1899]
BABER We regret to hear that Mr Jas Baber has suffered a bereavement in the death of his father, a surveyor and a well known resident of Auckland. His death occurred on Wednesday evening suddenly. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Dec 1898, p2]
BABER The greatest regret was expressed throughout the town on Saturday last when it became known early in the morning that Mr James Baber, who has been stationed here for many years as Government Surveyor, had passed away about 1am after a comparatively short illness, from pneumonia. Deceased leaves a widow and three children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Dec 1904, p2 + 14 Dec 1904]
A telegram was received here today intimating the death of Mrs J Baber, a former well known resident of Tauranga which occurred at the residence of her brother (Mr G Wrigley), Devonport, Auckland this morning. Deceased was the widow of the late James Baber, who was Government surveyor at Tauranga for many years - and is survived by two sons and one daughter, for whom much sympathy will be felt in their irreparable loss.1915/618 Baber Mary Allen 49Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6333, 13 March 1915, Page 2]
BADGER It is our unpleasant duty to chronicle another death amongst the younger members of this community. Last evening Mr Badger�s baby succumbed to the combined effects of teething and whooping cough. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Feb 1893, p2]
Another young man from this town in the person of Rifleman R S Baikie has laid down his life for King and Country. Prior to enlisting the late Rifleman Baikie was in the employ of Mr A Anquetil, Devonport Road. He was much esteemed by all who knew him. The sympathy of the community will be extended to the bereaved parents and relatives in their great loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7002, 19 April 1918, Page 2]
BAILLIE Paeroa, Tues. A man named Baillie was found dead in a tent at Waihou last night. It is supposed he died from natural causes. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Jul 1892, p2]
BAKER Opotiki. Captain Baker on receipt of a telegram from Captain McGregor this morning went down to sound the Opotiki bar. The boat was upset and we regret to say that Captain Baker lost his life�He leaves a wife and nine children� [Bay of Plenty Times, 8 Feb 1883, p2 + fuller account, inquest 10 Feb 1883 + obit 13 Feb 1883 + 17 Feb 1883 + 24 Feb 1883]
BAKER On November 2, at �Lamorna� Tauranga, Doctor James Payne Baker (formerly of Maidstone, Kent, England), Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, LRCP, LRCS, (CMC). No Mourning, no flowers (by request). [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Nov 1904, p2 + obituary]
The death occurred at Te Puke, on Thursday last of Mr Samuel Marsden Baker, who was born at the Bay of Islands in 1837. Deceased was the fourth son of the Rev Charles Baker, one of the early missionaries of the Church of England. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6106, 10 June 1915, Page 2]
BAKER - On June 14, at Bethlehem, Tauranga, Eliza Eling, dearly beloved wife of Joseph Goadby Baker, in her eightieth year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7429, 14 June 1920, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs Baker, wife of Mr Joseph Goadby Baker, which occurred suddenly at her home at Bethlehem at six o'clock this morning. The late Mrs Baker, who was in her eightieth year, was the youngest daughter of Mr John Bedggood, of Waimate North. She was born then before Heke's War, which she remembered, being one of those who escaped down the river, with muffled oars, and she also remembered the burning of Koroarea (sic)(Russell), when the flag staff there was cut down by the rebels. She was a great Maori scholar, and was connected all through her long life with missionary work. She was a special friend of the Bethlehem and Wairoa natives, who held her in deep respect. After living here for eighteen years she was surrounded by many friends, who loved her for her sincerity of heart, her piety and example of an unselfish life. In September, 1918, Mr and Mrs Baker celebrated their golden wedding. Deceased is survived by her husband and four daughters, for whom the greatest sympathy will be felt in their bereavement. The daughters are: Mrs Bedggood, Kaikohe Mrs Campbell, Poverty Bay Misses F. and H. E. Baker, Bethlehem. The funeral will leave the home at Bethlehem for the English Church, Tauranga, at 1 p.m tomorrow and proceed thence to the New Cemetery. 1920/9506 Baker Eliza Eling 79Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7429, 14 June 1920, Page 3]
On November 22, 1918 at Christchurch, of influenza, Thomas Austin (Tom), dearly beloved youngest son of George Balfour, of Tauranga, aged 18 years and 5 months. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7095, 27 November 1918, Page 2] Much sympathy will be felt for Mr George Balfour in the loss by death of his youngest son, Thomas Austin which occurred at Christchurch on Friday last as the result on an attack of influenza. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7095, 27 November 1918, Page 2]
The father of Mr E C Banks of Matamata, passed away at Ashley near Christchurch, recently at the age of 86 years. The late Mr James Banks was a pioneer settler in the Canterbury province where he had resided for 57 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6817, 17 January 1917, Page 2]
BANNATYNE Private Charles E Bannatyne, reported killed in action on 20 December, was the eldest son of Mrs E Bannatyne of Tauranga. For many years he was a timber worker on the East Coast, eventually taking up farming at Omanawa Falls, Tauranga. He left with the 23rd Reinforcements and had been on active service on the western front for about six months. [Auckland Weekly News, 24 Jan 1918, p19 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6964, 18 January 1918, Page 2]
BARBER At his residence Epsom, on Friday September 8, J A Barber of pleurisy; aged 76 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Sep 1882, p2]
BARCLAY We regret to learn that Mr Geoffrey Barclay, son of Captain De Rune Barclay, a former resident of this town, died suddenly at Gisborne last week at the age of 24� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Apr 1901, p2]
A man named Glenville Barclay aged about sixty years, was found dead on Millers Road, Dannevirke, last night under circumstances suggesting that deceased was knocked down by a vehicle. Death was due to a fracture of the base of the skull. Deceased was formerly a Maori interpreter in the House of Representatives. [Son of Captain De Rune Barclay above, ex Lady Jocelyn and Te Puke] [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6524, 27 October 1915, Page 3]
It is with great regret that we have to record the death at the front of another of the brave lads who left Te Puke to fight for King and Empire. We refer to Private Tom Barker, brother of Mr W. Barker, of No. 3 Road, who was killed on June 21st. The deceased was a most cheery, popular young fellow, who since his arrival in the district some four years had made a host of friends. The sad news has been received with the utmost sorrow by his acquaintances, and the greatest sympathy is expressed with Mr Barker in his bereavement. [Te Puke Times 10 July 1917, Page 2 and Te Puke Times 31 August 1917, Page 2 and Te Puke Times 18 September 1917, Page 2]
At Te Puke, by drowning, on Tuesday (to-day) January 14th, THOMAS, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Barker, of Te Puke. Aged 14 years. [Te Puke Times 14 January 1919, Page 2] IN MEMORIAM - BARKER - In memory of Tom, dearly beloved eldest son of Mr and Mrs W. Barker, accidentally drowned on January 14,1919. Inserted by his loving parents.[Te Puke Times 13 January 1920, Page 2]
A shocking fatality occurred in Upper Barry Road, Waihi East, on Saturday night, when the residence of Mr Thomas Barker was destroyed by fire during the temporary absence of Mr Barker and his wife. Their youngest daughter Iris, a child three years of age, was entrapped in a bedroom and burned to death ... [Te Puke Times 17 May 1920, Page 3]
BARLOW - DEATH FROM BURNS - Rotorua, June 13. A girl ramed Haehae Barlow, six years of age, was severely burned by her clothes catching alight at a fire in a paddock at Ngongataha. She lingered several days, but died yesterday. At the inquest a verdict of accidental death was returned. [Te Puke Times 14 June 1918, Page 3]
BARNETT Word was received yesterday that a man named John (sic) Barnett had fallen over a precipice near Te Puke and been killed. Mr Price, coroner, proceeded to Te Puke this morning to hold an inquest. Deceased was 65 years of age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Mar 1909, p2 + 15 Mar 1909]
On June 19 1920, at her late residence "The Kymin", Cameron Road, Tauranga, Charlotte Bedford, the dearly beloved wife of Rev. William Barnett, daughter of the late Rev. J W Campbell M.A. England, and granddaughter of the late Admiral Bedford in her 81st year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7434, 21 June 1920, Page 2] The funeral of the late Mrs Barnett took place in the Tauranga Cemetery yesterday afternoon, the service being conducted in a very impressive manner by Pastor E R. Weston. A large number of friends attended, and the many beautiful wreaths sent testified to their great respect for the deceased lady. It is interesting to note that the deceased lady was the daughter of the late Rev James William Campbell, MA., England, a descendant of the Argyle family. Her mother was the daughter of the late Admiral Bedford. She was also closely related to Captain Stopford and the late Sir Arthur Douglas, well known in New Zealand circles some years ago. Previous to her coming to New Zealand she was engaged in Mission work, in connection with the Church of England. After her arrival in Christchurch she conducted evangelical missions in various towns of Canterbury. Her last public duty was the laying of the foundation stone, of the Tauranga Baptist Tabernacle nine years ago. Since then failing health had caused her to live in retirement. 1920/9507 Barnett Charlotte Bedford 80Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7434, 22 June 1920, Page 3]
An inquest was held yesterday (Friday) touching the death of Mrs Mary Anne Barraclough who died the previous day�as she was daily expecting her confinement he sent over for her mother Mrs Rachael Hamilton who has had considerable experience in business of this nature�she had a fainting fit on Thursday at 10am and expired at 11am�39 years of age — mother of 17 children of whom 9 are alive, herself a grandmother at the early age of 35� [Bay of Plenty Times, 20 May 1901, p2]
The death of Mr J E Barrett, which occurred in Christchurch, removes a prominent figure in the horticultural life of new Zealand. He distinguished himself in the cultivation of the great plantation at Whakarewarewa [Rotorua] in 1898 ... 1912/3516 Barrett John Edward 28Y [sic][Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5780, 11 March 1912, Page 4]
Killed in action in France-Norman, youngestand beloved son of Charles and Catherine Barrow, of Te Puke, aged 27 years. He has done his duty and done it well. [Te Puke Times 23 August 1918, Page 2] ROLL OF HONOUR
IN MEMORIAM - BARROW - In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Rflm. Norman Barrow, who was killed in Action in France, August 6th 1918. Sadly Missed Inserted by his loving parents, sisters and brothers. [Te Puke Times 8 August 1919, Page 2] It is with the deepest regret that we have to record the death of another of the brave lads who left Te Puke to fight in the cause of liberty and freedom, word having been received by Mr Charles Barrow, of No. 1 Road, that his youngest son, Norman has been killed in action in France. The deceased soldier, who was 27 years of age, was formerly in charge of the Te Matai creamery. He left New Zealand with the 13lh Reinforcements, and has served on the French front ever since. He was wounded in the battle of Messines. The greatest sympathy will be felt with Mr and Mrs Barrow and family in their sorrow. Another son. Douglas, is at the front, a third, Angus is on his way, and a fourth, Graham, will shortly enter camp.[Te Puke Times 23 August 1918, Page 2]
A feeling of profound regret was evinced on Saturday when it became known that Mr Charles Barrow, a well-known and highly esteemed settler, had succumbed at an eariy hour that morning to the prevailing epidemic. Mr Barrow had complained on Monday morning last of feeling unwell, and on the advice of his medical adviser, had gone to bed, but unfortunately his condition gradually became worse, and he passed away peacefully at the time stated. The deceased gentleman, who was 71 years of age at the time of his death, had an interesting career. He was one of the first Europeans born in Wellington, having first seen the light of day in what now is the capital city of New Zealand as far back as 1848, his parents having arrived by the Aurora, one of the first ships. At the age of 18 young Barrow joined Captain Buck's cavalry troop, and took part in the Taranaki campaign against the Maoris. At the battle of Te Ngutu-O-Te Manu, where Captain Buck and Major von Tempsky fell, he was despatch rider for the former officer. At the time of the Te Whiti trouble Mr Barrow was manager of the Tokaora Estate, and took an active part in quelling the incipient rebellion. Later on he settled in Hawera, where, in 1879, he married. In 1881 he removed to Otakeho, being one of the first to take up land on the Waimate Plains. Here he resided until 1902, when he came to the Bay of Plenty, and took up a farm on No. 1 Road, Te Puke, where he lived until a short time ago, when he disposed of the property, and settled in the township. Mr Barrow took a keen interest in stock-raising, and was regarded as an excellent judge of draught horses, a class which he judged at numerous Shows throughout the North Island. During his residence in this district, he took an active part in the affairs of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association, and was also, for some time, a member and chairman of the Road Board. A genial and good-hearted man, he will be much missed by all who knew him. He leaves a widow and five sons - Alec (who lives at Raetihi), Douglas, Graham, Walter, and Angus. Another son, Norman was killed in France. The funeral took place to-day, and was attended by a concourse of mourners. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. Thos. Scott. [Te Puke Times 17 May 1920, Page 2] On May 15th 1920, at the residence of his son No. 2 Eoad, Te Puke, Charles Barrow, beloved husband of Catherine Barrow, aged 71 years. [Te Puke Times 21 May 1920, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7408, 18 May 1920, Page 2]
BARRY The funeral of Mrs P Barry, wife of a respectable settler in Tauranga took place at the Te Papa Cemetery on Sunday. [Southern Cross, 3 May 1869]
BARRY Catherine Ann, died on 2 February 1871, at Te Papa, 6 months, daughter of Patrick and Mary Barry. [RG 1871]
BARTLETT On September 30, at Tauranga, Joseph Bartlett, late of 1st Waikato Regiment, aged 35 years. [Southern Cross, Wed 9 Oct 1867]
BASKETT Paeroa. A man named Baskett was killed in the Talisman claim, Karangahake this afternoon; Constable Beattie is leaving to investigate the matter. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Dec 1894, p4]
BATES On 5 April, Helen, the beloved wife of Mr Stewart Bates of Opotiki, daughter of the late John Hannah of Strabane, Ireland, aged 32 yeas. Derry papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 10 Apr 1880, p2]
BATES At Opotiki, on the 11th inst, Ellen Holmes Hanna, infant daughter of Mr Stewart Bates. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 24 Apr 1880, p2]
In referring to the influenza epidemic the Whakatane Press of Wednesday last gave the Whakatane death roll as follows: Judge T H Wilson, Messrs W Regan, Erwin, A J Baton, Williams, H Speight and a lad, R Fraser .... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2]
The death has occurred in Auckland of Mrs A Bawden, mother of Rev. W H Bawden. Deceased who was 70 years of age, was held in high esteem by a large circle of acquaintances in Te Puke and Opotiki, where Mr Bawden was for some years in charge of the Church of England parishes. 1912/4064 Bawden Anna 70Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5813, 29 May 1912, Page 5]
BAWDEN On September 4th, at Hamilton, after a painful illness, William Henry Bawden, Vicar of Te Aroha. The funeral will take place today, Saturday, at Purewa Cemetery at 3 30pm. [New Zealand Herald, 5 Sep 1914]
Rev. W H. Bawden, who was at one time vicar of St. John's Church Te Puke, died at Hamilton on Friday last. Deceased was held in the very highest esteem by a large circle of friends of all denominations in the Bay of Plenty, who will learn with deep regret of his death in the prime of life. [Te Puke Times , 8 September 1914, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6173, 5 September 1914, Page 3]
At Te Puke, on June 3rd, 1919, Harold Bertram, Deloved husband of Rhoda Bayliss, and youngest son of the late James Bayliss, of the Wairarapa and Palmerston North, and of Mrs Bayliss, of Palmerston North, aged 38 years.
[Te Puke Times , 6 June 1919, Page 2 and obituary]
The many friends of Mr George Bayly will regret to hear of the death ofh his only son, Beresford, as the result of a motor car accident near Newmarket, Auckland on Monday last. The deceased who was twenty eight years of age had not long been back from active service. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7237, 6 October 1919, Page 2 + inquest - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7253, 24 October 1919, Page 2]
BAYNES Information reached town on Saturday evening of the sad fact that a [step] child of Mr Weston [Ellen Baynes], a settler at Te Puke had, during the afternoon been terribly burned�the child aged only 4 years�died at midnight� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Sep 1882, p2 + inquest 20 Sep 1882]
On January 10th 1919 at Trentham Military Hospital, of pneumnoa, Frederick B Beach, beloved husband of Maud Beach, and eldest son of Captain Beach, aged 29 years. R.I.P. Interred at Hamilton January 14th. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7114, 15 January 1919, Page 2 and obit Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7114, 15 January 1919, Page 2]
BEATTIE Mr Thomas Beattie died at Te Araroa, East Cape about the 7th April. He had been native School Teacher there for 11 years and was well known in Tauranga and Katikati having been editor of the Bay of Plenty Times in 1881�He leaves a widow but no children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Apr 1898, p2]
BEAUCLERK We regret to have to announce the death of the Rev Charles Beauclerk, a clergyman who is well known by many of our English and Irish readers, which took place at Boulogne about a couple of months ago�The deceased was brother-in-law of the Rev Walter Johnston of Katikati� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 25 Mar 1880, p2]
BEDINGTON On Saturday March 29, the wife of Alexander J T Bedingfield, of a son, stillborn. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 1 Apr 1884, p2]
BEDOIS �The cavalry escort (Bay of Plenty Volunteers) under Captain Smith left at Opepe by Colonel St John while he proceeded on a reconnoitring expedition was surprised on the morning of the 8th and 9 men killed�Trooper Joseph Bedois� [Southern Cross, 14 Jun 1865, p4]
BELL At an inquest held on the body of Mrs Bell, whose death we notified in the last issue, it was proved that death had resulted from apoplexy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 30 Oct 1884, p2]
BELL We regret to hear that the child of Mr and Mrs Bell died last night, much sympathy is felt for them in their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Aug 1891, p2]
BELL The older residents of Katikati will regret to learn of the death of Mrs Bell, who owned the Uretara Hotel before Mr Macdonnel took the business over. She died suddenly at Auckland a few days ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Jul 1894, p2]
BELL On September 10 1903, at his late residence Durham St, Joseph, the dearly beloved husband of Bethea Bell, aged 73 years. The funeral will leave his late residence on Sunday afternoon at 3pm for the new cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Sep 1903, p2 + article + 14 Sep 1903]
The death occurred suddenly on Saturday last at this residence, Tauranga, of Mr Robert Bell, at the age of 38 years. Deceased had been in ill health for some time and is survived by a widow. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6117, 25 May 1914, Page 5]
BELLERS At Gisborne, on 4th January 1888, Ellen, wife of Robert George Bellers, second daughter of John Fielding of Waimapu, Tauranga, after a short and painful illness. Aged 30, deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 Jan 1888, p2]
A seaman named W Benjamin, employed on the steamer Waiotahi, died suddenly on the vessel at Opotiki on Saturday morning. He was taken ill on Friday night and Dr Hood attended him, and although he appeared to rally towards midnight he gradually grew worse and died at 4am on Saturday. The cause of death is stated to be hear disease. Benjamin was a favourite with the seaman in the Northern Company's service. He was formerly boatswain on the Ngapuhi. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5712, 4 October 1911, Page 4]
We regret to record the death of Mr H R Benn, which occurred at his residence Lake Okareka, Rotorua on Monday at the age of 41 years. Deceased was highly esteemed by all with whom he came in contact, his friends were legion and general regret will be felt at his death. He was the youngest son of the late A Benn, Puddleston Court, Leominster, Herefordshire, England. The immediate cause of death was pneumonia. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5604, 23 January 1911, Page 2]
BENNER We regret to record the death of Mrs J H Benner, which occurred at her residence Pongakawa on Monday last at the age of 60 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Sep 1908, p2]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr John Henry Benner one of the oldest and most highly respected farmers of Pongakawa, which occurred at his residence Clonmel," on Saturday last at the age of 69 years...
[Bay Of Plenty Times 12 August 1910, Page 3]
In Memoriam - Albert George Benner (verse) Died of wounds 16 August 1915 ex Gallipoli [Te Puke Times 3 September 1915, Page 2]
BENNETT On the 18th inst, at the residence of Mr Vickham? Tauranga, after a lingering illness, Mr John Bennett. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 19 Aug 1879, p2 + funeral report Thur 21 Aug 1879]
BENNETT On July 8th, after a lingering illness, Isabella, the wife of Mr William Bennett, aged 42 years. Auckland, Wellington and Tauranga papers please copy. [Taranaki Herald, 8 Jul 1886]
BENNETT The late Mr J J Bennett. The deceased was born in Limerick, Ireland in the year 1846 and emigrated to New Zealand as a young man, coming to Tauranga from the Thames 13 years ago to erect the Government Buildings, since which time he has been engaged on several important buildings in this neighbourhood. Towards the close of last year he was employed making extensive alterations to the Sanitorium at Rotorua and it was when returning home to Tauranga to spend last Christmas that the illness which has now terminated in death first showed any formidable symptoms� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 12 Oct 1886, p2 + death notice same day + funeral report 14 Oct 1886]
BENNETT On July 9, at his residence Norwood, Te Puke, Philip Bennett JP, late of Mark Lane, London, shipowner, aged 71 years. English papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Jul 1896, p2 + article]
BENNETT On June 20, at Norwood, Te Puke, George Dudley, second son of the late Philip Bennett, aged 36 years. The funeral will be at the cemetery at 2pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Jun 1898, p2 + article]
BENNETT Coromandel, Wednesday. An accident occurred at Kerita today when Charles Bennett, employed in Foster�s bush, lost his life through being crushed by the limb of a tree. Deceased was 45 years of age and leaves a wife and family� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Jan 1902, p2]
BENNETT We regret to hear of the death of Mr Frank Bennett�s little girl, Cecilia, aged about 9 years, which occurred on Friday morning last from consumption following on measles and pneumonia. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Mar 1903, p2]
BENNETT At his parents� residence Durham St, Charles Thomas, third son of Francis Bennett, carpenter, aged 21 years, 11 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Nov 1904, p2 + article]
BENNETT On 8 Jan 1915, at parents' residence Whitianga, Violet Louisa Bennett, wife of late W Bennett and eldest daughter of Mrs H Bowman, aged 28. [Auckland Weekly News, 14 Jan 1915]
BENNETT No.2/2575, Gunner S Bennett, 6 October 1916, Brockenhurst Hospital, England, son of Thos & Polly Bennett, Tirohanga, Opotiki. [Auckland Weekly News, 10 Oct 1918]
The death occurred at Whakatane on Sunday last of Mr Edward S Bentley, who was well known throughout Bay of Plenty districts. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6257, 12 December 1914, Page 2]
BENTON �The cavalry escort (Bay of Plenty Volunteers) under Captain Smith left at Opepe by Colonel St John while he proceeded on a reconnoitring expedition was surprised on the morning of the 8th and 9 men killed�Trooper Charles Benton� [Southern Cross, 14 Jun 1865, p4]
Quintin James Beresford, commonly 'Charles' Beresford, a well known 'bus proprietor died at Rotorua on Sunday aged 57. Deceased leaves a wife and one child. He was connected with a titled family in the Old Country. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7175, 11 June 1919, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs R Berridge of Opotiki which occurred at a private hospital in Auckland on Saturday last. Deceased resided in Tauranga for many years and was much esteemed by all who knew her... 1919/5153 Berridge Margaret 40Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Issue 7188, 9 July 1919, Page 2
At Rarotonga, Cook Islands on August 8, Rosina, wife of W C Berridge, formerly of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7496, 16 September 1920, Page 2] The death is announced of Mrs Berridge, wife of Mr W. C. Berridge, formerly of No. 3 Road, Te Puke, and for some years manager of the Tauranga Horticultural Station. Mr and Mrs Berridge took up their residence a short time ago at Rarotonga, where the death of the latter occurred. [Te Puke Times 17 September 1920, Page 3] The death occurred at Rarotonga on August 8 of Mrs Berridge, wife of Mr W. C. Berridge, formerly manager of the Tauranga Horticultural Station. The late Mrs Berridge and her husband, were amongst the earliest settlers in Te Puke, where Mr Berridge carried on farming for many years on the farm on the No 3 Road adjoining Mr J. A. Witherow's property. On selling the farm to Mr A. F. Scott, Mr and Mrs Berridge went to live at Otumoetai, and subsequently Mr Berridge received the appointment of manager of the Horticultural Station. A few years ago Mr and Mrs Berridge left to reside in Auckland, and a short time ago proceeded to Rarotonga. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended to Mr Berridge and family in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7496, 16 September 1920, Page 2]
BERRINGTON I send you an account of the deaths which have taken place within the month of March. 1st Waikato Regiment Private Berrington, 33 years, died March 4� [Southern Cross, 4 Apr 1865, p5]
BERRY The unfortunate lad Harry Berry, killed in the Takapuna race course on Friday last, was well known here in racing circles having ridden for Messrs Gilman, Dickey, Musgrave etc on the local and other courses. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Feb 1902, p2]
BERRY On the 18th inst, at his residence Tauranga, John B Berry, aged 51, son of the late Dr John Berry, Lurgan, Belfast� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Nov 1908, p2 + article]
BEST Paeroa, Tues. The adjourned inquest on the body of the late Annie Best takes place at Waihi tomorrow and deep interest is being centred in the affair all over the district as the evidence of unusual nature is anticipated. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Feb 1896, p2 + 14 Feb1896 + 21 Feb 1896]
BEST Waihi. Mr Charles Best, a contractor working at the Waihi Gold Mining Co mill at Waikino, dropped dead this morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Jun 1909, p2]
An infant named Mary Beston, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Plummer, succumbed to pneumonia on Friday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
BETTELHEIM - DEATH OF A RETURNED SOLDIER - Private George Reeve Bettelheim [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7006, 29 April 1918, Page 3]
On Thursday, 22nd July, at her late residence Bethlehem, Tauranga, Emma Elizabeth, dearly beloved wife of Joseph James Bettelheim, in her 55th year. [Te Puke Times 23 July 1920, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs Bettelheim, wife of Mr J. J. Bettelheim, of Bethlehem, which occurred last night. Deceased, who was 54 years of age, had been in failing health for some time, and the end was not altogether unexpected. She was the eldest daughter of Mr S. Reeve, of this town. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband and family of three sons and four daughters, for whom much sympathy will be felt in their bereavement. The daughters are Miss Bettelheim, Bethlehem Mrs F Wilson, Frankton, Mrs J. C. Jordan, Te Puke; Mrs C. Ridder, Tauranga. The sons are Mr F. J. Bettelheim, Te Puke, Masters Walter and Ernest Bettelheim, of Bethlehem.. The eldest son, Mr George Bettelheim. died in April last year. The funeral takes place at the New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7437, 23 July 1920, Page 3]
BICKERS Henry, died 6 February 1885 at Tauranga, painter, 58 years, cause of death phthisis pulmonalis, son of John Bickers plumber and painter, born London, England, in NZ 22 years, married in Melbourne to Maria Proud at age 29, male offspring aged 20 and 8 and females aged 16, 13, 11 and 5. [RG 1885]
On March 6, at Third Avenue, Tauranga, Henry Bickers, aged 59 years. The funeral will leave his late residence for the new cemetery tomorrow at 3 o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 7 Mar 1885 + article]
BICKERS Maria Bickers, died 11 Jan 1900, at Tauranga, female, 63 years, cause of death Bright�s disease, daughter of John Proud, bricklayer and Alice Proud, nee Ingham, buried 13 Jan at Tauranga, born Manchester, England, in NZ 36 years married at Collingwood, Victoria at age 20 to Henry Bickers, male offspring aged 34 and 23 and female offspring aged 28, 26, 24 and 20. [RG 1900]
It is our sad duty to add another to the list of deaths which have occurred here recently and which has added to the gloom of mourning which has lately prevailed. Yesterday after a long and painful illness from bronchitic asthma Mrs M Bickers, widow of the late Mr H Bickers passed peacefully away�leaves a family of 6 grownup children, two sons and four daughters� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Jan 1900, p2]
BICKERS On April 18 1901, at his parents� residence Cameron Rd, Henry Robert, dearly beloved child of Mrs and Mrs H J Bickers; aged 4 weeks. The funeral will leave the parents� residence on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o�clock for the new cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Apr 1901, p2 + article]
BIDOIS One of the oldest residents of the Bay of Plenty, in the person of Mr Louis Bidois, passed away at this residence Kareti, Te Puna, on Saturday morning, at the age of 89 years. Deceased was born in the northern part of France, which country he left in the year 1837 and arrived in the Bay of Islands in 1839. For some time he was connected with Bishop Pompalier�s ship, visiting New Zealand, Sydney and the Pacific Islands. Eventually he settled in the Tauranga district in 1844, where he married and is survived by a family of twelve, besides a large number of grandchildren. The funeral took place this afternoon, the interment being made at Te Puna. The last rites of the Roman Catholic Church were performed at the graveside by the Rev Father Van Dijk. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Apr 1909, p2]
BIDOIS The death occurred at Te Puna a few days ago of Mr Peter Bidois, a very old resident of the district. He served with the British forces during the Maori war. He gained prominence as a very able despatch carrier and ran many risks during the performance of his duties. He was much respected by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn their loss a grown-up family. A brother Mr Joseph Bidois, was slain at Opepe by Te Kooti�s men. [Bay of Plenty Times, 12 Jun 1920]
BIGGS The death occurred at Rotorua on Wednesday of R L Biggs, who attempted to commit suicide at the grave of his wife in the Rotorua cemetery on Christmas morning and shot away some of his brain� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 Jan 1910, p2]
An inquest was held at Mr Pilling�s Hotel on Monday last to inquire into the death of Mr Billing�s child at Pongakawa ... [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Dec 1898, p2]
BIRD Great sympathy is felt with the widow, sons and daughters of the late Mr W Bird, recently of Te Puke, who met a terrible death by burning at his son�s house in Auckland last night. Among those of his family still resident in this district may be mentioned Mesdames McRae, Galbraith, Steele and Messrs J and A Bird of Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jan 1900, p2 + 24 Jan 1900]
BIRD Te Puke. It is with extreme regret that news has been received here of the death of Mrs Alec Bird, which sad event took place last week at Onehunga. Deceased was a comparatively young woman, well known in the district and a general favourite with all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She leaves a young family and husband with whom the deepest sympathy is felt. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Aug 1902, p2]
BIRD Quite a gloom was cast over the Te Puke district on Friday afternoon when the fact became known that Mr John Bird, one of the oldest residents of the district had met with his death as the result of an accident in the Tauranga City Council�s quarry at Papamoa, Te Puke�eldest son of the late Mr William Bird�leaves behind to mourn their loss a widow, two sons and three daughters� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Mar 1910, p2 + inquest]
The death of Mrs Sarah BIRD, which took place at Paengaroa last week removed one who had passed through all the trials and hardships that were inseparable from the lives of the early pioneers. The deceased lady was born in Canada, where she married, and arrived at Port Lyttelton in the early sixties by the good ship Mermaid. Conveyances being decidedly scarce in those days, she had to walk over the Port Hills to Christchurch. From Christchurch she went to a station in North Canterbury, the means of transit being a bullock dray. From here she proceeded to Geraldine, the journey, in which a bullock dray was again used, occupying twelve days. After living at the latter place for a number of years, she came to the North Island and settled at Katikati, and later removed to No. 2 Road, Te Puke. Here she made the first bread offered for sale in the district, the 'staff of life' being baked in camp ovens. The late Mrs Bird was widely known and highly respected in the early days. Since then she has lived a retired and useful life. Her husband, who was for some time a member of the Te Puke Road Board, died in 1900. She leaves a family of three sons and one daughter (Mrs. J. McGhie), 39 grandchildren, and 33 greatgrandchildren, Three grandsons are at the front in France, and one was killed at Galiipoli. The funeral, which took place on Saturday, was largely attended. The service at the graveside was conducted by Mr Heggie. [Te Puke Times , 12 September 1916, Page 3]
An accident occurred on the railway works at Matata on Wednesday afternoon to a man named Robert Birnie, who fell from a dray and sustained serious injury to his spine. The services of Dr MacFarlane of Te Puke were requisitioned, and yesterday the injured man was conveyed to Tauranga by train and removed to the hospital. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6794, 10 November 1916, Page 2] ... died on board the SS Ngapuhi. An inquest into the circumstances of the death was held by Mr E C Sutton, S.M at Auckland yesterday ... Deceased was fifty one years of age and had no relatives in this country. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6797, 17 November 1916, Page 2]
It is with very, deep regret that we have to chronicle the death of Master Phillip Bishoprick, fifth son of Mr Charles Bishoprick, headmaster of the Te Puke School, who succumbed at an early hour this morning to an attack of infantile paralysis. The deceased lad, who was fifteen years of age, and a cadet in the local Post Office, had only been confined to his bed for two days. The funeral will leave the homestead at 2 o'clock, on Sunday afternoon. Great sympathy is expressed with Mr and Mrs Bishoprick, as two other sons are shortly proceeding to the training camp. [Te Puke Times, 11 February 1916, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6609, 11 February 1916, Page 4]
On August 1st, 1919, Reginald Onslow Holm, beloved husband of Emma Biss, and fourth son of the late S. B. Biss, Auckland. [Te Puke Times 5 August 1919, Page 2] On August 1st at his residence, Te Puke, Reginald Onslow Holm Biss, beloved husband of Emma Biss, aged 39. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7196, 4 August 1919, Page 2]
BLACK On 28th May 1861, in Auckland Harbour, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Mr Thomas Black of Matata, aged 54 years. The funeral will leave the schooner Hope, Queen-street Wharf, this day (Wednesday) at 3 o�clock pm. [New Zealander, 29 May 1861]
BLACK Opotiki. A man named Black, a settler at Otara, near Opotiki, was thrown from his horse yesterday near Otara and died a few hours after. An inquest will be held tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Apr 1889, p2 + article 15 Apr 1889]
BLACK The death is recorded on the 14th inst of Joseph R Black at Makino, near Feilding at the early age of 30. He held the post of second teacher at the Tauranga School a few years ago and was a favourite with those who knew him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Feb 1896, p2]
BLAIR At Te Puke, on Monday, December 6th, John BLAIR, aged 61. Deeply regretted. We regret to have to record the death of a well-known townsman, Mr John Blair, who passed away at his residence yesterday, after a long and trying illness. The late Mr Blair, who had conducted a boot-shop in Te Puke for the past five and a half years, was highly respected by all who knew him. The funeral took place to-day, Mr Brown conducting the burial service.[Te Puke Times 7 December 1915, Page 2 and Te Puke Times 10 December 1915, Page 2]
Private Harry Blair, whose death at the front was recently reported, was, as a young man, in the service of the Railway Department. He then entered the employ of Messrs McCluggage Bros, general storekeepers of Whangamomona, Taranaki, remaining with them for twelve years. On coming to the Bay of Plenty he worked on railway construction for the Public Works Department until he enlisted. The late soldier took a keen interest in politics, being a warm supporter of the Liberal party. He was a kindly, good-natured man, and was much esteemed by those who knew him.
[Te Puke Times 20 October 1916, Page 2 and Te Puke Times 19 January 1917, Page 2]
BLAKE We regret to have to announce the sudden death of Detective Constable Blake, which took place on Monday morning at his residence in Harrington Street, shortly after 10 o�clock. An hour before his death Detective Blake was waiting outside the Court House to conduct a case of sly grog selling in which he was the prosecutor and informant. He went over to his house for a few minutes pending the opening of the court and while there was taken with a fit of coughing which resulted in his breaking a blood vessel. The deceased had been very delicate for some time and was suffering from a pulmonary complaint and to this in a great measure his sudden death may doubtless be attributed. He had been stationed in Tauranga since the month of April 1875 and by his careful discharge of his duties and his amiable private character had won general esteem. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon and was attended by the member of the Armed Constabulary Force and several of the leading citizens. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Jan 1877, p2]
BLAKE A very sudden death occurred in town this afternoon, Mr J Blake being found dead in one of the rooms of the Star Hotel at about half past three o�clock. Mr Blake who was a carpenter by trade was brother to Mr George Blake recently a member of the Armed Constabulary Force in this district. Cause of death is not yet known but we hope to give fuller particulars next issue. An inquest will probably be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Jan 1882, p2 + inquest 28 Jan 1882]
BLAKE On September 8 1906, Richard Blake, beloved husband of Charlotte Blake, aged 76 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, 10 Sep 1906, p2 + article + 12 Sep 1906]
On October 16th, at the Military Hospital, Etaples, France, William John, second son of Mr W. W. Blaymires, Pongakawa, Bay of Plenty. [Te Puke Times , 30 October 1917, Page 2]
BLICK Many here will learn with great regret of the terrible fatality by which Mr Henry Blick, corporal in the Torpedo Corps has lost his life at Mahanga Bay, Wellington. Deceased resided here for some years when in the AC Force and was a brother of Mr Thomas Blick, bricklayer here, he leaves a wife and family of four, two sons and two daughters, ranging from 22 years down to three. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 Aug 1899, p2]
Old residents of Tauranga will regret to learn of the death of Mrs C Blick, relict of the late Corporal Henry Blick, of Wellington, which occurred last Friday. The late Mr and Mrs Blick at one time resided here. 1910/4174 Blick Susanna Charity 54Y
Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5545, 31 August 1910, Page 2
We regret to chronicle the death of Mr Bloomfield, who had resided on the No 3 Road for a number of years and who passed away on Sunday last after a long illness at the age of 69 years. The funeral took place on Monday and was largely attended. 1918/17290 Bloomfield Joseph 69Y
[Te Puke Times 6 August 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7050, 9 August 1918, Page 2]
BLUETT On July 3 1884, at Plymouth, Peter Frederick Bluett Esq, late of Halcombe court and Membury Manor in the County of Devon and of Halton in the County of Cornwall, England, in the 86th year of his age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 9 Oct 1884, p2]
At Mission Street, on July 26th, William John Blyth, aged 58 (deeply regretted). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6891, 27 July 1917, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr William John Blyth, which occurred at his residence, Mission Street, yesterday afternoon, at the age of 58 years. Deceased was born in Wellington, his parents being amongst the earliest settlers in that city. He was educated at Wanganui School and completed his education at Wellington College. He then joined the staff of the Bank of New Zealand...and retired towards the end of last year and settled in Tauranga. Deceased is survived by a widow and two sons, for whom much sympathy will be felt in their bereavement. The funeral took place this afternoon, the service at the graveside being impressively conducted by the Rev. A C Wedderspoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6891, 27 July 1917, Page 2]
BLYTHE We regret to learn that Mr J C Blythe, Government Surveyor at Rotorua expired suddenly at 9pm last evening. An inquest will be held at 9am. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Dec 1891, p2 + 1 Jan 1892 + 6 Jan 1892]
BLYTHE We much regret to chronicle the death of Mrs J Blythe of Rangiuru which took place at her home about 10 o�clock yesterday morning. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs W W Smith of this town and leaves a husband and young family of four children to mourn their loss. The greatest sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband and family, all of whom are old and respected residents of the district. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Jul 1901, p2 + 26 Jul 1901]
On November 20, 1918, at the Palmerston North Hospital, of pneumonia, Herbert William (Bertie) Blythe, elder son of Florence and the late W J Blyth of Mission Street, Tauranga, aged 19 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7093, 22 November 1918, Page 2] The Tauranga friends of Mrs W J Blyth will regret to hear of the death of her elder son, Herbert William, which occurred at the Palmerston North Hospital on Wednesday, as the result of an attack of pneumonia. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7093, 22 November 1918, Page 2]
BODELL At Leicester, England, on January 13 1887, Mr Edward Bodell, in his 83rd year, father of Mr James Bodell, merchant of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 15 Mar 1887, p2]
BODELL It is with feelings of great regret that we record the death of Mr James Bodell, one of the earliest, most influential and respected residents of the district. His decease was painfully sudden and it came as a great shock to his relatives and friends�The deceased gentleman was born in the year 1831 and when growing to man�s estate joined the Imperial army in a Line regiment. Tiring of soldiering after a few years he obtained his discharge and migrated to Tasmania and took to hotel keeping�men were being enlisted in Australia to form the afterwards famous Waikato Militia regiments�during his service in the Waikato he was married to his present wife, then a widow of Hamilton. At the close of the war as soon as the militia was disbanded Mr Bodell embarked in business in Tauranga and devoted much of his time to land brokerage, many of his transactions turning out very profitably� [Bay of Plenty Times, 26 Sep 1892, p2]
BODELL We are sorry to hear that another of the old residents of Tauranga, Mrs J Bodell, has passed away, having expired in Auckland, where she has recently resided, yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Nov 1903, p2 + notice 27 Nov 1903]
BONNER On the 7th inst, Monica Matilda, the beloved daughter of Matilda and George Bonner; aged 7 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 12 Jun 1879, p2]
BONNER We are sorry to learn that Mr and Mrs Bonner have suffered a severe bereavement in the loss of their infant son Percy, who died this morning after a 10 days� illness. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon at the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Nov 1892, p2 + notice]
BONNER The enjoyment of those who attended the Whatawhata race meeting on New Year�s Day was marred (writes our correspondent) by what subsequently proved to be a fatal accident to a jockey named George Bonner, who hails from Tauranga� [New Zealand Herald, 3 Jan 1901 + death notice and obituary Bay of Plenty Times 4 Jan 1901, p2]
BONNER At Tauranga on 23 April 1903, Matilda, beloved wife of George David Bonner, aged 45 years. Sydney papers please copy. The funeral will leave her late residence for the new cemetery at half past two on Sunday afternoon. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Apr 1903, p2 + article + 27 Apr 1903 + 29 Apr 1903]
We regret to record the death of Mr John B Bonner, third son of Mr G D Bonner of Auckland, which occurred on Devonport on Saturday last, at the age of 28 years. Deceased was born in Tauranga and resided here for many years. Subsequently he moved to Auckland where he was employed as an accountant. He possessed a most genial nature and was liked by all who knew him. The sympathy of a large number of friends in this district will be extended to the relatives of deceased in their great bereavement.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7090, 15 November 1918, Page 2]
BOOTH The funeral of the late Thomas Jonas Booth will leave his late residence at 3pm this day. Friends please accept this as an invitation. CR Leighton undertaker. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 16 Dec 1879, p2 + article Thur 18 Dec 1879, p2]
BOOTH It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs M Booth, a resident of Tauranga for a quarter of a century, which occurred at her residence Grace St on Sunday at the age of 76 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Apr 1909, p2]
Emile Joseph, died 25 March 1885, at Te Puna, Tauranga, cooper, 71 years, born Normandy France, in NZ about 40 years, parents not known, married at Rangiawhia, Waikato to Roha, surname unknown, males living aged 30, 21 and 19, females living aged 33, 30, 22, 20 and 18, cause of death chronic nephritis. [RG 1885]
The intelligence of the death of Mr Emile J Borell, of Te Puna, will be received with general regret. The deceased was an old settler of Tauranga and Waikato, and shared in the vicissitudes and troubles of the wars which took place within the last 25 years. The deceased was held in esteem by the natives in the district, and had a wide circle of friends among the old settlers. Mr Borell died on Wednesday last, at his residence at Te Puna, and was aged 71 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 28 Mar 1885, p2]
BORRIE Two deaths took place in Tauranga yesterday, Miss Borrie and Mrs Mannix. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Jul 1893, p2]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mr Benjamin Bostock, which occurred at the Tauranga Hospital on Tuesday. Deceased had suffered from a serious internal complaint and had been in the hospital for about two months where everything possible was done for him, but without avail. He was born in Manchester, was 34 years of age, and had resided in Tauranga for four years, having been a member of the staff of the Star Hotel during that period. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7388, 22 April 1920, Page 2]
BOTTING On July 13, at Camp Te Papa, Tauranga, William Edward Botting, sergeant 1st Waikato Regiment, aged 29 years. [Southern Cross, Tues 8 Aug 1865]
Word was brought through to Te Puke, on Thursday, of the death at Rotorua of Mr E. W. Boucher, a former resident of Te Puke, and one of its earliest settlers. The deceased gentleman, who married the second daughter of the late Mr H. W. Vercoe, lived for many years on the No 3 Road, where he owned several properties. On leaving Te Puke he resided for some time in Auckland, and then removed to Rotorua where he lived in retirement. His death was not altogether unexpected as he had been ill for several months. He was a man who was held in the highest esteem for his personal qualities, and his death will come as a shock to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was a keen sportsman and an ardent fisherman. The deceased leaves a son, Mr Noel Boucher, of Te Puke, and a daughter. Two other sons sacrificed their lives in the great fight for freedom, Mr Edgar Boucher, who was reported missing and who has not been heard of since, and Mr Arthur Boucher, who died in England. The interment will take place at the Te Puke cemetery tomorrow afternoon, the funeral leaving St, John's Church at 2 o'clock and arriving at the cemetery at 2.30. [Te Puke Times 4 June 1920, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mr E. W. Boucher, a former well known resident of Te Puke, which occurred at Rotorua yesterday- The late Mr Boucher resided in Te Puke for many years, and was engaged in farming on the No 3 Road. Many years ago he sold his property at Te Puke, and went to live in Auckland, subsequently moving to Rotorua. While in Te Puke he took a keen interest in public affairs. He was a man of sterling character and was held in the highest esteem by all sections of the community. The interment takes place at Te Puke this after noon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7423, 5 June 1920, Page 2]
BOX Tauranga�In my last I noticed the melancholy death of William Box, a seaman of board the Hope which occurred on the 7th inst� [Southern Cross, 22 Jun 1864, p3]
BOXALL Waihi, Dec 8. Thos. Henry Boxall, the second victim in the explosion accident at the Waihi Co�s shaft on November 13 died at the hospital last night� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Dec 1906, p2]
BOYD We regret to record the death of Mrs J Boyd senior, of Katikati which took place last week. The deceased was one of the oldest residents of Katikati and mother of Mr T Boyd, Road Overseer to the County for that riding. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Jul 1899, p2]
On Tuesday morning there passed away at the residence of his son in law (Mr W Purcell), Rotorua, Mr James Boyd at the ripe age of 88 years. The deceased gentleman was a colonist of 39 years standing, having come out with Mr G V Stewart's settlers in 1878. He took up land at Katikati, remaining in that district until the death of his wife in 1899, when he came to Rotorua, and has resided there ever since. The late Mr Boyd was born in County Antrim. He was a staunch supporter of the Presbyterian Church, being a regular attendant until he became to weak to go out. For over forty years he was a Freemason, and took a keen interest in all parts of the work of the institution. The late Mr Boyd leaves four children, Mr T Boyd, of Auckland, Mr R Boyd of Papua, Mrs T Henry of Katikati and Mrs W Purcell of Rotorua, to mourn their loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6891, 27 July 1917, Page 2]
Our Katikati correspondent writes; Very deep regret is expressed here and deep sympathy is extended to the deceased's parents by the death in action of Private Thomas Boyd (junior), late of Katikati and grandson of Mr James Boyd, whose death at the age of 88 years was recently announced in your columns. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6929, 26 October 1917, Page 2]
BOYLAN At the residence of her uncle Captain Tunks, Tauranga, on February 24 1879, Fanny Josephine Boylan, only and beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Boylan, Glenburne, Ponsonby, Auckland, aged 19 years. The funeral will leave her uncle�s residence this day at 4 o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 25 Feb 1879, p2 + article same day + note on funeral, 27 Feb 1879 + 8 Mar 1879]
BOYLAN On June 22 1895, at his residence Gisborne, Henry Christopher, eldest and dearly beloved son of the late Thomas Boylan, Glenburn, Ponsonby, Auckland; in his 45th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 24 Jun 1895, p2]
BOYLAN We regret to have to record the death of Mrs M T Boylan which occurred at her residence Picton St Ponsonby, on Saturday�Mrs Boylan resided here for some years at Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Dec 1907, p2 + notice]
BOYLE Word was received here yesterday stating that Mr Henry Boyle, agent for the Northern Steamship Co at Te Puke, had been drowned in the Kaituna river. The body was recovered later in the day. Mr T E Price, coroner, preceded to Te Puke today for the purpose of holding an inquest� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Sep 1908, p2]
BRABANT On March 4, at Pine Grove, Tauranga, Percy Stainforth, youngest son of Herbert W Brabant, aged 3 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 6 Mar 1879, p2]
BRABANT We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs H S Brabant, which took place at her residence at Devonport on Tuesday last, the funeral taking place the following day. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 9 Mar 1900, p2]
BRABANT We regret to have to record the death of Mr Herbert S Brabant, son of Mr H S Brabant, formerly of Otumoetai, but latterly living in Devonport. The unfortunate youth fell a victim, we believe, to that fell disease tuberculosis in the lungs and expired in the Auckland hospital after a lengthy illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Apr 1902, p2]
BRADHURST Private John, 43rd Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
BRADISH We clip the following from the Poverty Bay Evening Herald of December 28: "An accident, instantaneously fatal in its consequences, occurred at the South Pacific Oil Springs this morning�Edward Bradish�Bradish was well known in Tauranga, at Te Puke and Whakatane and his friends all hailed him as "Bullocky Ted"�Bradish was from London where he began his life in a an office in the city but finding the work uncongenial he came to this colony. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 12 Jan 1884, p2]
BRADLEY Thomas Bradley (late coach proprietor Bradley & Co) of Te Aroha. Funeral will leave his late residence Te Aroha at 3pm this day. Friends please accept this intimation. [Waikato Argus, Tues 14 Sep 1897]
News has been received by Mr J B Chappell of the death of his son-in-law, Mr H J Bradley of Raupo, Northern Wairoa. The deceased gentleman has been ailing for a considerable time. He leaves a widow and family of three, to whom are extended the sympathy of Mrs Bradley's many friends in Tauranga. 1914/10492 Bradley Henry Jennings 39Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6103, 22 April 1914, Page 4]
BRADLEY - In Memoriam - Lieutenant James Bradley, Sixth (Hauraki's), Main Body, darling brother of Catherine Pillow, killed in action at Cape Helles, Gallipoli May 17, 1915. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7164, 16 May 1919, Page 2]
BRADY We are very sorry to learn that the accident to the youngest child of Mr J W Brady, Papamoa [Ned], which was mentioned in our Te Puke correspondent�s letter of last issue, terminated fatally on Sunday�Deceased was about 10 years old and a bright, intelligent little fellow� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Nov 1901, p2]
It is our sad fluty to chronicle the death of Mr William Brady, which occurred suddenly at his resideaco Papamoa, on Wednesday night. Deceased had resided in the Te Puke and Papamoa districts for over thirty years. For a long period he conducted a blacksmithing and coachbuilding business at Te Puke, aud then moved to Papamoa, where he engaged in farming up till the time of his death. He was born at Otahuhu, and in early life took a keen interest in racing matters. He was a prominent amateur rider, and rode numerous winners on racecourses all over the North Island. He also owned and trained many notable racehorses, including Garbinier (a great performer), Zulu, Steelcrap, Te Whetamaramara, Saunterer, Satellite, Papamoa, Princess of Thule, Mitiora and many others. He also rode in a match at Tauranga many years ago, the winning horse being owned by Mr J Ellis. After moving to Te Puke deceased took a keen interest in the breeding of thoroughbreds, and brought to the district such wellknown sires as Vortex, Urepapa, Lord of the Isles, Purepo, and Formative; also, a number of high class mares... He leaves to mourn their loss a widow and adult family, to whom the greatest sympathy will be extended in their bereavement. The funeral took place at Te Puke today and was largely
attended. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7189, 11 July 1919, Page 3]
BRAMBLE Another sad and sudden death has occurred here, Mrs Bramble died in childbirth on Saturday afternoon, after having an operation performed as a last resource. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Mar 1891, p2]
BRAMLEY Pte Hudson Armond Bramley, 28th Reinforcements, KIA France 28 April 1918, husband of Annie, youngest son of James T & Ada Bramley, brother of Isabella & J W Stark, Opotiki. [Auckland Weekly News, 1 May 1919]
BRANNIGAN On the 11th inst, at Dunedin, St John Brannigan Esq, ex-commissioner of the Armed Constabulary. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 20 Sep 1873]
BRENNAN Thames. The man Brennan, who sustained severe injuries by burning owing to an explosion on an oil launch�has died at the hospital� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 May 1910, p2]
BRESLIN Waihi, Tuesday. A young man named Walter Breslin was killed at the Waihi Extended G M Co�s mine this afternoon while working in the shaft� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Jan 1905, p2 + 20 Jan 1905]
BRIGHT At Hikutaia, on Tuesday evening a man named James Bright, a carpenter, was standing on the verandah of Corbett�s hotel with a young man named Thomas Phillips when two others came along with a gun. Phillips asked to see it and when trifling with the hammer the gun went off. The contents lodged in Bright�s body� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Aug 1894, p2]
News has been received in Te Puke of the death at Murgoti, Queensland, of Dr Brittin, formerly in practice in this township. The deceased gentleman was a native of Christchurch, and on leaving Te Puke returned to that city, but on medical advice, he sought a warmer climate, and took up his residence in Queensland. Dr Brittin was a warm-hearted man, and his many friends will regret to hear of his death. He was 74 years of age. [Te Puke Times 16 July 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7039, 15 July 1918, Page 2]
BROADBENT George Edward, died on 17 March 1871, at Greerton, male, 37 years, military settler, cause of death excessive drinking. [RG 1871]
We regret to record the death of Mrs Broadbent, daughter of Mrs Snodgrass of Otumoetai, which occurred at Carterton last week. Deceased is survived by a grown up family. 1911/6045 Broadbent Agnes Cross 62Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5693, 21 August 1911, Page 4]
BROOKFIELD A wire received from Auckland today states that Mr Brookfield, late Crown Prosecutor died there yesterday aged 82 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Oct 1906, p2]
BROMFIELD On 17 April 1887, at Alfred St, Bath, England, aged 76, James Bromfield JP and DL. The respected and beloved father of A W Bromfield of Tauranga, solicitor. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Jun 1887, p2]
BROMFIELD We understand that Mr A W Bromfield, solicitor, died from effects of his last injury about a month ago by falling in the street in a fit. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Dec 1889, p2]
BROOKE-TAYLOR - On September 16, 1916, killed in action in France, Corporal Horace Reydon Brooke-Taylor, third son of A and M Brooke-Taylor of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, aged 23 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6792, 6 November 1916, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Corporal H R Brooke-Taylor, of Hastings, and brother of Mrs W E Robins, of Collingwood, Tauranga. Deceased joined the main New Zealand Expeditionary Force, and saw service at Gallipoli where he was wounded. Subsequently he was invalided to England and later proceed to France, where he was killed in action on September 16. Deceased was born in Hastings and after leaving school took up engineering. He also took a keen interest in volunteering and at the time of his enlistment was a sergeant in the territorials. His response to his country's call was characteristic of him and it must be a consolation to all who mourn his loss to feel that he died the noblest death a many may die - fighting for right and liberty. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6792, 6 November 1916, Page 2]
BROOKS On October 3, at her residence Carmain (near Moneymore), County Londonderry, Ireland, Elizabeth Brooks, relict of the late John Brooks, aged 73 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 23 Dec 1879, p2]
On April 17th, 1963 at Katikati, New Zealand, Peter, only son of the late Colonel and Mrs Peter Broom-Giles and grandson of the late James Carter Houghton, of Brobury House, Herefordshire. [The Times (London, England), Saturday, Apr 20, 1963; pg. 1; Issue 55680]
BROOMFIELD The many Tauranga and Te Puke friends of the Rev Father Broomfield will regret to hear of his death which occurred in the Coromandel Hospital this morning as the result of an attack of pleurisy and bronchitis. The deceased clergyman, who in his younger days had laboured in India, had charge of the Tauranga and Te Puke parishes for about 10 years and by his genial and unassuming manner he endeared himself to the members of the Roman Catholic Church� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Apr 1909, p2]
BROWN At Tauranga, on Sunday 14th September 1845 in the fourteenth year of his age, Alfred Marsh, only son of the Ven Archdeacon Brown. [New Zealander, 4 Oct 1845]
BROWN On the night of the 12th November 1855, at St Stephen�s School, Auckland, Charlotte, the beloved wife of Alfred N Brown, Archdeacon of Tauranga, aged 59 years. Interred St Stephens burial ground. [New Zealander, 14 Nov 1855]
BROWN On the 27th inst, at Grey St, Mr Hugh Brown, aged 35 years, late of the AC Force and formerly of the 1st Waikato Regiment. Deeply regretted by all who knew him. The funeral will take place at 3 o�clock tomorrow (Sunday). Friends will please attend the funeral. [Bay of Plenty Times Sat 28 Jul 1877, p2 + article Wed 1 Aug 1877]
BROWN Ohinemutu, Thursday. A sad accident occurred here last evening to a young man named Charles Brown (valet to Mr Mathieson). While bathing in the [Rotorua] lake in company with three others Brown suddenly disappeared. His companions dived but could find no trace of him. They then gave the alarm. Several Europeans and natives have been engaged in trying to recover the body�Dr Lewis dived for nearly an hour� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 1 Apr 1882, p2 + inquest 6 Apr 1882]
BROWN At Tauranga, on Sunday morning 7th inst, Alfred Nesbitt Brown, Archdeacon of Tauranga, in the 81st year of his age. The funeral will leave his late residence for the Mission Chapel at 3.30pm tomorrow where the ordinary portion of the burial service will be read and from thence the cortege will proceed to the Mission Cemetery. Friends will kindly accept this notice. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 9 Sep 1884, p2 + obit same day + article 11 Sep 1884]
BROWN Our readers will regret to hear of the death of Mrs Brown, widow of the late Archdeacon Brown, at the old age of 69. Particulars of the life of the deceased lady will appear in our next issue. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Jun 1887, p2 + death notice]
BROWN On Wednesday afternoon it was found imperative that Mr [Jonathon] Brown, who was severely injured last week by a mowing machine, should undergo an operation�death occurring about 8 o�clock from failure of the heart�s action�the deceased gentleman had all but concluded his 63rd year, having passed 45 years of his life in the colonies. He was born in Northumberland�Mr Brown has left a widow and seven children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 May 1895, p4 + 6 May 1895]
BROWN Paeroa, Thurs. A lamentable accident occurred at Karangahake last evening resulting in the death by drowning of C Brown, employed by the Crown Mines Co� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Jun 1896, p2]
BROWN The deepest regret was expressed in town this morning, when the news was circulated that Tpr Frank Brown, youngest son of Mrs E Brown of Welcome Bay and a member of the 7th Contingent had died of wounds received in South Africa�greatest sympathy will be felt throughout the district with Mrs Brown and the deceased�s brothers and sisters in their sad bereavement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Feb 1902, p2 + 12 Feb 1902 + 14 Feb 1902, + 17 Feb 1902 + 1 Sep 1902]
BROWN Auckland, Thursday. A woman named Mrs Mary Brown, wife of Francis Brown, farmer, Whangapara, Matakana, died under chloroform today while having teeth extracted at the premises of George Murray, dentist, Upper Symonds St. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Jan 1900, p2 + 22 Jan 1900]
BROWN News was received here this morning by Sergt Phair that a young man named Brown, bushfelling near Whakatane, met with an accident on Saturday and expired this morning from the injuries received. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Oct 1903, p2]
The influenza epidemic claimed another victim at the Tauranga Hospital early this morning when Mrs Brown, wife of Mr H Brown, engineer on SS Rimu passed away. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
BROWN - OBITUARY - MRS E. BROWN. The death occurred at Auckland on the 11th inst, of a former old and very highly respected resident of this district in the person of Mrs Eliza Brown, relict of the late Mr Jonathan Brown, of Welcome Bay. The deceased lady was a native of Canada, and arrived at Tauranga with her husband fifty-one years ago, where they settled on the property at Welcome Bay now owned by Mr H, T. Lysaght. Mr Brown died about twenty-four years ago but his widow continued to reside in the district until ten years since, when she moved to Auckland. The deceased lady was a zealous member of the Wesleyan Church, and was greatly esteemed for her charitable nature. She leaves a family of six sons and daughters Mr Ralph Brown, of Whakatane, Messrs G. W, Brown and J. Brown, of Te Puke, Mrs W. J. Cotter, of Fiji, Mrs R. G, Speight, of Onehunga, and Mrs Claude of Patumahoe. A fourth son, Mr Frank Brown, was killed in South Africa during the Boer war, The funeral took place at Tauranga on Friday last, the burial service being conducted by the Rev,.Mr Kendon.
[Te Puke Times 20 June 1919, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7177, 16 June 1919, Page 3]
BROWNE On Sunday 26 May, at the Schoolhouse, Whakatane, after a brief illness, Ellen, the beloved wife of William Franklin Browne, and eldest surviving daughter of William Jenkins of Otaki, Wellington, aged 45 years and 20 days. Deeply regretted. Wellington papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 13 Jun 1889, p2 + article]
BROWNLEE A child, 5 years of age, the third son of Mr and Mrs Robert Brownlee (formerly well known in this district) and grandson of Mr William Brownlee, Havelock, Marlborough, succumbed on Monday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 Aug 1899, p2]
BROWNLIE Mrs Brownlie, an old Tauranga identity died on Friday night and was buried in the new cemetery yesterday. The funeral was largely attended. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Dec 1890, p2]
BROWNLIE On December 11, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs A Clark, John Brownlie, aged 92 years. Glasgow papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Dec 1907, p2]
BUCHANAN An inquest was held this morning before the coroner A C Tovey Esq and a jury of 6, touching the death of John Buchanan, aged 4 months, son of Jane Buchanan. Dr Stevens was examined and other evidence taken after which the jury returned a verdict that death was due to whooping cough. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Dec 1895, p4]
BUCHANAN We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Wm Buchanan, known to a good many here and for nearly a year in 1891-2 acting as power of attorney for the Rev David Bruce, then proprietor of this journal. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Apr 1900, p2]
BUCKLAND The dead body of H Buckland, cook of the steamer Moa which runs between Wellington and Greymouth has been found on the Seven mile beach. Nothing is known as to the circumstances�He leaves a widow and four children at the Thames. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Nov 1892]
BUCKLAND From the Auckland papers we learn that�Mr Thomas Buckland, late of Tauranga, died on May 14 at his residence Hepburn St, Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 May 1894, p2]
BUCKNER A few days ago a young man named Arthur Buckner, who came out from Home recently for the benefit of his health took rooms at the Star Hotel. His condition however changed for the worse and on Wednesday he expired. The body will be taken to Auckland tomorrow by the ss Waitangi, deceased having friends there. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 May 1899, p2]
BUCKWORTH Yesterday morning it was with the greatest regret that the news was received here that Mr E F Buckworth of Junction House, Katikati had succumbed, after only a few days illness, to an attack of pneumonia�sympathy will be felt for the bereaved widow and family, the youngest of whom is, we believe, about 12 years of age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Aug 1902, p2 + 22 Aug notices and article]
BUDDLE We regret having to record the death of the Rev Thomas Buddle, who died at his residence in Auckland on Tuesday morning last, at the advanced age of 74. His many friends in Tauranga, will, we feel sure, fully sympathise with the members of his family in their bereavement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 28 Jun 1883, p2]
BUDDLE On Monday 1st inst, at her residence Grafton Rd, Auckland, Sarah, the relict of the late Rev Thomas Buddle, aged 71. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 2 Sep 1884, p2]
BUDGE On February 9, at Waihi, George Simmond Bradford, beloved husband of Sarah Elizabeth Budge, aged 26. [New Zealand Herald, Thur 10 Feb 1898]
BULL On 2 January 1894, at her residence Cameron Rd, Anna, beloved wife of John Bull, postmaster, aged 50. He giveth his beloved sleep. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Jan 1894, p2 + article same day + 5 Jan 1894]
BULL On September 24 1896, at Blenheim, the wife of John Bull, Chief Postmaster, of a daughter (stillborn). [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Sep 1896, p2]
BULLEN Yesterday morning, quite unexpectedly, Dr Francis Bullen passed away at Tourist Villa where he has been staying�58 years of age and a native of Cork, Ireland�An appeal is made by advertisement for donations towards a fund for the erection of a fence and headstone to the late Dr Bullen�s grave. Dr Bullen died without leaving money or property�Deceased was not pressing when money was owed him, being content to jog along with what was forthcoming� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 May 1895, p4 + 6 Sep 1895]
Widespread regret was expressed in Rotorua (says the Chronicle) when it became known that Mr John Henry Burch, Government land valuer for the Bay of Plenty district, had died earlv this (Thursday) morning, from gastritis coupled with pneumonia. He was, it is stated, somewhat unwell early last week, but attended the Maori reception to the Prince of Wales at Arawa Park, and caught a chill, from which serious consequences developed, resulting in his death about 2 a. m to day. Mr Burch, who was only 44 years of age, was born at the Thames, where his father, who is still living, was manager of the Waitekauri and other mines. He was educated at the Thames Grammar School, and, in early manhood, he and his brother took up a bush farm in the Whangarei district, They sold out of this, and he then joined the Government Land Valuation Department. He came to Rotorua about, seven years ago, and shortly after went to Opotiki, making that place his headquarters. Two years ago he returned to Rotorua, where he has since resided. Mr Burch was generally esteemed, both for his integrity and geniality and his death will cause a feeling of sorrow throughout the whole district. He leaves a widow and three daughter and one son. [Te Puke Times 7 May 1920, Page 2]
BURGESS The unfortunate young man, Burgess, who was killed by the tram in Auckland on Wednesday night, was a brother of Mrs Albert Hammond of this town and a nephew of Mr T Allely. Deceased was known to a good many here and much regret will be felt at his untimely end. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Feb 1904, p2]
BURKE Te Aroha inquest. A man named Thomas Burke, in the employ of the Auckland Agricultural Company was found dead in a paddock in Waihou at 4 o�clock on Monday afternoon� [Waikato Times, Sat 29 Dec 1888]
BURKE Arthur Burke, employed in loading timber on skids at Mamaku yesterday was struck by the limb of a tree from overhead. The accident occurred at half past one and Burke died three hours later� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 May 1907, p2]
BURKILL On September 13, at her parents� residence Tauranga, Phyllis T B, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Burkill, aged 11 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Sep 1904, p2 + article]
We sincerely regret to have to chronicle the death of Mrs Burkitt, the mother of Mrs T. P. Lemon and of Miss Burkitt, of this town, who passed away at an advanced age on Monday morning. The deceased lady arrived in New Zealand from Sydney about four years ago, with her husband, who died some time since. The funeral took place this afternoon, the Rev. J. W, Chapman reading the burial service. 1918/3146 Burkett Jane Elizabeth 79Y [Te Puke Times 18 June 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7029, 21 June 1918, Page 2]
BURNETT On Saturday 18 May, at his residence Otara, Opotiki, David Burnett, aged 73 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 30 May 1889, p2]
The death occurred at Opotiki last week of Mr Charles Buchan Burnett, who had been ailing for about two years. Deceased arrived in New Zealand in 1873 landing at Port Chalmers from the sailing ship Agnes Muir. He went to Otago and was on the goldfields there for some time. Since then he has resided in various parts of new Zealand, including Opotiki. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6803, 4 December 1916, Page 2]
The sad news was received here yesterday of the death of Mr Archibald Burnett, a former resident of Opotiki and Gate Pa which occurred suddenly at Otahuhu where Mr Burnett and family had been residing about eight months. Deceased was a man of sterling character, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. His widow and family will have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7496, 16 September 1920, Page 2]
BURROWS - Tauranga - Just as I am retiring to rest I am informed of the melancholy tidings which will bring sorrow to the door of his friends of a sad catastrophe which has just happened at the Gate Pa to a man named John Burrows, who formerly belonged to the AC�causing instantaneous death� [Southern Cross, 26 Feb 1870, p3 + 28 Feb 1870]
BURROWS On Saturday last the remains of the late Rev Robert Burrows, father of Mrs C F Hulme of this town, were interred in St Stephens Cemetery, Auckland. The deceased came to New Zealand as a missionary 57 years ago� Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Jul 1897, p2]
BURROWS On August 24, at Tauranga, Arthur Washington Burrows, aged 61 years. The funeral will leave High Trees at 2.30pm tomorrow Saturday for the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Aug 1899, p2 + obituary + 28 Aug 1899]
There passed away at Rotorua on March 25, one of the oldest settlers of the Bay of Plenty, in the person of Mr Harry Roberts Burt. The late Mr Burt who had reached the age of 75 years, was born in Nelson NZ and came to the Auckland district in 1864. He went to Thames in the early days of the gold rush and later to Karangahake, afterwards engaging in the land agency business and making frequent visits to the Bay of Plenty. He took up land at Matata and settled there 31 years ago, the family being the first settlers between Te Puke and Whakatane. The late Mr Burt was one of the best known figures on the coast and remained active and energetic up till the time of his death, which came as a surprise to his numerous friends and relations. He is survived by his wife, and six sons and daughters, Messrs Fred and Harry Burt and Mesdames Christmas and Lees all of Matata, and Private Sydney Burt, on active service and Mrs Smart of Christchurch. The internment took place at Matata. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6848, 2 April 1917, Page 2]
Cable advice has been received in Auckland of the death at Bournemouth, England of Colonel Henry Burton, a former well-known resident of Auckland. On one occasion deceased sought election to Parliament for the Tauranga electorate but failed to win the seat from the late Hon. William Kelly. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6905, 29 August 1917, Page 2]
The death occurred at Katikati on Monday last of Mrs Busby, wife of Mr William Busby, at the age of seventy three years. Deceased was born in County Tyrone, Ireland and came to Katikati with the No 2 party in the ship Lady Jocelyn in the year 1878, settling in Katikati, where she had since resided. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, three sons and one daughter, for whom much sympathy will be felt in their sad bereavement. 1916/971 Busby Sarah Jane 73Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6634, 8 March 1916, Page 2]
A recent casualty list shows that Rifleman William Busby, son of Mr M Busby of Katikati, has been killed in action. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6974, 11 February 1918, Page 2]
BUSH We regret to learn that one of the children on Mr Busby [sic, later reported as Bush] of Katikati was accidentally drowned yesterday. Mr Brabant RM goes to Katikati today to hold an inquest on the remains. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 2 Aug 1879, p2 inquest report 5 Aug 1879, child named as Thomas Bush]
BUSH We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr E F Bush, youngest son of Mr R S Bush SM and Warden, Thames which took place at Kalgoorlie, West Australia on the 13th inst. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Apr 1902, p2]
BUTLER We regret to hear of the death of Mr William Butler of Opotiki� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Jul 1887, p2]
BUTLER We regret to chronicle the death of one who was among the few left of those who were here in the old fighting days, namely Mr John Butler who expired on Sunday last about 1pm. Deceased was a native of Sydenham near London�Deceased leaves a widow, 5 sons and 3 daughters, but only one of the latter is still residing here, the others being in Waihi, Wellington, Rotorua and Western Australia� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Sep 1902 + notice, ex 1st Waikato Militia]
BUTLER On Sunday 14 December, at her residence Quarter Acres, Tauranga, Mary Butler, relict of the late John Butler, in her 68th year. The funeral will leave her late residence for the new cemetery at 2.30 o�clock tomorrow afternoon. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Dec 1902]
BUTT On the 16th inst, at her residence Elizabeth St, Mrs Theresa Ngakotuku Butt, aged 50 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Nov 1889 + article]
BUTT We record with much regret the death of William Butt, which took place at Rotorua on Saturday last. Deceased was 26 years old and entered the printing trade about nine years ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Mar 1893]
A very old and highly-respected resident of the Bay of Plenty Mr William Alfred BUTT, passed away; at his residence at Ohinemutu last Saturday night. The late Mr Butt, who was born in New South Wales, came to New Zealand at the age of 19, in 1862, and took a prominent part in the Maori war. He joined the Forest Rangers in 1864, and fought in numerous engagements in the Waikato, being also present at the famous siege of Orakau. Having attained the rank of Sergeant, he next joined the Opotiki Expeditionary Force, and distinguished himself in numerous actions under Colonels Stapp and Lyon, and Majors Mair, Brassey, McDonnell, and Von Tempsky, which culminated in the capture of the murderers of the, Rev. Volkner and Captain Jas, Falloon, and the subjugation of the rebels and confiscation of the lands between Mount Edgecumbe and the sea. Sergeant Butt was placed in charge of the prisoners on board H.M. Eclipse, many-of whom were afterwards sentenced to death, The next scene of his activities was in the fighting along the fringe of the Tauranga forest plateau, where he was a participant in the engagements at Tirihanga and Whakamarama. On the cessation of hostilities Mr Butt for many years carried on the large trading business of the late Mr Thomas Wrigley at Maketu and Rotorua, and later on was connected with the Rotorua Chronicle. He leaves a widow, Raiha, daughter of the late Captain Rogers, and a large grown-up family, one of his daughters being Mrs G E Todd of No. 3 Road. [Te Puke Times , 17 December 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6565, 16 December 1915, Page 2]
BUTTERS Opotiki. The body of the unfortunate man John Butters who was drowned last week in the Waioeka has not yet been recovered� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Nov 1873, p3 + article body found 26 Nov 1873 + inquest 3 Dec 1873]
BUTTIMORE Constable W Buttimore died at Waipawa on Sunday week�Mrs Buttimore is a daughter of Mr and Mrs James Stewart of Cameron Rd, Tauranga to whom we tender our sincere sympathy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 Aug 1909, p2]
The death occurred at Auckland on Monday of Judge Charles E Button, who resided a few years ago in Tauranga. Deceased was the seventh son of the late Mr Thomas Button, of Launceston Tasmania where he was born on August 23, 1838, so that he was in his 83rd year. Educated at the High School, Hobart, he afterwards studied law and practised for a period in his native town before settling in New Zealand For a time he occupied a seat in the House of Representatives. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 29 December 1920, Page 2]
Word has been received in Te Puke of the death at Ngaire, Taranaki, on January 12th, of Mrs Byers, wife of Mr Byers, at one time manager of the Te Matai creamery. 1917/9417 Byers Laura 36Y [Te Puke Times 23 February 1917, Page 2]
CADENHEAD On October 11, at his residence Cameron Rd, John Cadenhead, aged 31. Deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Oct 1873, p3 + inquest to investigate if he met with his death from violence whilst in the hands of the police]
CADDY An inquisition was taken on August 31 and September 1 before W Brown Esq MD Acting-coroner touching the circumstances of the death of Constable John Caddy AC. The inquest was held at the Tauranga Hotel. Abraham Warbrick was chosen foreman of the jury�the body of a man found floating in the river� [Southern Cross 6 Sep 1869, p4]
CADMAN Coromandel. Mrs Cadman, relict of the late Jerome Cadman MLC and brother of M J Cadman, died. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Jul 1883, p2]
The death occurred at Auckland on Saturday last of Mrs Cadness, wife of Mr E H Cadness of Whakatane, and eldest daughter of Mr J G Baker of Bethlehem, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6060, 9 January 1914, Page 4]
CAINES On Saturday evening quite a gloom was cast over the town by the news that a boating accident had occurred in the harbour by which Mr G T Caines, the well known boat builder, lost his life�Deceased leaves a widow in Tauranga with whom much sympathy is felt for her sad loss. Mr Caines was highly respected by all who knew him. He has a son in Sydney. Mr Moss on being interviewed supplied us with the following particulars of the accident� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 29 Nov 1887, p2 + funeral report and inquest 6 Dec 1887]
CAINS Another of those old identities who link together the past and present of colonial history has just passed away in the person of Mrs Sarah Cains of Beresford St, Auckland, relict of the late Mr William T Cains of Bristol, England. She died on 11 February; just on the eve of her 72nd birthday�she leaves three daughters, out of a family of 16, married respectively to Captain Norris, Mr R T Chatfield, merchant of Samoa and Captain Evanson of the schooner Curlew now trading on the coast of New Guinea. Mrs Cains was the mother of Mr G T Cains, who was drowned in this harbour about 15 months since. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Feb 1889, p2]
CALDER Coromandel, this day. A boating fatality occurred here at 4pm yesterday near Pita�s Island. A yacht capsized in a squall and the six occupants were precipitated into the water. William Edgar, miner, Jas Roil and Donald Calder were drowned�All the drowned men were married men. Roil and Calder leave young families... [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Dec 1903, p2 + 23 Dec 1903]
CALLAGHER On Wednesday September 20 899 at Tauranga, Francis Joseph, the beloved husband of Catherine Callagher and eldest son of the late Francis Callagher of Otahuhu, aged 56 years. The funeral will leave the late residence of the deceased tomorrow at 3pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Sep 1899, p2 + article + 25 Sep 1899]
CALLOWAY News was received in town yesterday that Susan Calloway, aged 18, residing with her mother near the Wairoa Bridge had been drowned in the river� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Nov 1897, p2 + inquest 1 Dec 1897]
The death occurred at Auckland on Tuesday last of Mrs D S Cambie, mother of Mr D Cambie, manager of the Tauranga Rimu Company. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7433, 19 June 1920, Page 2]
CAMERON At the Waikato Hospital, Edward Cameron, aged 68. Late of Te Aroha and the Thames. [Waikato Argus, Thur 18 May 1899]
CAMPBELL Murder in New Ireland of a former Tauranga resident. By Tuesday�s mail Mr E G Norris received information of the murder, under very painful circumstances, of Mrs Norris� brother Mr A Campbell� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 10 Dec 1885, p2]
CAMPBELL On June 24, at Gisborne, Poverty Bay, Alexander Campbell Esq, beloved stepfather of Mrs Norris Barbreck House, Tauranga; aged 65. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 Jun 1888, p2]
CAMPBELL News was received here last week of the death of Mr Campbell, formerly on the staff of this paper and son-in-law of Mr A Asher� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Aug 1898, p2]
CAMPBELL Mr Jno. Campbell, aged about 70 years, who was residing with Mr J Cameron at Bream Tail was found dead on Sunday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Jul 1908, p2]
A Rotorua telegram received this morning states that Andrew Campbell, formerly a launch owner was found dead on the Tauranga Road, near Te Pu. He collapsed while driving to Rotorua. Death is supposed to have been caused by eating wild honey, by which deceased father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr and Mrs White, of Rotongata, were made ill. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6891, 27 July 1917, Page 2]
CAMPNY On January 1, at Mr Munce�s residence Freeman�s Bay, Auckland, after a long and painful illness, James Campny, aged 53 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 5 Jan 1886, p2 + article]
We have to record the death of Mrs A S Campny, widow of the late Mr James Campny, of Tauranga, which occurred at the residence of her daughter (Mrs J H Taylor), Rotorua on Sunday, at the age of 85 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5730, 17 November 1911, Page ]
CANAVAN Mrs Elizabeth Canavan, who was admitted to the Waihi Hospital last month suffering from a fractured spine caused by falling over the edge of a culvert at Karangahake died at that institution early this morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Jan 1908, p2]
On August 13th at his residence, Ohauiti, Tauranga, Robert, dearly loved husband of Margaret Cannell in his 70th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7474, 16 August 1920, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mr Robert Cannell which occurred at his residence, Ohauiti, on Friday last. Deceased, who was seventy years of age was born in the Isle of Wight, and about ten years ago came out to New Zealand, subsequently settling at Ohauiti, where he had since resided. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss a widow and three adult sons, Messrs Bert and Walter Cannell, of Ohauiti; and Mr Arthur Cannell, of Henderson. The funeral took place yesterday, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7475, 17 August 1920, Page 2]
CAPPER It is my melancholy duty to announce the death of Mr J F Capper, late Native school teacher at Te Matai�Deceased leaves a widow and nine children for whom the greatest sympathy is felt� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Jan 1901, p2]
Sergeant Alfred M Capper, of Taneatua, whose death occurred recently from wounds sustained in action in France was related to many families in Opotiki. Sergeant Capper, who was 49 years of age, enlisted for service in Australia, and was attached to the 13th Infantry Battalion, Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6755, 11 August 1916, Page 2]
CARDWELL I send you an account of the deaths which have taken place within the month of March�1st Waikato Regiment Private Cardwell, 20 years, died March 14� [Southern Cross, 4 Apr 1865, p4]
Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs Joseph Carleton in the loss which they have sustained by the death of their little girl Alice Maud, which occurred this morning as the result of an croup. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6001, 22 August 1913, Page 4]
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of a highly respected resident in the person of Mr John Carleton, which occurred at 4.30 o'clock this morning at the age of fifty seven years ... the late Mr Carleton was born in Morecambe (Lancashire), in which town he resided up to about three years ago ... The sons are Messrs Joseph Carleton (Tauranga), W Carleton (Auckland), Robert Carleton (Morecambe), the daughters being Mrs Millgan (Tauranga), Mrs W Athonthwaite (Morecambe) and the Misses Maud and Margaret Carleton (Tauranga)...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6026, 20 October 1913, Page 5]
CARLEY On 30 January at Opotiki, of typhoid fever, Laura Frances, third and dearly loved daughter of Isaac and Lilly Carley, aged five and a half years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Feb 1877, p2]
CARLEY On the 12th inst, at the Bank of New Zealand Opotiki, Alice Florence Isabel, the seventh and youngest daughter of Isaac and Lilly Carley, aged seventeen months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 15 Sep 1877, p2]
CARLEY On 15th March, at the Bank of New Zealand, Opotiki, Lily Mabel (Dickie), the fourth and deeply beloved daughter of Isaac and Lily Carley; aged 5 years and 9 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 24 Apr 1879, p2]
CARLEY On 22nd April, Bessie Marion, twin and fifth beloved daughter of Isaac and lily Carley, aged 4 years and a half. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 24 Apr 1879, p2]
CARLEY On 20th inst, at Opotiki, Frances Mabel Marion, twin daughter of Isaac and Lily Carley, aged 4 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 27 Mar 1880, p2]
CARNACHAN It is with extreme regret that we chronicle the death of Mr Fox Maule Carnachan, which took place at Otorohanga, King Country on Tuesday last after a short illness�well known in this and the Rotorua and Waikato districts�Deceased was a brother of Mr David Carnachan, lately of Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Jul 1904, p2]
The many Tauranga friends of Sergeant Angus Carnachan, who resided in Tauranga for some time, will regret to hear of his death, which occurred at Featherston Camp on Sunday last. Deceased was a son of the late Mr Fox Maule Carnachan, who was native interpreter to the late Judge Gill, of the Native Lands Department. Sergeant Carnachan had been connected with the Armoury Stores Department for a considerable time. Much sympathy will be extended to Mrs Carnachan (nee Miss Ruby Guinness) and her infant son in their great bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2]
A casualty list issued this morning shows that another soldier from this district, in the person of Private T A Carroll has made the supreme sacrifice, having died of wounds. Prior to his enlistment the deceased soldier was engaged in farming in the Whakamarama district. He was an unassuming young man and was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends who will lean of his death with deep regret. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7017, 24 May 1918, Page 2]
CARSON On 17 February at her residence Second Ave, Mrs Robert Carson, suddenly. The funeral will leave for the Borough Cemetery today Tues 20th inst, at 1pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 20 Feb 1883, p2 + article]
CARSON The many friends of Mr Carson, of the Upper Te Matai School will regret to hear that he was the recipient on Saturday last, of the sad news of the death of his mother, who passed away at Wanganui the previous day. The deceased lady, who was most highly esteemed, was a very old colonist, having arrived in New Zealand upwards of fifty years ago.
1913/6691 Carson Elizabeth Ann 77Y [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 26 August 1913, Page 2]
CARTER On July 24, at Maketu, Jane, the beloved wife of E Carter. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 26 Jul 1879, p2 + short article]
CARTER On Tuesday June 12th, at his residence Cliff Rd, Charles G Carter, from internal haemorrhage, aged 34. The funeral will leave his late residence on Friday next at 2pm. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Jun 1894, p2 + obituary + 18 Jun 1894]
On June 22nd 1916 at Wanganui, Annie, wife of Alfred Carter and third daughter of Mr S Reeve, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6720, 23 June 1916, Page 2] We regret to record the death at Wanganui of Mrs Carter, wife of Alfred Carter of that town. The deceased lady was born at Tauranga, and until a few years ago resided with her husband on their farm at Oropi. She was a sister of Mrs J J Bettleheim and Mrs A Davoren of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6720, 23 June 1916, Page 2]
CARTY The many friends of Mr A G Carty, solicitor of Feilding will regret to hear of his untimely death which occurred at Feilding on Wednesday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 2 Apr 1909, p2]
CASELY Inspector Emerson received a telegram from constable white at Huntly Coal Mines stating that a portion of Ralph�s mine (The dip) had fallen in about 9pm yesterday. John Casely, James Smith, Alexander Harris (a boy) and John Tracy are entombed in it�the bodies of Casely and Harris have been recovered... [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Dec 1890, p2 + the body of John Tracy was recovered at 5.30pm on Thursday and the body of James Smith was recovered at 1.15am on Friday� [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 Dec 1890, p2]
CASEY Captain Casey, a well known Auckland resident has died at the age of 61. The deceased was largely connected with the shipping trade. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 9 Jul 1881, p2]
CASEY Te Aroha. On Saturday afternoon a boy aged 3 years, the son of Thomas Casey, miner, was burned, his clothes having caught fire. The child was badly burnt about the lower part of his body and died yesterday afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Aug 1888, p2]
The death occurred at Auckland on Sunday last of Mr Theodore Henry Casey (eldest son of the late Maurice Casey) who died last week. The late Mr Theodore Casey was well known in Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2]
CASHEN On October 16, at Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Mr Thomas Cashen. [New Zealand Herald, Wed 19 Oct 1881]
CASLEY Paeroa, Saturday. Last evening a fatal accident occurred in the Talisman min, Karangahake, resulting in the death of a young man Thomas Casley... [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Mar 1900, p2]
CASSELLS At Taranaki, on the 12th inst, the wife of Sergeant H Cassells, aged 32 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 13 Mar 1880, p2]
CASTAING On January 2 1903, at his parents� residence Grey St, Edward (Eddie) Francis, dearly beloved son of Henry and Mabel Castaing, aged 7 months. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Jan 1903, p2 + article + 7 Jan 1903]
CASTAING We regret to record the death of one of the oldest residents of the Bay of Plenty, in the person of Mr Edward Francis Castaing, which occurred at his residence, Grey Street, on Saturday at the age of 68 years. Deceased was born in Bordeaux, France and came to New Zealand fifty years ago, landing at Akaroa, shortly afterwards coming to the Bay of Plenty and eventually settling in Tauranga about 1866. He joined the militia cavalry during the troublous times with the natives�He leaves to mourn their loss a widow, one son and three grandchildren� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Dec 1906, p2 + notice]
On May 18th, at the residence of her son, Corner Brown and Willow Streets, Tauranga, Rachael, relict of the late Edward Castaing, aged 70 years. R.I,P. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6388, 19 May 1915, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs E Castaing, relict of the late Mr Edward Castaing which occurred at the residence of her son Mr H T Castaing last evening�Deceased was born in Rangiaohia, Waikato and had resided in Tauranga district over half a century� [Bay of Plenty Times, 19 May 1915]
Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs Castle, Edgecumbe Road in the loss which they have sustained in the death of their infant son, which occurred last night. 1914/7385 Castle William Stanley 16D [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6268, 26 December 1914, Page 2]
On November 9th, at 10.30am at parents residence, Devonport Road, Dulcie Merle, youngest daughter of E and L Chadban aged 14 months. The funeral will leave the residence tomorrow at 2.30pm for the New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6534, 9 November 1915, Page 2]
CHADDOCK A coroner�s inquest was held on Tuesday at Oropi to inquire into the cause of death of the man named Charles Chaddock, intelligence of which reached us late on Monday night. Evidence showed that the deceased had fallen down a well while in a fit and so was accidentally drowned. The jury found a verdict in accordance with the above. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 14 Oct 1884, p2]
CHADWICK Ethel, died 2 February 1876, 1 month of age, daughter of John Alfred Chadwick, settler and Mary Chadwick, born Greerton, buried Tauranga cemetery. [RG 1876]
CHADWICK On 24th inst, at Yatton, Harold John, the only son of J A Chadwick Esq JP, aged 4 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 30 Jun 1877, p2]
CHADWICK At Yatton, on Thursday April 7, John Chadwick, only son of John Alfred and Mary Chadwick, aged 13 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 12 Apr 1881, p2]
CHADWICK Our telegraphic news contains the sad intelligence that Mr John Chadwick jun died on the 12th ult of heart disease on a 12 hour passage from Bau to Levuka. The deceased was for many years a resident in this district and is well known to all the older settlers. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 12 Aug 1886, p2 + obit 14 Aug 1886 + death notice 17 Aug 1886]
CHADWICK On 13 May 1891, John, licensed victualler, 72 years, born Liverpool, England, in NZ 48 years, parents names unknown, father�s occupation painter, married in Liverpool England at age 22 years to Sarah Sephton, no living children, cause of death severe cold, suppurative bronchitis. [RG1891]
Mr John Chadwick, an old identity of this place and proprietor of the Tauranga Hotel died yesterday morning. His funeral takes place tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fr 15 May 1891, p2 + funeral report 18 May 1891]
CHADWICK On 6 April 1895, at the residence of her son-in-law (John H Seccombe) Khyber Pass, Mary, relict of the late John Alfred Chadwick of Tauranga. 48 years. [New Zealand Herald, Mon 8 Apr 1895]
CHADWICK Word was received here yesterday notifying the death of Mrs [Sarah] Chadwick, relict of the late John Chadwick of Tauranga which occurred at Auckland yesterday. Deceased�s remains are to be brought to Tauranga by steamer on Friday and laid to rest beside those of her husband in the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Jun 1909, p2 + 7 Jun 1909]
Ivy Emily Chamberlain, a daughter of Mr and Mrs Chamberlain, aged 2� years died suddenly on Saturday afternoon at her parents� residence at Paengaroa. The child was in good health in the early part of the day and so sudden and unexpected was her death that medical assistance could not be obtained in time. On the matter being reported to the police they at once communicated with Dr Moir who rode out to Paengaroa for the purpose of ascertaining the cause of death and afterwards returned a certificate that the child died from natural causes and as Mr Chamberlain�s residence is some 12 miles from Tauranga permission has been obtained to bury the child at Paengaroa. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 16 Nov 1886, p2]
CHAPLAIN Another old identity in the person of Mr Samuel Chaplain passed away on Monday night. He had been a resident of Tauranga since the time of the war and was for some time engaged with Mr H Piercy in the carting business. Of late years, like too many of the old hands, he had fallen in evil days and ended his days in very destitute circumstances. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Jul 1900, ex 1st WR]
CHAPMAN On Sunday 9th December 1855 at Maketu, Bay of Plenty, Anne, beloved wife of Rev Thomas Chapman. [New Zealander, 19 Dec 1855]
CHAPMAN At her late residence St Stephens Rd, Parnell, on the 31st, Mary Jane, the beloved wife of the Rev Thomas Chapman, aged 58. The funeral will leave her late residence at 1pm for St Stephen�s Cemetery this day (New Year�s Day). [Southern Cross, 1 Jan 1874, p2]
CHAPMAN The Rev Thomas Chapman. It is out melancholy duty to record the death of another of our band of early missionaries of the North Island. This zealous servant of the Church Missionary Society entered upon his promised rest on the 22nd ultimo at the advanced age of 85 years, nearly 46 of which have been passed the missionary field in New Zealand� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Jan 1877, p3]
CHAPMAN Many here will be grieved to hear of the sad accident which has occurred at Waiotahi to Mr Arthur Chapman, brother of Mr Frank Chapman, member of the Licensing Bench. All that we can learn at present is that the deceased met his death by accidental discharge of a gun� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Jun 1895, p2]
CHAPMAN - SAD DROWNING FATALITY AT THE PAPAMOA BEACH. Quite a gloom pervaded the community last evening when it became known that Mr Harold Chapman, the only surviving son of the Rev. J. W. and Mrs Chapman had lost his life whilst bathing. From the details to hand, it appears that the deceased lad, with his sister, Miis Mollie Chapman, were spending the day at the Papamoa beach with some friends. In the afternoon several of the young men present � P. and S Vercoe, E Morton, Garland, A. Snodgrass, and H. Chapman went in for a swim. Garland and Snodgrass went out the furthest, Chapman being behind them, a little to the left, the others being nearer the shore. The two former were enjoying themselves in the breakers, when they heard a cry for help, and on looking round saw Chapman apparently in difficulties. They hastened to his assistance, and found him helpless. They caught hold of him, and endeavoured to bring him to land, but a strong tide was running, and they could make no progress. Several times they lost their hold, and they were becoming increasingly exhausted with the struggle. At length Chapman slipped from their grasp and disappeared, and the would be rescuers, realising that they were in danger of losing their own lives, had to make for for the shore, which they reached with difficulty. Another attempt to reach the spot where Chapman had sunk was made by Garland and Morton, but they could make no headway in the heavy sea, and were forced to give up. An attempt was then made on horseback, but with the same result, News of the fatality was brought into town by Mr Morton, and the Rev. Chapman, Dr MacFarlane, and Constable Stackpoole proceeded to the scene of the tragedy. No trace of the unfortunate lad, however, was to be found. Parties also patrolled the beach throughout the night in the hope of recovering the body, but without success. Needless to say the deepest sympathy is felt with Mr and Mrs Chapman and family in the loss they have sustained. A splendid type of young manhood, the deceased youth, who was nineteen years of age, excelled in all manly sports. He was a fine boxer, footballer, and tennis plaver, being also secretary of the local Tennis Club. For the past twelve months he had been a member of the staff of the Bank of New Zealand, He was popular, with all who knew him, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. [Te Puke Times 2 April 1918, Page 2]
RECOVERY OF DECEASED'S BODY. A feeling of great relief was experienced on Saturday night when it became known that the body of Harold Chapman, who was recently drowned at the Papamoa Beach had been recovered. It was felt that this would tend to alleviate to some extent the distress and anxiety of the bereaved relatives. Since Easter Monday the residents of Papamoa had taken it in turns to patrol the beach daily, but without success, until Saturday afternoon, when the body of deceased was discovered by Mr F.A. Turner. It was at once brought into town, and on Sunday morning an enquiry regarding the fatality was held by the Coroner, Mr C.Lally. Evidence was given by Messrs Turner, Phillip Vercoe, Ernest Morton, Archie Snodgrass, and Dr MacFarlane, but no new facts were disclosed. The Coroner found "That the said Harold Gordon Chapman, on the 1st day of April, 1918, in the sea near Papamoa Beach, was accidentally drowned. No blame was attachable to anyone. The funeral, which took place in the afternoon, was one of the largest that has been seen in the district, mourners being present from far and near. Prior to the cortege leaving for the cemetery, a most impressive service was conducted in St. John's Church by Archdeacon Tuke of Tauranga, who also read the burial service at the graveside. He was assisted by the Rev. Turuturu Ngaki. A number of deceased's companions were the pall-bearers [Te Puke Times 9 April 1918, Page 2]
A memorial service in connection with the death of the late Harold Chapman will be conducted by Archdeacon Tuke in St John's Church at 11 a.m. on Sunday. [Te Puke Times 12 April 1918, Page 2]
On December 2nd at Auckland, Joseph Bigrave, dearly loved husband of Mary Chappell, in his 77th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 2 December 1920, Page 2]
CHAYTOR I regret to state that Mr B T Chaytor has had the misfortune to lose one of his daughters. The burial took place at Te Puke on Tuesday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Jul 1904, p2]
The death is announced from Blenheim of Mr J.C Chaytor, one of the most prominent settlers of Marlorough. Deceased was a brother of the late Mr B T Chaytor, who was well-known in the Te Puke district, having been in business in Te Puke and Maketu, flaxmilling on the Kaituna besides holding large landed interests in Te Puke and Otamarakau. The late Mr J. C Chaytor had paid frequent visits to Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7378, 8 April 1920, Page 2]
CHEEK On March 29, at the Thames, by accidental drowning, John, the youngest son of the late Martin Cheek of London, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Apr 1895, p2 + article regarding his sister]
CHESTER The Herald correspondent telegraphs that a fatal accident involving the loss of two lives occurred on Friday night in the Talisman Consolidated Co�s mine at Karangahake. The victims were John Chester (married) and Charles Lewis (single)� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Jul 1908, p2]
CHOISY On 31 March, at Omokoroa, Josephine Choisy, aged 73. The funeral will leave Victoria wharf at 11am on Saturday. Friends are invited to attend. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Apr 1892, p2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs Christopher,which occurred at Te Matai on Saturday last. The interment, a private one, took place at Te Puke, the Rev J Hobbs officiating. NZSG Cemetery Fiche
Surname CHRISTOPHER Given Names Olive E Year of Death 1915 Record Type B/R Location Te Puke Burial Register D03.13 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6284, 15 January 1915, Page 2]
CINNAMON See Harrison 17 Apr 1890
On Thursday last Miss Mannix of this town received a cablegram from Melbourne conveying the sad intelligence that one of her nieces Miss Laura Clareborough had died at the latter town that morning. Miss Clareborough (who was only 22 years of age at the time of her demise�was a native of this town and the eldest daughter of Mr John Clareborough, who was a prominent resident in Tauranga for many years but has lately resided in Melbourne� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Jul 1900, p2]
Miss Mannix received a cable this morning announcing that her nephew, First Lieutenant Walter Clarebrough, late of Melbourne, was killed in action in France on August 25. Deceased was born in Tauranga and resided here with his parents for many years ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6772, 20 September 1916, Page 2]
We regret to learn that a young child of Mr J W Clarebrough�s died yesterday morning; considerable sympathy is felt with the bereaved parents. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 29 Jan 1887, p2]
CLARK Henry, HMS Harrier, boy. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
CLARK - Opotiki - I am sorry to have to record a death under the most painful circumstances which has recently taken place at Omaramutu, a few miles from here. The deceased was the daughter of Mr Henry Clark, Government schoolmaster of Omaramutu. She was three years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Apr 1874, p3]
News was received by Mr John Angus Clark this morning announcing the death of his eldest son Mr John Archibald Clark, which occurred suddenly at Johannesburg on May 21. Deceased went out to the Boer War with the New South Wales Bushmen from Sydney, serving for twelve months and then returned to Tauranga to visit his relatives, leaving again for South Africa after a few weeks stay. He then joined the Scottish Horse and remained with that regiment till the close of war. The late Mr Clark went through two campaigns, and although he had some narrow escapes and had some stirring experiences, he escaped without even being wounded. After the war he settled in Johannesburg and had been engaged in mining and contracting work in South Africa. Deceased who was only 35 years old, was born in Parnell, but was brought up in Tauranga. For some time, before leaving for Australia, he was engaged in mining in Te Puke and Waihi. Deceased was a keen sport and took considerable interest in football during his residence here. The late Mr Clark was single, but was looking forward to marrying and paying a visit to Tauranga next Christmas. Deceased was of a bright and cheerful nature and his many acquaintances in Tauranga and Te Puke will regret to hear of his untimely demise. We tender our condolences to the relatives in their sudden bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5674, 7 July 1911, Page 2]
On Sunday May 12th, 1912 at his residence Edgecumbe Road, suddenly, John A Clark, beloved husband of E A Clark, aged 64 years. 1912/4323 Clark John Angus 64Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5806, 13 May 1912, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5807, 15 May 1912, Page 4]
Amongst the New Zealanders killed in action in France on June 21 was Private Joseph Reynolds Clark, the eldest son of the late Mr Joseph Clark of Karaka, Drury where his mother still resides. A brother, Private Leslie G Clark, of the 16th Waikato, who left with the main body was killed at Gallipoli on May 8, 1915 in the 'Daisy Patch' engagement. The young men mentioned above were cousins of Mrs Charles McNaughton of Greerton (Tauranga). Another brother of the deceased, Private Alfred Colin Campbell Clark, left with the Thirteenth Reinforcements. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6730, 5 July 1916, Page 2]
One of the pioneer settlers of Opotiki and a veteran of the Maori War, Mr Thomas Clark died on Saturday last at the age of seventy seven years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6755, 11 August 1916, Page 2]
The death occurred at Waihi on Saturday last of Mr A H Clark, brother of the late Mr John A Clark of Tauranga. The deceased was one of the pioneers of the district and worked with a willing hand to promote its welfare. At the inauguration of the borough he took an active part in local politics and at a later period was for some time a member of the Borough Council, and also a member of the Hospital Board. For many years he was treasurer of the local Foresters court and held several other positions of trust, and in his public and private capacities he was noted for the faithful manner in which he discharged his duties and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. 1918/7867 Clark Archibald Hugh 76Y[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7082, 25 October 1918, Page 2]
The dead body of John Clark, a jeweller, of Opotiki, was found in Rostgard's buildings on Monday morning, with his head blown off. Indications point to suicide, there being evidence that a high explosive was used. [Te Puke Times 10 June 1919, Page 2]
On June 12th 1919 at Auckland, after a short illness, Annie Amy, eldest daughter of Elizabeth and the late John A Clark, aged 36 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Issue 7176, 13 June 1919, Page 2 + short report]
On November 10, 1919 at Christchurch, after a long illness, Gibson, beloved husband of Grace Clark and son in law of the late Rev. Canon Jordan, in his 47th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7267, 11 November 1919, Page 4 + obit]
CLARK/E Much regret was expressed in town on Saturday morning when it became known that Captain Clark of Te Wairoa had died comparatively suddenly on the previous evening�Capt Clark, who was 50 years of age at the time of his death, served as an officer in the 43rd Durham Light Infantry and after leaving the Army came to this colony, where he landed 23 years ago and took up farming pursuits. He leaves a widow and a grown son and daughter for whom much sympathy is felt in their bereavement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Nov 1897, p2 + notice 24 Nov 1897]
CLARKE On the 4th inst, Albert Edward, infant son of Marianne and Charles A Clarke, aged 7 weeks; also on the 6th, Herbert, twin brother of the above. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 7 Jan 1879, p2]
CLARKE On 2nd May 1879, at his residence Opotiki, New Zealand, Henry Millet Clarke, son of the late Mr Charles Clarke, merchant, Bishopsgate Without, London; aged 41. Deeply regretted. London papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 6 May 1879, p2]
CLARKE On 15 September, Daisy, infant daughter of C A and Marion Clarke, aged 4 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 16 Sep 1880, p2]
CLARKE On February 12, Alfred, infant son of C A and Marianne Clarke, aged 11 months. The funeral will leave the residence of C A Clarke Grey St for the new cemetery at 3 o�clock tomorrow (Tues). [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 13 Feb 1882, p2]
CLARKE On October 31, at Rarere, Keri Keri, Bay of Islands, of congestion of the lungs, Edward Frederick James, eldest son of Hopkins Clarke Esq, late of Tauranga, aged 23 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 2 Nov 1882, p2 + article]
CLARKE On the 9th inst, Frederick Henry, infant son of Charles A and Marian Clarke, aged 7 weeks. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 10 Feb 1885, p2]
CLARKE On 27th October, at Ohinemutu, Alberta Josephine, daughter of Major John Cumming Clarke, late 13th Light Infantry, aged 16 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 31 Oct 1885, p2]
CLARKE At Rotorua, on the 15th December, Annie Beatrice, youngest daughter of Major J C Clarke, late 13th Light Infantry; aged 12 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 16 Dec 1886, p2]
CLARKE At Bishopscourt, Napier, on 19 January, Marsden Stuart, infant son of Marsden and Emily Clarke, Waimate North, aged 9 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 1 Feb 1887, p2]
CLARKE On 27 March, at the Hospital Auckland, Lucy Evaline, daughter of Major J C Clarke, late 13th Light Infantry. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Apr 1891, p2]
CLARKE Katikati. Another interment took place in the cemetery yesterday viz that of Mr A H Clarke�s youngest child who died at Waihi. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. [Bay of Plenty Times, 24 Aug 1892, p2]
CLARKE It is with regret that we record the death of Mr F C Clarke, at the comparatively early age of 39 years. Mr Clarke was born in London and his father, who predeceased him a few months ago, was managing clerk to one of the best known firms of solicitors in that city. Deceased came to the colony about 14 years ago�Much sympathy is felt for Mrs Clarke in her sad bereavement. — Hot Lakes Chronicle. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Nov 1896, p2]
CLARKE The death is announced of Mr Henry T Clarke of Waimate North who in the 1860 was appointed Resident Magistrate at Tauranga. Deceased was a brother of Mr Samuel Clarke, formerly owner of the Topcroft and other property in this district and uncle of Mrs J Mark of Te Puke. He died on the 28th ult, after a long and painful illness at the age of 76 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Nov 1902, p2]
CLARKE Many of the older residents here will learn with regret that Mrs Clarke, mother of Mrs J Mark of Te Puke, died at the residence of another of her daughters, Mrs Shroff, in Auckland, last week. Mrs Clarke was the widow of the late Mr Samuel L Clarke, formerly of Topcroft in this town� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Oct 1903, p2]
CLARKE On April 3 1907, at the residence of her son Te Wairoa, Augusta, relict of the late Captain William Alfred Clarke of the 43rd Durham Light Infantry, aged 59 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Apr 1907 + article]
On May 25th at St Thomas' Hospital, London, Reginald B, youngest son of the late Samuel Ludbrook and Mary Clarke, formerly of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7194, 28 July 1919, Page 2] The London Chronicle of the May 29 states Widespread and deep regret will be felt both in the musical world and far beyond at the death in St Thomas's Hospital, after a long and bravely borne illness, of Mr Reginald Clarke, the famous New Zealand pianist and composer. Mr Clarke was the son of the first white man born in New Zealand. He came to England early in life, and was specially well known as the composer of the most popular and best setting of Mr Austine Dobson's ballad "The Ladies of St James." The late Mr Reginald Clarke resided in Tauranga for some years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Issue 7195, 1 August 1919, Page 2]
CLARKSON At his residence Devonport Rd, Tauranga, William Clarkson, in his 47th year. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Nov 1899, p2 + article]
CLARKSON By cable today, At Southport, England, Annie, widow of the late William Henry Clarkson and mother of Mrs Ellis Wrigley, aged 80 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Feb 1906, p2]
CLARKSON We regret to record the death of Mrs Clarkson (senior) which occurred at Devonport (Auckland) on Monday evening. For a considerable period Mrs Clarkson resided in Tauranga and only a few months ago left to reside at Devonport ... [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Sep 1908, p2]
Mr R (sic) Claude, who prevented a railway smash at Westfield on Easter Monday died in the Auckland Hospital yesterday after an attack of pleurisy. The late Mr Claude was married to a sister of Messrs Brown Bros., of the staff of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, on this coast. He resided for some time in Opotiki and was held in high esteem by a large circle of acquaintances in the Bay of Plenty. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and two young children. We join in offering our condolences to Mrs Claude and relatives in the great and irreparable loss which they have sustained. CLAUDE Francis Arthur/BROWN Susan [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5664, 14 June 1911, Page 2]
CLAYTON -Opotiki - We have had two deaths during the month — one that of an infant belonging to Corporal Dawson of the 1st Waikato Regiment and the other that of Mr Clayton, a surveyor at the Ohiwa. The death of Mr Clayton was caused by apoplexy tis thought. There was a coroner�s jury empanelled but the body had been too long dead, by the time it arrived here to admit of a post-mortem examination. The jury therefore returned a verdict of �Died by the visitation of God". [Daily Southern Cross, 15 May 1867, p5]
Mr Alfred Clayton, aged 54, died somewhat unexpectedly at Rotorua on Friday. The deceased gentleman was a surveyor by profession and had lived in Rotorua for the last 25 years. He was a man of exceptionally fine physique and an athlete in his younger days... The deceased gentleman was a nephew of the late Sir Julius Vogel ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5973, 18 June 1913, Page 4]
CLEAL On the 22nd inst, at Grey St, Auckland, Mary Ann, beloved wife of John Cleal, aged 19 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 25 Aug 1883, p2]
CLEAL We regret to learn that Mr Cleal, one of the oldest residents here, expired in Auckland on Friday last from a complication of disorders. His wife, who is still in Tauranga, is we are sorry to hear in an indigent and helpless condition but will no doubt be provided for by the Charitable Aid Board which holds its meetings tomorrow morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Nov 1891, p2]
CLEAVER Auckland. An inquest was held regarding the poisoning case�of the deceased Sarah Emily Cleaver nee Johnston� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Sep 1882, p2, she had recently been charged with concealing a birth]
The death occurred at the Thames hospital last week after a long illness of Mr Robert Clemenston, popularly known as 'Black Bob'. Deceased, who was seventy years of age was well known throughout the Bay of Plenty. 1914/4691 Clementson Robert 70Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6142, 27 July 1914, Page 4]
Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs Clements of [Mt] Maunganui, in the loss which they have sustained by the death of their little son Richard which occurred yesterday. 1914/7371 Clements Richard Charles 18M [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6236, 18 November 1914, Page 2]
At his residence, Paengaroa, on September 20th, Lawrence, beloved husband of Elizabeth S. Clements, in his 71st year. O Lord, thy will be done.
The funeral of the late Mr Clements will leave the homestead, Paengaroa, at 12 noon, tomorrow (Wednesday), arriving at the Te Puke Cemetery at 1.45 p.m. [Te Puke Times, 21 September 1917, Page 2] The death occurred at Paengaroa on Thursday last of Mr Lawerence Clements in his 71st year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6916, 24 September 1917, Page 2]
CLEMENTS - IN MEMORIAM - Clements � In memory of William John, (Fifth Reinforcement) dearly-loved eldest son of Elizabeth Sarah and the late Laurence Clements, of Paengaroa; fell in action at the Battle of the Somme, September 26th, 1916. To every man upon this earth Death cometh, soon or late, And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers and the temple of his gods. Inserted by his sorrowing mother, sisters, and brother. [Te Puke Times 26 September 1919, Page 2]
On September 27th, killed in action in France, Private Thomas Clemson, Thirteenth Reinforcements (late of Gate Pa) brother of H H Clemson of Tauranga, aged 45 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6783, 16 October 1916, Page 2]
On the 10th July, at her residence, 7 Barton-terrace, Dawlish, S. Devon, Agnes Ellinor Clough, wife of the late Roger S Butler Clough, sometime manager of the Tauranga Branch of the Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, NZ. [The Times (London, England), Monday, Jul 14, 1919; pg. 1; Issue 42151]
CLOUSTON On Saturday Sergt Phair received information form Ohiwa that John Clouston, fisherman, had been missing since Wednesday�the body had been found� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 May 1903, p2]
COCHRANE It is with regret that we have heard of the death of Mr Joseph Cochrane which occurred in Auckland on Saturday morning last. Mr Cochrane was one of the pioneer settlers of Tauranga and resided at Otumoetai some twenty years ago when he had a large store from which he supplied the traders along the coast� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 23 Oct 1875, p3]
COCHRANE On Monday 12th inst, at Te Aroha, Ellen Marichurch, the beloved wife of John A Cochrane, and eldest daughter of Frederick and Mary Bell Strange, Waitoa, aged 25 years. The funeral will take place at Te Aroha at 2 o�clock tomorrow. [Waikato Times, Tues 13 May 1890]
COLES Quite a gloom was cast over the town last night when the fact became known that Mr Arthur M Coles MA, principal of Queens College, had met with this death in the waters of the Waikareao estuary at a point about opposite the end of 7th Avenue� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Feb 1910, p2]
COLLETT Quite a feeling of gloom spread over the community on Saturday morning when news was spread round that Mr H E Collett, who has for several years held the position of Stock Inspector in this district had died in Auckland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Dec 1902, p2 + 24 Dec 1902]
Another young man who was well known in the Tauranga district has laid down his life for King and Country. We refer to Captain Clive F Collett, who was killed as the result of an aeroplane accident on December 23, the funeral, which was a military one, taking place on December 28. The sad intelligence was cabled to Mrs A Collet in Auckland on Wednesday last. Deceased was a son of the late Captain Horace Collett, of Tauranga, was born in Blenheim, Marlbourgh in 1886 ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6958, 4 January 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7014, 17 May 1918, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7019, 7 August 1918, Page 2 and earlier Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6914, 19 September 1917, Page 2, Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6924, 12 October 1917, Page 2]
COLLINS On 13 November at Tauranga, in his 46th year, Captain Robert Collins, quarter-master, Field Forces. Home papers please copy. [Taranaki Herald, 24 Nov 1869, p2]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs Collins of Te Puke which occurred on Sunday. Deceased is survived by her husband and grown up family, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. 1912/5841 Collins Annie 62Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5839, 31 July 1912, Page 4]
On September 19th at this residence, 1st Avenue, Patrick, dearly beloved wife of Eliza Collins, aged 72 years. No mourning, no flowers by request of deceased. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6492, 20 September 1915, Page 3] The death of Mr Patrick Collins, which occurred on Sunday last, further reduces the small band of veterans who served in the Maori War. Deceased was born in Nenagh, County Tipperary, Ireland and when a young man left for the Australian diggings. Later he joined the First Waikato Militia, and proceeded to New Zealand ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6493, 21 September 1915, Page 2]
On August 22, 1917 at her residence, First Avenue, Eliza, relict of the late Patrick Collins, aged 63 years. No flowers, no mourning by request. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 6902, 22 August 1917, Page 2] The Public Trust Office Act 1908 (Section 50) In the respective estates of Elizabeth Collins, late of Tauranga, widow, and John Flett Spence, later of Te Puke, labourer, but at his death, a soldier in His Majesty's New Zealand Expeditionary Force, deceased ... 1917/296 Collins Eliza 63Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6918, 28 September 1917, Page 2]
On October 3rd, accidentally killed at Messrs Ellis and Burnand's sawmills at Mangapeehi, Denis, second son of the late Patrick and Eliza Collins, Tauranga. May his soul rest in peace. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7075, 9 October 1918, Page 2]
COLLINS - In Memoriam - In loving memory of our sister M Kennedy who died 21st July 1913; also our father P Collins, who died September 19th 1915; and our mother E Collins, who died August 22nd 1917, also our brother D Collins, accidentally killed October 3, 1918. Inserted by Misses Collins. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7235, 3 October 1919, Page 2]
The death occurred at his residence, Te Puke, on Wednesday morning of Mr Charles Collins, an old settler of seventeen years standing. Although he had passed the allotted span of life, being 75 years of age, the late Mr Collins was, up to three weeks ago hale and hearty, and had only recently returned from a trip to Queensland where he had gone to visit a son and daughter. The deceased gentleman was a native of Wellington, and spent the former portion of his life there and in the Wairarapa District, being engaged for some time as a waggoner over the Rimutaka mountains. He later engaged in farming at Taranaki where he lived for twenty-five years. On coming to Te Puke he took up the property on the Tauraoga road, where he resided for the remainder of his life, combining farming with flax-milling. He leaves a family of seven, a son and daughter being in Taranaki, another son and daughter in Australia, a son in the King Country and Messrs James and Bert Collins of Te Puke. The body was taken through to Taranaki on Wednesday and will be interred beside that of the late Mrs Collins at Opunake on Sunday. Mr Collins was a man who was highly respected and during his sojourn in this district made many friends who will keenly regret to hear of his death. Much sympathy will be extended to the members of his family. [Te Puke Times 5 November 1920, Page 2]
Amongst the notification of casualties that have been received recently is that respecting Corporal Douglas Collis, who was killed in action on September 15th. Prior to his enlistment in the Ninth Reinforcements, Corporal Collis, whose was at New Plymouth, was employed in the Native Lands Department at Rotorua. He was a young man considerable promise and much regret will be felt at his loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6788, 27 October 1916, Page 2]
An old man about 70 years of age named Robert Colthart has been missing from Awakeri since Wednesday of last week, the police have been searching for him but have found no trace. They fear that he was swept off his feet when recrossing the Whakatane River at Pekopekotahi in his cart and was drowned. 1920/10402 Colthart Robert 60YA [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7372, 29 March 1920, Page 2 and Inquest - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7373, 30 March 1920, Page 2]
On May 27th at the residence of her parents, Cameron Road, Phyllis, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs E J W Conchie, aged 5 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6396, 28 May 1915, Page 2] Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs J W Conchie in the loss which they have sustained in the death of their daughter, Phyllis, aged five years, which occurred yesterday afternoon, as the result of an ailment of the throat. The funeral took place this afternoon, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. Mr Hnton. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6396, 28 May 1915, Page 2] In Memoriam - in loving memory of dear Phyllis, who died May 27th, 1915 - verse - inserted by her loving parents and sister Marjorie. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7416, 27 May 1920, Page 2]
A painfully sudden death occurred on the railway line on Wednesday, when Robert Condron, a workman employed bv the Public Works Department in cutting noxious weeds, dropped dead with his slasher in his hand. The deceased was 63 years of age, and a native of Auckland, where a sister resides. As Dr was able to certify to the cause of death, no inquest was considered necessary. The funeral took place yesterday, and was attended by a number of deceased's fellow-workmen, The Rev. Father van Westeinde conducted the burial service. [Te Puke Times 12 December 1919, Page 2]
Much sympathy is felt throughout the district for Mr and Mrs S Conn of No 2 Road, Te Puke in the loss which they have sustained in the death of their daughter Ray, a bright little girl, who died on Friday last after a brief illness. 1912/706 Conn Rachel 5Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5823, 24 June 1912, Page 4]
CONNELL On the 28th inst, at Devonport Rd, Tauranga, Richard Connell, third son of the late William Connell of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 29 Sep 1882, p2 + article]
CONNELLY Mr John Connelly, well known throughout the East Coast district died at Opotiki last week, aged 70. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Sep 1897, p2]
CONNELLY Waihi, Thursday. A young man Richard Connelly, who according to his own story, was assaulted by a gang of roughs and thrown over the embankment at the Silverton battery died early this morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Apr 1902, p2]
CONNOR Mr James Connor, Crimean and Maori Wars veteran, has died aged 83 years. He was born in Ireland and enlisted in the Imperial Army at an early age. He served in the Crimean War and took part in the battles at Alma, Balaclava and Inkerman. With his regiment he proceeded to India and assisted in restoring order after the mutiny, his service in India lasting several years. Mr Connor came to NZ in 1864 and served in the Maori war, participating in the attack on Gate Pa, Tauranga. After obtaining his discharge, he came to Opotiki in 1866 and settled on a section of land which he farmed to the date of his death. [Auckland Weekly News, 6 Jun 1918 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7023, 7 June 1918, Page 2]
The death occurred at the Hamilton Hospital on Wednesday last of Mr W H Constant, a well known resident of Rotorua. 1911/895 Constant William Henry 38Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5686, 4 August 1911, Page 2]
CONWAY On July 5, at her residence Cameron Rd, the wife of John Conway, aged 58 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Jul 1896, p2]
The death occurred at Auckland on Saturday last of Mr John George Conway, elder son of Mr John Conway of Tauranga Deceased had been in delicate health for a considerable period as the result of an accident when following his occupation as a builder. Much sympathy will be felt for the relatives of the deceased in their sad bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6764, 1 September 1916, Page 2]
COOK �The cavalry escort (Bay of Plenty Volunteers) under Captain Smith left at Opepe by Colonel St John while he proceeded on a reconnoitring expedition was surprised on the morning of the 8th and 9 men killed�Trooper John Cook� [Southern Cross, 14 Jun 1865, p4]
COOK We regret to have to announce a fatal accident which happened to Mr John Cook, an old settler of Opotiki, on Saturday last. He was riding along the Ormond Rd and was thrown from his horse and killed�The deceased had been resident in Opotiki for some years and was an old military settler having served during the war in the 1st Waikato Regiment. He leaves a widow but no children, his son having been killed at the Opepe massacre. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 May 1876, p2]
COOK On the 7th April, at Tauranga, the infant daughter of John and Mary Cook, aged 7 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Apr 1878, p2]
COOK Much regret was felt in town on Friday evening when the death was announced of Miss Victoria Cook, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex Cook, who are among the oldest inhabitants of this district� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Dec 1904, p2]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr John Cook, one of the oldest settlers of Tauranga, which occurred at this residence, Grey Street, on Saturday last. Deceased was born in Skerries, near Dublin, Ireland and in his young days took to a seafaring life which enabled him to travel around the world no less than three time. Subsequently he forsook the sea and took part in the gold rushes to Westland, Otago and Thames. he remained at the Thames for a few years and about thirty-six years ago came to Tauranga where he married and had since resided. For a very long period he catered for the wants of tourists and visitors to Tauranga in the direction of supplying them with boats to enable them to visit the fishing grounds and beauty spots in this portion of the Bay of Plenty. In earlier days he also ran a small cutter between Tauranga and Katikati. He had been in good health up till thirteen weeks ago when his heart began to trouble him. About a fortnight ago he was forced to take to his bed and despite medical attention and every care, the end came on Saturday. Deceased is survived by a widow and family of four sons and five daughters, nearly all of whom are grown up and for whom the greatest sympathy is felt throughout the district. The funeral took place this afternoon, the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church being conducted at the graveside by the Rev. Father Von Westeinde. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5601, 16 January 1911, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5602, 18 January 1911, Page 2]
On the 29th inst., at Grey Street, Tauranga, John Thomas, eldest son of the late John Cook. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5607, 30 January 1911, Page 2] ...a the early age of 31 years...He was also a member of one of the New Zealand contingents that proceeded to South Africa at the time of the Boer War. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and young child, for whom, and his bereaved mother, brothers and sisters, the greatest sympathy is felt. The funeral takes place this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5607, 30 January 1911, Page 2]
Rifleman Sydney G M Cook, who was instantaneously killed in action while helping a wounded comrade on October 12, was born at Great Mercury Island. He received his education at Tauranga and at the Auckland Grammar School where he distinguished himself in athletics, winning the school cup and the Governor's watch. Despite an injured arm he was able to enlist. Prior to enlisting he was farming at Otorohanga and Walton. His brother Sergeant Ashley Cook M.M (Military Medal) is in France. When in Tauranga the late Rifleman Cook resided with his parents on the Mt. St John property. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7012, 22 July 1918, Page 2]
COOKSON At his late residence Cameron Rd, on August [sic] 23, John Cookson, aged 43 years. Funeral will leave his late residence this day at 3pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Sep 1882, p2]
COOM The death occurred at Auckland last week of Dr Richmond Coom, a well known medico of that city. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jun 1906, p2]
COONEY Much sympathy is felt by their many friends for Mr and Mrs H H Cooney of Te Puke in the loss of their infant daughter Marian Eileen which occurred at Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Feb 1907, p2]
COOPER At Tauranga, on 3 January 1882, Edward John Cooper, aged 49 years. The funeral will leave the Rev Mr Barber�s residence Devonport Rd, this afternoon at 3 o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 4 Jan 1883, p2]
On 21 January, the wife of Joseph Copeland, of a son, stillborn. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Jan 1891, p2]
On 31 [sic] January Mary Ann, beloved wife of Joseph Copeland, lately of Otahuhu. The funeral will leave the residence at 1o�clock on Saturday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Jan 1891, p2]
The many Tauranga friends of the Rev. F [Fred]Copeland of Eltham, will regret to hear that he has suffered an irreparable loss in the death of his wife (nee Miss Cullen [Cullens], Auckland), which occurred at Eltham last night. Mrs Copeland had only been married eighteen months and the news of her death will come as a great shock to the local acquaintances and friends of the deceased's husband. The funeral takes place at Auckland on Saturday. 1911/2234 Copeland Emily 30Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5599, 11 January 1911, Page 2]
CORBETT We regret to chronicle the death yesterday morning of Mrs T Corbett, a resident in this district for some years. The deceased had been ailing for some time and during the past week was attended by Dr Bullen, but despite his medical skill and attention she rapidly sank and died as above. Much sympathy is felt with the bereaved family. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thurs 27 Oct 1892, p2]
CORBETT Mr E M Corbett, the well known mine manager was thrown from his buggy near Karangahake on Thursday last and picked up with his collar bone broken. He was taken to Karangahape Hotel where he expired shortly afterwards. It is thought that the immediate cause of death was heart disease. Mr Corbett was well known to many local residents who are much shocked at his untimely demise. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 24 Jan 1898, p2 + inquest]
CORBETT On the 5th inst at his residence Bureta Farm, Bowyer Corbett� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Apr 1909, p2 + obituary]
Mr William Henry Corbett, the well known coachbuilder of Rotorua, died last Tuesday at the age of 53 years. Mr Corbett left his home that night, accompanied by Mr J White, in order to convey some exhibits to the show ground. Having arrived there, Mr Corbett asked Mr White to mind the baskets while he got the exhibition labels. A few moments later word was brought to Mr White that Mr Corbett was in a fit, and on proceeding to the spot, that gentleman found his friend dead. It appears that he had suddenly fallen back upon Messrs Fraser and Lundon, gave a few gasps and was gone. - Hot Lakes Chronicle. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5619, 27 February 1911, Page 2]
CORLETT On the 8th inst, at her residence Moana view, Wharf St, Tauranga, Augusta Elizabeth Corlett, after a brief illness, at the age of 44 years. Her remains will be removed from her late residence for interment in the new cemetery, Township South, at 3 o�clock tomorrow (Wed). Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 10 May 1881, p2 + article + report of burial being first in new cemetery 12 May 1881]
CORNES The death occurred in Auckland on Friday of Mr Clementine A Cornes, the well known mining prospector. Deceased was 62 years of age and leaves a widow and family in Te Aroha. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Aug 1906, p2]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs Charlotte Cornes, wife of Councillor W J Cornes, Waihi, which occurred last week at a private hospital at Auckland. Deceased, who was a daughter of Mr Stephen Earl, of Tauranga was born at Gate Pa, 47 years ago. She had been in indifferent health for some years past, and received a severe shock on receipt of information on the death of her son, William, who was killed in action in France. From this she never recovered, and passed peacefully away as stated. Another son, Stephen is on home service in the Wellington camps. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6897, 10 August 1917, Page 2]
Mr "Chris" Cornthwrite (sic), a popular resident of Waihi, who was well known at Tauranga, died at the Waihi Hospital last week. Deceased who was very prominent in football and cricket circles, was aged 41 years at the time of his death. 1913/8361 Cornthwaite Christopher 41Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6048, 15 December 1913, Page 5]
On May 30th at Martinborough, Mary Little, wife of G H Coulan, dearly beloved and only daughter of Mr and Mrs W C Bell, Cambridge Road, aged 23. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5815, 5 June 1912, Page 4]
COURT - Rotorua, Friday - It is reported that a sensational poisoning case has occurred at Okoroire Hotel, some 16 persons having been poisoned, Mrs Court of Auckland fatally� 1902/8333 Court Sarah 54Y [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 24 Mar 1902, p2]
The death took place last weekend at her residence Auckland of Miss S E [sic] Courtney. The deceased lady was the fourth daughter of the late J C Courtney and sister to Mr William Courtney of this town. 1905/3101 Courtney Sarah Jane 57Y [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Sep 1905, p2]
We regret to announce the death of Mr W [William] Courtney, which took place about midday. The deceased gentleman had been in ill health for a long time� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Dec 1908, p2 + notice and obituary 4 Dec 1908]
COUTTS On March 25, at the parents� residence Cameron Rd, James Armitage, the beloved son of John and Clara Coutts, aged two months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Mar 1897, p2]
The death occurred at Tauranga Hospital yesterday morning at 2.30 of Mr John Coutts at the age of 73 years. The deceased gentleman, who was unmarried was an old identity of Wellington, being latterly employed for some twelve years in the Government Buildings there ...Deceased had not relatives in the Dominion ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6881, 20 June 1917, Page 2]
The sad news has been received by Mrs A R Oxley of Te Puke, of the death at the front of her brother, Major Cowles, who was recently decorated with the Military Cross. WW1 Deaths 1914-1921 - COWLES John Richmond
Date 25 Nov 1917 Reference 23/9 Rank Major Force NZRB Fate KIA
Place France Relation Son of Edward and Sarah Cowles, of Richmond,
Nelson, New Zealand. Served in Samoa. Fought in three engagements against Senussi on Western Frontier of Egypt. Had charge of Officers' Training Class at Etaples.CemeteryBELGIUM - THE HUTS CEMETERY. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6949, 12 December 1917, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mr Jesse Cox, a very old resident of this district, which took place at his residence Gate Pa, on Friday evening last after a brief illness. Deceased, who was a native of Wiltshire, England, had reached the age of 72 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Oct 1906, p2]
CRABBE On August 5 1905, at his residence Cameron Rd, Tauranga, George Alfred, the beloved husband of Maria S Crabbe, aged 65 years. "For ever with the Lord". No mourning. The funeral will leave his late residence for the new cemetery at 10.30am tomorrow (Tuesday). Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Aug 1905, p2 + article, ex 1st Waikato Regiment + 9 Aug 1905 + 11 Aug 1905]
CRABBE On the 13th inst, at his parents� residence Charles Alfred (darling little Fred), only son of Charles Alfred and Rebecca Crabbe (of croup), aged 5 � years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Apr 1908, p2 + 15 Apr 1908]
CRAGO At Levelland Farm, Otara, near Otahuhu, on Sunday night, August 19th, of inflammation of the lungs, Mary, the beloved wife of Charles John Crago and second daughter of the late Mr William Huddy, Ker? Cornwall, England; aged 54 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 21 Aug 1883, p2]
CRAIG On June 5, at Epsom, David Craig, late of Te Aroha; in his 70th year. Belfast papers please copy. [New Zealand Herald, Sat 6 Jun 1896]
It is with regret that we have to record the death of Miss Kathleen Amy Cramer-Roberts who succumbed to an attack of typhoid fever at the Auckland Hospital where she had been employed as nurse and was only recently put on night duty. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Oct 1897, p2 + notice 8 Oct 1897]
CRAPP On the 19th inst, at her residence Wharf St, Tauranga, Charlotte, relict of the late Samuel Crapp Esq, formerly of Washbourne Hotel, near Totnes, Devon, England, aged 58 years. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 11 Sep 1875, p2]
It is our melancholy duty to record the death, in the prime of life, of Mrs Crapp, wife of Captain A A Crapp of Omokoroa. Death took place after an illness extending over two months, at the house of Mrs McCoy, Cameron Rd, whither she had been removed from her house for the purpose of securing greater medical assistance�Mrs Crapp was an Australian by birth and an adopted daughter of the late Mr and Mrs J Tice Gellibrand�she left a large family of children, the eldest a boy, being about 15 years of age� 1894/2652 Crapp Elizabeth Winspear 39Y [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 May 1894, p2 + 4 May 1894]
We regret to announce the death of Mr Sidney Cecil Crapp of Taneatua (elder brother of Captain Crapp of Omokoroa) which occurred on Wednesday last at the age of 63 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Dec 1907, p2]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs S Crapp which occurred at Omokoroa this morning. Deceased who was only twenty nine years of age, was a daughter of Mrs McMorrin of Te Puna. The greatest sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband and relatives. The interment takes place at Tauranga tomorrow afternoon. 1915/9873 Crapp May 29Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6300, 3 February 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6302, 5 February 1915, Page 2]
On June 26, at the District Hospital, Tauranga, Harry Howard, fourth son of the late Captain S Crapp, formerly of Washbourne Hall, Devon, England aged 70 years. The funeral will leave the Tauranga District Hospital for the Church of England cemetery at 2pm tomorrow. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6884, 27 June 1917, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mr Harry Howard Crapp, brother of Captain A A Crapp which occurred at the Tauranga Hospital last night at the age of seventy seven years. Deceased, who was unmarried, had been in failing health for some time, and despite every care and attention passed away at 10.30 last evening. He was the fourth son of the late Captain S Crapp, formerly of Washbourne Hall, Devon, England. He accompanied his father and two brothers to New Zealand in the year 1858 and settled in the Te Arai district, where he resided till 1878, when he moved to this district and took up his residence on Matuaiiwi Farm, Otumoetai, where he remained till he sold the property to Mr Maurice (the present owner) about twenty years ago. He then went to live at Omokoroa, with his brother Captain A A Crapp, where he has since resided. The funeral takes place tomorrow leaving the hospital for the Church of England cemetery at 2pm. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6884, 27 June 1917, Page 2]
On December the 16th at the Tauranga Hospital, Mary Louisa, third daughter of the late Samuel Crapp, formerly of Washbourne Hall, Devon, England. The funeral will leave the Tauranga Hospital at 2pm tomorrow (Saturday). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 17 December 1920, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Miss M. L. Crapp, sister of Captain A. A. Crapp, which occurred on Wednesday morning at the hospital, to which institution Miss Crapp had been removed the previous day owing to a serious heart seizure. The late Miss Crapp was the third daughter of the late Mr Samuel Crapp, of Washbourne Hall, Devon, and accompanied her parents to New Zealand sixty years ago. She had since resided in New Zealand, tie greater portion of her life being spent in the Bay of Plenty. The funeral will leave the Hospital at two o'clock to-morrow afternoon for the Church of England cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 17 December 1920, Page 2]
On Friday last, Mrs Crawford, mother of Mr S Crawford, died at Te Puke, aged 81. The funeral took place on Sunday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Aug 1897, p2]
CREEKE Many of our readers, especially old settlers will regret to learn that Mrs William Creeke died at Whakatane on the 8th inst. She had been a great sufferer from rheumatism for over 15 years, but she bore her pain with Christian cheerfulness and resigned fortitude. Before 1870 Mrs Creeke taught a school in Tauranga and since then she and her husband, who had been a military settler, taught the native schools at Matata, Rotorua and Waiomatatini. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Nov 1894, p4]
The death of a pioneer of the Dominion, in the person of Mr William Creeke, occurred at the residence of his son, Mr.George Creeke, Apanui, Whakatane, yesterday morning. Deceased, whose age was 91, emigrated to New Zealand from England about 60 years ago. He was first employed by Brown, Campbell and Co., in Auckland, but later went to Opotiki where he was a member of the colonial forces, and was subsequently at Tauranga for a term in the same capacity. He then joined the Native Schools Department as a teacher, and was stationed successively at Matata, Rotorua, and in the Gisborne district. He eventually, retired on superannuation. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7356, 11 March 1920, Page 2]
CRIMMINS - Opotiki, Saturday - The body of Thomas Crimmins, who has been missing since Wednesday last was found in the Waioeka River last evening. It had evidently been in the water since Wednesday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Jan 1894, p2]
CROON - Opotiki - Frederick Croon, aged 11 years, son of our much respected townsman Mr Frank Croon died here at half past two on Sunday afternoon of congestion of the brain. The deceased was running about as lively as a cricket only two or three days ago since, in fact few of the neighbours knew he was ailing. He was buried on Tuesday afternoon and had a large and respectable funeral. Mr Croon has been an invalid for the past two years and it must be very trying for the parents to lose such a fine big healthy boy as the deceased appeared to be. Great sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 23 Aug 1882, p2]
The numerous friends in this district of Me George Crosby will regret to hear of his death which occurred at Paeroa on Saturday last, in his fifty-eighth year. Deceased formerly resided in Tauranga and was held in very high esteem by a large circle of acquaintances. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6253, 8 December 1914, Page 2] A Te Aroha exchange in referring to the death of Mr G Crosby, which occurred at Paeroa on Saturday last says ; - Mr George Crosby was a New Zealand pioneer who came out from Ireland by the ship Waitangi in the year 1874. Mr Crosby was only 18 years of age at the time, settled in the Tauranga district and experienced there the hardships of the early days. He commenced business as a carting contractor in the Bay of Plenty district, eventually establishing a livery and bait stables at Rotorua, as well as taking over the Rotorua Hotel. Later he established a business in the Ohinemuri district until the carrying of no license there led him to retire. Mr Crosby, who was a member of the Ohinemuri County Council for nine years and saw service on other public bodies, recently took up his residence at Devonport, and purchased a wholesale wine and spirit business. He leaves a widow, three sons and four daughters. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6257, 12 December 1914, Page 2]
At Fairlight, Katikati, on the 5th November Rev John Crossley, late Incumbent of St Matthews Shankhill, Belfast, Ireland, aged 64 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, 7 Nov 1878, p2]
CROWE Paeroa. A sudden death is reported from Hikutaia, Jas Crowe whilst proceeding to Alley�s Store yesterday afternoon dropped dead. He has been living with the natives. [Waikato Argus, Tues 5 Oct 1897]
On Sunday, December 29, there passed away at her residence, Shelbrook, Bournemouth, Susanaa Crowther, widow of the Rev. William Crowther, late Rector of Norton, Faversham. Mrs Crowther was the mother of the late Major Crowther, of Tauranga, and was the daughter of John Bendyshe, Esq., of Barington Hall, Cambridge, and great niece of Admiral Lord Nelson ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6646, 22 March 1916, Page 4]
Many here, especially those who have been resident for some years, will learn with deep regret of the death of Mrs Crump, wife of Mr P C Crump, formerly manager of the Ohauiti Estate, which occurred in England a few days ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Jan 1903, p2 + notice]
Private Thomas P Cullen, reported died of wounds, was the third son of Mr & Mrs John Cullen, The Camp, Tauranga, and was 30 years of age. He was born in Tauranga and after leaving school joined Mr Badger�s — now E H White�s — business where he worked for many years. He took a keen interest in Rugby football and was one of the best known local players. Farrier Sergeant E J Cullen, deceased�s brother, who was seriously wounded while serving at Gallipoli, is now in hospital in Auckland. [Auckland Weekly News, 29 Mar 1917, p 48 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6821, 16 February 1917, Page 2]
The death occurred at Ponsonby, Auckland on Saturday evening last of Mr James A Culpitt, a former resident of Tauranga. Deceased who was 52 years of age was taken ill on Thursday 10th inst., and death place unexpectedly as above stated. Much sympathy will be extended to Mrs Culptt and family in their sad loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7154, 19 April 1919, Page 2]
The Rotorua Chronicle, in referring to the death of Mr Stewart Cumming, who was killed at Omanawa Falls on Wednesday last, says: - The late Mr Cumming was 25 years of age on the 10th inst and was a son of Mr and Mrs T Carlyle Cumming and a grqandson of Mrs Ann Robertson with whom he lived many years. He was married in June last to Miss Minnie McInder of Rotorua ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6240, 23 November 1914, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6260, 16 December 1914, Page 3]
CUMMINGS On Saturday evening bout 9 o�clock Mr G Cummings senr, departed this life, aged 68 years. Deceased had not been in the best of hea nlth for some time and latterly suffered from bronchitis. He was a very old resident of Tauranga having come here about 24 years ago and was employed on the erection of the government buildings. He leaves a widow and two sons. The sons are both in business in Australia, the elder, George, having made quite a name for himself as an architect� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Dec 1896, p2]
A man named Alexander Cummings was found dead on the road between Paengaroa and Te Puke on Wednesday week with a horse and dray on top of him. According to medical advice death had taken place about an hour before the discovery of the body. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6272, 31 December 1914, Page 2]
A casualty list on Friday shows that Rifleman W J Cunningham, son of Mr T Cunningham of Tauranga, was killed in action on October 15. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6933, 12 November 1917, Page 2] The late Rifleman William Joseph Cunningham ... was the second son of Mr T Cummingham, of Ninth Avenue, Tauranga. He was born in Burrawang, New South Wales and worked on his fathers farm there until he was twenty years of age, when he left for New Zealand with his eldest brother John ... the two brothers came to Tauranga about seven years ago and each acquired farms on Cambridge Road...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6937, 14 November 1917, Page 2]
CURRIE We regret to record the death of Mr A W Currie of Waitotara (Taranaki) which occurred yesterday. Deceased was about 40 years of age and was a brother-in-law of Mr B G Armstrong of Te Puna� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Nov 1906, p2]
It is with sincere regret that we have to record the death of wife of Mr James Currie, of this town, who passed away at an early hour this morning, after an illness of only a few hours' duration. The deceased lady who was a prominent member of the Presbyterian Church, was most highly esteemed, and her loss will be mourned by a large circle of friends. She leaves a little daughter, aged 12. The funeral takes place to-morrow. 1916/2850 Currie Annie Elizabeth Charlotte 44Y
[Te Puke Times, 22 August 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6761, 25 August 1916, Page 2]
Lieutenant Robert Toler Curtis, whose death occurred at Kelburne, Wellington, recently, at the age of 73 years, served with the 1st Waikato Regiment during the Maori war. At the cessation of hostilities he took up land at Tauranga. Later he resided at Kawakawa, and for 21 years was in the Education Department. He won a commission in the Imperial Army when 18 years of age. He was the eldest son of the late Colonel J. R. L. Curtis, 8th Madrass Staff Corps, and was born at Bangalore, India. He was a cousin of Sir Francis Lloyd and the Earl of Norbury. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7210, 3 September 1919, Page 2]
Opotiki. Another old identity has passed to "the great majority". Mr William Curwen died this morning (1st inst) at about 5am. He leaves a widow and family of five to mourn his loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 4 Oct 1883, p2 + article on relief for family 13 Oct 1883]
DAHL A nine months old child of Mr and Mrs Dahl of Te Puna died somewhat unexpectedly on Tuesday night, owing we are informed, being attacked by convulsions. The funeral took place today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Jun 1898, p2]
DAINES On February 1, at Cameron Rd, Tauranga, Laura Mary Arabella, dearly beloved infant daughter of Edward and Katie Daines, aged 16 months. �Suffer little children to come unto me�. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Feb 1903, p2 + article]
DALE On July 25, at the residence of her parents, Cameron Rd, Lily Eliza, eldest daughter of John and Mary Dale, aged 5 years and 11 months. The funeral will leave the parents residence at 2pm on Friday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Jul 1894, p2 + article]
DALE On Monday March 24, Meta Mary, the beloved daughter of John and Mary Dale, aged 5 years and 10 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Mar 1902, p2 + article]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs J Dale, which occurred at Rotorua on Wednesday. Deceased, who was a daughter of Mr H J Vickery, of this town, resided here for a very long period ...1911/896 Dale Mary Anna 45Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5695, 25 August 1911, Page 4]
DALTON William Dalton, HMS Esk, OM. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
DALTON On the 17th inst, at the residence of Mr Tadhunter, Devonport Rd, Edward Dalton, of the Telegraph Dept of this town and of Reefton, West Coast, aged 21. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 19 Oct 1878, p2]
DALTON A terrible fatality occurred this morning in connection with the removal of the Tauranga District School to the central site, when Joseph Dalton, son of Mr J E Dalton, Native Interpreter, lost his life instantaneously� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Aug 1904, p2 + 24 Aug 1904 + 29 Aug 1904]
The Poverty Bay Herald in a recent issue, made the following reference to the late Trooper P Dalton who was well known in Tauranga - The late Trooper Peter Dalton reported died from sickness in Palestine was the only remaining son of Mr J E Dalton of Pt Awanui and brother of Mrs Drummond of Ruatorea (writes our correspondent). He was extremely popular on the coast and previous to being accepted for the 27th Reinforcements at the age of 20 years had several times been rejected. An extremely fine horseman and amateur rider, his services were in keen demand and his death will be felt by a wide circle of friends. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7087, 6 November 1918, Page 2]
DALZELL Information has been received that Mr Tom Dalzell of Katikati died on his way to the Auckland Hospital on Saturday last. Mr Dalzell had been suffering from diabetes for some time and finding he was getting worse�Deceased had been in this district for a long time having been a sergeant in the AC Force; after the transfer of the force to Taupo deceased took his discharge and married�He leaves a widow and two children to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Jul 1897, p2]
DANIEL An old Maori veteran, Daniel, a chief residing at Matapihi, died on Sunday night, being somewhere about 90 years of age. He was present at the last tribal fight which took place at the Mount and later acted as guide to the British troops at Gate Pah and Te Ranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Jul 1901, p2]
DANIEL On November 26 (his 69th birthday) at his residence Briar Cottage, Tauranga, Henry Beauchamp Daniel, solicitor, the beloved husband of Isabel Louisa Daniel� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Nov 1907, p2 + article]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs Daniels, wife of Mr W Daniels of Mount Maunganui which occurred at Auckland on Thursday last. Deceased had been in ill health for some time, and was removed to Auckland last week for special treatment but death ensued a few days afterwards. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss a husband and four young children, for whom the greatest sympathy will be felt. 1914/557 Daniels Maud 29Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6088, 16 March 1914, Page 4]
A Press Association telegram fron Rotorua announces the death of Mr Sigvard Jacob Dannefaerd on Saturday morning from pneumonia, aged sixty-six He was a member of a noble Danish family, and a celebrated naturalist. He was also a prominent member of the Masonic order, and was formerely president of the Bowling Club. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7372, 29 March 1920, Page 2]
DARBY On February 6, at his residence Cameron Rd, John Darby, late RA, aged 69 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Feb 1890, p2]
DARBY At the Thames Hospital, after a long and painful illness, Richard Stephen, youngest son of the late John Darby, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Dec 1901, p2 + article]
DARBY On 23 April, at her late residence Cameron Rd, Tauranga, Eliza, relict of the late John Darby. The funeral will leave for the old cemetery at 2pm tomorrow (Saturday). [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Apr 1903, p2 + article + 27 Apr 1903]
Word was received in Rotorua on Saturday last (says the Chronicle) that Mr John Darby, son of Mr Edward Darby of Rotorua, had passed away at Waipukurau after an illness lasting two weeks ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6251, 5 December 1914, Page 3]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mr Edward Darby, junior, son of Mr E Darby of Rotorua, which occurred in the Hamilton Hospital on Friday last. Some three months ago deceased met with an injury to one of his legs which necessitated amputation of the limb. Complications followed and the patient was removed several weeks ago to the Hamilton Hospital, death taking place as above stated. Deceased resided for many years in Tauranga and subsequently at Rotorua. He leaves to mourn their loss a widow and one child. Much sympathy will be felt with the relatives and family in their sad bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6813, 8 January 1917, Page 2]
DARRAGH Great regret has been expressed on all sides at the sad termination of the accident to the lad John Darragh, whose death in the Auckland Hospital is announced in our telegraphic columns. The utmost sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents of the unfortunate lad in their heavy trouble. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 12 May 1887, p2 + 17 May 1887]
DARRAGH On Thursday, 27th inst Rachel Darragh, beloved wife of William Darragh, Sen. The funeral will leave her late residence on Sunday 30th inst, at 2.30pm for the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jan 1910, p2 + obituary + 31 Jan 1910]
DARROW Thames, Sunday. Great regret was expressed here today at the announcement that James Darrow, one of the Thames most prominent citizens passed away this morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Sep 1903, p2]
DAVEY The death occurred at Waimapu yesterday of Mrs Davey. Deceased belonged to Ranginui hapu, and had resided at Motiti about eleven years. One of her sons is Wi Keepa, the well known horseman. Customary tangi is being held, the mourners including a large number of Maoris from Motiti Island. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Jun 1920 p2]
DAVIDSON On March 28, at Te Puna, suddenly, A C H Davidson, aged 35. The funeral will leave Te Puna tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 1.30. 1901/132 Davidson Andrew Christopher Houston 35Y
[Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 Mar 1901, p2]
Quite a shock was occasioned locally when it became known on Thursday that Mr J. A. M. Davidson, of Te Puna, had passed away, the previous afternoon ... 1914/863 Davidson John Alexander Murray 57Y [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 23 January 1914, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6066, 23 January 1914, Page 5 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6070, 2 February 1914, Page 6]
DAVIE Two more deaths are reported from Maungatapu viz Reihana, an elderly man and Kathleen Davie, a girl of about 16 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Nov 1918]
DAVIE The influenza epidemic claimed three more victims at the Maungatapu native settlement yesterday �a child named Hemi Davie, six years of age�died� [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Nov 1918]
DAVIES On July 7, Jane Anna, wife of E Davies, builder, aged 35 years. The funeral will leave her late residence at 3 o�clock on Sunday afternoon. Friends are invited to attend. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 8 Jul 1882, p2 + article]
DAVIES The death occurred on Friday of Mrs Davies, wife of Colonel Davies officer commanding the Auckland volunteer district� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Dec 1906, p2]
DAVIS It is with much regret that we learn of the decease of Mr Edward Davis of Coromandel harbour, only brother to Mr C C Davis. Mr Davis for a long series of years was resident at Coromandel and for many years past interpreter to the Resident Magistrate of that place� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Oct 1876, p2]
DAVIS On July 26, at Ngarua, James S Davis, aged 56 years. [Te Aroha News, Mon 29 Jul 1918]
On September 3, at his late residence, Fifth Avenue, William, beloved husband of M E Davis, aged 65 years. The funeral will leave the residence, Fifth Avenue, on Thursday 5th at 2.30pm for New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7210, 3 September 1919, Page 2]
DAVOREN On Tuesday December 13, Marie Louise, the beloved daughter of George and Belinda Davoren. The funeral will leave her late residence Cameron Rd, at 3pm on Thursday 15th inst. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Dec 1904, p2 + 16 Dec 1904]
On June 21, 1911, at Tauranga, Belinda Mary wife of G T Davoren, and daughter of the late Rhodolf Scully J.P, of Dualla House, Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland - Home papers please copy. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence at 2.30pm on Saturday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXLIX, Issue 5667, 21 June 1911, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs G T Davoren which occurred at her residence, Cameron Road, at 3 o'clock this morning. Deceased had been in failing health for some time and as the result of a chest complaint was forced to take to her bed a few days ago, death ensuing as above stated. Deceased had resided in Tauranga for about 45 years and is survived by her husband and grown-up family of three sons and three daughters. The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon. 1911/9581 Davoren Belinda Mary 65Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXLIX, Issue 5667, 21 June 1911, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5669, 26 June 1911, Page 2]
DAWSON Opotiki. We have had two deaths during the month — one that of an infant belonging to Corporal Dawson of the 1st Waikato Regiment... [Daily Southern Cross, 15 May 1867, p5]
DAWSON Last Tuesday the death occurred of one of Opotiki�s eldest residents in the person of Mr Thomas Dawson. The deceased gentleman who had been in failing health for some time past reached the age of 77 years. Mr Dawson was the father of Mrs H J Vickery of this town. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Oct 1906, p2]
DAWSON General regret was expressed here on Saturday when it became known that Mr Cecil Dawson had succumbed in Auckland to an attack of fever. The deceased, who was a universal favourite, was well known throughout the Bay of Plenty� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 May 1907, p2]
A girl named May Daymond, a niece of Dr Pomare,,was drowned in Lake Rotoiti on Saturday last. She, with three of Dr Pomare's children had gone for a swim, when she apparently got into difficulties. An alarm was raised by Mrs Pomare, who was on the bank, and deceased's brother, went to her assistance, but got into difficulties himself. Two others also jumped in, and a launch was brought to the spot promptly, but deceased sank before it got up. The body was recovered on Sunday morning. [Te Puke Times, 16 January 1917, Page 2]
The death occurred at Sydney on February 1st of Miss Murielle de Bourbel, daughter of Mr and Mrs H H de Bourbell of Devonport, and formerly of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6610, 14 February 1916, Page 2]
The death occurred at Auckland on Tuesday last of Mr Harold H De Bourbel, who resided in Tauranga many years ago. Deceased was eighty six years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7019, 7 August 1918, Page 2]
DEEBLE At Hamilton, on July 15, 1910, Martha Adelaide Deeble, late of Cork, Ireland... Deceased, who was a native of Ireland, came to Tauranga in the ship Lady Jocelyn with the family of Captain W Barclay, nearly thirty years ago and has resided in the district ever since her arrival ...[Bay Of Plenty Times 18 July 1910, Page 2 + obituary]
DELANEY Mr John Delaney senr, died at Opotiki on the 21st inst aged 84 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Nov 1898, p2]
DELANEY On 18 March 1903, Sophia Martha, dearly beloved wife of Hugh Patrick Delaney, in her 31st year. The funeral will leave Dr Fook�s residence at 3 o�clock tomorrow afternoon for the new cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Mar 1903, p2 + article + 20 Mar 1903]
Word has been received by Mr Hugh Delaney of Matamata, that his son Trooper Albert H Delaney, who was wounded on August 7, is making good progress towards recover, and was with his brother, Sergeant Arthur W Delaney, when the latter died. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6761, 25 August 1916, Page 2]
DELANEY Mr John Delaney, who died at the Auckland Hospital last week, was a member of a family whose record of service in the Maori war is probably unique. His father, Mr John Delaney snr, who died at Opotiki some years ago, served in the Kaffir and Maori wars and, as recruiting sergeant, assisted the late Colonel Pitt in organising the 1st Waikato Regt. All Mr Delaney�s three sons, William, John and Walter, served in the field at a very early age as buglers, Walter, the youngest, taking part with his elder brother, William, in the East and West Coast campaigns of 1868-9, under the late Sir Geo. Whitmore. Of the three, Mr Walter Delaney is now the only survivor. [Auckland Weekly News, 20 Jun 1918]
DENHAM We regret to record the death of Master Clifford Denham, second son of Mr and Mrs E Denham of Te Renga, which occurred on Wednesday morning from peritonitis. The boy was just eight years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Feb 1910, p2]
DENNY - Opotiki - A very sudden death has occurred. James Denny, aged 79, an old pensioner of Her Majesty�s Rifle Brigade was found dead in bed this morning by Mr Geoghan, baker. The deceased was seen walking about yesterday afternoon. As he had been receiving medical attendance an inquest is deemed unnecessary. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Dec 1882, p2]
On February 23, 1911, at Tauranga, Ida Howie the dearly beloved wife of Charles Derrett, of Papamoa, aged 20 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5618, 24 February 1911, Page 2] it is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs Derrett, wife of Mr Charles Derrett, of Papamoa, which occurred at Tauranga yesterday at the early age of 20 years. The funeral will leave 'The Palms' Nursing Home at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5618, 24 February 1911, Page 2]
DETTE �The cavalry escort (Bay of Plenty Volunteers) under Captain Smith left at Opepe by Colonel St John while he proceeded on a reconnoitring expedition was surprised on the morning of the 8th and 9 men killed�Sergeant Dette� [Southern Cross, 14 Jun 1865, p4]
We regret to announce the death of Miss Devan, a young woman, which occurred at the hospital camp, Te Puke on Wednesday afternoon. Deceased had only arrived in the district a few weeks previously to take up a position with a Te Puke family. 1911/2227 Devin Caroline 38Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5624, 10 March 1911, Page 2]
DEVELIN Joseph Develin, who was killed at Waihi a few days ago by an explosion when drilling out a miss fire, missed the Brunnerton disaster by being discharged a week before and he was killed on his second shift at Waihi. He has a wife and one son at the Thames. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Aug 1896, p2]
DEVITT Inspector Emerson has received the following telegram from the constable at Opotiki: "Information just received that a man named M Devitt, working on the Motu Rd, was killed yesterday by a kick from a horse. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Feb 1891, p2]
DICKEY Paeroa, Thursday. Dickey�s son Jim, injured yesterday by the horse Swiftfood falling, died this morning; the boy�s head was crushed and his skull fractured. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Jan 1900, p2]
DICKEY Word was received here today to the effect that Mr John Dickey of Brown�s Bay, (Takapuna) had been burnt to death yesterday but no further details are yet to hand. Deceased was a brother of Messrs N Dickey (Tauranga) and R and J S Dickey (Te Puke). [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Jun 1908, p2]
On 29th January 1911, in South Africa, William John, second son of Mr N Dickey, of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5631, 27 March 1911, Page 2] Word was received here by relatives a few days ago announcing the death in South Africa of Mr William Dickey, son of Mr N Dickey of Otumoetai. Deceased, who possessed a generous and cheerful nature was well known and highly respected by a large number of acquaintances in Tauranga, who will regret to hear of his untimely demise. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and one child. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5631, 27 March 1911, Page 2]
It is with sincere regret that we have to record the death of another young soldier from this district, Trooper Robert DICKEY, who left New Zealand with.the Main Expeditionary Force, and who is reported as haying been killed in action on December 10th. The deceased was a son of Mr Robert Dickey, of Te Matai, and was a highly respected and popular young man. Sympathy will be extended to Mr and Mrs Dickey and family in their sad bereavement. [Te Puke Times, 11 January 1916, Page 2 and Te Puke Times 3 October 1916, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6583, 10 January 1916, Page 2]
We regret to have to chronicle the death at Avondale of Mrs E. E. Dickey, wife of Mr Robert Dickey, formerly of Te Matai. The late Mrs Dickey who had been a great sufferer for many months, left a large family of sons and daughters, the eldest being Mrs W.R Gray of Te Puke. One son was killed at the front, and the remaining three are serving with the Expeditionary Forces. 1918/485 Dickey Emily Ellen 53Y [Te Puke Times 26 February 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6980, 25 February 1918, Page 2]
The sad news was received here on Monday that Mr Samuel Dickey, a well known and highly esteemed farmer of the Aongatete district, had succumbed at Waihi to the prevailing epidemic. Deceased was a son of Mr and Mrs Nathaniel Dickey, formerly of Paeroa and Tauranga and now of Auckland ... It is with great regret that we also learn of the death of the late Mr Samuel Dickey's only brothers Robert and Roy who died at Dargaville, the former on the 15th inst. and the latter on the 18th inst...
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7095, 27 November 1918, Page 2]
DICKSON The death occurred here on Wednesday of Private Harry Dickson, son of a well known native of Matapihi. Deceased was a returned soldier who had been wounded and gassed and had been an inmate of the Cambridge Sanatorium for some months. He reached Tauranga by the Ngatiawa at 2 o'clock on Wednesday morning and passed away while crossing the harbour in a launch to Matapihi. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7090, 15 November 1918, Page 2]
An inquest touching the death of a lad named Thomas DINSDALE was held at Rotorua on Saturday last...J W DINSDALE, father of the child ...[Te Puke Times , 19 September 1916, Page 3]
Mr B Dive of Tauranga, has received word that his brother, Private Benjamin F Dive, died in France recently of pneumonia. The late Private Dive enlisted in Australia and had been at the front for about two years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7093, 22 November 1918, Page 2]
Ohinemutu. Dr Dickenson, an invalid from Melbourne was yesterday afternoon drowned while bathing in the hot bath attached to the Lake House. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 30 Dec 1880, p2 + reported as James Dixon at inquest 1 Jan 1881]
DOBBYN It is with regret we have to record the death of Mrs Dobbyn of the Gate Pa, who expired on Monday last. Mrs Dobbyn was the wife of one of Tauranga�s pioneer settlers and during her long sojourn amongst us was universally beloved and respected. Her many friends will miss one who was always ready to lend a helping hand in time of distress. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 3 Sep 1885, p2]
DOD Paeroa. A publican named Dod who has kept the Duke of Edinburgh hotel, Shortland for many years fell off the Shortland wharf last night and was drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 17 Jun 1886, p2]
Official information has reached Mr J Dods of Waioka, Opotiki, that his son Corporal J Dods, died on October 15 last of wounds received in France. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6788, 27 October 1916, Page 2]
DODSON - TAURANGA'S FIRST LOSS - LIEUT. DODSON KILLED - This morning Mr G. W. Brown, local manager of the NZ Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd, received a telegram from Mr H Asher in Wellington to the effect that Lieut. F. H. Dodson, previously in the Company's employ at Tauranga who left New Zealand with the First Expeditionary Force had been killed in action at the Dardanelles ... WW1 Deaths 1914-1921, Name DODSON Frederick Hugh, Date 25 Apr 1915+, Reference 12/683, Rank Lieutenant, Force AIR
Fate, KIA Place Gallipoli, Relation Son of Maude Dodson, of Courtville Annexe, Auckland, Cemetery TURKEY - LONE PINE MEMORIAL [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6375, 4 May 1915, Page 5, Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6376, 5 May 1915, Page 5,Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6377, 6 May 1915, Page 2]
DOHERTY - Returned Soldier's Death - Rotorua, Aug 25 - Mr W F Doherty, a returned soldier died in the hospital yesterday from the effects of scalds sustained through falling into a steam hole at Ohinemutu, seven weeks ago. He is survived by a widow.1920/816 Doherty William Frederick 45Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7480, 25 August 1920, Page 3]
DONNELLY Mary Jane, died on 15 February 1871 at Greerton, female, 30 years, wife of John Donnelly, cause of death phthisis. [RG 1871]
DONNELLY Another old identity has passed away in the person of Mr John Donnelly, who departed this life on Monday evening last, somewhat suddenly. He was a native of Kings County, Ireland and born in 1833, being therefore at the time of his death 60 years of age. He had served in the 40th Regiment, but when the 1st Waikatos were formed in Melbourne he joined and came over to New Zealand in 1863. He came with the military to this district in 1865 and saw active service during the various fights with the Maoris in these parts. At the close of the war he settled in Greerton where he resided until his death. He leaves a wife and one son� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 May 1893, p2]
DONNELLY On the 12th inst, at Greerton, John, only son of Matilda Moon and the late John Donnelly, aged 15 years. The funeral will leave Mr Fred Moon�s residence Greerton tomorrow at 2 o�clock. All friends invited. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Aug 1894, p2 + article]
DONOVAN On September 24, at her brother�s residence Cameron Rd, Kate, sixth daughter of Cornelius Donovan of Gurrane, Rosscarberry, County Cork, Ireland, aged 24 years. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Sep 1889, p2]
DONOVAN Miss [Julia] Donovan died on Saturday at her brother�s residence Rangiuru from phthisis aged 35. Mr E Daines received the order for the coffin yesterday morning and it was taken to Rangiuru during last night. The body left Rangiuru at 9am today and the funeral service is being performed as we go to press by Rev Father Kehoe. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Jul 1895, p2 + death notice 10 Jul 1895]
On April 14, 1911 at his residence Rangiuru, Daniel Donovan, the beloved husband of Agnes Donovan, aged 59 years. R.I.P [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5639, 15 April 1911, Page 2] It is our sad duty to record the death of a very old resident of the Tauranga county in the person of Mr Daniel Donovan, which occurred at his residence, Rangiuru, yesterday morning at the age of 59 years. Deceased had been in failing health for some months past, and despite medical care, and every attention passed away somewhat suddenly as above stated. The late Mr Donovan was born in Rosscarbary, County Cork (Ireland) and came out to New Zealand when a young man. He took up his residence in Tauranga over 35 years ago. For some time he was engaged as a contractor for both the Tauranga County and Borough Councils. Later he took up land in the Rangiuru district where successfully engaged in farming operations up till the time of his demise. He always took a keen interest in local affairs, and served for several terms on the Tauranga County Council, on which body a vacancy has been created by his death, the late Mr Donovan being one of the representatives for the Maketu Riding. He is survived by a widow and one son, while two brothers, Messrs Patrick and Florence Donovan are residents of Tauranga and Te Puke respectively. Constable Cavanagh of Ngaruawahia, was a brother in law and Inspector Donovan of Invercargill, a cousin of the deceased's. The greatest sympathy is felt throughout the district for the bereaves relatives in the loss which they have sustained. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence at 1pm on Sunday for the Te Puke cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5639, 15 April 1911, Page 2]
On November 22, 1918, of influenza, Frederick George, dearly beloved husband of Katie Dorrington, in his 60th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2] Quite a gloom was cast over the town on Saturday when the news became known that Mr Frederick George Dorrington, manager of the Tauranga Branch of the Bank of New Zealand, had died at the Tauranga Hospital, on Friday night as the result of an attack of influenza. The late Mr Dorrington was born in Hertfordshire, England and joined the Hertford County Bank. He came to New Zealand forty-four years ago and joined the Bank of New Zealand at Lyttelton. He was manager at Marton, Port Chalmers and Hokitika, respectively and latterly has been relieving manager, putting in three terms at Tauranga and one at Te Puke. He was a very capable official and during his stay here won the esteem of a large circle of friends. He is survived by a widow, one son and two daughters. The son is Mr P W Dorrington, solicitor of Dannevirke. One daughter is Mrs MacKay wife of Mr John MacKay, of the Bank of New South Wales, Timaru and the other daughter is Miss Ella Dorrington. Mrs and Miss Dorrington reside in Wellington, and reached here on Tuesday last. The funeral took place yesterday, and was largely attended, the last rites of the Church of England being impressively conducted by Ven. Archdeacon Tuke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2] The many friends of Mr F. G. Dorrington, manager of the Tauranga branch of the Bank of New Zealand, will regret to hear of, his death, on Friday last, from the prevailing epidemic. [Te Puke Times 26 November 1918, Page 3]
At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
DOUGLAS On Sunday 19 October, at his residence Mount St John, near Tauranga, William Douglas, aged 80 years. The funeral will leave his late residence for the new cemetery at 11 o�clock tody. Friends please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 20 Oct 1885, p2 + article] Another old and respected settler has passed from our midst in the person of Mr William Douglas, of Mount St. John, Tauranga. A most exemplary career of four-score years has thus ended. He was father of your townsman, Mr R. T. Douglas, of Shortland. [Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5303, 21 October 1885, Page 3]
DOUGLAS We regret to chronicle the death, after a brief illness, of Mr G A Douglas, late of Motiti, which took place at Napier on Friday afternoon last. Mr Douglas had not been in good health for a considerable period but nothing serious was apprehended when he started for Napier three weeks back to purchase a mob of sheep� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mar 1892]
DOUGLAS William John Douglas, aged 30 died in Waihi Hospital as the result of an operation to recover an iron staple accidentally swallowed last week while mending a fence. Deceased leaves a widow and family of five. [Hawera and Normanby Star, 22 Nov 1909, p7 + article Bay of Plenty Times, 22 Nov 1909 + 26 Nov 1909]
Yesterday morning Mr C F Hulme received a telegram from his son, Mr Mervyn Hulme (Waipiro Bay) conveying the sad intelligence that Mr William Douglas, an ex-Tauranga resident, had met his death by drowning on Saturday last. Deceased who was engaged on the Ihungia station (Waiapu Country) was the eldest son of the late Mr W J Douglas of Motiti Island and Tauranga and was a young man who commanded the esteem and respect of all who knew him. We extend our sympathy to Mrs Douglas and family in great bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5682, 26 July 1911, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5688, 9 August 1911, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5694, 23 August 1911, Page 4]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr Hugh Douglas, Senr which occurred at his residence at Te Puke, on Wednesday, at the age of seventy years. The deceased had resided in Te Puke for a long period and always took a keen and intelligent interest in public affairs. He was a man of broad views and was held in very high esteem by all who knew him. By his death the Te Puke district loses one of its most progressive settlers and one who was ever ready and willing to assist any project having for its object the promotion of the welfare of the district. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended to Mrs Douglas and family in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6112, 15 May 1914, Page 5]
DOUGLAS Trooper George Alexander, and Trooper Thomas Lewis sons of Mrs Annie Douglas of Rocklands Avenue, Dominion Road, and of the late Mr William John Douglas of Tauranga, were killed in action during the recent heavy fighting on Gallipoli. Both young men were born and educated at Tauranga where the family is well known and widely respected. Tpr G A Douglas was 28 yrs of age. He was a farmer by occupation and for about five years prior to the outbreak of war resided near Gisborne. He enlisted with the main body of the North Auckland Mounted Rifles and was killed in action on August 8. His brother, Tpr T L Douglas, was 26 yrs of age at the time of his death in action on August 9. For about six years prior to enlisting he resided at Ohakune where he carried on a successful business as a builder and contractor and had a promising future before him. He left in the main body with the 6th, Manawatu, Mounted Rifles. Both brothers took a keen interest in military matters and served in the old volunteers at Tauranga and Gisborne. The young brother was a particularly good rifle shot and won a number of medals and other trophies at various shooting competitions. "Both were fine young fellows" said their mother "They have done good work for their country but I expected to get one back." [Auckland Weekly News, 2 Sep 1915, p54 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6175, 31 August 1915, Page 2]
On Decemher 21 there died at Okauia, after a long illness, Mr Edward Douglas, whe was well-known in this part of New Zealand in the early days. He fought at Gate Pa and in many other engagements in the Maori War, afterwards taking up his residence at Rotorua. At the time of the eruption the late Mr Douglas rendered excellent aid to the surviving settlers, he being the first man to enter the stricken zone after the catastrophe. He was born at Alnwick, Northumberland, 79 years ago, afterwards emigrating to Australia aud later to New Zealand. At Wairoa, H.B he married Rorowhiti Tuataka, who afterwards became well known as a petitioner to the House of Representatives in connection with Native land. The late Mr Douglas in the early days kept the half-way house between Tauranga and Rotorua (Ngawaro). He had been ailing for about nine months before his death, the illness being the result of an accident. The funeral took place at Okauia on December 24, the Rev. R. W. Jackson, Presbyterian Minister at Matamata, conducting the service. The deceased leaves a widow, 11 children, 59 grandchildren, and five great grandchildien to mourn their loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6814, 10 January 1917, Page 2]
On the 20th Aug., at Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand killed through the falling of his horse, James Alaric, the youngest son of Lieut-Colonel Dowell, V.C., aged 14 years. [The Times (London, England), Thursday, Nov 03, 1887; pg. 1; Issue 32220] On the 20th, James Alaric, aged 14, youngest son of Lieut-Colonel Dowell VC, late Royal Marine Artillery. Through the effect of a fall from his horse. The funeral will leave his father�s residence on Wednesday the 23rd at half past two o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Aug 1887, + article]
DOWELL On May 27 in Fiji, Clement C Dowell, aged 36 years, of enteric fever. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Jun 1900, p2 + article]
We have to record the death of Mrs M Dowell, relict of the late Lieutenant-Colonel G D Dowell, V.C, which occurred at her residence, Remuera (Auckland) on Sunday. 1910/4443 Dowell Mary 73Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5554, 21 September 1910, Page 2]
DOWNEY Coach accident at Waihi. A lad drowned�John Downey was drowned crossing the Waihi� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 26 Apr 1883, p2 + 1 May 1883 + inquest 5 May 1883]
DOWNEY On November 10, at his late residence Tauranga, Michael Downey, aged 61 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Nov 1887, p2]
DOWNEY A few days ago a former Tauranga resident, W Downey, whose parents also lived here many years, died under sad circumstances at Napier� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Jan 1906, p2]
Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs Doyle, of [Mt} Maunganui in the loss which they have sustained by the death of their infant daughter Margaret Campbell, which occurred on Saturday. The funeral took place today and was largely attended. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6020, 6 October 1913, Page 4]
DUDSON Many residents of Te Puke will hear with regret of the death of Mrs Dudson, wife of Mr P J Dudson (formerly running a flax mill in the district) which took place on Monday last at the Criterion Hotel Auckland at the early age of 34 years. The funeral was to take place at Otahuhu on Tuesday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Jul 1902, p2]
DUFAUR Mr Walter J Dufaur, who died in Auckland somewhat suddenly on Sunday was a brother to Mr E B Dufaur, the well known wine and spirit merchant. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 Mar 1908, p2]
On April 7th, 1915, at Inglewood, John Duffill, dearly beloved husband of Louisa Duffill and father of Mrs T H Phillips, of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6356, 12 April 1915, Page 2]
Mrs T H Phillips, of Tauranga, received the sad intelligence on Wednesday evening that her youngest brother, Private George Victor Duffill, has been killed in action on the Western front on October 4. Prior to enlisting Private Duffill was in business on his own account as an electrician in Inglewood ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6927, 20 October 1917, Page 2]
On March 20, 1918 at Inglewood, Taranaki, after a long and painful illness, Louisa Duffill, relict of the late John Duffill, and mother of Mrs T H Phillips, of Tauranga, aged 73 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6990, 20 March 1918, Page 2]
On November 25, 1918, at Hawera Hospital of influenza, Walter John Duffill, dearly beloved brother of Mrs T H Phillips, of Tauranga, aged 41 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7095, 27 November 1918, Page 2] The friends of Mrs T H Phillips will regret to hear that her brother Mr W J Duffill, died of influenza at Hawera on Monday. Some time ago another brother of Mrs Phillips made the supreme sacrifice at the front. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7095, 27 November 1918, Page 2]
DUFFUS Many here will learn with regret of the death of Mrs J W Duffus, formerly of Topcroft, which took place on Thursday of last week at their residence, Auckland, after an illness lasting about three weeks, though the deceased lady had been in very indifferent health for some years past. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Mar 1902, p2]
Mr Vesey Stewart has been informed by cable sent by his daughter, Mrs Dumbleton, that her eldest son Douglas, the former's grandson, was killed in action on October 12th. Some delay has occurred in sending the final announcement, the first cable stating he was missing. The late Douglas Dumbleton who joined the 23rd Reinforcements, was married, but has left no family. His paternal grandfather was the late General Dumbleton, a member of an old Hampshire County family. A cheery letter was received by Mrs Dumbleton from her son since the news of his death reached her, in which he said that he would soon be home again, as the Huns were licked and could not hold out much longer. A letter received under such sad circumstances adds to a loving mother's grief. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6946, 5 December 1917, Page 2]
DUMERGUE On March 28, at Cambridge, Edward Perry Dumergue of Opotiki, son of the Capt Edward Dumergue, aged 39 years. [New Zealand Herald, Wed 1 Apr 1896 + article Bay of Plenty Times Fri 3 Apr 1896, p2]
Mr Edward Dumergue, a well known resident of Whakatane, has succumbed to the prevailing epidemic. Deceased was a returned soldier. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7095, 27 November 1918, Page 2]
On April 21st, 1919, at the residence of her grandsons, Martin Bros., Awakiri, Whakatane, Isabella, wife of the late Peter Duncan. Interred at Opotiki. We deeply regret having to chronicle the death of Mrs Duncan, senr, mother of Mr O. P. M. Duncan, recently of Te Matai. The deceased lady, who was of a great age, passed away on the 21st inst, at the residence of her grandsons, Messrs Martin Bros., of Awakiri, Whakatane.[Te Puke Times 25 April 1919, Page 2]
On July 9th, 1915 at his residence, Te Puke, Robert Dunlop, dearly beloved husband of Florence Dunlop, aged 57 years. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence at 1.30pm tomorrow for the Te Puke cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6432, 10 July 1915, Page 2] The fortnightly meeting of the Town Board was held last evening, there being present Messrs T. E. Palmer (Chairman), J. Brown, R. King, R. Tees, A. Montgomery, and L. E. Bayliss. Before proceeding with the business, the Chairman alluded to the loss the district had sustained through the death of Mr Robert DUNLOP. He was, said the speaker, a man who always had the courage to express his opinions, and one whom it was always a pleasure to meet. He took a keen interest in public matters, and was respected by all who knew him. He moved a vote of condolence with the widowand children. The motion was passed in silence, the members standing. [Te Puke Times 20 July 1915, Page 3]
On Saturday week at Coromandel, while several young men were indulging in target practise one of the party was handing a cartridge to a young man named James Dunn when his gun was accidentally discharged, the shot passing through Dunn�s body, effecting such injuries that he expired a couple of hours afterwards. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Jan 1895, p2]
DUNNE - Katikati - It is my painful duty and more especially during the festive season, to chronicle the death, at the age of 77, of Mrs Dunne, mother of our worthy local constable and linesman Mr Dunne, who passed away quietly on Thursday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Jan 1901, p2]
We regret to record the death of Mr Charles J Dunne, one of the Carisbrooke Castle pioneers, which occurred at Katikati on Saturday morning, at the ripe old age of 83 years. Deceased was born in Dublin (Ireland) and came out to New Zealand with his family in the Katikati No 1 party in 1875. he secured a good selection of land within a mile of the Katikati township and retained it up till the time of his death. The late Mr Dunne was held in high esteem and at the funeral on Sunday every household was represented. He was a man of retiring disposition and never took a prominent part in public affairs. He is survived by one son, Mr C T Dunne (Clerk of Katikati Town Board) and three daughters, two of who are married and settled in Auckland. The Katikati Road Board met on Saturday afternoon and adjourned for a week out of respect to the memory of the deceased. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5732, 22 November 1911, Page 4]
Intimation has been received that Corporal Albert Dunton, son of Mr G Dunton of Aongatete, was killed in action on June 7. The bereaved relatives will have the sincere sympathy of the whole community in their great loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6885, 6 July 1917, Page 2]
Friends of Mr James Durand, a former well-known resident of this town - will regret to hear of his death which occured in Auckland on Saturday. Deceased was highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn their loss a widow and three children. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5946, 16 April 1913, Page 2]
DWYER On November 10th, at Hamilton, John Francis, dearly beloved and eldest son of John and the late Annie Dwyer, of Rotorua, late of Cambridge, age 36 years. RIP. His end was peace. [New Zealand Herald, 13 Nov 1918]
DYER A great many people in this district will hear with regret of the death of the Rev W Hawes Dyer, formerly in charge of the Methodist circuit here, but who joined the Presbyterian ministry� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Jul 1905, p2]
The sudden death occurred at Cambridge yesterday of an old much respected resident, Mr R C Dyer, father of Mr R W Dyer, Stipendiary Magistrate at Rotorua...1912/5640 Dyer Robert Coates 78Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5840, 2 August 1912, Page 5]