1872 - 1920
H - L
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for extracting many of these. If you have any early deaths for this area which are not included and would like to include them please contact me.
HADDER On September 21, John Hadder, late of the First Waikato Regiment, aged 64 years. RIP. The funeral will leave his late residence for the new cemetery at 3pm this day. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Sep 1882, p2]
HAEHAE A native named Haehae was drowned in the harbour at the beginning of this week and we learn that his body was found on Tuesday last on the beach at Matakana Island� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 Sep 1901, p2 + 23 Sep 1901 + 27 Sep 1901]
HAEREHUKA Tauranga�the death of Haerehuka, which took place last week at Maketu, went there in considerable numbers to assist at the funeral� [Southern Cross, 22 Dec 1865, p5]
HAIGH We have to record the death of another old and highly esteemed and respectable settler, in the person of Mr [Edward John] Haigh who has for so many years been connected with Tauranga. Mr Haigh came to New Zealand with his regiment, the 68th Light Infantry, from Burmah in 1864 and served all through the troublous times�congestion of lungs�Universal sympathy is felt for his widow and young children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 29 Nov 1884, p2 + death notice and Lodge notice same day]
The death occurred at Ponsonby, Auckland, last week of Mrs F Haigh, widow of the late Mr E J Haigh of Tauranga. 1916/5666 Haigh Fanny 74Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6777, 2 October 1916, Page 2}
HAINES Te Puke. I regret to announce the death of Mr Haines of Paengaroa which occurred on Thursday last. The deceased gentleman was a storekeeper and was highly respected. The funeral took place on Saturday last, the Rev W H Bawden officiating. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Mar 1904, p2]
HAKARIA Te Puke. As the result of injuries from a burn an old Maori woman named Pirehira Hakaria succumbed after a fortnight�s illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Jul 1903, p2]
On October 2, at Auckland, William, the dearly beloved husband of Mary Hale, in his 78th year, late of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6022, 10 October 1913, Page 4] The death occurred in Auckland on the 2nd inst. of Mr William Hale, who for many years was in business in Tauranga. Deceased, who was 78 years of age, is survived by a widow and grown up family. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6022, 10 October 1913, Page 4]
HALIDAY A deep feeling of sympathy was evident in the neighbourhood on Monday afternoon and yesterday morning when it became known that Mr and Mrs Haliday had lost their little daughter Madge, aged about 5 years and an only child through the prevailing epidemic� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Mar 1903, p2]
HALL We regret to record the death of Mr William David Hall, second son of Mr David hall of this town, which occurred at Hamilton yesterday at the early age of 21 years. Deceased had entered the Hamilton hospital a few days before suffering from appendicitis and was operated upon for the complaint, death supervening as above stated. Deceased was born in Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Apr 1907, p2 + 15 Apr 1907]
HALL We regret to announce the death of Mrs H T Hall, mother of Mr T H Hall of this town, which occurred at Nelson yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Aug 1907, p2]
On July 30, 1911, at the Auckland Hospital, Arthur Percy Hall, of Oropi, Tauranga, the result of an accident. Aged 39 - Hawkes Bay papers please copy. No mourning. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5685, 2 August 1911, Page 2] It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr A. P. Hall, which occurred at Auckland yesterday. Some time ago deceased met with an injury to one of his knees, and proceeded to Auckland a few weeks ago, where an operation for the amputation of the limb was performed a couple of days before his death. The late Mr Hall, who was in the prime of life, was managing director of the Tauranga Sawmiliing Company, and during his residence here earned the esteem and respect of all with whom he came in contact. While residing in town he took a real live interest in the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce, and had been a member of its executive. The greatest sympathy is expressed on all sides for Mrs Hall and her young family in the great and irreparable loss which they have sustained. The interment will take place at Auckland to-morrow.1911/756 Hall Arthur Percy 39Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5684, 31 July 1911, Page 2]
HAMEORA An inquest concerning the death of Rahipare Hameora, who fell from his horse Devonport Road on Saturday evening a subsequently died on Sunday night was held the Judea Native Settlement yesterday before Mr C C Norris, Acting Coroner, and jury of four. After hearing the evidence, the following verdict was returned. That deceased came by his death from a fracture of the base the skull caused while in a state of intoxication through a fall from a horse. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Oct 1916 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6788, 27 October 1916, Page 3]
HAMER - Rotorua - A revered gentleman named D J Hamer, aged 42, from Melbourne, died rather suddenly at the Rotorua hotel on Sunday last. He came here on a visit a short time back accompanied by his wife and two children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Mar 1886, p2]
HAMILTON The officers who fell at Te Papa. John Fane Charles Hamilton is son, we believe (says Byrne�s "Naval Biography") of Colonel Hamilton and Charlotte, daughter of John Fane Esq of Wormsley, LLD, an eminent agriculturalist and many years MP for Oxford� [Southern Cross, 3 May 1864, p3]
HAMILTON The officers who fell at Te Papa�Captain Robert Thomas Francis Hamilton entered the army on 23rd January 1852 when he became an ensign in the 43rd Regiment. He was a lieutenant on the 13th April 1855 and captain on the 31st July 1860. He served with the 97th Regiment in Bengal in suppressing the mutiny in 1857 and 1858 � [Southern Cross, 3 May 1864, p3]
HAMILTON We regret to have to record the death of Miss Margaret A Hamilton, who went to her rest at 2am on Sunday at Katikati. She was a native of Gallygawley, Ireland... [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Mar 1889, p2]
HAMILTON On July 22, at Katikati, John Hamilton, aged 56. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 Jul 1892, p2]
HAMILTON On Wednesday January 8, at the residence of Mr Armstrong, Te Puna, Margaret, third daughter of the Rev T Hamilton, Rector of Kiloglen, County Kerry, Ireland, in her 55th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Jan 1902, p2 + article]
HAMILTON Katikati. I deeply regret to have to report another death in our little community, the victim being John Hamilton, a brother of Mrs Barraclough, whose tragic death — due largely to the absence of a local medical man — I reported last May� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Mar 1902, p2]
HAMILTON - On July 28 at the Tauranga Hospital, Edward, the beloved husband of Renira Eleanor Hamilton, aged 68 years. The funeral will leave the Hospital for the New Cemetery, tomorrow, Tuesday at 11am. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7194, 28 July 1919, Page 2]
HAMMOND - Waihi, Thursday - C Hammond, accountant, was found dead, seated in his residence at Waihi yesterday. He was between 60 and 70 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 May 1905, p2]
A telegram was received here this morning intimating the death of Mr John E Hammond, Mayor of Hamilton. Deceased was wekk-known in the Waikato where he had resided for a long period. The late Mr Hammond was a brother of Messrs F H and W Hammond of this town ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6717, 20 June 1916, Page 2]
The death is announced of Mr James Hammond of Welcome Bay, Tauranga, at the age of 86 years. Mrs Hammond died last week at the age of 89 years.
[Te Puke Times 13 June 1919, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs J Hammond of Welcome Bay, which occurred on Wednesday night in her her 89th year. The late Mrs Hammond was born at Weymer(?), Sussex and came out to New Zealand with her husband and family in the vessel Northumberland in the year 1885. On landing in Auckland, Mr and Mrs Hammond and family proceeded to Tauranga. After living in this town for tow or three years Mr Hammond purchased the Sunnyside farm at Welcome Bay from Mr R C Fraser and moved thither, Mr and Mrs Hammond residing there ever since. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke. It is also our sad duty to chronicle the fact that Mr James Hammond has not long survived his late wife. His health had been very precarious for several months and the end came at ten o'clock last night. The late Mr Hammond, who was 86 years of age was born at Nuthurst, Sussex and followed farming pursuits until he left for New Zealand. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon, the cortege reaching the new cemetery at 2.30 o'clock. Mr and Mrs Hammond are survived by a family of three sons and three daughters, all of whom reside in this district. The sons are Messrs A E, E E and P J Hammond and the daughters are Mrs F J Allely, Misses B F and E E Hammond. Much sympathy will be felt for the relatives in their double bereavement. 1919/3748 Hammond Elizabeth Sarah 88Y Order Product
1919/3753 Hammond James 86Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7175, 11 June 1919, Page 3]
HANCOCK Waihi, Tuesday. A shocking fatal accident occurred at the Waihi Consolidated Mine. Richard Hancock was carrying out a contract sinking�fell to the bottom, a distance of 100 feet�Much sympathy is expressed for the widow and four young children, the eldest being 13 years and the youngest 14 months� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Jul 1898, p2]
HANI On Friday a young native (son of Wi Hani) died at Bowentown and the customary native tangi is now in progress. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Aug 1906, p2]
HANNER Sergeant James, 68th Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
At his residence, Otamarakau, near Matata, on March 5th, 1919, Thomas, dearly beloved husband of Francis Hannon, and second son of Ann Hannon, late of Hautapu, near Cambridge. [Te Puke Times 7 March 1919, Page 2]
HANSEN �the death of Frederick Hansen by drowning at Mercury Bay. Mr Hansen has been connected for several years with vessels trading on this coast. He was well and favourably known throughout the Bay of Plenty district as a kind hearted obliging steady man and a good and brave sailor. The untimely death of "poor Fred" will be mourned over by a large circle of friends. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 18 Jul 1874, p3]
On January 30 at Nurse Fountain's, Annie Dorothea Hansen, of Oropi, aged 32 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5915, 31 January 1913, Page 2 and Report - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5915, 31 January 1913, Page 2]
HAPATA About thirty Tauranga Natives returned from Morea, Tahake on Wednesday night whither they had proceeded to show their respects to a very old chief, Hapata, who died there recently� [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 Jun 1912]
A death which points to a deliberate and most determined case of suicide (says the Whakatanc Press of Friday last) occurred at Te Teko yesterday. A farm laborer named Harry Fletcher HARDGRAVES, aged 45 years, who had been working for Mr A. White, was found dead near his whare with his throat cut, deep gashes on both legs below the calves, one on his forearm, and a deep wound across the chest over the heart. A letter was found on the body, supposed to have been written by the deceased to his mother, at No 7, Fitzherbert Street, Palmerston -North, in which it was stated he contemplated suicide. Another note was also found in his whare bidding his mate goodbye. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 13 January 1914, Page 2]
The Whakatane Press states one of the latest volunteers for the front is Jack Hardie of Taneatua. Since the war broke out, five of his brothers have gone to serve their King and Country, and all have fallen on the field of battle. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6764, 1 September 1916, Page 2]
HARDING Sergeant, HMS Eclipse, RMA. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
HARDING An inquest was held at the residence of Mr Philips, Greerton, yesterday afternoon before Captain Tovey JP coroner, and an intelligent jury on the body of Edward Harding, aged 4 years whose death had resulted from injuries sustained by being thrown out of a dray on Saturday last�George Harding, father of the deceased deposed that the child died at 3 o�clock on Monday morning. He was born on the 15th March 1873 in the parish of Farthinghoe, Berckley, Northamptonshire� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Mar 1877]
HARDING Our Wellington telegrams some time ago announced the death of Dr Harding of that city. Dr Harding was a native of Belfast, Ireland and after passing his examination in Dublin he joined the Royal Navy and came out to this colony as assistant surgeon in HMS Miranda in the year 1861. he served through the greater part of the Maori war and for his service during the fight at Gate Pah was awarded the NZ Medal for his assiduous attention and kindly disposition to the troops who were wounded. Before leaving HM�s service Dr Harding was married to Miss Rose Brigden. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 23 Jul 1881, p2]
HARDING On May 17 1907, at her residence Gate Pa, Jane, dearly beloved wife of George Harding, aged 56 years. The funeral will leave deceased�s late residence on Saturday at 2.30pm for the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 May 1907, p2 + article]
HARDY On February 26, at their residence Grey St, Robert John, beloved son of Samuel and Flora Hardy, aged 7 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Mar 1891, p2]
HARDY On November 3 1908, at her parents� residence Tauranga, Christina Annie (Kitty), youngest and dearly beloved daughter of Samuel and Flora Hardy, in her 22nd year� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Nov 1908, p2 + article]
HARDY On March 31 1909, at the Waihi Hospital, Samuel Hardy, the beloved husband of Flora Hardy of Tauranga, late of Nottingham, England, aged 62 years. Deeply regretted� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Mar 1909, p2 + article + 5 Apr 1909]
On September 15th, 1918, died of influenza at sea, Private Hugh McInnis, dearly loved second son of Flora and the late Samuel Hardy, aged 30 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7069, 23 September 1918, Page 2]
HAREHARE A young Native woman of rank and held in considerable esteem, named Harehare wife of a Maori named Kelly, died at Matapihi on Friday night. The news has been telegraphed to her relatives on the gumfields and at Whakatane and a large and expensive tangi will be the result. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Aug 1900, p2]
HARGRAVES On October 24, at Sydney, NSW, Edward Hammond Hargraves, late Commissioner of Crown Lands, NSW. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Nov 1891, p2]
HARIHANA Harihana, a very old native resident of Maungatapu died last week after a short illness, he was much employed in late years amongst European settlers. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Jan 1894, p2]
At Auckland on April 11th 1920, William Jarvis Harker, aged 76. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7385, 19 April 1920, Page 2] The death occurred at Auckland on the 11th inst. of Mr William Jarvis Harker at the age of 76 years. Deceased resided for some time in Tauranga, and previously in Rotorua and Hawke's Bay. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7385, 19 April 1920, Page 2]
HARKNESS Mrs W Harkness, who has been in the Auckland Hospital for some time suffering from a tumour expired in that institution on Saturday last. The body is to be brought to Tauranga for burial� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Sep 1895, p2 + notice 25 Sep 1895]
HARKNESS On the 7th inst, at Auckland, William Harkness. The funeral will leave the wharf tomorrow Saturday at 11am. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 9 Jun 1905, p2 + obituary + 12 Jun 1905]
The many Tauranga friends of Mr John Albert (Bert) Harp, late of Rotorua, will regret to learn that he was killed in action at the Dardanells on June 5. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6419, 25 June 1915, Page 2]
HARPER On May 25, at Sandown Villa, Wanganui, Laura, relict of the late Thomas Henry Harper Esq and eldest daughter of the late Rev Richard Taylor MA Missionary CMS of Putiki, Wanganui. Her end was peace. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 31 May 1887, p2]
HARPER On January 21, at his residence Ansen St, Tauranga, Ralph Harper, aged 59 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Jan 1891, p2 + article]
Quite a shock was caused in the communities of Te Puke and Tauranga last evening when the news was made known that Mr William Harray, a most highly respected settler of Te Puke had died suddenly on his farm on No 1 Road ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5795, 17 April 1912, Page 5]
On October 7th, at her late residence, Greenfield, Te Puke, Jane, widow of the late William Harray, in her 64th year. At Rest. It is with the deepest regret that we have to record the death of an old and very highly esteemed settler in the person of Mrs Harray senr., widow of the late Mr William Harray, who formerly took a prominent part in local affairs. The deceased lady, who had only been ill for a period of three weeks, passed away yesterday morning, She leaves a family of three sons and one daughter (Mrs Richards.) Two of the sons are serving at the front. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved relatives in the great loss they have sustained. The funeral took place this afternoon.[Te Puke Times 8 October 1918, Page 3]
HARRIS James Harris, HMS Curacoa, ordinary seaman. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
HARRIS On the 12th inst, at Lynwood, Te Puke, Edward Stanley, third son of William Prole and Elizabeth Rachel Scott Harris, in his 19th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Jul 1888, p2]
HARRIS Inspector Emerson received a telegram from constable white at Huntly Coal Mines stating that a portion of Ralph�s mine (The dip) had fallen in about 9pm yesterday. John Casely, James Smith, Alexander Harris (a boy) and John Tracy are entombed in it�the bodies of Casely and Harris have been recovered... [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Dec 1890, p2 + the body of John Tracy was recovered at 5.30pm on Thursday and the body of James Smith was recovered at 1.15am on Friday� [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 Dec 1890, p2]
HARRIS Word was received on Saturday that Mrs R F Harris, who has been in the Auckland Hospital for some time�died today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Aug 1897, p2 + notice]
HARRIS On the 26th inst at Topcroft, Charles Henry Harris, aged 45 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Sep 1907, p2 + obituary]
HARRIS Mr W P Harris, an old and highly respected settler at Te Puke died on Saturday morning and was buried yesterday. We hope to make some reference to the deceased gentleman�s career in Wednesday�s issue. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Dec 1909, p2 + obit and notice 8 Dec 1909]
HARRIS On June 23, 1910, at her mother's residence, "Wharekahu" Maketu, Mabel Rose, dearly beloved daughter of Mrs W. P. Harris and the late Mr W. P. Harris, aged 37 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5517, 27 June 1910, Page 2 + obituary]
HARRIS - Waihi, October 14 - Richard Benjamin Harris, a slaughterman by occupation was burned to death in his shanty at an early hour yesterday morning. His charred remains were found in the debris. Deceased was a single man, about 33 years of age. An inquest will be held this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5871, 14 October 1912, Page 5]
On 1st July, at Maketu, Elizabeth Rachel Scott, widow of the late W. P. Harris. "Her end was peace." [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 7 July 1914, Page 2] On July 1st at her residence Wharekaahu, Maketu, Elizabeth Rachel Scott, beloved wife of the l ate William Prole Harris. 'Thy will be done'. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6121, 8 June 1914, Page 2] The death occurred at Maketu on Wednesday last of Mrs Harris. Deceased who is survived by a grown up family, had previously resided in Te Puke and Rotorua, and was held in great esteem by a large circle of friends. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6133, 6 July 1914, Page 5]
Another young man from this district has made the supreme sacrifice for King and country, viz. Rifleman Alfred J S Harris, son of Mr A G Harris of Papamoa, intimation having been received that he was killed in action on June 7. Deceased was well known resident of Upper Papamoa, and was much respected by all who knew him. The sympathy of the community will be extended to the relatives in their great loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 688, 2 July 1917, Page 2]
Old residents will regret to hear of the death at Maketu on Sunday evening of Mr B. Harris, a brother of Messrs L. J, P. Harris and A, Harris, who succumbed to an attack of influenza. The funeral took place at Maketu yesterday, the Rev. J. Chapman officiating at the graveside. [Te Puke Times 27 April 1920, Page 2]
HARRISON It is our sad duty to chronicle the death by drowning of Messrs W Turner and W Harrison or Cinnamon, both of this town. They were on their way from Maketu in the cutter Oi, having left there last Tuesday. A gale had sprung up�Mr W Turner was 23 years of age, unmarried and son of Mr J Turner of Katikati, who is a well known and much respected settler. Mr W Cinnamon was 21 years of age and son of Captain Cinnamon, who is well known in this town� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 17 Apr 1890, p2 + death notice 21 Apr 1890]
Many of our readers will regret to hear of the death of Mr Mark Harrison, a well known resident of Waikato, who died on Thursday night. Of a genial disposition the deceased gentleman made many friends and was much esteemed. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6082, 2 March 1914, Page 4]
The death is announced of Mr W Harrison of Te Puke, at the age of eighty years. Deceased was the father of Mr W A Harrison of Te Puke and had resided in New Zealand for about twenty two years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6272, 31 December 1914, Page 2]
On September 5th at the residence of G Steventon, Strand, Tauranga, Martha, relict of the late William Harrison, formerly of Te Puke and mother of Mrs G Steventon, Tauranga and W A Harrison, Te Puke in her 81st year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6181, 7 September 1915, Page 2]
HARROP We regret to chronicle the death of a former Tauranga resident, well known to many of the old settlers here, namely Mr John Hugo Harrop, in his 45 year, at one time employed in the late Mr Thos Wrigley�s store and connected by marriage to Sergt Kelly at present stationed here. His death took place in Auckland on Tuesday last, the 8th inst. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Jan 1901, p2]
HARTLAND - Auckland - Mr J F Hartland�leaves a widow, a single daughter, a married daughter and single son. Mr J L Hartland�at Tauranga�the married son Mr C F Hartland� [Christchurch Star, Mon 11 Feb 1918]
We deeply regret to hear of the death at the front of Private Leslie Hartland, formerly a member of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Co's staff at Te Puke. The deceased, who was attached to the Company's stock department was a very popular young fellow, and had made a host of friends while stationed here. [Te Puke Times 12 April 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6999, 12 April 1918, Page 3]
HARTLEY - Te Aroha, Saturday - A sad fatality occurred last night at half past six o�clock when the infant son of William Hartley fell on a swing and dislocated his neck. The child was one year and seven months old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jan 1905, p2]
HARTLEY - Waihi, Saturday - Quite a gloom was cast over the community this morning when it became known that Mrs Hartley, wife of H Hartley had passed away�Mrs Hartley was only 36 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Aug 1905, p2]
The late Mr R Hartley-Cartman, who died at Paeroa recently was in his 80th year. He was a native of Skipton, Yorkshire, England ... Mr Hartley-Cartman came to New Zealand by the sailing ship Chapman ... The Maori war saw him through the thick of it, including active participation in the expedition against Te Kooti, besides being present at both Orakei and Gate Pa. 1916/917 Cartman Richard Hartley 81Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6605, 5 February 1916, Page 2]
HARVEY On the 19th inst, at Tauranga, Ada Agnes, daughter of Mr William Harvey, aged 10 months. The funeral will leave Mr Harvey�s residence at 3 o�clock this afternoon. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 21 Feb 1874, p2]
HARVEY News has been received that Mr Fred Harvey, second son of Mr William Harvey, butcher, late of Tauranga, has died in India. The young man was well known here and at the time of his demise was managing a plantation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Dec 1895, p2]
HARVEY - Waihi, September 13 - the death of John Harvey, as the result of a draught of lysol, occurred today. Deceased was the oldest identity on the Ohinemuri goldfields. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5858, 13 September 1912, Page 5]
A little girl [sic] named Harvey about 2 1/2 years old, daughter of an employee at the Omanawa sawmills, fell into a heap of burning sawdust on Saturday and was very severely burnt about the legs and arms. The little sufferer was immediately brought into town for medical treatment but has succumbed to her injuries. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche Surname HARVEY Given Names J L Year of Death 1912 Record Number 549 Record Type B/R Age child Location Tauranga Burials D03.19 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5774, 26 February 1912, Page 4]
An inquest into the circumstances surrounding the death of the child James Lewis Kilgore Harvey was held at the Police Station yesterday ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5775, 28 February 1912, Page 4]
On October 14th at the Tauranga Hospital, William, the beloved husband of Elizabeth Harvey, aged 87. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6925, 15 October 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6927, 20 October 1917, Page 2
The death occurred at Devonport Auckland, on Friday of Mr Alexander Harvey, sen., aged 78 years, one of Auckland's pioneer manufacturers. The late Mr. Harvey was the founder of the firm of Messrs. Alexander Harvey and Sons, engineers. He was a native of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, and before coming to New Zealand was in business for some years at Manchester. He lived at Te Puke, in the Bay of Plenty, on arrival in New Zealand, and later shifted to Auckland, establishing himself in business. The deceased gentleman took a great interest in the dairying industry, and was one of the first to introduce milking-machines and cream separators. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7197, 6 August 1919, Page 2]
The late Mr A Haua. A meeting of those interested in perpetuating the memory of the late Mr Andrew Haua was held in the Star Hotel on Monday evening. Mr C C Norris was voted to the chair� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Jul 1909 + notice and article 28 Jun 1909 + 30 Jun 1909]
Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs James Haua in the death of their youngest child [Master James Haua], aged 15 months, which occurred here yesterday, being the second bereavement in the family within nine days. The interment will take place at Opotiki. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Feb 1910, p2]
Word has been received that Corporal A C Haua of the Third Battalion Australian Regiment, died of wounds on August 11th. Corporal Haua, who was twenty one years of age, was born in Tauranga, and was the son of Mrs A Haua, late of Tauranga, but now of Sydney, New South Wales. [Bay of Plenty Times, 4 Sep 1915]
Patrick Haugh, 60 years of age, and a single man was killed at Catlins by a tree falling on him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Apr 1906, p2]
On October 7, 1914 at the Tauranga Hospital, Joseph beloved husband of Mrs Haughie of Gisborne in his 58th year. The friends of the late Joseph Haughie are invited to attend his funeral which will leave the Roman Catholic Church at 2.30pm on Friday the 9th inst, for the New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6201, 8 October 1914, Page 2]
A man named Joseph Haughie was brought into the hospital on Monday from Whakamarama suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Despite the best of attention the patient, who was 58 years of age, succumbed this morning. The funeral will take place on Friday as his friends are arriving by steamer that day. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche Surname HAUGHIE
Given Names James (Joseph) Year of Death 1914 Record Number N/R Record Type B/R Age 58 Location Tauranga Burial Records D03.23 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6200, 7 October 1914, Page 2]
A little over a fortnight ago we had to record the death of Mr J Haughie. It is now our regretful duty to announce the decease of his wife, which took place at Gisborne a few days ago. In obedience to her wish to be laid beside her husband the body was brought here this morning by the Ngapuhi. The family were also passengers by the steamer to be present at the interment. 1914/7160 Haughie Elizabeth Argyle 54Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6214, 23 October 1914, Page 2]
The death has occurred at Nelson of Miss Frances Haultain, daughter of the late Colonel Haultain ... Deceased was a sister of Captain Haultain of the SS Ngapuhi. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 3618, 24 February 1915, Page 2]
HAUMAI The Rev Rameka Haumai, native minister of the Church of England Mission to Maoris, died this morning aged 65 years. He was educated at the Maori College, Gisborne and was ordained in 1895. He came to Tauranga in 1900. Deceased took part in the Maori war on the government side. Pneumonia was the cause of death. [Evening Post, 28 Nov 1912, p7 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5890, 29 November 1912, Page 4 ]
HAUPAPA A great tangi is being held at Rotorua over Rotohiki Haupapa, the well know chief who died on Monday last. He was an Assessor and Licensing Commissioner. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Aug 1887, p2]
HAUWHENUA Death has been busy among the Natives living around Tauranga and during the last month no less than six have passed away the latest victim being old Patu Hauwhenua, a chief who was a government pensioner and a friend of Governor McLean and commanded a vessel belonging to him. The deceased chief resided at Rangiwaea latterly and died among his kinsmen at that settlement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Jul 1897, p2]
Mrs Havelock-Green, wife of the editor and manager of the Cambridge Independent, died at Cambridge on Sunday afternoon, suddenly. The deceased lady, who had resided in Tauranga for some time, had not been in the best of health lately, but she had been out among her friends, to whom the sad news was a great shock. She leaves three small children, and her husband has the sympathy of many friends in Tauranga in his sudden bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6004, 29 August 1913, Page 4]
HAWIAKI Information has been received from Opotiki that a native named Hakiaki was accidentally killed on Sunday afternoon through the dray which he was driving being capsized on the Waioeka gorge road about 9 miles from Opotiki. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Jul 1906, p2]
HAWKINS Auckland. The body of a middle aged man supposed to be Thomas Hawkins, late of Tauranga, was found in the harbour this morning� [Evening Post, 26 Feb 1915, p2]
HAY We regret to announce the death of a former resident of Tauranga in the person of Mrs J J Hay, which occurred at Opotiki on Wednesday. Deceased had been in delicate health for some time past and the end was not altogether unexpected. Mrs Hay leaves a husband and two daughters (both married) to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Jun 1906, p2]
A sad fatality occured at [Mt] Maunganui yesterday afternoon resulting in the death of Mr Alexander Hay, a former settler of Ake Ake, but lately in the employ of the Public Works Department at the Mount ...He leaves to mourn their loss a widow and two children ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5791, 6 April 1912, Page 4, Inquest Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5792, 10 April 1912, Page 5]
At the residence of Mr W. W. Blaymires, Pongakawa, on Sunday, March 18th, 1917, Cecilia Hay, aged 73. [Te Puke Times , 23 March 1917, Page 2]
The death took place at Ohauiti on Saturday last of Mr David James Hay, at the age of 53 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7012, 22 July 1918, Page 2]
HAZARD Rotorua. The search party have returned from Wairoa. Mr Hazard and his four children�s bodies have been unearthed from the debris and brought to Rotorua where an inquest will take place. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 12 Jun 1886, p2, killed in Tarawera eruption]
HEADRICK It will come as a painful surprise to many here to learn that Rev J Headrick, recently Presbyterian Minister here died on Saturday last at Glasgow, Scotland. He left here in April to go Home and see his mother and letters were received here last month from Mrs Headrick announcing their safe arrival in Scotland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Sep 1900, p2]
HEALY After a few days illness there passed away in the Waikato hospital yesterday morning, in the person of Sergeant Edmond Healy, one who had been spared to render long and faithful service to his Queen and country. Deceased joined the 18th Royal Irish in 1844�volunteered into one of the Waikato Regiments [1st WR]�for some years past Mr Healy has been a resident at Waiorongomai. [Waikato Argus, Thur 7 Jan 1897, leaves a wife]
The death has occurred of Mr William Heard, a resident Oropi for many years. Deceased had reached the age of 82 years. The funeral takes place al Oropi tomorrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 29 November 1920, Page 2] The death took place at Oropi on Sunday last of Mr William Stephen Heard, who had resided in the district for about twenty five years. Deceased was a native of Scotland and has a nephew and a niece residing in the Hawke's Bay district. The funeral took place at Oropi yesterday afternoon. The service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev J. W. Smyth. The cortege included a large gathering of settlers from the Oropi district, while the flag at the school was flown at half mast during the day.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 1 December 1920, Page 2]
HEBERLEY - Rotorua, January 28 - Herbert Heberley, employed by the Tourist Department in cutting a track from Rotomahana to Waimangu, did not return home on Wednesday ... Deceased was 32 years of age and was a son of the late Mr Joseph Heberley, formerly harbour master at Nelson. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5607, 30 January 1911, Page 3]
HECKER The death we (Poverty Bay Herald) much regret to learn in circumstances of a very melancholy character is reported of Mr Teusch Hecker, whom many readers will remember as having been a sheep farmer in Hawkes Bay and subsequently a member of the Armed Constabulary� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Feb 1874, p3]
HEERDEGEN At Rotorua, on 3 February, Edward Alfred Heerdegen, youngest son of Henry and Caroline Heerdegen, aged 5 years. [Waikato Times, Thur 9 Feb 1888]
Killed in action, at the Battle of the Ancre, November 13-14, Corporal Donald Douglas Heggie (Douglas), Black Watch Highlanders, aged 20 year's, beloved brother of David Heggie." Part of the Price"; "Fought a good fight, henceforth ... a Crown. [Te Puke Times 12 January 1917, Page 2 and Te Puke Times 12 January 1917, Page 2]
HEITMAN John Henry, died 30 Jun 1911, Waikino, aged 69 years, settler. Cause of death — verdict of coroner — "valvular disease of heart in accordance with medical evidence". Parents not known. Buried 2 Jul 1911 at Paeroa Cemetery, Presbyterian. Born in Germany, in NZ 42 years. Spouse and children not known. Informant Coroner, Waihi. [RG 1911/1731]
A son of the well known native, Te Heke, died at Bethlehem a few days ago. The customary tangi is now in progress and is being attended by a large number of natives from the surrounding districts. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6416, 22 June 1915, Page 2]
The tangi which is still being held at Whare-O-Te-Whaka Tiki (an ancestral name), Papamoa, is on a very extensive scale. Some hundreds of natives are there from all parts and tomorrow a number of Rotorua natives will arrive with the body of Hekemaru, who died at Whakarewarewa, for interment at his hapu�s burial place, Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, 9 Oct 1912 + 7 Oct 1912]
...the body of Hemana, the suicide, a nephew of Fox's (Pokiha Taranui) was placed in a portion of the verandah ... taken inland to Matawhaora, the final resting place of the Ngatipikiao dead... [Maketu - Descriptive and Historical][Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume IX, Issue 935, 9 September 1880, Page 3]
A native named Heme died at Motiti last week and a big tangi is now being held on the islands. Deceased was a brother of the Maori Solomon drowned here some time ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Nov 1895, p2]
HEMIA A little Maori boy, 9 years of age, son of the late Hemia, a chief of the Ngapotiki of Karikari was drowned on Friday last when returning from school� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Aug 1899, p2]
HENARE Native chiefs drowned. Paeroa Wednesday. A good deal of excitement has been caused among the Ohinemuri natives consequent on the death of Pareana and Henare, two well known characters, by drowning. [Waikato Times, Thur 11 Feb 1886]
HENARE Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
HENDERSON On 11 August, at Bellevue House, Gwenda Elsie, infant daughter of J and M Henderson of Maketu. The funeral will leave Bellevue House at 2.30pm tomorrow. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Aug 1897, p2 + 13 Aug 1897]
HENDERSON On Saturday night at 7.30 as briefly announced in our War Extra, Mr John Henderson, postmaster, Maketu, died suddenly while seated at his telegraph instrument, the sad occurrence being reported to the Tauranga office shortly afterwards�Much sympathy will be felt with Mrs Henderson in her severe bereavement and she is left with a family of two young children�37 years old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Feb 1900, p2]
HENDY From a private letter received here we learn that Mrs Hendy, who left Tauranga a few weeks ago, died at Onehunga last Friday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 May 1894, p2]
Included in a recent casualty list of those killed in action was Private Chris. Hennesey. Deceased was well known in the Gisborne, Opotiki and Tauranga districts as an owner and trainer of racehorses and was fairly successful with Marangai, Hukuwai, Fallin and other horses. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7073, 2 October 1918, Page 2]
HENRY On the 26th March, at the residence of her brother-in-law (J Henry MHR), Charleston, Mrs Geo Henry, third daughter of the late A Armstrong Esq, of Southsea, Hunts, and formerly of HM�s 13th Light Dragoons and 87th Regiments. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Apr 1877, p2]
HENRY On September 6, at Tauranga, Mary Coupar, infant daughter of Robert and Mary Ann Henry. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 7 Sep 1878, p2]
HENRY We extract the following from the accounts of the late Dr Henry�s death and burial published in the Wellington Evening Post of the 10th and 11th inst�s which will be of interest to a large number of our readers who are old residents here or who served in the late Maori campaigns with the 1st Waikato Regiment "Dr Joseph Henry passed away just before 11 o�clock last night after a very brief unexpected and painful illness�married Miss Armstrong� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Apr 1894, p2]
HENRY From our exchanges we learn that David Henry, second son of Mr R Henry, formerly of this office, died at the Thames Hospital a week ago yesterday. The body was brought to Paeroa and buried there on Saturday last. Robert Henry, his brother, who was also suffering from typhoid is now a fair way towards recovery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 May 1896, p2]
The death is reported from Waihi of Mr Robert Henry, 69, one of the pioneers of the printing craft here. He arrived at Auckland in 1864 in the ship Statesman, and became associated with the paper 'Southern Cross' and later with the 'Waikato Times', 'Echo' (Auckland), and 'Bay of Plenty Times'. Mr Henry promoted the 'Ohinemuri Gazette' in conjunction with the late Mr Edwin Edwards and ultimately settled in Waihi, where he was for a number of years on the staff of the 'Daily Telegraph'. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6075, 13 February 1914, Page 4]
The death occurred last night of the eighteen month old son of Mr and Mrs John Henry of Whakatane. The child was seized with croup on Saturday morning and despite every attention succumbed last night at the residence of his grandparents, Mr and Mrs J Pearcey. The funeral will leave Mr Pearcey's residence, Durham Stree, tomorrow afternoon. Much sympathy will be felt for the parents and relatives in their bereavement. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche Surname HENRY Given Names William John
Year of Death 1919 Record Number N/R Record Type B/R Age 18 months
Location Tauranga Burial Records D03.23 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7272, 17 November 1919, Page 4]
The death has occurred of Mr Thomas Henry, a highly respected settler of Katikati. Deceased, who was a native of County Antrim, Ireland, has resided at Katikati for over forty years, where he carried on farming. He is survived by a widow and grown-up family, who will have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7437, 23 July 1920, Page 2]
After having lived well over the allotted span, Mrs Mary A. Henry died at her residence. Haszard Street, Waihi, on Monday last. Deceased, who was born in Forfarshire, Scotland, came out to New Zealand about fifty years ago, taking up her residence in Auckland, where she was married in 1872 to the late Mr Robert Henry, who pre-deceased her six years ago. With her husband, who was a printer by trade, she subsequently took up her residence in Ngaruawahia where Mr Henry was for some years employed by the Waikato Times Co., which subsequently removed the publication to Hamilton, where it is still being carried on. They afterwards moved to Tauranga, and in 1891 made their home in Paeroa, where they remained until about 18 years ago, when they came to Waihi. Ihe deceased was of a kindly disposition aud was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. She was a Miss Barrie, and related to Sir J. M. Barrie, the well known author and playwriter. Of a family of five the only survivor is Mr Robert Henry, foreman printer of the Daily Telegraph Office, Waihi. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7503, 24 September 1920, Page 2]
Mr James Henshaw, an old resident of Te Puke passed away on Sunday last. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6958, 4 January 1918, Page 2]
HERA A native woman named Tari Mata Hera died at Karikari last evening aged 60 years. Her husband, who died at Maungatapu some time ago, belonged to the Ngapuhi tribe, Bay of Islands. Deceased leaves a son and daughter. The daughter, who is auburn haired, was reared on goat�s milk, the goat being trained to suckle the child and whenever the animal heard the child crying it would run to give the milk. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Mar 1898, p2]
HERBERT Another old settler in the person of Mr Michael Herbert passed away at his residence Edgcumbe Rd, yesterday morning at the comparatively early age of 51 years. The late Mr Michael Herbert joined the party of volunteers raised by Colonel (then Captain) William Fraser at Ballarat, Victoria in 1863 and came to Tauranga shortly after the Te Ranga fight. Previous to coming to Australia he served at the Cape of Good Hope and in India during the mutiny in HM�s 6th Royal Warwickshire Regiment of the Line. He was through all the engagements in the neighbourhood in 1866-67 and since then has been following his vocation of market gardener. The deceased was universally respected and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 23 Jan 1883, p2]
It is with deep regret that we record the death of Mrs J Herbert of Kakaramea (writes the Patea Press...) Mr and Mrs Herbert are amongst the oldest settlers in Patea, having come here over 30 years ago, and with the exception of one short period spent at Gate Pa, Tauranga, have resided here all those years ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5538, 15 August 1910, Page 2]
HERETAUNGA Ohinemutu. A tangi is going on at Orakiekorako over the remains of the chief Wetini Heretaunga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 12 Jun 1883, p2]
HEREWINI The death occurred at the Wairoa settlement on Saturday morning; the well known native Raroa Herewini, brother of Te Keoti, at the age of 67 years. Deceased was a member of the Ngatikahu tribe, in which he held high rank. The customary tangi is now in progress. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5675, 10 July 1911, Page 2]
HERON Waitekauri, Monday. A fatal shooting accident occurred at Golden Cross, Waitekauri on Sunday, a boy named Heron and two named Adams went out shooting with an old Enfield rifle�Heron died two hours later. Dr Cairns attended him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Jul 1901, p2]
A cablegram announces the death of Mrs Catherine L [Louisa] Herries, wife of Mr W H Herries, M.P for Tauranga. For some time past the health of the deceased lady had occasioned grave concern to her husband and friends and in the hope that a sea voyage would prove beneficial, Mr Herries left Wellington with her on March 21st by the Ionic, but she died a month later on April 21st. The late Mrs Herries was a daughter of Mr E F Roche, of Shaftesbury and Tauranga, and was married to Mr Herries in 1889. Mrs Herries was well known to a large number of residents of Tauranga, where her parents resided for some time. The deceased lady possessed a very kind disposition, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. The sympathy of friends in this district will go out to Mr Herries in the great loss which he has sustained. The member for Tauranga may now return to New Zealand immediately, instead of waiting to come back by the Ionic, by which e originally intended to travel. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5802, 3 May 1912, Page 4]
The death of Mrs W H Herries, wife of the member for Tauranga, occurred just after the Ionic had left Rio de Janeiro, and is believed to have been due to heat apoplexy. The burial took place at sea almost when the vessel was crossing the equator. Mr Herries was to leave London by the Ionic on the 23rd May on his return to the Dominion, accompanied by his brother, Mr D Herries who is making his first visit to New Zealand. As the Ionic is due at Wellington on July 9th, Tauranga's representative will not miss more than a week or two of the Parliamentary session. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5822, 21 June 1912, Page 5]
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5822, 21 June 1912, Page 5]
HETERA The death occurred at the Maungatapu settlement on Friday last of Hura Hetera, a well known native. Deceased was a chief of the Ngatihe tribe and was held in high esteem by the Maoris. A tangi is now in progress and is being attended by numerous natives from Rotorua, Whakatane, Te Puke and surrounding districts. [Bay of Plenty Times, 1 Mar 1915]
HETERAKA On the 15th inst, a chief named Heteraka died at Huharua, Te Puna. Although a staunch supporter of the Maori King he was general considered an upright man and was very popular with his European neighbours and often prevented his troublesome associates from committing depredations. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 22 May 1883, p2]
We regret to record the death of another of the earliest Te Puke settlers, Mr J Hetherington, who expired on Saturday morning. Deceased had been suffering for years from attacks of bronchitis and kindred troubles in the winter season and on the present occasion had been ailing for some time. He leaves three sons and one daughter. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Aug 1896, p2]
HETLEY We are sorry to hear of the death this week of Mrs Hetley senior, mother of Mr C F Hetley, formerly of this town, but now residing at Napier� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 2 Sep 1898, p2]
HEWITSON On June 5, at Swanson, at the residence of her son-in-law Mr W Sisam, Matilda, relict of the late John Hewitson, optician, of Newcastle on Tyne and mother of Mrs W T Smith of this town, aged 86 years. "And so he giveth his beloved sleep". [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Jun 1901, p2]
HEWITT On the 18th inst, at the residence of Mr J F Buddle, Cliff Rd, Jane, relict of the late Lieut. Thomas Hewitt RN, aged 66 years. The funeral will leave Cliff Rd for the new cemetery on Friday at 11 o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 19 Aug 1886, p2 + funeral report 21 Aug 1886 + 26 Aug 1886]
On March 25th, 1916, at Hagley Farm, Paengaroa, Ernest Bertie, son of Thomas and Louisa Hewitt, suddenly, aged 27 years. Oh dread disease thy work is done, Yes, thou has slain my son, my son. I would have died dear Bert for thee, Obey my soul, 'tis God's decree. We regret to have to chronicle still another death from infantile paralysis, the victim in this instance being Mr Ernest Bertie Hewitt, aged 27, a son of Mr and Mrs [Thomas] Hewitt, of Paengaroa. The disease, in this latest case, ran its course most rapidly, the sufferer only being attacked on Thursday, and succumbing on Saturday. The funeral took place on Monday morning. Great sympathy is expressed with the parents in their sudden bereavement.[Te Puke Times, 28 March 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6650, 27 March 1916, Page 2]
The body of a man was found near the mouth of the Rangitaiki River on Monday last. According to the Whakatane Press it has been identified as that of Basil Theodore Hewlett. The deceased was a brother of the Rev. Hewlett of Drury ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6925, 15 October 1917, Page 2]
HICKS Rotorua, Thurs. John Hicks committed suicide in a most deliberate manner in Rotorua this morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Dec 1898, p2]
Rotorua, Oct. 11. Charles Alfred St. George Hickson, late Commissioner of Stamps, died here last night, aged seventy-five years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7241, 11 October 1919, Page 3]
The death occurred on Saturday morning last of Mrs S E Higginbotham, widow of the late Mr Higginbotham, who died at Te Puke a few moths ago, and daughter of Mr and Mrs P E Hammon, of Cameron Road. The interment took place at Te Puke today. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7089, 11 November 1918, Page 2]
HIKA The body of a young Native chief named Tau Hika, eldest son of Hika Pateora and grandson of the famous Maori prophet Himiona Teorinui was brought here from the north by the ss Waitangi on Saturday last for conveyance by the ss Katikati to Motiti for burial� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Dec 1901, p2 + 13 Dec 1901]
HIKAIRO Hikairo, a principal chief of Ngatirangiwewehi died yesterday morning at Ohinemutu. His death has been expected for some time past and is the result of consumption. A large tangi is being arranged for. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 17 Aug 1882, p2]
HIKAIRO Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
HIKATAPU A native named Riki Hikatapu, a man aged 65, was found dead in bed, at Motiti Island on Sunday morning. He was in his usual health when last seen on Saturday. The body will be brought to Rangiwaea, where a tangi will be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, 1 Jun 1915]
HIKUAI A very old native named Hikuai high rank belonging to the Ngati Ranginui tribe, died last night at the Judea. The tangi will be held tomorrow attended by numerous natives, including many from Rotorua. [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 Aug 1920]
HIKUTAIA A sad event in connection with the great Maori demonstration at Rotorua, was the death of a leading chief of the Ngaeterangi of Tauranga, old Hohepa Hikutaia, aged 74, which took place in the Maori camp on Friday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jun 1901, p2 + 24 Jun 1901]
HILL The officers who fell at Te Papa�Lieutenant Charles Hill of HM ss Curacoa was made a lieutenant on May 15 1838 and it will be recollected was one of the few survivors from the wreck of the HM ss Orpheus. He returned to England and was appointed to HM ss Curacoa. He was one of the officers in command of the Naval Brigade at the storming of Te Papa and he was one of those who were found lying dead inside the pa — a good proof that they fell at the post of duty. His end is the more melancholy from his connection with the ill fated Orpheus. [Southern Cross, 3 May 1864, p3]
HILL On May 6, at his residence Epsom, Auckland, Henry Hill Esq, solicitor; aged 75 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 May 1874, p2]
HILL On January 2, at Rutland Rd, Parnell, Auckland, Isabella, relict of the late Henry Hill, solicitor; in her 79th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 6 Jan 1881, p2]
HILL Te Aroha. An accident occurred at Waiorongomai yesterday afternoon whereby a man named Richard Hill was killed� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Dec 1889, p2]
At Tauranga Hospital on June 9th, Charles F Hillman, beloved husband of Agnes Hillman, Mangatoi Road,Te Puke aged 60 years. Deeply regretted. [Te Puke Times 11 June 1920, Page 2] We regret to have to record the death at Tauranga Hospital, on the 9th inst., of Mr Charles Hillman, an old settler on the Mangatoi Road. The deceased, who had been in poor health for a considerable time, leaves a widow, son and daughter. The funeral took place at Tauranga yesterday. [Te Puke Times , 11 June 1920, Page 2]
HIMIONA At Te Aroha on Friday night a native named Himiona was found brutally butchered near Morgantown on the side of the road leading to Paeroa near O�Halloran�s Hotel. The deceased was a member of the Ngatikoe tribe and was 25 years old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 15 Feb 1881, p2 + 17 Feb 1881]
On February 26, 1911 at her late residence, Grey Street, Carolina Bertha, the dearly beloved wife of Charles Hine, aged 47 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5619, 27 February 1911, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs Hine, the wife of Mr Charles Hine of this town, which occurred suddenly at her late residence, Grey Street, at 6 o'clock last evening after a few day's illness. Deceased was 47 years of age and is survived by a husband and family of seven, two sons and five daughters, the youngest eight years old, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt in the great and irreparable loss which they have sustained. The late Mrs Hine arrived in Tauranga with her family about ten years ago and had since resided here. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5619, 27 February 1911, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mr William Hine, which occurred at his home near Maketu on Friday last, the burial taking place in the Te Puke cemetery on Sunday. The late Mr Hine lived in Te Puke for some time but many years ago settled on a farming property near Maketu, where he resided up till the time of his demise. Deceased is survived by a widow and grown up family, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt in their sudden bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5568, 26 October 1910, Page 2] IN MEMORIAM - HINE -In loving remembrance of our dear father, William Hine, who passed away at Maketu, October 21st, 1910. Rest on dear father, Your weary toil is o'er, As the years go by We miss you more. Inserted by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Beatrice and Charles Berridge. [Te Puke Times 21 October 1919, Page 2]
HINGSTON We regret to learn of the death of Mr Hingston of Te Puke by drowning while bathing in the Waihi Creek near Maketu on Easter Monday�Mr Benner, Postmaster, Maketu did his best to restore animation by means of an electric battery, but without avail� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Apr 1891, p2 + death notice and obituary 13 Apr 1891]
A native woman named Hinitantoko was drowned at Opureora, Matakana on Thursday last under somewhat tragic circumstances. An inquest was held at Koutaroa, Matakana Island on Saturday last ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6144, 26 July 1915, Page 2]
HIRA Last Tuesday, Hira, chief of the Ngatipukanga tribe died of congestion of the lungs at Nga Peke near Papamoa. He was 70 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Sep 1890, p2]
HIRA The corpse of Henare Hira is now lying in state at Te Matapihi where a great tangi is being held. The young chief�s parents, who are at Whakatane� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Aug 1900, p2]
HIWINUI Ohinemutu. A native named Hiwinui died here yesterday. A large tangi will probably be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Dec 1882, p2]
HOATE A native pensioner Wiremu Hoate, died at Maketu a few days ago at the age of about 90 years and was gathered to his fathers at the burial place of the Otamarakau settlement� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Oct 1903, p2]
HOBBS The grave and the gay are ever closely related in human experience and accordingly the community has been called upon to mingle its tears with its rejoicing. Within a few hours of each other two of the oldest and most worthy citizens, the Rev John Hobbs and the Rev Thomas Buddle have been called away to their rest� [Bay of Plenty Times, 3 Jul 1883, p2]
The death occurred in Melbourne recently after a long illness of Mr Ernest Denis Hoben, a prominent figure in New Zealand journalistic circles. The late Mr Hoben was born in Auckland in 1864, and after a few years in New South Wales, spent his youth at Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6976, 15 February 1918, Page 4]
Our Katikati correspondent writes "It is with feelings of the deepest regret that I have to report the death of Mr F S Hoeing, which sad event occurred at Waihi on Sunday morning at 1.30. The late Mr Hoeing was a native of Germany but a naturalised British subject for over thirty years. He married a daughter of the late Mr Bernard MacDonnell, but leaves no issue. Mr Hoeing purchased the property on which he resided up to the time of his death from the late Mr Konig from Westphalia, a member of the No 2 Katikati party, who accompanied the late Mr Thomas Mulvany and his large family to Katikati. Mr Hoeing was for many years a member of the Road Board and was most popular and deservedly esteemed at Katikati. The funeral took place on Monday at the cemetery in Te Mania and was very large attended not only by Katikati people who turned out en masse, but by friends from Tauranga, Waihi and Auckland. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr Rattray in accordance with the rites of the Church of England. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6993, 27 March 1918, Page 2]
HOHI A well known chieftess, Hohi, sister of the late loyal chief Enoka Te Wanaka, died at Whareroa on Monday morning after a long and painful illness. This event will be together a large gathering of natives for the tangi. The husband of the deceased, Wione, died only some four months ago. During the past 12 months there have been more deaths among the natives than for many years past, most of the deceased being elderly people, in some instances several of the same family have died within a very brief period. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Jan 1893, p2]
HOHUA Rotorua. Hohua, chief of the Ngatimahias died at Whakarewarewa yesterday and a great tangi was held today, the natives attending from many parts. The burial takes place tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat Oct 1885, p2]
HOLBRUSH Private S, 43rd Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
Captain G H Holland, a former well-known resident of Rotorua, has fallen on the field of battle. Captain Holland had been away nearly four years, and had escaped comparatively unscathed until his death. While in Rotorua he took a great interest in hockey, and acted in the capacities of secretary and referee for the Rotorua Hockey Association for the inauguration of which he was mainly responsible.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7022, 5 June 1918, Page 2]
HONO Maketu. Hono of Ngatitunohopu, a section of Ngatiwhakane died this morning at 7am. His complaint under which he succumbed was pthisis pulmonalis more commonly known by the name of consumption. His disease is a very prevalent one amongst the natives, much more so than is imagined. He was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife, a son and two daughters to mourn his loss� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 11 Oct 1881, p2]
HOPA Rotorua. A native named Hopa died suddenly on Saturday night at Kaponga. He had been working at the railway formation� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Aug 1892, p2]
HOPKIN On May 10, at Welcome Bay, Tauranga, Rosalie, beloved wife of Frederick John Hopkin, aged 41 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 May 1906, p2 + 16 May 1906]
HOPKIN On the 18th inst., Ethel Rose, only daughter of F J Hopkin, Tauranga, aged 12 years and 5 months.
[Bay Of Plenty Times 20 May 1910, Page 2]
Our Katikati correspondent writes; "It is my sad duty to report the loss by death of another member of our Katikaii family in the person of Mr W. W. Hopkin, who passed away peacefuliy last Thursday week, after a very short illuess. The funeral took place on Saturday, and was one of the largest of the many large funerals that I have witnessed in Katikati. The last ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr Rattray in aocordarce with the rites of the Church of England. The late Mr Hopkin was a man of the most sterling integrity and held by our entire community with feelings of the highest respect and esteem. He never took an active part in local or other politics, but employed his time in market gardening and fruit growing, in which he was most successful on a property adjoining the township that he purchased from Mr Gilbert twenty years ago. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss, a married son settled at Katikati, and one daughter married to Mr Bruce Killen, eldest son of Mr John Kiilen, of Katikati, who has been occupied in pastoral pursuits in Australia upon his uncle's extensive sheep run in New South Wales, his almost needless to state that the greatest sympathy is felt here for the surviving members of deceased's family. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7014, 17 May 1918, Page 2]
HOPKINS - Opotiki - A fatal accident to the crew of a fishing boat occurred shortly after midday, five young men went out this morning, Ted Rawson, Bob Rawson, Charlie and Albert Hopkins and Frank Hudson, the boat got capsized and the two sons of Captain Hopkins of the Chelmsford and Hudson were drowned. Most heroic efforts were made by J White and several natives. White save the two Rawsons, the bodies of the drowned have not yet been found� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Aug 1891, p2]
Sapper Richard Hopkins, whose death was reported recently, was well known as an officer on the Manaia, Ngapuhi and other vessels of the Northern Company's fleet ... A brother, John Hopkins, left with the second reinforcement draft, and another brother Samuel is now in camp in Trentham. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6419, 25 June 1915, Page 2]
The many friends of Mrs Hopper will regret to hear of her death which occurred suddenly on Sunday morning. Tauranga mourns with the Rev. Hopper the loss of hi wife's most helpful character. 1914/5071 Hopper Jean Kirkland 30Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6175, 8 September 1914, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mr William Hopper, which occurred at his residence, Morris Street, last evening after a short illness. The late Mr Hopper, who was 76 years of age, came to this district from Hawke's Bay about twenty years ago, and had resided here ever since. Deceased is survived by his widow, who will have the sympathy of a large number of friends in her bereavement. The funeral takes place at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7232, 30 September 1919, Page 2]
HOREROA A young native named Horeroa, belonging to Opureora, Matakana Island, came to an untimely death on Friday night or Saturday morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 Jun 1906 + 20 Jun 1906]
HORNBY Private S, 43rd Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
HORNE At Grey St, Auckland, on 30th inst, Adam Foreman Horne, aged 68 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 1 Feb 1879, p2]
HORNE The funeral of the late Mr R Horne took place in the new cemetery yesterday afternoon. The hearse was followed to the grave by a large number of sympathising friends. The funeral service was impressively read by the Rev Canon Fox. The coffin, before being lowered, was covered with floral wreaths by the sorrowing relatives and friends of the deceased. Messrs James Horne and John Wilson arrived overland to attend the funeral. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Nov 1890, p2]
An elderly man named Robert Stewart Horner, who was well known at [Mt] Maunganui, where he was employed on the railway works as a labourer, was found dead in his tent on Wednesday last ... [Inquest etc Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5831, 12 July 1912, Page 5]
HORO We have to record the death of Aonga Horo, rangatira, wife of Pomare, chieftainess of the Ngai Te Ahi at Hairini. She was over 60 years of age and had been ailing for some time. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 Apr 1890, p2]
HOROMONA The Motiti natives who came over 10 days ago to make a search for the body of Horomona, supposed to have been drowned somewhere in the neighbourhood of the heads on Saturday week last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 May 1894, p4]
HORSBURGHS - On February 15th, Mary Gladys McKinney, the dearly loved wife of Lieut. Lambert Gordon Horsburghs, M.N.M and loved daughter of Mary L Sheppard, The Camp, Tauranga. (London Cable) [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7131, 24 February 1919, Page 2]
HOSKINGS Paeroa, Thursday. A lamentable accident occurred at Karangahake last night by which a middle aged man named Ben Hoskings has been killed� [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Feb 1898, p2]
HOTCHIN Ann, died 17 July 1900, at Te Aroha, aged 69 years. Born Lincolnshire, England, in NZ 37 years. Daughter of George Bower, builder and joiner and Helander Bower, nee Winter. Married at Market Raison, Lincolnshire, England at age 21 to Moses Hotchin. Male offspring aged 44, 36, 34, 26, female 48, 42, 39, 31, 28 and 22. Cause of death chronic - dyspepsia and general debility. [RG 1900]
HOTENE The death occurred at Rotorua Monday last of the Rev Nepia Hotene, who had been carrying out the duties of curate under the Rev H Munro. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Oct 1918]
HOVELL Out of respect to the memory of the late Dean Hovell of Napier who passed away suddenly last week the �Dead march in Saul� was played at both services in Holy Trinity Church yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Sep 1905, p2]
HOWARTH Te Puke. It is my painful duty to record the death of Mr F Howarth, which took place at the club on Thursday evening last. The deceased was a native of Lancashire and came to this country about four years ago. He married a daughter of Mr J Drabble�He leaves a widow and son to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Jul 1904, p2]
Private N A Howell, a former resident of Taneatua and well known in Tauranga, was killed in action on November 4. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
HOWIE Paeroa, Saturday. An inquest was held at Waitekauri last evening on the young woman Howie and a verdict returned that deceased died from septic poisoning, accelerated by some irritant poison, probably phosphorus. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Aug 1898, p2]
HOWIE The death occurred in Opotiki on Saturday last of Te Rangi Pai (Mrs Howie), at the age of 48 years. Deceased was a daughter of Colonel T W Porter CB, her mother being a Maori of high rank� [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 May 1916]
HOYTE On May 18, at Urana, NSW, John Hoyte, brother of Mr H C Hoyte of this town, aged 60 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Jun 1888, p2 + article 18 Jun 1888]
HOYTE On January 23, at his residence Devonport Rd, Tauranga, Henry Clarence Hoyte, aged 73, dearly beloved husband of Eleanor Hoyte and youngest son of the late George Hoyte Esq, formerly Lord Mayor of Dublin, Ireland. �The weary be at rest�. Home and Australian papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jan 1904, + obituary + 27 Jan 1904 + 1 Feb 1904]
On 22nd June at the residence of her daughter, Mrs C B Turner, Stanley Bay, Auckland, Eleanor, relict of the late Henry Clarence Hoyte, Tauranga, in her 84th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7435, 23 June 1920, Page 2] The death is announced as having taken place at Auckland, on Tuesday last, of Mrs E. Hoyte, relict of the late Mr H C. Hoyte, of Tauranga, and mother of Mr E. N. Hoyte, formerly of Te Puke. [Te Puke Times 25 June 1920, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7435, 23 June 1920, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7437, 25 June 1920, Page 4]
HUDDEN Inspector Emerson has received the following telegram from Constable Cavanagh: - Andrew Hudden, son of Taupiro, aged 8 years, is reported missing since the 12th inst and is supposed to have drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Feb 1891, p2]
HUDSON Opotiki. A fatal accident to the crew of a fishing boat occurred shortly after midday, five young men went out this morning, Ted Rawson, Bob Rawson, Charlie and Albert Hopkins and Frank Hudson, the boat got capsized and the two sons of Captain Hopkins of the Chelmsford and Hudson were drowned. Most heroic efforts were made by J White and several natives. White save the two Rawsons, the bodies of the drowned have not yet been found� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Aug 1891, p2]
HUGGERS Paeroa. A man named Jas Huggers, a miner, was washed from his horse while attempting to cross the Hikutaia River near Crawford�s house this morning and was drowned� [Waikato Argus, Thur 20 May 1897]
HUGHES An inquest was held in the Tauranga Hotel yesterday on the body of Richard Hughes who was found dead in his bed that morning. The inquest was held before Captain Tovey JP and the following jury: - Messrs James Horne (foreman), Frederick Foster, W J Allen, Firth Wrigley, William Meehan, John Maxwell, George Thornton, Henry D Cleal, George Bonner, Edward Butt, Wm Washington Smith, Edward Durand, Donald O�Moore and Samuel Kelly�the jury returned the following verdict "Died from heart disease aggravated by excessive drinking". [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 10 Jan 1882, p2 + article 11 Jan 1882 "he was 42 years of age when he died and the only relatives we can hear of are a brother and sister living near Boston, United States".]
HUGHES Paeroa. Hugh Hughes, carter in the employment of William Crimmins, Waihi, was found yesterday morning dead near Owharoa, having evidently fallen over a steep declivity with his wagon and team. Two of his horses were dead and a third badly injured. [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Feb 1891, p2]
HUGHES On March 24, at his residence Edgcumbe Rd, Tauranga, James Hughes, aged 56 years. The funeral will leave his late residence for the new cemetery at 3pm on Sunday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Mar 1899, p2]
HUGHES The remains of the late Mr J H Hughes, who had been one of the oldest residents of the Pongakawa district, were interred in the Te Puke cemetery. Deceased was 78 years of age and leaves a wife and family. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Jun 1906, p2]
HUGHES We regret to record the death of Mrs Hughes, relict of the late Mr J Hughes, which occurred at her residence Pongakawa, on Monday as the result of an affection of the heart. Deceased, who was 59 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 May 1907, p2]
HULME On December 1 1879, at the "Oaks" Tauranga, Earnest Claude, infant son of Charles F Hulme, aged 4 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 2 Dec 1879, p2]
HULME On the 13th inst at Bahia Blanca, Argentine Republic, Athol Robert, second son of Mr C F Hulme of Tauranga and beloved husband of Christian Hulme; aged 34 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Nov 1906, p2 + article]
On September 10, 1911 at the Waipiro Bay Hospital, Mervyn J Hulme, fifth surviving son of Mr and Mrs C F Hulme of Tauranga, aged 29 years. Deeply mourned. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5703, 13 September 1911, Page 4 and Obituary Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5703, 13 September 1911, Page 4]
On July 27, 1918 at his residence First Avenue, Tauranga, Charles F Hulme, late of the Fortieth Regiment, son of the late Colonel W Hulme of the Ninetieth Regiment, beloved husband of Helena Hulme, aged 76 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7045, 29 July 1918, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Captain Charles Francis Hulme, which occurred at his residence, First Avenue, on Saturday afternoon...The late Captain Hulme was born in Norfolk Island, seventy six years ago, being the son of Colonel W Hulme of the Ninetieth Regiment ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7045, 29 July 1918, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7046, 31 July 1918, Page 2]
The body of a man named Hulme, who had been missing from a boarding-house in Tauranga for a little over a week, was found floating in the harbour near Sulphur Point at about 5 o clock on Sunday afternoon. Deceased had been employed at Sedcole, Byrn and Co's garage. On the night of his disappearance he went to bed as usual, but at about 11 o'clock got up, telling his room-mate that he was going to charge a battery. He was not seen again until his body was discovered. Hulme was a returned soldier, and had suffering from shell shock. 1920/9508 Hulme Henry James 24Y [Te Puke Times 6 April 1920, Page 2]
HUME - Hamilton - A terrible accident occurred today which caused the death of the son of James Hume of the Bank of New Zealand. The boy who was aged 5 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Sep 1889, p2]
Mrs Margaret Goodfellow Hume, relict of the late Walter Hume, died at her residence, Consols Street, Waihi on Friday. The deceased was one of the band of New Zealand's earliest setters. She leaves a number of relatives and friends in various parts of the Dominion and more particularly the province of Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5557, 28 September 1910, Page 2]
HUME William Goodfellow, Waihi Hospital, in partnership with R Joughin, Owharoa, blue-metal quarry business, latterly grain & produce merchant - leaves widow and young family. [Auckland Weekly News, 5 Dec 1918] The sad news was received here on Saturday that Mr William Hume, a well known and highly respected resident of Waihi, had died at Waihi as a result of the prevailing malady. The late Mr Hume was a brother of Messrs John and Walter Hume, of Matahui, Katikati and had many friends in this district, who will hear of his death with deep regret. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
HUMPHREYS We regret to announce the death of Mr Thomas Mace Humphreys, solicitor, which took place early yesterday morning, as the result of the second seizure which occurred on Sunday last. He leaves a widow and three young children for whom much sympathy is felt in their sudden bereavement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Jun 1898, p2 + notice and funeral report 3 Jun 1898]
Mr R Humphries, a well known resident of Waihi, and a prominent figure in musical circles, died on Monday night at the comparatively early age of 38 years. 1910/4595 Humphries Robert 38Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5546, 2 September 1910, Page 2]
HUNIA - The Fatality at Rotorua - At the inquest concerning the death of Te Ngai Hunia, who died from injuries received in a Maori row on Monday, the coroner's verdict was that deceased died from fracture of the skull, the result of a fall on the road, that the evidence proves deceased received during a row amongst Maoris that,a push from Tuhawauki Matehaeni caused deceased to fall, but the evidence was that the push was not violent, but was given to get past deceased. The coroner, Mr Kenrick, added that deceased was not sober or the push would not have caused him to fall. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7395, 1 May 1920, Page 3]
HUNKIN Captain R G Hunkin, of the ss Chelmsford died very suddenly at his residence Ponsonby Auckland on Sunday evening� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Feb 1908, p2]
HUNT On September 8, at Te Puke Mines, John Watson Bane Hunt, aged 38 years. The funeral starts from Mr Spooner�s residence Cameron Rd, Tauranga at 2.30pm tomorrow Tuesday September 12 for the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Sep 1899, p2 + article 13 Sep 1899]
HUNTER At his residence Waitangi Nursery, Tauranga, on March 16, Thomas Drummond Hunter, aged 66 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Mar 1901, p2 + obituary]
HUPE The death of a native chief named Hoani Hupe, for many years resident at Matapihi is announced as having occurred on Saturday last�He married a sister-in-law of the late chief Hamiora Tu� [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Nov 1884]
HUREHANA The most noted Chieftess of the Arawas, Hurehana, the wife of Te Rarahu Keharoa, died at Maketu this week, thus plunging her own tribe and others allied thereto, including the wealthy Ngatiraukawa, of Otaki, into grief. The deceased's husband, an old and loyal chief, who fought with the British against the Hauhau rebels, survives her. The tangi will be one of the most extensive held in the Bay of Plenty for some years past and will last some weeks as mourners will come from all parts of the North Island to attend the obsequies. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Aug 1905, p2]
HUTCHINS At Tauranga on July 11, Ruth, beloved wife of George Hutchins and youngest daughter of the late William Spearman Moreton, Essex, England. Hawkes Bay, Auckland and Essex papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Jul 1900, p2 + article same day + 16 Jul 1900]
HYNES Paeroa. A man named Joseph Hynes, a ganger for Messrs Seaver Bros at Marototo dropped dead yesterday morning�The deceased, who was 43 years of age, was well known in the district. [Waikato Argus, Tues 19 Jan 1897]
An old resident of Taneatua, John Joseph Iggo, a painter by occupation, was found dead in his shop on Wednesday last. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6917, 26 September 1917, Page 2]
IHAI Two middle aged native men named Teautawa and Ihai, belonging to the Judea settlement have died within the past few days. The two deceased were brothers and had resided at Judea from youth� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Sep 1909, p2]
IHARAIRA The death occurred at Matapihi on Tuesday last of a native child of high rank named Ratakaripori Iharaira, belonging to the Te Arawa tribe. On Saturday the body was taken to Whakarewarewa for interment. About forty natives from Matapihi also proceeded by car to Whakarewarewa to take part in the obsequies. [Bay of Plenty Times, 16 Sep 1918]
An inquest concerning the death of Taukiwaho Ihaka was held at the Police Station yesterday morning ... the inquest was adjourned until Friday next at 10am. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6716, 19 June 1916, Page 2] The adjourned inquest inquiring into the death of Tauiwaho Ihaka, who died as the result of an accident while working in a cutting at Omanawa ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6722, 26 June 1916, Page 4] The funeral of the late Taukiwaho Ihake will take place at Matapihi tomorrow at 2pm. Luncheon will be provided for all pakeha friends who wish to attend. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6721, 24 June 1916, Page 2] MAORI MONUMENT - Unveiling Ceremony at Matapihi. Fully five hundred people, Maori and Pakeha,visited Matapihi yesterday to witness the unveiling of a monument erected to the memory of the late Taukiwaho Ihaka, who died on June 17th last as the result of injuries received through a fall of earth while working on the new tram line between the Wairoa river and Ake Ake. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Waaka in the presence of many relatives and friends of deceased, who based an eloquent address on 1 Corinthians 10, 4. The monument, which is of concrete, was made by the sons of deceased. It stands about 12 feet high, and bears the following inscription in both English and Maori: �"In loving memory of Taukiwaho Ihaka, born May 24, 1862, Died June l7th, 1916. Aged 54 years. Good to his people and loved by his people. Beloved by his wife and family and relations and tribe." [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6777, 2 October 1916, Page 3]
News of the death from wounds of Lieutenant E A Ingram (Canterbury Battalion), nephew of Constable Skinner of Tauranga, has been received by his parents at Nelson ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6150, 2 August 1915, Page 2]
INSLEY An inquest was held at the Star Hotel on Saturday morning by the coroner Mr E T Price, concerning the death of Parata Insley, the ten year old son of Mr Kapa Insley, who died somewhat suddenly at 3 o�clock on Friday morning at his home in Devonport Road ... [Bay of Plenty Times, 11 Aug 1919]
IRIHAPA A well known native named Te Raeroa Irihapa, belong to the Ngatipotiki tribe died at Mangatawa last week. Deceased was over eighty years of age and was an old age pensioner. A young Maori woman also died at Ohuki, near Matapihi last week. [Bay of Plenty Times, 4 Aug 1913]
IRWIN Quite a gloom was thrown over Katikati and Tauranga on Saturday by a rumour which proved only too true that a terrible mishap had overtaken the newly purchased Katikati fishing boat, Hot or Miss and that her owners Messrs George Vesey Stewart junior and Frank Anderson together with their assistant a man named [Robert] Irwin had all been drowned�Irwin was a resident of Auckland and a professional fisherman and fish curer and also leaves a widow and children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jul 1892, p2 + 27 Jul 1892, + 29 Jul 1892 + 3 Aug 1892 + 8 Aug 1892 + 12 Aug 1892]
JACKSON The sad news of the death of Major Jackson MHR for Waipa by drowning while returning home in the Rotorua from his parliamentary duties will be received by all to whom he was known with feelings of deep regret� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 3 Oct 1889, p2]
On April 1, 1913 at Southend on Sea, Essex, England, Arabella, widow of the late Edward Trotter Jackson, bank manager, Rochford and sister of Edward Daines, Tauranga, aged 87 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5964, 28 May 1913, Page 4]
JANE A native woman named Jane die at Matakana on Wednesday last from typhoid fever. There are at present fifteen cases of typhoid on the island. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Jul 1913]
JARVIE On July 8 1887, at Omapere, Hokianga, accidentally drowned, Alfred, youngest son of the late Jameson Jarvie Esq, aged 26 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Jul 1887, p2 + article]
JARVIS On Saturday morning the sad news of the death of Mrs Jarvis of Te Puke was received in town. Deceased had been in ill health for a considerable time past and leaves a husband and family of young children to mourn her loss. The funeral took place at Te Puke yesterday, the Rev Mr Pattullo officiating and a large gathering of settlers being present. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Aug 1901, p2 + 28 Aug 1901]
JEFFS I have just arrived from Irihanga and Whakamarama, the villages of the Pirirakau which were attacked this morning by the 1st Waikatos and Arawas and carried but, I am sorry to say with loss of life on our part. Both natives and Europeans behaved with great bravery and the Hauhaus displayed immense courage and skill. Killed were Thomas Edward Jordan, Engineer Volunteers, Private Jeffs Opotiki volunteers� [Southern Cross, 20 Feb 1867]
JENKINS On April 3, at his residence Devonport Rd, Tauranga, Thomas Jenkins, aged 55 years, late of Motumaoho, near Morrinsville, of congestion of the lungs. [Waikato Times, Sat 14 Apr 1894 + Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Apr 1894, p4, article]
Admiral Robert Jenkins died at Charlton-hill, Shrewsbury on Wednesday. He was born in 1825, entered the Navy in 1838 and was promoted to be sub-lieutenant in 1844, lieutenant in 1846, commander in 1853, captain in 1857 rear-admiral in 1875 and vice-admiral in 1880, retiring from the service that year ... In 1863-4 he served in the New Zealand war, transported four cargo boats overland from Auckland to the Manukau, plated them with iron and fitted them with 12-pounder Armstrongs and cohorns for service in the Waikato. He commanded the Thames on the Tauranga and Maketu expeditions, and the reserve of the Naval Brigade in the assault on the Gate Pah (New Zealand medal). Admiral Jenkins was made a C.B in 1864. [The Times (London, England), Friday, Aug 24, 1894; pg. 4; Issue 34351]
JENKINS Te Puke. I regret to announce the death of the infant child of Mr and Mrs C Jenkins of Pongakawa, which sad event took place a few days ago. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jun 1901, p2]
On February 16th, at the Auckland Hospital, Annie, dearly beloved daughter of L P and W H Jensen, aged 20 years. So loved, so mourned.
1917/9940 Jensen Annie Christine 20Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68213, 23 February 1917, Page 2]
JEPHSON - Waihi - A boy named Jephson, three years of age was drowned by falling into a stream. [Christchurch Star, 26 Jul 1901, p3]
A well known and highly respected farmer of the Wairoa district named Jan Johansen died suddenly yesterday. An inquest into the circumstances surrounding the death was held by Mr C C Norris, coroner, today. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche Surname JOHANSON Given Names Ian [sic] Year of Death 1913 Record Number 569 Record Type B/R Age 78 Location Tauranga Burials D03.19 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5907, 15 January 1913, Page 2][Inquest Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5908, 17 January 1913, Page 3][Mortuary - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5911, 29 January 1913, Page 2]
JOHNS Frederick, Waihi East, son of Mr Thomas Johns, late manager of the Waihi Extended Mine, Waihi district hospital - leaves a widow and young family. [Auckland Weekly News, 5 Dec 1918]
JOHNSON Private P, 43rd Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
The Waihi correspondent of the Te Aroha News reports the sudden death of Albert Johnson, a Katikati settler, who has been working in the Waihi district for a considerable time past. He was a strong, robust young man, about 23 years old, and was in his usual state of health, as far as it is known, up to last Saturday, but feeling ill he returned to his parents residence at Katikati on Sunday morning. On his arrival home his sickness increased to such an alarming degree that two doctors were telegraphed for from Tauranga, but before the second doctor was able to arrive it was over. The poor fellow breathed his last about 4 o'clock the following morning. The deceased was well known in athletics circles as a first class footballer, and was one of the most powerful young men in the district. [Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7245, 16 June 1892, Page 2]
JOHNSON Yesterday afternoon a sad accident occurred at the Wairoa River by which a lad named Charles Johnson, aged 15, lost his life�Johnson�s family reside in Auckland and the lad himself had been staying at Mr Ormsby�s for some little time past� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Feb 1897, p2 + 10 Feb 1897 + body found and inquest 19 Mar 1897]
JOHNSON It will be learned with sincere regret by his many friends in Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty that Captain A F Johnson, of the Northern SS Company�s steamer Muritai died suddenly on board the steamer about 10 o�clock on Friday morning�leaves a widow and two children to mourn their loss� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Apr 1904, p2]
JOHNSON On February 25, at her residence �Woodland�, Katikati, after a painful illness, Mrs Walter Johnson, aged 27 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 Feb 1910, p2]
The death occurred in Waihi on the 13th inst. of Mrs Elizabeth Johnson, widow of the late Mr Fairfax Johnson, of Tauranga. Deceased, who was born at Tauranga 88 years ago, was the last member of the family, her husband having died over 30 years ago. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6888, 20 July 1917, Page 2]
JOHNSON The death occurred at Coromandel on Monday of Mr Ben B Johnson, an old and much respected resident of the goldfields town. The late Mr Johnson, who was 73 years of age, was born near Belfast, Ireland, and came to NZ in 1862. A few months later he joined Colonel Nixon�s force and took part in seven engagements in the Maori War. Subsequently, he resided in Hawkes Bay for 30 years and then went to Coromandel where he had lived ever since. For many years past he had acted at the Herald�s Coromandel correspondent and agent. A year ago he celebrated his golden wedding. His wife survives him, as do three daughters, Mesdames J Tanner of Tauranga; R Skeet of Napier; and Miss Johnson. [Auckland Weekly News, 2 Aug 1917 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6893, 1 August 1917, Page 2]
JOHNSTON �The cavalry escort (Bay of Plenty Volunteers) under Captain Smith left at Opepe by Colonel St John while he proceeded on a reconnoitring expedition was surprised on the morning of the 8th and 9 men killed�Trooper Charles Johnston� [Southern Cross, 14 Jun 1865, p4]
JOHNSTON At Navua, Fiji, William Walter Harding Johnston, second son of Canon Johnston, aged 25 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 29 Jan 1887, p2 + article]
JOHNSTON The many friends of Canon Johnston will regret to hear of the death of his daughter Florence, from the effects of the severe burns she recently received through her clothes catching fire. She died at noon yesterday and the funeral takes place tomorrow, reaching Tauranga about 3pm. Much sympathy is felt with the parents in their affliction. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Jul 1887, p2 + notice]
JOHNSTON The funeral of the late Mr Fairfax Johnston was to leave the Wairoa at 2pm today. The interment was to take place in the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Jan 1888, p2]
JOHNSTON On Friday last, Emily, eldest daughter of one of our much respected settlers, Mr William Johnston, died at her father�s house, Te Wairoa. She was a fine promising young woman and was engaged and shortly to be married to a settler at Te Puna�some six or eight months ago one of her brothers died of fever and not long before, as will be remembered, her grandfather Mr Fairfax Johnston died of cancer� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thurs 5 Sep 1889 + notice 2 Sep 1889]
JOHNSTON Mr Albert Johnston, son of Mr Noble Johnston of Katikati who died this morning of effusion on the brain following an attack of typhoid fever. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Jun 1892, p2 + notice and article 7 Jun 1892]
JOHNSTON On October 11, in Auckland, after a brief illness of inflammation of lungs, Adela May, youngest child of the Rev Canon Johnston, Hillside, Katikati, aged 16 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Oct 1898, p2 + article]
JOHNSTON Auckland, Tuesday. The death is announced of the Rev Walter Johnston, for many years a resident in the colony. Deceased was the eldest son of Henry George Johnston, Fort Johnston, County Monaghan, Ireland and succeeded to the family property on his father�s death in 1869. In 1878 Canon Johnston came to New Zealand with Mr Vesey Stewart�s second special settlement and took up land in Katikati where he resided for 19 years�age of 77� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 May 1901, p2]
JOHNSTON At her residence 7th Avenue, Eliza, the beloved wife of Noble Johnston, aged 68 years. "Asleep in Jesus". The funeral will start from opposite Mr Crabbe�s store for Katikati at 9 o�clock on Wednesday morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 Apr 1902, p2 + article]
JOHNSTON Yesterday morning somewhat of a sensation was caused by news that Mr Isaac Johnston, an employee of Mr F I Smith, of the Star Hotel, had been found dead at the head of the staircase at an early hour. An inquest was held� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Nov 1902, p2]
JOHNSTON On August 6 1908, at Havelock North, Noble Johnston, our dear father, fell asleep in Jesus; aged 76 years. Deeply mourned. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Aug 1908, p2 + article]
JOHNSTON Thames. The inquest regarding the death of Elsie Johnston, found drowned in the Kaueranga River� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 May 1909, p2]
A youth named Alfred James Johnston died in the Opotiki Hospital on Monday last from lockjaw. It is believed the disease was contracted in the first place by a slight flick on the ear with the lash of a stockwhip which he was using about a fortnight ago. Johnston had tied a string from a manure sack on a whip for a temporary lash. [Te Puke Times 12 December 1919, Page 2]
JOHNSTONE News has been received that Captain Johnstone, a well known settler, shot himself through the heart at Hauroto, Raglan on Thursday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 25 Jul 1882, p2]
JOHNSTONE On April 15, at his late residence Maungawhare, Otumoetai, Harry Bell Johnstone. The funeral will leave his late residence for the new cemetery tomorrow afternoon at 2o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Apr 1894, p2 + article + 18 Apr 1894]
JOHNSTONE Mr Thomas Johnstone, formerly of Waihi, was killed in the Aberdeen colliery, NSW recently. The funeral was the largest ever seen in the district. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Sep 1907, p2]
JOHNSTONE - Opotiki, Dec. 9 - Alfred James Johnstone died in the Opotiki hospital yesterday from lock-jaw, caused in the first place by a slight flick on the ear with the lash of a stock-whip which he was using a fortnight ago. Johnstone had tied a string from an artificial manure sack on his whip for a temporary lash. Deceased was 17 years of age and had been on a local farm for the past two years. His parents reside in Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7288, 9 December 1919, Page 5]
JONES Opotiki. A Melancholy accident occurred here on Wednesday the 9th inst. Two men belonging to the regiment named Edward Mitchel and Charles Jones who were engaged collecting firewood on the beach unfortunately capsized their canoe in the river and were both drowned. The body of Mitchel was recovered; the other has not yet been found. [Southern Cross, Tues 22 Oct 1867]
JONES At Tauranga, on April 20, William Jones, native of North Wales and formerly of Whangaroa, of heart disease and dropsy, aged 80 years. Auckland papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 22 Apr 1879, p2 + article]
JONES At her residence, the Beach, Helen Jones; in her 68th year. The funeral will leave her late residence for the New Cemetery this day at 1pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 8 Jul 1884, p2]
JONES On Thursday 9th inst, at Tauranga, Annie, wife of Thomas Jones, aged 30. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 11 Oct 1884, p2 + article same day + inquest 14 Oct 1884]
JONES A very sad accident occurred on Tuesday to a son of Mr Jones, Topcroft. From what can be gathered the little fellow was missed about 2 o�clock in the afternoon and after a prolonged and fruitless search the attention was attracted by a cup which had been left on the top of a cemented tank beside the house. On lifting the lid the suspicion that he had fallen in whilst going for a drink was only too surely verified� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Feb 1886, p2]
JONES At Topcroft, on 10 June, Emily Robinson, wife of W Jones, aged 39. The funeral will leave Topcroft on Wednesday 13th inst at 2pm sharp. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Jun 1888, p2]
JONES Gisborne, Oct 15. Miss Amy Jones, daughter of the Rev Mr Jones of Waiapu, who was for some time Presbyterian minister at Tauranga, died suddenly at Whatatutu early this morning. Death was from natural causes. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Oct 1890, p2]
JONES On Saturday morning it was reported to the police that Mrs Jones, lately residing in 8th Avenue and who had been missing since Thursday night had been found dead among some briars at the foot of an embankment near her house�the evidence of a native named Manukieki who found the body and the woman�s husband and Mrs Palmer was taken and tended to show the fall was accidental� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Nov 1891, p2]
JONES - Matakana, this day - A distressing accident happened at Takatu point this morning when Mr Jones, who recently purchased the property of the late Mr Martin, and his only daughter were drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Mar 1899, p2]
JONES On Jul 13, Richard Stephen Conway Jones, formerly of North Wales. The funeral will leave his late residence at 3 o�clock (Tuesday) for the new cemetery. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Jul 1903, p2 + obituary]
JONES The death is announced of Mr J W Jones, the well known builder and contractor of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Apr 1906, p2]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr P Jones of Wairakau near Te Aroha, which occurred at Katikati at an early hour on Saturday morning. The late Mr Jones was present at the Tauranga Show on Thursday having ridden across via Thompson's Track. He had a bad heart attack at 1 o'clock on Friday morning. Dr Stuart was summoned and although he advised Mr Jones to stay in Tauranga, the latter decided to leave on his return home later in the day and travelled to Katikati by boat. Early next morning Mr Jones was seized by angina pectoris and succumbed shortly afterwards. Dr Ward of Katikati gave a certificate as to the cause of death and no inquest was held. Mr D Saunders of Waihi took charge of the funeral arrangements and conveyed the body to Te Aroha, via Waihi. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5588, 12 December 1910, Page 2]
The death occurred at the Tauranga Hospital on Friday last of Mr Joseph Jones at the age of seventy-six years. For many years deceased resided at Oropi, but some time ago relinquished farming, owing to failing health. The funeral took place on Saturday, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. A Laybourn. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6919, 1 October 1917, Page 2]
JORDAN I have just arrived from Irihanga and Whakamarama, the villages of the Pirirakau which were attacked this morning by the 1st Waikatos and Arawas and carried but, I am sorry to say with loss of life on our part. Both natives and Europeans behaved with great bravery and the Hauhaus displayed immense courage and skill. Killed were Thomas Edward Jordan, Engineer Volunteers, Private Jeffs Opotiki volunteers� [Southern Cross, 20 Feb 1867]
JORDAN At the Cliff, on Thursday February 14th, Sydney Harry, youngest son of Richard Coles and Kate Mary Jordan, age one year. Auckland and Thames papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 16 Feb 1878, p2]
On October 5th, 1912, at the Vicarage, Tauranga, Charles Jordan B.A, beloved husband of Eleanor Jordan, aged 73 years. The funeral will leave the Vicarage at 2.30pm on Wednesday for Trinity Church where a memorial service will be held after which the cort�ge will leave for the new cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5868, 7 October 1912, Page 4] - Tauranga, 6th Oct - The Rev Canon Jordan BA, for nearly 40 years minister in charge of the Church of England parish here, died on Saturday afternoon, aged 73. He was born in County Kerry, Ireland and educated at Trinity College, Dublin where he graduated in 1866. He was ordained in St Mary�s Cathedral, Tuam, County Galway on 14 July 1867. He arrived in Tauranga 31 Dec 1872 and has resided here ever since. He has been many times Mayor of Tauranga and was also a member of the Tauranga Licensing committee and the Bay of Plenty Hospital and charitable Aid board. He leaves a widow and an adult family — three sons and two daughters. Deceased was held in high esteem throughout the Bay of Plenty. [Evening Post, 7 Oct 1912, p3] Unveiling [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6598, 28 January 1916, Page 5]
On November 3rd at his residence, "The Willows", Devonport Road, Tauranga, William beloved husband of Margaret Jordan, and fifth son of the late James Burt Jordan, Linchhouse, Wauburgh, Wiltshire, England in his 74th year. Home papers please copy. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 5933, 5 November 1917, Page 2]
Word was received by Mrs C Jordan on Saturday announcing that her grandson Corporal Sydney Carroll Jordan of the Rifle Brigade was reported wounded and missing ... He was only twenty-two years of age and was the eldest son of Mr James Jordan, clerk of the court at Napier and grandson of our late highly respected incumbent Rev. Canon Jordan... Corporal Jordan is also a cousin of the famous operatic star, Madame Melba. He was born at Thames ...WW1 Deaths 1914-1921 - JORDAN Sydney Carl
Date 12 Oct 1917 Reference 24/482 Rank Corporal Force NZRB
Fate KIA Place France Relation Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan, of Tauranga, Thames. Cemetery BELGIUM - TYNE COT CEMETERY [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6933, 12 November 1917, Page 2]
On December 20, 1919 at Te Kuiti, Richard Coles Jordan, late of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7300, 22 December 1919, Page 4]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mr Richard Coles Jordan which occurred at Te Kuiti on Saturday last. Deceased was a former resident of Tauranga and had lived here for many years, taking a prominent part in the business and public life of the town. Amongst other positions he held a seat on the Borough Council. The late Mr Jordan is survived by his widow and a grown up family of four sons and three daughters. Mr C H Jordan, of the Loan and Mercantile Agency Company's staff is one of the sons. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7300, 22 December 1919, Page 4]
On December 26th at Hawera Hospital, D B Jordan, son of the late R C Jordan. 1920/10436 Jordan Dudley Barnard 40Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7301, 29 December 1919, Page 4]
A painful shock was caused yesterday morning when it became known that Mr Neil Christian Jorgensen, a well-known and highly respected farmer at Wairoa (Tauranga) met his death as the result of being kicked by a horse ... Kirstine Jorgensen, sister of the deceased said she was in Tauranga on Monday and during her absence the accident occurred... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5560, 5 October 1910, Page 2]
The death occurred at Auckland on Wednesday last of Miss G J Jowett who resided in Tauranga for some time last year. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche
Surname JOWETT Given Names Gertrude Jane Year of Death 1918
Record Type B/R Age 49 Location Mangere B04.22 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6974, 11 February 1918, Page 2]
JOYCE Mr George Joyce, blacksmith, formerly of this town, died at Waihi on Thursday last having been laid up with inflammation of the lungs� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Aug 1897, p2]
The death occurred at Te Matai yesterday of Mr Richard JOYCE, a well-known and highly respected settler. The deceased had been in ill-health for a long time, having been a suiferer from what is known as miner's complaint. He was 42 years of age, and leaves a widow and four children. The funeral takes, leaving the homestead at 12.15, and arriving at the cemetery at 2 o'clock. [Te Puke Times , 9 November 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6538, 12 November 1915, Page 2]
JUDGE - Taneatua - March 18 - A sudden death occurred at Taneatua ealy this morning, when a well-known farmer, Mr W Judge, died of heart failure. The deceased attended a meeting of the local racing club last night, when he was in good health. He was found in a state of collapse in his motor car in the middle of the road near his own farm and died before medical attention could be obtained. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7142, 21 March 1919, Page 3]
An old Maori couple named Tehiriri Tawaha and Pare Kahakaha were burned to death in a whare at Matakana Island on Tuesday night. There is no clue as to the origin of the fire. [Evening Post, 5 Jan 1912, p7 and Inquest - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5753, 8 January 1912, Page 8]
KAHOTEA The grandson of Kupa Haimona, a leading chief of Ngapotiki, of Papamoa, named Amokohi Kahotea, died at Ngapeki on Sunday night after having suffered for a long period from a diseased hip. The grandparents spared no expense in placing the boy under various doctors and in the hospital. As this young chief was highly respected a very large number of relatives and friends will come from all parts of the coast to attend the tangi, which takes place at Papamoa. [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Mar 1911]
The death of Rahera Kahuhiapo, mother of Mrs D Asher and Meretaka Te Aturau took place at her son-in-law�s residence Kupa Harmomoa on Wednesday last� [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5563, 14 October 1910, Page 2]
KAIHAU A number of local natives left for Otaki yesterday to attend the tangi in connection with the death of the noted chief Umu Kaihau. [Bay of Plenty Times, 21 Feb 1916]
KAINGARA �The following were also killed, Kaingara of Ngatimataku, Rotorua� [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, battle of Te Ranga]
Lieutenant Kaipara, son of Pitera Takawheta Kaipara, a prominent chief residing at Matata, has been killed in action. Deceased's renown as a footballer was Dominion-wide. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6899, 17 August 1917, Page 2]
KAIPARA There was a large gathering of Maoris in Matata recently to mourn the loss of Lieut A P Kaipara and Private Nikora Moke (says the Whakatane Press). There were present all close relatives and many representatives of various branches of Te Arawa. These two young men are the first Maoris from Matata who have fallen�Lieut A P Kaipara was born in Matata on 27 January 1887, being a son of Pitara Takawheta Kaipara and a descendant of Mokonuiarangi, the great chief of Te Arawa. He received his education at the Matata Convent and St Patrick�s College, Wellington and at the age of twenty entered the employ of Mr O Ferris, Land Agent, Gisborne, later gaining an interpreter�s license. For many years up to his enlistment at the outbreak of the war, he was with Messrs Kirk, Barnad and Sievwright, solicitors Gisborne. He saw service at Gallipoli and was invalided home in the latter part of last year but returned to the front shortly afterwards and was killed in action in France on August 4th� [Bay of Plenty Times, 14 Sep 1917]
KANAPU Kanapu, one of the principal Arawa chiefs, died at Maketu, on November 25th He was a fighting chief all through life. He was engaged some time fighting the Hauhaus on the West Coast, and has in his time done good service for the Government. A great tangi was held over his remains. [Tauranga Argus, Sat 8 Dec 1866 + article 15 Dec 1866]
KANARA On Friday last the death occurred at Maueka settlement of Ani Kanara, daughter of Eruera Karaka, a chief of the Ngaiterangiwhewhehi tribe. Deceased was married to Te Wehi, a young man formerly belonging to the Judea settlement, Tauranga. The customary tangi was held and a large number of mourners attended from Tauranga and Te Puke districts. The burial took place on Wednesday the service being conducted by the Rev Rameka (Tauranga). [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 2 Oct 1908, p3]
KARA A Maori named Kara was drowned at Whakatane on Tuesday afternoon as the result of a launch overturning while crossing the Whakatane bar. The launch carried two men, Romana and Kara. They were advised not to go out this morning fishing as there was a very heavy swell� [Bay of Plenty Times, 15 Jun 1920]
KARAKA - Rotorua, Wed. - Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
KARAKA The relatives of the late chief, Arama Karaka of Maungatapu who died last week after a long illness, have been kept busy receiving visits of condolence from friends� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Sep 1902, p2 + 3 Oct 1902]
KARANENIA Whakatane, Thurs. A big tangi has been going on here for nearly a week over the death of a native chief named Karanenia of great local consequence and highly connected in Maori descent� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Mar 1892, p2
KARE Hoani Kare, a young native of high rank in the Whanauapaunui, belonging to Whakatane was accidentally killed at Te Kaha on Tuesday last, by falling off a dray and breaking his neck. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Jul 1893, p2]
KAREHE It was reported to Constable Willcocks late on Sunday evening that a Maori girl had succumbed to wounds received from a shooting accident which occurred on Saturday last at Raroa, near Waimana� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Apr 1908, p2]
On December 2nd, at Matapihi, Mary Ann, daughter of Hohaia Karouataka, one of the principal chiefs of Matapihi and niece of the chief Samuel Tu; aged 10 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 6 Dec 1873, p2]
KATARAINA On Christmas day there died at the Native settlement of Otuawahia, near Matapihi, a Maori widow of high rank Kataraina� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Dec 1900, p2]
KAVANAGH Whakatane. Mrs Kavanagh, the wife of our respected constable here, departed this life on Friday morning (29th ult). The funeral at which Father Launazell officiated took place at midday on Saturday and was very largely attended. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 11 Mar 1884, p2]
KAWANA - KILLED AT A FLAXMILL - News of a shocking fatality at Messrs Mends and Co's Paengaroa flaxmill, by which a Maori woman named Sarah PARIKI, wife of Wi KAWANA, a scutcher, lost her life, reached Te Puke yesterday ...[Te Puke Times, Volume II, 10 October 1913, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6023, 13 October 1913, Page 4]
KAWHA Immediately after the great huihui of Ngaiterangi at Whareroa on the occasion of the superintendent�s visit to that hospitable settlement, a young chieftess of the name of Kawha died. She was a person of considerable rank and closely connected with the hapus of Hori Ngatai, Whareroa and Tareha Kiharoa of Maungatapu� [Bay of Plenty Times, 14 Feb 1874]
KEAM - In loving memory of Samuel James (Jim) Keam, 18th reinforcements, killed in action at Messines June 7th, 1919 (sic). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7174, 9 June 1919, Page 2]
KEARSE Mrs Jane Kearse died suddenly of heart failure at Waihi of influenza. [Auckland Weekly News, 26 Dec 1918]
KEEHI On Friday afternoon a middle aged Maori resident of the Wairoa settlement, named Keehi, passed away. She was the wife of Hohepa Tokona, and sister of the well- known native Rahiri, and had been ailing for some time. The customary tangi is being held, and it is expected that the burial will take place tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Jul 1906]
KEEN Rotorua. Charles Keen, aged 22, was drowned in the Lobster Bath, Kairau Reserve at 11 o�clock this morning. Deceased went into the bath accompanied by a companion named Brown and almost immediately sank�arrived here about a week ago on his honeymoon. He was married on the 16th inst and came from Auckland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Apr 1909, p3]
KEESING At Auckland, on 10th inst, Henry Keesing Esq, aged 89 years, grandfather of Mrs Lewis Lee and David Asher. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 15 May 1879, p2]
A man named John Keily, a resident of Te Puke, died at the Tauranga Hospital on Friday. The interment took place on Saturday, the service being conducted by the Rev. Father van't Westeinde. 1917/10258 Keily John 59Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68217, 5 March 1917, Page 2]
KELLY We regret to learn by telegram from Opotiki that Mr Patrick Joseph Kelly, the manager of the Auckland Cattle Company�s Station at Whakatane, was drowned yesterday morning while driving cattle. [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 Apr 1876, p2, notice 3 May 1876, article remains found 24 May 1876, 27 May 1876, + inquest 3 Jun 1876, p3]
KELLY At Opotiki, on the 28th ult, William Richard Stuart, aged 16 months, son of James and Jane Kelly. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 4 May 1880, p2]
KELLY At Tauranga, on 1 September, Charles Allison, son of John and Annie Kelly, aged 3 years. The funeral will leave his father�s residence this day at half past 3 o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 2 Sep 1880, p2]
KELLY Paeroa. The body of W Kelly, who was drowned last week, has been discovered in an advanced stage of decomposition. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 21 Feb 1889, p2]
KELLY We regret exceedingly to have to chronicle the death of Mrs W Kelly, the wife of the Hon William Kelly, so well known in this district. Mr Kelly received an urgent message when down the coast announcing her illness and hurried to Auckland by the Tutanekai on Saturday, arriving at midnight, being just in time to see his wife alive as she passed away at 4am yesterday. Great sympathy will be felt with Mr Kelly and his family in their sudden bereavement. One of the deceased lady�s daughters, Mr R King resides at Maketu and her son William is head clerk in the Crown Prosecutor�s office Auckland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Nov 1899, p2]
KELLY On Tuesday last a sad drowning accident occurred at Ohiwas, wherein Mr J Kelly, brother of Mr G Kelly, coast mailman, lost his life. He was driving a party of ladies from Opotiki to Rotorua� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Jan 1902, p2 + 3 Feb 1902]
KELLY The many friends of Miss K A Kelly will regret to hear of her untimely death which occurred at her mother�s residence Lake Takapuna on Monday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Jul 1906, p2]
KELLY Auckland. The death occurred at Auckland today of the Hon Wm Kelly MLC, in his 67th year. The deceased represented Howick and Opotiki in the Auckland Provincial Council until the abolition of the provinces. He sat in the House of Representatives for a number of years and was called to the Legislative Council in 1897. [West Coast Times, 20 Sep 1907, p4 + Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Sep 1907, p2]
KELLY A well known native, known as Kelly, who had been formerly employed in town as a billiard marker died at Mount Maunganui on Saturday night. Deceased had been suffering from consumption for some months. The customary tangi is now in progress at Matapihi settlement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Sep 1907, p2]
KELLY We regret to record the death of Miss Frances Kelly, fourth daughter of the late Hon. W Kelly, which occurred at Silver Park, Maketu on Thursday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Aug 1908, p2]
The death occurred at Thames last week of Mr Henry Kelly, who served through the Maori war. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6692, 17 May 1916, Page 2]
The little band of Opotiki pioneer settlers has sustained another loss by the death of Mrs John Kelly, which occurred at Opotiki last week after a long illness. Mrs Kelly, who was 83 years of age, arrived in Opotiki with her husband during the troublesome days of 1866. 1916/2805 Kelly Bridget 83Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6776, 29 September 1916, Page 2]
The death occurred at Opotiki on Thursday last of Mrs Kelly, wife of Mr W B Kelly. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6802, 20 December 1916, Page 2]
The death occurred on Sunday at the Auckland Hospital, of Mr Joseph Swinburne Kelly, at the age of 66 years. Deceased was the fifth son of Captain Robert Kelly of the 83rd Regiment and was born at Remuera. He joined the Police Force and was for some time stationed at Devonport. While there he on one occasion jumped from the wharf and rescued an Auckland gentleman who had fallen over, and but for the prompt action of the constable would undoubtedly have been drowned. Later on, Constable Kelly was promoted to sergeant and was stationed at Opunake and Tauranga. He retired a few years ago, and came to St Heliers Bay to reside. Deceased is survived by his widow.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6908, 5 September 1917, Page 2]
At Te Puke on May 14, 1920, Philomena, beloved wife of Michael Kenealy, aged 52 years. The funeral will take place on Sunday next, leaving the residence, No 3 Road at 1.30pm. [Te Puke Times 14 May 1920, Page 2] The funeral of the late Mrs Kenealy, which took place on Sunday, was largely attended by relatives and friends. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. Father van Westeinde. [Te Puke Times 17 May 1920, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7408, 18 May 1920, Page 2]
KENNEDY The public received quite a shock this afternoon when the news spread round that Constable Kennedy of the local police force had died suddenly a little before 3 o�clock�Deceased leaves a widow and five children for whom the deepest sympathy is felt. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Nov 1904, p2 + obituary 23 Nov 1904]
KENNEDY On the 16th inst, at Waihi, Rose Kennedy, aged 69, mother of Mrs C Baker of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Jul 1906, p2]
On November 19, at his late residence, Gate Pa, Denis, beloved husband of Elizabeth Kennedy, in his 84th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6237, 19 November 1914, Page 2] Mr Denis Kennedy aged 84, a Maori war veteran who took part in the Gate Pa engagement and resided there ever since. Deceased was also through the Indian Mutiny and the Crimea War. [Evening Post, 19 Nov 1914, p8] [Obituary + Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6237, 19 November 1914, Page 3] On Friday afternoon the remains of the late Denis Kennedy were interred in the new cemetery in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives of the deceased, military honours being accorded ...
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6240, 23 November 1914, Page 2]
An obituary notice in the Raetihi paper records the death of Mr Christopher Kennedy, formerly of Te Puke� who died of heart failure, after a lengthy period of ill-health. The late Mr Kennedy was 51 years of age, and at the time of his decease was employed on the Public Works. He left a widow and four children, one daughter being an invalid.[Te Puke Times 5 January 1917, Page 2]
On March 30, 1920 at her residence Gate Pa, Elizabeth Kennedy, relict of the late Dennis Kennedy, aged 77 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7373, 30 March 1920, Page 2]
KENRICK - Paeroa - Profound regret is expressed over the entire Ohinemuri goldfield at the sudden news of Mr Kenrick�s demise. The deceased gentleman was looked up to on all sides as the essence of justice and it is generally thought that his place will be hard to fill. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 3 Aug 1886, p2 + article 12 Aug 1886]
KENSINGTON The funeral of the late Mrs O Kensington will take place tomorrow Saturday at 3pm at Oropi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Sep 1897, p2]
KENSINGTON The death is announced at Rotorua of Miss M A Kensington, youngest daughter of Mr W C Kensington, chief draughtsman in the Lands and Survey Office, Auckland. The young lady was at Rotorua for her health and died at Dr Kenny�s residence from cerebral meningitis. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Feb 1900, p2]
On November 30th, 1913 at 'Fernhurst', Oropi, Norreys Jepson, beloved husband of Margaret Kensington and fourth son of the late Charles W Kensington Worton, England in his 57th year. The funeral will leave his late residence for Oropi cemetery at 2.30 pm tomorrow, Tuesday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6043, 1 December 1913, Page 4]
On March 14th at Topcroft, Tauranga, Johnston Alfred, dearly beloved infant son of Mr and Mrs C S Kensington, aged one year and nine months - from convulsions. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6985, 8 March 1918, Page 2] The sympathy of the community will be extended to Mr and Mrs C S Kensington in the loss which they have sustained by the death of their youngest son, Jack, aged about 18 months. The little fellow, who had been indisposed about six or seven weeks ago, was taken suddenly ill on Sunday night and despite everything that could be done for him died on Monday afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6981, 6 March 1918, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs A J Kent, which occurred at her residence, Monmouth Street on Saturday afternoon, at the age of 56 years. Deceased had been in ill-health for about a year... She was born in Berkshire (England) and accompanied her family to New Zealand about six years ago, shortly afterwards settling in Tauranga ...1911/1648 Kent Abigail 56Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5722, 30 October 1911, Page 4]
The Mayor moved at the meeting of the Borough Council last night that this council desires to place on record its profound sorrow at the loss the community has sustained by the death in action, in defence of the liberties of his country, Mr A W Kent ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6487, 14 September 1915, Page 2] The Public Trust Office Act, 1908 (Section 50) - In the estate of Alfred William Kent, of Tauranga,, Assistant Turncock, but at the time of his death serving with the NZEForces in Gallipoli ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6885, 6 July 1917, Page 1]
KER We are sorry to hear of the sad bereavement which has fallen on the family of Mr James Ker of Te Puke in the loss of its youngest member Mr Laurence Ker, who died at Port Said on August 27. He was a young man of great promise and had already distinguished himself at the centres of learning at Home and was expected shortly to join his parents in this colony when complications supervening on a severe attack of influenza led to a fatal termination as above stated. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Oct 1896 + death notice]
KER On August 1 1902, at his residence Kersland Te Puke, the Rev James Ker MA, late of Leicester England and Chirnside, Berwickshire, Scotland, after a long and painful illness borne with Christian fortitude and patience. The funeral will take place at Te Puke on Tuesday at 2 o�clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Aug 1902, p2 + article]
On June 29, 1911, at the residence of her son, Grange Road, Mt Eden, Auckland, Jane Hamilton, widow of the Rev. James Ker M.A., of Te Puke, aged 84 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5673, 5 July 1911, Page 2] Mrs Ker, widow of the Rev. James Ker M.A., formerly of Te Puke, passed away on Thursday last at the residence of her son, Mr J J Ker, Grange Road, Auckland at the ripe age of 84 years. The deceased lady came to New Zealand with her husband in 1890 and for many years resided at Te Puke. After Mr Ker's death, she went to Auckland where she resided with her son. The deceased was of a fine old Scotch type, and was much respected by all who knew her. The interment took place yesterday at Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5673, 5 July 1911, Page 2]
KEREHEI Tamati Kerehei, one of the prophet Himiona�s clergymen died at Takehe last Friday. Many of the Ngatipikiao natives therefore assembled there to hold a tangi over his remains. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Oct 1890, p2]
One of the oldest residents of Motiti Island named Kerekeha, passed away last week� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Oct 1908, p2]
Mohi Kerekeha, a well known Native of Motiti Island was taken suddenly ill on the ss Tasman on Wednesday morning during the voyage of the steamer from Auckland to Tauranga�he died yesterday morning� [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5825, 28 June 1912, Page 4]
KEREOPA - Kereopa, of the Pukerimu surrender celebrity was killed at Te Ranga�Kereopa belonged to the Ngatitipa tribe� [Southern Cross, 30 Jul 1864, p5]
KERIHIKI Rotorua, Tuesday. A Maori named Kerihiki, a relation of Maggie the guide, who resided at Whakarewarewa committed suicide this afternoon by cutting his throat� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Sep 1904, p2]
KERR On September 30, at Gate Pa, Tauranga, Agnes Sophia, widow of the late Rev W F Kerr, aged 81 years. The funeral will leave deceased�s late residence Gate Pa at 3pm tomorrow for the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Oct 1895, p2 + article]
KERR Coromandel, Tuesday. A six roomed house at Port Charles, belonging to a settler named W Kerr was burned to the ground and the owner Kerr was burned to death early this morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Jul 1899, p2]
KERR On Thursday 13 October, at her residence Greerton, Mary, the dearly beloved wife of Howard Kerr. The funeral will leave for the new cemetery at 3 o�clock on Tuesday October 18. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Oct 1904, p2 + article + 17 Oct 1904]
KERR The many local friends of Mr Thomas Kerr, the well known manager of the Wellington Branch of the Mutual Life Association of Australasia will regret to hear of his untimely death, which occurred at Wellington last week� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Mar 1905, p2]
KERR - Death of [Mt] Maunganui resident - An inquest was held in... Auckland on Tuesday on the body of James Kerr which was found floating in the harbour ... He was an engineer but he had lately been working as a ganger at the Tauranga quarries ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5752, 5 January 1912, Page 2]
On March 13th, suddenly, at his late residence, Te Puke, Henry, dearly beloved husband of E. J. Kerr, in his 67th year. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 17 March 1914, Page 3] A familiar figure in our midst, in the person of Mr Henry KERR, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at an early hour this morning. The deceased returned from Auckland on Tuesday last, when, although he complained of not feeling very well, he appeared apparently to be in his normal health... [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 13 March 1914, Page 3 and Te Puke Times, Volume II, 17 March 1914, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6088, 16 March 1914, Page 4]
On September 7th at his residence, Gate Pa, Captain Howard Kerr R.N, aged 81. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6174, 7 September 1914, Page 2]
On May 11th at her late residence, Te Puke, Emma Jane, widow of the late Henry Kerr. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6687, 11 May 1916, Page 3] On Thursday, 11th inst, at her residence, Jocelyn St. Te Puke, E. J. Kerr, relict of the late Mr H. Kerr, aged 70 years. It is with extreme regret that we have to chronicle the death of Mrs Kerr, senr., relict of the late Mr Henry Kerr, who passed away at her residence, Jocelyn Street, on Thursday morning. Death was due to an attack of pleurisy, following upon influenza. The deceased lady was an old resident of Te Puke, having arrived here with her husband some twenty years since. She was universally esteemed, and her demise will be regretted by a large circle of friends. A large family of sons and daughters is left to mourn her loss. The interment takes place on Sunday, at 2 p.m. 1916/4158 Kerr Emma Jane 70Y [Te Puke Times 12 May 1916, Page 2]
Mr James Kerr has received word that his brother John, second son of the late Captain Kerr of Gate Pa, who enlisted at Sydney with the Australian Light Horse was killed about April 19th last. The late Mr Kerr took part in several engagements in Egypt and was reported missing some time ago. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6879, 15 June 1917, Page 2]
Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6879, 15 June 1917, Page 2
It was with the deepest regret that local residents heard on Friday night of the death of Mrs L. Kerr, who passed away at the Cottage Hospital at about 6.30 that evening. The deceased lady was most highly esteemed, and was a favourite with all who knew her. A good wife and good mother, she will be sorely missed by her husband and three children, for whom there is universal sympathy. The funeral took place on Sunday, and was very largely attended, settlers from far and near being present to pay their last respects to the deceased. As the cortege left the house, the Town Band, of which Mr Kerr is a member, played the Dead March. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. Father van Westeinde, and at its close the Band softly and impressively rendered "Abide with Me," after which the concourse of mourners dispersed. 1918/17289 Kerr Mary Jane (Jean) 39Y [Te Puke Times 30 July 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7046, 31 July 1918, Page 2]
KERWIN On the 19th inst, at Tauranga, William Frederick Kerwin, aged 25 years. The funeral will leave his residence, Elizabeth St, this day at 2pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 21 Aug 1884, p2 + inquest same day + article and funeral report 23 Aug 1884]
KIHAROA The death occurred at Maketu last week of Kiharoa, a chief of high rank belonging to the Arawa tribe. Deceased was an uncle of Retreat Tapsell. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5694, 23 August 1911, Page 4]
The death occurred at the Matapihi settlement on Sunday night of Kihirini, a well known chief of the Arawa tribe. Deceased, who was about 65 years of age, was born at Rotoiti and had lived at Matapihi for about half a century. Deceased is survived by a widow and grown up family, included in which are Ronaki and Henry Kissling. The customary tangi is now in progress and is being attended by about four hundred natives. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6513, 14 October 1915, Page 2]
KILBRIDE Mr Jas Kilbride, a resident of Matamata died at 3 o�clock on Sunday morning. His death was the result of a kick from his horse received while returning from a social at Te Aroha on June 20. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Jun 1907, p2]
KILIAN Te Aroha, Monday. An accident occurred at the Waiorongomai Battery on Friday evening which ended fatally on Sunday night. John Bernard Kilian, engaged as a blanket boy at the battery, a son of Mr Kilian of the premier Hotel, Waiorongomai whilst crossing a bridge just behind the battery accidentally fell over and fell a distance of 15 feet, causing a severe concussion of the brain and fracture of the skull from which he died on ?Saturday night. At the inquest today a verdict of accidental death was recorded. The funeral was largely attended. [Waikato Times, Tues 20 May + Thur 22 May 1884]
KILLEN On April 13 at Glenville Katikati, Ellen Orr, beloved wife of John Killen JP, aged 55 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Apr 1901, p2 + article]
An old settler of the Katikati district in the person of Mr John Killen, J.P., died on Monday last at the age of ninety-one years. Deceased was born in Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland, and received a business training in his native town. He then went to Australia, where he spent a few years on the diggings. He subsequently returned to Ireland, where he married and started business in Ballymena, which he carried on till 1878, when he left, accompanied by his family, for New Zealand. After arrival he proceeded to Katikati, where he purchased land and carried on farming operations. Later he engaged in business, which he conducted for some years and then retired to his farm, where he had since resided. Deceased took a keen and intelligent interest in public affairs, and for many years occupied seats on the Tauranga County Council and Katikati Road Board. He was also an elder of the Presbyterian Church. He is survived by a widow and an adult family of four sons and two daughters, nearly all of whom are residing in Australia. One daughter, Mrs Henry Smith, is living in Auckland. The interment took place on Tuesday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7482, 27 August 1920, Page 3]
On July 15, at the Mount, Alfred Edward Thomas, youngest son of John and Isabel Kimber. Aged 18 months. Funeral, Tuesday July 17 at 3pm from Town Wharf. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6886, 16 July 1917, Page 2]
KIMI Kimi, the wife of our leading chief Hori Ngatai died at her residence Whareroa last night after a long illness. This lady is one of the greatest chieftess�s of the Ngaeterangi tribe� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Sep 1904, p2 + 19 Sep 1904 + 12 Oct 1904 + 31 Oct 1904]
KING We regret to hear that Mr Robert King JP of Opotiki, expired in private lodgings in Auckland at 5pm yesterday. He had been ill for some time and on the advice of Dr Reid went to Auckland to consult Drs Moir and McKellar. Medical skill however was of little avail, the disease being cancer of the stomach. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Sep 1893, p2]
KING Albert King, aged 11 years, son of our respected townsman Mr Jas King died at his parent�s residence about 3 o�clock this afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Nov 1897, p2 + notice 1 Dec 1897 + funeral report 3 Dec 1897 + 6 Dec 1897]
KING We regret to learn that news was received yesterday that Mrs [Hannah] King, who was taken to Auckland last week for medical attention had died. Mr King left overland yesterday for Auckland directly after the news was received. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 May 1900, p2 + notice 21 May 1900]
KING On October 18 1901, at the Hamilton Hospital, James King of Tauranga, in his 61st year. Home papers please copy. The funeral will leave his residence Durham St at 3pm on Wednesday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Oct 1901, p2 + article + obituary 23 Oct 1901] Just as we went to press on Friday afternoon the sad news was received by Mr J King's relatives of his death in the hospital at Hamilton, where deceased had been under treatment for some time. The body will be brought here for burial and the funeral will take place on Wednesday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 4215, 21 October 1901, Page 2]
KING Our many readers will regret to hear of the death of Mr Charles KING, senr,, at 11,30 this morning. The deceased, who was a native of Dunoon, Argyleshire, Scotland, was of an advanced age, and had been failing for some considerable time, and his demise was not unexpected. Prior to coming to Te Puke, the late Mr King had resided in Auckland for a number of years. He was a most genial and kindly old gentleman, with a cheery word for all, and he will be missed by many. He leaves one son, Mr Robert King, of Te Puke, and two daughters, Mrs Jamieson, of Te Puke, and Mrs Downey, of Auckland. The interment will take place at Auckland. 1913/8351 King Charles 84Y [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 18 November 1913, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6038, 19 November 1913, Page 4]
On January 15, at Haupapa Street, Rotorua, Jeanie, dearly beloved wife of Robert King, Te Puke, aged 52 years. Interment at Auckland on Thursday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6817, 17 January 1917, Page 2] At "Whareora" Haupapa Street, Rotorua, on the 15th, inst., Jeanie, the dearly-beloved wife of Robert King, Te Puke, aged 52. Interment at Auckland, Thursday. [Te Puke Times, 16 January 1917, Page 2] OBITUARY.
It is with extreme regret that we have to record the death of Mrs Robert King, a lady widely known throughout the Bay of Plenty district. The deceased was a daughter of the late Hon. W. Kelly, at one time a member of the Legislative Council. She was born in Auckland where she lived for some years, afterwards residing in Rotorua, Opotiki, and Te Puke. For a considerable time past she had been a great sufferer, and had been under medical treatment at Rotorua, where she passed away on Monday last. Her death was not unexpected. She leaves a family of two, a son and a daughter, with whom, as with Mr King, much sympathy will be felt. The interment takes place at Auckland on Thursday. [Te Puke Times , 16 January 1917, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6817, 17 January 1917, Page 2]
Still another lad, well known locally, has laid down his life for King and country. We refer to Private Len King, a nephew of Messrs L. and H. B. Bayliss, whose death occurred at the front on October 25th. The deceased soldier spent some time in Te Puke, where he was very popular, being a bright, cheery young fellow. He was well-known on the running track and in hockey and football circles. Much sympathy will be felt with his relatives in their affliction. [Te Puke Times 13 November 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6938, 16 November 1917, Page 2] ]
At about 7 o'clock on Saturday evening, Mr Edward KING, assistant clerk to the Magistrate's Court lost his life through accidentally stepping in the dark, into a steamhole in the native reserve at Whakarewarewa ...
[Te Puke Times 13 July 1920, Page 3]
KINGI Hori Kingi, a native youth aged 15 years, died at Maungatapu on Sunday last. The deceased was the son of Taneha, chief of Maungatapu and grandson of the great chief Tapari, one of the Europeans most loyal friends� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Oct 1872, p3 + death notice Sat 2 Nov 1872]
KINGI Wi Hori Kingi, who by descent is claimed to have been one of the most "blue-blooded" chieftains in the North Island, died at Tolaga Bay this week, his age being between 80 and 90. He was regarded as a real aristocrat of the Maori race. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Jul 1907]
KINGI A returned native soldier named Mahiti Kingi died at Motiti Island on Monday. Deceased was about twenty five years of age and was married to a daughter of Tewhiu of Motiti. The customary tangi will be held and will be attended by a large number of natives from Whakatane. [Bay of Plenty Times, 24 Nov 1920]
A number of Rotorua natives attended the tangi at Hairini in connection with the death of the woman Kinikini. Before returning home the visitors intend paying their respects to friends at Judea and Matakana. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6114, 18 May 1914, Page 4]
KINSLEY On April 8, at his residence Sixth Avenue, Joseph Kinsley, formerly of Dublin, aged 72 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Apr 1898, p2 + obit, ex 1st Waikato Regiment]
KIRI One of the Native old age pensioners died on Friday at Matakana after a very brief illness, a chieftess of high rank named Kiri, widow of the late loyal chief Te Kuka� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Jan 1900, p2]
The Maori woman, Mrs Paul Kirikau, who was removed to the hospital from the Waitao district on Friday last, suffering from influenza, died at the institution at 10 o'clock last night. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7134, 3 March 1919, Page 3]
KIRIWAI A tangi was in progress last week at Matapihi over the remains of a Maori woman, the wife of Kiriwai, a native of that settlement� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Feb 1902, p2]
KIRK Elizabeth, died 23 March 1883, at Tauranga, 12 years, daughter of Robert Kirk, butcher and Ann Kirk, formerly Sheppard, born Tauranga, cause of death diphtheria. [RG 1883]
KIRK It is with regret that we record the death of Charlie Kirk aged about 30 years, second son of Mr Robert Kirk, who departed this life at his uncle�s place at Te Ngae on Tuesday last. He was a young man of great promise and most of his life had been spent in Tauranga although up till a couple of year ago he travelled a good deal in Australia and America. The cause of death was congestion of the lungs. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jul 1898, p2]
The death is announced of Mr F W Leonard Kirk, solicitor of Opotiki, after a long illness. The deceased was 43 years of age. He was the youngest son of the Rev. William Kirk, the well known Wesleyan missionary who still survives at Petone and brother of Mr R C Kirk, solicitor of Wellington... Births - 1867/16961 Kirk Frederick William Leonard Mother - Emma Father - William [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5557, 28 September 1910, Page 2]
KIRK On 24 February 1918, died of illness at Tidworth Military Hospital, England, Private Harry Wensly Kirk, 30th Reinforcements, youngest son of Henry & Annie Kirk, Papatoetoe, late of Tauranga; aged 28. [Auckland Weekly News, 28 Mar 1918] Died of illness on February 24th, 1918 in Tidworth Military Hospital, England, Pte Harry Wensley Kirk, 30th Reinforcement, aged 28 years, youngest son of Henry and Annie Kirk, Papatoetoe, late of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6981, 6 March 1918, Page 2]
KIRKBRIDE A Press Association wire received today announces the death of Mr M M Kirkbride MHR, for Manukau from meningitis� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Nov 1906, p2]
KISSLING The death occurred at Matapihi yesterday of the well known native Ronaki Kissling, who succumbed to an attack of influenza. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2]
KISSLING Mrs Kissling, wife of Ronaki Kissling (who died last week) has also died at Matapihi. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Nov 1918]
KITCHEN On Wednesday 17, at the residence of her son-in-law Mr Thomas Somerville, Durham St, Tauranga, Elizabeth Kitchen, aged 85. The funeral will leave Mr Somerville�s residence today at 4pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 18 Dec 1884, p2]
KLAUS A fatal accident occurred at Katikati on Saturday afternoon. It appears that three young men were out on a fishing and shooting expedition when one of the occupants, a youth named Klaus, aged about 18�The deceased is the second son of Mr John Klaus, butcher of Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 mar 1904, p2 + 30 Mar 1904]
Private H A Knight, whose name appeared in the Otago list of killed last week, was the third son of Mr H D Knight, of Waihi, proprietor of the Tamaki sawmills. The deceased was only 19 years of age, and was working for his father at Waihi, having left to join the New Zealand forces. Another son is still fighting for the flag, at the Dardanelles. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6419, 25 June 1915, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs Knowles, wife of Mr H Knowles, Durham Street, which occurred on Wednesday evening at the age of 68 years. The interment took place on Friday, the last rites of the Church of England being performed at the graveside by the Rev. Canon Jordan. Source NZSG Cemetery Fiche Surname KNOWLES Given Names R
Year of Death 1911 Record Number N/R Record Type B/R Age 68
Location Tauranga Burial Records D03.23 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5616, 20 February 1911, Page 2]
KNOX Margaret, died 6 Apr 1920, at Te Aroha, aged 54 years, married. Cause of death valvular heart disease, cardiac failure. Daughter of James Bond, blacksmith and Elizabeth Bond, formerly Rental. Born Papakura. Married (1) at age 19 to James Foote in Huntly (2) at age 22 to Thomas Knox in Hamilton. Male issue living aged 34, 30, 28, 26, 16 and 14, female issue aged 24 and 10. [RG1920]
KOHU A batch of natives is expected at Huria (Judea) today. They are delegates appointed to represent the Maoris of the Thames and Coromandel to pay respect to Hikuai Kohu who died about three weeks ago. The deceased chieftainess was the mother of Nepia Kohu, and the second daughter of Paraone Koikoi, rebel chief Ngatiranginui. Immediately after the battle of Te Ranga Mr George Davoren, an old resident of this town, was despatched by the authorities to go to the bush and bring Paraone Koikoi down to witness the confiscation of his land from the town of Tauranga to Mangorewa, some fifty odd thousand acres. After the confiscation the Missionaries undertook to educate Koikoi�s children, one of whom was the late Mrs David Hall. [Bay of Plenty Times, 14 Sep 1920]
KOIKOI - THE TAIRUA MURDER ... the native Petera Koikoi was a comparatively young man when he was killed and lately resided at a place called Tairua ... [Thames Advertiser, Volume IX, Issue 2291, 2 March 1876, Page 3 and New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4446, 12 February 1876, Page 2]
Lieutenant Tango Kokiri, who died at sea on April 21 of appendicitis, was prior to his enlisting, one of the staff of the Native Land Court at Auckland. He had considerable territorial experience having been QMS of one of the companies of the 6th (Hauraki)Regiment. Being of a particularly bright a genial disposition, he made many friends, both in and out business and his death will be wildly regretted. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6875, 6 June 1917, Page 2 - see also NZ Herald 31 May 1917]
KOROWHITI - Ohinemutu last night - Hira Korowhiti, an elderly chief of good family, died on Wednesday morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 18 Aug 1877, p2]
Word was received here yesterday from Ross, Westland announcing the death of Mrs Krakosky, wife of Mr A Karkosky. Deceased resided for some time in Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5946, 16 April 1913, Page 2]
It is great regret we have to record the death at Cambridge, Waikato of Mr John Kuhn which occurred on Friday last. Mr Kuhn had been for some little time in the employ of Mr C T Milner, of this town, and having been in somewhat indifferent health of late, left Tauranga for a short holiday only a week before his sudden and untimely end. During his residence in Tauranga, the late Mr Kuhn made many friends who will extend their heartfelt sympathy to his widow and only child in the great loss which they have sustained. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5751, 3 January 1912, Page 4]
Takahi Kura, eldest daughter of Reweti Ngatai (eldest son of Hori Ngatai of Whareroa) and wife of Tamahau Paama, also a young chief of Ngaiterangi) died at Te Teko, near Whakatane on Saturday where she was on a visit to her relatives for the benefit of her health. Deceased had been ailing for some time past. The body will be conveyed to Tauranga to deceased's late residence at Whareroa. Many visitors and relatives from all parts of the Dominion are expected to attend the tangi, which will be held on rather an extensive scale as deceased's whakapapa (genealogy) is of first rank. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5643, 26 April 1911, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5647, 5 May 1911, Page 2]
KUSABS The death is announced of Mrs Kusabs, wife of Mr A E Kusabs of Rotorua which took place at Waikato hospital at an early hour on Tuesday morning. The deceased lady (who was the eldest daughter of Mr R D Dansey, for many years postmaster at Rotorua, but now of Ashburton)� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Jun 1906, p2]
LA ROCHE While in Tauranga, Mr W La Roche, second engineer of the Ngatiawa received word of the death of his infant son in Auckland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Aug 1908, p2]
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs J G Lacey which occurred last night. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss a husband and a family of five young children, for who the greatest sympathy will be felt in their irreparable loss. 1919/3759 Lacey Frances Edith 39Y[Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7184, 30 June 1919, Page 2]
LAIDLEY Another sudden calamity has shed a gloom in our midst in the death by drowning of a fine young man belonging to the Armed Constabulary named Albert Laidley�an inquest will be held this morning at 10 o�clock at the Victoria Hotel. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Sep 1872, p3 +inquest Wed 18 Sep 1872]
LAKE On the 9th inst, at her residence Quarter-acres, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr William H Lake, aged 31 years. Requiescat in pace. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Jul 1876, p2]
LAKE On April 9th, at her late home, No 3 Rd, Te Puke, Georgina Lake, beloved wife of William Lake, farmer, aged 40 years. Not lost but gone before. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Apr 1892, + same notice 16 Apr 1892 + note 11 Apr 1892]
At Te Puke, on Monday, November 12th, 1917, Frank Lake, aged 84 years.
The death occurred at Oxford Street, Te Puke, on Monday evening of Mr Frank Lake, at the advanced age of 84 years. The deceased was a very old identity of this district, and was a bricklayer by trade. He was an uncle of Mrs Peake, of No. 3 Road.[Te Puke Times, 13 November 1917, Page 2] The late Mr Frank Lake - whose death was announced in Wednesday's issue - was born in Somerset, England in 1833. He left England for the Crimea in the closing days of the war against Russia. After returning to England he proceeded to the Australian Goldfields and made a little money there, which he lost in the failure of the Melbourne Bank. He then left for New Zealand and served through the Maori War for which he had the Military Medal and the New Zealand Cross. He then turned his attention to farming and at one time owned the property now known as Captain Crapp's farm. Omokoroa. After selling the property he went back to work at his trade as a bricklayer and was well known all over the Bay of Plenty and also at Rotorua where he built the original Blue Bath and the Malfroy Geysers. The late Mr Lake was married but his wife predeceased him over forty years ago. He left two nieces and two nephews in New Zealand - Mrs Peake of Te Puke, Mrs Mohr of Gisborne, Mr William Lake of Hamilton and Mr Albert Lake, at present serving with the Expeditionary Force in France. The funeral took place at Te Puke on Wednesday and was attended by several War Veteran friends from Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6937, 14 November 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6938, 16 November 1917, Page 2]
On December 24th, killed in action in France, Sergt-Major Albert E. Lake, of Rotorua, youngest son of William Lake, formerly of Te Puke, aged 35 years. "He gave his life for his country." The late Sergt-Major Lake, whose death is announced in this issue, was the youngest son of Mr William Lake, one of the original settlers on the No. 3 road, and a brother of Mrs Peake. He was born in Te Puke, and educated at the No. 1 School. At the age of nineteen he took part in the South African war, attaining the rank of sergeant. On returning to New Zealand he commenced business at Rotorua as a builder and contractor, which he continued up to the time of his enlistment. He spent six months at Sling Camp as Sergt-Instructor, and, in writing on November 10th, said he was pleased to be leaving for France after spending eighteen months in camps. He was well known throughout the Rotorua district, and in Rotorua itself, where his wife and little daughter reside. [Te Puke Times, 11 January 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6962, 14 January 1918, Page 2]
LALLY At Tauranga, on July 28th, Margaret, the wife of Caleb Lally of Te Puke. Deeply lamented. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 31 Jul 1884, p2]
LALLY It is with regret we record the death of Mrs Caleb Lally of Te Puke, second daughter of Mr Geo. Lemon, of this town, which took place on Wednesday evening last. Mrs Lally had only been married a little over a year and had a bad confinement� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Jul 1898, p2 + notice and article 11 Jul 1898]
LAMB Thames, Thursday. One of the oldest and most respected residents of the Thames, Peter Lamb, of Lamb Bros, timber merchants, passed over to the great majority this afternoon aged 75. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Oct 1903, p2]
LAMB We have to record the death of Mr Henry Lamb, which occurred at Otumoetai on Wednesday as the result of a complication of complaints from which he suffered for the last two years. Deceased had no relatives in the district. He was about 56 years of age and we understand served in the Maori war. The interment took place today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Jul 1909, p2]
On November 7, at his daughter's residence, 7th Avenue, Tauranga, after a short illness, Carl Frederick Landman, beloved father of Mrs J W Tyson, Tauranga and Mrs C B Rowsell, Mt Maunganui. Internment at Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7537, 8 November 1920, Page 2]
LANE Private Charles, 43rd Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
LANGDALE Te Puke. It is my melancholy duty to chronicle the death of Mr F Langdale which sad event took place at his business residence here on Sunday forenoon at 11.30�deceased was a native of Yorkshire, England and at the time of his death was 58 years of age. He came to the colony when about 20 years old and some 30 years ago resided in the Opotiki district�he leaves a wife and five children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Sep 1900, p2 + 21 Sep 1900]
LANGLANDS The officers who fell at Te Papa�Lieutenant Charles John Langlands, became an ensign in the 43rd Regiment on 19th May 1861 and had therefore been hardly three years in the army. He was one of the officers who were found lying dead inside the pa and he met his death like the other gallant men whose names are recorded as having fallen in this truly unfortunate engagement. [Southern Cross, 3 May 1864, p3]
We regret to record the death of Mr Bert Langley, which occurred at Te Puke today as the result of an attack of pneumonia. Deceased was well known in hockey and football circles in Te Puke and prior to taking up his abode there had resided in Tauranga. The late Mr Langley possessed a genial disposition and his numerous acquaintances will regret to hear of his untimely death. 1912/5843 Langley Albert William 22Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5844, 12 August 1912, Page 5]
LARSEN An inquest was held this morning before Capt Tovey, coroner, at the Tauranga Hotel on the body of Mikal Larsen�on Thursday 29 August the police were informed that a seaman named Mikal Larsen had been lost overboard in the harbour from the cutter Eleanor between the Town and Victoria wharves.. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Sep 1895, p2 + 13 Sep 1895]
The news of the death of Mrs H N Latimer in Auckland has been received with deep regret by the older members of the Katikati settlers. She was one of the sturdy band of pioneer settlers. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6958, 4 January 1918, Page 2]
LAUNAZEL The Rev Father Launazel, who for some years has been stationed in Opotiki, died, we regret to learn, last week in Auckland, whither he had gone to seek further medical aid. The deceased gentleman had suffered for a long period from an internal complaint, borne uncomplainly. He was looked upon with respect by all and will be much missed down the coast. [Bay of Plenty Times, wed 11 May 1898, p2]
LAW A child of Mr F Law died at Whangamata yesterday and is to be brought to Tauranga by the Waitangi for burial. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Jun 1898, p2]
At the Te Puke Hospital, on November 29th, 1918, Eliza Jane, dearly beloved wife Of Charles Harold Lawn, aged 27 years. The funeral will leave the Catholic Church for the Te Puke Cemetery at 2 p.m. to-morrow (Saturday).[Te Puke Times 29 November 1918, Page 2]
The death of Mr W Lawrence, an old and prominent resident of Whakatane occurred on Tuesday last. Mr Lawrence was born in Opotiki and in 1896 came to the Whakatane district where he had carried on business. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7504, 25 September 1920, Page 2]
LAWRY The Rev Lawry, a well known Methodist minister died at Auckland yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 May 1906, p2]
LAWSON �The cavalry escort (Bay of Plenty Volunteers) under Captain Smith left at Opepe by Colonel St John while he proceeded on a reconnoitring expedition was surprised on the morning of the 8th and 9 men killed�Ernest Lawson, subaltern of Militia� [Southern Cross, 14 Jun 1865, p4]
LEA On August 15, at her residence Greerton, Sarah, wife of Mr Edwin Lea, aged 60. The funeral will leave her late residence this afternoon at 2 o�clock for the new cemetery. Friends are requested to accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 17 Aug 1882, p2]
LEA On the 12th inst, at his residence Greerton, Edwin Lea. The funeral will leave his late residence at 2.30pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Sep 1882, p2 + article 1st WR + Lodge notice + funeral report 15 Sep 1882]
LEANING On June 11, at her daughter�s residence Spring St, Tauranga, Jane Leaning, relict of the late John Leaning of Auckland and dearly beloved mother of Mrs Haigh of Tauranga; aged 76. The funeral will leave Mrs Haigh�s residence for the new cemetery at 2.30pm on Wednesday 13th inst. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Jun 1888, p2]
LECHNER A few of the friends of the late Mr T Lechner are endeavouring to raise a sum to put a tombstone over his grave in Rotorua� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Jun 1888, p2]
LEE On Saturday June 11, at her late residence Auckland, Rosetta, relict of the late Lewis Lee and first daughter of Asher Asher of Tauranga, aged 44. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Jun 1892, p2]
LEE It is with regret that we have to record the death of Mr Joseph Lee, aged 22, who departed this life at Te Puke last evening, the immediate cause of death being inflammation of the bowels. Deceased came to this district about 3 years ago as manager for Mr Speight�s farm� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Aug 1897, p2]
LEE We regret to learn that Mr Guy C Lee, who has been residing in this town for the past three years or so died at 3am yesterday in a private hospital in Auckland from peritonitis. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Oct 1903, p2]
Tauranga. A man named E E Lee was thrown from a milk cart at Papamoa yesterday and killed. A verdict of accidental death was returned. [Evening Post, 8 Apr 1913, p8] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr Edward Ernest Lee which occurred at Papamoa on Monday morning as the result of an accident, details of which are given below. Deceased was born in Tauranga and was only twenty six years of age, being the youngest son of the late Mr Louis Lee who was engaged in business in this town for many years ... 1913/1585 Lee Edward Ernest 26Y[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5943, 9 April 1913, Page 3]
LEECE The Lieut. Leece who met with a soldier�s death in South Africa a few days ago was brother to Mrs Hayward of Opotiki� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 Sep 1901, p2]
LEECH On the 23rd inst, at Tauranga, Margaret Elizabeth, the wife of William Asdell Leech, and younger daughter of the late Thomas and Margaret Crawford Gill. IJohn v13. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Feb 1903, p2 + article + 4 Mar 1903]
On Wednesday, May 26 1920 at his residence, Spring Street, Tauranga, NZ, William Ansdell Leech, eldest son of the late Charles Leech M.A (Trinty College, Dublin), Q.C, of 'Hermitage', County Sligo and Dublin, Ireland in his 79th year. We regret to chronicle the death of an old resident of this district in the person of Mr William Ansdell Leech which occurred at his residence, Spring Street, yesterday afternoon in his seventy-ninth year...The late Mr Leech was born in Dublin, being the eldest son of the late Mr Charles Leech, M.A and Q.C...came out to New Zealand in 1879 arriving in Tauranga the following year ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7416, 27 May 1920, Page 2]
In Memorium (sic) - In loving memory of our little darling Sydney Esme Adelaide, who departed this life on April 9th, 1913 (verse) Inserted by her loving parents, sisters and brothers. In sad and loving memory of our dear cousins, Sydney Esme Adelaide who departed this life on April 9th, 1913 (verse) Inserted by her loving cousins Zaidee (Tui) Livick-Asher, France and Maureen Hartnett. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6354, 9 April 1915, Page 2]
At Manoeka, on July 24th, Marion Joan, only daughter of Mr and, Mrs D. A. Lees, aged three years. [Te Puke Times 27 July 1917, Page 2]
On 24th January 1863 at the residence of Mr Spencer von Sturmer, Pata Pata, Coromandel, after a protracted illness, Charles Frederick Leggett Esq, late of Opotiki, Bay of Plenty, aged 51 years. Sydney papers please copy. [New Zealander, 28 Jan 1863]
Residents of Tauranga will regret to hear of the death of Mrs Le Grice, wife of Mr Le Grice of Rotorua, which took place in the Waikato Hospital last week. Mrs Le Grice was a daughter of Mrs Murray, wife of the late Sergeant Murray, who had charge of the Tauranga police station for some time. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5783, 18 March 1912, Page 4]
LEIGH William, HMS Esk, stoker. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
LEMON On July 19, George Lemon, aged 75 years. The funeral will leave his late residence Hamilton St, on Friday 21st at 2pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Jul 1899, p2 + obituary]
LEMON On August 31, John, second son of the late George and Katherine Lemon, aged 50 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Sep 1907, p2]
LEMON It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs T P Lemon, of Te Puke, which occurred at her residence on Saturday last�Deceased leaves to mourn her loss a husband and one daughter, 6 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Nov 1907, p2 + notice 9 Dec 1907]
On January 23rd, 1918 at her residence, Hamilton Street, Catherine Margaret, relict of the late George Lemon, aged 94. The friends of the late Mrs Lemon are invited to attend her funeral, which will leave the Catholic Church tomorrow at 2.30pm for the New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6966, 23 January 1918, Page 2] It is with very much regret that we chronicle the death of one of the oldest settlers in this district, Mrs Margaret Lemon of Tauranga who passed away last Tuesday night at the great age of 94. The deceased lady was born in Dublin in 1824, and was married in New York in 1850. With her husband, the late Mr George Lemon, she arrived in New Zealand in 1866, and settled in Tauranga. Of a family of live sons and three daughters the only survivors are Messrs Geo. Lemon, of Paengaroa, William Lemon, of Omanawa, T. P. Lemon, of Te Puke, and Albert Lemon, of Hamilton. We tender to these gentlemen our sincere sympathy. The funeral took place on Thursday, and was largely attended by mourners from various parts of the district. [Te Puke Times 25 January 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6966, 23 January 1918, Page 3]
On August 29th, 1920 at her residence, No 2 Road, Te Puke, Jane Elizabeth, dearly beloved wife of Thomas P Lemon, aged 53 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7482, 30 August 1920, Page 2] It is with the deepest regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs T. P. LEMON, who passed away at her residence, No, 2 Road, on Sunday morning after a long and trying illness. The deceased lady was born in England, but lived for the greater part of her life in Australia, coming to New Zealand some fifteen years ago. During her residence in Te Puke and until the state of her health precluded her doing, the late Mrs Lemon took an active part in Church work, and a keen interest in all movements of a social nature. She leaves a son and two daughters - Mr Archie Snodgrass and Mrs J. Bennett, of Te Puke, and Mrs Anderson, wife of Major Anderson engineer, now stationed in Mesopotamia. Her eldest son was killed in the war, whilst another daughter, Mrs J. Ellis, died about three vears ago. The funeral took place this afternoon, and was yery largely attended. The Rev. J. W. Chapman conducted an impressive service at the graveside. [Te Puke Times 31 August 1920 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7482, 30 August 1920, Page 3] On August 29th at her residence 'Matatirohia', Te Puke, Jennie, beloved wife of T P Lemon. [Te Puke Times 3 September 1920, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7484, 1 September 1920, Page 2
LESLIE We regret to announce the death of Dr A J Leslie, which took place yesterday morning about 5.30, after a long and painful illness. Deceased was an old resident of this district having been here in the war days� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Feb 1905, p2 + notice]
LEVER On October 23 1907, at his residence Harington St, James Lever, aged 81 years. The funeral will leave his late residence Harington St on Friday afternoon at 2 o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Oct 1907, p2 + obituary + 25 Oct 1907]
On August 29, 1918 at Huia Private Hospital, Auckland, Elizabeth, relict of the late James Lever of Greerton, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7060, 2 September 1918, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs E Lever, relict of the late Mr James Lever, which occurred at Auckland on Thursday last after a long illness. The late Mrs Lever was born in Sussex. She came out to New Zealand with her husband and family in the year 1884 settling at Greerton and with the exception of short periods spent in Auckland, had since resided in the Tauranga district. She is survived by a grown up family of two sons and two daughters. The sons are Mr Graham Lever of Otumoetai and Mr Harold Lever of Papatoetoe and the daughters are Mrs H P Clarke of Te Wairoa and Miss Lever of Auckland. The funeral will leave the residence of Mr G Lever, Otumoetai at 12.30 tomorrow for the new cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7060, 2 September 1918, Page 2]
LEVIS We regret to learn of the death of Mrs Levis, No 3 Road, Te Puke. The deceased lady, who was much esteemed, was interred in Te Puke cemetery today, the Rev A Hopper officiating. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Mar 1909, p2]
LEVRET News was received here today that a man named Edward Levret of Waioeka, Opotiki was found dead by the roadside there yesterday. Dr Reid examined the body and was satisfied that death was due to natural causes and no inquest was therefore deemed to be necessary. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Nov 1901, p2]
LEWIS The Herald correspondent telegraphs that a fatal accident involving the loss of two lives occurred on Friday night in the Talisman Consolidated Co�s mine at Karangahake. The victims were John Chester (married) and Charles Lewis (single)� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Jul 1908, p2]
The accidental death of Mr A C Lewis, a native of Wellington and a member of the New Zealand Bar, is reported in the Fiji papers which arrived by the Vancouver mail this week ... Mr Lewis resided in Tauranga for some years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6028, 24 October 1913, Page 4]
LEWIS - A SOLDIER'S DEATH - Mr J. Dwyer, of Pongakawa, has received the following account of the death in France of Lance Corporal (Robert) LEWIS, who was known in that district... [Te Puke Times 29 December 1916, Page 2]
LEY On January 19, at Kelston, Tauranga, whilst on a visit to his son, William Ley of 154 Westbourne Tce, London, W. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 24 Jan 1889, p2]
LEY We regret to learn that the infant son of Mr W N Ley died early yesterday morning, aged 6 weeks, and was interred this afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Mar 1900, p2]
LIDDELL �It may be recollected that Mr Connelly rescued from drowning, at the risk of his own life, a man named Gellender, who was immersed in the sea at Waipiro, county Waiapu, by the capsizing on the surf of a whaleboat which had come ashore from the ss Australia, then at anchor in the bay. The event took place on 18 September last year and two men named Neilson and Liddell were drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Nov 1892, p2]
We regret to announce that Lance Corporal Charles W A Lilley, second son of Mr and Mrs Lilley of Omanawa Falls, was killed in action on October 1 ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7080, 21 October 1918, Page 2] On October 1, 1918, killed in action in France, Lance-Corporal C W A Lilley, Twenty-second Reinforcements, second son of Mr and Mrs W Lilley, Omanawa Falls, aged 21 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7087, 6 November 1918, Page 2]
LINDERGREN We are sorry to record the death which appears to have taken place somewhat suddenly of Mrs Florence Lindergren of Napier, third daughter of the late Inspector Emerson, at the early age of 25. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Mar 1901, p2]
LINNETT The body of James Linnett has been found in the river at Ngaruawahia. The inquest takes place today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 26 Sep 1889, p2]
LINTON We regret to record the death of Mrs James Linton, which occurred at her residence, Second Avenue, on Saturday last, at the age of 65 years. Deceased had been in delicate health for some time and the end was not altogether unexpected. The late Mrs Linton, who was born in Freemantle, was among the oldest residents of Tauranga, having arrived here in 1865, and previous to that year resided for some time at Tamaki (Auckland). Deceased was thrice married and leaves to mourn their loss a grown up family of four sons and one daughter. The sons are Messrs Andrew and Charles Haua of Tauranga, James Hanna of Opotiki and Arthur Rolfe of Tauranga. The only daughter is Mrs W Parkinson of Opotiki. A surviving brother is Mr V Samson of Feilding� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Mar 1909, p2]
LIPSEY A boy named George Lipsey of Te Aroha was drowned on Tuesday evening while out in a canoe in the river near his father�s house with another boy Waldo Smith�10 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Jan 1892, p2]
LITCHFIELD At Opotiki, on Monday March 19, Charles Brookes Litchfield, the infant son of C D Litchfield, aged 7 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 24 Mar 1877, p2]
In a reference to the late Mrs Litchfield, the East Coast Guardian says deceased was born in London and came to New Zealand in 1859. Nine years later, she married the late Mr C. Litchfield at Tauranga, and proceeded to Whakatane, where they made their first home, Mrs Litchfield being the first white woman to settle in that district. Shortly after erecting their home the settlement was attacked by the Maoris, their home was burned down, and they were forced to leave Whakatane at short notice in a whale boat which brought Mr and Mrs Litchfield to Opotiki where they made their permanent home. During the native trouble in Opotiki, Mrs Litchfield spent several nights in the redoubt which was built round Stephen's Church. She was predeceased by her husband by 3 years and is survived by four sons, five daughters, twenty-eight grand-children and four greatgrand-children. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7209, 2 September 1919, Page 2]
LITTLE Mr Edward Little of Tauranga was found dead in an out-house off the Wesleyan Chapel. Medical examination showed that the death was caused by cold and cramp. When found the deceased was almost perfectly naked. He had apparently, either in a wandering state of mind or while labouring under the effects of alcohol stripped himself under the impression he was going to bed then laid himself down and perished during the last severe frosty night. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Aug 1874, p3]
The death is announced from Sydney of Mr Arthur Livock at the early age of 26 years. Deceased was well known in Tauranga and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5937, 26 March 1913, Page 2]
An inquest was held yesterday before Messrs C C Norris, Acting Coroner and the following jury, Messrs E H White (Foreman), A Shearman, J Torrance and H H McCarthy - into the circumstances surrounding the death of the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs A Lloyd of Omanawa. After hearing the evidence of the father and Dr Stuart the coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6667, 15 April 1916, Page 2]
Richard Redmond Lloyd committed suicide at the Thames this morning. He left his bed about six o'clock complaining of a bad head, and was found an hour later by his son. He was 48 years of age and was Clerk of the Hospital Board. He was much worried over the flood damage to the institution. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6849, 4 April 1917, Page 2]
On July 21st at his parent's residence, Elizabeth Street, Tauranga, John William (Jackie), dearly loved eldest son of May and Private W Lloyd (on active service) aged 8 years and three months. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7012, 22 July 1918, Page 2] Much sympathy will be felt for Private W and Mrs Lloyd in the loss which they have sustained in the death of their eldest child, John William which occurred yesterday. The little fellow has been in ill-health for a long period but nevertheless retained a cheerful spirit to the end. Private Lloyd is serving with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. The funeral will leave the residence of the deceased's mother at 3.30pm tomorrow. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7012, 22 July 1918, Page 2]
Private William Lochhead, whose death it was our sad duty to announce in our last issue, with his brother Norman, volunteered for active service and left New Zealand over two years ago with the Machine Gun Section of the Sixteenth Reinforcements. He saw much fighting in Egypt, the Canal zone and later in Palestine. He was wounded last year, but on recovery rejoined his unit. He was dangerously wounded in the head a month ago and the wound proved fatal. Deceased who was only 23 years of age was well known locally, having occupied positions with the Loan and Mercantile Agency Co, and the Bank of Australasia. Later he was engaged in farming pursuits at Te Puna. He was a keen athlete and attained a popular reputation throughout his reinforcement draft for prowess in all manly exercises. Two of his brothers are still in the firing line. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7014, 17 May 1918, Page 2]
Another young man well-known in this district who has laid down his life for King; and country is Corporal Thomas Lochhead, news of whose death was received from the military authorities on Monday last. The late Corporal Lochead was born in the Canterbury district and accompanied his parents to Te Puna over twenty years ago. After finishing his schooling he assisted his father in farming operations in the Te Puna and Katikati districts and always exhibited a very keen and intelligent interest in all matters affecting his calling. He was a young man of much promise, and his sterling character won for him the esteem of a wide circle of friends. By his death the Te Puna district loses one of its best and moat promising young farmers. He was actively associated with the Tauranga Agricultural and Pastoral Association. Although he led a busy life on the farm he also found time to engage in active recreation. To footballers he was known as a doughty member of the Te Puna team, which took part some years ago in competitions held under the auspices of the Tauranga Rugby Union. He was also a prominent figure at spoils gatherings, having played the pipes on numerous occasions at the local athletic sports and Scottish functions. He and other brothers volunteered for service. One brother, William, made the supreme sacrifice in Palestine some time ago while another, Norman, is still serving with the forces in the Holy Land. The sincerest sympathy will be extended to Mr and Mrs Lochhead and family in the loss of a dutiful son and affectionate brother. The late Corporal -Lochhead's response to his country's call was characteristic of the family, and it must be great consolation to all who mourn his loss to feel that� "He died the noblest death a man may die, Fighting for God, and Right and Liberty." [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7064, 11 September 1918, Page 3]
LOCKHART At the inquest held on the body of Edmund Lockhart who was found dead at Punga Flat, the jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes accelerated by exposure. The evidence went to show that deceased suffered from heart disease and that on the day of his death he was seen under the influence of liquor. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Jun 1887, p2]
Quite a gloom was cast over the community on Saturday afternoon when it became known that Mr Austin Loder, a well known and highly respected resident had been found dead ... [Obituary + Inquest - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5792, 10 April 1912, Page 5]
LOFT Waihi, Tuesday. A terrible mining fatality occurred in the Waihi Company�s mine at twelve last night, resulting in the death of a miner named John Loft, who was working at No 3 level� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Jun 1905, p2]
LOGAN On Thursday last news was received by cable in Auckland announcing the death of Mr J F Logan�brother-in-law of Mr C A Brown, well known in this district as a representative of the firm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Jan 1899, p2]
LOMAS Katikati. I regret very much to state that Mr and Mrs Lomas have lost their youngest child, about 10 months old, by water on the brain. The child not being well, the mother took her up to Tauranga for medical advice where it died and was buried here on Saturday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Sep 1904, p2]
LONDON Sad fatality. The peace celebrations on Saturday morning were unfortunately marred by a serious accident which befell Elmo London, the 14 year old son of Mr John London�The funeral will leave the residence of deceased�s parents, Wrigley St at 3.30 tom. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 July 1919] A very sad accident marred the Peace Celebrations at, Tauranga on Saturday last when a lad of 14 years of age, the son of Mr John London, received severe injuries through his horse falling and rolling on him. The boy was removed to Nurse Chappell's private hospital, where he died on Tuesday afternoon. [Te Puke Times 25 July 1919, Page 3] An inquest concerning the death of Elmo Hutton London, who died on Tuesday, as the result of a riding accident on Saturday last, was held by the coroner ... [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7194, 25 July 1919, Page 3]
LONG The late Constable Long who was the victim of what has been called the Auburn tragedy referred to in a cable message from Sydney on Friday last, was, we learn, a cousin of Sergt Phair of this town� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Apr 1903, p2]
LORAM On May 22 1896, at the Criterion Hotel, Paeroa, after a short and painful illness, George Loram, the beloved son of George Loram; aged 19 years and 9 months. [New Zealand Herald, Tues 26 May 1896]
The death occurred at Auckland on Saturday last of Mr Fitzgibbon Louch, at the age of 84 years. The deceased was well known in Tauranga, having resided here for many years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5669, 26 June 1911, Page 2]
On November 4th 1919, at the Tauranga Hospital, Esma Iris, only beloved child of Martin and Olive Loughnan and dearly loved granddaughter of Mr and Mrs E Plummer, aged two years one month. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7262, 5 November 1919, Page 4]
LOWE A tourist named Edward Lowe, hailing from Napier, Hawkes Bay, died at the Lakes a couple of days ago. His body was being conveyed to Tauranga yesterday but whether for burial here or for further transport to his former place of abode we were not able to ascertain. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Mar 1885, p2]
LOWE Rotorua, this day. The inquest touching the death of Guard Lowe commenced on Monday and concluded yesterday. Dr Lewis said that death would be instantaneous due to injuries received in the railway accident� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Aug 1907, p2]
On Monday, November 24th, at 1 a.m., Olive Jessie, beloved wife of J. W. Lucas, No. 3 Road, Te Pake, The funeral will leave the Presbyterian Church at 2 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday). Friends please accept this intimation. [Te Puke Times 25 November 1919, Page 2]
LUDWIG On December 4, at her husband�s residence Durham St, Tauranga, Elizabeth, the wife of C W Ludwig, aged 51 years. The funeral will leave the house at 2.30pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Dec 1900, p2 + article]
LUNDON On August 28, at Morningside, Otumoetai, Ada Marion, beloved daughter of David and Sarah Lundon; aged 13 years. The funeral will leave her parents� residence on Wednesday August 30 at 2pm. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 29 Aug 1882, p2 + article + funeral report 30 Aug 1882]
LUSCOMBE Paeroa, Thursday. An inquiry was held at Waitekauri last night touching the death of Chas Luscombe at the Waitekauri Gold Mining Co�s mine� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Dec 1899, p2]
LUSH The death is reported of the Ven Archdeacon Lush, formerly of the Thames and recently of the Waikato. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Jul 1882, p2 + 28 Oct 1886]
LYNCH The death occurred at the Tauranga Hospital on Saturday of Mrs Lynch, wife of Mr J Lynch. [Bay of Plenty Times, 25 Nov 1918] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
The many Tauranga friends of Corporal Eric Lyon will be sorry to hear of his death which took place on the field of battle on September 29. The late Corporal Lyon practised as a solicitor in Tauranga for some time. During his stay here he took a keen interest in Anglican church matters and won the esteem of a wide circle of friends. Much sympathy will be felt for his widow, who resides in Wellington. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7080, 21 October 1918, Page 2]