1872 - 1920
M - O
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for extracting many of these. If you have any deaths for this area which are not included and would like to include them please contact me.
MacALISTER Robert, 61 years, died 28 March 1871, Tauranga, clerk Post Office Wellington, cause of death gangrene and atheroma. [RG 1871]
McALISTER At Whakatane, on 6 March, Donald James, son of John and Eliza McAlister, aged 3 years 9 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 20 Mar 1880, p2]
McALISTER This morning on arrival of the Waiotahi it was reported that a passenger had been lost overboard during the passage from Auckland. On enquiry we learned that the missing man was the well known solicitor Mr J P McAlister who had taken passage to Tauranga for the purpose of business. He was a partner in the firm of McAlister and Tole, and a man of about 50 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Jun 1898, p2 + obit 1 Jul 1898]
MACALISTER The drowning accident which occurred at Whakatane Heads on Thursday last�George Macalister, son of Mr John Macalister, an old resident� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Jan 1902, p2 + 17 Jan 1902]
The death occurred at Whakatane on Tuesday last of Mrs McAister, relict of the late Captain Donald McAlister, at the age of 85 years. Deceased resided with her husband in Tauranga during the seventies, and subsequently removed to Whakatane where she had resided for over 30 years. Mr John McAlister of Symonds Street, Auckland is a son of the deceased. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5666, 19 June 1911, Page 2]
On Saturday afternoon an inquest was held a the Magistrate�s Court house Tauranga before Dr Leslie JP on the body of the infant son of an unmarried woman Margaret McArthur also known as Margaret Connor�charge of murder� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Jul 1899, p2]
McARTHUR We are sorry to record the death of Mrs McArthur of Oropi which occurred on Friday evening last, deceased having been confined with twins a few days previously�Much concern is generally felt for the family of the deceased, numbering 13, only 3 or 4 of whom are old enough to do anything in the way of making their own living� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Jul 1900, p2]
McARTHUR News was received in town yesterday that an old resident of Oropi James McArthur, commonly known as James Connor, had died under rather strange circumstances�Deceased was a widower and had several children, some grown up and others away in the Home in Auckland only two or three residing with their father in rather squalid circumstances. Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Dec 1904, p2]
MacAULAY On Saturday 27 June, at her residence Durham St, Tauranga, Margaret Ure, the wife of James MacAulay, late of Ballymena, Ireland and sister of the late James Ure of Belfast, Ireland; aged 70. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 30 Jun 1885, p2]
McAULEY On June 25, at Tauranga, the wife of Mr George McAuley, aged 34 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 27 June 1874 + inquest]
McCALLUM On May 2, at his residence "Glengore" Tauranga, Malcolm McCallum, aged 63� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 May 1907, p2 + article + 6 May 1907]
McCALLUM A drowning accident occurred on Friday in the Piako district by which a man named Robert McCallum, employed on the govt dredge lost his life�The deceased, who was a native of Scotland, had recently sent Home for his wife and two children to rejoin him and they are expected to arrive shortly. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Aug 1909, p2]
McCANDLISH At Seattle, Washington Territory, United States, America, of typhoid, Charles Murray, aged 19, second son of W McCandlish Esq CE, (late of Tauranga). Extract from London "Times" Dec 4 1890. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Feb 1891, p2]
The Thames Star states that Mr and Mrs M McCarthny have received word that their eldest son, Sidney Carlton McCarthny, has died from wounds received in action at the front, at the Base Hospital in France. Mr McCarthny was 21 years old and was well known throughout the Tauranga district, where he was for some time attached to the staff of the Public Works Department ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6765, 4 September 1916, Page 2]
MaCAULEY Mr James MaCauley, formerly of Tauranga, died in Auckland yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Apr 1893, p2]
MaCAULEY We regret to learn of the passing away of the wife of Mr S Ure MaCauley of Mt Eden, Auckland this morning after a long and painful illness. Mr MaCauley was connected with the staff of the local Post and Telegraph Office� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Jul 1909, p2]
We are sorry to hear that Mr J McCauley, formerly of Katikati and father of Mrs Ronalds, Te Puke died at the latter place this morning after ailing for a considerable period; deceased had reached an advanced age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Jun 1900, p2]
It is needless to state that the tragic death of John McCaulay, resulting from the flood damages on the Waihi main road, has caused a feeling of depression and gloom in the settlement. He was at the Road Board opening- ceremony on Friday night, and J came across him on Saturday morning at about 4.30 a.m., when he told me he would soon be starting for Waihi on his usual weekly visit...
[Bay Of Plenty Times 8 June 1910, Page 2]
One of the largest attended funerals which I have had the sad duty of reporting was held at Katikati on Saturday when the remains of the late Mrs John McCaulay were consigned to their final resting place at Te Mania ... 1915/243 McCauley Eliza Jane 64Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6317, 30 March 1915, Page 3]
On January 19, 1915, at Tauranga, John Harris McCaw, beloved husband of Annie E. McCaw, aged 80 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6287, 19 January 1915, Page 2] ... born in Richmond, Virginia and went to Ballarat, Victoria in the early fifties (1850s) ... witnessed the incidents associated with the Eureka Stockade ... joined First Waikato Regiment in Australia in 1864 and proceeded to New Zealand...settled in Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6287, 19 January 1915, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6289, 21 January 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6306, 10 February 1915, Page 2]
We regret to hear of the death, at Hastings, on February 27th, of Mrs W. H. McCaw, a former resident of Te Puke. [Te Puke Times 1 March 1918, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs A M N McCaw, wife of Mr W H McCaw, formerly of Te Puke which occurred at Hastings on Wednesday last after an operation for appendicitis. Deceased was the eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr W J Hunter of Hamilton... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6981, 6 March 1918, Page 2] On February 27th, 1918, at Cranford Private Hospital, Aileen Mary Nolan, dearly beloved wife of William Hugh McCaw, of Hastings, aged 34 years. [Te Puke Times 5 March 1918, Page 2]
McCLERY A Gisborne telegram states that the body of Mrs McClery, wife of a tailor resident here was found on Waikanae Beach on Monday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Aug 1908, p2]
McCLUNG Information was received yesterday that Mr Gilbert McClung, who resided at Katikati, had died somewhat suddenly the previous evening; deceased had however been in weak health for some time. He was about 50 years of age and leaves a widow and five children (two grown up)� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Jun 1897, p2 + notice 18 Jun 1897]
A recent casualty list shows that Private G E McClung, formerly of Katikati, died of wounds on November 5. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2]
McCLURE It is with extreme regret we have to record the death of Mr George McClure�s youngest son, Fred, at the age of 15 years. The lad had been ailing for some months� [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Apr 1903, p2]
McCLURE We regret to record the death of one of Katikati�s most successful farmers in the person of Mr George McClure, which occurred at his residence Aongatete on Saturday last after a brief illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Mar 1907, p2]
McCOLE Paeroa, Tuesday. A horrible accident took place this afternoon in the Crown Mine Karangahake, resulting in the death of two young men, Middleton and McCole�Angus McCole, the other deceased was also a young man and was engaged to be married at Christmas. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 Dec 1903, p2 + 11 Dec 1903]
On June 19th, killed in action, Robert, eldest son of Adam McConnell, Ohauiti. Aged 28 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6885, 6 July 1917, Page 2] A recent casualty list shows that Corporal Robert McConnell, son of Mr A McConnell of Tauranga was killed in action on June 19. Widespread sympathy will be felt for the relatives in their great loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6885, 6 July 1917, Page 2]
McCORMICK Te Puke. I regret to report the death, at the age of 81, of Mr A McCormick of this place. He was born in the north of Ireland and coming out to the colony resided in Canterbury for upwards of 30 years. He leaves a grown up family of four sons and two daughters. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Apr 1905, p23]
We regret to have to record the death of Mrs McCORMICK wife of Mr John McCormick, of No. 3 Road, who passed away at her residence early on Thursday morning. The deceased, who was one of the oldest settlers in Te Puke, had heen ailing for the past 18 months from a heart affection. She was of a most kindly disposition, and will he greatly missed by all who knew her. A family, of three sons and two daughters are left to mourn their loss. The interment took place in the Te Puke cemetery this afternoon, the Rev. J. Hobbs officiating at the graveside. 1914/7393 McCormick Annie Elizabeth 58Y [Te Puke Times, 9 October 1914, Page 2]
McCORMICK (McCORMACK)- Rotorua - April 2 - The child Harry McCormick who was seriously injured during the eruption at Waimangu, died at eight o'clock last night. Mr and Mrs McCormick were dreadfully scalded and were suffering so much that morphia has to be used to relieve them. Mrs McCormick this afternoon was in a very low condition, her husband was stronger ...1917/2167 McCormack William Henry Ernest 5Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6849, 4 April 1917, Page 3]
It is with great regret that we have to report the death of Mr John McCormick, formerly of No. 3 Road, Te Puke, who passed away at the Auckland Hospital at an early hour last Thursday morning, at the age of 66 years. The late Mr McCormick arrived in New Zealand from Ireland when 23 years of age, and was for some time in the grocery trade in Christchurch. While there he married and then came to the North Island and settled in the Bay of Plenty. He was one of the first to take up land at Te Puke, and followed farming pursuits until recently, when he retired from work. He was of a kindly and generous disposition, and ever willing to help those who were in need. His wife predeceased him three and a half yeara ago, He leaves to mourn his loss three sons and two daughters, to whom we expend our sincere sympathy. [Te Puke Times, 7 May 1918, Page 2]
Waihi, Thursday. R McCorquodale, one of the victims of the naphtha accident at Whangamata on the 7th inst died in the hospital last night from the effects of his injuries. Deceased was agent of the Northern SS Co and postmaster at Whangamata. He was 46 years of age and leaves a widow and family� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Nov 1905, p2]
McCOY On August 13 1894, at her residence Cameron Rd, Isabella McCoy (nee Caive) relict of the late Joshua McCoy of Stepbridge, Marilin, Co Down, Ireland and for 35 years a faithful and attached friend of the Rev Canon Johnston�s family. The funeral will leave her late residence at 2.30pm on Wednesday. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Aug 1894, p2 + article]
McCRACKEN - IN MEMORIAM - In fond and loving memory of our dear son and brother, L-Corp. James McCracken (Jim), missing, believed killed, at the Battle of Passchendaele, October 12th, 1917. "Sadly Missed." Inserted by his loving father and mother, sisters and brothers, Te Matai. [Te Puke Times 11 October 1918, Page 3]
On November 17, at Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, of influenza, George Isaac, fifth son of David and Ellen Jane McCracken, aged 25. It is with extreme regret that we have to chronicle the death of Mr George Isaac McCracken, fifth son of Mr and Mrs McCracken, of Te Matai, whose death occurred at the Hamilton Hospital on the 17th inst. The funeral took place at Te Puke today, Mr Keen conducting the burial service.[Te Puke Times 19 November 1918, Page 2] The death occurred at Te Matai on Monday of Mr George McCracken, son of Mr and Mrs J McCracken, after a brief illness. Deceased was farming in the Otamarakau district and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs McCracken in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2]
MACDONALD On April 26, at Auckland, Selina, beloved wife of Dr A Macdonald. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 27 Apr 1880, p2]
McDONALD On 21 October, at Park St, Tauranga, dearly loved wife of Alexander McDonald. The funeral will leave her late residence for the new cemetery at 2.30pm tomorrow. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 22 Oct 1885, p2 + 24 Oct 1885]
McDONALD Opotiki, Sat. Mr McDonald, lessee of the Masonic Hotel, died yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Sep 1893, p2]
McDONALD Thames, Thursday. A telegram states that Ronald McDonald met with a fatal accident when working in the Waihi mine. Deceased was between 65 and 70 years old. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Jan 1900, p2]
On June 7, killed in action, George Alexander MacDonald, eldest son of John MacDonald of Te Puke, late of Stratford and Whangamomona, aged 23 years. He died for his country. Stratford and New Plymouth papers please copy. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 688, 2 July 1917, Page 2]
McDONALD William Donald Stuart - Member of Parliament for Bay of Plenty. Buried Makara Cemetery, Gisborne.[Te Puke Times 3 September 1920, Page 2 and Te Puke Times 3 September 1920, Page 3]
McDONNELL We regret to learn that a son of Mr B McDonnell of Katikati, aged 2� years, has been drowned in the Uretara River. It appears the child was missed on Thursday evening but notwithstanding a most diligent and careful search no trace could be found of the little fellow till his body was discovered yesterday morning in the river at the back of the Hotel. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 19 Feb 1887, p2]
McDONNELL Thames, Thursday. The death is announced this morning of Edward McDonnell, merchant, well known here� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Aug 1901, p2]
McDONNELL On Monday evening shortly after we went to press, news was received here that Mr John McDonnell had passed away that afternoon�He was born in Germany about 34 years ago�Deceased was a son of Mr and Mrs B McDonnell, old and respected settlers of Katikati but lately removed to Tauranga, he married a few years ago, Miss Lawless of Waihi and leaves her with four children, the youngest only a few weeks old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Oct 1901, p2 + 1 Nov 1901 + 6 Nov 1901]
McDONNELL At Tauranga, on July 21, Bernard MacDonnell, aged 79, late of Katikati� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jul 1907, p2 + obituary + 5 Aug 1907]
McDOWELL On March 31 1903, at her parents� residence Cameron Rd, Susan Pretoria, aged 2 years and 11 months, youngest daughter of E & S McDowell. The funeral will leave her parents� residence at 2.30 o�clock tomorrow afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Apr 1903, p2 + article]
Great regret (says the Rotorua Chronicle) has been caused by receipt of news of the tragic death, in Christchurch, of Mrs Agnes McDowell, wife of Mr T. McDowell, who drowned herself while in a state of depression, on Sunday morring. Mrs McDowell, who was 66 years of age, had been in bad health for several years, suffering from an internal malady, and recently she had two attacks of influenza, which were followed by severe depression. She resided with her daughter, Mrs Kent, in Christchurch, and there Mr McDowell visited her last week. Indeed he only returned from Christchurch on Saturday. Her medical attendant Dr. Whetter, recommended her to go through an operation, to which she was at first much averse, but she finally agreed, and Mr McDowell arranged for her to go to the Hospital. Yesterday evening he received a telegram from Dr. Whitter, stating that Mrs McDowell had drowned herself that morning. No particulars of the sad occurrence haye yet been received. Very great sympathy is felt with Mr McDowell and the members of his family over their tragic bereavement. [Te Puke Times 7 March 1919, Page 2]
McEWAN Te Puke. News has reached here of the death of Mrs D J McEwan�s father, Mr and Mrs McEwan are now on a visit to the South Island where Mrs McEwan�s relatives reside. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Feb 1902, p2]
McEWEN At Te Puke, on 9 November, James McEwen, aged 77 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Nov 1900, p2]
On Jluy 3rd, 1913 at this residence, Te Puke, Daniel James McEwen, aged 50 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5980, 4 July 1913, Page 4] Quite a shock was experienced by the community, this morning when it became bruited abroad that Mr D. J. McEwen had passed away suddenly at his residence on Thursday night ...[Te Puke Times 4 July 1913 p3 and Te Puke Times, Volume II, 8 July 1913, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5980, 4 July 1913, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5981, 7 July 1913, Page 4]
MACFARLANE Many here will be sorry to hear of the death of Mr James Macfarlane, a well known merchant of Auckland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 24 Jul 1899, p2]
McGEE On Thursday 10 July, William Archibald McGee, beloved son of William McGee of Te Puke, aged 24 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 July 1890, p4 + article]
McGEE Rotorua. It is with regret that we have to record the death of Mrs McGee, the Koutu, which occurred on Sunday morning last, after rather a brief illness. The deceased was highly esteemed by her friends and sincere sympathy is felt for her bereaved husband and relatives. The funeral took place on Tuesday, the leading residents being present or represented. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 Feb 1891, p2]
McGHIE On February 4 1907, at his residence Te Puke, William McGhie, aged 82 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Feb 1907, p2 + article, ex Lady Jocelyn + 8 Feb 1907]
McGHIE It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs Mary McGhie, youngest daughter of Mrs W McGhie of Te Puke which occurred yesterday after a brief illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Aug 1907, p2]
At No. 2. Road, Te Puke, on Saturday, December 21st, 1918, from influenza, C, H. McGhie, aged 39 years. News of the death of Mr Chas. McGhie will come as a great shock to his many friends. Like many others he was a victim to the disease which has recently ravaged the country, and passed away on Saturday evening last after a brief illness. The funeral took place on Sunday, the Rev. J, W. Chapman conducting the burial service. The late Mr McGhie was extremely well-known throughout the district, and was very highly respected. As a farmer he took a keen interest in the local shows, and was an active member of the A. and P. Association. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. 1918/9762 McGhie Charles Henry 39Y [Te Puke Times 24 December 1918, Page 2]
At No 2 Road, Te Puke on November 27th after a long illness, Anna, third daughter of Mrs H M McGhie and the late William McGhie, formerly of County Down, Ireland aged 47. [Te Puke Times 30 November 1920, Page 2] The death occurred on Saturday last, after a very lengthy illness, of Miss Anna McGhie, the third daughter of Mrs H. M. McGhie, of No. 2 Road, Te Puke, and of the late Mr William McGhie and sister of Mr J. A. McGhie, the well-known farmer. The funeral took place on Monday, attended by a number of old friends and settlers. The Rev. J. W. Chapman conducted the burial service. [Te Puke Times 30 November 1920, Page 2]
We regret to have to announce the death of Mr McGovern, an old settler in this district which took place yesterday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 12 May 1881 + retraction of statement Sat 14 May 1881, p2]
The death took place in Auckland on Monday last of Mr John McGregor, an old veteran of the Maori War, at the age of 78 years. As a member of the Sixty-Eight Regiment he participated in many engagements including that of the Gate Pa and other East Coast fights. The late Mr McGregor was very highly respected and was a well known figure amongst the Empire Veterans in Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5798, 24 April 1912, Page 5]
One Tauranga boy has laid down his life for Queen and Country in the Transvaal viz Trooper McIntosh, son of Mr J McIntosh, for many years residing here as Overseer of Roads for Government. Trooper McIntosh was born and bred here and removed with his parents to Hokitika in 1889. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Jun 1900, p2]
McINTYRE On 26 February, at the residence of her daughter at Rotorua, Mrs McIntyre, native of Dumfries, Scotland, in the 77th year of her age. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 4 Mar 1886, p2]
McIVOR We regret to record the death of Mr Michael McIvor which took place at Mrs Fielding�s boarding house about 10pm on Sunday. The deceased who was a well known carrier in this district has been suffering from consumption for the last year or so� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 28 Dec 1882, p2]
McKAY On November 14, at his residence Park St, (opposite Redoubt), Tauranga, John McKay, aged 71 years. The funeral will leave the house tomorrow (Tuesday) at half past two pm for the new cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Nov 1904, p2 + article]
We regret to record the death of Mrs Mackay, formerly of Taranaki, which occurred on Saturday. The deceased lay had, we understand, attained to over eighty years of age. She leaves an adult family, amongst whom are Mrs C Wallis, Mrs Phillips (Stratford), Mrs Green and Mr W Mackay, a well known settler in the Tauranga county. The late Mrs S Serjeant was also another of Mrs Mackay's daughters. The funeral took place this afternoon, the service of the Presbyterian Church being impressively conducted by the Rev. A C Wedderspoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5885, 18 November 1912, Page 4]
On May 30, 1917, Thomas, beloved infant son of J and M Mackay, aged 14 days. R.I.P. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6872, 30 May 1917, Page 2]
At Cameron Road, beloved infant son of J and M Mackay. Aged 13 months. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7308, 5 May 1920, Page 2]
On September 22nd at the Hospital, Tauranga, Henry McKee, aged 50 years. Cousin of Mrs F Donovan, Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6494, 22 September 1915, Page 2]
The death is reported of Mr W. McKee, who has occupied the position of postmaster at Whakatane for the past seven years. 1916/5905 McKee William 43Y [Te Puke Times, 26 September 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6774, 25 September 1916, Page 2]
At Te Puke, on July 24th, 1920, John McKee, father of Messrs James and W. J. McKee, and of Mrs F. Donovan aged 96 years. [Te Puke Times 27 July 1920, Page 2] The death occurred at the residence of Mr F. Donovan, Te Puke, on Saturday last, of Mr John McKee, a very old settler, who passed away at the great age of 96 years. The deceased waa a native of County Down, Ireland, and arrived in New Zealand nbout 30 years ago, taking up his residence in this district where he lived for the remainder of his life. He is survived by two sons and one daughter - Mr W, J. McKee, of Hamilton, Mr James McKee, formerly of Te Matai, and now visiting the old country, and Mrs F Donovan, of Te Puke, The funeral took place yesterday, Mr Hayman, Presbyterian missionary, officiating at the grave side. [Te Puke Times 27 July 1920, Page 2]
McKELLAR At Wellington, on 12 August, after a short illness, Maria Russell, wife of H S McKellar Esq, Collector of Customs. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Aug 1874, p2]
McKENDRICK Thames. A most distressing fatal accident occurred on the goods wharf a little after midday yesterday. A man John McKendrick�deceased was 44 years of age and leaves a wife and six children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Aug 1904, p2]
McKENZIE It is with extreme regret we have to announce the death of a respected settler, Mr A McKenzie, Katikati. The deceased, with his brother, came to these colonies from the Argentine Republic� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 9 Feb 1886, p2]
McKENZIE From the Glasgow weekly Herald we learn of the death of Captain John McKenzie, formerly master of the ss Katikati, when she was on the trade between the place after which she was named and this port. Captain McKenzie died at Kilmarie, Arran, on the 2nd of June. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 Jul 1898, p2]
McKENZIE On July 20 at Tauranga, George McKenzie, late of Kaponga, New Plymouth. Aged 64 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Jul 1900, p2]
McKENZIE On Monday March 10 1902, the beloved son of J A and L H McKenzie, Tauranga, aged 10 months. Masterton and Hokitika papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Mar 1902, + article]
McKENZIE At Riverlea on Wednesday September 21 1910, Marion Craib, relict of the late George McKenzie, aged 87 years. Interred at Tauranga Cemetery on September 27 1910. [Hawera and Normanby Star, 12 Oct 1910, p4]
At his residence, 8th Avenue, Donald beloved husband of Mary McKenzie. Deeply regretted. Funeral leaves residence, Wednesday at 2.30pm. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6205, 13 October 1914, Page 2] The late Mr Donald McKenzie, whose death occurred at his residence, 8th Avenue, yesterday morning was a native of Rosshire, Scotland. He came to the colony about 45 years ago and took up a farm in the Forty Mile bush, Hawke's Bay, upon which property his son Roderick is now residing. For the last ten years Mr McKenzie has resided in Tauranga, where he was respected by all who knew him. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6205, 13 October 1914, Page 2]
McKEOWN It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs J McKeown (nee Miss Elsie Alexander) which occurred at Waihi on Monday afternoon after a protracted illness�The late Mrs McKeown, who was married about two years ago, was only 25 years of age and leaves a little daughter� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Nov 1909, p2]
McKINLAY On November 12 1918, at the Hospital Annexe, Auckland of influenza, Private William McKinlay, dearly beloved eldest son of J & M McKinlay of Gate Pa, Tauranga, aged 25 years. Interred at Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland. Thy will be done. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Nov 1918] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Private William McKinlay, elder son of Mr and Mrs J McKinlay, of Gate Pa, which occurred at the Auckland Hospital on Tuesday night at the age of twenty five years. Deceased left New Zealand with the Twenty Fourth Reinforcements. He participated in the fighting operations in France and was seriously wounded in both legs and in the left shoulder at the battle of Passchendaele on October 4, 1917... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7090, 15 November 1918, Page 2] In Memoriam - In loving memory of Pvt William McKinlay, 44861, 24th Reinforcements, wounded at Passchendale, October 4th, 1917, died at Hospital Annexe, Auckland, November 11th, 1918 aged 25 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7267, 11 November 1919, Page 4]
McKINNEY At the Union Boarding House, McLean St, on September 19, Robert Hugh, son of Hugh and Jane McKinney, aged 2 years. The funeral will leave his parents� residence at 3pm this day. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur, 21 Sep 1882, p2]
Surgeon-Major-General Sir William Alexander Mackinnon, K.C.B, LL.D, later director-general, Army Medical Department died on Thursday at this residence in Evelyn-gardens, S.W aged 67... He became sanitary officer to the New Zealand Force in November 1863 and held the appointment till April, 1866 when field operation's ceased. In that capacity he served the campaigns in the Waikato, Tauranga and Wanganui districts ... he was present in the action at Rangiawhia, assault of the Gate Pah, Tauranga (mentioned in despatches as C.B) ...[The Times (London, England), Saturday, Oct 30, 1897; pg. 8; Issue 35348.]
McKINNON At Rotorua, after a few day�s illness, Katie, the dearly beloved daughter of Lachlan and Marjory McKinnon; aged 9 months. [Waikato Argus, Tues 8 Mar 1898]
McKINNON Much sympathy will be felt by the many friends of Mr and Mrs McKinnon in the sad loss which has befallen them by the death of their little daughter Ailsa aged about 10 months, which took place this afternoon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Apr 1904, p2]
MACKINTOSH The "Waikato Times" of the 23rd ult, contains a notice of the death of Mrs Mackintosh of Cambridge, mother-in-law of the late Major Clare and grandmother of the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts. The deceased lady had reached the ripe old age of 96. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 2 Oct 1879, p2]
A casualty list received this morning contains information that Rifleman W W McLaren has been killed in action. At the time of his enlistment, Rifleman McLaren was teacher of the Omanawa school and was held in the highest respect by parents and scholars alike, and also by a wide circle of friends in various parts of this district. The greatest sympathy will be extended to his parents, who reside at Lower Kaimai, in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7001, 24 April 1918, Page 2]
MacLENNAN On 22 November, the wife of Rev A MacLennan, of a daughter, still-born. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Nov 1888, p2]
On the 28th June, at the Manse, Mount Pleasant, South Australia, Elizabeth Thornton (Bessie), beloved and only surviving daughter of the Rev. Alexander and Joanna T. MacLennan, and grand-daughter of the late Mr George Galbraith, Tauranga, aged 15 years. Deeply regretted.
[Bay Of Plenty Times 13 July 1910, Page 2]
McLEOD At her residence Maungatahu, Tauranga, on Saturday 13 April 1867, beloved wife of J C McLeod Esq; in her 60th year. Deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. [Tauranga Argus, Sat 20 Apr 1867, p2]
We regret to record the death of Miss Mabel McLeod, only daughter of Mr and Mrs McLeod of Papamoa, which occurred on Tuesday last, at the age of twelve years. The greatest sympathy is expressed with the parents in the great loss which they have sustained. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume 5918, Issue 5918, 7 February 1913, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs W McLeod of Papamoa, which occurred on Thursday last after an illness of some months duration. The interment took place in the Te Puke cemetery on Friday, the service being conducted by Mr A Climie. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5981, 7 July 1913, Page 4] The many friends of Mrs W. McLeod, of Papamoa, will regret to hear of her death, which took place at an early hour on Thursday morning. The deceased lady had been a sufferer for many months from a painful illness, and had borne her sufferings with great fortitude. The interment took place this afternoon, in the Te Puke Cemetery, Mr Angus Climie conducting the funeral service. 1913/4418 McLeod Jean 40Y [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 4 July 1913, Page 2] Mr William McLeod, of Papamoa, in five months lost his daughter, aged 12 years, and his beloved wife. 1913/836 McLeod Mabel Constance 12Y [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 25 July 1913, Page 2]
We regret to chronicle the death of Toi Taipari, well-known locally as Toi McLeod at his residence at Maungatawa, last night at the early age of 36. Deceased who had been ailing for some time was the eldest son of Taipari, one of the most influential chiefs of Ngaiterangi, who wears the Queen's medal or services rendered in many engagements in the Maori wars. He was married to the eldest daughter of Hikurangi, one of the leading chiefs of Ngapotiki and Arawa tribes who survives him. He also leaves a family of four. Toi was held in great respect by his own tribe and by all acquainted with him. He was captain of the Rangataua Football Club for many years, was a highly educated young man, spoke English fluently and acted for many years as the native assessor in the Maori Parliamentary elections. The body is to be conveyed to his father's residence, Mangatapu, where a tangi will be held. It will be one of the largest gathering of natives held in Tauranga for many years, invitation having been issued to all the tribes of Ngaiterangi to attend. Many will also be present from the inland and coastal tribes around Rotorua, Whakatane, Te Puke, Auckalnd and Thames. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6430, 8 July 1915, Page 3] Owing to the death of Mr Toi McLeod the Papaka (rugby) team are unable to play this Saturday. [Te Puke Times 9 July 1915, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6430, 8 July 1915, Page 3] [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6137, 16 July 1915, Page 2]
McLEVER We regret having to record the melancholy death of Mr Archibald McLever who was killed last Wednesday evening at Tapu (Hastings) on the Thames, the bare particulars of their sad occurrence appear in our Auckland telegrams. Mr McLever was a young man in the prime of life about 24 years of age. He till very lately, resided for a considerable time with his uncle Mr MacMillan at Katikati and from his kind and affable disposition was much esteemed by a large circle of friends. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 11 Aug 1877, p2]
McLIVER A woman drowned in the Waihou. Supposed to be Mrs H McLiver. This afternoon the body of a well dressed strongly built woman about 35 years of age was found floating in the Waihou some miles below Te Aroha and now lies at the Palace Hotel. Nothing is known respecting the deceased. The body has apparently been in the water for about three weeks. [Waikato Times, Thur 28 Oct 1886]
McLOUGHLIN At the Commercial Hotel on Tuesday 26th inst, Matilda Wardlaw McLoughlin, aged 30 years, the beloved wife of Charles McLoughlin, Commercial Hotel, Tauranga, late of Banbridge, Ireland. The funeral will leave her late residence at 3pm on Thursday. Friends are invited. Belfast and Derry papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Sep 1882, p2 + article same day + article 28 Sep + 29 Sep 1882]
McMILLAN It is with deep regret we have to record the death of one of the oldest and most respected settlers of this province — Mr Finlay McMillan. The deceased came to New Zealand in 1842 along with the first pioneer ships from Scotland and with the exception of some brief intervals he has resided since that time in the Northern province, the last sixteen years having been spent in this district�as he was becoming weaker it was deemed advisable to remove him to the residence of his sister Mrs Alex Gillen at Grahamstown� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 14 Oct 1879, p2] McMillan � On October 15th, at his sister's residence (Mrs Gillan), Hazlebank Hotel, Grahamstown, Thames, Finlay McMillan, late of Tauranga, aged 60 years. Auckland and Tauranga papers please copy. [Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3445, 14 October 1879, Page 2]
On May 24, at Castle Grace, Katikati, Donald MacMillan, aged 63 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 May 1896, p2]
The Waihi correspondent of the Star telegraphed on Monday: Mr Norman McMillan, who broke his back at Karangahake a few days ago, owing to a fall when coming down the new road under construction by the Ohinemuri County Council and who on Saturday was operated upon at the Waihi Hospital died at this institution this morning. Mr McMillan was about 40 years of age and was a brother to Mr Eric McMillan who was fatally injured at Katikati a month ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Dec 1907, p2]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr R J C [Robert] Macmillan, one the best known and most highly respected residents of Katikati, which occurred at Waihi yesterday. Deceased had been suffering from an internal complaint and proceeded to the Waihi hospital recently to undergo an operation which we understand was performed, but death followed. Deceased, who was a brother of Mr Charles Macmillan, secretary of the Bay of Plenty Co-operative Dairy Association, was in the prime of life, and leaves to mourn their loss a widow and young family, for whom the deepest sympathy is felt in the great and irreparable loss which they have sustained. The internment takes place at Katikati today. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5805, 10 May 1912, Page 5]
McMORRIN We greatly regret to state that the serious accident which befell Mr James McMorrin last Saturday week has led to fatal results, he having died in the Auckland Hospital on Wednesday night. Deceased came to New Zealand, with his family, from Australia about 10 years ago, after having a hard struggle there against the droughts etc. He purchased the cutter Oi and also took up land at Te Puna, on which, after a time, he built a house and settled down with his family. He was known as a straight forward, hard working and genial man, whom to know was to respect, and wide spread sympathy will consequently be felt with his bereaved wife and family in the great sorrow which has so suddenly fallen on them. ... We understand it is the intention of some of the storekeepers on the Strand to close their places of business during the time of the funeral. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Sep 1902 + notice + 8 Sep 1902]
McNAUGHTON On September 29, at �Greenhill�, Tauranga, Elizabeth, dearly beloved wife of John McNaughton, aged 59 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Oct 1900, p2 + article]
McNAUGHTON A painful sensation was caused through the town this morning when the news of the terrible disaster at Waimangu yesterday became known�The Mr McNaughton who was among the killed is believed to be a new settler in the Matata district and a friend of Warbrick�s� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 Aug 1903, p2 + 2 Sep 1903 + 4 Sep 1903]
McNAUGHTON On March 23, at "Green Hill", Vera, dearly beloved infant daughter of Charles and Barbara McNaughton, aged 11 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Mar 1910, p2]
On August 20, at "Green Hill," Tauranga, John McNaughton, in his 74th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times 22 August 1910, Page 2 + obituary]
On March 2nd, 1913 at Mt Pleasant Hospital, Auckland, Elizabeth, elder daughter of the late John and Elizabeth McNaughton, 'The Braes' Tauranga.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5928, 3 March 1913, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Miss E McNaughton, eldest daughter of the late Mr J McNaughton of "The Braes", Tauranga ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5928, 3 March 1913, Page 2]
A Press Association message from Auckland announces the death of Rev R F Macnicol, formerly minister of St James Presbyterian Church. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6332, 12 March 1915, Page 2]
McNICOL The death of Mr John McNicol at Hamilton will be received with deep regret throughout the district� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Apr 1893, p2 + 12 Apr 1893 + 19 Apr 1893 + 21 Apr 1893]
McPARTLAND On the 24th October, Eric Mervyn, youngest son of J H McPartland, Te Puke, aged 9 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Oct 1902, p2]
McPHERSON It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr John McPherson of Matata, who departed this life on Saturday morning the 13th inst at the comparatively early age of 54 years, the cause of his death being bronchitis. In this gentleman�s decease the district has lost a good and enterprising settler and mankind a sterling true and good hearted man.. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Aug 1887, p2 + 17 Aug 1887]
A miner named John McPherson was killed at Waihi late this afternoon. He and a mate, John Gordon, were working in the stopes on the No. 12 Level in No. 4. shaft, and had fired a round of six shots. Deceased was in the act of barring down loose stone from the roof of the stope when another lump came away, striking him on the back of the head and neck. Death was almost instantaneous. [Te Puke Times, 19 October 1917, Page 3] ... Deceased, who was a native of Hillgrove, New South Wales, leaves a widow and six children, and has resided in Waihi for a considerable time. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6927, 20 October 1917, Page 2]
A case of lethargic encephalitis or sleeping sickness, is under treatment at the Tauranga Hospital. The patient is a girl of eleven years of age, who resided at Oropi. [Since the above was in type we regret to hear that the sufferer, Christina MacPherson, has succumbed to the disease.]
1919/50 MacPherson Christina Dorothy 11Y [Te Puke Times 9 September 1919 p2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Christina MacPherson, the eleven-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs MacPherson, of Oropi, who succumbed at the Tauranga Hospital yesterday to an attack of lethargic encephalitis. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7213, 8 September 1919, Page 2]Our Oropi correspondent writes: A gloom was cast over the settlement by the death at the Tauranga Hospital of the second daughter of Mr MacPherson, builder, of Oropi. The school flag was flown half-mast and the school was closed on Monday afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 7215, 10 September 1919, Page 2]
McRAE We regret to hear of the death of Mrs McRae recently residing in Tauranga which took place at Te Puke yesterday. 1900/4006 McRae Margaret 43Y [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Jul 1900, p2 + 13 Jul 1900 + 25 Jul 1900]
At Tauranga, new Zealand on May 17th, 1917 Lewis Couillard, third son of the late William Macrae Esq, and brother of the late George Macrae Q.C, St John's, Montreal, Canada aged 87 years - London papers please copy. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6867, 18 May 1917, Page 2]
Lieutenant Evan O McRoberts, who was killed in action on October 4, leaves a wife and one child. He was born at Tauranga in 1883 and joined the Postal Department in 1900, having served in that Department in Wellington, Christchurch, and Auckland. In 1905 he received the Royal Humane Societys medal and certificate for saving life in Tauranga Harbour. He went into camp early last year and gained his commission. He was wounded last July, but went back to the front, and was killed before his relatives knew he had left the hospital. Lieutenant McRoberts was a member of the Methodist Church, in which he was a much esteemed lay preacher, and for some years was superintendent of the Sunday School at Onehunga. A younger brother of Lieutenant McRoberts was wounded at Messines, but has returned to active service. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6928, 24 October 1917, Page 2]
Mr Wilfred G McRoberts, a former resident of Tauranga, died at Greymouth on the 17th inst. Deceased who was in his 38th year, was a son of Mr and Mrs J McRoberts, of Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7093, 22 November 1918, Page 2]
The death occurred at Te Puia, Waipiro Bay last Wednesday of Mr Charles R U Maberley at the age of 35 years. In his younger days deceased resided in Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5580, 23 November 1910, Page 2]
Word was received here from Auckland yesterday announcing the death of the eldest son of Mr and Mrs R Mackrell, a bright little boy about seven years old. The parents are well known here and much sympathy will be felt for them by their numerous local acquaintances in the great loss they have sustained. 1912/1293 Mackrell Alexander Thomas 6Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5848, 21 August 1912, Page 4]
Mr William H C Mackrell who formerly was a prominent footballer in Auckland, died at his parents residence, George Street, Rocky Nook, Auckland on Sunday last...He was also a member of the "All Black" team that went Home in the following year...In his boyhood days, deceased resided in Tauranga and his school mates in this district will learn of his death with deep regret. 1917/4711 Mackrell William Henry Clifton 36Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6888, 20 July 1917, Page 2]
MADDEN On the 22nd inst at Greerton, Roseanna Alice Cottir, wife of John Madden and niece of Dr Slane of Dungannon, Co Tyrone, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Sep 1882, p2]
MADDEN At the close of last week quite one of the old identities of this place in humble life departed for her long home viz Mrs Rosannah Madden at the ripe age of 80 years. Up to about twelve months ago the old lady was quite able to do her three miles from her home at Gate Pa into town. The funeral was conducted by Mr E Daines yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 May 1899, p2]
MADDEN The Rev Father Madden, who was engaged in the Maori Mission on this coat in the years 1886 to 1895 died at Millhill, London last month, from a severe attack of jaundice� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 2 Jun 1905, p2]
MADDOX A very general feelings of regret was felt on Friday afternoon when news was received in town that an old man named Harry Maddox, groom to Mr A C Lewis, solicitor, had died�69 years of age�in the 65th Regiment; he was also for a time orderly to General Cameron� [Mon 6 May 1901, p2]
MAEHI The Motiti natives are at last settled down to work again after their several weeks of mournful festivities over the death of their chief Wi Maehi and are now picking their maize which they report to be a good crop. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Jul 1900, p2]
MAHEN - Paeroa, Tuesday - James Mahen, a middle aged miner was killed yesterday afternoon in the Talisman mine, Karangahake; miners were engaged in stoping when a part of the hanging wall suddenly gave way burying Mahen to his neck. It was a quarter of an hour before his mates got the unfortunate man extricated and by that time he was dead. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Jun 1900, p2]
At the Old Men's Home, Hamilton, last week, an old military veteran, Patrick Maher, passed away. The deceased, who was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, 92 years ago, joined the 40th Regiment,in August 1840, serving for sixteen years and eight months in India and other places. After being in Australia, he came on to New Zealand, joining the Opotiki Volunteer Rangers in 1867, and took part in the Maori war for which he received a medal. He was an Imperial pensioner and became a resident of the Old Men's Home, 17 years ago. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, 20 November 1911, Page 5]
MAHONEY - Opotiki May 1st - I regret to have to record the death of two old settlers and members of the Bay of Plenty Cavalry. This is the first instance on record in the history of our little community of two deaths occurring almost simultaneously. Mr George Wormington, a military settler, and one of the earnest pioneers of the district, was the first of these, and his loss is sincerely felt by his many friends here as he had endeared himself to all, both as a good soldier in the field, and a hardworking and industrious settler in times of peace. Two days afterwards Mr Daniel Mahoney departed this life after a long and painful illness. This was another old and tried soldier, who besides his own family leaves a large circle of friends to regret his loss. On both occasions the Bay of Plenty Cavalry turned out with a strong muster, and attended the funerals with military honors, and fired three volleys over. the graves of their departed comrades. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume VI, Issue 588, 8 May 1878, Page 3]
MAHONEY - Opotiki - Last Monday an inquest was held at the Royal Hotel, before R S Bush Esq RM on the body of Stephen Mahoney, who was drowned in the Waiotahi River the previous Thursday�"found drowned". [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 27 Dec 1881, p2]
MAHONEY - Auckland - General regret will be felt in Tauranga at the news of the death of the very Rev Father Mahoney, Vicar General of Auckland Diocese, who died at his residence Manukau Rd, Parnell early yesterday morning after a rather protracted illness at the age of 67 years. The deceased priest has been for a very long time one of the Roman Catholic priesthood of Auckland, having arrived here 23 years ago. He was born in 1823 in Macroon, County Cork� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 21 Aug 1890, p2 + 25 Aug 1890 + 28 Aug 1890]
MAHONEY A man named Mahoney, working at McLean�s contract on the Rotorua railway met his death on Monday by a fall of earth which also severely injured another man. An inquest was held yesterday when a verdict of accidental death was recorded. The deceased leaves a wife and three children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Nov 1892, p4]
A funeral of a somewhat unusual character took place last Sunday at the English Church Whangarei, the occasion being the interment of the remains of the late Mr Henry Mair, who it will be remembered was murdered at one of the South Sea Islands last November�Major Mair, brother of the deceased� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 4 Jan 1883, p2]
A brave soldier and worthy colonist passed away on Monday morning when Major William Gilbert Mair died at Waiotapu ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5831, 12 July 1912, Page 3]
At Katikati, on ?date September 1881, Dorothy, only daughter of H D Major, aged 8 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Oct 1881, p2]
MAJOR On October 26, at the New Plymouth Hospital, of congestion of the lungs, Robert Rich Major, second son of H D Major of Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Nov 1893, p2]
MAJOR On February 22, at Auckland, Henry Daniel Major, of Katikati, late H M Admiralty, England, aged 58 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Mar 1902, p2]
MAJOR At Worksop Rd, Masterton, on October 13, Mary Ursula, widow of Henry Daniel Major, aged 65 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Oct 1904, p2]
MAKAO An accident resulting in the death through drowning of a Maori named Ware Makao occurred just outside the Opotiki Harbour on Monday last. Deceased, who was an experienced boatman, went out during the morning in an open boat to fish� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jan 1916]
Death of a Returned Soldier - Opotiki, Sept l6 -Sydney Harold Mallandain, a returned soldier, aged 27 years, was drowned in the Raukokore River at noon yesterday. Deceased came lately from Auckland. He was employed on a farm at Omaio. He was attempting to cross on foot when he was swept away by the current. His mate was standing on the bank, and witnessed the tragedy. The deceased has no relatives in the Dominion. His mother resides in England. The body was recovered. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7496, 16 September 1920, Page 3]
At her residence, 1st Avenue, on November 19th, Henrietta Emma Maltby, the beloved sister of Thomas C Maltby of Otumoetai, aged 70 years. To depart and be with Christ is far Better. Phil 1-23 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2] The death occurred at 3 o'clock yesterday morning of Miss Henrietta Maltby, sister of Mr T C Maltby of Otumoetai. The deceased lady was born at Brixton, London but had resided for over 40 years in New Zealand, the last four years of her life being spent at Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
During service in the Anglican Church on Sunday evening feeling reference was made by the Rev. Hobbs to the death of Mr J Malyon, who had been a member of the vestry and choir for many years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5655, 24 May 1911, Page 2]
Amongst those who have died of wounds received in the firing line in France, the name of James MANGAN is mentioned on July 31st. Deceased was well known in this district, having arrived from the Homeland some years ago, and was in the employ of Mr. J. Palmer at Maketu, now of Tauranga. Subsequently he was with Mr. H. Graham, and also in the service of the County Council. The late James Mangan was amongst the first batch of heroes to enlist in Te Puke, and passed safely through the Gallipoli campaign. A few weeks before his death he was fortunate in obtaining a week's leave of absence to visit his parents in England. Deceased, who was a fine type of Britain's Manhood, and who was held in high esteem by all who knew him, has three brothers at the present time serving their King and country, one of whom was amongst General Townsend's gallant band of heroes, and in the meantime is a prisoner in Turkey. The sympathy of the people of Te Puke district is tendered to the sorrowing parents in the Homeland, whose brave son has given his life for the Empire's cause.
[Te Puke Times , 22 August 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6761, 25 August 1916, Page 2]
We learn that Mangapowhatu, the oldest chief probably in New Zealand, died a few days ago at his residence at Te Karete, near Te Puna. This venerable old native chief was one who, amid all the native troubles of the last quarter of a century, has remained loyal and faithful to the crown and the government of the colony, though sometimes almost entirely deserted by his tribe, the Pirirakau, who on their part became contaminated with the spirit of rebellion and wild infatuations of those natives by whom they �were then surrounded. This old patriarchal chief must have been considerably over 100 years old and could until recently, before his memory failed, vividly describe the arrival of Captain Cook in Tauranga and the dread experienced by the Maoris then in approaching the boats. Some years ago, when Mr Sheehan was Native Minister, he was anxious to see this venerable old chief and called here and had a long interview with him. The major part of the tribe are away at the gumfields, but will return shortly and hold a great tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, 8 Jul 1884]
The death occurred in France of Mr James Mangan, who was well known in the Te Puke and Maketu districts . Deceased was amongst the first men in Te Puke to volunteer for active service and took part in the Gallipoli campaign. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6761, 25 August 1916, Page 2]
MANION �two of the wounded privates died during the course of the night, their names were Laurence Manion, 68th and George Smith, also of the same regiment�[Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, died from wounds received at Te Ranga]
The death took place at his residence at Cheltenham, late on Saturday night, of Surgeon-General William George Nicholas Manley, C.B. V.C, who was in his 70th year... As a volunteer he accompanied a storming party at the assault of the Gate Pah, and for conspicuous gallantry in this action he was mentioned in despatched and received the Victoria Cross...[The Times (London, England), Tuesday, Nov 19, 1901; pg. 6; Issue 36616]
MANN Thames, Saturday. A miner, Jas Mann, who is a married man of 40 years of age and having several children, was working in the Moanataiari mine when he was killed by a large body of stone� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Dec 1904, p2]
MANNING On May 27th, at Paeroa, Ruby Grace, the dearly beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs H D Manning, in her fifth year. [Ohinemuri Gazette, 30 May 1900]
MANNING The death is announced in Sydney of Dr Manning, late Inspector of Lunatic asylums. Deceased in his younger days was a surgeon in the Royal Navy and saw active service with HMS Esk in the Maori wars. He was present with the detachment of the ship�s company which took part in the storming of Gate Pa in 1864 who, owing to the great number of casualties among the officers, the command devolved on a midshipman, who with Dr Manning�s assistance brought the men out of action. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Jun 1903, p2]
MANNING On June 25th, at Paeroa, Harry Daniel Manning, beloved husband of Ada Manning; aged 70 years. The funeral will leave his late residence, Rye Lane, Paeroa on Saturday 27th inst at 2pm. [Ohinemuri Gazette, 26 Jun 1908]
MANNIX We regret to have to announce the death of the wife of Mr John Mannix, of this town which took place last night after a severe illness of 10 months. The funeral will leave her late residence at 2pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 31 May 1881, p2 + notice]
MANNIX Two deaths took place in Tauranga yesterday, Miss Borrie and Mrs Mannix. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Jul 1893, p2]
MANNIX On Saturday the remains of the late Mrs Mannix were interred in the Roman Catholic portion of the new cemetery at 1.30pm in the presence of a large number of mourners, the Rev Father Broomfield officiating� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Feb 1901, p2]
MANNIX On July 23, 1910 at the residence of his daughter, Mrs E. Daines, Tauranga, John Mannix, late of Limerick (Ireland), aged 88 years. R.I.P. [Bay Of Plenty Times 25 July 1910, Page 2 + obituary]
On June 2nd, 1911 at Waihi, John Mannix, late of Tauranga. Funeral at Tauranga on Sunday at 2.30pm [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5659, 2 June 1911, Page 2] ...the late Mr Mannix was born in Limerick (Ireland) and had been a resident of New Zealand for 37 years, a long period of which he spent in Tauranga. He was a brother of Mrs Daines and Miss Mannix (Tauranga), and Mrs G Lemon (Paengaroa) ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5659, 2 June 1911, Page 2]
MANSEL Word was received by Mr Herbert Mansel today announcing the death of his brother Harold which occurred at Dunedin last night. Deceased resided in Tauranga for many years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Nov 1909, p2 + notice 8 Nov 1909]
On the 18th April, 1913 at the residence of Herbert Mansel, Greerton, Edward, youngest son of the late Commander Mansel, R.N, aged 41. The friends of the late Edward Mansel are invited to attend his funeral which will leave the residence of Herbert Mansel, Greerton, on Sunday next, the 20th inst. at 3pm [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 594, 18 April 1913, Page 2]
On January 30th, 1917 at Victoria, Vancouver Island, George William Mansel, third son of the late Commander R Mansel, R.N. Aged 48. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6825, 5 February 1917, Page 2]
As previously announced in these columns the death occurred at Victoria, Vancouver on January 30 last of Mr George William Mansel (third son of the later Commander Mansel R.N) who was well known in Tauranga. A Vancouver paper in referring to the deceased says "Funeral services for Pte. George William Mansel were held yesterday afternoon at the B.C Funeral Chapel at 2 o'clock, Rev E G Miller officiating. There was a large attendance and a splendid guard of honour was furnished by the 50th Gordon Highlanders, which unit was also represented by its brass band. The remains were carried to Ross Bay Cemetery on a gun carriage draped with the Union Jack... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6860, 2 May 1917, Page 2]
On October 23rd, died of malaria at the 34th Clearing Station, Palestine, Trooper Herbert (Bert) Pengelly, Ninth Reinforcements, dearly beloved son of Mr and Mrs R C Mansel, Gate Pa, aged 23. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7083, 28 October 1918, Page 2] We regret having to chronicle the death of another soldier at the front well-known in this district. On Saturday last Mr and Mrs R C Mansel, of Gate Pa, received word that their third son Bert, who left with the 9th Reinforcements, had succumbed to malaria at the 34th Clearing Station in Palestine. About a fortnight ago word was received that Trooper Mansel was dangerously ill. An endeavour was made to ascertain his condition, but no further word came to hand until his parents received the distressing news of his death. Born at Gate Pa some twenty-three years ago, the late Trooper Mansel spent all his life in the district up to three years ago when he enlisted and preceded to Egypt. From there he went to France, where he was wounded, and subsequently found himself in Palestine. And now comes the news of his death. To his parents and relatives will be extended the sincere sympathy of a very wide circle of friends at the loss of a son who, in common with so many others, has sacrificed all that life holds dearest and best to uphold the best traditions of the nation from which he sprung, and purge the world of the spirit of Prussianism which threatened the peace and well-being of mankind. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7083, 28 October 1918, Page 2]
MANU A sad burning fatality occurred at the Matata pa on Thursday last. It appears that a Maori woman, wife of Manu, was lighting a fire in a large can and poured some benzene on with the result that an explosion occurred� [Bay of Plenty Times, 8 Jun 1914]
MANUARIKI On Friday an elderly native named Manuariki, died at Matapihi settlement. Deceased was an old age pensioner and was well known to Europeans as Dick. Manuariki is survived by a widow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Mar 1908, p2]
MAPUNA A large number of natives arrived here last week from Whangamata and Thames to take part in the obsequies in connection with the death of a Maori woman named Mapuna, who recently died at Whangamata and was interred at Judea. [Bay of Plenty Times, 17 Feb 1913]
MAPUNI A native woman named Mapuni, about twenty six years of age, a granddaughter of the late chief Te Kuka Te Mea, died at Matakana Island last week, the interment taking place on Saturday. [Bay of Plenty Times, 15 Dec 1913]
MARATA Marata, a daughter of a Matakana native on a visit to the Judea settlement died there on Monday and a tangi is now being held at Judea. [Bay of Plenty Times, wed 2 Nov 1898, p2 + account of being restored to life Fri 4 Nov 1898 + death 11 Nov 1898]
MARK We regret to hear of the death of Miss M Mark of Katikati. The young lady had been in delicate health for some time and had visited Rotorua and Auckland and for a time she seemed improved by the change. She died at North Shore on Friday and the corpse was brought overland yesterday for burial at Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Apr 1888, p2]
The death occured at Auckland on November 28 of Mrs Markham, wife of Mr D Markham, formerly of Tauranga. Deceased who succumbed to pneumonia was only 28 years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
MARKS On February 1st, at the Pilot Station, Maunganui Heads, Tauranga, the wife of Mr Hannibal Marks jun, prematurely of twins (stillborn). [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 9 Feb 1878, p2]
MARKS Captain Marks and his son drowned. One of the most melancholy accidents which have taken place in the district for many years occurred on Saturday whereby Captain Marks, the harbour Master here and his son [Hannibal] a promising young man of about 30 years of age lost their lives� [long article difficult to read + inquest and funeral report Tues 19 Aug 1879, p2 and 3 + article re funds for families Thur 21 Aug 1879, p2]
MARKS On August 8, at Auckland, Lizzie Marks, in her 21st year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 13 Aug 1881, p2, note on 25 Aug 1881 that this was not the daughter of Captain Marks of Tauranga]
MARKS(MARK) The late Rev Mr Marks arrived in the colony in 1875 and came to Katikati in 1876. He was ordained by the Rev D Bruce in 1877 to the charge of Katikati. During his pastoral term there he celebrated 10 marriages and 20 baptisms. His grave is in the portion of the Katikati cemetery set aside in connection with the Presbyterian Church. [Bay of Plenty Times, 9 Dec 1887, p2]
MARKS (MARK) The death occurred at Auckland recently of Mrs Marks (sic), relict of the Re. Mr Marks who resided at Katikati for many years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7046, 31 July 1918, Page 2]
MARLEY On February 11, at his residence Tauranga, NZ, Crawford Marley, formerly of Darlington, England, in his 84th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Feb 1896, p2]
MARLEY Paeroa, Sat. A man named George Marley died suddenly yesterday at Waihi and a coroner�s inquest was held. Deceased was last seen alive at seven yesterday morning but not making his appearance in the evening a search was made with the result that he was found in an outhouse. The post mortem revealed the act that deceased had burst a blood vessel and the jury without retiring returned a verdict of death caused by rupture of a blood vessel. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Mar 1897, p2]
The death of Mr Michael Marrinan, a very old and respected resident of the Ohinemuri Goldfields, occurred at Karangahake on Wednesday. Deceased was secretary of the Karangahake Miners Union and a member of the Ohinemuri County Council. 1913/8249 Marrinan Michael 70Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6028, 24 October 1913, Page 4]
MARSH William Marsh, one of the pupils at the native boarding school died yesterday morning after an illness of three weeks�The remains were conveyed to Ohinemutu by his relatives this morning for interment. The deceased was the son of one of the leading chiefs at Rotorua. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 13 Oct 1881, p2 + comment 14 Oct 1881]
On May 29th at her residence, Topcroft, Lucy Jane, wife of Arscott Marsh, aged 69 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6397, 29 May 1915, Page 2]
We regret having to announce the sudden death of Mr Arscott Marsh of Topcroft, which occurred yesterday morning...Deceased was 75 years of age and was born in Devonshire, England. He came here direct ini the May Queen some thirty five years ago ... + inquest [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7024, 10 June 1918, Page 2]
On August 15th at the Hospital Tauranga, John Albert, dearly beloved son of Arscott and Lily Marsh, Cambridge Road. Aged 2 years 4 months. 'Sadly missed from our home'. [Bay Of Plenty Times , 18 August 1919, Page 2]
MARSHALL Mrs Marshall, who was received into the Hospital from Hawksbury about a month ago, suffering from severe burns received by her dress catching fire while asleep having dropped off leaving a candle burning, died in the Hospital on Saturday night. She was a widow and leaves a family of seven children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 25 Feb 1886, p2]
MARSHALL Waihi, Friday. Charles J Marshall, the victim of the explosion which took place in a winze at the Waihi mine on December 3, died last evening. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Dec 1901, p2]
MARSHALL On 28 Nov 1914, at Opotiki Public Hospital, Noel Leslie Bain, son of Mr & Mrs J A Marshall, Waimana, aged 3yrs 5mths. No mourning. [Auckland Weekly News, 10 Dec 1914]
MARSHALL The many friends of Mr J. W. Marshall, of Rangiuru, will be sorry to hear of the death of his mother, which took place at her home at Bunnythorpe, near Palmerston North, on September 15, after a short illness. The deceased lady, who was loved and esteemed by all who knew her, was 76, years or age, and will be greatly missed. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 19 September 1913, Page 2]
News has reached Te Puke of the death in Auckland, on Saturday last of Mr Walter Marshall, manager of the Tauranga Dairy Factory. The deceased, who had been in ill-health for a considerable time, was formerly engaged in farming operations at Pongakawa, and was later on engaged as assistant at the Te Puke factory. He was then appointed manager for the Port Albert Dairy Company, afterwards receiving the appointment at Tauranga. He was a man of sterling worth, and much esteemed by all who knew him. [Te Puke Times 20 November 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6938, 16 November 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6951, 17 December 1917, Page 2]
MARTIN At her residence Grey St, on the 14th inst, the beloved wife of S Martin. The funeral will leave her late residence at 2pm today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 16 Aug 1881, p2]
MARTIN Another well known resident of this district passed away on Monday in the person of Mr Stephen Martin, long known in connection with the carrying business. For some months he has been suffering from a complication of ailments and has been twice to the Auckland hospital from which he returned some two months ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 May 1893, p4]
The many friends in Tauranga of Mr D C Martin will regret to hear of the death of his wife, which occurred at Whakatane on Sunday last. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6025, 17 October 1913, Page 4]
The two year old son of Mr Martin, of Whangamata, was drowned in a creek at that place a few days ago. it appears that the child had been missing for a short period, and search revealed that he had fallen into a creek. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6792, 6 November 1916, Page 2]
MARTINI We learn from Dr Ginders that he was summoned by telegram to Maketu to attend professionally upon Martini, a native chief of note. On reaching Maketu Dr Ginders found the man had died� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 16 Jun 1883, p2]
MARUKI An influential young chief of the Patuwai tribe recently residing at Motiti and named Rawiri Wi Maruki died on Friday last at the island. He was 35 years old and married� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Aug 1894, p2]
A recent casualty list shows that Mr W H S Masefield, whose relatives reside at Ohauiti, has died of wounds. WW1 Deaths 1914-1921 - Name
MASEFIELD William Howard Swindley, Date 14 Jul 1916, Reference 12/4054
Rank Private, Force AIR, Fate DOW, Place France, Relation Son of William and Annie Masefield, of 18, Windmill Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Cemetery FRANCE - BAILLEUL COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION (NORD)
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6743, 26 July 1916, Page 2]
Old residents of this district will regret to hear of the death of Mrs Mary Morton Masters, which occurred at Ahipara, Mangonui on the 8th inst at the age of fifty years. The late Mrs Masters came out to New Zealand with Mr Vesey Stewart's No 2 Katikati Party and spent most of her early life in Tauranga. She then went to London and studied animal painting under some of England's leading artists. While in London she painted the Australian racehorse Newhaven and copied Rosa Bonheur's famous Horse Fair picture, the copy being now hung in the Auckland Art Gallery. Among her New Zealand paitings were the following racehorses: Nelson, Seahorse, St Paul and Achilles besides numerous hunters and also cattle. After her marriage she resided at Ahipara, visiting Auckland every summer to execute orders. Deceased is survived by her mother, one sister and two brothers - one of the latter being Mr A B Morton, a well known farmer of Papamoa - for whom much sympathy will be felt in their bereavement.
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6898, 13 August 1917, Page 2]
MATA A native named Mata died at Maungatawa on Monday night after a short illness. Deaths have been frequent amongst the natives of late and it was only last week that the grandfather of the young woman mentioned died� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Apr 1897, p2]
MATAHAERE The native chief Matahaere of Maketu, whose relatives reside in Tauranga, died yesterday morning after a long and painful illness. A tangi is to be held and will be one of the largest gatherings of natives that has taken place for some time. The deceased was one who was greatly respected for his straightforward and honest manner of conducting the affairs of the tribe. He was a brother of the native adviser and assessor Timi Waata who our readers may remember was connected with the whale case heard before the, RM court some time back. The deceased resided at one time at Motiti, being there some 25 years and was one of the Patuwai tribe having relatives at Maketu, Whakatane, Tauranga and inland. [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Oct 1893 + 1 Nov 1893]
MATAIRA An old native woman, an old age pensioner named Hera Mataira died at the Hairini settlement a few days ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jan 1910, p2]
MATHESON Mr Matheson, who came here some months ago in failing health, expired at Mrs Conway Jones Nursing Home on Monday evening last, at the age of 87�Mr Matheson was the father of Mrs A Dickie of Greerton and leaves other children to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Jun 1905, p2]
MATHESON On Wednesday May 30 1906 at his residence Otumoetai, Tauranga, Robert, beloved husband of Sarah Matheson, aged 71 yeas� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 May 1906, p2 + 4 Jun 1906]
Word was received here on Monday that Mrs A Dickie�s youngest brother, Mr Matheson, had been accidentally shot at Waverley� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Jul 1906, p2]
The Prime Minister has advised Mr C P Stitchbury of Auckland of the death of his brother-in-law Lieut Ronald T Matheson, who was killed in action in German West Africa. Lieut Matheson was a native of Tauranga and went to the Transvaal in 1900. He fought in the South African war as a member of the Imperial Light Horse, and when the present war started he volunteered and received a commission. He had been through all the fighting in German South West Africa. His widowed mother resides at Tauranga. Deceased was the elder son of the late Mr Robert Matherson of Otumoetai, Tauranga, and a brother of Mr Alister Matheson of Otumoetai. He was well known to old residents and his mother, brother and sisters will have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in their great bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6377, 6 May 1915, Page 5 and Evening Post, 6 May 1915, p2] The late Lieutenant Ronald T Matheson, who was killed in action in German South West Africa, left Auckland in 1900 just after the outbreak of the Boer War, and joined the Imperial Light Horse. He was twice mentioned in despatches for capturing a small party of three armed Boers, and for carrying wounded men to safety. When he met his death he was evidently serving as Lieutenant with the Union forces of South Africa. The news of the death of Lieutenant Matheson will be received with regret by a large circle of friends in Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6379, 8 May 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6107, 11 June 1915, Page 2]
Found drowned, Tauranga. The body of a man named W H Matthewson was found floating in the harbour today. He had been missing for several days. [Waikato Times, Thur 16 Jun 1881 + article Bay of Plenty Times, 16 June 1881, p2, 18 June 1881, 21 June 1881]
MATHIAS On the 16th inst, at Tauranga, Arthur Charles, third son of the late Colonel Vincent Mathias of the retired list Madras Army, aged 30 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Apr 1877, p2]
MATHIAS Great regret was felt here this morning when news of the fatal accident to Arthur Mathias was received and great sympathy is felt for the wife and mother. Deceased was a son of the late Mr A C Mathias, formerly of the Constabulary force and was born at Tauranga, where he resided till a few years ago. His mother and only brother, who is in the Telegraph Dept recently removed from here to Gisborne. Deceased was a nephew of Mr and Mrs J H Griffiths of this town. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Jun 1904, p2 + article + 24 Jun 1904 + In Memoriam notice 21 Jun 1905]
MATIA A native military pensioner named Matia was run over by a native on horseback at Rotorua last night. The latter had his arm dislocated and Matia died this morning from injuries received. An inquest will be held and the native who was the means of his death has been arrested. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Apr 1888, p2]
MATINGA A young chief of the Te Kaha natives named Paoro Matinga died on Saturday at Te Kaha� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 9 Jun 1881, p2]
MATRAVERS Palmerston North, this day. A well known footballer of Tauranga died at Feilding yesterday in the person of Joe Matravers� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 May 1904]
MATRAVERS a Press Association message received from Feilding today states that Mr W Matravers, Clerk of the Court there, committed suicide this morning by shooting himself�well known to a large number of residents in the Tauranga, Te Puke and Maketu districts� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Jun 1907, p2]
MATTHEWS Henry Matthews of 1st Waikato�s was killed on 6th September by the explosion of a shell which he was trying to open. The shell had been fired at Gate Pa two years ago. [Southern Cross, 1 Oct 1866]
MATTHEWS -IN MEMORIAM - Edward Newton Matthews, killed in action at Bapaume, August 28th, 1918. Sorrow and sighing shall flee away, and there shall be a new Heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. [Te Puke Times 29 August 1919, Page 2]
MATTHIAS We regret to hear that Mr Frank Matthias, who after residing in Tauranga for the previous twelve months, left for Fiji by the Southern Cross a month ago, died in Levuka on the 11th inst�He was a son of the late Archdeacon Matthias of Christchurch, New Zealand� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 26 May 1881, p2]
We learn that Maungapowhata, the oldest chief probably in New Zealand died a few days ago at his residence at Te Karete near Te Puna. This venerable old chief was one who, amid all the natives� troubles of the last quarter of a century, has remained loyal and faithful to the Crown�over a 100 years old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 8 Jul 1884, p2]
MAUNSELL Auckland, Thurs. The Ven Archdeacon Maunsell died this morning at his residence, Parnell, aged 84� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 Apr 1894, p4]
MAUWAU A very influential Native name Mauwau, of Matakana, who was connected with many hapus of the Ngaiterangi tribe died at Matakana on Sunday last after a short illness. A very large gathering of the various hapus will assemble� [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5824, 26 June 1912, Page 4]
MAXWELL On March 15, at his residence Durham St, Tauranga, John Maxwell, aged 68 years. Deeply loved and sorely missed. The funeral will leave his late residence on Thursday 17th inst at 2.30pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Mar 1904, p2 + obituary + 18 Mar 1904 + 21 Mar 1904 + 25 Mar 1904]
MAXWELL John Maxwell, a young man belonging to Opotiki, died suddenly on board the steamer Waiotahi while entering the harbour last night�[Christchurch Star, Thur 16 May 1907 + Bay of Plenty Times 17 May 1907]
On February 20th at her residence, the Elms, Tauranga, Euphemia Ballingall, relict of the late Rev. Andrew Maxwell of Kilmore, Victoria aged 89. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7130, 21 February 1919, Page 2] The death occurred yesterday morning at 8.30 of Mrs E B Maxwell at her residence, the Elms at the advanced age of 89.... (long obituary) 1919/231 Maxwell Euphemia Ballingall 89Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7130, 21 February 1919, Page 3]
On August 5, 1910 at Auckland, Mary Anne, relict of the late John Maxwell, aged 74. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence, Durham Street, at 2.30 pm., tomorrow for the new cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times 8 August 1910, Page 2 + obituary]
On January 14th at Tauranga, Alice, beloved wife of George Maxwell, and eldest daughter of the late John Noone, 'Fairview', Poolburn. Deeply mourned. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7317, 17 January 1920, Page 4]
MAY At the residence of Mr James Higgs, Park St, Tauranga, on September 14, Mary May, formerly of Panmure, aged 68 years. The funeral will leave her late residence at 2.30pm tomorrow. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Sep 1882, p2]
Much sympathy is expressed with Mr and Mrs J H Maynard in the loss they have sustained through the death of their eldest son, Mr Edgar F J Maynard who passed away on Friday last. The deceased had been an invalid for many years, but he bore his sufferings with wonderful patience and fortitude, and maintained a cheerful demeanour throughout. In his youth he was successful in carrying off three scholarships in Christchurch whilst later on he was awarded a South Kensington certificate for building construction. The internment took place on Sunday, the Rev J W Chapman conducting the burial service. [Te Puke Times 17 August 1920, Page 2]
We sincerely regret having to chronicle the death of Mrs Maynard wife
of Mr J. F. Maynard, of Te Puke, which took place a Christchurch on Friday last. The deceased lady was most highly esteemed by all who knew her, was on a visit to her mother at the time of the regrettable occurrence. The funeral took place at Ashburton. The greatest sympathy is felt with Mr Maynard and other members of the family - Mrs Sam Ellis and Messrs C and M. Maynard in the irreparable loss they have sustained. [Te Puke Times 10 December 1920, Page 2]
MAYS Rotorua, Tuesday. The police here yesterday received information of a fatality which occurred at Paparata, a place about 7 miles from Rotorua. On Sunday afternoon three youths, Richard Leonard Godfrey Mays, aged 17; Charles Montgomery Clarke, aged 16 and Sydney Probert aged 16; went out on a shooting expedition...Deceased is a son of Mr Richard Mays, well known in connection with Robertson and Co�s coaches and would have attained his 17th birthday today� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 May 1904, p2 + 18 May 1904 + 30 May 1904]
The death occurred at Waihou a few days ago of Mrs Mazzoney, better known by her former name, Mrs Farquhar, and as licensee of the Waihou Hotel. Mrs Mazzoney succumbed to influenza, which was also responsible for the death of her husband about three weeks previously. 1918/9626 Mazzoney Ethel Jane Beatrice Sulenta 29Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7102, 13 December 1918, Page 2]
MEAD Te Puke. A child [Izet] of Mr Mead of the Dairy Factory Te Puke, got entangled in the factory machinery yesterday and was killed. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Apr 1889, p2 + 15 Apr 1889]
MEAGHER Private J Meagher, 43rd Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
MEDDINS On June 15, at her residence The Camp, Maud, the beloved wife of Howard G Meddins, aged 25 years. The funeral will leave her late residence at 3pm tomorrow Thursday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Jun 1898, p2 + article, died in childbirth + 17 Jun 1898]
MEDDINS We regret to chronicle the death of Mr H G Meddins, recently a resident here which occurred in the hospital at Hamilton on Monday, the interment taking place in Auckland yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Dec 1901, p2]
On June 25th, 1911, at Tauranga, Euphemia (Phoebe), beloved wife of George James Meehan, aged 23 years. The funeral will leave deceased's late residence, Park Street, the Camp at 2.30pm on Wednesday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5669, 26 June 1911, Page 2] It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs G Meehan, which occurred at
6.30 o'clock last night at the early age of 23 years. Deceased had been in failing health for some months past and about four weeks ago was forced to take to her bed ... The late Mrs Meehan was the second daughter of Mr James Haua of Opotiki and was married four years ago to Mr G Meehan of this town ... 1911/901 Meehan Euphemia 23Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5669, 26 June 1911, Page 2]
On February 15 at Taupo, Ruth Emily Alice, dearly beloved infant daughter of Thomas and Ethel Meggett, aged 17 1/2 months. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7340, 17 February 1920, Page 2 + report]
MEHAKA A noted and influential chief of the Ngatirangitiki tribe named Mehaka has just died at Matata�Deceased was uncle to Mr Raureti, a well educated young Native Advocate now engaged conducting business before the Land Court at Maketu. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jul 1900, p2]
MELVILLE Mr James Melville, for many years secretary to the Rotorua Motor Coaching Co was seized with aneurism at Waiotapu a few days since and expired at his residence "The Bungalow" on Wednesday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Mar 1908, p2]
MENZIES There is now little doubt that the late Mr Alexander Menzies, has been drowned by falling into the tide. No other conclusion can be arrived at� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 12 Jul 1884, p2 + body found, inquest held 19 Jul 1884]
MENZIES At Auckland, on the 19th inst, John Menzies sen of Tauranga, aged 61 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 21 Nov 1885, p2 + article]
MEREPEKA Merepeka, a Maori woman of high rank, belonging to Rotorua, died at the Judea settlement on Monday. She was married to a young chief named Wharetaka who takes a great interest in the Judea band, hence the turn out this morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Sep 1896, p2]
The death occurred at Opotiki last week of Mrs C Merriman, a former resident of Tauranga and mother of Messrs Charles, Frederick, Ernest and John Merriman of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5954, 5 May 1913, Page 2]
METCALFE At Tauranga, on the 12th inst, Walter Henry, infant son of B & M Metcalfe, aged 10 months. The funeral will leave their residence Cameron Rd at 3 o�clock on Sunday afternoon. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 13 Jan 1883, p2]
Mr Henry Metcalfe, civil engineer, of Auckland, and engineer to the Whakatane Harbour Board, dropped dead on the beach while inspecting, the harbour works at Whakatane last Friday afternoon. [Te Puke Times 7 May 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7010, 8 May 1918, Page 2]
MIDDLETON Paeroa, Tuesday. A horrible accident took place this afternoon in the Crown Mine Karangahake, resulting in the death of two young men, Middleton and McCole�Middleton was a young man, well known in football circles and universally popular� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 Dec 1903, p2 + 11 Dec 1903]
A veteran of the Crimean War and Maori Wars, Mr William Middleton, died in Auckland last week at the age of 81. Mr Middleton was a native of Wakefield, Yorkshire and enlisted in the 68th Regiment in the fifties. He took part in the battles of Alma and Inkerman and the siege of Sebastopol, then spent six years in India, after the suppression of the mutiny and came out with his regiment to New Zealand in 1863. Deceased fought in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty district, including the capture of the Gate Pa. Since his retirement from the army he has lived in Wanganui, Napier and Auckland. Band matters greatly interested him and he was at one time a member of the Auckland Garrison Band. One of his sons, Sapper Walter Middleton is now on service in France. [SHEATH
Mr James H Sheath, who had just died at Napier entered the Postal Department under the Provincial Government at Christchurch in 1865. He opened the post office at Kaiapoi the same year. For many years he was Postmaster at Tauranga and during his stay here acquired the 'Hillsdene' property and built there. In 1910 he was elected a member of the Hawke's Bay Education Board, and became chairman in 1914. Mr Sheath was also a member of the Napier Borough Council , the Anglican General Synod and chairman of the Board of Governors of the High School. Deceased was 69 years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6938, 16 November 1917, Page 2]
MIKAERE We are informed that a native named Mikaere is supposed to have fallen over the Hairini Bridge on Thursday night and a party of natives were searching for the body yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 28 Mar 1885, p2 + body found, inquest Tues 31 Mar 1885]
We regret to record the death of Mr Luke Aloysius Miley, which occurred at the Tauranga Hospital yesterday ... The late Mr Miley, who was fifty-six years of age, came from Seattle to New Zealand about five years ago and joined the staff of the Public Works Department at Wellington as a draughtsman. In October last he was transferred to the Department's office, and had since resided here. His wife predeceased him in America. he is survived by one son, John, fifteen years of age ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7409, 19 May 1920, Page 3]
Janet Treowain, infant daughter of J and K Miller. Private burial tomorrow at 11am. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6217, 27 October 1914, Page 2]
At Auckland Hospital on September 10th, Alexander Drummond, dearly beloved son of Mr and Mrs A. W Miller, Devonport Road, aged 18.
The funeral will leave the residence of deceased's parents on Saturday, September 13th at 2 p.m. for the New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7216, 11 September 1919, Page 2] The many friends of Mr and Mrs A. Miller of Devonport Road will learn with sincere regret of the death of their only son Drummond, who died last night in the Auckland hospital. Late on Tuesday night Mr Miller received word that the lad was seriously ill, and left immediately. He reached Auckland, however, too late to see his son alive. After leaving school the deceased lad worked for a short time with his father at Mr Washer's, and then came to the Times office where he worked a little over a year. He had a great desire to become a wireless operator and left here some months ago to qualify in Auckland. During the influenza epidemic in November last he had a severe attack from which seemingly he never properly recovered, and after an illness of some weeks he passed away yesterday. To his parents will be extended the sincere sympathy of a very wide circle of friends in their very sad bereavement. We understand that the body will be brought down by to-night's steamer from Auckland for interment here. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7216, 11 September 1919, Page 2]
MILLIGAN The police here received word on Saturday that a farmer named James Milligan, residing at Opouriao, Whakatane, was drowned on Friday whilst crossing the Rangitaikei river� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Oct 1904, p2]
MILNE The body of the unfortunate man Alexander Milne drowned in the Waioeka River at Opotiki a fortnight since was recovered on Monday by Constable O�Reilly and Mr W Black. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Aug 1892, p2]
MILNE A telegram was received yesterday stating that Mr Alex Milne had died suddenly at Opotiki. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 May 1894, p2]
On June 7, 1919 at the residence of her sister, Mrs Gapes, O'Rourke Street, Auckland, Margaret Milner, beloved mother of Mrs F Gordon of Tauranga and Private G Milner of Rotorua, aged 67 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7174, 9 June 1919, Page 2] The death is announced of Mrs Milner, who some four or five years ago conducted the Bellevue Private Hotel, at Tauranga. [Te Puke Times 10 June 1919, Page 2]
Word was received here on Saturday announcing the death of Mrs M Milner who for some four or five years ago resided at Tauranga and conducted the Bellevue Private Hotel. The late Mrs Milner was about 67 years of age. She came out to Lyttelton in the ship 'Mystery' as a child about 60 years ago. She was the daughter of the late Mr T C Raine, Christchurch who had the first aerated water factory in new Zealand. Mrs Milner's husband Mr G C Milner, was successively the landlord of the Sumner Hotel, the Ashburton Hotel and the Club Hotel, Kaikoura. The deceased lady had not bee in good health for some time but her death which occurred suddenly came as a painful surprise to her sister, Mrs Gape of O'Rourke Street, Auckland where she was staying. Mrs Milner was the mother of Mrs F Gordon (of Bellevue Private Hotel, Tauranga) Mrs L Andrew (Wanganui), Private G Milner (Rotorua) and Mr C Milner (Patea). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7174, 9 June 1919, Page 2]
MINITA Maketu. It is my painful duty to record the death at Ohinemutu on the 22nd inst from dropsy, of Minita, the wife of Rotohiko Haupapa. The deceased was noted for her kindness and hospitality to travellers through the Lake District� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Mar 1876, p3]
A well known native named Mita, a farmer of the Papamoa district, died yesterday. Deceased had resided in the district for a very long period. He belonged to the Ngatihae tribe. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7434, 21 June 1920, Page 2]
MITCHEL Opotiki. A Melancholy accident occurred here on Wednesday the 9th inst. Two men belonging to the regiment named Edward Mitchel and Charles Jones who were engaged collecting firewood on the beach unfortunately capsized their canoe in the river and were both drowned. The body of Mitchel was recovered; the other has not yet been found. [Southern Cross, Tues 22 Oct 1867]
MITCHELL A painful occurrence has cast a gloom over a number of our Katikati friends. Mrs Mitchell, daughter of Mr Noble Johnston, who has been staying on a visit to her parents at Katikati, received a telegram on Tuesday that her husband had been seriously injured by a kick from a horse at his residence Wainui, Hawkes Bay�received the melancholy intelligence of her husband�s death. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Feb 1893, p4]
Paeroa, Thursday. Charles F Mitchell, an old identity died on Wednesday night. Deceased was well known in Auckland, Thames and Ohinemuri being owner of the Hauraki Tribune which he established at Paeroa in the early days of the field. Mitchell was 82. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Nov 1899, p2]
Mr David Mitchell, (father of Madame Melba) whose death occurred on Sunday in Melbourne was the brother-in-law of the late Mr J W Walker, who died at Remuera last Friday. They were mates on the diggings in the early days of the Melbourne goldfields. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6651, 28 March 1916, Page 2]
On Friday evening, Moananui, a chief of the Ngatirangi, residing at Matakana died somewhat suddenly�Deceased was about 68 years of age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Feb 1895, p2]
On 1st August at Nurse Chappell's Private Hospital after a brief illness, Ina Elizabeth, beloved little daughter of Oliver and Mary Moffatt, aged 5 1/2 months. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7465, 3 August 1920, Page 2]
MOKE There was a large gathering of Maoris in Matata recently to mourn the loss of Lieut A P Kaipara and Private Nikora Moke (says the Whakatane Press). There were present all close relatives and many representatives of various branches of Te Arawa. These two young men are the first Maoris from Matata who have fallen�Private Nikoramoke, who died of wounds received in France was a cousin of Lieut Kaipara. He was born in Matata in 1890 and received his education at the Matata Convent. He was a prominent player of the local football team. [Bay of Plenty Times, 14 Sep 1917]
Matata, Thurs. Arama Karaka Mokonuiarangi, after a long illness, died here yesterday; he was head of the Arawa tribe and during the Maori was loyally helped the Europeans in every way� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Jan 1894, p4]
MOLONEY (MOLONY) We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs Moloney, which occurred at Greerton on Saturday afternoon. The funeral which was under the auspices of the Foresters Lodge left the deceased lady�s late residence at 3pm this afternoon. 1888/439 Molony Cecily Louisa 27Y [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Mar 1888, p2]
We deeply regret having to record the death on Wednesday last of Mrs Molony, wife of Mr A. J. Molony, of No. 2 Road. The deceased was a daughter of Mrs G. M, Tanner, one of our earliest settlers, and she leaves a large family of young children. The funeral took place this afternoon, the Rev. J. Chapman officiating at the graveside. 1918/3145 Molony Gertrude Mary 48Y (Both these Mrs Molony's were the wives of Arthur James Molony who died in 1934) [Te Puke Times 14 June 1918, Page 2]
It is with the keenest regret that we have to record the death of Mr Hughan Winton Montgomerie, who recently purchased the farm previously occupied by Mr Bartlett on the Bayliss Estate, and who was found dead on Monday afternoon. From information supplied us it appears that Mr Montgomery had been very depressed for some time, although there was nothing to suggest that he even contemplated taking his own life. At dinnertime yesterday, he was, apparently in his normal condition, and left the house at about 1.45. As he had not returned at milking time Mrs Montgomerie became alarmed and communicated with the neighbours and a search party was instituted and at about 6 o'clock Mr J. Jordan found the dead body of the missing man hanging from a tree about 300 yards from the house. An inquest was held this morning by Mr C. Lally, coroner who after hearing evidence, returned a verdict 'That the deceased, Hughan Winton Montgomerie, on the 20th day of September, 1920, on his farm at Te Puke, was found dead hanging from a tree. [Te Puke Times 21 September 1920, Page 2]
MOON A painful sensation was created in town yesterday morning when at an early hour news was spread round that the house of Mrs Elizabeth Moon, at Gate Pa, had been burnt down during the night and the aged inmate had perished in the flames. Deceased arrived here from Australia with her husband Corporal Moon in 1863 and after the war took up residence at Gate Pa where she has resided ever since, her family, consisting of Mr F Moon, Mrs D Kennedy and Mrs P Grant� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Apr 1901, p2 + notice + inquest + 19 Apr 1901]
On May 2nd, 1920 at a private hospital, Rotorua, Matilda Moon aged 60 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7337, 4 May 1920, Page 2]
The rapidly thinning band of old settlers has been further depleted by the death of Mr Frederick William Moon, which occurred suddenly at Gate Pa on Thursday last, although deceased's body was not found until yesterday, in his orchard. It appears that deceased was last seen alive on Thursday afternoon by Mrs H. Eyre on the main road near his orchard. He was then wheeling a barrowful of manure. Yesterday afternoon Mr LeCocq �who lives next door, and had mentioned during the morning that he had not seen Mr Moon about looked over the fence and saw him lying in the orchard near his barrow. He concluded he was dead, and immediately communicated with the Police. Constable Skinner went out and found that deceased had apparently died just after reaching the orchard on Thursday afternoon. The body was removed to the house, where an inquest was held this morning before the Coroner, Mr T. E. Price. Evidence was given by Mrs Eyre and Mr LeCocq on the lines indicated above, and Dr. Cattel, who made a post mortem examination, certified that death was due to advanced fatty degeneration of the heart. A verdict was returned accordingly. The late Mr Moon, who was seventy-nine years of age, was quite an identity at Gate Pa, where for years past he could be seen daily sitting near his gate selling fruit. He was the first settler to go to Gate Pa, shortly after peace was declared after the Te Ranga fight, and had resided there ever since. He leaves no family, his nearest relative being Mrs McGregor of Te Puke. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7444, 5 July 1920, Page 3]
MOORE 3rd June. News has just been received of the whereabouts of the bodies of Messrs [Walter Ogilvie] Moore and [John] Begg and a party has just been sent out for their recovery... [Tauranga Record, Sat 15 Jun 1867]
MOORE The body of John Moore, printer, was found on the 5th inst, three miles from Whangamata, the residents of which place had an investigation� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 12 May 1883, p2]
MOORE Thames, Thurs. Mr John Hoey Moore, a well known mine manager was seized with an apoplectic fit on Tuesday evening at Paeroa while in a skiff and fell into the water but he was immediately pulled out and taken to an adjacent house where he lay until 7.30 quite unconscious expiring at that time. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 2 Jun 1893, p4]
MOORE �Moore then put the revolver to his own temple and pulled the trigger dropping dead immediately�Moore was a miner and had resided at Karangahake for the last 20 years and was well known� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Dec 1901, p2]
MOORE On the 8th inst, at his residence Gate Pah, Thomas Henry, beloved husband of Margaret Jane Moore, in his 58th year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Oct 1902, p2 + article]
On Sunday 16th December 1917, Mrs M A Moorhead, relict of the late David Moorhead of Tauranga, and late of Canterbury, in her 79th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6951, 17 December 1917, Page 2]
On the 28th June 1877 on the voyage home, Constatine Macdougall Moorsom, of Kelston, Tauranga, New Zealand for formerly of the Royal Navy, King's Dragoon Guards, and Captain 100th Regiment, youngest surviving son of the late Captain W S Moorsom, M.I.C.E, aged 23. [The Times (London, England), Tuesday, Aug 14, 1877; pg. 1; Issue 29020] It is our painful duty to announce the death of Captain Constantine Moorsom, late of Kelston, Tauranga which took place on board the ship Loch Urr, on the homeward passage. It will be remembered that the late Captain Moorsom for months prior to his departure for England had been suffering from very severe illness and the news of his death will be no matter of surprise to his large circle of friends and acquaintances in Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Oct 1877, p2]
Private information has been received that Major Moray, of Waihi, has been killed in action at Loos. In addition to his extensive experience in the Boer War, for which he held the Queen's Medal with five clasps and the King's medal with two clasps, he held medals for operations on the Indian frontier in 892 and in the Matabel rising, 1896-7. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6025, 26 February 1916, Page 2]
MORGAN This morning news was received by the Police through Mr Wm Darragh that Mr T Morgan had been found shot on Mr Blomquist�s farm �Burnside�. Deceased arrived here from Carterton, Wairarapa about a fortnight ago for the purpose of spending a holiday with his brother-in-law Mr Blomquist�leaves a wife and four children to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Dec 1904, p2 + 14 Dec 1904]
MORIARTY On the 25 September, after a short illness, the Rev Thomas Alexander Moriarty AM Rector of Drishane, Millstreet, eldest son of the Dean of Ardfert — deeply regretted by all classes in the parish. Dunedin and Christchurch papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 25 Nov 1879 + article same day which notes that he was related to Rev Mr C Jordan of Trinity Church Tauranga and brother to Mrs B Armstrong of Te Puna]
MORIARTY On April 26, at G Day Place, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland, the very Rev Thos Moriarty DD, Dean of Ardfert, in his 82nd year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Jun 1894, p2 + article]
MORONEY Early this morning Constable B Moroney was found shot dead in a swamp close to Maketu having evidently committed suicide as a recently discharge revolver was found beside the body. He left the village of Maketu yesterday morning about half past 8 o�clock and he was then noticed to be out of his mind� [Bay of Plenty Times, 17 Dec 1888, p2 + inquest 19 Dec 1888]
The death occurred at his residence yesterday morning of Mr H. D. Morpeth, town clerk of Waihi for the last 16 years, aged 63. Deceased was associated with the early history of Auckland, and, was prominent in athletic circles, particularly rowing. He took great interest in patriotic movements. All of his six sons volunteered for the front, and two of them we're killed in action - Lieut. Allan Morpeth and Private Moore Morpeth. Two, sons now at the front are Lieut. Gerald and Sergt. Sloan Morpeth, Two who have returned are Captain Nicol and Corporal George Morpeth. The latter arrived invalided a few hours previous to his father's death. [Te Puke Times 24 September 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7069, 23 September 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7071, 27 September 1918, Page 2]
MORRIN Paeroa, Saturday. A sudden death occurred at Marototo this morning. A man named James Morrin was employed sawing timber in the bush. He said to his mates: "Wait a minute", sat down on a log a few yards distant and immediately fell over. His dead body was removed to Hikutaia where an inquest will be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Aug 1898, p2]
MORRIS On 18 December, at Castle St, Cupar-Fife, the Rev George Morris, late of Tauranga, New Zealand. [Evening Post, 5 Mar 1870, p2]
MORRIS Mrs Morris, the wife of the Hon. Captain Morris MLC died this morning from internal inflammation. This lady has been resident here for 21 years and her death has caused quite a sensation as she only took ill on Saturday. [Evening Post, 12 Oct 1893, p2]
MORRIS Very general regret was expressed here when it became known that the Hon Capt G B Morris MLC had passed away at his home in Onehunga. The deceased gentleman was for many years a resident in this neighbourhood and represented the district in two Parliaments and was popular with all ranks of the community. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Apr 1903, p2]
On November 16, at her late residence, Mt Maunganui, after a long and painful illness, Amelia May, beloved wife of Charles Morris, in her 29th year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6234, 16 November 1914, Page 2]
MORRISON October 15, at Ohinemutu, James Thomas Morrison, after a lingering illness. His remains will be brought to Tauranga this evening and the funeral is fixed to take place on Friday at 2pm. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 16 Oct 1879, p2 + funeral report 18 Oct 1879]
MORRISON On May 16 1908, at Rotorua, Frederick Morrison, only son of Mrs Morrison of Melbourne and late of Invercargill, aged 30 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 May 1908, p2]
MORRISON Private Reginald T Morrison, 12th Reinforcements, killed in action at the battle of the Somme 7 June 1917. [Parents, Opotiki] [Auckland Weekly News, 13 Jun 1918]
The death occurred this morning, after a short illness, of Mrs Morrison, of No. 2 Road. The deceased, who was an old resident of Te Puke, leaves a large family to mourn her loss. 1917/10612 Morrison Annie 45Y [Te Puke Times 27 March 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6845, 26 March 1917, Page 2]
MORTON On March 30, at Claremont, Katikati, Robert Morton, late Royal Navy. Slept sweetly in Jesus. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Apr 1892, p2]
MORTON On September 13, at his residence Strand, Tauranga, Henry Morton, aged 31 years. The funeral will leave deceased�s late residence for the new cemetery at 2.30pm on Sunday next. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Sep 1895, p4 + article + 16 Sep 1895]
MORTON On December 9 1906, at her parents� residence Aongatete, Aileen, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Morton, aged 13 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Dec 1906, p2 + article]
Amongst the names that appeared in a recent casualty list of those killed in action was that of William Morton formerly stationed in Te Puke as a fireman in the Public Works Department. The deceased lad had made many friends locally, for he was of a bright, cheery disposition, and much esteemed and the news of his death has been received with the deepest regret. He left New Zealand as a gunner in the 14th Reinforcements, and letters received from him only last week mentioned that he had been enjoying a holiday in Scotland. His relatives reside in Marlborough, and much sympathy will be felt with them in their bereavement. [Te Puke Times 4 December 1917, Page 2] IN MEMORIAM - In loving memory of Specialist W. Morton, killed in action, November 8,1917. (verse) �Inserted by his loving comrades in France. MORTON - In loving memory of Specialist W. Morton, 14th Reinforcements, killed in action in Flanders on November 8, 1917. Inserted by his loving friend, E. Dickey. [Te Puke Times 8 November 1918, Page 2]
MOSELY On September 10 1886, from heart disease, Henry Mosely, late of England, aged 18 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 12 Sep 1885, p2 + article]
MOSS We regret very much to announce the death of Miss A E M Moss, daughter of Mr F J Moss, recently British resident at Rarotonga and sister of Mr E G B Moss, for many years a resident here� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Mar 1901, p2]
MOSS The death of Mr Frederick J Moss, which occurred in Auckland on Friday last, will be a source of widespread regret� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Jul 1904, p2]
On March 9th, 1916 at Claybrook Road, Parnell, Edward George Britton Moss, Barrister and Solicitor, aged 60 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6639, 14 March 1916, Page 2] Many our readers will regret to hear to hear of the death of Mr E G B Moss which occurred at Auckland on Thursday last. Deceased was well-known in Tauranga, where he resided for many years and practised as a barrister and solicitor. After leaving Tauranga he served for a period in the House of Representatives as member for Ohinemuri. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6639, 14 March 1916, Page 2]
MOSSOP Died on August 3, at the Uretara Hotel, Katikati, George Wellington Mossop of Kauri Creek Lodge, Katikati, late of Dublin, Ireland, Aged 71 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Aug 1889, p2 +obituary]
MOSSOP - Auckland, Sat - Mrs Margaretta Mossop, wife of Charles Mossop, formerly of Whakatane, second daughter of Mr James McCauley, formerly of Tauranga, died today. Mrs Mossop, who arrived recently from Vavau, Friendly Islands, where her husband resides was confined on the 16th inst, when puerperal fever set in resulting in death. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 24 Apr 1893, p2]
On November 3, at Saltarm Park, Plymouth, Devon, Caroline Augusta, Countess (Dowager) of Mount-Edgecumbe, in her 74th year. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 17 Jan 1882, p2]
An old age pensioner named William Heymef (sic) Mountfield, sixty-six years of age, who lived at King Street, Ponsonby, Auckland was found dead in bed on Monday morning. Deceased, who was a widower, hired a room and lived alone. He had no friends or relatives in New Zealand and came from Tauranga. He went to bed last evening, seemingly in good health. On being called this morning, the person who knocked at the door could get no answer, and tried the door, but it was locked. She summoned the police, who got in through the window and found him lying in bed dead.1917/4758 Mountfield William Haynes 66Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6898, 15 August 1917, Page 2]
The death occurred at Wallaceville, Upper Hutt on the 22nd inst. of Mrs L R Mountier, a former residence of Katikati. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 30 November 1920, Page 2]
On July 16, off the coast of Vancouver by drowning, the Hon Arthur Alberic de Mountmorrency RN, youngest son of the late Viscount Mountmorres, aged 16. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Oct 1891, p2 + article]
The death occurred in Tauranga on Saturday last of Mr Geo Mowatt, a former resident of the Feilding district. Deceased who was sixty-seven years of age, was a widower, and had resided here for some months. He had been in dedicated health and the end was not altogether unexpected. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6762, 28 August 1916, Page 2]
MOYLE Many of our readers will doubtless remember a serious accident occurring to the chief steward of the ss Chelmsford, Mr T Moyle, a few years ago at Ohiwa�was taken ill and died on Sunday last�29 years of age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Oct 1901, p2]
Mrs M Mudgway, wife of Mr George Mudgway, succumbed on Friday night to the prevailing epidemic. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr Mudgway and family in their irreparable loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
In Memoriam - In loving memory of Mary Mudgway who died at Tauranga, November 22nd 1918 - inserted by her loving husband and children ... (verse). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7277, 22 November 1919, Page 4]
The Pukekohe Times records the death of Mr James Muir, a veteran of the Maori war, who fought at Gate Pa, where he was wounded in the neck and put out of action. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6571, 23 December 1915, Page 2]
The death of Mr E K Mulgan, senior inspector of schools in the Auckland Education District took place at Auckland on Monday last. Mr Mulgan was born 62 years ago at Magherlin, County Down, Ireland, where his father the late Rev. W E Mulgan was in charge of the parish. He was educated at Portora College and Armagh Grammar School. The family came to New Zealand in 1875 in one of the parties of Katikati special settlers. Mr Mulgan engaged in farming at Katikati, was in business at Tauranga and for some time edited the Bay of Plenty Times. He took up teaching in 1886 and taught in several schools in the Auckland district including Katikati, Parnell and Newton West. In 1896 he graduated M.A at Auckland University College, with first class honours in Natural Science. Some 22 years ago, while Mr Mulgan was first assistant at Newton West School, he was appointed an inspector under the Auckland Education Board. He held this position until 1906, when he was appointed to a similar position in Christchurch. In 1911 he returned to Auckland as chief inspector, in succession to Mr D Petrie. When the inspectorate was taken over by the Education Department, he remained in Auckland as senior inspector of schools. Mr Mulgan is survived by Mrs Mulgan, who is the eldest daughter of the late Canon Johnston, of Katikati and by two sons - Mr A E Mulgan of the literary staff of the Auckland Star and Mr G W D Mulgan, solicitor, now in England. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 16 November 1920, Page 2]
MULGREW On Saturday news was received in town that a man named William J Mulgrew had been found dead in Mr Hamilton�s paddock in Katikati�an inquest was held yesterday when a verdict of accidental death was returned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Feb 1897, p2 + 10 Feb 1897]
MULGREW - Katikati - I regret to state that the firm hand of death has claimed another victim in our settlement, Mr William A Mulgrew having succumbed to an attack of inflammation of the lungs after about a week�s illness�Deceased was just 21 years of age and the greatest sympathy is felt for his mother who is widow with only one son left, about 17 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 Jul 1900, p2]
The death occurred at Katikati on Sunday last of Mrs Mulgrew, relict of the late Mr W J Mulgrew. Deceased was born in County Donegal, Ireland and settled in Katikati in 1875. She is survived by one son, Mr Thomas J Mulgrew, a successful settler in the Katikati district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6553, 1 December 1915, Page 2]
MULLIGAN Napier, Thurs. Frank Mulligan, a small farmer near West Clive and his mate, name unknown, have been burnt to death. Their cottage was discovered this morning totally destroyed and in the ashes were the remains of both bodies� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Apr 1893, p4]
An inquest regarding the death of the late Daniel Mulqueeny was held at the Tauranga Hotel on Friday by the Acting Coroner ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6181, 7 September 1915, Page 4]
MULVANEY On July 25th at his residence, Bay View, Katikati, T J Mulvaney, C.E aged 71 years. R.I.P. [Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVI, Issue 728, 29 July 1892, Page 2] Death appears to have laid a heavy hand upon Katikati during the last few days and we have now to add to the list of dead, Mr Mulvaney, senior, who passed away on Monday night after an illness extending over a considerable period of time. The deceased was one of the earliest Katikati settlers� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Jul 1892 p2]
MUMFORD On Wednesday April 15, at Willow Grange, Otumoetai, Tauranga, George Lugar, eldest son of the late George Edward Mumford, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, aged 37� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Apr 1908, p2 + article]
Intelligence comes from Hastings, Hawkes Bay of the death of Mr David Munn, one of the old identities associated with the New Zealand turf ...Some years ago he resided in the Tauranga district and trained horse for Mr Robinson of Oropi, his charges winning no less than four races in one day at a race meeting held on the Deviation course at Te Puke ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6853, 18 April 1917, Page 2]
MUNRO At Tauranga, on the 17th inst, Teresa Munro, aged 19 months. The funeral will leave her parents� residence, Elizabeth St, this day at 3pm. Children are specially invited to attend. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 19 Jul 1884, p2]
MUNRO On Tuesday February 9, George, aged 6, John aged 5 and Lily aged 9 months. The funeral will leave their late residence Selwyn St, for the new cemetery at 2.30pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Feb 1892, p2 + long article and inquest describing how they were murdered by their father Duncan Munro + article 12 Feb 1892]
MUNRO On February 14, Grace Emma Munro, aged 30 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Feb 1892, p2 + inquest, murdered by her husband Duncan Munro + 17 Feb 1892]
MUNRO It is our unpleasant duty to record the death of the youngest child of Mr J Munro of Te Puna which took place on Wednesday morning. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. Captain Scott of the Salvation Army read the burial service. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 May 1894, p4 + notice below]
MUNRO On May 16, Veada Annie, infant daughter of John and Mary Elizabeth Munro, aged 5 months, also on June 7th, Donald John, son of the same, aged 1 year and 5 months. Deeply regretted. "He has gathered them as lambs into his field". The funeral will leave Mr Wooliams residence Edgecumbe Rd, tomorrow at 12 o�clock sharp. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jun 1894, p4 + article + 11 Jun 1894]
At Papamoa, on September 1st, 1918, John James, beloved infant son of Donald George and Mary Munro, aged 14 months. [Te Puke Times 3 September 1918, Page 2]
MURE The officers who fell at Te Papa�Captain Charles Reginald Mure entered the 43rd Regiment as an ensign on the 16th August 1850; he obtained his lieutenancy on the 29th July 1853 and his captaincy on 8 January 1856. he served with the 43rd Light Infantry in the Kaffir war of 1851 and 53 for which he received a medal. He served also in the Crimea from 29 July to 29 September 1855 as Aide-de-Camp to major-General Markham. He received a medal and clasp for Sebastopol, 5th class of the Medjidie and Turkish Medal. [Southern Cross, 3 May 1864, p3]
MURPHY On December 8, at his residence Durham St, John Murphy, aged 72 years. The funeral will leave the residence Durham St at 3pm on Sunday the 10th inst. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. E Daines undertaker. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Dec 1899, p2 + article, ex Army + 11 Dec 1899]
MURPHY On October 28, Albert James Murphy, aged 4 years and 4 months. The funeral will leave his mother�s residence Durham St at 3pm on Tuesday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Oct 1900, p2]
MURPHY On September 11, at her mother�s residence, Eliza Ellen, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Murphy. The funeral will leave the residence Durham St, on Sunday the 14th at 3.30pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Sep 1902, p2]
MURPHY It was quite a shock to many people in town on Monday afternoon to hear that Mr J Murphy, principal of Queens college, Cameron Road was dead, he having met with a severe fall late on Saturday evening, receiving serious injuries�He leaves a widow and family consisting of two daughter and five sons� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Jan 1903, p2 + 23 Jan 1903]
A sad fatality occurred at Matata last Tuesday, when a little girl, nine years of age, named Olive Murphv, daughter of Mr Edward Murphy, of Rotorua was drowned. She was a pupil at the Convent School, which had been given a half-holiday, in celebration of Armistice Dav, and with a number of other children, was playing on the beach at the outlet. She pluckily went to the assistance of a smaller child who had got into a
deep hole and was soon in difficulties herself. She could not swim and-the other children were unable to render her any assistance. When they saw her sink they fetched some boys, who were bathing a few hundred yards away, and one of these got her out, but life was extinct, and efforts at restoring animation proved futile. The child whom she wont to assist managed, to scramble out of the hole. An inquest was held on Wednesday before Mr Burt, Acting-Coroner, and a verdict of accidentally drowned was returned. [Te Puke Times 18 November 1919, Page 2]
It is with deep regret that we have to chronicle the death of Mr D. Murphy, who passed away at the residence of his sister, Mrs Robert Bell, at 1 o'clock yesterday. The deceased, who was a returned soldier, and who had distinguished himself at the front, thereby winning the Military Medal, contracted influenza a short time since, which was succeeded by pneumonia and heart trouble. Having been badly gassed while on active service, the patient's chances of recovery were considerably lessened, as he had not the strength to fight against the disease. A sad feature in connection with Mr Murphy's death is the fact that he was to have been married shortly. Much sympathy is felt with his fiancee and with Mrs Bell. The body was taken through to Cambridge for interment. [Te Puke Times 5 December 1919, Page 2] The death occurred at Te Puke yesterday of Lance-Corporal Daniel Murphy,D.C.M. Deceased had been in failing health ever since his return from the front in January last. On Saturday last he developed pneumonia, to which he succumbed yesterday. The body was taken to Hamilton for interment where deceased will be accorded a military funeral The late Lance-Corporal Murphy was a brother of Mrs McLeod, of the Camp, Tauranga, and of Mrs R. Bell, of Te Puke. The greatest sympathy will be felt for the bereaved in their sad loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7286, 5 December 1919, Page 4]
On May 11, 1920 at the Tauranga Hospital, Kate, relict of the late Rev. P Murphy, County Kerry, Ireland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7403, 11 May 1920, Page 2] It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs K. Murphy, relict of the late Rev. P. Murphy, which occurred at the Tauranga Hospital this morning after an illness of about two months. The late Mrs Murphy was the eldest daughter of the Rev. T. Hamilton, of Killorgan, County Kerry, Ireland, and was married to the Rev P_ Murphy, a Church of England minister, who was stationed in County Kerry. After the death of her husband, she accompanied her brother, the late Mr Edward Hamilton, to New Zealand, and in 1872 settled in Tauranga, where she had since resided. Much sympathy will be extended to her. sisters, Mrs B. G. Armstrong of Te Puna, Mrs R O. Stewart, and Miss Hamilton, of Tauranga in their bereavement, the funeral takes place at two o'clock to-morrow afternoon. 1920/9499 Murphy Catherine 83Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7403, 11 May 1920, Page 3]
MURRAY It is with regret we learn that a son of Const. Murray, Rotorua, aged 19 years, died on Wednesday last from typhoid fever. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Apr 1896, p2]
MURRAY Paeroa, Monday. William Murray, an old man of 56 years was found dead on Saturday morning near Waipahake Creek, six miles from Marototo� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 May 1898, p2]
MURRAY An accident occurred at Kaimai on Saturday which resulted in the death of Mr Jules Percy Murray. The deceased formed one of the party engaged by Mr A B Stubbing on survey work in the Kaimai block� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Apr 1908, p2 + funeral notice and inquest]
MURRAY We regret to learn that the youngest child of the late Mr J P Murray which had been in delicate health for some time died last night� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Apr 1908, p2]
The death occurred at Maungatapu this week of a well-known chieftainess, wife of Moko Murray. Deceased was about 30 years of age and leaves four children. A great tangi is in progress at Maungatapu. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5540, 19 August 1910, Page 2]
MURRAY Hepa Murray (half caste) of the Rawera hapu of Ngapuhi, residents of the North and his wife Reretu of Ngaeterangi, died at their settlements, Matakana Island on Tuesday after a very short illness. A great tangi will take place after the tangi of Eru Tamapohere is over, which is still in full swing� [Bay of Plenty Times, 2 Oct 1912]
During the voyage of the steamer Ngapuhi from Auckland the death occured at 4.20 o'clock this morning of Pu Murray, a well known Native of Matakana Island ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5930, 7 March 1913, Page 2]
The death occurred at the Toowoomba Hospital, Queensland, on Wednesday last of Mrs Charles Henry Murray, who resided in Rotorua for many years and leaves numerous friends in Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6562, 13 December 1915, Page 2]
MURRAY We regret to have to report that a fatal accident occurred at Herekino on Wednesday November 15 which resulted in the death of a native called David Murray who comes from Tauranga� [North Auckland Age, 24 Nov 1916]
MURRAY A little native boy about seventeen months old, son of Mr Witana Murray the well known athlete, was kicked by a horse at Matakana Island on Wednesday last and was very seriously injured about the head. The child was brought across to the Tauranga Hospital the same day and succumbed to its injuries on Saturday. [Bay of Plenty Times, 1 Nov 1920]
MUSGRAVE On December 10, at Tauranga, Arnold Hector McKenzie, infant son of George and Jeannott Musgrave, aged 20 months. �Not dead, but gone before�. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Dec 1892, p2 + article]
The death occurred at Eltham, Taranaki, on Friday last of Mr Myhill, a former resident of Tauranga and father of Mrs Munro, of Te Puna. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7232, 30 September 1919, Page 2]
MYNOTT We regret to record the death of Mr Henry Ebenezer Mynott, which occurred at Auckland on Monday last. Deceased was only 35 years of age�well known and highly respected throughout the Bay of Plenty� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Jul 1907, p2]
NAREY On Friday night an old resident here passed away in the person of Mr Louis Narey. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Sep 1893, p2]
NASH Taupo. A sudden death occurred at Noble�s Hotel. A man named Nash from the West Coast was brought here in a boat from Te Kauo. He had been out in some of the late snow storms at Rangipo near the desert and was found in an exhausted state. Dr Campbell attended him but could do no good as the man was too far gone. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Dec 1881, p2]
NATHAN We have no native news of any importance. A son of Nathan, the government mailman died on Saturday last and the usual tangi was held yesterday at which a large number of natives were present. [Bay of Plenty Times, 26 Feb 1873]
The remains of the native Jacob Nathan�who died suddenly at Rotorua on Thursday night were conveyed to Tauranga yesterday, the body being accompanied by about forty Maoris from Rotorua. The tangi, which is being held at Matapihi, will be attended by a large number of natives from the surrounding districts. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7474, 16 August 1920, Page 2]
NAWINI A fatal accident occurred about 10 days ago up near Ruatawhina, the head quarters of the Uriwera tribe, about 20 or 30 miles inland from Whakatane. A man called Nawini�near the horse it savagely kicked him in the stomach� [Southern Cross, 18 Mar 1875, p7]
NEAVE Frederick Neave, a resident of Kerepehi near Thames fell overboard from a steamer into the Piako River this morning and was drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Aug 1907, p2]
On Thursday afternoon last a Tauranga native names Potahi Nehana was standing at the bar in the Palace Hotel, Rotorua when he suddenly collapsed. Examination by those around showed that he was bleeding profusely from the leg. He was taken to the Cottage Hospital as soon as possible after fruitless efforts had been made to staunch the flow of blood. He died soon after admission, the doctor certifying that he died from the bursting of a varicose vein. The incident shows (says the Chronicle) how useful knowledge of first aid is to everyone. To stop the effusion of blood a rough torniquet was fastened above the seat of the trouble by an onlooker with the best of intentions. This would have been all right for an artery, but not for a vein in which the blood is going back to the heart. The bandage should been on the other side of the hurt. Further the flow could have been stopped by holding the leg in the air and pressing a finger on the vein. [Te Puke Times 17 August 1920, Page 2]
NEIGHBOUR It is our unpleasant duty to chronicle the death of Henry Williams Neighbour, who expired at his sister-in-laws residence Cameron Rd, on Wednesday last. Deceased had been suffering from typhoid fever at Rotorua and a fortnight last Sunday came to Tauranga�came out from London to Tauranga in 1886�54 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Mar 1896, p2]
NEILSON �It may be recollected that Mr Connelly rescued from drowning, at the risk of his own life, a man named Gellender, who was immersed in the sea at Waipiro, County Waiapu, by the capsizing on the surf of a whaleboat which had come ashore from the ss Australia, then at anchor in the bay. The event took place on 18 September last year and two men named Neilson and Liddell were drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Nov 1892, p2]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs [Anna] Neilson, wife of Mr T Neilson of Omanawa, which occurred in Tauranga on Saturday afternoon after a brief illness. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss a husband and two children, aged 13 years and 8 years, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt in the irreparable loss which they have sustained. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5882, 11 November 1912, Page 4]
On 16th December at Tauranga Hospital, Margaret Reid, late of Gisborne, aged 57. [Te Puke Times 17 December 1920, Page 2]
NELSON C E Nelson, formerly licensee of the Geyser Hotel at Rotorua. He was one of the best Maori scholars in the dominion. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jan1909, p2]
Advice has been received by Mr W T Nelson of Te Matai from the Defence Department to the effect that his brother Jack is a patient in Brockenhurst Hospital suffering from trench fever, whilst his brother Bert, who has been missing since December 5th is believed to have been killed. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6958, 4 January 1918, Page 2]
On December 25th at the Tauranga Hospital, after a long and painful illness, Mary Elizabeth Neno (nee Foxcroft), dearly beloved wife of A Neno. The funeral will leave the Hospital tomorrow (Sunday) at 2.30pm for the New Cemetery. Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6268, 26 December 1914, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs Neno, wife of Mr A Neno of Taneatua, which occurred at the Tauranga Hospital ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6268, 26 December 1914, Page 2]
NEPIA A monument of large dimensions has been erected on Motuopae, known as Peach Island, by Nepia Kohu, one of the leading chiefs in the Ngatiranginui tribe, as a memorial to his son Ihaka Nepia, who died on February 17 1914, aged 24 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 Jan 1915]
NESBITT Old residents of Tauranga and the district will observe with regret the telegram announcing the death of Dr Nesbitt RM of Gisborne. Dr Nesbitt was for many years resident at Maketu where he was much respected by both Europeans and natives. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 28 Jul 1877, p2]
NETANA Netana (Nathan), a very old Native resident at Matapihi, died this morning at his settlement after ailing for some considerable time. In former years he was a ferryman across the harbour and before that a member of the police force in Governor Wynyard�s time. He was a smart rider in his youth and trained and rode horses for the military officers in their races etc. He was an old age pensioner and leaves a grown up family. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Jun 1901, p2]
NETANA A young chief of the Matapihi settlement Te Potaihi Netana, aged 31, who has been laid up for some time past owing to blood poisoning died at Matapihi yesterday morning. Deceased being extensively related among local, coastal and Waikato tribes his obsequies will be on an extensive scale. With a view to better perpetuate his memory Mr T E Price was sent for this morning to take a photograph of the deceased chief lying in state. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jul 1904, p2 + 31 Aug 1904]
The Rotorua Chronicle says: On Thursday afternoon, about three o'clock, a native from Tauranga named Potahi Netana, was standing at the bar of the Palace Hotel when he suddenly collapsed. Examination by those around showed that he was bleeding profusely from the leg. He was taken to the Cottage Hospital as soon as fruitless efforts had been made to staunch the flow of blood. He died soon after admission, the doctor certifying that he died from the bursting of a vericose vein. The body of deceased was brought to Tauranga on Sunday, and a tangi was subsequently held at Matapihi. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7476, 19 August 1920, Page 2]
The death occurred here on Wednesday of Mrs Neville, a recent arrival from Wellington. The interment takes place at Wellington. 1920/9503 Nevill Emma 68Y. Last Name: NEVILLE First Name: EMMA
Deceased Date: 01-06-1920 Service Date: 05-06-1920 Service Provided: Cremation Cemetery: Karori Crematorium
Record Number: 196
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7417, 28 May 1920, Page 3]
NEWALL Mrs Newall, wife of Colonel Newall, died at Wellington on Monday night. Deceased was a sister of Colonel Roberts, stipendiary magistrate at Tauranga and she married Colonel Newall in 1872. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Jun 1908, p2]
The death took place at Waihi last week of Colonel Sturat Newall, C. B. Deceased who was a brother-in-law of Colonel J. M. Roberts, of Rotorua, arrived in Victoria in 1863 and shortly afterwards came to New Zealand, being in the early gold rush in Otago, after which he joined the militia in the Waikato war and served with distinction for five years. The war over, the late Colonel Newall joined the Armed Constabulary, served in Titokowaru's war, passing through Chute's track to Waitara, thence to Auckland. He was in the Urewera campaign of 1869, was present at Ahikereru (Tahahoata), during which he won the N. Z. medal. He followed the notorious Te Kooti to the King Country, and as more peaceful times came to the country was stationed at Cambridge, Alexandra and other centres. He was road making with the Armed Constabulary during 1870-74, made a military report and map of the Waikato in the following year, after which he was in the Thames and Ohinemuri districts during the stirring times which followed the opening of the goldfields. In 1883 deceased was transferred to the permanent staff, was afterwards adjutant in the Canterbury district, lieutenant colonel in command of Wanganui and Taranaki in 1891, and in command at Wellington in 1893. Colonel Newall commanded the Fifth New Zealand Contingent in the South African war with distinction, being mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Queen's medal with four clasps and the order of C. B. in 1900. With the return of our soldiers from the war Colonel Newall was appointed to the charge of the returned men at Rotorua, a post which he,held for two and a-half years. He retired from active service after a strenuous and honourable career.
[Bay Of Plenty Times , 15 August 1919, Page 2]
We regret to have to record the death of a little son of Mr William NEWMAN, who succumbed to an attack of diptheria on Saturday last. The funeral took place on Sunday, the Rev. Chapman conducting the burial service. 1916/7159 Newman Herbert Fredrick 9Y [Te Puke Times 10 October 1916, Page 2]
Mr John Newth, a very old and highly respected resident of Waihi, died on Sunday last. Deceased was a member of the first Waihi Borough Council which came into being in 1902. Six years later he was elected Mayor, which office he held for about four consecutive terms. He was for some years president of the Waihi Miners Union, and for a long period a member of the Waihi Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, and a member of the Waihi Schools Committee, being chairman of the latter body. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7096, 29 November 1918, Page 2]
NGAHAERE A native woman, the wife of Ngahaere died at Ohuke last night. The friends and relatives were in town this morning for provisions preparatory to a big cry. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Nov 1897, p2]
NGAHAKA The death of Ngahaka, a woman of high rank of the Ngatipukanga, Ngaitirangi and coast tribes, occurred at Ohuki Matapihi on Monday night. The chieftainess was the wife of the well known young chief Mita Tangiawa of the Ngaitirangi� [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6491, 18 September 1915, Page 2]
NGAHAU Ngahau, the wife of Te Ritimana, principal chief of Judea, died yesterday afternoon at 3.00 pm. A large tangi is to be held today and will no doubt continue for the week. The Matapihi came over this morning, bringing with them two bullocks, ten pigs, one ton of flour and large quantities of potatoes and kumaras as their contribution to the funeral feast. [Bay of Plenty Times, 6 Jan 1890]
NGAHUIA A native woman of high rank, named Ngahuia died yesterday at Hairini, she was the wife of the young chief Pomare and had been under medical care for some time, suffering from a painful illness. A large tangi is to be held and many natives are proceeding to Hairini today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Oct 1903, p2]
Rotorua. Raiha Ngahuruhuru, the wife of one of our chiefs, died this morning. There is mourning and wailing in the land. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Mar 1885, p2]
NGAIWI A young native chief of great promise, Ngaiwi of Matapihi, son of the late Ngamanu to Wharau, died at his pah on Tuesday last after a very short illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Jul 1893, p2]
NGAMANU Tamati Ngamanu, a young chief of Motiti, who proceeded to Whangarei some few months back and married an educated half caste young lady of that place died on Saturday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jan 1899, p2 + 18 Jan 1899]
NGAMANU The death of a younger son of the late well known Native Ngamanu of Motiti is reported from that island� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Sep 1901, p2]
NGAMONI Details have reached us of a sad boating accident in this harbour by which a native woman named Ngamoni lost her life, while her son Tawhaio and another man named Rana had a very narrow escape� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 May 1892, p2]
NGAPERA A native woman named Ngapera died at Matapihi yesterday. She was the wife of Paeta, one of the ferrymen employed by the government in the old days for conveying stores etc across Tauranga Harbour. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Sep 1896, p2]
NGARIMU Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
NGARIMU A well known native named Hira Ngarimu died at Maungatapu on Sunday last. The customary tangi is now being held and is being attended by a large number of natives from the surrounding districts and Te Puke. The deceased was the father of the well known Rangataua, footballers Taikato, Ngawhare, Neketai, Tame and Hemara. He took part in the Maori was and was regarded as one of the finest exponents of Maori war dancing in this district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6860, 2 May 1917, Page 2]
NGARU On 6th ult, at Te Whetu (Patetere), Maihi Te Ngaru, one of the principal chiefs of Ngatiraukawa. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 5 Apr 1873, p2]
NGARUAKI An elderly native woman of high rank, named Ngaruaki, aunt of Henry Pearson and Winiati, died at the Judea Maori settlement on Friday night, and the usual tangi is now in progress. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Jul 1906]
NGATAI A number of chiefs of the Ngaeterangi and their relatives have left during the last few days for Otaki in the Wellington province, on a visit of ceremonial mourning in connection with the recent death of a great-grandchild of Hori Ngatai� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Dec 1903, p2]
A native lad, about 12 years of age, a great-grandson of the chief Hori Ngatai, died at Otumoetai on Friday last. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5570, 31 October 1910, Page 2]
NGATAI On Monday some 70 natives arrived at Whareroa from Te Kuiti and Maungatautari (Waikato) districts. The purpose of the visit is to show their respects to the chief Hori Ngatai on account of the death of his eldest granddaughter� [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5659, 2 June 1911, Page 2]
NGATAI Hori Ngatai, a well known chief of the Ngaiterangi tribe, aged about 88, died at his residence Whaeroa this morning. Great preparations are being made for the tangi and natives are expected from all parts of New Zealand. [Evening Post, 24 Aug 1912, p5 + article Bay of Plenty Times, 26 Aug 1912 + 28 Aug 1912 + 30 Aug 1912 + 4 Sep 1912 + 6 Sep 1912]
NGATAI The influenza epidemic claimed three more victims at the Maungatapu native settlement yesterday �Nga Ngatai, a well known native died� [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Nov 1918]
NGATIRA Last evening there died at Ohuki near Matapihi a native woman of high rank named Ngatira, aged 85 years of age, belonging to the Ngatirangi tribe. She has numerous descendants in this district, one of her granddaughters being married to a European. An extensive tangi will be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Feb 1898, p2]
NGATOKO A native girl, about seven years of age, a daughter of Ngatoko, died at the Judea native settlement on Monday. The customary tangi is now being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, 14 Jan 1914]
NGAURU Rotorua. The remains of the chief Pereka Ngauru were interred on Monday last in the native settlement Ohinemutu near the English church. There was large assembly of Maoris some coming from a distance, Taupo, Tauranga, Maketu, Tapapa and other districts� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jun 1891, p2]
A half caste woman named Ngawaiwera, wife of W Ohia, died at Ngapeke on Friday. The customary tangi is now in progress. [Bay of Plenty Times, 16 Dec 1912]
NGAWAKA - Taupo - The wake or tangi at Waipahihi on the remains of a native named Ngawaka is finished and the ceremony of passing the defunct person to the happy hunting ground is ended ... [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Sep 1882, p2]
An inquest into the circumstances surrounding the death of a native names Taiaho Ngawaka, who died at the Tauranga Hospital on Saturday evening was opened at the hospital on Monday morning ... [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7182, 25 June 1919, Page 3]
NGAWHAI Auckland, Tuesday. News from Rotorua states that an old native chief Wi Keepa Ngawhau, who resided on Mokoia Island died at Ohinemutu on Sunday evening� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Feb 1897, p2]
NGAWHARAU The death occurred this morning at the Wairoa of a native named Paraiki Ngawharau, aged 32 years. Deceased had been in delicate health for the past two years and the end was not altogether unexpected by his friends. He leaves a widow and three children. The customary tangi is now being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 Nov 1906]
NGAWHARAU The death occurred at the Wairoa Settlement this morning of the chief Ngawharau, one of the best known and most highly respected natives of this district� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Aug 1907, p2]
NGAWHARE Hori Ngawhare, an influential chief of the Ngatiraukawa tribe, died at Waotu last Monday. This chief was favourable to the construction of roads through his district. [Bay of Plenty Times, 14 Dec 1872]
NGAWHARE The influenza epidemic claimed three more victims at the Maungatapu native settlement yesterday when a married woman named Mrs Ngawhare�died� [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Nov 1918]
NGAWHIKA The eldest son of Ngawhika, a chief of importance at Motiti died at Te Ngae last week. The body has been taken to Maketu to allow of the Motiti natives attending the tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Nov 1897, p2]
NGAWHIKA A native woman, named Mrs H Ngawhika died at Judea on Sunday. The deceased was twenty-six years of age, was a daughter Wi Keepa of Motiti Island. The interment is to take place tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, 19 May 1920]
NICHOLAS The wife of Captain Nicholas drowned in the ill fated schooner Aotea last week was a cousin of Mr D McDonald of Waihi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Jul 1906, p2]
NICHOLAS The death occurred at Feilding last week of Mr W D Nicholas, brother of Mr C E Nicholas, lately postmaster at Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Jun 1909, p2]
On 30th October 1913, at her residence, Omokoroa, after a painful illness extending over nine months, borne with great patience, Mrs Nicholas, wife of William Nicholas, aged 35. Deeply loved by her husband and children. (verse) 1913/8306 Nicholas Monica 36Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6031, 31 October 1913, Page 4]
NICHOLLS We regret to hear that Mr W H S Nicholls, postmaster of Paeroa, formerly holding a similar position at Ngaruawahia died somewhat suddenly at Paeroa on Tuesday afternoon last�Mr Nicholls was comparatively a young man and a large circle of friends in this district, more particularly in the neighbourhood of Ngaruawahia where he married and spent so many years of his life will, we feel sure, deeply sympathise with his widow and family in their affliction. [Waikato Times, Tues 30 Jun 1892]
NICHOLLS Rotorua, Monday. News was brought into Rotorua at half past six last night of a terrible accident at Waimangu. Four persons were killed, two of the victims being ladies and two gentleman�The Misses Nicholls are but 19 and 20 respectively and hail from the Canterbury district. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 Aug 1903, p2 + 2 Sep 1903 + 4 Sep 1903]
NIKARI Maketu. A big tangi is going on at present here, a native named Nikari of Motiti who was in good health at Te Puke races went over to Motiti and died there� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Feb 1893, p2]
NIKORA Among the natives who have perished at Te Ariki settlement was one, Nikora, well known to many here having been till lately mail carrier between Tauranga and the coast settlements. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 17 Jun 1886, p2, only Maori named in newspaper lost in Tarawera eruption though 96 natives known to be missing]
NOKA �The following were also killed, E Noka, Ngaiterangi� [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, battle of Te Ranga]
NOLAN It is our unpleasant duty to chronicle the death of a young lady named Margaret Nolan, who about five months ago came from Auckland as companion to Mrs Morton. She was about 19 years of age and daughter of Mr M Nolan of Auckland, but just now of Paeroa� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Oct 1896, p2]
NORRIS �Captain Wm Norris was a well known East Coast trader�For the last few years he has been running the Tauranga owned cutter Tokerau and was held in universal respect and esteem as a sailor and a gentleman. He was a brother of Captain E G Norris of Tauranga. He leaves a wife, one son and a married daughter to mourn his loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 31 Jul 1890, p2]
NORRIS It is our melancholy duty to record the sudden death of one of our old townsmen, Captain [Ebenezer Goddard] Norris, who died yesterday evening after a very short illness�The deceased was born at Brixton, Devonshire on August 20 1830 and came out to New Zealand in 1851�He leaves a wife and six children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 28 Aug 1890, p2 + death notice same day + 1 Sep 1890]
NORRIS Inspector Emerson has received the following telegram from the constable at Whakatane "William Ernest Norris, in the employ of Mr Garlick, Oporiau was drowned together with his horses in trying to cross the Whakatane Creek while in flood. It is impossible to get there at present and the body has not been found. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Feb 1891, p2]
NORRIS On July 27, on board the Pendle Hill, Capt Gregory S Norris, only surviving brother of the late E G Norris of this town. Aged 64. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Aug 1899, p2 + article]
A deep feeling of sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Norris by the death from wounds of their son Pte S Norris... WW1 Deaths 1914-1921 Name -
NORRIS Sidney, Date 24 May 1916, Reference 6/3415, Rank Private, Force
CIR, Fate DOW, Place France, Relation Son of George and Betsy Norris, of Topcroft, Tauranga, Cemetery
FRANCE - BAILLEUL COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION (NORD)[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6719, 22 June 1916, Page 4]
On January 23rd, at her mother's residence, Ohinewai, Waikato, Edith, beloved wife of Gregory Norris, Permanent Artillery, Devonport - Internment at Devonport. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6821, 26 January 1917, Page 2]
On April 28, 1919, Edith Annie, dearly beloved wife of Colin C Norris 'Dilston', Tauranga in her 37th year - God's will be done. Funeral will leave Dilston 2pm tomorrow Thursday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7157, 30 April 1919, Page 2] It is with the sincerest regret that we have to record the death of Mrs Norris, wife of Colin C Norris, at Nurse Chappell's private hospital on Monday afternoon. No apprehension was felt regarding the deceased lady's condition until a few days before her death when it caused considerable anxiety. She gradually gre worse and finally succumbed as stated... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7157, 30 April 1919, Page 3]
NOWILL Mrs Percy Nowill, late of Waihi, died at Parawai, Thames on the 18th inst. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Jul 1892, p2]
NUKU Many people will be sorry to learn of the death at Whakatane of influenza of the ex Otago University footballer, Rongo Nuku. The deceased contracted the disease through attending and nursing patients at Whakatane and Poroporo. He was a member of the Whakatane County Council and a worthy citizen. [Bay of Plenty Times, 4 Dec 1918]
The death occurred at Rotorua suddenly on Monday night of Mr John O'Brien, at the age of fifty two years. Deceased had been a resident of the West Coast of the South Island,principally Westport, prior to coming to Rotorua. His father was one of the gold seekers there in the early days, and he himself was manager of the Gold Sand mines in Addison's Flat for some years. A few years ago he determined to come north and followed the timber business for some time, and when Mr L C Ryan went to the front, he took over his land agency business. He is survived by a widow and four children. Two sons are serving at the front. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7061, 6 September 1918, Page 2]
O�CONNOR On Saturday morning at 10.30 o�clock an inquest was held by Capt A C Tovey, coroner and a jury of six into the circumstances attending the death of Michael James Patrick O�Connor, an infant 6 months old�verdict of death from natural causes, bronchitis being the chief factor. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Oct 1895, p2]
O�DRISCOLL A Te Aroha telegram in Wednesday�s Herald says, "A sad drowning case occurred at Waitoa today. Cornelius O�Driscoll, a farmer, was coming into Te Aroha — brought his two little children part of the way along the road in his trap and left them to return on foot �the boy fell into the water� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 May 1909, p2]
O�HAGON Paeroa, Sat. Yesterday at the inquest on the sudden death of O�Hagon, a verdict of death from natural causes was returned. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Jun 1897, p2]
OKATOPA There is at present a very large gathering of natives at Karikari who are holding a tangi over three native women lately deceased. One of them is Mere Tikawe, the principal chieftainess of the Papamoa estate. The others are Pannikin, a very aged woman and a young native named Mrs Okatopa. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Sep 1889, p2]
O�KEEFFE On 25th inst, at Auckland, D J O�Keeffe Esq, aged 41. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Jul 1874, p2]
OKOTOPA A death took place at Hairini on Sunday of a young native named Okotopa. Deceased was married to the eldest daughter of the great old warrior Tutawanui, who, some of our readers who have lived in Tauranga for many years will remember, was sent to Dunedin gaol for a life sentence, he having been convicted of being concerned in the murder of a white man up the Waimapu River on Wilcock�s land. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Nov 1893, p4]
On August 20, at Tauranga, Josephine Caroline, wife of Henry Oliver, Fifth Avenue, aged 65. Private interment. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7478, 21 August 1920, Page 2]
Ernest Bailey, Trooper, 6th Wellington Mounted Rifles, youngest son of W and H J Oliver, of Woodville, H.B. and brother of C F Oliver, of Tauranga, accidently killed in Egypt on Anzac Day April 25, 1919 aged 26 years. 'He served his country.' [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7158, 2 May 1919, Page 2] The sad intelligence has been received by Mr C F Oliver of the death of his youngest brother, Trooper Ernest Oliver who was accidentally killed in Egypt on Anzac Day ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7158, 2 May 1919, Page 3]
On December 22nd, at his residence 5th Avenue, Tauranga, Henry, late of Child Oakford, England aged 82. Private interment. We regret to record the death of Mr Henry Oliver, which occurred at his residence, Fifth Avenue, yesterday at the age of 82 years. Deceased was born near London and had travelled round the world several times. He was married in 1874, and left England for Tasmania in 1882, residing in Hobart till 1896, when he left for New Zealand. He settled in Tauranga, and since then had resided here and in Auckland. He is survived by an adult family of four sons and two daughters, for whom much sympathy will be felt in their bereavement. The funeral took place this afternoon, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke.
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 23 December 1920, Page 2]
O�MALLEY - Two men killed. The Star correspondent wired from Waihi yesterday — a fatal accident occurred today in the Waihi mine — two men, Jack O�Malley (single) and Fred White (married) who were engaged in repairing No 4 shaft, fell from the staging into the shaft, a distance of 150 feet. O�Malley was killed instantaneously while white was removed to the hospital in a dying condition. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Mar 1910, p3]
O�NIEL We regret to record the sudden death of Mrs John Hadder�s son John O�Niel, who dropped dead whilst driving a railway engine near Parnell. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 3 Apr 1883, p2]
O�NEIL - Waihi, Sat - The dead body of an elderly man not yet identified was found in a filling in pass, known as No 4 of the Martha Mine 445 feet west of the tunnel in an adit level� supposed to be that of O�Neil lately working on R Joll�s contract. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 May 1896, p2]
It is with regret that we record the death of Mrs O'Neill, wife of Mr J O'Neil. The deceased lady who was sixty years of age, has been ailing for some years. About a fortnight ago she took a serious turn and a week ago was removed to the hospital, where she expired at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Prior to coming to Tauranga about two years ago, the late Mrs O'Neil had resided for several years with her family at Te Aroha. She leaves a husband and four sons, Mr Bert O'Neil of Tauranga, Norman of Te Aroha, Ken a member of the 13th Reinforcements and Allan, a member of the 15th Reinforcements... 1916/5818 O'Neil Elizabeth 58Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6751, 2 August 1916, Page 2]
The death occurred at Nukuhou, Bay of Plenty on the 22nd inst of Mrs J O'Reilly, a well known and highly respected resident of that district. Deceased was well known in Tauranga and Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6071, 4 February 1914, Page 4]
ORMSBY A half caste youth named Albert William Ormsby, belonging to the Te Puna district succumbed yesterday to an attack of rheumatic fever. The interment took place today in the new cemetery, the funeral service of the Church of England being conducted by Rev E D Rice. [Bay of Plenty Times, 7 Jan 1914]
ORMSBY Walter Ormsby, a lad of seventeen years, died at Te Puna this morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Nov 1918]
ORMSBY The death occurred last week of a well-known settler of the King Country in the person of Mr Robert Ormsby, at the age of 98. Deceased came to New Zealand when a young man, and married a lady of the Maniapoto tribe. He leaves a family of seven sons, all well-known settlers in the Robe Potae. Deceased was one of the first school teachers in his district his early training in Dublin University standing him in good stead. [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 Dec 1920]
The death of Mr E D O'Rorke, formerly of Auckland, who had resided in England for the last six years, is reported in a private telegram received in Christchurch on Thursday evening. A Press Association Telegram states that the death resulted from a fall from a horse. The late Mr O'Rorke was well known in this district. O'RORKE Edward Dennis aged 53 Melton Mowbray 7a 743 December 1/4 1918 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7103, 16 December 1918, Page 2]
ORPEN An Auckland telegram states that Dr Orpen died in the hospital at which he had been transferred after serving three years in gaol for an illegal operation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Jun 1906, p2]
On Sunday, August 22nd, 1920, at Papamoa, Joseph, dearly loved husband of Minnie O'Shaughnessy, aged 53. R.I.P.[Te Puke Times 24 August 1920, Page 2] We deeply regret to have to record the death of Mr Joseph O'Shaughnessy, a well known settler of Papamoa, who passed away at his residence on Sunday after a long illness. The deceased gentleman, who was a native of Canterbury, was for some years book-keeper for the Blackball Coal Co at Westport. Hs later took up land in the Taranaki district, removing about six years ago, for health reasons, to the Bay of Plenty, where he purchased a farm at Papamoa. During his residence in this district he won the esteem and respect of all who made his acquaintance. For some time he was a member of the Te Puke Road Board. He leaves a widow and one daughter to mourn bis loss. The funeral took place this afternoon, the Rev. Father van Westeinde reading the burial service.
[Te Puke Times 24 August 1920, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs O'Sullivan, wife of Mr M O'Sullivan (a director of the Tauranga Sawmilling Company) which occurred in the Waihi Hospital on Thursday last, to which institution deceased had proceeded for medical treatment. The internment took place at the Tauranga cemetery on Saturday morning, the burial service of the Presbyterian Church being conducted by the Rev. A C Wedderspoon. The greatest sympathy is felt in the district for Mr O'Sullivan in the irreparable loss which he has sustained. 1911/2212 O'Sullivan Mary 54Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5628, 20 March 1911, Page 2]
O'SULLIVAN - Thames January 2 - Eugene O'Sullivan, a miner, 33 years of age, died suddenly yesterday, presumably from heart failure. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6055, 2 January 1914, Page 5]
OVERINGTON We received information last evening of the sudden death of Mrs [Catherine] Overington, wife of Stephen Overington, blacksmith at Te Puke. We understand that an inquiry will be held into the cause of death at noon today. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 20 Jan 1885, p2 + inquest result 22 Jan 1885 + full inquest report 24 Jan 1885]